PJ 14


THURSDAY, MAY 3, 1990 3:15 P.M. YEAR 3 DAY 260
Hatonn present in Light. We will attempt to outline some thoughts regarding religious interpretations which might have eluded some of you. Let us first consider a quotation from your Bible which we can then look at a bit more closely.

20. And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh.

21. Then let them which are in Judea flee to the mountains; and let them which are in the midst of it depart out; and let not them that are in the countries enter thereinto.

22. For these be the days of vengeance, and all things which are written may be fulfilled.

23. But woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days! For there shall be great distress in the land, and wrath upon this people.

24. And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive unto all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the gentiles, until the times of the gentiles be fulfilled.

25. And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars, and upon the earth, distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring.

26. Men's hearts failing them for fear and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: For the powers of heaven shall be shaken.

27. And then shall they see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.


Do you believe those verses? Do you believe the Bible? Do you believe the Old Testament?--the New Testament? Do you not believe any of the projec­tions? If you claim to believe none of it; why do you continue to measure your cycles against the prophecies?

Did the above come from the time before Nebuchadnezzar or Titus or ??? Does it matter in the least? So be it!

When you find one who proclaims loud and clearly that he believes every word in the Bible, cover to cover, along with the cover--what have you? Well, first of all, you have a fool. You have one who has no discernment for that which is translated is by the thought and hand of man--even if it is totally cor­rect in concept. As example, this very week in the U.S. of A. is released a new, updated version of the King James version of the Bible. For instance, in view of the term of intoxication of present day, meaning intoxicated or under the influence of drugs, the scholars have changed those verses which read "I was stoned" to other verbalizations which mean "they cast stones upon me - - -." To follow blindly without thought is a fool's game and Satan's tools. God gave you a discerning mind and, further, expects you to utilize it.

Many Christians in the world insist that they are "fundamentalists", whatever that might mean, and claim loudly to believe the Bible--but you know what, they teach exactly the opposite of what the Bible teaches about Israel. Obvi­ously then, unless they are total hypocrites, they do not know what the Bible says about Israel.

I take no stand on validity--herein I simply am going to outline a few things--from your Bible.

The Bible (your King James Holy Bible), teaches in no uncertain terms that the present state of Israel is headed for complete and ignominious destruc­tion. The Bible teaches that the city of Jerusalem, which was sacked by the armies of Nebuchadnezzar, and again by the armies of Titus, will once more be besieged and left desolate. The Bible teaches that, once more, there is going to be worldwide dispersion of Jews among all nations.

In sounding these warnings, God graciously makes clear to Jews everywhere that they will not find peace or safety in Jerusalem. Thus, prophetic Biblical truth implies a compassionate invitation from God to Jews, as well as to non-Jews, to accept the Lord Jesus Christ, Who alone can make any man safe from the wrath to come.

Now, some space cadet comes along and tells you right off the top--that is false. It is false for at the time of the giving of the letter "Jesus" was not called "Jesus". Further, the word given was to accept the "Christ" and the teachings and laws of God and The Creation. Oh, I see, the intent was the same---no, chelas, the intent was not the same. It works out, in this instance, to suffice as the same but it is NOT the same.

Now, for a stranger fact. The scripture was from Luke, 21st chapter. And yet, it is an amazing and deplorable fact that, in your present day, few Christians are willing to share these very scriptures and truths as taught, with Jews. At the very head of the ranks of Christians who refuse to share these Biblical pronouncements to Jews are men and women who solemnly insist that they are dedicated to "blessing Israel".

Come now, obviously any Christian who imagines that he can "bless" anybody by misrepresenting what the Bible says is deluded and/or a liar.

Even a person who has never been to formal seminary (oh groan), or who has never opened a Bible, can, in one reading of Luke 21:20-27, know for a surety what the Bible says about present-day Israel. Such an individual may not be­lieve the Bible, but nevertheless, in a few minutes, he can know the Bible says that:

* Jerusalem will again be besieged.
* It will be left desolate.
* "All things which are written" (both Testaments) will be fulfilled.
* There will be distress, no peace in the land of Israel.
* There will be wrath upon the people that live there.
* There will be a worldwide dispersion of its inhabitants.
* For a season, Jerusalem will again be in non-Jewish hands.

Inasmuch as the testimony of the Bible is so clear, how can so many people who claim to "believe the Bible from cover to cover" dare to deny what it says about Israel. Well, they certainly do!


No, pretty new "stuff'. The Bible speaks specifically about the future of the present state of Israel--from the Old Testament forward. It clearly foretells that it is a bit of a gloomy outlook. When the Lord Jesus Christ was on Earth, He spoke categorically to His disciples about the sad future of the political en­tity that today is called Israel. Now let us assume, for simplicity, that the scrip­tures are true--what would you have? Well, let us ponder a bit:

You would have Israel being invaded by foreign armies. Jerusalem would be left desolate. Immigration and tourist trips to Israel would cease. All things that have been written by the Old Testament prophets would be fulfilled. Is­rael would enter an awful time of wrath. Israeli armies would not be victori­ous. There would be a new, worldwide dispersion of Jews. For a season, the non-Jews would rule over Jerusalem and these days of horror for Israel and the subjugation of Jerusalem to the non-Jews would continue until the Christ returns. Come now--I only project that which is in your own books; the Chris­tians and the Jews. I am from Pleiades as I speak herein; I have no opinion as to the meaning of the words and I choose to make no value judgment upon the facts outlaid--just the words as projected, please. It suffices, for man works diligently to fulfill in full measure, these projections so they may as well be considered factual for YOU will make them factual.

