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  1. #3
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 74


    THU., JUNE 17, 1993 1:40 P.M. YEAR 6, DAY 305

    THU., JUNE 17, 1993

    Why have I decided to teach these lessons on "Light" and God? What "authority" do "I" have to express that which IS? No more than do you--except that you do not seem to KNOW the subject and I DO. But, what claim do I have? Well, interest­ingly enough, I weary that my people are so badly treated and received in the morass of your Earth ignorance and lack of knowledge. You are like swarms of fish fry moving hither and yon without direction and being swallowed up by anyone and anything offering great material gain and power. I weary of my scribe serving the GREAT MASTERS only to be brought before a magistrate in your injustice system and crucified on the cross of greed.

    Would it not be better if Germain again brought the lessons? No--he brought them many times before only to be rejected and the work buried. Just prior to this last dictation from Germain his teachings were through such a wondrously lighted person as to be able to illumine the minds of MAN--only to end up in the hands and at the mercy and downfall of a beautiful woman half his age. This wondrous man left his marriage of over 55 years for this woman whom he wed within the same year and allowed his work and himself to be listed as a "humanist" when his whole journey to that point had been toward the total LIGHT of Spiritual KNOWING.

    Often my scribe needs to be reminded of who we ARE and what we are about and it helps to see it before her in the same manner that you all experience. Is she somehow greater, bigger, more important. ... ? NOPE--just serving as do any of you--each "segment" in service being more important than any other seg­ment when it is needed. What she pens is not important at all if it be kept beneath the bushel or turned over to the darkness.

    Dharma was once told by some "channelers" that Hatonn was "like a third grade teacher" and that "no man can look upon God lest his eyes be blinded"--WHAT HOGWASH. Would a "father" burn out the eyes of his child whom he cherishes? Would this "God" not be able to soften the "glow" enough to se­cure safety for the child's eyes or give other protection in some manner--how dare man so limit GOD.

    So, by what authority do "I", 'Aton'-(Hatonn) take authority? Because I AM exactly who I say I AM--Aton, the ONE LIGHT represented through the ages as the ONE LIGHT--THE SUN. Now, before you disclaim this in fits of laughter--I suggest you tell me just who are YOU? I know WHO I am and WHAT I am--I also have the POWER, the KNOWING and the ability to teach you WHO YOU ARE! And moreover--you can ac­cept it or reject it as it pleases you--but remember: IF I BE RIGHT, AND I AM RIGHT, WHERE ARE Y0U GOING TO BE ON TRANSITION DAY? SO BE IT.

    The WORD dawned ....

    The Eighteenth Dynasty, Egypt's Imperial Age, had begun with Ahmose I, a Theban princeling. Thutmose III had salvaged the great treasures of Solomon's Temple in Israel. Now the heart of mankind was ready to receive the WORD as it dawned in Egypt as the blazing ATON. Aton's servant on Earth was to be Amunhotep IV, known to the world as Akhnaton, the "heretic" Pharaoh....

    .... Amunhotep IV changed his name, which meant "Amun­is-satisfied", to Akhnaton ("It is well with the Aton"). .. .. Amunmun he struck out of every tomb, temple, and monu­ment on which it appeared throughout the length and breadth of Egypt. .... he (Akhnaton) recognized and served only One God, symbolized by the Disc of the Sun (Aton). And, little students, no man can fully serve two masters and from this came the knowledge and the saying that you "cannot serve God of Light and the Devil." In the ending you must choose. YOU cannot serve Amun AND Aton.

    Does Dharma (or any of my family) claim to BE Hatonn, Aton, Christ, God or any other entity? Nope--nor do they always cherish the idea or the service they have chosen in this time of coming into KNOWING. It is mostly a "rotten" job "but some­body has to do it!"

    What, then, are we about? Evolvement--within the cycles of that which IS. We must get through this, learn and experience and evolve from this "play" Into the next "more important" expression. YOU are going to have to look and think beyond the ME-ness of your little world of narrow perceptions or you shall be locked within that same little narrow expression aspect. Can we do it? Of course. "Will" we do it? That is strictly up to YOU, isn't it? Keep arguing over "truth", mate­rial property and dimension (dense) and you aren't going to do anything except slip further and further into a soulless, dark age of death and soul repression. "I" have "time"--you do NOT. You are in the "time" cycle of this revolution of the Great Pu­rification and you had best take it most seriously indeed.

    Now, next: Why do we come in the symbolism of the Phoenix? Because we come from places of the Lion and the Bird Tribes, if you will. I personally expressed on a planet in the Pleiades Constellation called "Hatonn" and it has served well as location identification to my Command. You can, or not, worry over such triviality if you like but I suggest you leave it go with the other unnecessary trash you accumulate while missing the trea­sures.

    "Phoenix": (1) Egyptian and Greek mythology tells that this is a bird representing the sun (Aton, also THE "Son") that con­sumed itself by fire after living many, many years (hundreds ac­cording to some, thousands according to others) [As long as he chooses, according to ME], and then rose renewed from its ashes; a symbol of immortality and spiritual rebirth.

    (2) A person or thing of unsurpassed excellence or beauty; a LIGHTED paragon--model or pattern of excellence and per­fection of a kind; a peerless example.

