PJ 14


THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 1990 9:30 A.M. YEAR 3 DAY 239
Father, this is Dharma to inquire of you. I sit in light for I have cleared of my space and yet I almost long for a dark fragment that I can attack, for my shield is perfection this day--in my consciousness. Can it be that man must have con­flict? Can it be that the only real journey is to produce the consequences and experience of the ultimate prophecy as already written and only the methods of experience vary? Could it be that the ending scenario was put in place so that we would accomplish that end and naught other? Could it be that the projection of the "lie" came in inception by those of us who create? I think that my head will split with the truth of it--for I see! And yet, as the con­sciousness efforts to express it--where does it go? How is it that the higher consciousness knows exactly that which IS and the conscious brain and tongue tangle themselves into knots and scrambles of disorder? Why must each of us cling to "another's" scenario even unto the man-printed Bible? Why can we not live and act within the Laws of God and Creation and find peace and com­fort? If man can create the lies of such magnitude as has been proven unto us in our own generations where we are witness to the facts of it, such as the Conspiracy, World Domination, the Antarctic bases, the "space" lies, etc., why do we assume there is no lie in our beginnings and that we would need only change of our perception?


Man creator gives life unto these perceptions, even unto something as sinister as AIDS, and the need for reduction of overpopulation of a planet. But there must have been a reason for the lesson of the overpopulation in the first place. We build and build in thought form until we have created that which we claim we want least of all! There only IS and yet why have I not heard you when you have said as much? Why do I feel as if I shall leave of this dimension when I accept as much? How is it that I have given up judgment when in my consciousness I find I WANT to judge for the very experience of the encounter?

Knowing this is the way it is, why must I continue to receive such tid-bits of happenings? Can man not accept the truth in a lump? Father, I ask for input, please, for I am not alone in my quest. I recognize that which you bring unto my hands as truth and yet, it is never enough to simply know of the lies or even to know the solutions and take action, it is far, far greater in intent that man should grow. Why has "Christianity" never worked in total, or Buddha, or the Great Spirit in total concept when in truth they all ARE? I see that that which has been created must be "finished" and yet I have a desire only to write of it--not to DO of it. I know that I deliberately keep the shadow of blindness about me, for within I KNOW THAT I KNOW, and I further know that we discuss it constantly whereby I make the decision to act and participate from the cloak of unknowingness. Why does this seem so foolish to me? Is it be­cause I know that I am not allowed to tell it in my own manner? Would not these truths fall more gently on the ears of mankind from more accepted sources? Why has this word projector become my discipline--for I know that I can traverse the stars were it not for this task? I desire not to control of man's destiny although I understand, now, that I accept mankind even unto the most unacceptable and heinous and I can love and accept him with compassion be­yond that which I thought myself capable. I look into your light and touch your very presence and yet I long to see an image with my human eyes--rarely do I perceive an image any more unless it comes with a point and message. I experience, however, that which is beyond any comprehension and I know that I am one within the very oneness. Why do I continue to long for a human image in God? I know that whatever the final truth is it will not be as man an­ticipates--no matter what it is man anticipates--NOTHING which man has in his consciousness. I know that there is no "telling" of truth for truth simply IS and is the same as experience. I know that I desire to pull away from that which is human for I find being human is most deceiving and I am weakened greatly in spirit by the presence of all save a few. I am all but helpless to func­tion in a crowd and I must struggle to maintain balance--why? I was a social creature and yet I long for the solitude--the beauty of quiet communion and yet I know that man must be given truth that he might know of his own cre­ation and ability for creation for the mass thought form shall be that which completes the experience. I also know that to stop my pronouncements is ex­actly that which our enemy desires happen and strives relentlessly to accom­plish. I further believe that it is my own confirmation of the truth of that which we bring forth herein in that anyone would take notice and try so dili­gently to stop its flow. I repeat what Peter said 2000 years ago--"we are the first to KNOW!" HOW IS IT THAT WE WOULD BE THE FIRST TO KNOW AND see AND YET NOT HAVE THE ABILITY TO IMMEDI­ATELY TRANSFORM THAT THOUGHT UNTO OUR BROTHER FRAGMENTS?

I see that man has a right to experience that journey for which he came upon this place, be it perceived painful, heinous, beautiful, Godly or evil. Is it that we must express truth that man might see the lie? For if he sees the magni­tude of the lies--he shall undoubtedly see the truth!

Father, I know that these are questions which are being asked for they flood unto my attention daily and yet myself, and my brothers and sisters do not even understand the very questions which we are projecting for we know not, in our consciousness, even that which to ask. We only understand to ask for "things" or states of beingness--we know not that which to ask!

I know that ones do not anger with our writings because they are truth or uti­lized, in perception, from their own interpretation for that would greatly please of anyone to have to have his work validated by another, therefore, it is more, isn't it? It is that we all know the truth lies far beyond that which we project at any given time and when we think we have individually grasped it infinite form--it elusively slips away as an essence only to be taken farther by someone else's knowledge? I perceive this day, that the moment the masses perceive the unbalance in fullness--the pendulum shall rebalance for all who have fragmented to experience given roles shall be returned unto and into the "ONE" and this game shall be ended. Then the next scenario shall begin in a burst of glory--that which we will do from this point onward. For the higher experiences are so much more grand and more wondrous--this place is but dense conflict and contradiction and blindness--for we can only learn from er­ror. We could learn from "example", and have to some extent, but we have drawn away from the pure and Godly example!

