PJ 222

SUN., JAN. 11, 1998 8:29 A.M. YR. 11, DAY 148

SUN., JAN. 11, 1998

We write on any topic which seems to have meaning and is IM­PORTANT. We do not choose to single out any one person for there is no such thing in the overall arena except to focus on in­dividual activities from time to time.

I get a massive backlash effect from such writings and refer­ences as our last writing has again covered. We don't offer you anything which is NOT already historical TRUTH. If you erro­neously affix WRONGLY DEFINED terms to our articles then the problem is yours, not ours.

If, further, YOU find objection to Truth then look very carefully at historical fact and then look at WHAT MAKES YOU OB­JECT TO OUR PRESENTATION! It is ONLY, after all, the struggle of Good vs. Evil and you might well want to check out on whose side you might be working.

God is open and brings all things into the glaring light of day. Therefore, if you bury yourselves in secret hiding, secret ritu­als, and fear the revealing of TRUTH, you have a big problem, but it is NOT WITH US.

We are going to start today with about ten pages from a book from South Africa. The author demands privacy (I did not say secrecy) and I respect that status. Remember, please, that the New World Order IDEA/IDEAL came from out of Africa. Be­ing called the "Dark Continent" is not an accidental assessment of the original makeup of the world Shan itself.

You will find, however, that we refer not to skin-tones for the idea of such massive takeover from all the other factions coming into play was a Greater British-Israel concept and wish built un­der the auspicies and planning of atheistic intent buried under the charade of Godly birth and assumption. Lies were built into the very foundation of your SPIRITUAL knowledge allowances and have come into full blossom in these latter days of Plan 2000.

There are so many references for your inspection and research, along with so much false information, asto boggle any re­searcher's mind. However, TRUTH is not able to long be buried when man begins to KNOW truth. Who would dare to put this on an Internet? What difference does it make? Is the typical computer playperson apt to read something so controver­sial and banned as are the PROTOCOLS?
Moreover, to issuethe Protocols without some basis of same is foolishly childish in its very concept. You have to move back­wards in history and research in order to at the least LEARN and realize that there certainly IS an Illuminati, a Masonic Order greater than any member of the Lodge has anyidea, and who and what has brought the world to her knees to worship Evil instead of God Creator. YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW THAT YOU HAVE COME TO DO SO.

Do you, for instance, realize that "Jesus" (that one you claim to worship because of his TRUTH and GODNESS) was a man? "Jesus"was not even the NAME of the MAN in point who brought the christ teachings. That was the very largest lie to entrap free-realization mankind. This "Jesus" idea was the brainchild of the traveler, Saul of the Pharisees, long after the departure of the man Esu Immanuel. No Bible or book was written of any man, Jesus or otherwise, in this grand LIE until over 300 YEARS after the fact.

Do you realize that this "Jesus" of the lie is the expected corner­stone of the Masonic ideal and the capstone of the Illuminati Pyramid of commercial presentation? You go watch the money symbols and that all-seeing eye--ON YOUR DOLLAR BILLS AND NOW A LOGO OF THE CNN ECONOMIC NEWS PRESENTATIONS.

Therefore was there birthed an "Order" referred to as "Jesusians" and later shortened to Jesuits. There would always be a distracting reference to "christ" affixed to the Man's name, but no further identification of the person himself. By the way, the Jesusians were pronounced Heysoosians according to the pronunciation of the language of the day.

TODAY's Pentacosts and Evangelists base EVERYTHING in their religious indoctrinations, as do now your so-called "Christians", on the blood of a man--NOT GOD. Every wish and every prayer is aimed at deceit and disinformation. You so-called Christians now wait for some ridiculous RAPTURE to snatch you from responsibility to wallow in the BLOOD OF THAT MAN FOREVER. "Christ" ("christ") is simply a term reflecting the state of being of the teacher.

On the television network of liars there came a speech by one of those Pentacostal Evangelists: "...and Jesus will lead us into battle with his sword before us and grant us victory, and death, to this Satan, Saddam..." Then he took the very term "Saddam" and somehow made it into "satan", a very nondescript word meaning "adversary"; in this case, of course, of the United States which is in control of the United Nations. Moreover, the Iraqi humans don't count in your reports home about statistical accounting of dead or injured.

Do YOU really believe that CHRIST would march out there in front of an army of killers and murderers to slaughter women and children? If you DO, good buddies, and you see no way to change that perception--YOU JUST FLUNKED TRUTH. And, you turn right around and allow them to steal your money from you in exchange FOR THE LIES.

I think that without further comment up-front here, we will just offer directly, as presented from other NON-FICTION, re­search material which we utilize only for its educational value. You will believe what you are trained to believe and therefore the expectation of widespread change of mankind's mispercep­tion into Truth is probably small to even smaller. Our job is not to push you, coerce you or demand anything. OUR COMMIS­SION IS TO OFFER YOU FACTS, TRUTH, RESEARCH OF HISTORICAL GREATNESS, AND WHAT YOU DO WITH THIS INFORMATION IS NO LONGER EVEN A PROBLEM TO THE PRINTERS. WE DO WHAT WE ARE SENT TO DO--YOU ACCEPT WHATEVER GRABS YOU IN THIS DAY OF PLAN 2000 OF THE EVIL EMPIRE(S) AS THEY CLASH ONE AGAINST ANOTHER, AND NOTE, PLEASE, THAT WE THEN PRETTY MUCH "GO AWAY". No, friends, not "run away, run away". GOD WINS, REMEM­BER!


