PJ 11


SUN, DEC. 24, 1989 3:45 P.M. YEAR 3, DAY 130

SUN., DEC. 24, 1989

You will find that a unified world economic system is vital for the victory of international socialism. Stalin declared that long ago--today the Soviets say: "In a socialist society the national or global economy is an integral organism, di­rected by a single will".

Thus, a top Cartel priority is continued development of a single global economic system which can facilitate socialist world order. The economic component of The Plan is advancing rapidly. As Richard Falk celebrates IN A STUDY OF FUTURE WORLDS, the entire world economy will be an "integrated whole" in the 1990's.

The United Nations provides the framework for a global monetary system which links nations of the world with the Cartel's most powerful global financial in­stitutions including the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Please, I urge you ones to get SPACE-GATE, SPIRAL TO ECONOMIC DISASTER, and PRIVACY IN A FISHBOWL.

Business Week has described the Cartel's supranational financial network as a "vast, integrated global money and capital system, billions of Eurodollars, Euromarks and other stateless currencies hurtling around the world 24 hours a day".

This system will soon evolve into a global monetary dictatorship. Cartel theo­retician, Richard Cooper, outlined the future when he said: "I suggest a radical alternative scheme for the next century: The creation of a common currency for all of the industrial democracies. But a single currency is possible only if there is in effect a single monetary policy, and a single authority issuing the currency and directing the monetary policy. How can independent states accomplish that? They need to turn over the determination of monetary policy to a supranational body".

Cartel master planners call the evolving global monetary system the NEW INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC ORDER (NIEO) in honor of the United Nations' Declaration of the Establishment of the New Economic Order. This declaration, adopted by the U.N. General Assembly in 1974, calls for govern­ment seizure (nationalization) of private business. It also mandates construction of a gigantic global welfare system to transfer wealth from producing nations to "poor" nations, i.e., those with systems so corrupt or inefficient that they can­not produce for themselves. One prominent world order propagandist explains:

"The NIEO document calls for dramatic and painful change--painful to those countries, and companies, who are profiting from the present system. These reforms could mean that citizens of the wealthy countries will have to pay more for imported products, as they have for oil. It could mean that manufacturing employment would rise in the poor countries while falling in the rich countries. In other words, it could mean more inflation and fewer jobs in countries like the United States".

Couched in this phony altruism is the Cartel's master plan for expanding multinational corporate profits by charging the "rich" nations more for imported products while transferring industry to the "poor" nations where cheap labor can be exploited.

Planners at the World Order Models Project naturally propose a Marxist system of global wealth redistribution which will "equalize" the economic status of most global citizens. And Richard Gardner vociferates: "In the next several years, the United States and the other industrial countries, in their enlightened self-interest, should commit themselves to a number of measures to assist the economic development of the developing countries--more multilateral aid, more market access for developing countries' exports, more transfer of technology, a world food reserve..."

Ronald Reagan's 1988 call for U.S. aid to rebuild Afghanistan for the Soviet puppet government there epitomizes the Cartel's NIEO designs. America's compulsory march into feudal poverty as her taxpayers are bled-dry to support Third World dictators was applauded by a 1984 campaign brochure released by Walter Mondale and Geraldine Ferraro. It stated:

"A New International Economic Order must be established which will fundamentally change the distribution and nature of world produc­tion. We recognize that this will mean some sacrifice by the rich, but we believe that we cannot continue to use economic growth to increase consumption and our material standard of living. Instead, we must work for a new lifestyle which will allow resources to be transferred and re­turned to the poorer nations".

Calling for "sacrifice by the rich" is Cartel jargon for imposing increasingly confiscatory taxation--not on millionaire collectivists like Walter Mondale, Doug Dillon and Armand Hammer--but on the bourgeoisie: MIDDLE-CLASS AMERICA. America's nomenklatura will retain its unfathomable wealth in the socialist new world order. But confiscation of wealth earned by Middle Amer­ica is vital for bringing all nations under a global socialist system.

Lenin explained:

"The more backward the country--the more difficult it is for her to pass from the old capitalist relations to socialist relations".

Stalin pontificated:

"It is essential that the triumphant proletariat of the advanced countries should render aid, real and prolonged aid, to the toiling masses of the backward nationalists, that it should help them to rise to a higher state of development and to catch up with the more advanced nationali­ties. Unless such aid is forth-coming, it will be impossible to bring about the peaceful coexistence and fraternal collaboration of the toilers of the various nations and peoples within a single world economic sys­tem that are so essential for the final triumph of socialism".