I shall quiet now, for my conscious being has tended to overstep my own lim­its--but I command in behalf of myself and my asking brothers, for response, in clarity, that we might understand that which is our mission. Millions of us, as fragments of higher source, are seeking our purpose and understanding of our mission that we might get about our intended work for we now know that it will only be through action--"creation through actions"-- which shall prevail. Please open our minds for our eyes and ears are open and yet the fog is great in our waking hours which of course, are our "sleeping" hours. How can it be that we have so missed the point of the opposites of perception? Little Crow has said it to me over and over--all that is within must come without---ALL. For life in consciousness is only a contradiction of experience. Is it a time, perhaps, of coming back into knowledge WITH WISDOM and putting aside the sleepy "knowledge" WITH FOOLISHNESS? We are pawns--but I per­ceive we are not pawns of the scenario or of the perceived Gods--but only of self expression? I stand aside and await your wisdom of higher insight. I re­quire that you give me truth for I know that the call compels the answer and I await for I am but one with my brothers. In greatest reverence and respect I bow unto thine greatness for I am humbled by the truth of it, that ye would experience through such a humble servant. Amen, Father--I ask only that I serve well for as I am given to see a glimpse of the whole of it--I can only peti­tion to do my portion well. I know that ye shall give unto me the strength and energy that I need, just as ye will give unto each and all of us that which we need and require to fulfill our missions--I am most humble in that wisdom of truth. May the beauty of thy countenance be given to shine upon us in this journey for it is wondrous indeed. Little Crow said unto me that would be given that which I needed and the energy required as will we all, who petition and allow the unfolding--I did not understand. I thank you for sending that elusive teacher unto me for He touches me through every other manner than as the human brother and I weep to be "told" and reassured in my humanness, but I understand, now, why it would not be wise for I must KNOW my on truth for the bringing forth. I ask permission to send this portion unto Sister for I know that she awiTi7it. It has been far more difficult for these precious ones than for me, to watch me stumble over the rocks thrown in my path, but I now know that I have prevailed and that which I bring forth is from truth and only truth in the magnitude of the whole of it. The loss of a label or a date is but garbage and chaff to be cast away and there shall be no further quibbling on such matters. The readers of these words will simply have to move within and decide, for proof shall not be given from tricks and debates. How can it take so many journeys to see the truth of it? My own journeys flood my mind as I write and the magnitude of it breaks as a sunburst. I bow before the greatness and the reflection of it. I am Doris of human--but oh Father, I soar with the unseen eagles of the universe and I want the missing fragments of my own wholeness to find their wings also, those which are all my relations--which is All. Please allow me to finish of my work. Thank you, Father, for I know that it shall be so. Might this Easter time be the resurrection of mankind, for we have been dead so long. Amen.


Aton to respond, chela, for you have summoned me. I AM THE LIGHT and I have awaited your command. I feel as if a Socratilian lecturer has bended mine ear. Some of the response will be beyond some ability to understand. Know that always, the being receiving will only receive to his level of capability and pronounce the writing "too confusing" or full of banal nonsense. THAT IS NOT YOUR PROBLEM! You deal with self and others will find their level of comprehension. There has been great care and discernment as to the order of bringing forth these Journals and the pattern shall not fit all. It is enough for you to know that they touch all and even if cast aside, they have jarred mental processes far beyond that which is proclaimed. Yours is to write, not attend readers for it is none of your business what they think! All will receive according to their level of understanding. Those who write and inquire or call to clarify, are blessed indeed but that, too, is between them and me--not you, unless they are in the asking of your human opinion--which would be most unwise on their part, for you might actually be tempted to give it.

You ones who experience in the density of human format are very much given to the need of conflict. If there is not conflict that requires thought and thoughtful action, there would be nothing beyond the mindless child-like handicapped being or the animal/plant/mineral kingdom as you perceive it--for those things have no notion of else but being--in whatever situation they find themselves. They may struggle and fight in fear or for other reasons, but they soon cease to struggle at all---almost where you ones have come, my friends. Only through thoughtful action can you change a whit of your experi­ence, otherwise, it is not your experience for you have then become a pawn in another's experience.

Ah, beloved, you have found a major clue of your perceived experience--you all have accepted that the ending will be as the projections have come forth--and so it shall probably be. Why? Because man perceives it to be his direc­tion as laid forth by someone and some things at sonic time. Man will tell you that you cannot make a white-skinned person to be black--an albino proves that to be incorrect. If you remove all the colored pigments and change of them--you can create any colored being that you desire! Besides, a black man is not black and hence the incorrect label of "black", they are beauteous gifts of bronze and earth color at its most beautiful and glorious--the wondrous color of earth manifested in "man". Further, the "white" are not "white" for white is the pure blending of all colors and you have never witnessed pure "white", for in the perfection of "white" you have only "light" and your eyes cannot discern it from the colors which filter through.

If you walked into the halls of the Earth wherein you could be seen and heard in every quarter--by all ones, and you spake unto them and said, "All we have to do is change our minds--there has to be no Armageddon, no AIDS and thus and so"--who would come to your speech? Moreso--who would listen and conceive, with you, the truth of it? Nay, the masses would clutch their various "books" of rules and "history" and slay you for your blasphemy! The facts are, chela, man has no desire what-so-ever to change of the prophecies for man wrote the book in the first place. Man desires to experience exactly that which he is experiencing regardless of perceived consequences. Yes, man must have the perception of good and bad, positive and negative and all the myriads of perceptions in the middle, lest he be unable to perceive anything, for man can rarely indeed, perceive simple IS-NESS.

A child in a death camp was asked how she and her sister endured the taking of scrapings of bone from their shins every week without anesthesia, etc. She answered, "I didn't know it could be any other way--I thought that was what being a child was!" A babe horn into Ethiopian squalor and famine knows nothing other than hunger and flies in his eyes--he is in the depths of misery and yet knows nothing more or less--he can cry but what else? Until he knows of something else he has nothing upon which to discern his own plight. And further, if you can turn masses into the unknowingness--they become easy slaves to the ones who DO know a difference.

If you have only experienced welfare for survival, you EXPECT the welfare and how could you feel it unworthy of a healthy being to live in those circum­stances'? You ones cannot discern that which is true illusion from that which is experienced illusion. Even pain can be a total illusion.