    Now I believe you can see why we travel on a starship called Phoenix and also refer to our project as the "Phoenix". It also, however, is WHY, particularly at this time of confrontation with our adversary that so many clandestine black operations are also called Phoenix. Evil ALWAYS assumes the face of goodness in order to DECEIVE. His favorite places for deception and con­trol, are, of course, right in the churches of religious dogmas and misinformation. Where better to gain control over the Spirit journey of MAN?

    This is also WHY the need for the deceit of the World War II "Holocaust" and the massacre holocaust at WACO, Texas (and other places.) It is the symbolism of FIRE, ASHES and an ef­fort to prevent the rising again of goodness and perfection.
    So, will God prevail? Of course-that has never been a point in question; however, man does not seem to awaken until he gets a terrible hot-foot disease and heartburn. Man grows wings of wax feathers in his drive for material gain through greed-sand they will melt and he shall fall as the heat turns up in the kitchen. My people, however. shall rise above the heat and soar as on wings of Eagles WITH the Phoenix. Will YOU come fly with me? We shall see. However, unless you learn what you are, who you are, where you are going, how you come to be, from whence you came and thus and so--you are stuck in the muck Of darkness without a lamp. You have become mired in the physical shackles which now also imprison your souls in forgetfulness.

    We have come to jog your memories a bit so that you who would rather do worthy work with your journey can do so. I care not how long or how much you deny ME and/or MY work and word. It does not change one iota of the truth of it. Further, ones who would claim or disclaim "this Hatonn" or "that Hatonn" are also missing the point ill all measure, The TIME OF THE LORD IS AT HAND. No one doubts as much or ar­gues the point. So, do you have so little faith in God as to be­lieve HE would leave you to your translation without messen­gers and guides? He never has before--why do you deny it now at the most seriously consequential time of history of man and planet?

    Ah, I see, chelas--you prefer other teachings that give you a way out of responsibility'! Sorry about that-- THAT IS THE PURPOSE OF THE EXPERIENCE IN THE FIRST PLACE!

    A good thing to remember is that a diamond in the dark is but a rock--polished and in the sun--it is the most magnificent of all colored lights reflected into the universe, WHERE DO YOU KEEP YOUR DIAMONDS?

    You can KNOW "light" but you cannot see it for light cannot be "seen", Light is absolutely "still". The "sense" of light cannot respond to stillness. That which the eyes "feel" and believe to be Light is but motion--wave motion--simulating the IDEA of LIGHT. As with all things else in our electric wave universe the IDEA of LIGHT cannot be produced. ELECTRIC WAVES SIMULATE IDEA ONLY, They do NOT BECOME idea.

    If you see the "light of the sun" you believe you are actually seeing "light" when the nerves of your eyes are but "feeling" the intense rapid, short-wave vibrations of the kind of wave motion which you sense as incandescence. You can measure this if you like--an unsighted man KNOWS when he is in DARKNESS and when he is in sunlight. He cannot "see" it--shut he KNOWS it.

    How does Dharma recognize my own presence? In the same manner--she needs not "see" me for the frequency of my vibra­tions can literally knock her off the chair. Further, she never accepts ANY presence without confirmation of those frequency waves and mine are as specific as any of your fingerprints--and by the way--THAT is not a very good check-point for the "real thing" any more. Absolutely identical DNA-RNA clones will have identical fingerprints even in some instances to scarring or coloration nevi. This is, however, why so few KNOW me--for almost ALL must "see" something to "believe" they "know" something. Visual image is about as bad a foundation upon which to form your "beliefs" as any method that "appears" to exist. You can be fooled every minute of every day by visuals on a TV screen and the subject material has no meaning to you. The announcer will speak of something as happening "today" and you will be shown a visual from six years ago and to you it becomes "today". Most of the time, any longer, they do not ' even bother to mention to you the audience that it is "file" tape. You simply cannot longer trust almost anything you "see". This is another reason you MUST start "listening" to your "feelings" about things and pay attention to your intuition for that repre­sents inner KNOWING.

    The intensely vibrant electric current mirrored into the senses of the eyes fairly burns them. They cannot stand that high rate of vibration. The eyes would be destroyed by such a vibration, but light would NOT be the cause of that destruction. Fast motion, simulating light, would be the cause. It would be like sending a high voltage electric current over a wire so fine that the current would burn it out.

    Man, likewise cannot see darkness. The nerves of his eyes which sense motion slow down to a rate of vibration at which he can no longer "feel" them.

    Man is so attuned to the idea that he actually "sees" light in various intensities illuminating various substances to greater or lesser extents that it is difficult for him to realize that his own senses are but acting as mirrors to reflect various intensities of wave motion. But that is all that is happening in fact.

    Every electrically conditioned thing in Nature reflects the vibra­tions of every other thing, to fulfill its desire to synchronize its vibrations with every other thing. All matter is the motion of light. All motion is expressed in waves. All light waves are mirrors which reflect each other's condition unto the farthermost star. This is an electrically conditioned wave universe.

    All wave conditions are infinitely seeking oneness. For this rea­son all sensation responds to all other sensations.

    LIGHT IS ....
    You people have had ongoing arguments amongst your "top" scientists for generations as to what is light. Newton claimed it to be "corpuscular". By definition this would be something like the little separate "cells" which are represented as "blood cells" (red, white, etc.). Obviously this means "literally": a minute particle of matter. Or is light a "wave"? Evidence is abundant in favor of the argument for both theories. It IS both. Light is expressed by motion. All motion IS wave motion. All waves are expressed by fields of equal and opposite pressures of two­-way motion. The entire volume within wave fields is filled with the two opposite expressions of motion--the positive expression which compresses light into solids, and the negative expression which expands it into space surrounding solids.