Our efforts are to see to it that a REMNANT of Truth-Bearers make it through the conflicts. The agreement, further, is that these physical manifestations will be ordered to, and follow the orders, not damage a hair, even, on the head of any of OUR representatives. THIS war is being waged to gain supremacy over worldly manifest physical things and beings. We have no interest in either. The leaders of BOTH factions KNOW TRUTH and will function to their own greatest possibility of victory over their opponents. For a while the atrocities will be brought to you compliments of CNN--until CNN is murdered by the sword. The weapons in this war, however, will be horrible indeed as everything right down to the weather is being manip­ulated for the greater pain and destruction of global citizens.

So, which side are you on? Think again, for if you answer other than "neither", you have signed, sealed and delivered your choice and you SHALL BE PLACED WITHIN THE RANKS OF THE CHOSEN ONES YOU PRESENT.

Our people have sworn on bended knee that you want TRUTH, JUSTICE, AND KNOWLEDGE--but do you? Total security rests in OUR TRUTH, and still you take up arms and lies as your shields and bucklers as to who you think will be more powerful, and never consider actual facts in Truth of intentions on either "side". Oh, you want your money ok, but you never seem to give thought to your souls. Most will find this paper with these writings and be angry that our topic is not on the market, gold, or where can you get more money from your games--even at the expense of a world in decline, chaos, and bloodletting. If these shoes fit, you might consider putting them on and adjusting the painful spots before you must live eternally in them and their discomfort.

I AM of the Hosts of God--WHO DID YOU THINK HE WOULD SEND? Further, I will and shall communicate with YOU through your accepted modes of communications with what you accept as feasible technology, on a computer, a trans­lator, a wireless, a network of thought-transfer capability, or any way necessary. Whether you read or hear is not my prob­lem, nor is it my business.

May GOD have mercy on you who have led your fellow man down the path of lies and misrepresentation as you present with your great lies of insight into TRUTH. You shall rue the day you took up the cross of the adversary to follow him through your eternal blindness for you SERVE the very ADVERSARY OF GOD.

"But Billy Graham said..." and "Robert Schuller said..." and now you say?? What sayeth you? Is Billy Graham and/or Robert Schuller HUMAN? I thought so too! Ponder it.

I AM ATON and if you need to look THAT up, please do.

Child, as we write, KNOW that you are within the very wings of my being and naught shall come against you, or mine, in MY NAME to be flung in assault unto you. YE OF MINE SHALL BE SHELTERED AGAINST ALL EVIL--IN MY NAME! Thine declared enemy shall be as NOTHING against the Universal ONE, and less than the gnat around the eye of an ele­phant in Hannibal's army. Keep your way and all those against you shall fall away and find themselves ultimately IN THE BOTTOMLESS PIT WITH MY ADVERSARIES ALREADY GONE INTO THAT PIT. I repeat: KNOW IT! WE MUST CREATE THE BETTER WAY IN TRUTH, LIGHT AND LIFE

We shall take from a volume called SELL OUT! At request, no author shall be yet affixed. But parts of this volume shall be herein shared. We will not place in separation the footnotes. We will integrate the references and comments within the text at the appropriately marked locations. The referred to volume was issued in 1996-97.


From the ashes of the lies shall come forth the TRUTH.
And from the ashes of that destruction come upon human rises Truth like the unquenchable flame of Creator. Up from those ashes comes the image of GOD CREATOR to reclaim, from the elements of destruction, His perfection reflected in His thoughts and His realization. Who among you will come and fly with me, He asks. And few come while turning to the adversary of the very BREATH OF LIFE ITSELF!
Part 1
The Illuminati and its origin
At the moment South Africa is being propelled by a number of subversive powers or counterbalances which operate mainly behind the scenes, in order to form a holistic unity with the so-called New World Order. The principal actors are mainly the International Monetary Power, the British and American state administrations (especially their Departments of Foreign Affairs and their Intelligence Services), the Freemasons, the Afrikaner-bond (The AB, which was formerly known as the Afrikaner Broederbond, although not from the outset), and the Anti­apartheid movements.

Like the Anti-apartheid Movement (a front organization for MI-6, the British Intelligence Service), the National Party (NP), the Democratic Party (DP), the Freedom Front (FF), the Pan Africanist Congress (PAC), the African Nation (especially the Department of Foreign Affairs, the Defence Force's Intelligence and the National Intelligence Agency (Interior) and the South African Secret Service (Exterior), formerly known as the Na­tional Intelligence Service, and certain churches (the Anglican Church with Bishop Desmund Tutu, the Dutch Reformed (NG) Church under the direction of Prof. Pieter Potgieter and the late Johan Heyns, and Pastor Ray McCauly of the Rema Church).

In the agendas of the aforementioned actors they all have in common a faceless, characterless, classless, genderless and raceless reality as universal goal, champions of the human rights principle of equality of race, religion, age and gender, and with a Socio-Darwinistic ideal for one world government.

Socio-Darwinism is the name given by historians to the works of Herbert Spencer (1820-1903) who is considered the father of socio-Darwinism, and whose works describe and promote Dar­win's ideas on socio-economic evolution and survival. [H: Does this family name ring a bell with any of you?] This appella­tion can, however, be misleading, since Darwinism is the cor­ner-stone of socio-Darwinism. According to Spencer's formu­lation of the principle of natural selection in terms of the sur­vival of the fittest, socio-Darwinism was a building block of Darwinism. Spencer aspires to reconstruct a system of a natural society with a natural border between economics and politics.