Further, when the mind "accepts" what IS, he can then grow above the limits and into his further knowing that he can do something about the IS-NESS. When he/she/you/it stops fighting---"FIGHTING"---then you can settle into the solution of the perceived problems and the problems will then take what­ever growth state you choose. If it is AIDS, for example, when you stop "fighting" AIDS, the solution will come, for the masses have now the ex­pectation of losing a given number of bodies to AIDS. When you move from the perception of "death" regarding physical inflictions, and move into the perception of "life"--wondrous miracles occur--even positive and actively in­fected AIDS sufferers actually can become negative even to the blood testing. You may well find that AIDS "virus" is not a "virus" at all--whatever that might be at any rate for a virus is only a crystalline substance--you may well find, my friends, that it is no problem at all but a figment of your own projections and attitudes. When the actions and behaviors of the groups suffering are changed into cleansing and. God-ly behavior--you will find the "thing" is no longer existent. Oh, you may find a "cure" in apparatus and beams and vibra­tion frequencies but it will he the attitude and mind that will reap the cure. The mind can override every known piece of apparatus you can invent.

These are the reasons we project unto you ones the scenario as laid forth and then hit you squarely with "probabilities" and "changes by possibilities", etc. It is not predestined that man has to move into holocaust--it is simply that it is so written and therefore, it will PROBABLY come to pass exactly in the manner laid forth--give or take a week or two. Just as the mind who believes the card reader who says, "Next Wednesday you will fall in front of a truck and he killed." If you believe that, my friend, you will go out of your way to get in front of a truck--further, if she tells you it will be a Ford truck--you will find the Ford. You change the predictions by changing the mind!

It is the same with changing the scenario of the ending times--first you have to change your mind about the story and enough of you have to change it to bring forth alternatives. You see, the Conspiracy has come up with alterna­tives, which, if you do not act--may very well change the ending--for them, but not for YOU! Is understanding seeping through at all?

Further, it is why you MUST KNOW THE TRUTH OF HOW THINGS ARE IN ORDER TO CHANGE THEM AT ALL. How can you change an unknown into another unknown and make it work for you? That is what you have been doing--accepting the lies and changing exactly as you are told to change. When enough perceive the truth of it--it must automatically change for you will have drawn from the source of all power--you the people will have changed your minds about how the play goes. Further, you do not have to depopulate your planet by killing--change your, perception and you depopu­late by creating other planets upon which to experience---it is only that human only recognizes his limits and not his God "unlimited"

You have created your perceived "mess" through commission or omission throughout the eons--you will now change of it or it will come to its own predicted demise so that you can progress on to other things. You can change a whole nation's political expression by demanding a change in voting and lead­ership and you are convinced you can do nothing. Therefore, if you do noth­ing, you have created the circumstance. It is that man desires someone else to do it--not himself--i.e., "Dharma, you do it because you believe and I am not sure." Nay, Dharma can only change her own perception of circumstance and we made incredible headway this very day. She will write that which we give forth--you who receive will do whatever ye choose to do with it.

It is as with the one who has been supplied with sound and recording equip­ment to read the Journals to have available for the unsighted and handi­capped (or for simple preference in receiving method), and he doesn't get started even, for he can't decide whether or not be agrees and his friends (whom all of you can name) are telling him it is not all truth. So be it. No one asked him to believe anything, disagree, agree or fly kites--he has asked to do a job for which he fully expects payment. Therefore, go forth and retrieve the apparatus and the material for it is not his business to agree or disagree--he either does the job or he does not--or he arranges to find out truth on his own balance and makes that a portion of his agreement--"I will only do it if I totally believe it and it is alright with my advisors who have obviously made my life perfection unto this day."


It is as Little Crow said unto Dharma, "you will have exactly who you need for the motion picture and they will be perfection. Do not expect it to be those whom YOU perceive are necessary!" Think upon this wisdom. MY CHIL­DREN, HEAR ME WELL---YOU SHALL NOT "SELL"GOD OR TRUTH. In many, many cases, man's own ego and ignorance will cause him to be passed over--so be it! It is not your business!

The Japanese have created a computer which can dissolve an item and recon­struct it at another location---do you not think perhaps we can find someone to build Mr. Tesla's apparatus? DO NOT LIMIT POSSIBILITIES OF PAR­TICIPATION BY EGO TRIPS, MY FRIENDS---YOU NEED GODNESS, HE NEEDS NOT YOU FOR HIS PERFECTION. FOR AS GOD CRE­ATES THUSLY CAN HE UN-CREATE. THINK ON THIS MOST CAREFULLY.

You cling to projections such as the Bible for in those books lie also the secret of truth--the standards by which you maintain your Godness and balance--therefore you lose your ability to discern that which is man's and that which was from God. Within you KNOW! However, since all of your perceived physical experience is based on the projections of some "other", you are al­lowing the helplessness of the victimization thrust upon you by those "others" who know the difference and use it against you. Do not think for one moment that the Global 2000 conspirators do not believe they can pull off their plan! Further, if one plan is scrubbed--alternative plans are thrust forth and insti­tuted--while you of the masses sleep on.

You are going to have to face the facts that the Holocaust of the Ger­man/Jews wasn't as projected, the "space program" isn't and Guyana was a cover up for other activities in the area---hard to grasp---of course!! But if you grasp it and face it you can change the destiny of your world. And brothers, face it--the enemy of "you the people", the puppet-masters, know it! This is the very reason they have tried every electronic device in their arsenal to wipe out this scribe--integrated truth shall set you free and destroy them and their evil plan. Strange thing, every time they supposedly succeed--Dharma comes to us and returns with ever so much more insight so it really doesn't pay to "kill" her. She has moved from the terror of the fox from the hounds into a more "what an interesting experience". And none of the ones within the close group can even grasp the possibilities--until they let their own guard fall and wham! they get it squarely broadside. We always allow the lessons to be fully learned and then you learn to ask for and keep the protection available to all of you.

I warn you--the only defense you have against the beam systems in function upon your placement, is through the plasmic energy shield of the light which we can afford you--but you must ask therefor. You all have convinced your­selves that you can be no other than as you perceive things to be.