    All space within wave fields IS CURVED. Curvature ends at planes of zero curvature which bound all wave fields. These boundary planes of omnipresent magnetic light act as mirrors to reflect all curvature into all other wave fields in the universe, and as fulcrums from which motion in one wave field is universally repeated.

    These together constitute what is called matter and space. It is difficult to conceive light as being purely corpuscular for light is presumed to fill ALL space. Space is not empty. It is full of wave motion. Corpuscles of matter are half of wave cycles of light. Space is the other half. There needs to be no mystery as to whether or not light is corpuscular or wave, for waves of motion which simulate the light and darkness of space is all there IS. The light and motion of solid matter, and of gaseous matter of space, differs only in volume and condition.

    Water of Earth is compressed into small volume while water of the heavens is expanded thousands of times in volume. Each condition is the opposite half of the cycle of water. Is this be­ginning to make some logical sense to you?

    Water vapor is water turned inside-out. It again becomes water by turning outside-in. Expansion-contraction sequences result from this process.

    You might find it interesting to share a thought between Dharma and Little Crow one day when a debate regarding "rituals" was in progress. It had nothing to do with the subject under discus­sion but when you came to solutions for mankind and evolve­ment in this "cycle", Little Crow gestured with his hands as he said "everything within must be turned (brought) without." I don't need to explain his meaning here for it becomes obvious that you are now into the cycle wherein all within must come without. If you can think about this "concept" and be com­fortable with it--you are a long, long way along your trail to knowing.

    ALL MATTER IS LIGHT! Water of the heavens still is water, and it still is light waves. No change whatsoever has taken place between the waters of Earth and those of the heavens ex­cept a change of its condition from positive to negative prepon­derance. This change is solely due to a change of its direction in respect to its center of gravity. Now don't go crazy here either, for "gravity" is going to have to come to your knowledge as not what you perceive it to be. It has to do with density and not magnetic pull or push. We will get to that later, please.

    All dense cold matter, such as iron, stone, wood, and all grow­ing or decaying things, are light. You do not think of them as light but all are waves of motion, and all waves of motion are light.

    Please pay attention here: Light is all there is in the spiritual universe of knowing, and simulation of that light in opposite extensions is all there is in the electric wave universe of sensing. The simulation of light in matter is NOT light. There is no "light" in "matter".

    There is abundant confusion concerning the many kinds of parti­cles of matter such as electrons, protons, photons, neutrons and others. These many particles are supposedly different because of the belief that some are charged negatively, some are charged positively and some are so equally charged that one supposedly neutralizes the other. There is, however, NO such condition in nature as negative charge. Nor are there negatively charged particles. "Charge" and "discharge" are simply opposite condi­tions, just as in filling and emptying, or compressing and ex­panding which are opposite conditions.

    Compressing bodies are charging into higher potential condi­tions. Conversely, expanding bodies are discharging into lower potential conditions. To describe an electron as a negatively charged body is equivalent to saying that it is an expanding­ contracting body. They are also opposite in direction. In this two-way universe, light which is inwardly directed toward grav­ity charges mass and discharges space. When directed toward space it charges space and discharges mass.

    The charging condition is positive. It multiplies speed of motion into density of substance. The principle of multiplication of motion because of decrease of volume is the cause of the ac­celeration of gravity. The discharging condition is negative. It divides speed of motion into tenuity of substance. The principle of the division of motion because of expansion of volume, is the cause of the deceleration of radiation.

    You can perhaps better comprehend this principle by knowing that what we call "substance" is purely motion. Motion simu­lates substance by its variation of pressures, its speed and its gy­roscopic relationship to its wave axis. Particles are variously conditioned as to pressure but there are no different KINDS of particles. ALL are light waves wound up into particles which are doubly charged. Their position at anyone point in their wave causes them to have the electric condition appropriate for that point.

    Light particles are forever moving in their "octave" waves. All are either heading toward their cathode or their anode, which means toward gravity or vacuity. They are all moving either inward or outward--SPIRALLY.

    Yes, indeed, I usually "lose" a lot of electrical engineers and ones who are TAUGHT well but incorrectly. Argument will only PROVE that my statements are correct, students.

    Furthermore, all light particles are either expressing the mother­-light principle or the father-light principle. For example, if a particle is on the amplitude of the wave, it would be a true sphere, and as a true sphere it would be neither positive nor would it be negative. It might then appropriately be called a "neutron". A particle which is spirally heading inward toward the apex of a vortex in the process of becoming a sphere might appropriately be called a proton, because of its expressing the father-light principle. We will cover these "concepts" also as we move along. It is difficult to get it all said at once. So, AGAIN: if it is moving spirally outward, it could appropri­ately be called an electron because it would then be dis­charging in excess of its charge or expanding in excess of its contraction.

    Light rays, for example, leaving the sun, are discharging the sun. They are also discharging themselves because they are ex­panding into greater volume. They are also lowering their own potential by multiplying their volume. They alternate their charge when radially converging upon the Earth. They are then charging the Earth and themselves by contracting into smaller volume and are simultaneously multiplying their own potential by thus contracting. This is also why it becomes easy to prove that you are simply a result of compression and expansion. This, in addition, shows you vividly that you are an "electric wave universe". Think of it as breathing out and breathing in and let go of the complexity always thrust into the equation by those who would dislike you to actually know anything about yourselves.