We are fair (this time I said "fair", not "just") so we will project a few spurious refutations for consideration. You see, there are always a few who don't like the majority democratic system of death pronouncements.

The Biblical messages seem to be clear beyond argument as laid forth. Why then do so many prominent Christian ministers and evangelists fail to preach it? And why do they go further still and seek to deny this clear message?

There are at least three different ways by which many Christian leaders seek to repudiate the important truths contained in Luke's writings. The main one is to never tread upon the toes of anyone or anything, especially Satan's, if he be within hearing distance.

Many a man simply turns his back upon the passage and refuses to examine it or listen to it. In so doing, he follows an example that Israel set in Zechariah's day. The Lord gave him a message for Israel, "but they refused to hearken, and pulled away the shoulder, and stopped their ears, that they should not hear." Well, what is different about that response? It would seem I see that response constantly from all ones, not just Jews.

Many are men who profess to be teaching God's Word but who adamantly refuse to listen to what the Bible says in this regard, as to Israel.

Christian leaders may use the stratagem of asserting, "The prophecies which you are quoting were fulfilled a long time ago." Oh, how so might that be? The Christos fulfilled one of the prophecies--but that is not of current Israel.

Hence it is not uncommon for them to declare that all was fulfilled under the Roman Emperor, Titus. Do you actually believe you can hide behind such pretense of ignorance? Those scriptures are repeated many times in the New Testament--long after Titus bowed out of the picture in that format.

Another stratagem to which some Christian leaders stoop in an attempt to deny the prophecies is to brand the person who teaches them as "anti- Semitic." (sic, sic) So let us just write a new version and then we can claim to believe every word in that Bible, also? It's your choice so do as you wish.

Those who try to use this ridiculous stratagem reveal that they have a very shallow understanding of the Bible as it has been proffered unto you. If it is "anti-Semitism" (which, of course, it is NOT) faithfully to proclaim that which the Bible actually says about Israel, then all of the Old Testament prophets and likewise John, Peter, Paul, Stephen and Jesus Christ himself, were "anti-Semites". They were all Jewish so how could that be wrapped up so neatly? Therefore THEIR teachings should be preached against in every pulpit, inas­much as "anti-Semitism" in any form is incorrect.

It is no wonder so many Christians blindly support a political state that God has promised to destroy. Hosts of Christian leaders refuse to tell their flocks what the Bible says about Israel. Those same leaders vehemently oppose anybody who urges others to go straight to the Bible for instruction. How can you have one and not the other? Well, let me give you a secret--the Zionist Jews believe it and that is why they are establishing other "Israels" about the globe, including the whole of the U.S. of A. They will further somehow convince the religious God-fearing Jewish people that the rules are now different and those in Jerusalem and current Israel will live happily ever afterwards. Satan fully intends to change those scriptures, dear friends, to suit his own purposes of World Control and he will sacrifice every living being to accom­plish that feat.

Who will be blamed the day Jerusalem folds and Armageddon occurs? Of course, I knew you knew--it will be God. The same God who warned every­one as to where to put his little body. Satan never takes the blame, my friends, when things go wrong, and neither do humans. Always blame God!


"And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee - - - -"
(12th ch. Genesis)

This one has been made all things to all ones. Especially since 1948, this verse has been misquoted, used or misused by preacher after preacher intent on reminding his Christian flock of its holy responsibility to stand behind the new Zionist state, which was created by the fiat of the United Nations, which in turn was created by such men as Vyacheslav Mikhailovich "Molotov" Skyrabin of Russia and convicted communist spy, Alger Hiss. I take no note of valid or invalid--that is who created the thing.

Congregation after congregation was informed that these words from Holy Writ bound all Christians (under penalty of a curse if they refused to obey) to support and "bless" the state of Israel. My, what a wondrous prophet that guy who wrote Genesis must have been. He knew exactly what they were going to bring forth in the U.N. in 1948, obviously. Funny thing--everyone got on a bandwagon at once. Christian magazines, Christian books, Bible conference speakers, Christian radio and television preachers took up the cry. In due time, just about everybody in the Christian world (above all, everybody who was anybody) "knew" that the chief calling of every believer in the Lord Jesus Christ was to "bless Israel" or to "bless the Jews."

Conspicuous by their absence from these floods of bless-Israel teachings were the words or the logic of the apostle Peter, who, in his post-Pentecostal mes­sage to the leaders of the Israel of his day, declared, "Unto you first God, having raised up His Son, sent Him to bless you, in turning away every one of you from his iniquities." So be it, Peter was a born trouble maker from the start, undoubtedly. Well, God will undoubtedly see to it that that soul pays his penance one of these days for telling it like it was. Man doesn't like it told as it is!