Christianity could not endure in the principle laid forth by man for it laid the "responsibility" on "other". The same with all religious doctrines. The New Age doctrines cannot work for the same reason and being without action--faith without works--does aught. Chanting mantras to "empty the mind" only causes the mine to race faster and faster and therefore methods of the mas­ters of the far east cannot hold the answers--FOR YOU. It only means that they have found "their way" and offer what assistance they have unto you. The ultimate and the ALL is right there within. Sorry about that for you who like to tip-toe over the world and spread your great wisdom or search for those "higher truths"--right there within, no fancy trips, no fancy foods or drugs, no peyote root or leaf, no pot smoke--those are to deaden you from re­ceiving the truth of it. The sweat lodge might help because it gives you the proverbial "hot foot" and "hot seat" and you stop lying to yourself. But that, too, is only if done with proper purpose for to go sweat in an Indian type hovel to find magic will simply make you sweat and lie to yourself a bit longer.

Besides, to find all truth and knowledge would explode the being for when ALL knowledge is given--you are no longer of the physical--the physical cannot survive the frequency. This is why there are ones of you back for the pur­pose of leading and measuring the frequency growth for a remnant must sur­vive and it requires great insight and acceptance. This is because, when you KNOW, you no longer have need for the game! Moreso, if you move into the let us call it, Astral beingness, and you encounter old friends and family, etc., you will limit yourself if you remain in the comfort of their level of growth. If ones come and bid you move on--move on. YOU, the spiritual YOU can be­come mired in every dimension and it helps to know that before you move on for perception is very dulled when the consciousness is lost. Consciousness one of the major gifts of the physical dimension.

The Masters who have walked your way have all spoken the truth but man has never been able to perceive the meaning. It is intended that man perceive the meaning in these closing cycles. You know not that which went before--in your consciousness--for it is all hearsay. You cannot even trust your physical experience much less judge what is fact from fiction in that which is "history".

You, Dharma, become the lie if you project that you ARE THE GOD OR THE CREATION. You are a fragment making up the whole, but THE GOD, WHICH I AM, IS THE COMPLETION OF ALL OF THE PARTS OF YE ONES AND THE CREATION IS THE ALL--THE WHOLE--OF ALL. WITHOUT YOU THE WHOLE IS NOT COMPLETE FOR THE CREATION IS COMPOSED OF ALL FRAGMENTS AND FAR EXCEEDS THE "SUM" OF ALL THE PARTS. Therefore, you--any one of you--can be and experience anything and anyone ye-choose--but ye must be in the completion of the experience or make a decision to change or stop the ex­perience and take action to so do. In the physical dimension, you have forgot­ten how to do these things and some who can't remember will try to accom­plish the change through suicide only to find that that is not the way, that only complicates the experience to a greater extent. The only real solution is to open your minds and remember for it is the time of remembering--you have spent enough time experiencing in the forgetting.

Dharma, this is far too lengthy a visit without break. Might we leave it for a while and allow rest, please. I am pleased that you have asked and I honor all of you who have been asking for I have heard. But the receivers must be tuned, my children, lest the vibrations overload the system. I do not wish that you would go forth and prepare for the guests which have come. Make arrangements that all can go elsewhere for I need you in quiet--our work these days is far, far too important to allow you to be lost in the trivia. I do not wish to cause you discomfort but I must have you in balance. Do you un­derstand? This is not a community house--this is a place for most serious work for unless you do of your task the rest cannot do of theirs. Yours must be to spend more time with me in absence of physical confusion and distrac­tions. So be it.

Go now, and we will continue at a later sitting. Blessings upon you precious children, for I cherish you.


PJ 14


FRIDAY, APRIL 13, 1990 9:00 A.M. YEAR 3 DAY 240
Aton present to commune. I AM and I command all brothers to remain in receiving for my message is also a statement unto the troubled souls. Allow for the receiving but total clearance from mine chelas' spaces. None of dark­ness shall be allowed entry within the light until such time as evil is discarded. Ye shall be given to hear so that all shall have opportunity to regain the pres­ence of Godness. Peace and blessings be thine.

In the peaceful order of the universal cosmos was your planet birthed. This time of remembered resurrection shall also bring many hearts into the longing for the presence of God and the healing of a Mother Planet. Amidst the beauty of the lilies shall come the breath of truth in the winds of change and renewal. Oh, would you but hear my voice that the leafing of the fig would only mean the bearing of its fruit. It could be so, if ye would but hear my call. Ye were given free-will that you would grow in wholeness and maturity of that which is sorted from the darkness. The Light can yet sweep thine lands and change of the ending if you will but see and he and follow me.

The Wayshowers have been sent unto you but YOU must listen and hear that voice which is God's within thine bosoms--the song within thy mind. SEE the beauty of mine lilies and smell their fragrance for they are the sign of life in a new season of glory. Look into the perfection within the heart of the blossom and bring it within your heart. Behold the illy for it has become symbol of your resurrection--not the flower of the grave. Behold the lily for it contains all within self to sustain floral rebirthing unto the withering--then does it re­produce its offspring. Can you not be as the lily? Can you not store of that which ye need, within, that you might blossom and bear fruit from thy being-ness? Note that the lily will lie dormant if the life support is not available. Mine people lie dormant, for the life is held within and ye have but to bring it without that it might blossom in the light. A flower always blossoms in the Light even though it may "open" in the night--for The Creation is balance in perfection. Ye are perfection if ye would move away from the desecration of your wondrous beings. Look unto the lily this day and bend your knee unto its perfection for the story of life rests in her beauty. Not just within that which you label Easter Lily--for some of the most tiny creatures of the deserts are lilies. Often from the very gift of the root, bulb, tuber, comes life for other creatures from the food and waters stored within and gladly shared. Thine relation invites you to look within and take the beauty unto thineself. Oberli, bring a lily into this dwelling for it will lend you strength for the days ahead. All of you--bring within thine dwellings a Ely for they are abundant in the markets and allow its beauty to enfold you--get two or three and behold their sameness and their unique difference---LOOK at the lily and not at the backdrop decoration" for a religious spectacular. Look at the sunrise for the enduring gift of life it proves unto you--not just on Easter morning among the trappings of the decorators. Sit on thine own hillside and breathe with the Mother and pray for her healing for if each nurtures and heals, she shall be recovered into wholeness. Ye forget mine "other" promises--ye shall be deliv­ered up! But, there is work to be done in the "vineyards". The vineyards must be tended and nurtured lest the vines bear no fruit.

