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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 14
    CHAPTER 23


    FRIDAY, MAY 11, 1990 8:00 A.M. YEAR 3 DAY 268
    Hatonn here in the light of radiance. This will be a continuation of section 2 of yesterday.

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    Dharma, in respect and honor to THE SPOTLICHT we will copy a lead arti­cle and give honor to Warren Hough and James Harrer for their superb inves­tigative writing and daring disclosures. We will also do that which we can to spread the word which ones of that Journal have given their lives to do for the world citizens. We will spread the listing of the Trilateral membership and give it further audience--both in protection of the ones who managed to un­earth it from its secret hiding, confuse the enemy and further its uncovering. We will not, however, do so in this Journal for it should reside with the Consti­tutional information we will bring through in the upcoming Journal. We will do so within the next week or so. You of the daring publications must do all possible in unison and protection of resources. I name these two authors for they now come under protection of our lighted forces.

    Will you please copy the article as presented.

    QUOTE, THE SPOTLIGHT, Volume XVI Number 20, May 14, 1990:


    When Dr. Gerald V. Bull, 60, a key Pentagon scientist, was found murdered recently, FBI investigators on the case made a startling dis­covery.

    Surveillance teams of the Mossad, Israel's secret service, had tracked the world-renowned American physicist from Washington to New York and then aboard a transatlantic flight to Brussels, Belgium, where a Mossad hit man shot Bull dead with a silenced 9-mm pistol.

    Bull was just the latest victim on a list of as many as a dozen Americans "terminated" by Mossad operatives because their activities were thought to threaten Israel's interests, The SPOTLIGHT has learned exclusively from a senior Justice Department official in Washington.

    Following up this lead, a team of reporters for this populist news­paper encountered a long-suppressed sense of outrage among law enforcement and intelligence experts over what one source called "the Mossad's mob tactics."

    "You can bet no one will be indicted for killing Dr. Bull," asserted a veteran Pentagon investigator. When the Mossad ‘eliminates' an adversary, it can count on the protection of the most powerful fixers in Washington. As long as this cover-up continues, the murders will go on, too. There will be more victims."

    Other sources confirmed that two leading alien interest pressure groups, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and the World Zionist Organization (WZO), have "lowered a soundproof curtain over Is­rael's covert operations" as media historian Arthur Godoy put it.

    "The WZO and the ADL supply more than well-orchestrated public relations for the Mossad," explained the Pentagon investigator. "They provide financing, contacts and protected bases for Israeli op­eratives in the U.S.--even if their mission violates our laws."

    When Col. Robert Bayard, a retired U.S. Army officer, was shot to death in Atlanta, Georgia in 1977, "the official explanation was that some vagrants had done it," recalled an Atlanta lawyer who was an assistant district attorney at the time. This knowledgeable source agreed to talk to a SPOTLIGHT reporter on condition that he would not be quoted by name. (Hatonn: We know who this person is, Dark Brothers, and we put you on notice to back away for he is under our protection.)

    "But our investigation revealed that while on active duty, Col. Ba­yard had been detailed to the CIA and assigned to the Middle East, where he worked with Arab governments and became known as a critic and adversary of Israel's expansionist tactics," he said.

    Retired early, reportedly at the insistence of the Israel lobby in Washington, Bayard became an executive with an international ar­maments and security firm. "I guess the Mossad thought Bayard was still a threat to their interests," related the Atlanta attorney, "and they decided to 'terminate' him. That was the real finding of our investiga­tion. But of course we were not allowed to say it publicly."

    Barry Seal had no interest in politics or strategy when he ran afoul of the Mossad's U.S. network in the mid-1980s: He was a drug pilot.

    When Seal was shot dead in New Orleans in 1988 by "unknown assailants," the official account cited Seal's secret links to the Drug Enforcement Administration--he had turned informer--and blamed his murder on the cocaine cartel.

    But privately federal investigators say that Seal had been inform­ing on the so-called Harari network--the group of Mossad operatives based in Panama who made millions of dollars smuggling narcotics and weapons under the command of Mike Harari, a veteran Israeli official known as an assassination specialist.

    "Seal was the key snitch in a major undercover drug investigation of this Mossad team's drug deals, and afterward he was scheduled to testify before a Senate committee," says a longtime congressional in­vestigator. "There is no question he was hit by the Mossad. Off the record, that's the finding of the federal agencies who looked into his killing."

    Unlike Bayard and Seal, whose lives had secret compartments, Bull was a brilliant, widely respected U.S. defense scientist who has been credited with pioneering work in the field of long-range ar­tillery. In the 1960s he developed an exceptionally accurate 16-inch cannon that is still in use on some U.S. battleships.

    Eventually Bull was named director of the Defense Department's highly classified High Altitude Research Project where he worked on long-range nuclear cannon prototypes. One of them, fired experi­mentally in the Caribbean, hurled an atomic shell the size of a com­pact car a record 112 miles into space.

    In the late 1970's, Bull and a group of business associates set up the Space Research Corp., which began to market some of the ar­tillery technology developed by the noted scientist.


    Federal investigators say the Israeli government, which had in earlier years purchased some of the large, high-velocity munitions produced by Bull from the United States, marked the eminent physi­cist as a "threat" when the Iraqi army also applied for permission to acquire some of Bull's long-distance artillery pieces.

    In the late 1980s, the American scientist worked as a consultant to Iraq in manufacturing an unusually large and powerful 40 mm can­non; this was reportedly enough to seal his fate.

    "Israel's record of murdering scientists and engineers who agree to do contract work for an Arab government goes back to the 1960s," recalled Prof. Godoy.

    "That the Mossad has now assassinated such a distinguished American scientist signals no change in their tactics; it marks only the growing power of the ADL and WZO to cover up the terrorists out­rages of Israeli agents, even when the victim is an important U.S. fig­ure. This conspiracy of silence must end, if only to protect American lives," he said.

    Other knowledgeable sources agreed with his conclusions.

    The SPOTLIGHT, which is looking into the murders of several other U.S. citizens described by intelligence sources as Mossad tar­gets, will continue its investigation.

    * * * * * * * * * *
    Shocking? By now it should not be shocking. It must be obvious, by now, to all of you readers that it is a cover-up and conspiracy at the highest levels of your government--the HIGHEST!

    The ADL and WZO are as tangled in with the conspirators who run your world as is your hand attached to your own arm. These ones in conjunction with the OSI (Office of Special Investigations) who have representatives at all top level meetings, also are the ones who go on "Nazi" witchhunts and keep the so-called "Holocaust" alive and cancerous upon the masses of sensitive mankind. There was no holocaust as it has been presented unto you ones, but you have gobbled it up just as you gobble up every other piece of propaganda. Does it not seem strange to keep total hatred alive and thriving some half cen­tury after the fact? Further, the stories are more insane than at the happen­ing--whatever it was. Does it not strike any of you as quite strange indeed?

    You must now rapidly come into understanding of that which is put upon you or you will have lost your nation. So be it.

    Hatonn to stand-by.

    PJ 14
    CHAPTER 24


    WEDNESDAY, MAY 9, 1990 9:00 A.M. YEAR 3 DAY 266

    Hatonn present in the Light of the Radiant One. We will continue with doc­umentation regarding your "new" Constitution. It, of course, is as top secret as is the Protocols just written herein. That does not mean that it is secret; it means that those who have dared publish the exposed documents are mostly quite dead!

    There are one or two publications which have been kept alive in the flow of silencing "information sources" but they are few indeed. Know that in each scenario of such seriousness there will usually be one who defy the imposters--these are the "Genius" element spoken of in the Protocols. In the mid 1800s, for instance there was one labeled William Lloyd Garrison who established the LIBERATOR in Boston. You ones will come to recognize and relate to such work and workers.

    At the time of these writings I am most cautious as to name calling for we have had threats in abundance against ones already "taken out" and the threats come forth against families and estates. Further, the searching comes back to roost and I assure you, when the source is located--it severely impacts your separate funding. I beg of you to use your thought processes for you tend to become most careless in your enjoyment of having already encoun­tered the resources. Loose tongues have cost more kingdoms than have all the armies. Although the Journals have naught to do with projects, it is too likely that your enemies will assume as much.

    Let it be known by all that the only reason we are still standing herein is that all information can be researched; we are under constant surveillance and found totally patriotic and in no wise subversive. Treason is that which has been perpetuated by those who would destroy you as a nation and as a peo­ple. We desire no wars, no pickets, no violence--we only write truth. Those who surveil our work to strike us down find that they are among the un­knowing and are just as susceptible to the corrupted system and physical death by heinous manners as are the masses. Congressmen get AIDS, con­gressmen have legal battles, congressmen will die at the holocaust without shelters---ONLY A VERY FEW OF THE TOP MANIPULATORS KNOW WHAT IS WHAT--THE REST ARE HAPLESS TOOLS FEEDING ON THE TEMPTATIONS OF GREED AND BRIBERY. THESE ONES WILL PAY MOST HEINOUSLY FOR THEY ARE THE FIRST EX­PENDED WHEN THEIR SERVICE IS NO LONGER OF WORTH. HOLD THIS TRUTH WITHIN THINE BREAST, YOU WHO WOULD DESTROY THIS RESOURCE. YOU WILL DIE JUST AS EASILY AT THE HANDS OF THE CONSPIRATORS! ALL THOSE "GAINS" OF WORLDLY S'TATUS AND WEALTH WILL BE OF NO AVAIL WHERE YOU WILL GO FOLLOWING THAT EXTINCTION.

    This section is taken from a book called, THE SECRET NEW CONSTITU­TION. It will only summarize for we effort to keep volume to a minimum. Ones can go and investigate these things at convenience. It does us of these realms no good what-so-ever to read and digest your information for you. Do the research you feel necessary to realize the truth of our words; we shall bring you sufficient quantity to base decisions but there will always, hopefully, be the die-hard searchers for proof. It is very gracious of you who find the proof to share it with your brothers and these publishers. Thank you. RE­MEMBER PLEASE, MOST DENOUNCEMENTS OF OUR WORK STEMS DIRECTLY FROM ONES WHO HAVE NOT SO MUCH AS PE­RUSED ALL OF OUR MATERIAL BUT HAVE MADE RIDICULOUS PRONOUNCEMENTS BASED ON OUT OF CONTEXT OR CONTRA­DICTORY MATERIAL FROM THE JOURNALS --- WHICH, BY THE WAY, WOULD HAVE BEEN MOST CAREFULLY EDITED, CHOSEN AND SCATTERED FOR THE EXPRESS PURPOSE OF DENOUNCE­MENT. WELCOME BACK TO ANY AND ALL WHO HAVE NOW TAKEN THE TIME TO TRULY INVESTIGATE THE MATERIAL, WE WANT NO WARS--WE WANT COMMUNITY. COMMUNITY IS BUILT WITHIN GROUPS WHO HAVE MEMBERS WHO ARE WILLING TO SAY, "I PERHAPS ERRED". MAN MOVES AWAY FROM GOD--GOD DOES NOT EVER MOVE AWAY FROM MAN!