Righteousness or iniquities, virtue or sins, right deeds or wrong deeds held no place in the prevailing, post-1948 Christian theology about the state of Israel. Does this say anti-Jewish--for goodness sakes--it says "state" of Israel.

"I will bless them that bless thee and curse him that curseth thee", back in the Garden of Eden might well have meant the apple tree vs. the pear tree or something. Well, it certainly covered everything that anyone coming after­ward could use in their own behalf. Israel happened to get first swing at it in this generation. No one asked the Palestinians how they like this new arrangement--or the Arabs, or the Lebanese. A nice Russian and American set it all up nicely in conjunction with some dandy Zionists in the U.N. and wham, bam--Israel! And furthermore, you "will bless them" or "be cursed". Who said? God didn't say--MAN SAID!

Well, someone said--hmmm, Falwell? Graham? The Pope? Buddha? Baba? I know, it must have been Maitreya or Dinglefizz--or Bakker, Tammy?---who said it? Come on you ones who denounce old Hatonn as being unreal or of dark energy of little gray men--come on, WHO SAID IT?

It became the law, anyway! Just like all cover-ups--you sleepy-heads believe all that is fed unto you if by someone who pronounces himself an authority, expert, prints it or gets government backing or police force. .At first you don't even notice for it is hidden from you until it can be pronounced as if a known fact. You shake your head and say, oh well, I guess I must have been watching Hill Street Blues instead of CNN that night. Pigs is pigs and laws is laws and never the twain shall merge.


Do not look at that word "blindly" as a sarcastic aspersion: It was a logical consequence of the virtually universal (though false) assumption that the "thee" of "I will bless them that bless thee and curse him that curseth thee" referred to the state of Israel when the Spirit of God caused it to be recorded in the first book of Moses in the Old Testament, namely in Genesis. Was God's word somehow more valid spoken to Moses than to ones who pen today? How so? Has God changed? No! And what is worse, man hasn't changed much either--for the better!

These words in point were never addressed to the state of Israel. They were not even addressed to a nation of Israel.

Long before there was a nation of Israel, those words were spoken by God to one individual--to a man named Abraham, a heathen dwelling in idolatrous Ur of the Chaldees. Any impartial judge can quickly determine the truth of the foregoing statement simply by reading the one Scripture passage, Genesis 12:1-3, in which the now famous quotation occurs:

1. Now the Lord had said unto Abram, get thee out of thy coun­try, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee.

2. And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing.

3. And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.

Just a little secret in here--GOD DOES NOT CURSE ONES! God is a cre­ator; Satan curses and destroys. Where might that have come from to end up right off the bat in your Good Book?

Note carefully what God had commanded Abram to do: to leave his country, to leave his relatives, to leave his father's house, and to go to an unknown land. Four conditions for Abram to fulfill. Then note what God said He would do provided Abram obeyed Him, as he eventually theoretically did: He would make of him a great nation--He did. He would bless him--He did. He would make his name great--He did. He would make him a blessing--He did. He would bless them that blessed him. He did. He would curse them that cursed him--oops, the assumption is that He did--nay, if you follow on, the curse fell onto another's back and so it goes and goes and goes.

He also somehow said he would make him a blessing to all the families of the earth. But now, how did man go about interpreting that little verse? He went forth and "out of Abram's loins, according to the flesh, descended the Lord Jesus Christ Who died for the sins of all His creatures upon the cross that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life (John 3-16). Golly and oops again--how that can be? Someone said Jesus was born of a Virgin--and now you tell us it is from Abram? Hanky panky or what? Could it be that man found fleshly pleasure and lust a great assistant for pro­creating all the masses to overpopulate your world and fed you a line of baloney along the way? Well, perhaps it is only old Hatonn who has confu­sion. But the arguments to me are that "every word in the Bible is True".

Well, whichever was the point--it was spoken to one named Abram thousands of years ago and one has naught to do with the other. He got his blessings and I assume he garnered a few curses along the way, also.

At the least you have all been warned--by whatever you call the Great Mes­senger. "He that believeth not the Christ Word shall not see life, but the wrath of God abideth on him." Wrath? Well, I have seen Him a bit "ticked" off from time to time and He often is these days. However, the wrath is waged upon self--again, quit blaming God for your own nonsense and misbe­havior. As an example and not to be harsh. Stop blaming God for AIDS--AIDS is spread and nurtured by MAN--NOT GOD! God, however, might just heal you if you have it--IF YOU TURN FROM YOUR MISBEHAVIOR AND INTO THE LAWS AS LAID FORTH. TRY IT!

Countless Christian preachers have been preaching a satanic message by sug­gesting that Israel can continue to reject God's Laws and still he blessed. Si­multaneously these same Christian preachers have actually been a curse to those whom they were determined to "bless", because they have insisted that Genesis 12:3 is a promise to the state of Israel and it clearly IS NOT! They have failed to make clear that the solemn warning applies not only to every non-Jew but also to every Jew. (John 12:3). So be it.

Dharma it has been far too long a day. Let us now close this portion for we cannot have time to finish the thought pattern and therefore we shall break of it herewith.