The wild lilies of the field I shall tend--you must tend of the vineyards. Think upon these things. Once YOU have taken mine children unto your dominion then you have also accepted the responsibility of their survival for you have created a false environment whereby a thing cannot survive without your tending. To see an orchard die is painful indeed, for the tree failed you not--you have failed the tree for it cannot remove itself to another placement. It can only pray its seed falls in fertile soil elsewhere that its existence can he remembered. Blessed are ye who tend of mine creations and it all must begin and end within each--naught can be left unto "another". If ye cannot do of the task alone in thine physicalness--ye must gather together and become as one to act together. But it always requires only one to begin.

The resurrection must be from your land, your continent, for the hand of op­pression has darkened the blessed garden of beginning. Ye have all but waited too long, but if ye will SEE and HEAR, the resurrection and the life can be reborn. However, ye cannot "sit" and ye can "wait" no longer--it re­quires ALL. Just as the Master Teacher cleared of the temple, you must clear of the temple and the halls of government. If ye stand together and offer them not the life support which they have stolen and drained from your very beings-- you shall prevail for they have naught but you to depend upon for sur­vival. Ye of Light have the universe--evil has only evil man upon which to draw his life existence. Remove the life source from evil and refuse it trans­fusion and it shall wither for the conspirators and evil slave-masters are only functional in the physical. They cannot survive save YOU allow of it. Furthermore, once you remove the life support system from the ignorant who "play" and perceive reward from participation with evil, shall come to see and will join with you--first of necessity of survival and then from the Light which shall be rebirthed within by the very association with God instead of Satan.

Oberli, blessed son, see to it that the lesson on AIDS regarding "behavior" is enclosed within this document Journal. It has not gone forth unto the public in great measure but it must be added within for now we have documentation of behavior which has appalled the readers who say it cannot be so! Do you see that most who claim to be homosexual lovers do not even believe that such behavior can actually "be". I have told you ones to love your fellow-man that you may become as God--I denounce behavior which destroys deliber­ately, my creations.

Dharma, I would have you display the writing regarding the homosexual art exhibit just as it is written in the document presented unto you. These are the hidden things which YOUR tax money are spent upon. And then, chela, we will speak of that which is Israel who claim to be mine people--they are ser­vants of Satan himself. See that the portion regarding the amount of funds requested and required for Israel be compared against your United States children who must forfeit the only meal (that of the school lunch) of their day because the government has completely depleted the milk and cheese supply and funding has been cut to send to political places elsewhere--ye have for­saken your own babies to play the evil game of politics and global control. If I must shock you into action, so be it.

Ye of the Phoenix Remnant must survive. Amen.


Examples of how the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) uses your tax dollars:

* Honored Andres Serrano with $15,000 in tax dollars in a com­petition sponsored by the NEA. Serrano's work of art was a photo of Christ submerged in Serrano's urine. Serrano named the "work of art" Pi--Christ.

* The NEA spent $30,000 to fund the homosexual photography of Robert Mapplethorpe whose taxpayer-funded exhibit included these photos: Honey, a little girl about four years old with a sad, scarred face, but the focus of the camera is on the girl's genitals be­low her uplifted dress; a man crouched over, his penis on a block, named Mr. 10 and a Half; a man dressed in a three-piece suit, entitled Man in Polyester Suit, which focuses on his exposed sexual organ; a nude, standing man with an erection; one man urinating in another man's mouth (homosexuals call it "golden showers"); and, one man with his fist and forearm up another man's rectum (homosexuals call this "fisting").

* Time magazine said that had this not been supported by the NEA the exhibitor probably would have been charged with dis­tribution of pornography.

* MARS Artspace of Phoenix, Arizona was given $20,000 by the NEA to help fund an exhibit including Cactus Jack's Pi--Helms, a photo of Sen. Jesse Helms (R-N.C.) in a large jar of urine.

* With NEA help, Political Action Documentation Distribution and Carnival Knowledge cosponsored entertainment including a number called Tapping and Talking Dirty, in which two feminists ca­sually chatted about fellatio and swallowing sperm.

* The NEA provided $40,000 to Gay Sunshine Press to publish sexually explicit homosexual stories and $25,000 to the Panjandum Press for the same purpose. In New York, NEA funding went toward an exhibit which included one female homosexual inserting a dildo into another, one female homosexual inserting her foot into another, a photo album of group sex, a collection of drawings which included one entitled Jesus Sucks depicting a mammoth woman breast-feeding an infant. Another photo was of a man asking, "Is it a sin to f--- a priest?"

* The organizers of the 1990 San Francisco Lesbian and Gay Film Festival expect to receive $20,000 from the NEA. The arts en­dowment provided $10,000 in tax funds for an exhibit in which angry homosexuals denounced Catholic John Cardinal O'Connor, calling him "a fat cannibal" and a "creep in black skirts," while St. Patrick's Cathedral was depicted as the "house of walking swastikas on Fifth Ave n ue."

* An exhibit entitled "Annie Sprinkle: Post-Porn Modernist," re­ceived $25,000 in taxpayer's money from the WA. (Miss Sprinkle has appeared in more than 150 X-rated pornographic movies).

* The art exhibit included Miss Sprinkle's live performances at the Kitchen Theatre in New York City, consisting of, among other things, the "artist" spreading her legs and inviting the audience to inspect her vagina and cervix with the aid of a flashlight, masturbating to orgasm and performing with several dildos. As part of the federally funded art exhibit Annie did the following:

* Invoked the spirits of "ancient sacred temple prostitutes" into the theater. During the performance, Miss Sprinkle said her sexual obsessions are "new age" spirituality and likened her act to ancient sacred prostitutes and Taoist masters who could lengthen their or­gasms. She also prayed with the audience to invoke the spirits of past sex goddesses. "I like to evoke spirits," she told the crowd, "They love having sex."