    How about adding to that, semi-cycles. In an electric current there is a constant interchange between anode and cathode or positive and negative poles. A light particle expands as it leaves the cathode in an outward radial direction and contracts as it ra­dially approaches the anode. This light particle has been the same light particle at all times in all parts of its journey. Its variation of charge and discharge, its direction of motion and the condition of wave pressure in which it finds itself at all times are the sole reasons for its changing from one condition to another. The light particles are all the same light particles, all being dif­ferent only in pressure conditions.

    This same is also true of the elements of matter. Whether they are iron, carbon, silicon, radium, etc., all are composed of the same kind of light particles. They all seem to have different qualities and attributes, but those qualities and attributes are likewise given to them purely by the positions they occupy in their WAVES.

    All things simulate light. A particle of light which belongs to an atomic system of sodium has in it all of the entire range of the elements, besides all of every other creating thing in the uni­verse. It acts to carry out the purposefulness of the idea of sodium simply because it is in the pressure condition of sodium, and is a part of the unfolding pattern of the seed of inert gas of the octave from which it has unfolded. If that same particle un­folded from the seed of the oak, it would be part of the wood fi­ber of its trunk, or leaf, or of the chlorophyll which colored its leaves, but it would be the same kind of particle while fulfilling the purpose of cellulose as while fulfilling the purpose of the sodium as well.

    All matter in the universe is but differently conditioned mo­tion simulating light, and all differences in condition are PRESSURE differences.

    Ok, here is a recognized number: The speed with which light presumably "travels" is 186,400 miles per second. Now con­sider that the distance between stars and planets is so great that the speed of light is computed as "light years", for the distance computed by lesser units of time would yield figures so great that they would be meaningless. Almost as meaningless as to say the fact of it--there is no distance at all and no light "travel" at all. BUT...

    Light only SEEMS to travel. It is but one more of the countless illusions caused by this nice "wave" motion. Waves of the ocean seem to traverse the ocean but they only APPEAR to do so, for waves are pistons in the universal engines, and pistons operate up and down. Wave pistons of light, or of the ocean, operated radially and spirally inward and outward, toward and away from gravity. Now aren't we having fun with this nasty old scientific subject?

    Waves of light do not travel. They reproduce each other from wave field to wave field of space. The planes of zero curva­ture which bound all wave fields act as mirrors to reflect light from one field into another. This sets up an appearance of light as traveling, which is pure illusion.

    I have a bit of fun as we write for Dharma is caused to recall her son, Paul, sitting and knowing within that he could integrate the "field" theory. (This may not be the accurate definition but it will do.) What? Anyone can integrate all theories but I think it rather nice that in the fact that he is now physically dead--he still gets to tamper and tinker and integrate these concepts in Truth THROUGH connections of timelessness and spacelessness and within ONENESS. You see, a bullet through the brain only transferred the energy--it did not destroy the knowledge. Knowledge remains just as KNOWING IS. I ask that within the pages of this JOURNAL, Paul's Dimensional Life Theory be appended [See page 56, end of this chapter], I believe I shall dedicate this work to him. You see, the adversary can kill the body--it CANNOT MURDER THE SOUL AND KNOWING.

    The "sunlight" you feel upon your bodies is actual light from the sun. What is happening is that the sun is reproducing its own condition on the Earth by extending the reproductions out through cold space into ever enlarging wave fields until those reproductions begin to converge again toward your center of gravity into even smaller wave fields. The heat you feel and the light you see is dependent entirely upon the ability of the wave fields to reproduce the light and heat, and that ability is con­ditioned upon the amount of moisture in the atmosphere.

    If there is no moisture in the atmosphere, your bodies would simply carbonize from the heat thus reproduced. One cannot consistently think of that heat as direct rays of the sun, for that same sunlight was intensely COLD during its reproduced jour­ney through the immensely expanded wave fields of space be­tween the sun and Earth.

    Not so-the light and heat which APPEAR to come from the star or sun has never left the star or sun. That which man "sees" as light and "feels" as heat is the reproduced counter­part of the light and heat which is ITS CAUSE.

    The rate of vibration in a wave field depends upon its volume. Vibration in a wave field means the pulse of interchange be­tween its compressed core and the space surrounding that core. A slow vibration in a large wave field would cool one's body, or even freeze it, while fast pulsing interchange in extremely small wave fields could burn one's body.

    A lens which multiplies light and heat toward a focal point which sets paper on fire merely compresses larger wave fields into smaller ones. The rate of vibration increases for the same reason that the planets nearest the sun move much faster in their small orbits than those which are far away from the sun. There is a "law" covering the speeds of planets to rates of vibration in wave fields as appropriately as with the movements in the solar system--Kepler's Law.

    What about it? I realize that while we are on the subject of light, vibration, frequency and rays (that, after all, is ALL) we will refer back to the critical situation within which you find yourselves. How relieved everyone seemed to be to think you missed that nasty old "Photon Belt". You haven't MISSED anything and if you don't sharpen up quickly you are going to have a whole heap of trouble.