Go in peace and find rest that we might continue in our work. Good evening and blessings upon you ones.

Salu, Hatonn to clear, please.

PJ 14

SUNDAY, MAY 6, 1990 9:00 A.M. YEAR 3 DAY 263
I come in the Light of the Radiant One; I am Hatonn to write. You have great numbers of questions which I will ask you to stop and make note, please, for I wish to have this Journal finished by the 15th. I request that ones com­piling the segments be in the remembering to place the express material from the Express, dealing with this subject, in the appropriate sequence. This is a pre-mature reminder but I do not wish to take the scribe's time in repetition. It will be regarding the "buying of Congress" by the Zionists. (Please see Chapter 4.)

Let us now continue with our subject matter from Friday. We did not write yesterday but I again urge you ones who receive me in gracious presence--please transcribe those tapes for great segments must go forth in the Journals and/or Express for most urgent and timely information comes forth in those personal councils. I will not allow Dharma to do those transcriptions for I need her elsewhere.

Further, they must be done in a timely manner, i.e., the one in waiting is holding up urgent and imperative information which needs to go to Dr. Sut­ton. I care not who does of the actual transcription, but these things must he done in timely manner; for instance, that taped information is already un­timely.

There are things which must be covered and contacts and information which must be made and integrated prior to what you will refer to as "success", so whoever becomes impatient in their present situation and circumstance, might do well to reread this paragraph. Thank you. A rule of thumb: A salesman is rewarded by his sales results--not by how much time he meditates or studies on the subject. Salu!

Back to Zion:


Jeremiah: 7:28 "This is a nation that obeyeth not the voice of the LORD their God, nor receiveth correction: truth is perished, and is cut off from their mouth."

The above-quoted words might well be applicable to any nation on your earth in this day. However, in the first instance, they contain the message that God commissioned Jeremiah to preach to the inhabitants of Jerusalem in about 600 BC, so you can't blame the one called Christ for failure to fulfill a job. It is not an easy commission to fulfill at any measurement. Yet (and here I shall undoubtedly hurt your feelings), for 40 stormy years, Jeremiah faithfully in­formed Judah that she did not obey God's voice, that she refused to be cor­rected, and that she had become a bunch of liars. Sounds pretty familiar doesn't it? Forty years and the cover-ups and evil still continue.

Are all ones evil in intent? Dharma, I hit you with two wet noodles--of course not. Only the elite and highest conspirators are of full intent. Ones who work toward a global one world government diligently and faultlessly believe it to be the best for the people. Of course, they do make sure they remain among the elite ones of the controlling groups. It is a good way to measure intent--what power, control or wealth does the perpetrator evidence. You see, in these instances the ego has become so blinded and self-oriented and spoiled that the evil protrudes like a cancer. The one involved truly believes HE is the best leader and that what HE believes is the best for all.

Here is also where your "democratic" vote is heinous, indeed. The "big boy" can beg, borrow or steal the majority vote from the little man and decide his fate without turning an evil finger on his own. The laws of man are vile--ONLY THE LAWS OF GOD AND THE CREATION ARE JUST!

At the king's command, Jeremiah's writings were burned. A good way to keep things from the masses---burn documents, shred documents and erase tapes. That is why we have several sets of all scattered at unknown sale places. If you are not current with this, dear ones, let the hint be a reminder.

Yes, I know that one such placement proved to be enemies and used our work most heinously--out of context and to publicly denounce you. Is that negative for you? Think about it. As truth comes forth in fullness--who is damaged? Who betrayed whom? KNOW that that very betrayal only serves the highest good in the end! KNOW IT AND RELEASE IT TO ITS OWN JOURNEY FOR THAT WHICH IS PROJECTED FORTH SHALL ALWAYS RECYCLE TO ITS SOURCE! ALWAYS--IT IS ONLY A MATTER OF "TIME". HE WHO JUMPS ON THE BANDWAGON OF THE UNTRUTHFUL PROJECTION AGAINST ANOTHER OF TRUTHFUL OUTPUT--SHALL REAP OF HIS OWN WEARY STALLING OF HIS JOURNEY'S PURPOSE BECAUSE OF HIS DISTRACTION, Man will someday quit blindly following the words of Man and the projections of Man and look within at the projections and listen to God for His guidance of discernment. I ask that the projection be measured in God presence for truth--I ask no MAN'S opinion--I care not about any "man's" opinion. If a man agrees with my projections I thank him and bless him, if he disagrees I thank him and bless him--and ask that he be very careful in final pronouncements until he holds all in his open mind, lest he prematurely place egg all over his counte­nance.

Those who have judged the truth of the Journals have done so with no foun­dation upon which to base their projections of damnation nor even of ridicule---how do I know? Because the most urgent and important portions are yet to be brought forth! Ponder it.