He bases his ideas on the principle of natural selection, which will ensure that society will grow slower and be on a higher plane of development. In order to create a natural society he advocates a liberal dispensation. He points out that the order systems of the state should be limited to such activities as war­fare. In this connection the principle of natural selection is also carried forward to societies. (A society best equipped to with­stand a war as a means of survival will survive, while lesser so­cieties will disintegrate. Spencer attributes this to the rise of states able to project agencies for warfare.) Spencer is of the opinion that in a well developed industrial society war will be­come obsolete. This will immediately implicate the position of the state since war and state go together. From this conclusion he deduces that more (and more) freedom will be given to the private sector as industrialization grows. Spencer measures greater freedom of the private sector against reality, and comes to the conclusion that a list exists of state responsibilities which are unnecessary and which ought to be repealed by the state. He is of the opinion that most laws are not good enough since they disturb effectiveness in the area of competition. This area will function best if each individual is allowed to pursue his own interests without state interference. Spencer qualifies the latter by naming two responsibilities, viz to exact contracts, and to see that the rights of others are not infringed upon. To ensure com­petition, Spencer posits that the fittest undertakings and eco­nomic institutions will survive, while the unfit will disappear. He points out that state interference (such as legislation con­cerning industry, sanitation and safety aspects, and contributions to welfare and public education) is altogether unnecessary. He also points out that the pressure of monetary systems and state undertakings such as the post office should be best left to the private sector.

This was also the vicissitude of South Africa. It is a neo-­colony of the United States of America (Pax Americana).
When looking at the history of South Africa in context, one will see that these powers and counterbalances were in place even before the inception of the Boer Republics. From the very outset perfidy was evident, and its history is saturated by treason which culminated in the birth of the New South Africa. The question now arises: Who are the real heroes and who are the real traitors?

Before we can investigate this controversial matter, it is im­portant to look into the background of those yearning for the so-called New World Order, and to look into its nature and future. It will be seen that the history, nature, future and yearning for the so-called New World Order is imbedded in the history behind the history of South Africa.

The idea behind the origin of a New World Order lies in the distant past. Towards the late Middle Ages this became a strong JEWISHaspiration because of the intellectual suppression of the Jews by the Roman Catholic Church. Many of the Jews became so-called Catholic Jews for the sake of their own peace. A well-known example is Michel Nostradamus. [H: OUCH!] It should be kept in mind that many Jews were burned at the stake as witches since they were able to practice miracle healing as a re­sult of their age-old knowledge. The origin of this knowledge, the Jewish Cabala, harks back to the time when the Jews were slaves in Egypt. On p. 12 of his book, Nostradamus gister, vandag en more, Eben Meiring points out that the nucleus of the Jewish mystical knowledge is the Cabala, from the Jewish word qabbalah, and that its secret knowledge and science go back at least to first-century Alexandria, which was then a melting-pot of the peoples of the ancient world, and the home of merchants and scholars and philosophers and magicians. The Jews were all these things at once.

The Cabala was initially communicated orally to certain elect individuals, according to tradition, first of all by Moses, but later, from about the 7th century, it was written down, and de­veloped into a mystic-religious system in which every letter, character, word, number, etc., was awarded a hidden meaning from knowledge about that which was concealed, and a terres­trial Messianism.

The Roman Church looked upon the Jews in the community as a danger and therefore suppressed them. Several kings and rulers decreed that Jews had to be baptized. Certain "chosen" Jews professed to be Christians (the Catholic Jews) but contin­ued to practise their own religion and rituals in secret. [H: See how handy this concept of Judeo-Christian really becomes?] A great repugnance or even hatred for Christianity ensued among certain Jews (the Illuminati) to such an extent that they aspired to destroy Christianity. A free translation from Manie Maritz's book My lewe en strewe (p. 20) reads as follows: "The Jewish Rabbi himself says that Martin Luther knuckled down to the influence of his Jewish friends, and by means of Jewish money and instruction his conspiracy against the Catholic Church proved successful. We can boast that we were the de­signers of the Reformation. Calvin was one of our children, from Jewish descent, and Jewish money and instruction prompted him to draw up the blueprint for the Reformation."

[H: Now, when we question the newly established Mor­mon Church, we have to realize that right down to the se­crecy of rituals, the organization is fully based on the Jewish fundamental doctrine and foundation. This goes right to the very title itself, made to deceive all who come within the trap. Church of Jesus of Latter Day Saints. But know, from the very name itself--it is NOT a group of be­lievers in CHRIST. The very heads of the organization itself are founded on MEN who practiced some very divergent (from God's laws) activities. Indeed, so did, and DO, the members of the so-called but-are-not, Christian Churches. My thrust here, however, is not to inform you of ALL orga­nizations who pretend to be something they are not, but to let you see how it all BECAME.]

[H: Please note this heading and the word "FOR". This is usually miswritten as "OF". Do not confuse those two prepositions!]

