PJ 11
TUE., DEC. 26, 1989 2:30 P.M. YEAR 3, DAY 132

TUE., DEC. 26, 1989

Hatonn present. Thank you.

Keep your sense of humor, chela, for the kind of advertising being given us by the Guards is without price. Ones do not carefully look at how foolish their rantings actually are. I shall comment on a couple of most elemental things within the "book list".

1. I do not understand the big to-do about no "discount" on the PHOENIX JOURNALS--since the JOURNALS seem to have the best price on the entire sheet and nothing that I see prevents the Girards from giving a discount--I be­lieve their book discount is somewhere at least near 40%. I fail to see the ne­cessity of the statement in the first place.

2. Could it be that some ones are fighting a bit too hard over credibility of "foreign aliens" to and from where to where?

3. My contact (scribe) is not a "he" and there has never been a meeting on your continent in consciousness, in the desert or anywhere else.

4. And most important: Let us not injure the one you refer to as Marian Keech. How dare you bring her name into the public when she has already been so damaged by public attention and ridicule. I will not even commit unto you as to whether or not you have the proper entity in mind. I will positively assure you that this scribe has never even heard that name--anywhere or at any time--so if you say it is mentioned in any of the JOURNALS, I denounce you as a liar. It is most ungracious and unkind to bring labels into the public where the entity can be targeted for untold damage.

I will say that the one to whom we referred was being blasted by one of your "space U.F.O. writers" and threatened with a lawsuit. Further, there are at least two in her entourage of comers and goers who are active members of the CIA. One of them, in October, came into her town and met with other mem­bers of her group and not only had, but shared, illegal drugs currently called Ecstasy and previously recognized as something called "Adam". This is a most powerful drug indeed and this person proceeded to give a large jolt of the sub­stance to this little frail 90 yr/old. I most sincerely suggest that you ones get some facts for we of the Command are just about to run over with weariness at your foolish nonsense. I have no hesitancy whatsoever to either confront per­sonally or in document if ones of you feel you can toy with God's protected ones. In authentic circles I have no problem with recognition nor of pushing forth outdated material--someone had best check their own doorsteps lest they find something to stick their foot into. Mostly it is the foot into the mouth which shall give you ones ultimately the most discomfort.

I am not come forth to run grammar contests--you ones are in the final days of the closing of a major, major cycle on your planet--and you had better get your space cadets in order. You had also better check out the intent of your contacts most carefully, especially before making public denouncements for that custard pie is going to end up all over some most self-righteous and unsuspecting "authority" experts in the so-called "field". IT IS MOST OBVIOUS THAT WHOEVER WROTE THE DISSERTATION FOR THE PHOENIX JOUR­NALS IN THE GIRARD CATALOG HAS NOT READ THE MATERIAL. THE TIME FOR SLOPPY PRONOUNCEMENTS IS PAST, MY FRIENDS. IT IS YOUR CHOICE TO HAVE OPINIONS AND TO BELIEVE WHAT­EVER YE WILL--TO DELIBERATELY LEAD YOUR BRETHREN ASTRAY IS QUITE ANOTHER MATTER. FURTHER

THERE IS ONE MOST INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT STATEMENT OF PARTIAL MEASURE, INCLUDED IN THE "CRITIQUE" OF THE PHOENIX JOURNALS: "...THEY REPRESENT AN EDUCATION WHICH NO UNIVERSITY IN THE WORLD OR IN THE UNIVERSE CAN SUP­PLY". Now let us see if Mr. Girard is ready to publish my rebuttal, for if he is, then I shall be most happy to cover the subject much more effectively than in this document. The embarrassment in knowledge regarding "occult/New Age/UFO" does not come from this scribe--for you are correct--this person is absolutely NONE OF THESE THINGS--ABSOLUTELY NONE! You who pronounce this type of hollow advice shall reap that which you sow and this time you have sowed quite a mouthful. Now, don't go forth and tell the world you got it from Arcturas (probably both misspelled and grammatically incorrect) or you might really be giving away your ignorance. So be it.

Now, I wish to acknowledge the recognition of G.W.M. It is with great honor and respect that I address him. Portions of his work are slated for inclusion in further work with Drs. Tesla and Russell. GG, please see to it that a copy of the letter to W.G. from Dr. Tesla regarding photographing thought gets sent to this dedicated man. There are great and wondrous experiences in wait for you gifted people. I salute you for your service.

Dharma, allow this portion to go now for I wish these things done this day--we will forward along the remainder of the subject matter at a later time. Thank you, Hatonn to stand-by.