Jeremiah was cast into a dungeon, where he sank in the mire. Other prophets were found, who preached that peace was coming. Jeremiah's warnings of impending doom unless the nation left her sinful ways and returned to God were ridiculed. And what does the public do to the ones who come forth and tell you truth today? Well, with this little grandmother--the laws are being twisted and the Constitution being thrust down to take her very home away. The "rulers" have removed all credit availability, ridiculed, pronounced her "energies" as evil and dark and false, and have tried to electrocute her, shoot her, poison her and wipe her out with ELFs. And what do others do, who are touting the uncovering of secrets unto you the masses? They denounce her work and sue her and usurp radio programs to denounce this truth---WELL, HANG IN THERE, LITTLE RECEIVERS OF TRUTH AND THESE JOURNALS--YOUR DAY OF REALIZATION THAT THESE WORDS ARE TRUTH ARE UPON YOU WHETHER OR NOT YOU LIKE OF IT FOR THIS WORK WILL NOT BE STOPPED FOR IT IS DECREED BY GOD. IF YOU STOP THIS SCRIBE--YOU ONLY SPREAD THE TRUTH FASTER AND NOW OTHERS WILL TAKE THE CHAIR AND KEYBOARD. GOD'S MESSAGE WILL NOT BE STOPPED--IT IS ONLY IN THE COUNTING OF "TIME" THAT BEARS QUESTION IN THE SLIGHTEST MEASURE. SO BE IT!

NOTE: Jeremiah's dire prophecies were all fulfilled, down to the smallest detail!!!!!*******! Right to the smallest detail, regarding what would happen to the nation of that day. The Babylonian hordes came. They laid Jerusalem waste. They led away captive Judah's king and most of her inhabitants.

Dharma a prophet? It matters not--I AM A PROPHET COMING IN AD­VANCE TO PREPARE THE WAY FOR THE COMING OF THE AGE AND FULFILLMENT OF THE PROPHECIES--WE OF THE HOSTS OF HEAVEN AND THE BIRD TRIBES (WHATEVER YOU WISH TO LABEL US), ARE COME TO PREPARE THE WAY FOR GOD. Ye who wish to dis­count and ridicule are blessed and free to do that whichever ye choose, no more and no less--God forces not anyone or anything! I CARE NOT HOW MANY PEOPLE "VOTE" FOR EVIL--IT MAKES IT NOT "RIGHT'!

Yet they spared Jeremiah, and treated him with honor and respect that had
never been shown to him by his own people. Even the heathen can discern
the difference between a true prophet of God and a moneymaker---can't you?

In the year 1990, the message God wants preached about Jerusalem is very similar to the message He gave some 2,600 years ago. He is looking for Jeremiahs who will tell of the story of truth. "Jeremiah", from the Hebrew "Yirmeyah", means "whom God has appointed". I did not say anointed--I said "appointed". To be appointed by God is considerably different from being self-appointed or hired.

Today there are hundreds of thousands who are quite willing to preach some totally un-Biblical message about Jerusalem and everything else concerning the laws of God. Yes, these are the same ones that require the congregation to declare belief in every word of that "Holy Book". They, too, claim belief in every word--so, they interpret according to their own "received insight" or instructions from a higher "church" elder or man pronounced authority--it has naught to do with God.

There are a few "Jeremiahs" telling the world what God says. Many is the un­Biblical message for which one can receive a very high honorarium or the re­ceipt of cards and letters and contribution by the bushel-full. But any "Jeremiah" who dares to preach truth that both Old Testament and New Tes­tament Bible prophecies foretell that Jerusalem will again be destroyed or that "man" has changed the word of God to suit himself, etc., are assigned ridicule and the dungeon filled with mire of Zionist-Christian hatred and scorn--not to mention the New Age and other doctrines who have written their own from a set a cards on voted-upon new commandments and sanc­tioned behaviors. I insist not that you change from your fun journeys--I am sent forth to tell you the truth of how it IS and you are free to do whatever in this journey that you desire to do.

You who denounce on the basis of earth journey being ALL and that there is no past or future for the being, or choose up whatever story you desire--pon­der this: YOU WERE BIRTHED UPON THIS PLACEMENT AND GIVEN THE BREATH OF LIFE FROM CREATOR, YOU EXPERIENCE SOME AVERAGE YEARS OF 75 IN COUNTING, AND YOU DEPART THROUGH DEATH OF BODY. WHAT DOES THAT MEAN TO YOU? Does it not mean that you came FROM somewhere and you go TO somewhere--could it be you simply have been told so many lies that you CANNOT REMEMBER THE TRUTH OF IT? IS IT POSSIBLE? IS IT PROBABLE? ARE YOU SO DEAD ALREADY THAT IT MATTERS NOT TO YOU? HAVE YOU LOST YOUR VERY PASSION FOR THE EXPERIENCE? AN­SWER CAREFULLY, MY FRIENDS, FOR IT CERTAINLY MATTERS NOT TO ME! IT MIGHT MATTER A GREAT DEAL UNTO YOU!

There is one great difference between God's "600 BC message" and Gods "AD 1990 message" for Jerusalem, in particular. In His 600 BC message, there was an offer of deliverance for the nation if the whole nation would turn back to Him. I find no such clause in the 1990 message but only that "man shall come into knowledge of truth". According to the prophecies of ancient projections, the city of Jerusalem is doomed--and who will change of the sce­nario? Is the Zionist group moving back unto God or are they preparing to return to Satanic rituals of blood-letting and slaughter of lambs to appease a God of their own making? God creates the lamb--He certainly does not sanc­tion man killing his own creation instead of turning from his own sinful path and into goodness and integrity.