Over the centuries "chosen" Jews wrote down their grievances in the Protocol of the Elders of Zion (Zionism) which was kept in secret. [H: No, don't leap to conclusions, let us just read and write so that interpretations can become clearly ob­served.] Certain Zionists have always believed that the second coming of their Messiah depended on them being dissipated all over the globe. To prepare the way for the coming of the Jew­ish Messiah it is clear from the Protocol of the Elders of Zion that they have no respect for Christians. Some Jews, however, think that Christians practise a naive religion and can easily be exploited. The idea of "equality and fraternity" would place the Jews on equal footing with Christians and then the Jews, be­cause of their superior intellect, would become the rulers of the world. This supposition is to be found in Karl Marx's The World Without Jews.
The Jews also claim that they are God's chosen nation. The coming of their Messiah would make them the rulers of the world. Mike Eksteen says in his book, Die Worstelstryd teen die Wereldheersers en die Owerhede (pp. 22-3), that fewer than 10% of all Jews are from Israel, which make them 2 to 2-1/2 million in number. [H: Wow, and what about those 6 million that could not have been in or around Germany at the time of said Holocaust?] Only the tribe of Judah are considered to be Jews in the Bible. The ten other tribes were dispersed from Assyria to the northern countries about 100 years BEFORE Judah was exiled. Those ten tribes were at no stage in history considered to be Jews. The northern countries were no doubt Europe, and from there they were further dispersed to other countries and other nations. The ten tribes fell into obscurity by the will of God so that they themselves did not know that they were Jews (pp. 32-3). After the return of the house of Judah from Babylonian exile, the Edomite nations tried to eradicate the Jews. From the prophecies it was known that Yahshua (Jesus) would be born from the tribe of Judah to rule the world forever. [H: Indeed, DO NOT MISS this little point; this does not even refer remotely to "christ".] Judah emerged victorious, but then committed the unpardonable sin of signing an agree­ment or pact with them, something that God had forbidden them. In Deuteronomy 7:2 it is written: "When the Lord deliv­ers them into your power and you defeat them, you must put them to death. You must not make a treaty with them or spare them." [H: Wow. And do YOU believe this is in any way Christlike? Now we get down and dirty and learn about the ones from Judah and, more ouches!] The tribe of Judah then compelled the Idumaeans to take on the Jewish religion and since that time the Idumaeans have become known as Jews. However, they were Edomites, the Communists of those days. Soon they rose to the top positions in the Temple. When Yahshua (Jesus) was born, they were mainly responsible for the Jews' rejection of Jesus. [H: Ah, but the "JEWS" DID NOT REJECT JESUS--ONLY CHRIST. YOU MUST UNDER­STAND THE MOST IMPORTANT POINT OF ALL. WRITERS TRY TO JUSTIFY THEIR OWN ATTITUDES WITHIN THE LIES TO SUIT THEIR OWN CAUSES AND BELIEF SYSTEMS WHEN ALL THEY WOULD NEED DO IS GO STUDY THE SEQUENCE OF EVENTS REGARD­ING THE MAN-JESUS AND THE MAN-CHRIST. IT IS ALL RIGHT THERE BEFORE YOU, SO WHY DEAL YOURSELVES SO MUCH MISERY AND PAIN? This re­minds me of the tailor who matches one piece of the suit coat to another which is four inches shorter and calling it equal. It is NOT equal and never shall it be equal through whatever proclamation you choose to shout to the winds. With this one WRONG PERCEPTION the author is compromised and has to be discounted in his presentation as a whole when this may well be the ONLY misperception in the document. However, it is the most IMPORTANT MISPERCEPTION YOU CAN CONJURE. I will let you ponder on this one for self because what is your opinion and acceptance? IF you cannot utter "christ" without the Jesus stuck erroneously as a prefix, then how can you expect any OTHER to brave the human powers that be? The next step, then, is always to go become students of the BIBLE. So what will you find in a book written erroneously 300 years after any event to which there is reference? And moreover, YOU pronounce me to be a heretic and liar! Where does this ingenious lack of knowledge leave YOU?] They were capable of doing this, for they were in the service of Satan. [H: My, this author is quite capable of being judge and jury and yet having no insight AT ALL into factual or historical reality. THEY ALL, EVEN THE AUTHOR WITHOUT RECOGNITION OF SAME, ARE IN THE SERVICE OF SATAN, EVEN AS DEFINED AS "THE ADVERSARY OF GOD CREATOR".]
In Young's Concordancewe also read that the Idumaeans were in effect Edomites. This means that God's chosen nation made a pact with the followers of Satan This shows that the Idumaeans were not from the tribe of Judah, for according to the Bible and the Word of God, Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and the whole nation of Israel were from God and were God's holy people, His property, His heritage, His possession. Jeremiah 31:9: "for I have become a father to Israel." [H: My goodness, do you suppose this is the same Word of God in a Bible, with no writings for 300 years after the fact, that might be the same Abraham, Isaac and Jacob from which such as Col. Bo Gritz draws his realization of the "OK" atti­tude of blowing away 375 Cambodians at a whack and then going forth to advertise his great feats as being "Christian", you know, reborn in Jesus?]

It is now clear that the Israelites had sinned greatly by mak­ing a pact with the heathens and by marrying them. In the year 740 the Judeans once again made a pact, this time with the Khazarians. They were a cruel and war-minded nation. They were a cross-bred nation of Hittites (Turks) of the race of Ham, and a Mongolian nation. Pressured by the Eastern nations, they trekked westwards from Khazakstan in the vicinity of the Alar Lake in southern Russia. Their king Bulan had been looking for a religion they could adopt, and settled on the Jewish faith. About 4000 had themselves circumcised and became then known as (the hooked-nose) Jews. But neither they nor the Idumaeans descend from the twelve tribes. They called themselves Judeans (Jews) but they had no right to do so. The author Arthur Koestler bridged this problem by calling them the Thirteenth Tribe in his book by the same name. These people today still rule the world by the power of their MONEY. They lend money to governments and in this way trap them. They cannot belong anywhere but to the synagogue of Satan. They are the founders of the Illuminati and of the United Nations Organiza­tion. Thus Mike Ecksteen.