WOMP planners call for a global taxing authority which will harness all global citizens to the great yoke of world government. Such a system is in the works. Americans, who have contributed untold billions of tax dollars to the United Nations, are already saddled with a national debt in the TRILLIONS. Yet this burden is only the FIRST FRUITS of The Plan.


Dr. Carroll Quigley demonstrated in TRAGEDY AND HOPE that the Cartel's dynastic families have controlled the central banks of the world for generations. Possibly the most fascinating aspect of the Cartel's evolving global economic systems is the international network of computer and telecommunication centers which link central banks of the world to the Society for Worldwide Interbanks Financial Transactions (SWIFT) based in Belgium. SWIFT's financial wizards are rapidly assembling a global financial order based on credit cards, electronic funds transfer and point of sale computer terminals. This system is designed to eliminate most personal cash transactions by the year 2000.

A global cashless monetary system will be extremely valuable to the Cartel be­cause it will permit the "central guidance system" to collect reliable and up-to-date personal information on each global citizen. Detailed computer transaction sheets will enable world order surveillance specialists to monitor the net worth, tax liability, personal tastes, political and religious affiliation and even the whereabouts of each global citizen.

The Cartel's capacity to process and store information of this kind is astound­ing! In the 1970s, a Canadian computer scientist stunned the world when he said of the three-story computer (dubbed the "beast") in Brussels, Belgium:

"You and I are tied into this computer by one or more keys: our social security number, our driver's license, our birth certificate, our passport number, and whatever credit cards we use. Every move you have made, and every penny you have paid to Internal Revenue each year is all on record".


Since the above information came to light, the Cartel's "beast", comprising the largest computer complex in the world, has now expanded to Luxembourg. This gigantic apparatus, capable of numbering every person on earth, ties in with the European Common Market (CLUE, CHELAS), which is rapidly amalgamating the various trade and monetary systems of Western European nations in preparation for the larger global unification project.

To make the cashless global monetary system a foolproof surveillance vehicle, the Cartel must ultimately:

1. Assign every global citizen a personal identification number so that each fi­nancial transaction recorded by the central computer can be linked to an indi­vidual by his number.

2. Imprint his personal identification number in the flesh of each citizen--with either a microchip implant or a laser tattoo--so that I.D. cannot be lost, stolen or faked.

The nationally disseminated Senior Scholastic magazine explained to American students the Cartel's ultimate design:

"All buying and selling in the program will be done by computer. No currency, no change, no checks. In the program, people would receive a number that had been assigned them tattooed in their wrist or forehead. The number is put on by a laser beam and cannot be felt. The number in the body is not seen with the naked eye and is as perma­nent as your fingerprints. All items of consumer goods will be marked with a computer mark. The computer outlet in the store which picks up the number in the person's body and automatically totals the price and deducts the amount from the person's Special Drawing Rights account".

For some unexplained reason, numerous components of the Cartel's suprana­tional economic system consistently employ patterns of TRIPLE SIXES. An example is the Universal Product Code, developed by Corporate America. This code is the square of numbers and symbols which a clerk passes across a laser scanner when you purchase a consumer item.

Researcher Dr. Mary Relfe spent thousands of dollars investigating the origin and development of the Universal Product Code. She discovered that, whatever the code design, it is INVARIABLY built upon a framework of THREE code bars presenting the number SIX. She also found that the three six-bars are gen­erally the ONLY bars in the code NOT assigned cardinal numbers. This sug­gests that the originators of the code may wish to obscure the 6-6-6 basis of the universal coding system.

The Cartel may be a bit paranoid that citizens might somehow connect its 6-6-6 system with the global dictatorship described in the Bible. Slated to arise shortly before the return of Jesus the Christ, this dictatorship is described by John the Revelator as a BEAST. John said the BEAST would be enormously anti-Christian and that it would KILL citizens who refuse to cooperate with, i.e., "worship" the system. John prophesied:

"And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive the mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

"And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

"Here is wisdom. Let him that hath under-standing count the num­ber of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six."

The Cartel's central apparatus for its global monetary system is the World Bank, an agency for the United Nations. By some odd coincidence, the World Bank code number is:


The Bible bears witness that the global monetary dictatorship of the BEAST will ultimately become a nightmare for EVERYONE because it is sponsored by SA­TAN himself! Therefore, Christians are ABSOLUTELY FORBIDDEN to ac­cept in their flesh the Mark of the BEAST. John warned:

"...If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out with-out mixture into the cup of his indignation..."