Therefore, it might be wise to look most carefully at that wondrous city of Jerusalem for it speaks a message to all mankind.

That is the way the Lord Jesus Christ, looking down through the centuries to that day when it will be devastated again, gave crisp, succinct, authoritative and lifesaving projections for believing Jews of that day, "Then - - - flee into the mountains". Oh, you say well, yes, but we good Jews don't accept that one Jesus. Alright, let us go right to Zechariah: "Behold, the day of the Lord cometh, and thy spoil shall be divided in the midst of thee. For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle, and the city shall be taken, and the houses rifled, and the women ravished - -."

Oops, worse yet, the Luke passage, the Zechariah prophecy and a funny little prophecy found in Revelation all harmonize perfectly. Let me just pronounce the latest, from Revelation: "And there was given me a reed like unto a rod; and the angel stood, saying, 'Rise, and measure the temple of God, and the al­tar, and them that worship therein. But the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles; and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months'."

It would seem, even in cosmic arithmetic that "forty and two months", even at loose counting, would be approximately some 3 1/2 years, give or take a little for error or calendar discrepancies. It would seem probable, therefore, that the non-Jews will again be the military master of Jerusalem and it will "he the worst of the heathen" good old prophet Ezekiel warned (7:24). Oh, you ask, "Would that be the same Ezekiel that saw the wheel within the wheel of fire and radiance. That "thing" from which he claimed to hear the WORD OF GOD?" Yep, same old one.

Who then, might you ask, is making Jerusalem a safe place for the Jews if by their own prophecies, Jerusalem is not safe? Indeed, a very good question, is it not? The Godly Jewish have integrated into the peoples of the globe and have become your neighbor and your friend and good brethren to one an­other; they live at peace among their brothers in Godly manner "or un-Godly" as any other group. So who misleads and sets up for destruction his own blooded people? Oh, indeed you must ponder it most carefully. And who of the so-called Christian brotherhood does that trusting Jewish brother a favor by your preachments?

Why then the tidal waves of JOY flowing from Christian pulpits because, "God's people are again back in their land"? There are at least three possibili­ties. Those who exude such joy do not know a thing about what they preach; not a thing about that which the Bible actually says will come to be. They know not what the Bible they tout, says is coming to pass "soon" in your days of counting; or they don't believe it; or they know what the Bible says and ARE AFRAID to preach it.

Both Jerusalem and the state of Israel are headed for complete destruction if they continue upon the plotted pathway--that is not prophecy, my friends, that is simple observation in total human logic. Would not the Christian who pro­nounces his non-judgmental friendship upon his Jewish brother perhaps point this little matter out unto his attention?

God created all men equal? How stupid a lie. God created all men each to be unique unto himself. They are only equally cherished by God Creator. It goes beyond cherishment even, God treats all men equally in justness. Not even what you perceive "fairness"---God is Just! When individual returns unto God within God-self--he, too, becomes total Justice! Think upon these words. I can only present them unto you--I cannot "think upon them" for you. Think upon that also.


To be a bit trite, but not disrespectful, you must note personally that which you consider to be blessed! A blessing unto one might seem a curse unto an­other!

But you desire to hear from the Great Book so I shall effort to use that which you cling unto. Let us take your old book of Amos. Let us overview chapter 9 verse 8: "Behold, the eyes of the Lord God are upon the sinful kingdom and I will destroy it from off the face of the earth; saving that I will not utterly de­stroy the house of Jacob, saith the Lord."

You might as well believe that the above refers directly to the present state of Israel. This one projection will totally enrage countless "Christian" pastors and evangelists who for years have been unable to lavish anything but praise upon the man-created state in the Near East (remember that place created and pronounced as Israel by the U.N.?) whose deeds promise to (and ac­cording to your own Bible, will) involve the entire world in a massive war.

However, such ministers cannot deny that this prophecy is in the Bible--YOUR OWN PROCLAIMED "EVERY WORD TO BE TRUE" BIBLE. Nor can they suggest that it relates to some other nation, inasmuch as it is the climactic statement in a passage that begins, " - - -the end is come upon my people of Israel - - -" (Amos 8:2). Hey, don't blame me--I am writing this Journal--who wrote your Bible? You have asked me to prove myself through that which you claim to understand--your truth according to the scriptures of your religious books of laws and teachings. I do, however, think you may have missed a few pertinent facts from your own projections. So be it. Of course you can dabble about for a while and insist that good old Amos' prophecy was fulfilled centuries ago.

Oops, that is patently dishonest, because the Bible states specifically that, in the day when Amos 9:8 is fulfilled, God will effect four miracles that men could never perform. The four miracles are nowhere to be seen. So obviously Amos 9:8 still awaits fulfillment.