Records show that the first true Illuminati organization, Alombrados, was founded in Spain in 1520. This also encom­passed a number of other bodies, among which was the Order of the Rosicrucians which formed an important element of the En­lightenment that was still to come. Still today the Order of the Rosicrucians plays an important part in the enlightenment of most Freemasons.

The aim and purpose of the Illuminati as reflected in the Protocol of the Elders of Zion can be summarized as follows:

  • * Abolition of an ordered government;
  • * Abolition of private ownership;
  • * Rejection of patriotism;
  • * Abolition of family life, marriage, morality, and the

collective education of children; and
* Abolition of all religion as recognized.

The Rothschilds were a family of professional money lenders who had built up strong financial credit balances in Europe. In 1779 they instructed Adam Weishaupt to reinstate and modern­ize the Protocol of the Elders of Zion. Weishaupt completed this task on 1 May 1776 and the Illuminati as a body was officially organized in Bavaria. According to Weishaupt the word Illumi­nati is derived from the word LUCIFER (SATAN) AND IT MEANS CARRIERS OF THE LIGHT. In 1784 the Bavarian government unbanned the Illuminati. In 1786 the Illuminati moved its headquarters to Switzerland and after that to London. From there they orchestrated certain actions such as the French Revolution. In the 1830s Guiseppe Mazzini succeeded Weishaupt as revolutionary leader, who in turn was succeeded in 1870 by Albert Pike and later still by Adrian Lemmi.

Already in the 1770s the Freemasons were planned, by Adam Weishaupt, to be employed in the creation of a single world government. John Robison, a Scottish Rite Freemason, verifies this in his book PROOFS OF A CONSPIRACY TO DESTROY ALL GOVERNMENTS AND RELIGIONS. (Americanist Clas­sics, 1967, by Western Islands, Belmont, Massachusetts, 02178, U.S.A.) Robison was invited by Weishaupt to Europe in an Il­luminati attempt to infiltrate and misuse the British Freemasons. Because of the French Grand Orient's involvement in the French Revolution there was enough empirical evidence of illuminati misuse of the Freemasons. Robison became frightened and re­alized that he ought to inform the world about this invisible dan­ger. Despite his efforts, the Illuminati managed to infiltrate the British Freemasons. One should keep in mind that at this stage Britain was one of the strongest world powers. Also, because of the many British colonies, British Freemasonry had already spread worldwide. By the 1820s the Illuminati in the USA was already well structured.

In their book, Vrymesselary Ontmasker, Dr. J.D. Vorster and Rev. F.N. van Niekerk point out that: i. Freemasonry under­mines Scripture by upholding a false view, and that means that the complete Christian Afrikaans way of living is undermined. The latter is based on the foundation that the Bible is God's word, and Scripture is accepted as such. It cannot be substituted by any so-called "Holy Scripture" of any false religion. ii. Freemasonry is by nature non-Christian in its general beliefs. iii. In its beliefs and literature Freemasonry advocates a false pagan-Jewish religion which aims to undermine the Christian religion, mores, habits and way of living of the Afrikaner na­tion. iv. Freemasonry is an enemy of the scriptural Calvinistic religion and way of living. v. Freemasonry is a religion practis­ing certain cult rituals. vi. Freemasonry undermines the church. vii. Freemasonry does not concern itself with true religion. viii. Freemasonry undermines the seriousness of oaths which carry much weight in Christian mores. ix. Freemasonry discriminates against those who are not Freemasons. x. the vows of Freema­sonry can seriously undermine our legal system. xi. The vows of Freemasons mislead and threaten people. xii. This cannot lead but to undermine the way of life, mores and traditions of the Afrikaner, for the thousands of Afrikaner Freemasons are expected to carry their "enlightened ideas" over to the commu­nity. xiii. Freemasonry inclines towards a universal church, a universal homeland, a universal government and universal citi­zenship. xv. Freemasonry undermines the state. xvi. Freema­sons plan murder and carry it out themselves. xvii. There is a close relationship between American and South African Freema­sons.

Pike was succeeded by Adrian Lemmi (1809-1891). In his book PAWNS IN THE GAME (1958), Guy Curr points out that in a letter to Guiseppe Mazzini (1805-1872), Albert Pike re­vealed a military plan for world wars. Both were Freemasons. To quote from Curr (p.xv):

Pike's plan was as simple as it has proved effective. He re­quired that Communism, Naziism, Political Zionism and other international movements be organized and used to foment the three global wars and the three major revolutions. The First World War was to be fought so as to enable the Illuminati to overthrow the power of the Tzars in Russia and turn that coun­try into the stronghold of Atheistic-Communism. The differ­ences stirred up by agenture of the Illuminati between the British and the German Empires were to be used to foment the war. After the war ended, Communism was to be built up and used to destroy other governments and religions. World War Two was to be fomented by using the differences between Fascists and Political Zionists. This war was to be fought so that Naziism would be destroyed and the power of Political Zionism increased so that the sovereign state of Israel could be established in Palestine. During World War Two International Communism was to be built up until it was equal in strength to united Chris­tendom. At this point it was to be contained and kept in check until required for the final social cataclysm. World War Three is to be fomented by using the differences in the agenture of the Illuminati stirred up between Political Zionists and the leaders of the Moslem world. The war is to be directed in such a manner that Islam (the Arab World including Mohammedanism) and Political Zionism (including the State of Israel) will destroy themselves while at the same time remaining nations, once more divided against each other on this issue, will be forced to fight themselves into a state of complete exhaustion physically, men­tally, spiritually and economically. On August 15, 1871, Pike told Mazzini that after World War Three is ended, those who aspired to undisputed world dominion will provoke the greatest social cataclysm the world has ever known. [H: I suggest ev­ery one of you go back and STUDY this paragraph. You always want to know who, how and what for--and there it is in Pike's own projection.]