* In the "art exhibit," Annie Sprinkle mounted an altar of candles and lit them to honor what she said were former friends and lovers who had died from AIDS. She then prayed to their spirits, lit incense and, with the audience chanting along and applauding, induced her­self to orgasm with a vibrator.

* Miss Sprinkle performed oral sex on dildos and invited the au­dience to massage her breasts and to photograph her scantily clad body.

* Then, amid a background chorus of loud voices of angry men shouting curses and insults at her, Miss Sprinkle began vigorous oral sex with various dildos which were supposed to represent what she termed abusive sexual partners.

* To conclude her performance, Miss Sprinkle opened her vagi­nal canal with a gynecological tool known as a speculum, and invited the audience to the stage to inspect her cervix with a flashlight.

* After the show, some 50 men and women paid $5 each to have pictures taken with Miss Sprinkle's large breasts resting atop their heads.

* At one point during Annie Sprinkle's "art exhibit"--after inducing the first orgasm with her favorite "sex toys"--she smiled and said to the audience, "Usually I get paid a lot of money for this but tonight IT'S GOVERNMENT FUNDED."


And what of your President? Ile has also entered the fray of considered "control" of funding by announcing he would consider attempts to control NEA funding as CENSORSHIP. But Bush also said "I am deeply offended by some material presented here as extremely offensive."

Oh, my children, can you not wake up and see that which has been pulled down upon you? I weep for ye are so blind.

Now, what of the school lunches? A fact sheet released by the Agriculture Committee stated that the scope of the hunger and poverty is severe. An es­timation of above 12.4 million American children--one in five--live in total poverty.

Of the 18 million Americans receiving food stamps, 83% of the food stamp assistance goes to families with children. Of the 15 million Americans who get emergency bags of groceries each month from the TEFAP program (Temporary Emergency Food Assistance Program,) an estimated 48% of TEFAP benefits go to families with children. This program gives out "four-day" bags of groceries per person per month (surplus flour, cornmeal, butter, beans, peanut butter, beans, canned meat, raisins, egg mix, or other items).

During the 1980's--the decade of the "Recovery," hunger has spread across your nation. In New York City alone, there are over 600 soup kitchens where in 1980 there were 30.

The program called WIC (Women, Infants and Children) food supplement program, is serving a wider group every year, but due to funding limits, only 60% of the eligible pregnant women, infants and children are enrolled for nu­trition and the amount of food is marginally survival quantity at best.

The infant mortality rate in the U.S. ranks 19th out of the 20 most industrial­ized nations. Each year 40,000 infants die before their first birthday---DOES THIS NOT SHOCK YOU?

The food relief pinch has now turned into a full-blown crisis in your country. In August of 1989, the USDA officially cancelled distributing federal "surplus" cheese and nonfat dried milk powder to the federal school lunch programs, the WIC, and other supplemental food aid projects. Hundreds of food banks and soup kitchens have been forced to shut down and hundreds of lunch pro­grams have closed or turned to cheap, low grade snacks.

As a most disastrous correlation to the lessening of nutrition, the children have dramatic upturns in damage from childhood disease that ordinarily should not he fatal or particularly harmful.

Yet, in the face of this knowledge, the Bush administration's 1990 Farm Bill, and current actions of the USDA make a total mockery of those suffering.

In January, Agriculture Secretary Clayton Yeutter cut the floor price for dairy Farmers by 50 cents a hundred pounds (of raw, farm milk), saying he didn't want to encourage milk production. At present, there are no stocks in sight of milk powder or cheese to relieve hunger. You have already been told by Ha­tonn, that your grain silos for storage of surplus and reserve grain are emptied and the supplies shipped overseas.

In February, the new Bush Farm Bill called for stiffer procedures to allow fewer school children to qualify for free or subsidized lunches. ANOTHER MEASURE CALLS FOR DIMINUTION OR ELIMINATION OF FOOD RE­LIEF TO A SINGLE PARENT HOUSEHOLD WITH CHILDREN, WHERE THE RELEVANT PARENT WAS DELINQUENT IN CHILD SUPPORT! (sic, sic)- further punish and destroy the child!


The leading item of the testimony to the Senate was a great sleight of hand trick used by the administration on the issue of cutting school lunch support. The administration's 1990 Farm Bill actually calls for an additional $100 mil­lion in financial aid authorization, BUT BECAUSE OF THE CHANGES IN CALCULATING HOW MANY CHILDREN IN ANY DISTRICT QUAL­IFY FOR FEDERAL LUNCH SUBSIDIES, THERE WILL ACTUALLY BE $300 MILLION LESS IN FEDERAL OVERALL SUPPORT!

In addition, there is projected to be less and less federal "surplus" bulk food commodities for the schools. The testimony from local food program officials around the nation gives a grave and terrible picture indeed.

The administration is proposing changes to the child nutrition programs that would reduce federal support by $516 million, with $235.4 million coming from the School Lunch Program. This reduction in federal funds would be on top of the $300 million loss in bonus commodities you have experienced over the last several years. In addition, the administration's school lunch proposal would create a fourth income category that would require school administra­tors to document and verify the household income of the vast majority of all U.S. households with children in school.

P.S.: In Japan, 98% of all children in elementary school receive a school lunch. In the U.S., you will serve 2 million children A DAY less than you did before the 1981 budget cuts.


Over and above the $3 BILLION a year Israel is guaranteed under the terms of your Camp David Peace accord PLUS the $742 MILLION in special ap­propriations Israel received on top of that in 1989 alone, there is now an al­most guaranteed gift of $400 MILLION additional loan guarantees to finance the construction of housing for Soviet Jewish immigrants and/or - - - -!