    I give great honor to ones who came before and their names shall be written in the books of man for credit and honor. At this time I refrain from labels in order for security. Please be patient a bit longer and none shall be omitted who have made contribution. Some work I cannot give total honor unto the writers for their work is only partial truth and conclusions are incorrect or there is deliberate misinformation. I honor truth; no more and no less.

    What you are about to read is true. It will happen unless you stop it. If you care enough, you will take action. If you as a people do nothing, it will come to be--very soon indeed.

    The people who have written your new constitution on your behalf were not elected representatives, nor your representatives in any measure. As a "tax­-exempt" foundation, they were able to do political work on what amounts to a subsidy taken from your taxes--but you were never asked if you wanted a new constitution written. Indeed, only a very tiny fraction of the people in the U.S. even know that it exists: it has been made known to practically no one except a select category of influential people whose views and interests generally co­incide with those of the people who wrote it. The American people as a whole are still in the dark about it, and this situation is deliberate. It is there­fore truly a "secret" constitution being brought into reality through slow and tedious integration and interpretation so that, in the end, you will have the "new" and the old shall be obsoleted by remoteness. It is for the ones who "interpret" the constitution to make or break the laws and render "you the people" impotent to do anything about the matter.

    The new model constitution was some ten years in the writing and drew upon well over a hundred participants. A preliminary version was published in 1970 and given exposure in very limited circles within the conspirators and changes were made, at insider requests, to further limit your freedom and hand over control unto those elitists. In 1974, an essentially final version was quietly published in a book entitled, THE EMERGING CONSTITUTION by Rex­ford G. Tugwell (Harper and Rowe),the man who directed the formulation of the new constitution. It is the 40th draft. During most of the time that their constitution was being written, the Center for Study of Democratic Institu­tions was lavishly funded to the tune of $2,500,000 annually. In other words, your freedom was purchased for about $15 million.

    After reading this summary, you may well wish to read some of the documents available. You will all do well to put aside "who" I am and "from where" I come and focus on the truth of that which we bring forth. Truth is truth is truth!

    It was hoped, by some powerful forces, to celebrate your nation's Bicentennial in 1976 by replacing the freedoms guaranteed in your present Constitution with their own dictatorship -- a cleverly disguised dictatorship. The adver­tisements of this day are cleverly arranged to cause you to go forth and pur­chase a copy of the constitution and bill of rights--which are being changed at each new printing. Soon the old and original version will only be available in archives and locked catacombs.

    It has been made to superficially resemble the government that you now have, so that you will not recognize it for what it is-----until too late. They are using every propaganda trick at their command to make you lower your guard--and it has worked! They are now about to put you all in a condition of economic desperation to persuade you to accept their cleverly disguised dictatorship. Note the recent rulings coming down from your Supreme Court. They have ruled that certain pictures are illegal to have within your homes and yet ob­scenity can be funded by your hard earned monies to foot the bill for "art" ex­hibits. IT IS AT YOUR DOORSTEP, THE DOOR IS OPEN AND THE THIEVES HAVE ENTERED! YOU HAVE NO LEGAL MEANS TO PROTECT YOURSELVES AND IT IS ALL BUT TOO LATE! So be it.

    Oh, you say, "And where were you while we slept and this happened to us?" Telling you as loudly as we could shout and you shot missiles at us and write of our evil presence. Will man get that which he deserves? I most certainly hope not.

    Your U.S. Constitution, according to the Preamble, is intended to provide for justice, domestic tranquility, common defense and general welfare, and to se­cure the blessings of liberty not only for yourselves but for posterity. These were the goals that shaped your Constitution. And this is the Constitution that enabled America to become a great nation of free people.

    The "Newstates (by the way, they are already set up and maps with the new designations already before the legislature) of America Constitution" has a Preamble also -- but it states NOT ONE OF THE OBJECTIVES OF YOUR TRUE CONSTITUTION. Instead of "justice and domestic tranquility", the new constitution seeks only "good order" (see the "Protocols") without defin­ing what that means. The very first words are "So that we may join in common endeavors" -- and the body of the new constitution makes it clear that this means an end to individual endeavors. Their new constitution is expressly stated to be good only for a prescribed period of 25 years. Your descendants are left to fend for themselves with ever increasing helplessness and shackles placed at each recorded change. No reference is made in the Preamble to your defense or general welfare. (No, because you will have neither.) Worst of all, the matter of liberty -- so central to your present Constitution -- is to­tally ignored in the Preamble of the new one, which seeks only "an adequate and self-repairing government". The emphasis throughout their new constitu­tion is on the government -- not on the people. "Adequate" turns out to mean too powerful to be challenged. And "self-repairing" means that the laws and governmental structures can be continually changed and shifted to permit anything your rulers wish to do. I feel as if I should ask you to go back and memorize the plan of the Zionist Protocols. EVERY SENTENCE AND CHANGE IS DIRECTLY RESULTANT FROM THAT PLAN.

    I hereby request that those Zionist Protocols and this portion of a summary of The Secret New Constitution, be published separately in and of itself. With a copy of your original Constitution as laid forth through your founding fathers.

    A little summary:

    ARTICLE I is divided into two portions defining "Rights" and "Responsibilities." It turns out that some of your present rights disappear out­right, and practically all of the remainder become conditional and fragile, able to be terminated at the whim of the government or by Presidential Order. The responsibilities, however, which are obligations of the citizen to the government, are absolute and unconditional. (Your President is already func­tioning under that carefully veiled permit and has told you so most openly and defiantly!)

    ARTICLE II defines what are called the "Newstates". The 50 states you have now become 10 in number (I ask herein that a copy of the proposed map be attached to this document.) It is no accident that your federal government for the past several years has managed its outlying activities through ten fed­eral regions. These 10 newstates will be completely subservient to the federal government and creatures of it.

    ARTICLES III-VIII define the independent branches of government and their powers and duties. Under your present Constitution, the federal gov­ernment is divided into three co-equal branches -- the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial. They were carefully set up according to a system of checks and balances in order to protect your freedoms from arbitrary government. But under their new constitution, there would be not three but six branches so structured that your present system of checks and balances are totally destroyed and those branches which are now not actually part of the govern­ment, i.e., IRS, Federal Reserve, etc., would become all powerful through governmental parenthood.

    The counterparts of your present three branches would be greatly changed and would be joined, further, by a Regulatory Branch to control your everyday affairs; a Planning Branch to plan your nation's economy; and an Electoral Branch to oversee, monitor, finance, and regulate all elections throughout the country.

    ARTICLE XI provides new procedures for constitutional amendments which are totally different from and more dangerous than those which now exist.

    ARTICLE XII provides for transition from your present representative and republican form of government to the new, cleverly disguised dictator­ship.

    Every word of their new constitution has been chosen carefully and for a purpose. Its basic nature and provisions are extremely revealing.

    First, consider the matter of individual citizens' rights. One right which is under powerful attack right now and which disappears in the new constitution is the right to bear arms. Instead, "The bearing of arms or the possession of lethal weapons shall be confined to the police, members of the armed forces, and those licensed under law." Regardless of what you may think about the ins and outs of the controversial "Gun Control" issue, you should be aware of the historical fact that disarming of the populace is always a part of any totali­tarian scheme. (See Protocols)

    They already have you on this one--it already becomes the whim of the lawyers and judges as to whether or not a "general" citizen with a "case" can have a jury--and then, the one demanding a jury has to pay for it. This has al­ready happened to this very scribe. That, along with prejudgment by a judge in that five hearings were scheduled in a case involving their home and an S&L and the defendants were not allowed so much as a speech, nor was their attorney allowed presentation of the case.

    In this instance it involved the lack of public sale of "their" home (we shall write of this case, but not at this sitting) which was not held. The sale was ad­vertised, certified notices were sent--but no one showed up to hold the sale--in the Bakersfield City Hall, yet. Witnesses to the lack of sale were the elected City Treasurer and City Clerk. Both attended three court appearances in which the case was not allowed to come before the bench for lack of proper "cover sheet" on a document. Of course the defendants had to pay expenses to the city for absence of the officials (who where outraged--and helpless). At worst, it would have cost less than $500 to reoffer the sale (this was asked and emphatically denied as was any allowance for outside court compromise)--not so, my friends, attorneys fees have now exceeded $75,000,and eight court ses­sions wherein these ones have yet to be allowed to speak. The incumbent judge is also holding threat over these one's head for he is up for re-election in June and has publicly blamed these ones for his "troubles"--but, there is still an outstanding decision resting in the hands of three judges who did tem­porarily set aside one of his judgments--yet to be heard. It is only one more step in a line of at least eight more hearings which so far exceeds the cost of the home as to be foolish except for the lessons involved. At any rate these ones have lived in packed boxes for if the decision is against them, they can he evicted and their dwelling and property seized within 24 hours. This has naught to do with taxes, or broken laws. It was simply property purchased on a land contract and the original owners were foreclosed. Because there was a second investor, Santa Barbara Savings of California would not "deal"--and suggested these ones go to the public sale which is routinely performed on foreclosures and it would allow clearing of the title -- the rest is history. Ex­cept that Santa Barbara Savings is now in the hands of the Government for failure.

    The important information asked at mandatory depositions were things like, "Do you know your children's birthdays?" and a requirement to list them. Moreso, "Did you, Mr.____ , know your ex-wife's birthday'?" This at $200 plus, per hour! You have trouble, little ones--real trouble!

    In other words, that right which disappears is that of trial by jury. Instead, as defined in Article VIII on the Judicial Branch, a presiding judge may de­cide whether a trial is to be of the investigatory or adversary type. An investi­gatory trial is the type used, for example, in the Soviet Union: you are pre­sumed guilty and must prove your innocence before a panel of judges. If an adversary trial is chosen, the judge is to decide whether there is to be a jury and how many jurors there shall be. There is no provision to prevent your jury, if any, from being a jury of one, who, as easily as not, could be your bitter enemy.

    As for how you might wind up in court in the first place, the section on "Rights" provides that "Searches and seizures stall be only on judicial war­rant". Now, that sounds reassuring, until you discover that nowhere in the new constitution are there any criteria given for the issuance of a judicial war­rant. In other words, it is totally arbitrary.

    The practice of religion is said to be "privileged". That is not the same as freedom of religion, legally. A right is something which cannot be revoked. A privilege, however, is something you hold only at the pleasure of the govern­ment, which can revoke it at will. For instance, at present, it is a "privilege" to voluntarily file an income tax form. Everything they do within the IRS is unlawful--it is however, not illegal. Everything the government does is "legal" even if unlawful, and you had better begin to recognize the difference or there will soon be no difference.

    Consider the matter of property rights. Their new constitution states "No property shall be taken without compensation". But it does not say "just" compensation. The omission of that one little word "just" -- after over 40 drafts -- cannot be accidental, my friends. It would permit the government to seize your house, give you $1.00, and say, "We gave you compensation." Frightening? Oh, I sincerely do hope so!