    The frequency of those rays now expressing on your place are already part of that "photon" shower. The frequency is beyond that of ultra violet and it causes mutations of cells and all sorts of damage to an unprepared body. What you are going to have to do is find a way to match and thrive in those ever-increasing light frequencies. These rays fall into the totally "invisible" rays. They will "getcha" the same way as radioactive radiation.

    Can we help? Indeed, the little gaiandrianas can match and out-­frequency anything thrown at them if given the proper respect. "They" are infinite and can match anything and any frequency. Moreover, they can bring a living cellular structure right along with them. It most certainly may be well worth your time and effort to stay tuned.

    You are going to have to come into realization that you are wondrous but you are quite primitive enough to get into terrible trouble. Everything in the universe is balanced in its perfection so you are going to have to get with the program. When you re­flect on you as a human species you are going to have to realize that you are not any better than anyone else or anything else. You are all just a part of this great Creation and your part is to do what the rest of Creation does and that is to support each and every other system. You must find ways to do that that circum­vent politics and preferences towards color, ethnicity and gen­der. You are energy and you have a "center". That center, which is that energy of Creation, has no form and no shape, has no smell, no color. It has no preference, no doctrine, no sinners and no saints--IT IS and it has NO PREFERENCE. The sooner you come to KNOW as much the faster you can get on with your learning to "ascend" which seems to he the prime game these days of gurus and evangelists.

    I will tell you right now, however, there is ONLY ONE WAY TO ASCEND--by particulation. You can do it properly and re­tain the two-way flow--or, you can blow yourselves into pul­verized vapor--the choice is yours!

    Can you get out of your own way long enough to accomplish this task? I hope so for it will indicate that your choices are picking up in wisdom.

    You are precious to me and I will give you all that I AM --but YOU have to accept it. Perhaps that is far more difficult than it may at first appear?

    In oneness within infinity, I AM THAT YOU MAY BE!

    As instructions to the compiling I request the following.

    I will herein give appreciation to Paul Andrew (we may not utilize his full name for several reasons, not the least of which is that we shall not have him tracked back to his mother). You will please insert the following statement afore the taped transcription and continue it as the final chapter, as such.




    OCT., 23, 1989, YEAR 3, DAY 068

    In the entanglements of the physical life journey there are many "unsung heroes" who come forth and during their lifetime they are ignored, persecuted, ridiculed and at best, misunderstood. These ones come in sequence out of an acceptable time element and are projected among a band of humanity not ready for acceptance of the gifts they bear. All who scan these pages will know of one or more such individuals. They come in all sizes and shapes, colors and creeds. Most do their appointed task and depart; man never realizing the treasure borne forth and cast aside through ignorance.

    One such gift unto you ones, was a man whom we shall only la­bel "PAUL ANDREW" for it is most critical that this personage not be traced back to birth source at this time.

    He efforted diligently at "fitting into" your world. He never succeeded, and having come forth to alert others in a timely manner, he departed your plane at the age of twenty-five years.

    There were two people who never fully heard his pleading cry and others who, in their mindless way, drove him in torment. Earth man will learn truth of his actions and stand responsible for their egotistical errors, for once upon your plane an energy is locked into the same format of existence as are all others.

    Paul, even in the smallness of his years, and in spite of the bom­bardment of negative fulfillment, came forth with what he called his theory of DIMENSIONAL LIFE. The version printed herein is not his polished document which was put to tape some six weeks later, but must suffice in concept for the tape was damaged greatly. Ah, some of you will say: "But that is my theory also, so what is new within its message?" He put it forth as a gift and perhaps you have not yet taken your stand for truth and understanding of that truth; no more and no less.

    Paul was birthed into human format on July 30, 1959, in your American city of Salt Lake City in the State of Utah. All who knew him also knew he was not from your place. He physically departed on March 22, 1985 from Bakersfield, California. His entity departed your plane on March 31, 1985 from the area north of Glendale, in your Los Angeles County, California. I give these coordinates that those who recognize of my words will have confirmation.

    He served well, he serves well presently and shall be allowed to bring forth his works in absentia of that afore mentioned entity and through other conduit. Man must learn that his perception of life-streams is incorrect and come into understanding of end­less life and mind.

    As in STAR TREK, those who will be coming forth to assist you from the fourth dimension are only more advanced than are you, little brothers, they are not Gods and are not one WITH God, until they have completed their individual life-stream "tours of duty", if you will. I shall not dwell further on the subject at this time. I shall again, in other documents, give fur­ther credit to this young energy who made the ultimate contribution.

    There are two human energies he respected and loved above all others; his mother and one labeled Dr. Andrew J. Golombos. The mother began to understand, the good doctor failed to come from his self-appointed lofty position upon the pedestal to ever see the "Bruno" or "Halley" he had within his grasp. Woe be unto man who fails to recognize of the gifts. Dr. Golombos has wondrous gifts to offer but in his self-appointed definitions sepa­rating egotism and egoism--he missed--the definitions are cor­rect, the actions most incorrect. He could, however, sort out all of your technical problems in a very short time-span. If his hu­mility ever matches the projection of his words, he shall be in­cluded. He can be easily located in the area of Los Angeles, California.

    The earth father of Paul Andrew shall also remain unnamed. His contributions were ones of pain and denial, greed and igno­rance. He, himself, is a physician who has yet been unable to heal himself. Honor shall be given when honor is earned and merited.