In order to confirm the Illuminati, B.M. Schoeman's book Die Geldmag SA se onsigbare regering may be cited. On p. 17 he writes that one Prof. Carroll Quigley is most outspoken about the Illuminati in his book TRAGEDY AND HOPE which was published a few years ago. The label "right wing fanatic" which the left is so fond of using for anyone who dares disturb the peace cannot be applied to Quigley. For years he had been in the center of left wing powers, and his first-hand knowledge of left wing activities enabled him to write this book. On p. 956 he writes:

"There does exist and has existed for a generation, an inter­national Anglophile network which operates, to some extent in the way the radical right believes the Communists act. In fact, this network which we may identify as the Round Table Groups, has no aversion to co-operating with the Communists or any other, and frequently does so."

Prof. Quigley reveals this not because he bears the An­glophile network any animosity. In the same paragraph he says: "I know of this network because I have studied it for twenty years and was permitted for two years in the early 1960s to ex­amine its papers and secret records. I have no aversion to it or to most of its aims."

At present the Illuminati embodies the aspiration to rule the world which has been transmitted from Pax Britannica to Pax Americana. Both imperial modes aspire to Anglicize the world.


I will interrupt use of this book, please, in order to return to the Protocols for/of the Elders of Zion.
Yes, the Mormon church is but a branch of the Illuminati Order. They call themselves accurately: Zionists. That church became the organized arm of this Illuminati thrust into the United States. You must understand that RELIGIONS are the most deadly forms of killing the world has ever recognized. Control and produce false teachings as in "religious" and you can control mankind through his MIND. Man will give up reason and logic to follow the magic of religious warping. This, however, will be THE cause of mankind remaining in the primitive confronta­tions of a cave-man mentality of bang-thee-over-the-head until you spout the same lies as I insist be thrust upon YOU. WHEN YOU CONTROL "THOUGHT", YOU CONTROL MAN.

PJ 222


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MON,, JAN. 12, 1998

Part 2
With and within every important and major effort at widespread gain of control of great wealth, property, political rule, religion or movement, there will be found a "Plan", a manifesto or pro­tocol delineating operations and offering instructions.

The Nazi Manifesto, the Communist Manifesto, the Zionist Manifesto and WAR manifestos are all sufficiently defined as being able to fit nicely under the term "Protocol". The Proto­cols of Zion, or, Protocols for/of the Elders of Zion are no ex­ception. All are part and parcel of the PLAN 2000 as projected by the aliens, the Khazarians now calling themselves "Jews". Harken back to recent writings reminding you that "Jew" is a term taken by the clan (tribe) of what they called themselves to be, Serpent People. When it became appropriately sequenced to need to take up a "religion", the Khazarian Kagan (King) CHOSE to cast his lot with what he called the "Jews", thus coining a new word, a new description, and a conglomeration of the more unethical, warring, commercially inclined, slave-mas­ter type of rule.

In the area of Bulgaria as you would recognize it today it was known that The Khazars and their King are all Jews. The Bul­gars and all their neighbors are subject to him. They treat him with worshipful obedience. Some are of the opinion that Gog and Magog are the Khazars." The Thirteenth Tribe, Arthur Koestler, p. 55.

Koestler has placed a footnote here and it clarifies the religions area a bit better. "This sounds like an exaggeration in view of the existence of a Muslim community in the capital." Zeki Va­lidi accordingly suppressed the word "all". We must assume that "the Khazars" here refers to the ruling nation or tribe, within the ethnic mosaic of Khazaria, and that the Muslims en­joyed legal and religious autonomy, but were not considered as "real Khazars"

It becomes more and more obvious that confusion ruled the day, even in this early, early century when deliberate confusion was intended. If you really want to sort this out you are going to have to invest some time in books by authors which have dug out truth from the historical presentations of obscure archives. Arthur Koestler heads the list in this context of our presentations ongoing here, which includes Nora Boyles, Jordan Maxwell, and a myriad of others too numerous to even list here.

Even in this current era you will find such as Jerry Falwell re­ferring to himself, LOUDLY, as christian, but he only refers to JESUS (as the Christ). He also raises his fist and hand unto the heavens and shouts, "I am a Zionist and proud of it...!" Right here you have to KNOW that the two are mutually exclusive terms except that NOW they have been melded into ONE to fool you and the silly preacher. You now proclaim "Judeo-Chris­tian" in every other word while waiting for the RAPTURE con­jured in this century to suit the "lift-off" crowd avoiding respon­sibility. No, it just is a LIE foisted off on you people by the Master Deceivers themselves. Jesus WAS BORN ESU IMMANUEL (and there are dozens of ways to both spell and pro­nounce his label. HE was born in 8 B.C. (now called the "common era", B.C. and A.D.). It is hard to be totally accurate because everyone from then on screwed up your calendars. The facts are now established that, at this moment (in California, U.S.A.) you are in year 11, day 149. I think if you cross the time-line established that those on the side of, say, the Philip­pines, you are already into day 150.

Even in your silly expectation of a "no error" calendar you claim to be in year 1998 A.D.. Well, WITH errors included, you are in, at the least, 2006, but since 2011 comes at the same changeover as your counted 2000, you are in virtual deep yo­gurt. So what could be wrong? THE YEAR OF YOUR LORD AND THE YEAR OF THE LORD ARE TWO VERY DIF­FERENT THINGS! You let the Khazarian elements set up a full-blown mandatory rule system made up of lies and deceiv­ings. As you move further into education you will find that those who go with Jacob, Isaac and Abraham are ACTUALLY SERPENT PEOPLE.