Well, it is going to take some clever maneuvering indeed for you are already listed in the system--so be it, we shall just tred along on the eggshells as long as we can.

New IRS requirements are augmenting the assignation of a social security num­ber to nearly everyone in the United States, even tiny babes. This is significant because a citizen's social security identification number is the NUMBER OF HIS NAME. An American can conduct almost no important financial transac­tions without reporting the number of his name. Unless he presents his social security number, an American cannot:

1. Work for mainstream employers.
2. Receive government benefits.
3. File an income tax return.
4. Obtain insurance or get a bank loan.


The technology for both laser tattooing and microchip implanting is now well-advanced. When the global monetary system makes it MANDATORY for ev­ery citizen to have the number of his name imprinted into his flesh, he WILL COMPLY or he will be COMPLETELY CUT-OFF. He will have to barter with like-minded people to survive in meager circumstances. In most cases, he will probably forfeit his job and/or retirement benefits. If he is in debt, he will likely lose his home or other tangible assets. Such will be the power of the BEAST in his zenith.

Yet, those who allow themselves to be "branded" by the BEAST will also suffer horribly. There will apparently be some type of health risk, possibly CON­NECTED TO LASER RADIATION USED TO SCAN THE NUMBER IN THE FLESH.

John said:

"...and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image". Could this mean "logo"?

The Bible declares that those who KNOWINGLY accept the mark of the BEAST are symbolically worshipping Satan and his PLAN. Therefore, these people will suffer spiritually. John described their terrible reward: "And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up of ever and ever; and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name".

Because The Plan is unleashing rapid, radical change in America, it would be advisable for you, dear reader, if you have not already done so, to obtain a copy of the Bible and study the Book of Revelation, Chapters 1-22. The time is speedily approaching when you will necessarily make choices that will greatly impact your future, both in this life and the next. Before you make decisions of such magnitude, why not use the Sacred Record to examine, at close range, the origin and motives of the BEAST?

Dharma, let us bring this to a close for this segment. I see that you are most fa­tigued from such a long day. If you are fresh enough to work later this night, we shall attempt it, if not, then take your rest on this your Christmas Eve. The glory shall be unto you ones, chelas, who labor long in the Father's vineyards.

In love and deepest appreciation, I move to stand-by. I am ever in thy service.


PJ 11


MON., DEC. 25, 1989 6:00 A.M. YEAR 3, DAY 131

MON., DEC. 25, 1989


On this early Christmas morning, I come to sit with you for a while, Dharma. I see the sadness in your heart, the heaviness--the acknowledgment that things are no easier nor abundant than that of last year and the year before. No, precious ones, the world is not better this season--it is far worse than in all of history. Bits of colored paper, Christmas trees and turkey dinners will not make of it better. We are doing here that which will make it better. Aho! Much propa­ganda is strewn about during the Holy Seasons that no one notices that which is going on. Your military leaders say they "ran Noriega to the ground"; they ran him nowhere. This invasion of Panama has run the peoples to the ground; they have no food, their businesses are destroyed, people killed and yet the lie abounds. One act of terrorism does not diminish the doubling of terrorism.

That police force shall overrun your homes if you do not act before the death knell rings throughout your homeland. It is a saddened world indeed.

That which will happen now in those beloved places that have stood and fought and died for freedom, is that they shall now fall prey to the BEAST and the Cartel just as planned. They will find they must "borrow" and accept aid for they cannot function without assistance--they will simply now sell their coun­tries to the mongrels. So be it. It is headed for your local doorsteps wherever you abide in this world.

There are many ones this day who have set aside the festivities to finish our work in a timely manner--you only "feel" isolated and alone. You must do these things for the wondrous peace within for few of your fellowmen shall give appreciation to you ones who carry of the banner--it is the way of the journey.

There is not reverence unto me this day in your masses--it is a most Holy day for material oriented Satan--they even dub his name Santa--how sad for mankind. So be it, chela, let us move onward for every day is most precious indeed. I give the benediction of peace unto you ones of Truth and rest in the promise that your works will be blessed. The King of Darkness reigns this day; not the Prince of Light--you were told it would be thusly brought to bear. Do not dismay for we have much to do.