    The preoccupation with declared emergency is prominent with respect to rights. In Article VI of their new constitution, the reasons and procedures for declaration of emergency are prescribed. Among other things, it states that emergency can be declared for no better reason than "if an extra-ordinary ad­vantage be anticipated". It does not say advantage to whom, but obviously it means advantage to the government or the Presidential branch. It has already been utilized and tried out on you ones and you raved approval--how about the invasion of Panama??????

    Observe that Article I of their constitution says that freedom of expres­sion, of communication, of movement, of assembly and of petition are abridged in declared emergency. Peaceful public gatherings to discuss public issues may also be interrupted or denied. Writs of habeas corpus are also suspended in declared emergency, which means you could be locked up and held indefinitely without the preferring of any charges.

    With respect to the so-called "Responsibilities" defined in their new consti­tution, the potential dangers tend to be more subtle: "Each citizen shall par­ticipate in the processes of democracy, assisting in the selection of officials and in the monitoring of their conduct in office." Several points even in this one sentence would merit comment, but simply consider the word "shall". This is a command--and then go back and reread the Protocols. You shall participate. Not that you have the discretion to participate. And if you do not do so, you are violating the most basic law of the land, the new constitution. Compare the constitutions of all communist-led countries, also.

    The Newstates are simply puppets of the federal government. "If govern­ments of the Newstates fail to carry out fully their constitutional duties, their officials shall be warned, and may be required by the Senate on the recom­mendation of the Watchkeeper, to forfeit revenues from the Newstates of America." You have no doubt already heard of various cases in which certain localities have been forced to forfeit their revenue sharing funds because of failure to comply with federal "guidelines", so-called.


    Consider now the counterpart of your executive branch, which in the new constitution is simply called "The Presidency". The President is a "strong man", able to call all the shots. He is to serve for a single term of 9 years. You may have noticed the "single term" idea popping up lately; and even the 9-year length has been suggested by some in print and speech. Their secret new constitution is the source of that idea, dear ones.

    There are also two Vice-Presidents (it has already been put into play in Panama--remember--"the two vice-presidents were taken" (in the "coup") just last week, while "the President (Endara) was somewhere in America!" Then, your President pronounced it all a hoax and the incident immediately banned from all news releases of any kind on the basis (secretly) of "national security". One VP is designated for "General Affairs", first in line of Presidential succession in case of disability; the other designated for "Internal Affairs" and second in line. There are detailed provisions for Presidential and Vice-Presidential disability, with appointment playing a key role as in your present 25th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Note especially that Section 5 of Article V provides that "Candidates for the presidency and the vice-presiden­cies shall be natural-born citizens." The key word here is Candidates. All a foreign-person need say is, "I am doing nothing to become a candidate"; or, "I said I was not a candidate"; or, "I am not even a candidate, so therefore I can­not remove myself as a candidate for the vice-presidency"; or, "I am out to support the President's programs, how can I remove myself when I am not on it..." Under this section, therefore, a foreign-born person could well become president (and it is all carefully planned to produce exactly that result) once he is nominated by a president, in the event there is an office vacancy in one or both of the vice-presidencies, followed by succession when a president be­comes disabled for any reason. This is the very reason the Presidential Advi­sors are ever so much more powerful than any of the Cabinet members! And guess who has headed the Advisor list until just recently! Now he is indepen­dent and is even more dangerous than ever--yes, dear ones, Mr. Kissinger.

    A provision which exemplifies the power of the president is "Treaties or agreements with other nations negotiated under the President's authority shall be in effect unless objected to by a majority of the Senate with 90 days." PAY ATTENTION! URGENT! THE TRILATERALS AND BILDER­BERGERS ARE MEETING RIGHT NOW TO DECIDE WHICH TREATIES WILL BE SIGNED AT THE UPCOMING SUMMIT!!!!!!!!

    Here is a pattern which permeates the new constitution, wherein all sorts of actions take effect unless objected to by a majority, instead of resulting from positive approval by a majority. This even applies in the matter of con­stitutional amendment, in which amendments generated by the Judicial Branch take effect unless turned down by a majority of the people. Well, the people never hear about these things already and no-one is told purposely in Congress, so 90 days pass and zilch is done. Automatically you have new con­stitutions, laws, etc., and you never even know it until you are placed under ar­rest or undergo search and seizure which you thought was illegal. "Whoops" simply doesn't cut it, friends.

    Under the Presidency, there is also to be a new official called the "Intendant", whose powers are potentially those of the commander of a na­tionwide Gestapo. The actual working, of course, sounds relatively mild to the unwary. The danger lies in what is not said and the limits that are not im­posed. He is to supervise offices for Intelligence and Investigation, as well as an Office of Emergency Organization. His role here reflects a preoccupation with emergency that crops up again and again throughout the new constitu­tion. The word "emergency" appears 13 times in the new constitution; it does not appear even once in your present Constitution. Constitutional provisions for declaration of emergency, of course, have been used time after time in re­cent years to terminate freedom in other countries, and preparation and se­cret usage is in full force in your country. Note the Banking Emergency Reg­ulations which we have already shared with you readers.

    The Intendant is also given the authority to charter tax-exempt founda­tions or corporations that are "determined by him to be for useful public pur­poses". There is no check whatsoever on his authority to do this. This only re­flects the unbridled authority of the President himself under the new constitu­tion, however. It does not provide for accountability of an unscrupulous President.

    Their constitution gives the President all the tools he needs to establish unchallenged authority during the transition period from our present to the new constitution, as described in Article XII. This open invitation for him to assume any and all powers he deems appropriate speaks for itself.

    Furthermore, with respect to the replacement of present governmental functions by those defined by their constitution, "The President shall deter­mine when replacement is complete." Since only the president is given this power, there is really nothing to prevent him from freezing the process part­way through, for example, after abolishing our present Congress and before appointing the new one. It is very possible that these two very short passages are the real crux of their secret new constitution. But just to round out the President's guarantees of invulnerability, their new constitution also affords a remarkable license to lie in Article IX. Of the three exceptions noted therein, "treason" is of no force and effect, since it is nowhere defined in the new constitution. Now, do you still question who are your "treasonists"?

    Given the power of the President under the new constitution, the rest of the government would really have only whatever status their President al­lowed it to have. However, the Legislative Branch would consist of a Senate and House of Representatives, as now. But there the similarities end. Sena­tors would no longer be elected at all; instead they would be hand-picked ap­pointees of the President, plus former Presidents and Vice-Presidents, and would serve for life. The House of Representatives would have 400 members, but there would be only 100 congressional districts. Each district would elect 3 representatives who would serve for 3-year terms. These would be expected to compete with one another instead of speaking with one voice; so this device would effectively undermine local representation at the national level. There would also be 100 representatives elected "at large" from the nation as a whole instead of individual districts. The "at large" members would form the backbone of what little is left to the House: they would serve for 9-year terms, and would be the ones eligible to become committee chairmen.

    The Judicial Branch would be presided over by a Principal Justice, chosen by the President's hand-picked or rubber-stamp Senate. He would be a judi­cial "czar", controlling the entire judicial system of the nation with the aid of a Judicial Council and Judiciary Assembly. The Judicial Council would be the originator of all constitutional amendments and would have the duty to con­sider amending their constitution to legalize unconstitutional steps taken by the government from time to time and at random.

    The Regulatory Branch is foreshadowed by many current developments. But the most notable feature of this Branch, aside from its grip on the nation's enterprises generally, is the blessing given to cartel arrangements called "Authorities". It states, "Member enterprises of an Authority shall be exempt from other regulation." But as for the "little guys", who do come under the government's regulation, it says, "Nonmembers shall be required to maintain the same standards as those prescribed for members". The "Standards" pre­scribed would be those agreed upon by the cartel members and nonmembers would not be allowed even to exceed those standards if they wanted to do so for competitive reasons.

    The Planning Branch is foreshadowed by the increasing clamor for "economic planning" by the present Domestic Council of the White House and by the national land-use planning legislation. It would consist of a 15-member board appointed by the President. They would prepare 6-and 12-year plans and budgets to reflect the desires of the President, who would submit the budgets to the House of Representatives for their rubber-stamp approval each year.

    The Electoral Branch is also on its way piecemeal, through public fi­nancing of election campaigns, quota systems, and now the newly operational Federal Election Commission, whose regulations do not apply to the present vice-presidency office...

    Under their new constitution, there is to be an electoral "Overseer" in charge of the Electoral Branch, chosen by the President's hand picked Senate, and he is to "supervise the organization of national and district parties, ar­range for the discussions among them, and provide for the nomination and election of candidates for public office." All electoral processes are to be paid for out of tax money; and no party can run candidates if it is not "recognized" by the Overseer. There are quota systems for apportionment of public funds that clearly would help drive out small parties and tend ultimately toward a one-party system. Furthermore, the Overseer is to monitor, supervise, and regulate the election process completely. All the power necessary to convert elections into a meaningless exercise is provided the Electoral Branch under their secret new constitution.


    Now sit quietly for a moment and PRAY! Ask the Divine God Creator in in Light to sit with you--and then, please, get furious, panicked, angry and get ready to ACT! I am accused of giving you no hope? I am accused of doom and gloom! IT CANNOT GET ANY GLOOMIER OR MORE DOOMED THAN THIS! HOPE? ALL YOU HAVE IS HOPE! With action ap­propriately manifested, you not only have hope, you have recourse. That is, if you stop your dallying about which "channel" approves "who" and "who's Ha­tonn is who's" and "Who's Sananda might or might not be THE real Jesus Sananda". HE COMES FORTH TO SHOW YOU THE WAY AND BRING TRUTH! HOW MANY WILL HEAR--IN TIME? SO BE IT.

    I can only observe that their secret new constitution is not new at all. It is actually a prescription for the oldest kind of government of all: one-man rule. It is the slippage backward into the bad old ways of the past that you have seen increasingly during your brief lifetime, brought about by increasingly ignoring your own Constitution, which is still the newest idea in government. It is all a planned and carefully laid blueprint for the ending of freedom for you the people". You better study those Zionist Protocols and Plans most carefully, my brothers, for in many instances, it is already too late.

    You have celebrated your 200th anniversary as the rebirth of your nation---or was it the death of your free republic? Your Constitution was the product of distilling the experience of 5,000 years of civilization. Only slightly over 200 years old, it is still practically new -- especially since you have not used it much lately. If God would grant you the option of doing so at this late hour, there is truly a new start you can make with full confidence in the results---but an additional 14 years have passed since that anniversary. You had better closely look at that which has transpired in just those

    14 years. You are out of time, my friends.

    The new start is to pick up your present, unique Constitution and demand that it be again utilized in every component--in every detail. Demand the ceasing of the raping of your "Justice System" and all of your freedoms. Stop the bribery and purchasing of your political representatives. If you would de­mand use of, and use yourself, your Constitution, it would be the first time in your lifetime that this has been done.





  2. #14
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 14

    Transcription of an audio tape recorded at a small gathering May 2, 1990. Dharma, scribe of the Phoenix Journals, had been very upset during the morning. Fifteen minuutes prior to the beginning of the meeting a news re­lease from CNN reported a Coup in Panama. Since then there appears to have been a news blackout regarding Panama.