So, a few changes in the program's bylaws must first be effected. For one thing, there is a $100 million cap on the entire program as laid forth by law. For another, there is a $25 million annual limit on the dollar amount of any guarantees that can be provided to any one country.

But Congress is bending the rules for Israel. They will waive the management fees normally charged to foreign governments benefiting from the program. The standard fee is 1 percent of the total amount of the loan, plus 0.5 percent charged annually. This will save Israel $4 million off the top and an additional $2 million annually. The charges to other countries, however, will be in­creased to offset the outlay.

Israel already has a per-capita income greater than all other countries receiv­ing assistance. But more importantly, however, is that Israel will be exempt from accountability on how it spends the money. Normally the right to moni­tor and veto any proposed construction projects is mandatory--not with this and not with Israel. This would do two things; allow the funds to be diverted to the higher-income brackets of people and disallow any interference in the building on the West Bank which has been claimed as unacceptable by the Bush administration. Seventy three of your 100 Senators requested that no sum be cut from aid to Israel---only 27 of your representatives didn't sign the letter of petition to Bush. A list will be supplied to any requesting same.


Dharma, please just copy the article, Foreigners Buy Congress from the 4/16/90 SPOTLIGHT.


James P. Tucker Jr.: The Establishment media, in a glaring ex­ample of biased news "management," was utterly silent about the release of a major new study by a Middle East institute that shows that Congress has been purchased, literally, by a foreign government.

These grim charges, with convincing documentation, were pre­sented to a roomful of reporters at the National Press Club in Wash­ington on March 26.

Reverting to its 40-year tradition prior to the Palestinian revolt against the Israeli occupiers--the Establishment press took detailed notes, asked innocuous questions--and ignored the shocking story.

The indictment of the Israel lobby by Richard Curtiss and his American Education Trust had been officially defined as a bona fide news event by the national Press Club, under the category "morning newsmaker".

Such status is second only to the famous luncheons at which all U.S. presidents and many world leaders speak. It is not a "press con­ference" where the rooms must be rented and other costs incurred by those with something to say to the media. Despite this distinction, however, the story was buried.

Curtiss and Andrew Kilgore, a retired career foreign service offi­cer, went beyond simply identifying the scores of congressmen who have been bought by the Israel lobby; they also carefully explained the manner in which U.S. laws have been circumvented.

While each political action committee (PAC) is limited to a $5,000 donation to individual candidates, "if you have 26 PACs with the same agenda you can give $130,000", Curtiss said.

There are a total of 85 Israel PACs which collected $12 million and gave $5 million to congressmen in the 1988 campaign, Curtiss said.

The Israel PACs "without exception" resort to bland, deceptive names, such as the "Hudson Valley PAC" and the "Desert Caucus PAC" to disguise themselves, Curtiss said.

The Israeli lobby uses its immense funds both as a carrot and a stick, he said.

"A candidate may not need, the money, but fear that his op­ponent may get it if he votes wrong, keeps him in line" Curtiss pointed Out.

The American-Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), the of­ficial Israel lobby, controls the 85 PACs which have funnelled $5 mil­lion to congressmen, they charged. AIPAC is an agent of a foreign government but avoids registering as such on the "technicality" that all the funds are raised in the United States, Curtiss said. AIPAC is not itself a political action committee (PAC), but critics charge that it directs the money spent by PACs to candidates it approves, thus coordinating campaign donations and circumventing the law.


The Israel lobby has a virtual veto on congressional legislation, as well as the power to force through any legislation that advances the interests of Israel, Curtiss said.

For example, any arms sales to Arab countries must first be cleared with the Israel lobby before being approved by Congress, he said. The Israel lobby uses its money-generated influence in Congress and the State Department to make sure America is unable to develop favorable relationships with any Arab states, he said.

Curtiss contrasted Congress's preoccupation with smoking--ban­ning cigarettes on domestic flights, for example, because "they kill"--and its apparent unconcern over the fact that the "policies of the pro-Israel PACs got a lot of Americans killed."

He was referring to the 270 Marines killed while they were sta­tioned in Lebanon after Israel's brutal invasion in 1982.

While denouncing terrorism, Curtiss said it has "become the last resort of desperate people" outraged over America's pro-Israel poli­cies, which have resulted in the deaths of American servicemen, busi­nessmen, diplomats and tourists.

The immense impact of the Israel lobby's money is demon­strated, he said, by the fact that the $5.4 million provided by 78 of its PACs to congressional candidates in 1988 was countered by only $38,000 contributed by three pro-Arab PACs--meaning they were outspent by a 141-to-one ratio.

Why the overkill?

For every dollar spent by its lobbies, Israel received $1,105 in direct American aid Curtiss said. Israel has, for decades, been the largest recipient of American tax dollars and currently receives $3.5 billion in direct aid. Frequently Israeli "debts" incurred by "arms pur­chases" from the United States are "forgiven" in legislation unnoticed by the public.

Documents given the press show that 366 of 435 incumbent House members and 42 of 50 incumbent senators have taken money from the Israel lobby.

From 1978 to 1989 the biggest Senate recipients were Paul Si­mon (D-IIL) $422,490; Howard Metzenbaum (D-Ohio) $327,460; Car1 Levin (D-Mich.) $295,038; Tom Daschle (D-S.D.) $287,130; Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.) $284,750; Alan Cranston (D-Calif.) $254,532; Dave Durenberger (R-Minn.) $277,500; Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) $222,930; Harry Reid (D-Nev) $208,540; and Rudy Boschwitz (R-Minn.) $207,755. (You might also just suppose these ones' names are on the petition to not cut Israel's funding.)

Biggest House recipients were Richard Durbin (D-Ill.) $147,166; Lawrence Smith (D-Fla.) $140,968; Howard Wolpe (D-Mich.) $123,150; Peter Kostmayer (D-Pa.) $119,900; Sam Gejdenson(D- Conn.) $115,604; Dante Fascell (D-Fla.) $111,250; John Miller (R- Wash.) $96,128; Ed Feighan (D-Ohio) $93,200; Matthew Martinez (D-Calif.) $76,000; and David Obey (D-Wis.) $74,400.