* * *

To continue please. Leave this prior writing in the document. We are not writing literary works. This is for information and I want ones to know that from us you get creditable and confirmable information--immediately. Some­times I cannot respond for the material might be much too critical and giving timing is always OUT--YOU HAVE ENOUGH SELF-PROCLAIMED GURUS AND FORTUNE-TELLERS ON YOUR PLACE. NONE KNOW THE TIME TO EXACTNESS--NOT EVEN THE MASTER RETURNING, HIMSELF. AS A MATTER OF FACT, HE IS ALREADY UPON YOUR PLACE--AND ALL BUT THE MOST TINY SEGMENT MISSED IT ALTOGETHER. NEI­THER AM I IN A POPULARITY CONTEST--I CARE NOT A WHIT WHETHER OR NOT ANY OF YOU EVEN LIKE ME--I WALK WITH GOD--WHERE WALKS THEE?

"OUR" critic seems to believe that our presentations are "incredible insanity"--let me share a great, dark, and dreary secret--your entire world is totally insane and only the most deliberately uninformed and ignorant would tell you other­wise--you have been lulled into slumber by exactly that sort of material. Man asks for truth and then denies it--I wonder if it might be in order to sell more of his own numerous publications slated for his business ventures? If you ones think it is "fun" to print this type of material or to be daring enough to publish it--woe be unto your blindness. I give great concern regarding "the tremendous surge of new material for our customers as we begin to do some large-scale publishing". They go further: "It is not we who have achieved this, it is you. We are only reacting to your growing numbers and your insatiable demand for UFO-related material". I can only tell you that the authors of these quotes know nothing of the entities involved nor of the material value. Ours is to get information unto the masses--we are not into publishing simply to satiate a de­mand. Most ones find our material quite unnerving and, at the least, thought provoking as they find confirmation (on your placement) for ALL!


Let us speak now of Central America as we move back into our subject.

General John Singlaub believes that it will require every American in military uniform--PLUS AN IMMEDIATE DRAFT--to defend America's 2000-mile southern border against Soviet surrogates now stationed in the Western Hemi­sphere.

The time is fast approaching when the U.S. will be attacked from the south, ac­cording to Marxist Tomas Borge. As Nicaragua's interior minister, Borge has made repeated threats of invasion and genocide against the United States. He said: "We have Nicaragua, soon we will have El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica and Mexico. One day, tomorrow or five years or 15 years from now, we're going to take 5 to 10 million Mexicans and they're go­ing to have one thing on their minds--cross the border, go into Dallas, go into El Paso, go into Houston, go into New Mexico, go into San Diego, and each one has embedded in his mind the idea of killing 10 Americans".

Sandinista defector Alvaro Aviles tells us that Borge has been practicing for his planned murder rampage in the U.S.A. by supervising the assassination of po­litical opponents of the Sandinista regime in Nicaragua.


Western European defenses are organized under the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). NATO is little more than an expensive joke because it was created under auspices of the United Nations Charter. Did it seem unlikely that the Russians would be touring the NATO bases and headquarters just two weeks ago? Under Article 51 of the U.N. Charter, NATO is required to immediately report its military actions to the U.N. Security Council and to the Department for Political and Security Council Affairs, which handles all U.N. military matters for the Security Council. This department, as noted earlier, is always headed by a Communist from the Soviet Bloc.

The grotesque results of reporting to Soviet agents at the United Nations the military strategy to be employed against a Communist enemy were manifested by the macabre outcome of the Korean and Vietnam Wars. Under the terms of the United Nations Charter and the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO), American military personnel were required to submit military strat­egy reports to the Soviet-infested United Nations during both of these disastrous conflicts.

Retired Marine Corp General, Lewis W. Walt, a commanding officer in Korea, describes the Korean debacle: "It bothered me deeply that I was required to submit twenty-four hours in advance a detailed plan of attack for approval by U.N. Command Headquarters. It bothered me because it soon became apparent that each time we attacked, the enemy was waiting for us. We could not achieve surprise. We could not retain anything we won. The Chinese fought under no U.N. restrictions".

Bound by the straitjacket of United Nations membership, America holds the du­bious distinction of being the only nation in history to file military strategy re­ports with its enemies.

Even if NATO could make a defensive move against the Soviets without first asking the U.N.-Soviet permission, the sad fact remains that NATO is INCA­PABLE of winning a conventional war against the Warsaw Pact which main­tains a 14-to-1 static advantage in combat divisions. Recent Soviet "concessions" are undoubtedly intended to encourage FURTHER reductions in U.S. and NATO defenses.

Even with 300,000 American troops stationed in Europe, NATO could not sus­tain more than a FEW DAYS of combat against a Warsaw Pact blitzkrieg with­out U.S. reinforcements, But U.S. conventional military preparedness is a myth. In 1983, a study prepared for a congressional committee concluded that, "the U.S. Army cannot be sustained in combat for any extended period of time".

Several top military officials admitted publicly in 1984 that if a conventional war lasts longer than TWO WEEKS, the U.S. will be out of ammunition, sup­plies and spare parts. In 1985, the Joint Chiefs of Staff announced critical shortfalls in personnel, spare parts, munitions, training funds, chemical defense and intelligence-support capabilities.