    This Satanic letter and appended material was sent to George Green in a bla­tant attempt to stop him from publishing the Phoenix Journals. This is an ex­ample of Zionist/Satanism at work.


    May 2, 1990 11:35 A.M. Hatonn

    Greetings Commander

    I come in Light.

    Thank you.

    Dharma has known since she got up this morning that it is a very urgent day. I hate to use two by fours across your cranial cavity. You could very well he in the middle of nuclear war 3 by night fall. An incredibly serious impasse has been achieved in your Panama Canal area. What you will hear is not what has taken place.

    I have a tendency to bypass my own security measures and you will please be patient with me for I have much to do this day, but I will tell you now there is nothing more important than the peace of mind of you ones.

    As we ready ourselves to begin to pen the information that regards the Zion­ist-Jewish persons that have infiltrated into your government the bombard­ment is going to get worse here.

    You are hostage, and I may not do anything about it. I speak of your country.

    While Mrs. Bush hugs and kisses babies with AIDS in an orphanage, lies go forth. Mr. Endara is somewhere in your United States and I will not divulge his location.

    Both of the Vice Presidents of Panama are in incarceration in the coup. There are two cosmospheres sitting above the Panama Canal, daring. There are at least six missiles, anyone of which could wipe out Panama, ready, aimed and waiting to be fired depending on what your nation does.

    The backup forces are all along the coastline in Central America; Peru is in an active state of rebellion. You see the United States and Great Britain tried to dink around in their election. They have already been at war with you be­cause you sent your ships and you sent your planes into Peru and those people turned down the politician puppet that the United States had sent.

    Great military forces are lining up on either side. You can expect anything. The reason I say to you that you can expect anything is because they are adamantly denying it out of Washington, so you can be sure.

    The Panamanians are angry. Over ten thousand of their people killed in what you ones have called a little invasion and the Israeli Zionists are up to their eyes in it. Absolutely up to their eyes in it. They're getting ready to take over Jerusalem, friends. You are in the final days of your countdown. Whatever information you are getting is the big B word.

    There is a terror campaign going on about your planet unmatched in all of the history since the creation of your planet.

    The Zionists have been working on their temple aided and abetted by the Christians who want that temple up because they say that brings the second coming of the Christos. That until that temple is operable that will not hap­pen. So, while you have the ones hiding behind the Greek Orthodox Church who has just sold-out to the Jews who have now occupied the building in Jerusalem in the Christian Quarter, they are ready to go to war, too. They've already brought armaments in and stashed them in that building. It has nothing to do with religion. I did not even need to say that. You know that.

    They have all of their artifacts ready to begin their Jewish "Orthodox sacrificial services" again, their rituals. They've now finished gathering up or re‑making all of the items necessary for their altars and for their sacrificial altars.

    Just as with the passage of time they have done a little investigating and they find they're off with their own predictions of exactness. They find now, my friends, they don't have to build that temple at the Dome of The Rock exactly, but it means they almost have to have a mutual wall some three feet distance from the wall of the Dome of The Rock Temple Mosque.

    The Zionists are getting ready to take Jerusalem.

    Every uprising that you have had where there have been any guerilla activities whatsoever the Jewish Mossad have trained the troops, including your own. They have no loyalties. The very nicest thing that could happen would be that the United States and Russia go to war, then they wouldn't have to pull this off.

    I want you ones to come to your own conclusions. I have to be honest with you, Dharma is so confused in her consciousness that I have great difficulty getting through. If she had respond immediately to me when I first called this morning, but it became a discussion of things and then she doesn't know which way to turn and I'll tell you something else, friends, when the news is bad she turns me off. It is the most human of all responses. Don't tell me this Hatonn, I don't need another thing. So we walked on the hill and we picked the flowers and I still could not touch her. She would not hear me.

    I gave you ones signs and you chuckled knowing full well that's what they were. That computer was set to go off the first time she pushed the save but­ton she'd be hit with a beam. I'm sorry, we couldn't let it happen

    We're getting into material now, friends, that is very serious. There is no mercy in the Zionist-Jewish community, none. We're talking now about a thirteenth tribe known as the Khazars. They've infiltrated every quarter of your government and information has been written, but they know the truth is coming from here. They monitor everything that goes on here.

    Dharma is uncomfortable about going to Los Angeles, rightfully so. She knows they have got her targeted.

    There are a string of cosmospheres, some seven in strategic locations along
    the San Andreas fault. If they blast the Panama Canal they will blast the fault.

    Now what else can I tell you to make your day happy? I am sorry that Charles got away.

    You can not live in fear, fear ,renders everyone totally helpless, but neither do you play into the hands and foolishness. These are the probabilities of change that you have to understand that we can only predict. We cannot definitely say anything. This was a very secret military move and I believe now that you understand the mechanism of Guyana. You can understand that which I tell you. You don't know what is going on, you have no idea what is going on in your world. Even when you are told you don't know what is going on. If they blast the San Andreas fault it will trigger so many things that I can't even out­line them here. You already have activity. You already have a steady beam system being beamed into the fault lines. You have a row, if you will--does that mean what I'm trying to express (lined up)?--(Audience Yes.) Craft, spheres, along the deep fault in your mid Pacific. They would probably trigger that first because that would disrupt and would cause tidal waves. That is the rift, the major rift in the Pacific Ocean floor.

    Lemuria is rising . They know Lemuria is rising. They know that there are at least three domed underwater cities already populated and they hover above them. You see the full length of that rift is not volcanic. It's much like a fault line and a volcanic fault line. As the volcanoes are erupting and spreading the plates in many areas you get an upthrust, some you simply get pillow lava formations as the lava cools. These are great depths, but basically what is happening is that those are the areas where it is releasing the pressure of the upthrust. The intent would be to trigger complete unrest with particle beams that would disrupt that fault line first. That way they could better control and you would not have massive movement of your entire planetary plates, but only the Pacific plate.

    That could very well take out Japan. It would only damage somewhat Aus­tralia because Australia is not on the Pacific plate. It's rubs against it a little and that's off shore.

    It would wreak havoc with all of the system up along your western South American coast, Central America and give you trouble, quite frankly, all the way into the Sedona area, all portions of old Lemuria of which this is a part and so are the four corners areas, parts of Central America and Peru. This is the way these places were formed, friends, and now technology is sophisti­cated enough upon your planet to pull it off.

    Son, you will look. I believe you have a hawk.

    Oberli: I believe so too.

    We'll have to be ridiculous about the birds. Life is very similar in the bird world to life in the real world.

    I'd never get back here if that hawk got that Oriole.

    If you see one yellow feather, Oberli, you'd better hide it.

    Where was I? Back into some mundane thing about nuclear war, I believe. Audience--Peru????

    It's a heavy day in these spheres. This is why we've come, to monitor. This is why you are here, to be ready, and your consciousness says, "I can't handle it. It's too much; I can't believe it." Believe it and pray, you need more time. In your perception of time we need more time.

    The greed of man is so incredible that every time Germain gets things worked out they get to the final issuing of funds and the confounded greed gets so big that both sides lose for lack of being able to negotiate. Your world has gotten to the point they no longer even wish to build projects, they want to only make money on money and everybody wants it all and I m talking billions of dollars.

    I would take some inquiries. I'm distracted, I'm sorry.

    Ed, were you aware of anything on Panama?

    I? The result of the news was that the two Vice Presidents were "caught and in custody" and this guy that's in the United States, Endara, was with Bush making a little chat. That's all I heard.

    Hatonn Yes, it was on just a minute ago. Not very much, just exactly what Ed said.

    Al: They were talking about, the last day or two, about Bush was mad at Congress because they won't release the funds to help Panama or something to that effect.

    Oberli: That sounds like a contest between Bush's faction and the Zionist fac­tion.

    Hatonn: Ah so, were getting some reasoning, continue, you ones have all the answers.

    Oberli: Congress is owned by the zionists. Bush is a Rockefeller conspirator.

    Al: Pulled the puppet out and they've got him up here now.

    Hatonn: Got him into safety didn't they?

    Oberli: Yes.

    Al: I heard about week before last or last week, we set up or we're going to set up a training ground down in Peru for I forget how many battalions. In other words we are taking over Peru. I don't know whether it is the Zionists or the Bush part, but they were American troops.

    Hatonn: Well, you see while nobody was looking, now they've got your ships along that coastline. They managed to do right under your nose exactly what they started out to do and got caught off Columbia, so they turned all of the ships around and send them back home and the minute it quiets down they go off again. Do you know where your aircraft carriers are? Do you know where your nuclear submarines are?

    Al: They haven't talked about it that I know of.

    Hatonn: So they haven't have they?

    Al: No information at all.

    Hatonn: Do you see how difficult it is?

    I have to say a few things here because I have to allow Dharma to hear them from me. She cannot go into the room and trust what she receives. She came to Oberli and she said, "We're going to have a meeting or I'll do it myself or something, there's something wrong. He suggested do it yourself, it will be faster. This is not to be obnoxious to Oberli. It is just that when her con­sciousness is so disturbed she cannot get through and she does not hear me. She doesn't trust what she hears. That's why we had to have the tape. I had to get herself aside. She wants to participate. It's her life. It's your life. For the first time she sensed the terror that comes with having a machine gun aimed at her. She's been able to resist that for a while, but you're playing with the devil now. So far you've been playing with the puppets. You stand toe to toe with the devil this morning. At some point the truth of the Journals come out. It is not that any one portion, save the counterfeit money and probably what I'm telling you right now, has not been known and published by someone somewhere and they've been shut up.

    I'm not going to tell you ever whether or not you are the only ones publishing this material or amongst many. I have told you that information will come in a major way from seven locations as protection. I did not say it would come in a comprehensive lump, that there would be many or one. I want no one dwelling upon it. As you go through the literature available you will find fifty books uncovering UFO escapades. I could sit here and name the various au­thors. Why do you think that suddenly ones such as Bill Cooper would want to sue Dorma? Why do you think so many in "the New Age movement" and the UFO movement send the books back and try to get George to stop print­ing them? Because it's going to put them all out of business and Dharma says, "My God, I won't have anybody that's not my enemy." Right, and I have to re­mind her she sat in this chair with most of you present when we said if you step over this line my child there is no going back. Please everybody remem­ber that and she made her choice and she does not wish to change her choice but she feels responsible. Her choice does not mean everybody else has to go down that primrose path. So that remains everyones and each ones decision, always forever and ever, Amen.

    And in each day there is a new decision. "Well, if I stop now I won't have the Zionists pissed off at me." Oh yes you do, my child, but where the Zionist Jew works the hardest so is God and there will not be another crucifixion of a Christos. That does not mean that there won't be plenty of murder of the Christians, but it will not be as it was and that is the promise of God. Right­fully so, a small handful of you very human beings look and say, "Not me, Fa­ther, you know I don't understand this. I'm willing to do whatever it is you want but we can't be that important." Yes, you are that important. I don't know how to tell you that you are that important and yet you will be given your freewill choices right along with all other entities created by God upon your placement.