Oberli, I believe we shall not wait for ones to write and request the list of sen­ators referred to above (See following page.) Let us just photocopy the list and add to this portion. YOU ONES SHOULD SEE WHO SELLS YOUR COUNTRY WHILE YOU AREN'T LOOKING--AND YES, YOU DID GIVE THEM PERMISSION---YOU VOTED THEM INTO THEIR OF­FICES TO LEAD YOU AND ACT IN YOUR BEHALF AND YOU PAY THEM GRANDLY TO DO THAT SERVICE FOR YOU THESE LITTLE GIFTS ARE IN ADDITION TO THE GREAT SALARIES AND OTHER PERKS OF OFFICE!So be it, for if ye lock the foxes in the hen house, expect the chicks to be eaten.

Ali yes, chela, it is time for introspection this Eastertide, pagan or christian, jew or gentile--for it is the self-chosen elite who are determining your demise. It is up to you as to that which ye shall do about it.

Hopeless? Nay, nay! All you need do is see and hear that which is about you and you will know that which you must do--and do it! It will require that all of you get off your backsides, turn off the vidiot boxes and READ BE­TWEEN THE LINES AND HEAR THAT WHICH IS NOT SAID AND YE SHALL KNOW THAT WHICH YE MOST DO! ASK ME--YE NEED NOT GO THROUGH DHARMA OR ANOTHER SPOKESMAN--ASK ME AND THEN LISTEN AND I SHALL TELL YOU!

Dharma, it has been too long a sitting without a break to continue with your queries, but these things, too, must be brought into your attention for if you know not the facts and truth, you are destined to perishment. Truth and knowledge will surely set you free! So be it.

Allow us a break please.



The following is the list of Harry Reid ( D-Nev.)
senators who signed a letter to Donald W. Riegle (D-Mich.)
President George Bush asking Charles S. Robb (D-Va.)
him not to reduce foreign aid John D. Rockefeller IV ( D-W.Va.)
to Israel. Paul S. Sarbanes (D-Md.)
Brock Adams (D-Wash.) Jim Sasser (D-Tenn.)
Max Baucus (D-Mont.) Richard C. Shelby (D-Ala.)
Lloyd Bentsen (D-Texas) Paul Simon (D-Ill.)
Joseph R. Biden Jr. (D-Del.) Arlen Specter ( R-Pa, )
Jeff Bingaman (D-N.M.) John W. Warner ( R-Va )
Christopher Bond (R-Mont.) Pete Wilson (R-Calif.)
David L. Boren (D-Okla.) Timothy E. Wirth (D-Colo.)
Rudy Boschwitz (R-Minn.)
Bill Bradley (D-N.J.) The following members did
John B. Breaux (D-La.) not sign the letter opposing
Richard H. Bryan (D-Nev.) cuts in foreign aid.
Quentin N. Burdick (D-N.D.) William L. Armstrong (R-Colo.)
Conrad Burns (R-Mont.) Dale Bumpers (D-Ark.)
Dan Coats (R-Ind.) Robert C. Byrd (D-W.Va.)
Thad Cochran (R-Miss.) John H. Chafee (R-R.I.)
William S. Cohen (R-Maine) Robert Dole (R-Kan.)
Kent Conrad (D-N.D.) Pete V. Domenici (R-N.M.)
Alan Cranston (D-Calif.) Jake Garn (R-Utah)
Alfonse M. D'Amato (R-N.Y.) Mark O. Hatfield (R-Ore.)
John C. Danforth (R-Mo.) Jesse Helms (R-N.C.)
Thomas A. Daschle (D-S.D.) Ernest F. Hollings (D-S.C.)
Dennis DeConcini (D-Ariz.) James M. Jeffords (R-Vt.)
Alan J. Dixon (D-Ill.) Nancy Kassebaum (R-Kan.)
Christopher J. Dodd (D-Conn.) Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa)
David Durenberger (R-Minn.) Tom Harkin (D-Iowa)
J. James Exon (D-Neb.) Orrin G. Hatch (R-Utah)
Wendell H. Ford (D-Ky.) Howell Heflin (D-Ala.)
Wyche Fowler Jr. (D-Ga.) John Heinz (R-Pa.)
John Glenn (D-Ohio) Gordon J. Humphrey (R-N.H.)
Albert Gore Jr. (D-Tenn.) Daniel K. Inouye (D-Hawaii)
Slade Gorton (R-Wash.) J. Bennett Johnston (D-La.)
Bob Graham (D-Fla.) Robert W. Kasten Jr. (R-Wis.)
Phil Gramm (R-Texas) Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.)
Herbert H. Kohl (D-Wis.) Bob Kerrey (D-Neb.)
Patrick J. Leahy (D-Vt.) John F. Kerry (D-Mass.)
Richard G. Lugar (R-Ind.) Frank R. Lautenberg (D-N.J.)
James A. McClure (R-Idaho) Carl Levin (D-Mich.)
Frank H. Murkowski (R-Alaska) Joe Lieberman (D-Conn.)
Sam Nunn (D-Ga.) Trent Lott (R-Miss.)
David Pryor (D-Ark.) Connie Mack (R-Fla.)
William V. Roth Jr. (R-Del.) Spark M. Matsunaga (D-Hawaii)
Warren Rudman (R-N.H.) John McCain (R-Ariz.)
Terry Sanford (D-N.C.) Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.)
Alan K. Simpson (R-Wyo.) Howard M. Metzenbaum (D-Ohio)
Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) Barbara A. Mikulski (D-Md.)
Steven D. Symms (R-Idaho) George J. Mitchell (D-Maine)
Strom Thurmond (R-S.C.) Daniel Patrick Moynihan (D-N.Y.)
Malcolm Wallop (R-Wyo.) Don Nickles (R-Okla.)
Bob Packwood (R-Ore.)
Claiborne Pell (D-R.I.)
Larry Pressler (R-S.D.)