America could not get a single plane off the ground without imported strategic minerals. America's strategic mineral stockpile is finite and your supply will be irrevocably cut off once the Cartel completes its Sovietization of South Africa, an exclusive source of numerous strategic minerals.

America's heavy industry, necessary for sustained combat, is entering a state of total collapse. (America manufactures mostly fast foods.) Meantime, no one knows who would supply America with steel, fasteners, etc. Oh, you want to know about all your steel mills? Well, you closed them because they could no longer pay wages and now you import it. It would take months to move back into any kind of operation at all. The enemy well knows that--it is just you citi­zens who have forgotten to listen and keep up. Ask the people in the steel-mill cities

If American troops in Europe are sucked into a quagmire of nerve gas, blister gas and biological warfare agents--against which they have neither adequate training nor protection, the United States will be left WIDE OPEN TO AT­TACK FROM SOVIET SURROGATES IN THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE.


American military strategy revolves around a retaliation scheme known as MUTUAL ASSURED DESTRUCTION (MAD). The scheme was developed by Robert S. McNamara, architect of America's defeat in Vietnam.

MAD was also the brainchild of Henry A. Kissinger (alias Heinz Stern). (You should look it up.) Long before the Cartel catapulted Kissinger into the sensi­tive and powerful position of U.S. Secretary of State, he was known by U.S. Intelligence to have served the Soviet KGB during World War II as a double agent in Europe. Come on now, chelas, don't get MAD at me; I didn't do it.

MAD proposes that AFTER the Soviets have nuked the United States with 20,000 ICBM warheads, several thousand SLBMs, hundreds of sea- and air-launched cruise missiles, plus several hundred thousand tons of hideous chemi­cal and biological weapons, the surviving population WILL GET MAD! Of course with no shelter system it is elusive as to where you will get MAD from!

Then, ta da, they will call upon America's mighty-mouse fleet of decrepit bombers and its aging Titan and Minuteman missiles to dodge an invincible Soviet anti-ballistic missile system and deliver retaliation against evacuated So­viet cities, or against Soviet ICBMs which are often moved. MAD has a fatal flaw, however: AFTER A SOVIET FIRST-STRIKE AMERICA'S DEFEN­SIVE WEAPONS WILL NO LONGER EXIST ALONG WITH NO MILI­TARY MEN OR CITIZENS TO SPEAK OF.

According to U.S. defense experts: A Soviet FIRST-STRIKE will destroy 95% of America's extremely vulnerable ICBM's, leaving the Soviets with more war­heads in reserve than the U.S. started with.

A Soviet FIRST-STRIKE will destroy at least 75% of America's nuclear bombers.

A Soviet FIRST-STRIKE will destroy 50% of America's 39 nuclear sub­marines. Remaining subs, cut off from communications and trailed by Soviet attack subs, will be destroyed quickly. Without submarine support, the U.S. Fleet will be dust in the wind against a formidable Soviet naval force.

You don't even have shelters to house your own Army on their bases--all of which are in set target points.


Soviet warlords reportedly add FIVE new nuclear warheads to their arsenal EVERY DAY OF THE YEAR. Well, yes they can, because you taxpayers in America foot the bill and supply the grain and food which saves them lots and bunches of money for toys like hydrogen bombs and scalar beam systems. U.S. defense experts (experts define an expert as a Has Been Drip under pressure) admit that this arsenal is being stockpiled, not for defense, but for OFFENSE. Soviet defector Victor Suvorov assures the West that the Soviets base all of their military strategy on plans for FIRST-STRIKE.

Dr. Edward Teller, renowned physicist who developed the lovable hydrogen bomb, warns that, because America's nuclear forces will be impotent in the event of a Soviet surprise attack, "their deterrent effect has become doubtful"-- to say the very least.

Richard Pipes explains why America's ENTIRE NUCLEAR ARSENAL IS INCAPABLE OF DEFEATING THE SOVIETS MILITARILY: "Specialists esti­mate that there are in the Soviet Union between 10,000 and 20,000 objectives of political and military significance. If that assessment is correct, then the United States needs that many accurate warheads left after absorbing a first Soviet strike; this capability alone will provide a deterrent credible to Moscow. While the present survivable force could indubitably inflict grueling punishment on the U.S.S.R.'s civilian population, it could not destroy its political or military or­ganization and the nuclear forces at their disposal". Well, it is already a moot point for the Soviets can protect their populace underground in shelters which are well supplied by you and with your grain in their silos. So be it. If you believe this is a fantasy of an insane scribe--I pity you.


America spends THREE HUNDRED BILLION DOLLARS on "defense" each year
-- just money in the budget alone. That money goes for bureaucratic waste at your Pentagon; contracts to corrupt U.S. corporations which consistently produce weapons systems that do not work; expensive weapons monstrosities like the Abrams M-1 tank that requires seven kinds of oils and a complete cara­van of fuel trucks, technicians and spare-parts vehicles; maintenance of foreign military bases slated for ultimate surrender to the Soviets (as in Vietnam) and deployment of troops to regional squabbles engendered by Soviet-backed terrorists (Lebanon, Persian Gulf, etc.).