    You must not work in fear. Have a healthy cautious respect for the terror you feel. It will keep the light about you. It will keep the light about you because every time you have a little twinge of terror you also say, "Oh God" and it's there. The shield is there. We don't have many ways that we can reach out and hit you. You have watch the clues.

    It was well proven to you this morning. We could not allow you to fix the computer as simply as that, but it was realized from the moment that it was turned on that there was something the matter with it. Somebody had done something to it. It worked in perfection yesterday, why would it not this morning? This does not mean that you do not go ahead and fix a mechanical object. It does mean pay attention. You are moving into very heavy times. The point is your perception should not change from day to day. The birds sing, the flowers bloom, the sky is blue and the secrets are magnificent. I can not tell you all of this. I can suggest that I don't want Dharma in Anaheim. I do not believe that you need that particular course. It would give a great deal more comfort to have you right here and I don't know that Charles needs to spend $500 of his money to go to that course. Do we know how to get him?

    Oberli: Yes. I could find him later tonight.

    Hatonn: I would not like to interfere with his journey because he needs the visit with his family. As I analyze it, I see safety but you know it's going to split right through that area. Give me some of your Earth names.

    Oberli: He's in _____.

    Hatonn: In the Angeles Forest. That split goes right along down through what you call Lake Hughes. Am I correct?

    Oberli: Yes, and through what's called The Devils Garden.

    Hatonn: Well, it's going to shake at _____.

    Oberli: Yes, it's just five miles or maybe seven. Does everybody know where Mount Wilson is? It sits above Los Angeles on the highest part of the Angeles Crest Mountains. Highway 2 that goes across the crest of the mountain to Wrightwood and the fault line is probably within a mile of Wrightwood. It might he right down Main Street. I remember right. I think that the fault is really what causes the little valley that Wrightwood is in.

    Al: Charles has a sister there?

    Oberli: No, his daughter. George is planning to drive up tomorrow morning, early, and then he and Desiree were considering going to the Anaheim meet­ing, also, and Chris and LeRoy just called a few minutes ago and said that they wanted to set up a corporation. What did I think about them going to Ana­heim meeting? Sounds like that this is not a good time to be in Anaheim.

    Hatonn: No, it is not.

    Oberli: Will it be several days before the Panama situation clears one way or another?

    Hatonn: I can't tell. Oh, it's going to be several days. Perhaps I misunder­stand your question. What you are wanting to know if it's going to be safe down there in a few days? I'm not going to tell you that. As long as those cosmospheres sit above that fault line it's not safe and they show no signs of withdrawing. They know they've got the power, my friends. They've got the last word. As a matter of fact they've got the last word for your planet. You have nothing that can knock them out because in the mere destruction of them triggers the beam. They've got you until you come up with something more clever. The only thing they don't have is the ability to get rid of us.

    Oberli: I have some confusion because we can recognize two factions, but the Russians have not-- they have alignments with the Rockefeller cartel from time to time but not consistently. As near as I can tell and it appears that we have a three way proposition going now. You've got the Zionists on one hand and they are currently aligned with the Bolsheviks so that's the Zionist-Bolshevik group, the Rockefeller Cartel group, and then the Russians. They have the cosmosphere. They have the power yet we don't feel, I don't feel where their alignment is. At this point it must be opposite the Zionists.

    Hatonn: My dear, it's where ever it is most convenient for them. They are the brains behind the entire thing.

    Al: You're talking about the Zionists?

    Hatonn: I'm talking about the Zionists, I'm talking about the anti-Christian "Bolshevik" government of what you call Soviet Russia.

    Oberli: The current government of Soviet Russia kicked out the Bolsheviks and they ganged up with the Zionists and took over the U.S. The Bolsheviks and the Zionists are together.

    Al: Who has the cosmospheres, the White Russians?

    Oberli: Yeah, White Russians. Bush and the Rockefeller gang have aligned themselves from time to time with the cosmospheres.

    Hatonn: Yes, they're trying very hard right now. Why do you think that he's being so lovely? Why do you think he's giving away Lithuania to the devil?

    Al: Well, I've always saw they are a bunch of Godfathers working together for basic things but fighting amongst themselves and killing off each other for their own self greed.

    Oberli: Let me turn the tape.

    Side 2

    Hatonn: From the time of your Biblical writings you should have pieced together your clues and realized that a major play will be made out of Syria. It says so right in your Bible. It's one of the truths. It will be Syrian in origin. Those poor little countries over there are aligning themselves up for any kind of defense that they can muster. We're talking about a lot of anti-Christian people, if you would know if it. This is the time of chaos. Basically everybody on your planet is anti-Christian in the true sense of the word. And the ones who wear the title spread across their forehead are usually the most lethal of all and the most ignorant -- the most deceived.

    You have to go all the way back to the beginning of a planet created, de­stroyed, reclaimed for Lucifer and then the story began to be changed and Lucifer told you how you'd be. When his name was changed to Satan you knew how it would be. The entire Bible--even the lies in the Bible--tells you exactly how it would be. He's the master Prince of Deceit and lies. You were told that before the ending of the cycle of the time of the age he would be given free reign on this planet. Little did you realize, did you, that it was that way from the beginning? You see, everything that you perceive within is go­ing to have to come without. You're going to have to look at everything that happens in your existence from the inner core without.

    As the Luciferian groups get kicked out of one place after another and sepa­rated from the presence of God--always they are given a place to experience--the scenario is so well written that you go through it. You see, Satan needs no new script--the old one works just fine. He needs no new script. He has learned that the man, Hu-man, created to experience, always will do es­sentially the same thing in mass--in mass consciousness. Individual players will change, individual intents will change but the mass of the human stream of experience will repeat and repeat and repeat and repeat.

    So the first thing that they have to get rid of in the Bible, for instance, is the possibility of anyone truly believing that one could re-experience although all logic would tell you that if you have a universal one entity creator without lim­its, He can do anything He wants. So the next obvious perception would be that He would not waste an experience of a soul fragment by putting it in a coffin and burying it in the ground to be lost forever. There would be no pur­pose in such a thing. What would be the purpose? And yet Satan comes and tells you all this and everybody eats it just like ice cream and it melts so sweetly and it goes right down.

    And then he tells you don't listen to the truth when it comes because it's a lie. So man puts his fingers in both ears, puts on his dark glasses, will not read, falls prey to a system that destroys an educational system where man even­tually will not be able to read and march so gently, sweetly right along behind. And when I project these things they come back to batter your humanness with all that doom and gloom. "Everything looks so bad I'm going to go back over there and hold my crystal and I'm going to do some chants and I'm going to do some aums and um's."

    The blessed in Brazil are going through reformation of their church and the precious little peasants crawling on their knees for miles to get to a holy altar only to get there and find it's no magic place. Somewhere along their crawling they missed God and at the end of their trail there's a man and some bits of metal and stone and they carry their statue in its glass sarcophagus of the Blessed Mother--and all along the way they miss Mother for a statue. Oh Je­sus wept, my friends, but it's an experience, it's an experience. The one who crawls must learn the man who stands at the end with all of that Light being focused upon him understands not the responsibility that he bears because washing your hands in a pot of water and saying, "I am through with this," doesn't cut it. Nobody is going to say, "Well, not my fault. It was Preacher Jones or Pope Paul's and I just did what I was told," anymore than the man in Vietnam that bashes in the head of a peasant in the village and kills a child.

    The forgiveness is there if he asks forgiveness, the responsibility is the same and yet God makes those...I don't know--I should not give you a new word. He gives you that leeway. If you're acting under orders and you don't know better, if you have a gun to your head panic comes--do I kill the child or do I have my own head blown off? Man screams out for his own salvation and there is no blame--God has no blame. God does not pronounce right or wrong. You meet Him in the final days and you know what was right or wrong and that's up to you but it's why young men go crazy because they knew and they know there is no excuse for the behavior--they went mad.

    Mass madness--your world is in mass madness and if one thing looks good the swarm swims toward that and in the light of day somewhere else looks good and the masses swim back to that. All the while they miss the truth that, lays in the middle--the simple truth. They're so busy swimming to God that they miss Him. The day you go back to the rituals in the Jewish church that so much as kills a chicken, you've had it. And I'm talking about public acceptance of sacrificial offerings, in a sanctified church in the name of God. How could a little lamb be killed to save yourselves? You've just gained one more by killing it. Better you kill it and eat it, thanking Grandfather for the service of food, than to kill it and offer it as your sacrifice for your sins.

    I would respond to any questions that you have. I really need to be at my duty.

    Oberli: I think we've heard your message about the Anaheim meeting. Are there any words of advice for George and Desiree?

    Hatonn: I see no point in those children going. They are being pressed for time. You must go about your life.

    With some care it will possibly be aborted. What has happened here is you ones have become sensitive enough that you know when something is amiss. Dorma simply gets to a point where she cannot function--she has become such a part of my beingness and she does not yet have the same ability to ac­quire the information and she cannot sort it. She can understand it as I sit here right now. She will come back, she will listen to the tape and it will be as if she's heard it for the first time. There is no ability to sort the true knowl­edge in the consciousness. You're not there yet nor is it wise that you be there yet but when there is disruption in the energy patterns, in the energy flow, she senses them and you ones will just simply have to be patient. She doesn't know what they are.

    These are things that I should not be--for your own security--really discussing and yet I'm put in a position where I cannot leave her dangle. It is going to be a time of changes almost from moment to moment as we move farther. What is appropriate for one hour may change before the next. You see, of all the things disallowed, the time of the coming is totally a no-no, even to the one coming. I've tried to explain that to you ones. Because of the energy patterns you are dealing with an energy that has all the power of a God short of being Creator and that is Lucifer/Satan. He has all of the power of a Christ, Jesus Esu Sananda. He does not have the ability--there is a difference in the ability and capability and power, friends. He does not have the power to create. He cannot go create a planet. The Light has the power to create--the darkness has the power to destroy, to bring into chaos and confusion. He has the same power of usage of the human mind as does the Lighted forces and the only real shield you have against this energy is the energy of God--which is the Light vibration frequency--stops it. Just as the shields that can now be put around the new submarines in your forces--both you and the Russians--there is a barrier, unfortunately it will not prevent penetration from the cosmic spheres and that particular type of beam but the Light shield will do it. The vibration, the actual plasmic shell That will form when ask for from the God Source--your mind, if you will--can focus that shell that will protect you and I would be open for suggestions. You tell me how to get this word to man. How do we get this word to man and make him hear? Satan's had a real head start, brothers. Our job is to keep some of you remnants alive.