    I do give honor to the step-father who understood finally, albeit too late for the human being, he has since contributed in unlim­ited measure unto our cooperation. I must also leave this one unlabeled for security reasons-this message is for him to re­ceive at this time.

    I will further request that those who know of whom I speak, look within and without for you are missing thy opportunities of greatness.

    For you who seek truth, do not fall away for the petition is al­ways heard and if requested in truth of desire and in honor, ye shall be given it.





    SAT., OCT. 14, 1989, 12:29 P.M. YEAR 3, DAY 056

    TAPED JAN. 19, 1985, 12:45 P.M.
    PAUL'S DEATH: MARCH 22, 1985



    What is the idea of dimensional life? For an explanation of "what it is" I must go into a few details leading into the theory.

    The first is the concept of dimensional universes. We live in and understand the "zeroith" universe. If we were living within an atom this would be the negative-one universe (-1), and if we departed the "zeroith" (0) universe, or we stepped outside of our universe, we would step into the positive-one (+ 1) universe. Then we would look upon our universe, or the zero (0) universe as an atom. It would then appear, but I have no way of know­ing how far in either or both directions the stream flows, i.e., - 1,2,3,4, etc. and + 1,2,3,4, etc.

    Being within the current universe which is represented by the zero (0) status, I cannot say for sure if these other dimensions actually exist, but for definition sake, I will say that we live in the zeroith universe. Therefore, if we could move within an atom we would have to say we are in the -1 universe. There­fore, if we move outside our universe we would of necessity be in a positive, say (+ 1), universe. Briefly, that is a simplistic concept of dimensional universes.

    Let's now say you have a line going from negative through to ours, the zero, and on into the positive dimensions of the uni­verse. Now what if somehow one could step outside of that line--then you would be in the cosmos-or free in an etheric state of existence within the cosmos--free of universal restrictions. Now this is but a concept which, to my knowledge, cannot be proven.

    The next point I would bring to your attention is what is called the theory of evolution--certainly an old concept which has been under great contradiction and controversy as presented by Charles Darwin. This theory, if I understand it correctly, is that basically man came from the higher apes, the apes from lower species and on down the line through the fishes and back to the tiny one-celled life forms.

    But, if you move farther backward, so to speak, you move downward through perceived life form and into molecular reac­tions, or chemical reactions.

    Keeping in mind my concept of dimensional universes, and fur­ther, keeping in mind Mr. Darwin's theory of evolution, at least if the above understanding is correct, we would, of necessity, move into what I call, dimensional life. This concept, if cor­rect, becomes the theory of dimensional life.

    Now, the idea is essentially the following: Let us say, that we--­as man--live in the zero universe. That is, right now the human species is consuming energy and consuming resources. We are expanding our growth. As we expand our growth, our needs for more resources, our needs for more energy also grows.

    As man continues to grow he will eventually leave the planet Earth, move to other planets and will begin utilizing the energy and resources of other planets, firstly from those in our par­ticular solar system. Man, then left to his own devices, will continue to grow and exhaust the resources in these new envi­ronments so he would need look to other sources for man continues to expand without thought to eventual destiny or ex­tinction.

    It is feasible that man, in his movement into the solar system, will expand and eventually begin to pull other solar systems together, but man shows, so far, that as he now incarnates he would just continue to use the resources in exploitation. In any case, man will expand ultimately to the limits of our galaxy and then at some time in the perceived future, provided man con­tinues to grow and expand, the energies and resources in our own galaxy will not be enough. Therefore, at that time, mall would of necessity move on out into other galaxies.

    Let's say that the + 1 universe looks upon galaxies as atoms, and let's say that man finds it most beneficial to connect galaxies together for the best utilization of the energies and resources of the whole. Now, if you were moved into the positive one uni­verse looking down at the atoms, what you would then see would simply he represented as chemical reactions with those atoms ("galaxies").

    If you look in the opposing direction, you would say that there is a sharp line between the zero universe in which we live, and the negative-one universe, which are atoms. It could be that in the positive-one universe the entire of the galaxies could represent one atom-or, from higher dimensions the entire of the galaxies may appear to be as one atom. My knowledge is not great enough to know wherein lays these sharp lines of demarcation.

    I have already given you the image that if we begin pulling galaxies together-then, you would have a chemical reaction within the positive universe. If, however, the entire of the galaxies are represented as one atom then man could still con­tinue to expand until, relatively speaking, he expands to the lim­its of the universe as his current perception would recognize such and move into a higher "universe" whereby he has more energy and resource with which to function. This obviously would not be in a physical format as we call recognize of it in our current structure.

    At that time he may find it more appropriate to connect uni­verses together, at which time you would perceive chemical reactions within that prior positive-one universe. Where those sharp lines between these existence frames actually is, I simply don't know. You can look at universes, galaxies, solar systems or groupings of atoms as if they are only one atom.

    Let us look at this zero universe where man now stands and as­sume we have worked our way upward into the positive-one uni­verse. Well, actually, let us move in the other direction and look at the realm of the negative universe, or the atoms.

    Now, Mr. Darwin indicates that we first had chemical reactions, followed by one-celled animals, on into fish and plants, then animals, and then finally, man. What is all this leading to? After coming this far, I hope that you will understand my mean­ing when I say, "What is man? What are you? What am I?" Each one of us represents an entire civilization of some type of life-form. or social structure composed of trillions of living en­tities functioning in our perceived negative-one universe--obvi­ously controlled and placed into order of function by our system already in a representative higher universe.