While U.S. taxpayers finance three-fifths of NATO's military budget, the Sovi­ets are sucking in BILLIONS in loans, credits and joint venture capital from the governments and corporations of England, France, Italy and West Germany. American dollars are therefore "protecting" Western Europe against an "enemy" armed and financed by all of you, including Western Europe.

Billions of U.S. dollars disappear through the CIA, which supplies weapons to Arab terrorists, and to the Red Chinese and to a global network of drug dealers.

All of this waste and corruption is undoubtedly designed to end America's na­tionhood "as historically defined". Students of The Plan must conclude that the Cartel has created the Soviet war machine specifically for GLOBAL CON­QUEST while U.S. weapons have been created and destroyed to GENERATE PROFITS FOR AMERICA'S GIANT MEGA-CORPORATIONS.

America's weapons were created to give the illusion that your nation has a de­fense system. America's weapons were intended only to buy time. The Cartel needed that time to build the Soviet war machine and to sucker the West into a world government backed by a Soviet-dominated police force.

While America's unilateral disarmament continues unabated, new weapons sys­tems will be proposed and built merely as a diversionary tactic. As in the past, some of these expensive new systems will be destroyed at the flick of a pen as new U.S.-Soviet treaties are ratified. Other systems will be ultimately relin­quished to the global police authorities.

Enough for this segment. We will effort to finish the body of this JOURNAL within another three days or so. Please have it ready to go to press by the 15th. I do not like to push but you can see how important it is. We must cover the daring researchers of this information under our umbrella for they are truly in most grave danger. You ones must begin to stand together in unified strength and always cover and protect your brother. "WE" want no credit for "YOUR" information--but "YOU" DO NEED OUR PROTECTION FOR THE TIME IS AT HAND FOR THESE THINGS TO COME FORTH. MAJOR DISCOUNT­ING WILL BE COMING FORTH REGARDING GALACTIC FLEETS--AS "THEY" STOP DENYING OUR PRESENCE AND BEGIN A REAL CAM­PAIGN TO "BLAME" US FOR ALL YOUR WOES. BE PREPARED FOR IT AND DON'T LET IT BOGGLE YOU--IT IS BEING PREPARED AL­READY THROUGH YOUR FEAR AND BODY-SNATCH TALES. THE PUBLIC IS BEING PREPARED FOR OUR PRESENCE IN A MANNER DE­SIRED BY YOUR GOVERNMENT SO THAT YOU ARE HOSTILE. IT IS ULTIMATELY UP TO EACH OF YOU AS TO THAT WHICH YOU WILL DO. I URGE YOU TO QUESTION, QUESTION AND QUESTION--TRUTH HAS ACCEPTANCE WITHIN FOR YOU KNOW THAT WHICH IS TRUTH INNATELY. SALU.


PJ 11


WED., DEC. 27, 1989 8:00 A.M. YEAR 3, DAY 133

WED., DEC. 27 1989

Oh yes, there is always a solution to every problem--most people simply do not choose of the correct one.

As far as the eye can see there is mass devastation with only the dead and the dying but upon the third day life sprang up from the earth where the Mother had protected and nurtured her creations. Man and animal emerged and because he had listened to warnings and prepared, a wondrous joy spread through man's beingness. The lands would be renewed and all evil would be cast out. Be­cause some men had listened the waters were made pure and sweet and the winds ceased their terrible roar and a dove came forth and there was rejoicing. And I saw a city coming forth from out of the heavens and behold the sons of heaven stepped forth upon the barren lands and we were taken up.

Then was the terrible roar and moan from within the earth and we saw the earth shake and the mountains rise and the seas came forth over the lands and the fires were extinguished.

Then the seas gave up their life and the lands were covered with vapors and this went on for a very long time in the counting. Then the city was again lowered unto the earth mountain place that had been untouched. In many places upon the place men were set back again into the newness to build again upon the wondrous newness from which life began to spring in abundance.

That which had been buried for a very long eon of time came forth in newness, cleansed and pure, and it was century one of the new counting. The mind was overwhelmed and the visions of the old began to fade as the emotions were filled with the blessed veil of forgetfulness. It was as if everything, including the mind of man, had been birthed again. And there was the word and the word rang throughout the land for those who would follow.

What will man do with this new cycle upon the wondrous creation? It was the limbo world between the ending and the beginning which never ceased but was somehow different in that the word shown brightly all about the wondrous new­ness. And the sons of heaven stayed and then some returned from whence they came and some stayed on to lead the peoples.

And a lamb nuzzled at my knee and the roar of the lion faded into the heavens and all was sweetness upon the place. I rejoiced and then turned unto mine work for there was indeed much to be done. I somehow knew I would be given into forgetfulness but in that moment I knew all and I wondered what man would do with this wondrous place of newness.