Now, it might be noted that Amos 9:8 harmonizes with Luke 21:20-27 and Zechariah 14:1,2 and good old UFO spotter Ezekiel 7: The present state of Israel is heading for ignominious destruction on the path being trodden. You go study the word for I grow impatient, but I will look with you at Amos 9:8­-15:

Behold, the eyes of the Lord God are upon the sinful kingdom, and I will destroy it from off the face of the earth; saving that I will not utterly destroy the house of Jacob, saith the Lord. For, lo, I will command, and I will sift the house of Israel among all nations, like as corn is sifted in a sieve, yet shall not the least grain fall upon the earth. All the sinners of my people shall die by the sword, which say, The evil shall not overtake nor prevent us. In that day will I raise up the tabernacle of David that is fallen, and close up the breaches thereof; and I will raise up his ruins, and I will build it as in the days of old; That they may possess the rem­nant of Edom, and of all the heathen, which are called by my name, saith the Lord that doeth this. Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that the plowman shall overtake the reaper, and the treader of grapes him that soweth seed; and the mountains shall drop sweet wine, and again the captivity of my people of Israel, and they shall build the waste cities, and inhabit them; and they shall plant vineyards, and drink the wine thereof; they shall also make gardens, and eat the fruit of them. And I will plant them upon their land, and they shall no more be pulled up out of their land which I have given them, saith the Lord thy God."

Note the four miracles that God will effect after He has destroyed the sinful kingdom:

* There will be a divine restoration of the Davidic capital.

* There will be harmonious relations between Jews and believing non-Jews. (The Jews will be the believing remnant who refused to be part of the sinful kingdom.)

* There will be unheard-of blessings on agricultural pursuits. (The millen­nium will have dawned, and the curse will have been removed from the earth. How interesting - -!?! Hmmmm.)

* Israel (again the believing remnant, not the Satan-worshiping members of the sinful kingdom of Zionists) will dwell in the land and never again be scat­tered.

Believe the Word of God, not on the word of men. Now why would you be­lieve that Amos really wrote those things in the first place? Because everyone wants to discount them and say his prophecies have already happened and reinterpret his message to suit the "times"--I believe you call it "modernization" of the Bible. Out of the thousands of years just since your Bible might be considered historical, how many prophecies do you think might have been projected which never made it into print? You are experiencing zillions coming forth every year in your own lands in your own perceived "time". This is a point worth also pondering.

Now a biggie: It is said also that, "Before these things happen Jesus Christ will return in the air for all who have trusted Him as Savior."

You had better be making pretty sure you know what you really believe, my friends. You might well be checking into your own resources for truth instead of simply attending groups who pronounce their version and interpretation upon your heads and you follow blindly along--you might well find yourself on the ground instead of those clouds with Christ. Right now you might well re­move your heads from the clouds where you already have placed them and look beyond "flatland" into "reality".

Why am I "hitting" Israel? Because I am getting ready to tell you some very important stories and you need the background to have anywhere near factual perception. It is the time of awakening, not further hiding while destruction falls upon your sleepy beings.

Ezekiel 7:24. . "I will bring the worst of the heathen, and they shall possess their houses - - -."

Now look carefully, for anyone who studies the seventh chapter of that which you label Ezekiel carefully and believingly will discover that it contains many important facts about the coming ignominious end of the present state of Is­rael.

Israel "apologists" (ministers and evangelists at the head of the ranks, and not a few of them men who, in order to reach their conclusions, have gone not to the Word of God but to the state of Israel to be instructed by the Israeli gov­ernment) will be quick to tell you the old, old story that "Ezekiel 7 was fulfilled a long time ago". But that is not what the context of the passage reveals.

Ezekiel 7:2 states most specifically, "An end, the end is come upon the four corners of the land." Oh my--how many "Israels" and "four corners" might there be'? Hatonn just picked up another mighty horde of enemies? Why? How is it that you blame Hatonn or this scribe for that which YOU have pro­jected? Still believe "EVERY" word? I only want you to pay attention and pull off your dark glasses and remove the swimming plugs from the ears lest you not hear the ship bearing down upon you.

The land of Israel has had many "an end", for she has been invaded repeatedly through the centuries, but "the end" will occur, according to the Bible, in the soon-coming great tribulation, a 3 1/2 year period of unprecedented turbu­lence, which is described both in the Old Testament and in the New Testa­ment. That Ezekiel 7 (though foreshadowed by various Babylonian invasions) indeed relates to the still-coming great tribulation is further confirmed by Ezekiel 7:19, wherein the statement is made, "- - - Their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the Lord - - -."

"The day of the wrath of the Lord" is a term used throughout Scripture to de­scribe the great tribulation.

To further suggest that the fulfillment of Ezekiel 7 lies in the future, let us note some important teachings in 7:24 " - -I will bring the worst of the hea­then, and they shall possess their houses - -."

Observe carefully who it is that is going to "bring the worst of the heathen" upon Israel---"I will". I suppose if you believe the Bible in fulness, it is God speaking, Jehovah, the Lord God, the Lord Jesus Christ. Hence, though con­temporary Israel will be destroyed by the wrath of men, this will occur ac­cording to the wise and infallible will of God.

Observe secondly whom it is that the Lord will use to destroy Israel--"the worst of the heathen". The Hebrew word used here is goyim, which, through­out the Old Testament, refers to the "gentiles", or the "nations"--in short, to those who did not belong to the commonwealth of Israel.