    Your body, yourself. may be an entire civilization composed of hundreds of billions, actually trillions, of living entities residing in the negative-one universe controlled by a central "computer" or "God" who is obviously "self', for if the controlling mecha­nism-you--breaks down, you then have chaos within that nega­tive-one universe--your body.

    So, what is dimensional life? Dimensional life may be this; that you have living entities in one dimension that build social and organized structures large enough to become a single, living en­tity in the next higher dimension. As those single entities in the next higher dimension, multiply and grow, they in turn build yet another structure which ultimately becomes cohesive and func­tions as a unit and moves onward and upward. This is never ending for there is no limit to the universes themselves for uni­versal realms are infinite. Essentially dimensional life is the progression of life-stream into ever higher and more orderly compilation of units into ONE whole. From the zero status this cannot be proven, but at some point I believe man will he able to have knowledge from the higher life planes and this will be brought into our knowledge and be proven.

    What I conceive here, I would like to think of as the theory of dimensional life. Right now, in my frustration, I have no way to prove this theory and certainly few would entertain my opin­ion for there are many much more learned men than myself and I probably would not be heard. I know there is a fragment, an essence of energy that can only progress, for having progressed (evolved into higher form) it cannot move backwards for that is the law of progression. In this instance it would have to be said that this my "hypothesis" of dimensional life for a "theory" ac­tually needs more scientific proof to be acceptable and I have no means for its proving.

    When I think about it, and the more I think about it, the more I am convinced it is real and it is correct and orderly. Then, I get completely in awe of ones who have been able to utilize the concepts of living things upon which to base their physical con­structions.

    When I look at a mosquito, a fly--even those tiny little gnats, those little tiny gnats that fly around in circles about an inch in diameter and get in your ears and sit there and go whirring, whirring, whirring and go in your eyes and ears and bug hell out of you, I have to look at them and think how wonderful it is that they can actually fly. I think about ones like Wilber and Orville Wright and how intelligent they really must have been to actu­ally figure out how to fly. I think, "what an achievement that is!" and then I really wonder how can a mosquito fly? How could it know how to fly?

    Then I realize that man could not build a mosquito. Man could not build a fly. With all our current technology, high as it may be, we still could not build a mosquito---something that small that could fly--well, we could not build a mosquito!

    So what did? Something did! I conclude that what did are liv­ing entities beginning in the negative-one universe. The same flow stream of living entities that built you and me. Boy, it amazes me when I look at a fly. It amazes me when I look at bugs because I think, "What in hell built them?"--something built them and it sure as hell can't be by accident.

    Something actually built me--something built you and it sure as hell was not by accident.

    Let's look into the other direction where man expands. We start connecting up, let us say galaxies. Before we realize it, we find ourselves in an ocean of galaxies. Or, if you are in the positive­ one universe looking back (or down), you can see an ocean of atoms and maybe some molecules which have begun to connect. You realize that YOU can connect those atoms and before you know it you find out, damn, you can actually move that civi­lization through this ocean. Well, there would be God's one­-celled animal in the positive-one universe, which is not shabby.

    Well, you can use your own imagination from there. When man starts building two-celled animals, or two-celled societal struc­tures and three, and then four and then a thousand and a million....

    I look at a mosquito and think of a helicopter, I look at a bird and I think of an airplane and I think, "Where is technology?" Man developed technology for helicopters and airplanes, but who developed technology to build mosquitoes and birds? Oh my--well, let us look now at another evolution.

    Let us look at Wilber and Orville's first powered airplane, the very first powered flight. Look at the evolution of aircraft from its inception through its growth, up to today. On a parallel to that you could look at the first "thing" that flew, it probably was not a mosquito--who knows, maybe a bird or a fish--one that could flop its wings and remain out of water, whatever it was---look at the very first one. Well, there is type evolvement or natural selection whereby each developed, or was orderly con­structed, to efficiently function and continues to evolve to be more adapted and efficient.

    Could not man have a similar parallel growth? Could he not grow up and beyond the limits of this dimensional restraint and into higher dimensions of life-type existence?

    Well, you have my theory for dimensional life. Yet, I have no proof nor do I think I am the first to have this concept but nei­ther have I found it written elsewhere. Therefore, I can only draw conclusions which I feel to be logical and I therefore be­lieve this is valid.

    If I am correct, this could lead to many, many other things. If it is true that these living entities actually are in a negative uni­verse awaiting expansion, growth and order then perhaps we can communicate with them on a frequency or vibrational level. And secondly, perhaps they are seeking a way of evolvement themselves, in their primitive aspect, and by our being higher, but composed of them, perhaps we can show them how to build even better than ourselves, you know, maybe we could lead them a little better---I truly believe that each cell--each atom--­has a frequency and by use of that particular sound or light fre­quency we can actually communicate and structure order out of any chaos in the mechanism.

    In looking at man who is now above the negative-one universe it appears we have not progressed in proper fashion, therefore, by communicating with that negative-one universe we see that if we do not utilize technology--let us compare our brain to that of a computer, if we don't use the computer wisely we will be over­run with chaos from that negative-one body which can produce equally negative balance over into our current living universe which I refer to as the zero state.