The seas had rendered up the ancient of relics and the golden cup shone in the light of a new sun and I wondered what it might have been and I knew that my journey would again be long. My Grandfather put his arm about my shoulders and comforted me and said, "Come for I shall show the way". I knew I could not count far enough and the feathers of Grandfather's cloak smelled fresh and he took my hand and I could no longer see where I was going. I wanted to go back again unto my home and Grandfather said, "Later, Little Bear, for it is not yet thy time". I will ask Grandfather the way for he has walked the path so many times--and he has promised me--he has promised me! I know not who I am, I simply AM! And it is said the word must go forth as on the wings of the eagles that it can reach all the corners of the world where the path goes and re­turns and when it returns, my work shall be finished that I may again return home to my place among the stars of the seven lights where my Father dwells. Until that day Grandfather will show me the path and whisper the Truth upon the winds and it shall come within my ear and mind and I shall be given to know again. I am weary and the lands are tumbled and order must be restored for about me lies the remnants of chaos.

But at this moment in "time" there are no beings upon the black path for some­how those of the black path are crying out from a place I cannot see but I can­not remember. Grandfather will tell me how it was and someday I shall again remember.

I picked up the lamb for it, too, had lost of its Mother and I knew that I was birthed of the heaven and the earth and that Grandfather would tell me. Grand­father must have told me for I know that I hold the Truth and I know not from whence it comes forth like the waters of the spring. I do not understand, Grandfather, I do not understand. I love this place but I do not like this place.

But I shall stay and I shall do of my work and I shall put the word to the skins and stone and when you come for me I shall be ready--for I AM and I have no label
--I simply AM and all about me simply IS. Mitakoye Oyasin. Aho.

* * *

No, chela, you shall not begin a new page nor strike the writing--you must no longer hide your eyes from Truth--it is time for the knowing. Salu.

Hatonn present to sit with you and to move on with the words. Some will listen and some will denounce them but all will know the truth of it for thy Mother is in recreation and renewal and the birthing pains are hard. We shall walk as gently as we can but we will not bend in the winds of adversity for it is the time for Truth to prevail for man has lost his way.


More deadly than ICBMs is FEAR. That which is born of disinformation. Such fear can paralyze a nation and a peoples. Through insidious control of the U.S. media and public education, the Cartel has conditioned Americans to cower in terror of what Richard Pipes calls "the evil spirits whose abode is neu­trons and protons".

Sam Cohen, who developed the neutron bomb (how many remembered his name?), observes that a fatalistic fear of nuclear war will erode America's de­termination to "resist the designs the Soviets have for bringing us into their orbit and we will find ourselves increasingly bowing to their will and coming under their control".

Conversely, the Soviet peoples are told by their masters: "There is profound er­ror and harm in the disorienting claims of bourgeois ideologues that there will be no victor in a thermonuclear world war".

The Soviets maintain and continually refine a massive civil-defense apparatus which ensures Soviet survival of a Soviet nuclear offensive. For 175,000 nomenklatura, the Soviets have built radiation shelters 600 feet below the ground. Huge underground steel bunkers contain communications, emergency power sources, sleeping areas and water storage.

Soviet industrial complexes have blast-resistant underground shelters to accom­modate their largest work shifts. Huge food caches are sheltered throughout the Soviet empire. Mass civil-defense training programs ensure evacuation of So­viet cities well in advance of a surprise attack on the U.S.

One U.S. senior technical advisor admits that even if ALL of America's sur­viving nuclear weapons were delivered on the Soviet Union, they would kill all of the people in an area that amounts to only 2.7 percent of the U.S.S.R. Dr. Teller explains: "The landmass of the U.S.S.R. is more than twice that of the U.S.; its urban concentration proportionately much lower. The Soviets' civil-defense planning may well enable them to lose fewer people in a nuclear con­flict than the 20 million casualties they suffered in World War II".

Nuclear winter is a propaganda device contrived by disarmament advocate Carl Sagan. Because of his exaggerations and inaccuracies, Dr. Sagan has lost all credibility in scientific circles. As Dr. Cohen notes, nuclear winter is a danger­ous HOAX perpetrated by Soviet agents who are "more than happy to see the U.S. lose confidence in defending itself against nuclear attack".

As part of a national brainwashing campaign, Americans are often shown im­ages of Japanese nuclear-bomb victims. Yet there are hundreds of thousands of survivors in Hiroshima and Nagasaki after nuclear holocaust, a fact NEVER discussed by the controlled media. Many survived UNINJURED in earth-cov­ered shelters very nearly at ground zero.

Dr. Teller reports: "In Nagasaki, people in caves survived one-third of a mile from ground zero. The day after the blast, bridges were open to traffic; the second day, trains ran; the third day, streetcars were operating. The people of these cities were without any knowledge of how to protect themselves. Yet 1.6 to 3.1 miles from ground zero, 98 percent of the inhabitants--283,000 people--survived. Among this group in the past 33 years, about 500 more deaths from cancer have occurred than would be predicted in an unexposed similar group of people".