    It's going to be a transition.., it's going to be--period. Our job is to do the very best we can to get the word to the four corners of this planet for information and it is up to man and you cannot go into the corners and bear the burden for every last person on the planet if you have done your job. It will not stop the weeping or the broken heart of the human entity. You ones are going to be so vulnerable and it pains me. I know the outcome--you don't. You can only trust and if human emotions are such that it is so overwhelming and you wouldn't be here if you were not here to help and to watch man slaughter each other is almost too much for you. And how can you turn it away when it's someone you love? Someone you've possibly birthed and they deny you and they fall into the cravass and you have to keep going? You have to keep going all the to the top of that hill. You can't lay that cross down. You have to allow ones to fall o the side lest too many be lost because you didn't get there and, yes, in the end, you'll simply be home. But you've chosen this route. You've chosen to gain this experience and you chose from such a much higher plane because you felt that your soul energy would be strong enough to bear it and here you are. It's not easy and you're not super-human, you're just human--given to all of things of the human. So be it.

    We all understand each other. That's why we're here--we have such an un­derstanding, such a oneness of purpose and thought--just different jobs--and it is confusing. It is a world of confusion...dense impact...confusion of energy completely surrounding everything being beamed forth. Look what they are doing with your fruit flies, for goodness sakes. They're being purposely in­troduced. Don't try to make reason out of it. There is no reason within it. Oh, there's reasons they're doing it but there is no reason. Two-thirds of a planet have to be wiped away and it will be done in very interesting ways. You're not going to be able to get enough, you see, with AIDS or through the drug programs. You're going to have to have a massive war and the facts are you sit on the brink of it continually. It isn't new today, just a few actions are different today, but you ones are becoming very intuitive about things--some­thing is wrong today--is what I get. Not quite right today. It is a beautiful day and my heart sings but there's something wrong today. The energies are not quite right.

    Well, the energies coming off this crystal are incredible today. You have a Command out here on full alert and this is a central navigation crystal and if it doesn't make your ears ring, there's nothing in this world that will. I have over a million ships in my own singular Command. You are blanketed out beyond your stratosphere--some within--at red alert to the extent that I have trouble getting a channel today--a circuit. That's how cluttered your airways are to­day. That's pure physics, that is not mystical nonsense. That's pure radio tuning against a very, very large silicon chip. You have enough power coming off of that crystal to blow your computer and all it takes is one or two ships in vibration frequency to both wipe out your programs or change them. It hap­pens this was deliberately done and not by me. I merely didn't let you finish fixing it because it wasn't fixed until you could over-ride that program.

    Well, it will settle down and you will be able to fix it. I would prefer however, that she read and basically stand by. I don't know that I would need another visit today. Oberli, I would quite frankly suggest that you call W. C., see what you can find out, urge him to urge them to make concessions. Do not give away any confidentiality, please, but you should touch with him. We're talking about over a billion dollars and we don't want to let it all slip away. There's no way to tell you it's going to be easy because it isn't. Perhaps a war is the least of your problems. The S. & L. mess is such a mess but I would tell you something funny. I don't know if I should...even my own humor is too much.

    Would you care to guess where the Resolution Trust Corporation is looking for help?--am I right, Oberli?

    Oberli: Yes.

    Hatonn: Plans to solve part of their major problems in funding? Would you care to guess?

    Al: Let me think about that.

    Hatonn: No, answer without thinking about it.

    John: Oh, through the banks, through security on "bum" loans.

    Hatonn: No. Closer to home, my friend.

    Al: Through, through.

    Hatonn: AH SO!!

    Al: JJ?

    Haronn: Now you talk about little coincidences? And how secure does that make you feel?

    What does that tell you about this world? Well, your pension program is just right there with three-quarters of all the weight of the body off of the edge of the cliff. It is hanging there with one finger nail. And what an interesting thing, you know, just moving back to what we discussed yesterday, let's lighten this off before I leave. I don't want to leave her with such a heavy load. Isn't it amusing that at the time of the hearing, when it began to get to be a real mess with this dwelling and Judge Brent, Mr. Cudd sent information along at the same time the house plans for this dwelling had been loaned to ones in Fresno. Now we're going to go back to court so Mr. Cudd sends some things by mail, the people in Fresno send the house plans back by mail only to find that the mail person who had contracted to deliver the mail in Golden Hills was not delivering the mail but instead burning it or stashing it in the closet--had taken the contract without even a vehicle to deliver the mail--and no one discovered it for weeks until the water bills didn't show up. Now this makes all the papers. Everybody has to re-send billings, for instance, but nothing ar­rived to anyone. So when this was made clear to the "court", part of the thing that the judge wants to thrust forth is that it sounds so real, you know, "Big deal. I'm sure everything was lost in the mail." Isn't it interesting that a tape recording was made of his big, blasphemous speech and now there is no tran­script and no tape? And they didn't even have an interruption in the mail ser­vice and worse yet, I am aggravated beyond belief that the attorney, Bill Hornback, signed away a paper saying both sides had been heard. No wonder Judge Brent can say in a public place, "I have never been overturned." He does not expect to be overturned because the very thing that made it possible to over-rule has now been taken away. So we're going to have to have a whole total collapse of the Santa Barbara Savings mess or those judges will go along with Jason Brent. That's why it's important it gets into the paper. You have no justice system. You have no truthful religious system. You have no truth­ful governmental system. You have no truthful medical system. It is truly murder by injection, rape of a justice system. You have been taken over by Satanic law and I believe that I would go on that note. Call me if you wish to communicate with me further. Salu. Yes, I am going to go. Let me spend a minute with her. Just continue about your day.

    PJ 14

    Clint D. Jedidiah Shalom Knix
    P.O. Hox 520 * 2396 Hy 93
    Victor, MT USA 59875
    4 Adar 42 Satan [3-1-90]
    George Green
    P.O. Box 4280
    Leucadia, CA USA 92024

    Shalom George;

    I heard you on the Billy Goodman Show. You are patsy for some God damned witch. These demons this woman is talking about and to are the beast. It's the height to
    stupidity to believe somebody wants to be kidnapped and implanted. You're just another false prophet. If you have a channel to these bastards, then you channel my material to them. You're so worried about nuclear radiation, you've got to ask yourself why. It doesn't hurt the planet. Plants are healthier and it doesn't hurt pure people. Only mongrels are affected.

    I am writing you to tell you what I have discovered, that will soon take place. The UN headed up by the USA and USSR will wage war with the UFO'S. they will fight with the ones who made a treaty with, their are four group's, Nathshaw [the dragon, head of all Japanese] Ephram [head of all Christens] Arie [head of all Jews] Asher [head of all Moslems]. The World powers have got it in their heads they can win in an armed struggle with these UFO'S.

    They have a vary unrealistic notion of the law TORAH that rules the Universe. As long as there UFO'S are in the creators service they will only do what they can get away with no more. When they are terminated from the Creators service they will not be restrained and they will do just as they have bin instructing their followers to do.

    We all know what they taught. Jesus taught cannibalism "take my body and eat it, and drink my blood you must do this on Easter every year or you have no part with me" this is in direct conflict with TORAH. You might say this proves nothing, This is not the only time there are many occasions where Jesus directs the people to eat blood and brake the TORAH. Just like all Black Magicians worship Jesus. Who do you think drinks the blood and why don't they ever get caught, The answer is simple they are in charge. Why aren't they thrown out by" the Creator you ask? Because they do not bother the "Pure People And THEY MAKE SURE NO ONE IS ABLE TO PROVE THEIR EXISTENCE, By what ever means possible they protect their Identity.

    When they are discovered the Creator will not allow them to exist without observance of TORAH. And they will be under the control of Satan.

    The 1,290 days of Daniel end on Yen Kippurim, 10 Tishrei 43 Satan, [9-28-90]. This will be the day of nuclear war. It will last for three days. From that day forward, the pure people will be resurrected and given a new status, a new body not attached to the Earth. While all those who have consumed blood will be banished from the face of the Earth. They will exist under the Earth in holes, caves and fallout shelters. The Earth will be made radioacrtive so they will be forced off of the face of the Earth. This is what's meant by separation. Nuclear radiation will only have a detrimental effect on those who worship the beast and his image. These hostilities can start any time after 1 Abib 43 Satan [3-27-90]. Only those males who have made Passover sacrifice will be resurrected to a God state.

    P.S. I curse you, George Green, and all your associates. Including the Paladians.

    Clint P. Jedidiah Shalom Knix
    P.O. Box 520 * 2396 Highway 93
    Victor, MT, USA, 59875
    10 Shevat, 42 Satan 12-5-90]copyright
    United Mongrels against TORAH
    UN Secretary General Javier Perez de Cuellar
    United Nations Plaza
    New York, NY, USA 10017

    Shalom Secretary General Javier Perez de Cuellar;

    SATAN is my name because my father is Seth. ANTI-CHRIST is my title because I oppose Jesus the Cursed. I promote the blood sacrifice of clean animals for the atonement of sin i.e. transgression of TORAH. I am totally opposed to Jesus the cursed, not only is he not anointed, he, Jesus, is the 6*6*6 Beast. 6*6*6 in TORAH is y WW pronounced Jesus in Spanish. Jesus was the King of Beasts, the head Jew. Jew worship known as Christianity, Islam and Judaism. This double speak that uses the name of Satan in the place of Judah. Judah is the wild beast and a curse is upon all those who take mv father's name, Seth, or my name, Satan, in vain. Judah worshipers are the false prophets and the wicked beast, Jesus the Cursed of Judah, are the dark skinned red eyed beasts. No one from Judah can ever be anointed. From this day forth anyone cursing me, Satan or Seth, my father or family will have that curse applied to their own family and person. If you mean Judah, then say Judah when talking about the Beast.

    The Bible is used to perpetrate Jewish myth. The word Bible in TORAH means "in total darkness" or you might say to obscure the truth. The Bible starts out as though man had just been. created and that first man's name was Adam and that his wife's name was Evil. And that this man, Adam, was thrown out of a luscious garden for eating the wrong type of apple. After awhile, God caused a flood to come and deluge the Earth with actual water and a man named Noah built a boat for himself and a zoo and they floated around for nearly a year. After some time, The God came down, crawled inside a woman named Mary and popped out like a Holy Jack in the Box. Now God was a man and killed on a cross for merely being God. This is Jewish mythology.