If you want a bit of better insight from an Earth level of under­standing I will repeat an angry thrust at me from your own pa­triot and Jesusian (Heysoosian): "What kind of a warrior are you? THE ONLY thing reptilian about you (Hatonn) is your change of colors as in the chameleon." I'm very glad that he, as a lead patriot Christian, noted this important lack of reptilian presence. Mr. Gritz is of the reptilians as to lineage and a born-again Jesusian or later classified as "Jesuit" but without much meaning to the term. He started off his born-again stuff in the Mormon Church where he still practices his Masonic rituals. He is, I suppose, a great warrior from the depths of the Delta Forces and to each his own attraction. However, as a SON OF GOD he has missed his calling--GREATLY. Men like Bo Gritz could change the world into God's glory but they cannot turn from the lies and into truth to get it accomplished. These groups of anti-God characters have no notion of the damage they do--except they are trained (basic robots) to distract and mislead the masses. These people of this ilk will do and say ANYTHING they choose at any given time where it is effectively appropriate. They have no conscience and moral fiber always runs to the battlefield mentality. And yes of course, we have met head-on. He wants to laugh and blame a little stocky lady from Califor­nia--but we have met face to face while he teamed up with the Green Brigade of misfits misdirecting his nation down the path to destruction of the gentle masses. If, in fact, there any "gentle" masses remaining. Remember that the Special Forces of those as in "DELTA" ARE THE PRIMARY PART OF MK-ULTRA MIND CONTROL. Chameleon? These Special Forces are not called "special" for nothing; they are the most shrewd intelligence warriors on the globe.

There is such a void in these adversarial servants as to break the heart, where there is heart remaining, for they search the world over, all religions, and in all the wrong places, TO FIND GOD and bring peace and understanding within their weary, restless souls. They KNOW God, they simply cannot accept Truth and "finding". Gritz is a blessed entity, however, and never sell him short--one day he will find TRUTH to be more efficient and effective than the games he chooses to play. The reclamation of God's creations will never be won by the sword or the gun--no matter how many people you can kill at a single setting.

So, what do I think about this man? I don't! When opportunity for example arises is the only time I give any thought to the poor soul, at all. He is his own problem, not mine. He would be the first, in fact, to proclaim that "I am not a Jew." Ah, but in the exact definition he is exactly that. Nothing has changed except the capture of human people into the lie. There is God of Truth on one end of this pole--and all others on the other end--now called and recognized as Jews as those invaders call themselves. Misdefined words will lead you down that hapless primrose pathway every time. Do you prefer the term Zionist? Fine, and it is suitable as well because so too are the Mormons calling themselves Zionists. I would remind you that the term Mormon is dropped from the language of the Mormon Missionaries in Japan, for the word "mormon" MEANS "satan" or "devil". I don't make these rules, readers, I simply tell you what IS. So, take up your arguments where they have meaning, in this in­stance with Joseph Smith or Brigham Young--or, Bo Gritz.

By the way, calling me an "evil energy" does not make me a dark energy, it only makes my LIGHT shine more brilliantly in the face of their ill-perceived, ill-intentioned thrusts to destroy or deny TRUTH. Even foolish Mr. Gritz on the radio pro­claimed that you listeners should listen up because "They (Hatonn) sell UFO spaceship rides--if you have $12 to $15 hun­dred (possibly he meant thousand) for the ticket." He went on to say that it required $10 thousand to belong to the group so we have to assume a spaceship ride would be worth at least $10 thousand--right? Well, there is NO group now even proven by their own actions through an internationally syndicated program,

EXTRA, and neither has anyone around these parts even SEEN a physical space craft. Mr. Green is the one who saw the craft--at Edwards Air Force Base, he claims.

Green also announced on the radio and in seminar that he had left California and, "Hatonn came with Desiree and me. We continue to get messages regularly." In response to that claim Col. Gritz in turn asked me, "How the hell many of YOU are there up there?" "Just ONE, I replied." It has been quite inter­esting ever since. I have to remind you and continue to remind you- ALL THE ARMIES OF THE ADVERSARY OF/TO GOD WILL NOT STAND AGAINST EVEN ONE MAN OF TRUTH, INTEGRITY, HONESTY, LIGHT AND LOVE OF GOD! Some things and lessons just take a little longer.

I will turn now to those Protocols with as much allowance for understanding about them as is offered here in this unlisted book, banned from the public for hundreds of years and yet pro­duced by daring writers.

I am not going to further jeopardize my writers and receivers by offering other than the printed words directly as written. If I make comments, it is not to reflect on this staff.

If this is unacceptable, I am most happy to present in court for interrogation, with my translator, and let the Judge, Jury and public be the judge of possibilities. So far, no Judge or Attor­ney will allow dharma to even be put on the witness stand for fear of my presence. Now isn't this fun?