Dr. Arthur B. Robinson of the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine says of long-term radiation danger: "When compared with deaths from all causes (not just cancer), the long term radiation from nuclear war increases the overall death rate less than 1 %. This is consistent with the fact that, regardless of ex­tensive investigations, no deaths from residual radiation and only a few ad­ditional deaths from cancer have been observed among survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki".

One week after nuclear exchange, ninety-seven percent of the Soviet work force will be able to leave their shelters for an eight-hour work day. Nevertheless, the Cartel's powerful National Education Association--through propaganda cur­ricula like CHOICES--imbues American children with the notion that nuclear war means death for every living thing on earth. Such DISINFORMATION is crucial to The Plan. A nation secure in its civil-defense preparedness would be difficult to blackmail.


But, because they are deliberately kept ignorant, Americans do not demand a viable national civil-defense program with properly equipped shelters, adequate food storage and updated plans for emergency evacuation from known targeted areas.

Now effectively programmed by nuclear doomsdayers, most Americans are ap­parently incapable of comprehending Dr. Teller's assurances that, although a terrible number of people would die in nuclear war, "many more would sur­vive". Teller adds that after nuclear exchange, the environment--including the ozone layer--would return to nearly normal quite rapidly. Yet, as Richard Pipes notes: "Anyone who calls for a dispassionate analysis of the issues or, worse yet, for defenses against nuclear weapons, violates powerful taboos and is ap­propriately punished by the multitude".

This is true. The average American generally becomes infuriated when told that nuclear war is survivable. Many foolish Americans will undoubtedly be EVEN MORE infuriated when they find that they DID survive nuclear war and that they are starving because there is no food production and no civil order.

Drawing from data calculated by the most brilliant of experts, Dr. Robinson (see SURVIVAL IS ONLY TEN FEET FROM HELL and FIGHTING CHANCE, TEN FEET FROM SURVIVAL) estimates that it would require 438 one-megaton nuclear bombs (the power of 22,000 Hiroshima-sized bombs) to completely pulverize a city the size of Los Angeles. Even if only TEN PERCENT of America's population survives a Soviet attack, that would still leave MILLIONS to fall prey to a greater enemy. The chaos, the inhuman acts of man against man, the anarchy and bloodshed after nuclear war will be far more devastating than radiation.


As part of The Plan, Americans have been conditioned to believe that their ONLY hope for survival depends upon "arms negotiations" with the Kremlin slavers. Yet, since Lenin announced that treaties--like pie crusts--are made to be broken, the Soviets have violated EVERY agreement, treaty and non-aggres­sion pact they have ever signed.


In 1987 a study sponsored by Harvard University concluded that the major U.S.-Soviet arms accords signed over twenty-five years have enabled the Sovi­ets to achieve global superiority in land, sea, conventional and nuclear weaponry as America unilaterally disarmed.

Senator Henry Jackson complained of Kissinger's 1972 SALT I Treaty: ". . .the agreements give the Soviets more of everything: more light ICBMs, more heavy ICBMs, more submarine-launched missiles, more submarines, more payload, even more ABM radars. In no area covered by the agreement is the United States permitted to maintain parity with the Soviet Union".

After the Soviets signed the SALT II agreement, they increased their nuclear ar­senal by SEVENTY-FIVE PERCENT. While the Soviets have staged the biggest military buildup in modern history, the U.S. has wasted BILLIONS OF DOLLARS on UNILATERAL disarmament projects. In compliance with SALT II, a treaty never ratified by the Senate and continually violated by the Soviets, U.S. officials poured concrete into the missile bays of Polaris subs and dismantled Poseidon subs at a cost of $21 million per EACH ONE DE­STROYED. Congress CANNOT ESCAPE the strictures of the SALT II scam. The 1989 defense authorization provides that MORE U.S. MISSILE-LAUNCH SUBS BE RETIRED TO OFFSET NEW WEAPONS.

The Cartel created the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency the same year it released State Department Publication 7277--that infamous blueprint for a global police state.

Congressman John Bray said of this agency in 1963: "Many of us--had great hopes for the future of the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency when we voted for the authorization and appropriations for its operation. After observing the operation of this agency for one year, I am deeply disappointed. Instead of working on plans to represent the interests of America and the free world in disarmament plans, this agency has apparently been studying reasons for the free world to surrender to the Kremlin".

Collaborating with the Soviets to arrange America's terminal disarmament, this agency has always been under direction of such Cartel appointees as Paul Nitze, who advocates turning U.S. and NATO weapons over to the United Nations.

In 1968, the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency promulgated a document titled Arms Control and National Security. It specifically states that the BASIC PURPOSE OF ARMS-CONTROL NEGOTIATIONS IS CREATION OF A GLOBAL POLICE AUTHORITY.