* * *
Hatonn present in love and Truth, chela, that we may do our work in a timely manner. Walk in light this day. Hold the beauty of the day which brings man a bit closer together within the heart-place, close to your own for you must not be in the forgetting of that which we are here to do. THE WORD MUST GO FORTH AND THEN MAN MUST DECIDE OF THAT WHICH HE WILL DO WITH IT.


Oh yes, it is coming and it is coming down hard--you already taste of it in the judicial system which is corrupt and evil, in the IRS which is corrupt and evil and even in your local law enforcers who are chosen for their intent of control and power. Of course there are good men among the groups, but oh, chelas, so few in these days of preparation for the big changes. There can be no won­drously warm and gentle men in the forces which shall carry out the orders of the Elite.

Did you not see the children in the military circumstance in Panama--they are but youngsters who do the bidding of the hardened and evil oriented directors. Did you see Mr. Bush or Mr. Cheney in the fray? Nay, they sat and gave little tokens of "how fair and just was your son's death" to the ones who would never overcome the loss of a beloved lifestream. The generals sit in their air-condi­tioned rooms and direct the death marches and citizens back at home pronounce opinions of nonsense. WAR IS A STUPID PLOY OF EVIL--BUT YOU HAVE BILLIONS OF WAR TOYS, THEREFORE, YOU HAVE TO USE THEM ON SOMETHING--DO YOU NOT? SO BE IT.

Cartel spokesmen complain that a weakness of the United Nations has been its lack of ENFORCEMENT ACTION against "aggressor nations". On cinching up the enforcement authority of the Cartel's global bureaucracy, Richard Gardner says: "Finally, we will need to find better ways of enforcing the rules, as by multilateral action that denies benefits and applies punishments".

Military force is needed to punish nations who do not conform to world law, as promulgated by the world government. Therefore, according to Richard Falk, the creation of an unchallengeable global police authority is a "first and central priority". The name of the game is DOMINATION!

He says: "Again, disarmament can proceed successfully only if accompanied by centralization of the power/authority structure that dominates the newly-dis­armed units (nations)".

In 1961, the U.S. State Department, operating under iron-fisted control of Car­tel agents, issued State Department Publication 7277. This document explains the master plan for creating a global police force that will "dominate" all dis­armed nations, including the United States. It reads in part:

"Set forth as the objectives of a program of general and complete disarmament in a peaceful world:

"The disbanding of all national armed forces and the prohibition of their reestablishment in any form whatsoever other than those required to preserve internal order and for contributions to the United Nation's peace force; the elimination from national arsenals of all armaments, in­cluding all weapons of mass destruction and the means for their delivery, other than those required for a United Nations peace force and for maintaining internal order.

"The establishment and effective operation of an international disarmament organization within the framework of the United Nations to insure compliance with all disarmament obligations.

"And, no state would have a military power to challenge the progres­sively strengthened U.N. peace force".

John F. Kennedy was groomed for his presidency at the Cartel's Fabian socialis London School of Economic and Political Science. Kennedy submitted to a dis. armament committee in Geneva a treaty called Blueprint for the Peace Race. The key provision of this formal treaty is the creation of a United Nation! "peacekeeping" force so powerful that no nation could defy its dictates. This proposal is still pending.

The United Nations already has the power to police the world. All nations which have signed the U.N. Charter agree to:

1. Permit the U.N. Security Council to deploy U.N. military forces against perceived enemy by air, sea, or land "as may be necessary to maintain or restore international peace and security" (U.N. Charter, Chapter 7, Article 42).

2. Provide the U.N. "every assistance" for its military actions and refrain from giving assistance to a nation against which the U.N. is taking "preventive or en forcement action" (U.N. Charter, Chapter 1, Article 2).

3. Make available to the Security Council: armed forces, assistance and facilities, including rights of passage, and make "immediately available national Air Force contingents for combined international enforcement action" (U.N. Char ter, Chapter 7, Article 45).

Thus, in the name of PEACE, the United Nations Charter creates and empowers a GLOBAL AGGRESSOR with authority to wage war against individual nations. As articulated by J. Reuben Clark Jr., who served as U.S. Undersecretary of State:

"The Charter will not certainly end war. In the first place, there is no provision in the Charter itself that contemplates ending war. It is true that the Charter provides for force to bring peace, but such use of force is in itself war. The Charter is a war document, not a peace document".