    The truth of the matter is the Creator made the Universe and He also made a group of spiritual beings in His own likeness. He made these beings as companions and friends. Since they were the first he called their name Adam, which translated from TORAH would mean "first and greatest" and it would be used to describe the genetic make-up of these beings. These beings did not occupy time and space as we know it but yet they were physical. They were allowed the complete Universe as their house, not restricted to crawl on the ground like the other beasts. The head of the Adamites who became very greedy and wanted to be like the Creator was influenced by the dragon, translated from TORAH Nachsha, to mingle the divine gift of the likeness of the Creator with that of the baboon. By doing this create a race of super slaves and then Adam, the man, would be a god as powerful as the Creator whom he despised. That is, in fact, what Eve means in TORAH, "beast". Now this man Adam had wives which were particularly suited to him and he was able to take wives from any other family except the Kof, sometimes translated monkey, which in TORAH means "from the center of the Earth", literally covered with darkness like dirt. He already had an inheritor by the name of Able. Able in TORAH meaning, "he was next in line to represent man before the Creator". But old Adam couldn't stay away from that dark stuff and he had sex with the beast, Eve and created Cain. Cain in TORAH means "likeness of the Creator given". This results in the spiritual death of Adam. He took the Creator's name in vain. Cain, like all jungle bunnies, was very jealous of those in the Creator's own image who had been given blue eyes and white skin and they were referred to as Semites because they resembled the blue of Heaven and the brightness of day, while the baboon resembled darkness of night. Well, Cain killed Able and then he mongrelized Able's wife by having sex

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    with her. This results in the people we call Japeth. Japeth today is known as the Japanese, at least one part of them. Able's wife cried out to the Creator to have mercy and the Creator made a promise to Able's widow that her son would become ruler over all the beasts. He would never ever be again allowed to rule over white skinned blue eyed people who are called Semites. So it is today, Japan is being put in the position as ruler over all beasts and having the title of Nachsha or dragon, as this was the desire of Able's father, Adam. That is where Japan is today.
    Now when the man Adam of the tribe of the same name, the Adamites disobeyed the Creator, he was effectively taken out of position and the High Priest, next person in line will be given his crown. And when he had a son, they called his name Seth meaning "justice will come in the end". This is where the term Satan comes from. The Beast, just like Cain, wants to kill all those who are in the Creator's own image. I'm talking about the Semites, those with blue eyes and white skin. Now the Creator has a law known as the TORAH. The basic premise of this law is whatever you do to others, will be done to you except in cases of divine intervention which only come about through blood sacrifice of clean animals. When the Creator saw Adam, the one with the baboons, he was doing what all mongrelizers do. He was hiding under leaves. Adam was a doper. These weren't fig leaves, they were marijuana leaves and cocoa leaves. The Creator passed judgment there would be seven days and seven nights and there would be no rest until the seventh day. Translated into English this means that there would be seven Semites and seven Cainanites but always for six of these periods of these ruling men there would be no rest for the white skinned blue eyed Semites as they would be under the rule of the Beast during these seven periods of purification. During this time those who are of good seed would be separated from all those who hated the Creator and wanted to be like the Beast. Now the law also calls for cleansing after the third period. It was at the time of the first period when all the Adamites were made to go on the ground like the Beast. In other words gravity overcame us and we were prisoners on the ground. Now this planet became totally overrun with the Beast until there was no one left with the exception of Noah and his three sons which represented all the life on the planet. Noah constructed an ark like the Creator told him to. It was round like a ball and resembled a gopher hole. Today we would call it a terrarium as it was self-contained even up to the point where it had two of all the unclean animals and seven of all the clean animals. It only had one entrance. When the Creator called for Noah and all the life to go into the sphere, actually the word in TORAH is called Kashet, Noah and his family and all the animals and beasts entered and the Creator shut the door and he floated it up out of the atmosphere by installing inside it a power source that created gravity and at this same time the Creator extinguished the power source inside of the planet and the planet's gravity began to disappear and some of the dirt from the planet attached itself to the ark which Noah had made. And the ark which Noah had made collected all the water from the dead planet on to it's surface until there was no water left on the old planet. The water was completely encompassing the ark which Noah had made. The Creator brought it on a journey across the Universe until it came to the planet, Earth. When the ark came into the atmosphere of the planet Earth, the Creator turned off the power supply in the ark and allowed all the water surrounding the ark to flood the surface of Earth and cleanse it. Many ancient civilizations were covered up as the result of the deluge created when the water was released from the surface of Noah's ark as life mainly exists close to water's edge. One example might be Atlantis.
    Noah and his family departed the ark along faith all the other beasts and animals. Noah was given complete control over the Earth with no interference from sorcerers. Sorcerers had to have Noah's permission. It wasn't long Noah planted a vineyard and harvested the wine and Noah's offspring, Ham, who was the father of all the Hamites, you may be more familiar with the term humans, but Ham simply means "animal" with no soul. Now Ham just like all animals used the opportunity to take wine to the wife of Noah and seduce her. That's right. The animal had sex with Noah's wife. How's that for gratitude? Noah was not impressed. He cursed Cain,

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    as that's what the son of Ham is called. Cain means "the likeness of the Creator given to the Beast". Noah's curse on Cain, the heir of Ham, states "Cain will be the slave of the pure people indefinetly and that he will not live among the pure people. He will be segregated". Cainanites which we know today as Jews, using alcohol to seduce the wives and daughters of the pure people. That's why they're called the wild Beasts. Also today they have changed the law of TORAH and the law that Noah made and made themselves equal and in many cases superior to the pure people, those with blue eyes and white skin that we call Semites.
    Now, what I didn't mention was that these evil Cainites had discovered all the secret technologies and they wanted to become like the Creator so they had built saucers to transverse the Universe. Even today they are referred to as sorcerers because they are their own gods. They obscure the Creator through their magic known as medicine and technology and sciences, etc. Anyway these sorcerers run up and down the Universe as the nephilim that they are and they want company in their hatred of the Creator so they invent creatures like Rosh, and Jesus. These so-called aliens who are sorcerers and haters of the TORAH created Jesus through their genetic engineering and manipulation through the Jews by use of the Bible that these sorcerers designed and wrote to deceive all those who secretly hate the Creator. They use these mythical characters mingled with truth to deceive those who are weak and secretly hate the Creator and His laws of purity. Enough about these saucers so called flying discs, UFOs, aliens beings from other worlds. This is the mythology that has built up around these haters of TORAH.
    Anyway, when they got to planet Earth, they were here as well and the Creator had to run them away leaving only their baboons and other jungle bunnies but they were not allowed to return without permission from each individual or individuals family head. The Creator told Noah that he would put the ark in the sky for all to see and make it an intricate part of the covenant and all their days they would see it and it would be a reminder that the Creator would rescue those who fear His law. We all know the ark of Noah as the moon. But it is really a man-made object and the man's name who made it is Noah. Now the time has come when the Beast totally rules the world. Everywhere you look there are dark faces and dead eyes while white skinned blue eyed people are running amuck. They despise the Creator and they are attracted to the Beast we again have come to the time of the end.
    I am the son of Seth that makes me Satan and the enemy of the destroyer. However, I have come to the end of my struggle, We're in the year of release and on Passover this year will be the beginning of peace and justice. At that time I will be ruler of the Universe and the Beast will be thrown down to the ground. That's why we worship the seventh day, Shabbat, meaning that in the seventh ruler would come a white skinned blue, eyed person, a Semite, who would again rule the Universe and would not be under the great dragon, Nachsha. As of right now my being the head of Seth making me Satan, I ask that all who want to be part of a new covenant which I will make with you to do the following. You must take for yourself a lamb without blemish and on the fourteenth day of the first month in the forty third year of Satan, you must slay the lamb at dusk, taking some of the blood with clean straw mark the entrance to your houses and your yards. Then roast the lamb in one piece over a fire with all of it's entrails only the skin may be removed. Be careful not to break any of it's bones. Eat as much as you like making sure all the participants are circumcised. Do not leave any of the roast lamb until morning. If there is any left, burn it as a burnt offering. I realize that the Babylonians you live around will find this practice hideous and they may even try to burn you, but the Creator whom I serve will protect you from all those who live in baboon and [Babylon). For the next week following the Passover you must only eat pure foods. This means foods not containing yeast and clean, not containing blood or other genetic material. This means you will not be able to eat any fermented or leavened products and many other products use yeast or fungus as preservatives. The yeasts or fungus represent the baboons and how they creep into the pure white skinned blue eyed people and destroy them. All those who remain pure by eating only pure foods at the end of the seventh day will live while those who hate the Creator and eat products containing yeasts of all varieties will be put to death as they are worthless like the baboons they have become.

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    After this there is a matter of ten articles of the contract that you will be required to agree to. After this, you will be required to learn TORAH and to teach it to your children without fail. Failure to do any of these things will mean expulsion from the pure people and you will again be under the domination of the Beast, Nachsha who at this time is Japan as the Creator has kept His promise that He made to the wife of Able and now Japeth known as Japan will have total control over all the Beast, according to TORAH. Japan will however not be able to own land nor will they be able to take wives from the pure people for themselves as they have become judge over the wild beast and separate. The beast also will not be able to own land or to mongrelize the wives of the pure people. Failure to keep this law will result in the death of the beast physically. They'll only be subservient to the pure people. Now here is the covenant that I offer. It is the covenant of purity. The same Contract my father offered to me.

    Covenant, i.e. Ten Comandments

    I Worship only the Creator and do not worship Rosh or Jesus, Ham [humans], Jews, Cainan or any other beast as the creator.

    II Do not make museums or shrines for gods elected in democracies, republics or Communism, ideologies and to only accept those whom the Creator has chosen to represent Him.

    III The Creator will love all those who respect His TORAH and the Creator will destroy all those who violate His TORAH along with their families.

    IV The Creator will kill all those who take His name in vain. Anyone mixing with niggers, Jews, or other dark skinned red eyed beasts will be dead. This is the Creator's name and nature YHVH meaning "seperating the blue eyed pure people from the Kof, those from the center of the Earth".

    V There are five times each year you must observe seven different holy days set aside in reverence of the Creator.

    VI The sixth article is to do all your work in six days.

    VII To observe total rest on the seventh day, Shabbat Do not work for any Earthly needs nor allow anyone in your control to work on the seventh day.

    VIII Eight is to honor your parents. To procreate after your own kind, therefore keeping your parents alive as you're only an extension of your parents.

    IX Protect your women. Your women are your property and if you have no control over your women, you have no control over your own life and you're fit only to be a beast.

    X You must not allow a false prophet to exist in your borders. If any dark skinned people come, you must stone them and burn them as they come only to mongrelize, like all Cainanites or Humanites.

    I, Satan, am Yom Shabbat, the seventh day. And with me I bring true justice. What this means is for the last six days and nights, justice has been carried out in a vacuum by allowing those who violate the Creator's TORAH to be mongrelized by the Cainanites and the wild beasts therefore giving us no rest wondering whether our wives and daughters would be mongrelized by the Jews and niggers. I am Clint D. Jedidiah Shalom Nisek of Seth. Translated into English "Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace and of my rule there will be no end. This means that peace has come. Peace in TORAH is shalom. It does not mean conqueror rather it means adherence to the Creator's TORAH. And without doubt there will be peace.

    We will accomplish this first by making sure that everyone who is not already spiritually dead is taught TORAH. To know TORAH is to know life. Spiritual life that I speak of is not that of blood and guts that animals possess. Many of the people are caught in the middle between Heaven and animals. They haven't completely lost their desire or likeness of the Creator but they do not possess it at this time. We would say their light has been put out as their eyes have been turned to red while their skin still remains white and in Esau's case red. It is my task to separate those who are already dead spiritually from those who are alive. After this process is complete, judgment that is, all of those who contain spiritual life will be resurrected to being Shemites. They will have blue eyes and white skin as their ancestors did. None will be lost. By following the laws of the TORAH

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    the tzadaka i.e. righteous people, will be purified by the resurrection process called for in TORAH.