Quote: "...the agreed ultimate goal of the negotiations has been general and complete disarmament, i.e., the total elimination of all armed forces and arma­ments except those needed to maintain internal order within states and to furnish the United Nations peace forces. While the reductions were taking place, a U.N. peace force would be established and developed, and by the time the plan was completed, it would be so strong that no nation could challenge it".

The document did not explain that on the way to world order, the Cartel would, for the purposes of blackmail, take the lethal risk of unilaterally disarming America while building the Soviet war machine to monumental proportions.

As the Soviet war machine grew ever more formidable after each new round of arms agreements, America and Western Europe grew ever more intimidated, then suckered into new treaties and agreements which only made them more vulnerable to nuclear attack.

Richard Pipes observes: "...every Soviet action, no matter how aggressive and immoral, need not be condoned but must be acquiesced to for the sake of the supreme objective, preservation of good relations with the Soviet Union, which alone makes it possible to preserve peace, which insures the survival of mankind".

So it was that Congress, bullied into ratifying arms reduction treaties, WHAT­EVER THEIR TERMS, obediently rubber-stamped such snares as SALT I (formally) and SALT II (tacitly), agreements which presupposed the Soviet "right" to achieve nuclear superiority and which prohibited the U.S. from de­veloping modern weapons systems. Years of such appeasement have turned America and Western Europe into sniveling vassals of the most brutal, treacher­ous power to arise in human history.

To hasten America's unilateral disarmament, you now enter the PEACE GAME phase brought to you by the media's own darling, Mikhail Gorbachev--butcher of Afghanistan. Gorbachev apparently has the charm and the skill to consum­mate Soviet strategy as outlined by D. Mauilisky who taught students at Lenin School of Political Warfare: "To win we shall need the element of surprise. The bourgeois will have to be put to sleep, so we shall begin by launching the most spectacular peace movement on record. There will be electrifying over­tures and unheard-of concessions. The capitalist countries, stupid and decadent, will rejoice in their own destruction. They will leap at another chance to be friends. As soon as their guard is down, we shall smash them with our clenched fist". WHY DON'T YOU JUST STOP RIGHT NOW AND GO RIGHT BACK AND READ THAT PARAGRAPH AGAIN!

The World Order Models Project calls for elimination of U.S. forces abroad. In 1988, the Cartel moved swiftly toward this goal with its Treaty on Intermedi­ate-range Nuclear Forces (INF Treaty) This treaty, which Newsweek magazine called the "first significant withdrawal of American power from Europe since World War II", was negotiated with the Soviets by Secretary of State, George Shultz.

George Shultz's father was reportedly an official of the American International Corporation. You may recall that I.P. Morgan and his network of Wall Street Moguls created this corporation to assist their Bolshevik Revolution in Russia.

As a dynastic member of the inner core of Cartel power, Shultz has nurtured Marxist revolution globally. One of his pet projects has been the Soviet-Cuban regime in Angola, a base for Soviet subversion in Africa.

The Marxist dictator of Angola heads the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA). The Cartel placed MPLA in power in 1975, and this So­viet-backed parasite has waxed strong on the U.S. Export-Import Bank ever since.

MPLA rakes in $1 billion annually from the Cartel's massive multinational cor­porate interlock which operates Angola's Cabinda oil fields. U.S. corporations cooperating with MPLA include Mobil, Texaco, Conoco and Chevron/Gulf plus Boeing Aircraft, General Electric and also Shultz's long time employer, Bechtel Corporation.

The Chevron/Gulf refinery complex at Cabinda is guarded by Soviet and Cuban troops under command of a Russian general. Revenues from Cabinda have pro­vided the Soviet-Angolan regime with currency it needs to stave off anti-com­munist rebels (UNITA) who have been fighting for 13 years to free Angola from Marxist control. In 1985, Shultz was brazen enough to urge congressional leader Robert Michel to block humanitarian aid for UNITA.

Shultz's INF Treaty requires America to destroy new cruise and Pershing mis­siles worth $9 billion. These were the ONLY European ground-based nuclear weapons capable of reaching the Soviet heartland in the event of a Soviet offen­sive against Western Europe. The Soviets never cared for those U.S. missiles; they were a genuine obstruction to Soviet expansionism.


Remaining U.S. nuclear weapons in Western Europe have an average maximum range of only 66 miles. They would fall on NATO territory instead of halting Soviet aggression at its root.

The INF agreement marks the beginning of the end of nuclear defense against Soviet invasion of Western Europe and it will surely dissolve what remains of Western Europe's flagging will to resist Sovietization. According to retired Army General, Albion Knight, after the Pershing missiles are withdrawn, American troops in Europe will be cannon fodder, or worse.

American journalists fairly slobbered themselves applauding Mikhail Gorbachev's
INF "CONCESSIONS" in which he agreed to dismantle a small percentage of obsolete soviet SS-20s. In the unthinkable event that the Soviets should honor a commitment for the THE FIRST TIME since 1917, only Soviet missiles (delivery vehicles) would be dismantled. The warhead devices and guidance systems on those missiles can reportedly be transferred to the canisters of newer Soviet SS-25 missiles. Besides, the Soviets need only TEN PER­CENT of their SS-20s to destroy ALL OF NATO's remaining nuclear assets.