United We Stand, Divided We Fall.
of the meetings of the
Translated from the Russian Text by
Formerly Russian Correspondent of The Morning Post
[H: I will leave the index out of this reproduction for un­doubtedly nothing will fit into the numerical system.]
About Victor E. Marsden

The author of this translation of the famous PROTOCOLS was himself a victim of the Revolution. He had lived for many years in Russia and was married to a Russian lady. Among his other activities in Russia he had been for a number of years Russian Correspondent of the Morning Post, a position which he occupied when the Revolution broke out, and his vivid descrip­tions of events in Russia will still be in the recollection of many of the readers of that journal. Naturally he was singled out for the anger of the Soviet. On the day that Captain Cromie was murdered by Jews, Victor Marsden was arrested and thrown into the Peter-Paul Prison, expecting every day to have his name called out for execution. This, however, he escaped, and even­tually he was allowed to return to England very much of a wreck in bodily health. However, he recovered under treatment and the devoted care of his wife and friends. One of the first things he undertook as soon as he was able was this translation of the Protocols. Mr. Marsden was eminently well qualified for the work. His intimate acquaintance with Russia, Russian life and the Russian language on the one hand, and his mastery of a terse literary English style on the other, placed him in a po­sition of advantage which few others could claim. The conse­quence is that we have in his version an eminently readable work, and the subject-matter is somewhat formless, Mr. Marsden's literary touch reveals the thread running through the twenty-four Protocols. The Summary placed at the head of each is Mr. Marsden's own, and will be found very useful in acquir­ing a comprehensive view of its scope.

It may be said with truth that this work was carried out at the cost of Mr. Marsden's own life's blood. He told the writer of this Preface that he could not stand more than an hour at a time of his work on it in the British Museum, as the diabolical spirit of the matter which he was obliged to turn into English made him positively ill.

Mr. Marsden's connection with the Morning Post was not severed by his return to England, and he was well enough to ac­cept the post of special correspondent of that journal in the suite of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales on his Empire tour. From this he returned with the Prince, apparently in much better health, but within a few days of his landing he was taken suddenly ill, and died after a very brief illness. His sudden death is still a mystery.
May this work be his crowning monument! In it he has per­formed an immense service to the English-speaking world, and there can be little doubt that it will take its place in the first rank of the English versions of THE PROTOCOLS of the Meetings of the LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION.
[H: Is it not this day easy to see the patterns laid forth in the past and how do you think this current Prince of Wales stands in the overall picture? And yes, even the Princess of Wales, Diana, must have some portion of the actual Proto­colswhich apply directly to her and her demise recently.]
published by
[H: Please, I suggest you keep those definitions offered over the past few writings, Handy, for you are going to run into the terrible dilemma facing every writer taking up this so-called issue. There is the perceived and directed, but wrong, definition regarding terms and then there is the real meaning (true meaning). This may well allow you to better understand the very intent of the Protocolsthemselves.]
The chief difficulty in writing about the Jewish Question is the supersensitiveness of Jews and non-Jews concerning the whole matter. There is a vague feeling that even to openly use the word "Jew," or to expose it nakedly to print, is somehow im­proper. Polite evasions like "Hebrew" and "Semite", both of which are subject to the criticism of inaccuracy, are timidly es­sayed, and people pick their way gingerly as if the whole subject were forbidden, until some courageous Jewish thinker comes straight out with the good old word "Jew", and then the con­straint is relieved and the air cleared. The word "Jew" is not an epithet; it is a name, ancient and honorable, with significance for every period of human history, past, present and to come.

There is extreme sensitiveness about the public discussion of the Jewish Question on the part of Gentiles. They would prefer to keep it in the hazy borderlands of their thought, shrouded in silence. Their heritage of tolerance has something to do with their attitude, but perhaps their instinctive sense of the difficulty involved has more to do with it. The principal public Gentile pronouncements upon the Jewish Question are in the manner of the truckling politician or the pleasant after-dinner speaker; the great Jewish names in philosophy, medicine, literature, music and finance are named over, the energy, ability and thrift of the race are dwelt upon, and everyone goes home feeling that a dif­ficult place has been rather neatly negotiated. But nothing is changed thereby. The Jew is not changed. The Gentile is not changed. The Jew still remains the enigma of the world.
Gentile sensitiveness on this point is best expressed by the de­sire for silence--"Why discuss it at all?" is the attitude. Such an attitude is itself a proof that there is a problem which we would evade if we could. "Why discuss it at all?"--the keen thinker clearly sees in the implications of such a question the existence of a problem whose discussion or suppression will not always be within the choice of easy-going minds.

Is there a Jewish Question in Russia? Unquestionably, in its most virulent form. Is it necessary to meet that Question in Rus­sia? Undoubtedly, meet it from every angle along which light and healing may come.
Well, the percentage of the Jewish population of Russia is just one per cent more than it is in the United States. The majority of the Jews themselves are not less well-behaved in Russia than they are here; they lived under restrictions which do not exist here; yet in Russia their genius has enabled them to attain a de­gree of power which has completely baffled the Russian mind. Whether you go to Rumania, Russia, Austria or Germany, or anywhere else that the Jewish Question has come to the forefront as a vital issue, you will discover that the principal cause is the outworking of the Jewish genius to achieve the power of control.
Here in the United States it is the fact of this remarkable mi­nority--a sparse Jewish ingredient of three per cent in a nation of 110,000,000--attaining in 50 years a degree of control that would be impossible to a ten times larger group of any other race, that creates the Jewish Question here. Three per cent of any other people would scarcely occasion comment, because we could not meet with a representative of them wherever we went in high places--in the innermost secrecy of the councils of the Big Four at Versaille; in the supreme court; in the councils of the White House; in the vast dispositions of world finance--wherever there is power to get or use. Yet we meet the Jew everywhere in the upper circles, literally everywhere there is power. He has the brains, the initiative, the penetrative vision which almost automatically projects him to the top, and as a consequence he is more marked than any other race.