Right now, the U.N. Undersecretary-General for the Department of Political and Security Council Affairs is Soviet official Vasily S. Safronchuk. Safronchuk is NUMBER ONE authority in charge of all U.N. military person­nel, "peacekeeping" missions, disarmament and atomic energy matters.

Once the Cartel completes its disarmament plan, all disarmed nations of the world will be policed by the Soviet Communist Party working through the United Nations as a front.


You can project the fate of all nations--slated to be "dominated" by the Soviet-operated world police force--by looking at what the United Nations Security Council did to Africa in the early Sixties. At that time, the Belgian Congo (now Zaire) was under the brutal control of Soviet proxy and terrorist, Patrice Lumumba. Lumumba had issued a directive calling for imprisonment and tor­ture of those who resisted his dictatorship.

Anti-communist leader Moise Tshombe, backed by a large army, organized the province of Katanga to secede from Lumumba's terrorist state. Tshombe de­clared that under his leadership, Katanga would enjoy a Western-style govern­ment based on principles drawn from the U.S. Constitution. Tshombe greatly admired the U.S. Constitution.

By resolution of the U.N. Security Council, thousands of U.N. troops under command of Soviet official, Georgy Arkadev, were transported by U.S. Air Force planes to peaceful little Katanga. Their mission was to help the Marxist terrorist Lumumba put a bloody end to Tshombe's ideas of self-determination.
Lumumba's troops, backed by U.N. forces, swarmed through Katanga on a rampage of rape and murder and cannibalism. So savage were their acts against civilians, including women and children, that one journalist, an eyewitness, called them "wild barbarians
--determined to annihilate the last bastion of civi­lization that remains in Katanga".
Forty-six medical doctors, observing hideous massacres, sent this urgent mes­sage to J.F. Kennedy and the Pope: "SOS TO THE MORAL CONSCIENCE OF THE WORLD--STOP--IMPLORE YOU TO INTERVENE WITH ALL YOUR AUTHORITY TO STOP THE TERRORIST BOMBARDMENT OF HOSPITALS AND CIVILIAN POPULATIONS BY UNO--ON OUR HONOR AS PHYSICIANS WE DECLARE AS LIES THE DENIALS OF UNO SEC­RETARY GENERAL. (The U.N. secretary-general was Leninist, U. Thant.) World renowned humanitarian, Dr. Albert Schweitzer, also demanded that U.N. troops be withdrawn from Katanga. He declared that the mission of the United Nations should NOT be to make war. A U.S. senator, present in the Congo during U.N. operations there, testified before the Senate that the United Nations had brought "chaos and bloodshed" to the Congo.

But mass genocide has always been part of The Plan. The Cartel cannot con­solidate its socialist world order if independent leaders establish little niches of freedom. Thus, U.N. forces annihilated Tshombe's liberation movement and brought the Congo under absolute control of Lumumba's Marxist successor, Cyrille Adoula. His dictatorship was called "peace".

The United Nations still operates exclusively in the interests of the Marxist agenda. Thus, in 1988, Gorbachev called for U.N. intervention in Afghanistan. Watch for an accelerating increase in deployment of U.N. forces to trouble spots throughout the world. Third World dictators will call for U.N. assistance. The Soviets will "acquiesce" to U.N. "peacekeeping" arrangements like that in the works for Marxist Angola where the U.N. will undoubtedly help annihilate anti-communist forces there.

While the dupes of the West are told that U.N. troops are preventing global conflagration, nation after nation will be sucked into the New World Order by Vasily Safronchuk and his Kremlin bosses. Consider the 1988 agreement--ar­ranged by the U.S. State Department and signed by the Marxist dictators of Angola and Cuba--under which the African nation of Namibia is to be brought to totalitarian "independence". Under this agreement, 7,500 U.N. troops and 1,500 world order bureaucrats will supervise the withdrawal from Namibia of South African troops, the disarmament of Namibian territorial forces and the transfer from Marxist Angola to Namibia of 9,000 Soviet-backed, Cuban-trained SWAPO guerrillas, renowned for their terrorist atrocities against civil­ians.

The radical Marxist SWAPO (South-West African People's Organization) is recognized as "the sole and authentic representative of Namibia" by the United Nations. Thus, Vasily Safronchuk and his U.N. police force are authorized to supervise Namibian "elections" in order to place SWAPO leaders in control of what will certainly emerge as a Marxist dictatorship. The fate of Namibians will be that of all Soviet slaves.