    Resurrection will take place of all who are found to be written in the Lambs Book of Life. The following will be required. A pure diet containing no genetic material or dung. An environment that contains no wild beasts, i.e. niggers, Jews, etc. All educational and entertainment material must conform to the purity of TORAH. TORAH simply means separating the beast from the pure people at the end, i.e. the beginning from the end. There is a gap in the middle between those who have retained Heaven and those who are covered with dung. It is my job to eliminate everything in the middle. If you want to be a wild beast, then that's what you will be. If you want to be a Shemite and you still are alive, that's what you will be. But we do not need niggers and Jews and other mongrelizers to judge us by default any longer. That judging will be done by me and I will be assisted by Japeth whose job it is to make sure that all wild beasts conform to laws of TORAH.
    I wish to make it quite clear that there will be no prisons. There will however, be slavery and corpral punishment and restitution. If a person has committed a crime that calls for the death penalty. then he will be killed. Stoned and burned. And the sun will not set on a condemned man unless it happens on Shabbat. There will be no judgment on the Sabbath day. Whatever happens will be put off until Yam Roshi, Sunday. If a person steals, he will be made to pay restitution plus. Most of these laws are easily recognizable in the Five Books that Moses wrote that are contained in a Bible. Of course, Bible meaning in total darkness, really means that about 90% of it's true and the rest is the exact opposite. It's not exactly totally wrong it's just written in half truths. Which in TORAH the word for truth is AMX. This means the beginning, the middle and the end. It takes all three to be true: I have no idea what less than that is except a lie.
    The court system will be open to all. There is no difference between criminal and civil. And lawyers will not be allowed. The reason that this system will work so completely is that all judges must pass before the Creator each year. If they are found to be liars and false judges, the Creator will kill them. This is divine justice. No one will be put to death except on the testimony of two pure people. They too will be required to parade in front of the Creator each and every year. If they are found to be liars, they will be put to death. Wild beasts, Jews, niggers etc. have no rights and cannot bring charges against the pure people. They are slaves or less. To the Creator these wild beasts represent the killers of those in the Creator's own likeness. They are nothing but dung.
    The medical community including all sorcerers must be put to death. This is a curse! This modern day medicine is the religion of the Beast. They allow mongrelizers whom the Creator has condemned to-death, to live. They do not live spiritually. They only possess animal life. There will be no peace until these sorcerers are eliminated. They are the gods of the Jews and niggers, etc. A curse in TORAH is the word Kul or Paul is the English translation, and the word means that the Creator will inspect that person by bringing them up close to the Creator. If that person has nothing to hide, they will be justified. If that person is found to be a liar, a deceiver or in any violation of TORAH, that person will be put to death. So when you speak of a curse in TORAH, it is merely an indictment. The Creator does the destroying through His destroying angels or other beasts. For me to be a judge does not make me executioner. My belief in divine justice enables me to rule the Universe with no army.
    Health and the physical body are the representation of the spiritual status. In other words, the physical body represents or is an extension of your spirit. Whatever you do as a spirit, is written on your body. If a person's face is disfigured in whatever manner or if they have lost limbs or hair or have scars, this all tells a story. This is the study of TORAH. Anyone who doesn't understand this is ignorant and knows nothing. Neo-Judaism separates the physical from the spiritual, can not be separated. We are genetic beings. Our genes are our book and our book contains every transgression of TORAH complete with our encounters with the beast, the eating of blood and even the hatred of our brother. So when

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    you walk down the street, you are an open book to anyone who understands TORAH. This is why you must learn TORAH and not be ignorant like the beast wishes you were.
    Money is a mere representation of the spiritual health of it's users. If you use pure money which is a means of exchange not unlike barter where your money would be made up of pure gold and silver and other commodities. The state of the spirit would be very good especially if it was used in a manner which allowed each individual to mint his won. This decentralized society would be a pure society. The other extreme is when that group of mongrels unite together and they print paper and call it money through a highly centralized banking system. Then that society is a mud race. We would call it Kof, at the center of the mud. No free people can exist with a highly centralized banking system or even a central banking system. Free people can only exist when money is true and pure and reflects their honest life. Any time you have mongrels they wish to centralize everything for great control. It's easy for a few wild beasts to control masses of people if they can control the land and the money. Then they need very little outside force to control their prisoners. This is what democracies and theocracies and republics and communism and dictatorships all have in common. They take the place of the Creator and His TORAH. All free people must arm themselves in order to protect their family from the wild beast. To kill a wild beast is not a transgression of the law of TORAH. Only when you kill a person with blue eyes and white skin would it be murder. Everything less is less restrictive. To kill niggers or Jews is no different than killing any other unclean animal. I know in the society we live in they have been placed higher than the pure people but his will not remain.
    Now this covenant I will make with all the descendants of Abraham. Abraham found favor in the Creator's eyes and Abraham, father of all beasts, was promised that his descendants would be numerous as the grains of sand and that's true. Abraham's descendant is Esau. We call him China today. All the red skinned people are the descendants of Abraham. Abraham is the father of all the Arabs and Abraham is the the father of all the white skinned people who do not possess blue eyes. These are the three groups of people that Abraham fathered. Plus the fact by the use of the TORAH he saved my father, Seth, from extinction. And of course, those who look upon the Creator's TORAH with favor are always rewarded. Abraham's reward will be that these three groups will be resurrected and to again possess blue eyes and white skin. They will again be Shemites as this process nears it's completion, the gap between the dark skinned and white skinned peoples until it becomes very wide. Eventually these three tribes will be resurrected and we will again not occupy time and space nor go on our bellies like a snake. But the Universe being the way the it is, the Beast will become less and less or more negative as we become more positive. Then the end of the Universe will come and it will be thrust into a black

    THE LAST BEST WAR * * * * * *
    BEGINS 1 ABIB 43 SATAN [3-27-90]
    You are about to meet your maker! The Creator's Angels are those in UFO'S you know the Flying Saucers that the Governments of the world say don't exist. They obviously do exist. Not only that but they have an agreement with the Governments of the world, but the Governments of the world have decided to unilaterally break their Treaty with these Angels (UFO'S) and to fight them in order to form a unified one world Government.

    This plan does not take into account that the Creator is in total control. This world that we know of is only a test to see who will and who won't keep the Creator's TORAH [the law of purity that controls the Universe]. This physical world we live in is the ultimate test of loyalty. Every spirit claimed truth yet now I can only find handful who even know what I am talking about.

    The people who worship the animal life are due for their own destruction. Doctors are their gods, anything to prolong their animal life. They do not know or care that all disease and injury to their body is designed to make them obey the TORAH. There are no accidents, cause and effect, YES! Sorcerers known as Doctors only can prolong animal life and in the process kill the spirit. Many of those who have been saved by sorcerers now have a demon in their body. The sign of this is facial features distorted. The eyes are not the same, they are unlevel, one higher than the other. These People cannot keep their head held up straight. They have to look at you sideways and they move their heads from side to side but never straight up. Another sign is they speak out of the side of their mouth and their face is distorted, one side does not match the other. These are signs of warning to you, they are not accidents. All disease is warning to get back to TORAH. All sorcerers must be eliminated.

    Drugs seem to be on everyone's mind today. The government here in the United States has used the drug hysteria to declare martial law. Drugs do not perpetuate themselves. The cause for drug abuse is that people are desperately trying to escape their own reality. Escapism is only the symptom of a deeper problem. The problem is that these people have lost their soul through fornication with the beast and
    Continued on the other side

    their conscience tells them this over and over and over again, that they have lost their purity and are doomed to live as niggers on the Earth. George Bush helps these boys and girsl even back as far as 1969 through Zapata Oil Company, George Bush was importing drugs on to the oil platforms in the Gulf of Mexico and then on to the mainland avoiding customs. George Bush knows a lot about the war on drugs but one can not catch ones self. Aren't you proud of George Bush helping boys and girls obtain drugs to surpress their conscience? He's a real patriotic American.

    The religion of the United Nations, which includes the United States is MITZREIM [Egypt] meaning both upper [pure people, i.e. blue eyes and white skin "simites"] and lower [mongrels, i.e. animal cross with pure i.e. "Hamites or Human"] are equal. This is the Abomination that causes desolation. This is the first of Ten Commandments! Violators of this commandment deserve death. For all the pure people you have destroyed through the mocking [i.e. democracy] of TORAH. The Creator's Law that rules the Universe. We now have come to a time when the world governments have given themselves one year to destroy the few pue people that are left. There are just one or two scattered here or there with the exception of South Africa. South Africa is the last stronghold of the pure people. All the rest of the pure people in the world are in slavery but South Africa is the last of the pure people that provide a united front against beastiality. However, their position isn't very good. They are surrounded by niggers and the niggers are being armed by the United Nations, both economically and physically. However, one prophet did predict that a large group of pure people would come out of Africa as a great memorial to YHVHthe Creator.

    1 Abib 43 Satan will find a great change in the Universe. The beast, Jesus with the number 666 will be flushed out of the sky from where he has been ruling the Earth for the last 2,000 years. He and his angels have come accustomed to eating blood. They will swoop down in their flying saucers and gobble up all the might men, the great men, the sorcerers, the mongrelizers, the money mongers, all those who do not have the seal of the living God. This will go on until 10 Tishri 43 Satan [September 28, 1990]. The 1,290 days of Daniel which began on March 31, 1987, will be complete on September 28, 1990. At that time there will be nuclear war and all those who eat blood and other genetic material which is also called blood, will have the A.I.D.S virus and they will all be destroyed by their own immune system as nuclear radiation places extra stress on mongrels. Add another 45 days to make a total of 1,335 will be completed the 11th of November 1990. I prophesied about this nuclear war a year ago not realizing the Christian calendar jumped a year. That's right. The Calendar is a lie just like Christianity is a lie. The UFO people created Jesus and they're responsible for all the mongrels so if you've put your hopes in the Beast, keep looking up ‘cause they're coming for lunch. This is the most exciting thing I've ever witnessed. The united mongrels of the Earth making war with the fallen angles, their buddies. The greatest thing you can hope for is that neither one have distinct advantage and they completely devour each other. We all know what Jesus taught. Jesus taught cannibalism, "take my body and eat it and drink my blood. You must do this every Easter or you will have no part with me." This is a direct order from Jesus. He also said, "when I return, we will have a great feast." Of course, he was talking about his enemies. He also directed his followers to eat blood and flesh with blood in it on many other occasions. This is in direct opposition to TORAH. What happens when you start eating eggs or drinking milk or cheese, you develop a desire for these blood products. Next comes blood eating animals, then it's a small step to cannibalism. We know from the facts that the creatures on board the UFOs eat people. There have been many documented cases of cannibalism and the drinking of blood and blood products. Who knows how many animals these UFOs have consumed. But the prize feast is the human. As I heard one cannibal say from Africa, people taste even better than pigs, more tender. Who would have thought it, the great connoisseurs of Christianity.
    Additional Information Write; Aryan Against Anti-Semitism
    c/o Clint D. Jedidiah Shalom Knix, P.O. Box 520, Victor MT 59875 (406) 642-3032
    copywrite SHALOM 28 Shevat 42 Satan [2-23-90]

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