It was to Israel that God entrusted His Word, the revelation of Himself. It was to Israel that God came in person, when He took on human flesh in that geographical location of the earth. Yet when "He came unto His own and His own received Him not"--so far from God had the nation wandered upon which the nations were dependent for the sharing of His revelation. Having rejected its reminder messenger "redeemer", the nation, from that point on, headed toward "the end" promised in Ezekiel 7:2. As a nation, Israel has, of course, disbelieved or ignored God's revelation that this end is coming.

Many (but far from all) of her people worked furiously and connived to bring the state of Israel into existence in 1948. Most God-trusting Jewish brothers were settled in their own homelands and were mightily content among their brethren in their birthrighted countries, wherever they might have been geo­graphically located. Being Jewish does not automatically make you an Israeli any more than being black makes you African or being white make of you an Englishman. That hullabaloo was connived thereby to create a glorious future for Israel. Much squawking and rattling (with countless Christian ministers serving as the chief squawk-leaders) followed the creation of the state of Is­rael--also decades of bloodshed and increasing world tension. And "the end" will be a global war in which the "nation" (singular of goyim) will be pitted against the "nations". The "nations" will win!

God Himself, if correctly projected, will bring the cruelest, scummiest and most degraded heathen to trample Jerusalem under their feet. Well, maybe just a few humans will get themselves a bit involved? Thereby, "He will show that an Israel that rejects His Son and keeps the world in continual turmoil is not in the will of God"! Oh dear. Now let "we humans get off the hot seat for that which we are about to do in the name of God!"

Then, as related in Zechariah 14:12, by special plagues He will destroy the wicked heathen whom He used to effect His will. Boy, you sure have conjured up some loving, just and giving God. Could this possibly be a scenario which might just "prove" God's placement within man? No God, unattached to hu­man, would even think up such heinous revenge. But so be it--the prophecies are laid forth and man will probably make sure he fulfills them to the last drop of blood and then proclaim it God's final and wondrous work. Believe anything you desire, my friends, just do not be stupid enough to state you believe "every word in the Bible" and then discount one item which I have laid forth herein for it is all right out of your Holy Books. God dwells within each of you---YOU ARE THE TEMPLE OF GOD. Therefore, in every action which you commit--are you proud to have Holy God a participant? Are you proud to take Holy God within the places of darkness and evil to force His sharing of your evil? Does God really bear the sword and spill the blood of his other creations--or does perhaps MAN hold and swing that sword and claim it to be in the name and service of God? Did the hand of God write and then move on? Truly? Or did man write and project his own interpretations upon oth­ers? Is it possible that other men now read into the words their own interpre­tations and thrust those, also, upon you and you blindly take them unto self as truthful law? Is it possible that all is colored by the revenge, hate and greed which ravages in the hearts of human and has very little to do with the Holy God which you continually "blame".

Everything in your conscious world marches directly toward fulfilling those prophecies regardless of any input. You as the mass of humans believe it and therefore it will most probably come to be exactly as YOU have set it forth.

We see thusly the story of what lies ahead for Israel is a very simple story--so simple that a child can understand it. Another false statement--it is so simple that even a partially-adult can understand it. Children only understand truth-- they immediately recognize the lies and therefore they must be taught evil. At any rate, the story is simple indeed and will, in all probability, come to pass exactly as written for we who have exceptional probability scanners and data systems see no effort what-so-ever to change of the track.

Another point--how many of you have heard the prior story? How many of your children? What do you tell your children? Do you simply allow them to learn their stories through the vidiot box run by Zionists? Ah so, toes are cramped? Sorry about that! Why have not all the children come into this knowledge? Because there are so few grown men who study and preach the true Word of God, but so many who instead are willing to help spread the lie and the propaganda in the name of the word of the Bible, which in fact, is ex­actly the opposite of that which is written in that same book.

Perhaps it is time to reevaluate your own stance and attitudes--especially prior to throwing another rock at this scribe who simply sits in the Light and shares truth.

Why do you think the native Indians are referred to as pagans and heathens?
Because their oral teachings are total truth and the evil of the world will hide
destroy it and those who, speak it, in any manner possible to discredit source--just as they will do to this scribe to silence the Word. GOD IS THE WORD!

Dharma, enough for this mouthfull. Let us leave it for the chewing for I must point out a few uncomfortable facts of current actions which pertain to these things under discussion.

There are some words which are so mutually exclusive as to have no reference one to another except as opposites and yet they are continually used in con­junction to mislead you. For instance--there is no "little bit pregnant" -- a woman is pregnant or she is not. Neither is there a "little bit enslaved" or "a little bit free"--you are either enslaved or you are free! Every action and/or thought either moves you toward God or away from God. I'm sorry, beloved ones, there is no remaining in the for the point in the middle is not big enough to hold you--you are on one side or the other regardless of your pro­jected claims. Which is it? 'Tis not my business--I know which side I am on; it is up to you as to which side you serve. I know who I am--who might you be?


I am Hatonn to clear, please. Thank you.