Installing a SWAPO dictatorship in Namibia will cost the United Nations $600 million, one-third of which will be paid by American taxpayers. As Congress discusses innovative ways to plunder the American bourgeoisie in order to "reduce the budget deficit", not one self-serving politician will DARE SUG­GEST that--instead of raising taxes--perhaps the Namibian Sovietization project should be cut from the U.S.-U.N. budget.



Because The Plan calls for a world police force dominated by the Soviets, it is little wonder that Saul Mendlovitz, chief theoretician for the World Order Mod­els Project, openly admits that world government is likely to evolve into a total­itarian entity. He has stated: "It is my considered judgment that there is no longer a question whether or not there will be world government by the year 2000. As I see it, the questions we should be addressing ourselves to are: how it will come into being--by cataclysm, drift, rational design?--and whether it will be totalitarian, benign, or participatory? (The probabilities being in that order)".

World order propagandists defend the totalitarian aspect of The Plan by insisting that only through coercion can socialist bureaucrats save the world from fear and economic privation. The Cartel's radical Americans for Democratic Action has stated that it is possible for a police state to be obedient to the popular will. This is typical Marxist propaganda which contends that populations enduring a police state GLADLY IMPOSE UPON THEMSELVES THE STRANGU­LATING TERROR OF MARTIAL LAW.

Cartel elite have always stressed that a police state is necessary for CONTROL of the bovine masses. It is greatly relevant, as we documented earlier, that Doug Dillon
--guiding force behind the World Order Models Project and advo­cate of radical constitutional reform--is inextricably connected to the rise of Hitler and the National Socialist movement of Nazi Germany.

Consider also the personal philosophy of John Foster Dulles, founding father of the United Nations and U.S. Secretary of State. Dulles was related to the Rockefeller family by marriage. Through his law firm, Sullivan and Cromwell, Dulles arranged financing for Adolph Hitler. He also served as Joseph Stalin's legal counsel in the United States. In 1940, Dulles outlined what he considered the virtues of totalitarianism:

"How are we to overcome the obstacles created by pride and selfish­ness? We can get rid of them only by replacing them by some sentiment more dominant and gripping and which will contain in it the elements of universality as against particularity.

"This is no visionary dream. Before us today we have the spectacle of Communism and Fascism changing almost overnight the characteris­tics of entire peoples. Millions of individuals have been made into dif­ferent and, on the whole, finer people. Elemental virtues are again treated as matters of concern. Immoralities and dishonestness, personal prides and prejudices are replaced by courage, self-sacrifice and disci­pline. There is a conscious subordination of self to the end that some great objective may be furthered".

George Bernard Shaw, godfather of the Fabian Society (founded by British dis­ciples of Karl Marx) and an ardent supporter of The Plan, also expressed delight with brutal dictatorship. In 1931, during the heyday of Stalin's psychotic purges, Shaw toured Russia on behalf of the Cartel's European faction to ob­serve the fruits of Soviet socialism. He declared:

"It is a real comfort to me, an old man, to be able to step into my grave with the knowledge that the civilization of the world will be saved. It is here in Russia that I have actually been convinced that the new Communist system is capable of leading mankind out of its present cri­sis, and saving it from complete anarchy and ruin".

Bertrand Russell, another world order pioneer and an active leader of Parlia­mentarians for World Government, was an adamant proponent of a global police authority. He explained why the global disarmament plan will NOT alleviate the threat of nuclear weapons:

"When I speak of international government, I mean one that really governs, not an amiable facade like the League of Nations or a preten­tious sham like the United Nations under its present constitution. An international government must have the only atomic bombs, the only plant for producing them, the only air force, the only battleships, and generally whatever is necessary to make it irresistible".

Richard Falk emphasizes the "central guidance system" will maintain A NUCLEAR ARSENAL TO ENFORCE ITS DICTATES:

" .. the goal of disarmament will be to eliminate national military estab­lishments. Residual and nominal nuclear arsenals of fixed specifications will be maintained in ten centers of power/authority, each subject to dual control activation and requiring the participation of a designated official, or his appointed deputy".