The INF "verification process" is a farce because of: 1. the limited number of Soviet sites open to inspection, 2. the limited number of inspections permitted, 3. mobile launchers which allow the Soviets to move missiles prior to inspec­tions, for which they are given 16 hours advance notice. Even before the INF agreement was ratified, U.S. officials discovered that the Soviets had faked pho­tos necessary for compliance.

The INF Treaty permits a network of Soviet agents (KGB/GRU) to be stationed at U.S. defense plants and military bases across the U.S. and Europe to ensure U.S. compliance. During the frenzy of the INF "deal", U.S. officials gave a grand tour of U.S. military bases to Marshal Sergei Akhronmeyev, then number two in command of the Soviet war machine. Akhronmeyev was even treated to a tour of the Pentagon's top-secret War Room.

The INF Treaty is a significant political victory for the World Order gang.

Senator Jesse Helms (R-North Carolina) reports: "The INF summit is supposed to mark the initiation of a new phase in Soviet-American relations. This phase is intended ultimately to produce a convergence in the two systems".

As part of the Cartel's public relations campaign designed to portray the Soviets as noble reformers, Parade Magazine (May 22, 1988) featured a diatribe by Soviet Ambassador Yuri Dubinin. Dubinin assured American dupes that the INF Treaty will lead to a "world free of nuclear weapons". Representing a criminal regime, which as of as late as 1988 routinely tortured and killed un­armed civilian refugees fleeing Afghanistan, Dubinin declared that the Soviets are interested in "meaningful dialogue on the entire spectrum of humanitarian issues".

Employing hackneyed Cartel phrases ("interdependence in a rapidly changing world"), Dubinin stated: "History is urgently confronting us with the challenge to restructure international relations on a new, democratic basis .. ". This is obviously Cartel rhetoric for the planned installation of a global dictatorship which controls all the weapons in the world.

Dubinin's statements revealed that the Soviets were panting for Senate ratifica­tion of the INF Treaty. George Shultz was hysterical in his demands that the Senate ratify with undue haste! One hundred men of the Senate, in whose hands rested the fate of a nation, had a remarkable opportunity to demand, in return, the immediate reduction of Soviet conventional weapons in Europe, the disman­tling of the Berlin Wall, and the removal of Soviet puppet governments from Eastern Europe, Cuba, Nicaragua and Afghanistan.

Instead, America's Senators dutifully sold America into infamy. These pan­dering whores, beholden to the Cartel's megalithic corporate interlock for cam­paign contributions, obediently ratified the INF booby trap by a vote of 93-5.

Preceding the final vote, during Senate debate on the INF pact, amendments were introduced that would have delayed the destruction of U.S. intermediate-range weapons in Europe until the President certifies that the Soviets are no longer violating the previous arms control pacts they have signed.


Shortly before the INF Treaty sealed the fate of the West, Dubinin, flushed with impending victory, had announced: "We want our first step toward nuclear disarmament to be followed by an even more important treaty. We want this sooner, rather than later..."

He was referring to the Cartel's ongoing Strategic Arms Reduction Talks (START) which will invariably result in the destruction of at least half of America's long-range nuclear missiles and a percentage of her strategic sub­marines.

Newsweek admits that the Soviets will have "large incentive" to cheat on a START agreement. Representative Les Aspin, chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, admits that a START agreement will be an especially dan­gerous trap because Soviet compliance will be ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE TO VERIFY. Aspin believes that the U.S. will have to "live with uncertainty. Thus, with blind trust, Americans will necessarily stake the fate of their nation and the lives of their children on the veracity and good will of the Soviet Communist Party".

The START sellout will mark the LAST PHASE of America's unilateral disar­mament. It will preface the compulsory surrender, by the year 2000, of Amer­ica's remaining weapons to the United Nations "peacekeeping" apparatus de­signed to enforce the edicts of the Cartel's global socialist political machine.

It is little wonder that in December 1988, Mikhail Gorbachev told the United Nations General Assembly that it is time for mankind to build a "NEW WORLD ORDER".

Dharma, let us have a break please and then we will discuss "how you got ‘dead'". How you were duped and fooled--'tis sad indeed. You slept while your country burned just as good old Caesar fiddled while Rome burned--the same evil forces set the fires and you ended up in the roaster. So be it.

Hatonn to stand-by.

By the way for you grammar-wise nervous editors who read the commas and quotation marks instead of the book--let it be known right now that WE saw stupid rules and changed them for you as it seems you dear ones will change nothing, no matter how stupid. Quotation marks always outside a punctuation mark--indeed, and change the meaning of the entire subject material! The ones who made the rules didn't know what to do with them so arbitrarily decided to have "a rule"--dare ye not to do anything? You will or ye shall be in the per­ishment of your civilization. So be it and selah.