Once the Cartel's global bureaucracy becomes THE IRRESISTIBLE NUCLEAR POWER, it will have the means to enforce a brutal global police state. (Are you getting a bit anxious to get those survival shelters?) Dr. Leo Szilard, a top scientist for the Manhattan Project, told a group of scientists in 1961:

"It is my contention that the only way to make the Court (World Court) effective, is to empower the Court to impose the death penalty for failure to appear in Court, when summoned. The Court would deputize any and all American citizens to try and execute the sentence. An American citizen killing an "outlaw" could not be legally tried for murder in an American court, inasmuch as the treaty setting up the Court would be the law of the land. In addition to relying on American citizens thus depu­tized, the Court could employ perhaps 500 to 1,000 marshals. It would be the duty of the marshals to try to execute the death sentence imposed by the Court".

The Plan calls for regional police reserves of 50,000-75,000 per unit. These regional forces, controlled by the central police authority, would ensure that all citizens obey the orders of world government bureaucrats. Richard Falk notes: "Participation in these security activities would be a great honor and would be rewarded with high pay. Members would receive a sophisticated education and would be expected to be exemplary citizens of the World Policy." NOT GOOD CITIZENS BUT RATHER EXEMPLARY CITIZENS OF THE WORLD POLICY.

Cartel theoretician Payson S. Wild Jr. admitted years ago that if world govern­ment is to be effective, INDIVIDUAL citizens must be terrorized into submis­sion by the world police. Apparently envisioning a global version of the KGB, he wrote:

"Dealing with an entire state as a criminal has its psychological as well as military and other practical difficulties, but international police would not confine their functions to operations against whole nations. They could and should operate against individual persons. In fact, the main job of such a force may be that of enforcing law against private per­sons".

As an evolutionary step towards a global police state, the Cartel created, through its congressional puppets, the Omnibus Crime Control Act of 1968. This legislation engendered the federal Law Enforcement Assistance Adminis­tration (LEAA). Along with numerous state laws and federal funding schemes, LEAA is gradually forging local police forces, county sheriff's departments and National Guard units into a centrally-controlled national police force. This computerized national law enforcement network is slated to fall under jurisdic­tion of the GLOBAL POLICE FORCE sometime around the year 2000. Remember, the U.S. State Department has announced that the ultimate goal is "general and complete disarmament" including individual Americans, since pri­vately-owned weapons could be used to challenge global authority.

Lenin, who led the Cartel-backed Russian Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, com­manded his terrorists to "make mass searches and hold executions for found arms". He declared: "Only the Soviets can effectively disarm the bourgeoisie. Unless this is done, the victory of socialism is impossible".

World order propagandists ridicule Americans who own arms as "warmongers" and "Rambo-types". Richard Falk complains: "Prevailing ethical attitudes in the United States support domestic reliance on the war system. The failure of Congress to enact effective legislation prohibiting hand gun sales is indicative".

The Cartel's program of "dynamic gradualism" has placed increasingly burden­some requirements on the PRIVATE ownership of firearms. Gun registration is, according to former Congressman John Rarick, the forerunner of arms con­fiscation.

After relinquishing ALL of her weapons to a Soviet-dominated global police force--slated to enforce the edicts of the World Court--the United States will cease to be a sovereign nation-state. America will be considered merely a re­gional unit of the Cartel's global eco-political system.

The Cartel has been very blatant about the ultimate design of The Plan. But nowhere have we found a more brazen declaration than that of Cartel dignitary Walt Rostow, in his day, chairman of the State Department Policy Planning Board:



So be it, chela, let us allow this to seep within the brains while you take respite. Please do not longer hide your heads in the buckets of dirt. EVERYTHING has been planned, from the drugs to lull you into stupor, to the rise of Satanism, to the false "war on drugs" to get you behind all efforts to CONTROL and DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS PROBLEM--well, "they" are doing something about your problems--I hope you are ready for long, hard and cold winters and a lot of bloodshed--YOURS!

When we return we shall discuss how the "machine" runs. It is expected that you "stupid" "capitalist" American citizens will surrender while pleading for more controls--"capitalists have traditionally surrendered with 'far more cow­ardice than the Marxist scheme predicted'". THAT, DEAR FRIENDS, CAME FROM CARTEL HISTORIAN ARTHUR SCHLESINGER, PRESIDENTIAL ADVISOR TO JOHN F. KENNEDY. HOW SAFE DO YOU FEEL THIS DAY? WHAT DO YOU THINK THEY MIGHT HAVE BEEN DOING SINCE THEY MURDERED MR. KENNEDY? THINK ABOUT IT!

I move to stand-by that we might draw this segment to a close. Thank you for your willing service on this your Christmas Day Holiday. Blessings be unto you and yours on this day of remembering. Salu.