    The computers, the mind, seem to get larger and larger and ap­pear smarter and smarter. This also leads further--and I would like to think about something else which has just come into my thoughts.

    When the computers which man is now utilizing, become so powerful in themselves, that computers can make their own de­cision solely on their own, it will affect the destination of man himself because man will have given up his rightful place in the order of progression. Right there, at that time, you essentially have produced another "living" entity or "being" composed of matter and brought it into a higher existence.

    When the time comes, as it appears it will, that computers make the decision for the species---however developed, that they gather data that makes the decisions instead of man, that will be a very important point in time. When I think about it, that is starting to happen right now, because already reliance is placed on computers which come up with facts that are critical and vital to the human species. I can see that relatively speaking, in the near future worldwide computers could be making decisions for the functioning of the entire human species.

    Well, looking on the other hand, if you and I are separate civi­lizations in the negative-one universe then it seems to me that the brain may be one of these computers, in concept. If so, then this idea can carry further into a magnificent brain (computer of energy) which controls all of us and each of us.

    Looking at the idea of dimensional life, I have come across other things which seem to make sense, to me at least. When you look at our civilization growing and expanding, you can use your imaginations and imagine unlimited things when you par­allel it with the negative-one universe. When you look at the negative-one universe from the aspect of the zero universe, you can thereby imagine what our zero universe must look like from the aspect of the positive universes.

    The idea of dimensional life may very well be important in guid­ing the human species in the future by acknowledging and understanding the living entities in the negative universe and seeing how they have progressed. We can do two things, we can help them to progress better and at the same time, we can learn from their progression in order or chaos and likewise ad­just.

    Let me restate this idea. By acknowledging and understanding, well, first you would have to prove that the negative-one uni­verse living entities actually exist in such a universe; and fur­ther, prove that we are a product of their work---a product of the architects and engineers of that universe. Now, by un­derstanding and observing their progress, it can be most benefi­cial to our progress as a human race, for it is the end result of how those atoms, molecules and cells function which ultimately reflects how we function on the whole. Therefore, it could be most beneficial to our overall societal structure.

    Further, by monitoring their progress, we can actually help them correct their course if it is in disorder, and give them the resources they need. We could find out what their structural and societal needs are and help them and in so-doing, they will help build us and our higher potential can even better assist us as we move onward into positive higher dimensional living. We could go forward with a lot fewer mistakes if we would just pay attention.

    I guess this pretty much concludes my ideas of dimensional life as I have called it. I do hope that someday it is proved so that if some day it does become a theory of dimensional life, I believe it will be very powerful for the advancement of knowledge, the advancement of the human species and the betterment of all life.

    There are two people, if they had not existed and I had not had the input from either one of these two people, there would ab­solutely be no way I could have developed. One is Andrew J. Golombos and the other Charles Darwin, though I disagree with his final conclusions.

    There are thousands of people that I wish to give gratitude and I thank all of the people that have helped me. I could read off a list, but I would first have to make the list, and it would proba­bly contain too many to list, therefore I just give my ap­preciation to all who came before me.

    I thank everyone who has given me input and I am most grate­ful. I also wish to add that up to this point, I have not written on this matter. At this point, I give anyone rights to expand on this subject with only one request, that they give me some credit for these ideas. If it is, however, not an original idea and there­fore belongs to another, such as Dr. Golombos, then I withdraw all rights; no one shall use these ideas unless they are truly mine.

    I further require that the writings be only for the betterment of mankind and that they in no way hinder or damage anyone else's property.

    This concludes the taped message, but I see that I have quite a bit more available tape. Since I will be studying this subject I will leave the space for addition of material.

    There is one other thing right now. When I was thinking of putting this on tape for people to hear, I could only think about what if I am wrong---what if people say, "Paul, you are a fool!" Well, what I have put down is only a concept which I have de­veloped from much input and that is all it is. I correlate it with painting a picture. Say, I painted a picture of the Golden Gate Bridge, well, that would be a picture of a very "real" thing that exists, ok, and say I made duplicates of that picture and gave it to others. Well, I have painted this picture and I give it likewise as a gift, as represents my perception.

    On the other hand, let's say I sat down and I dipped my paint brush in a randomly picked color to begin and I sloshed the paint around on the canvas and then dipped my brush in differ­ent colors, never cleaning the brush and just did a mish-mash--­which a lot of artists do these days (and they sell pictures like that). Well, this may be one of those mish-mashes or a piece of art--in either case it is my idea and I give it as an idea for I can­not prove it in any case.

    Again, thank you for hearing me.


    Hello again, a couple of additional points, please.

    Every time I spoke of molecular reactions, I wish to include crystal growth. I did mean molecular reactions but must include the growth of crystals.

    When I spoke of the computer intelligence, etc., what I mean is not individuals in that civilization but the civilization itself as a whole, as to action and direction.

    The third point I would like to add is; as to the rights of anyone writing a book on this subject---that is open and I hope that someone does so--I very much hope that someone does. As to the use of the material; anyone can utilize the substance as long as it does not hinder or damage the property of any other indi­vidual.

    Also, on the subject of the computers; don't misunderstand--I do not think the computers as machines will ever have power to function independently, it will he through consistent and ongoing interactions with individuals; so in that sense they will never have total power to make decisions, but I think you understand my meaning.

    I would like to leave you with one question in mind to think about. When you look at plants and animals; say you look at a bug and ponder over how it came to be---could this he the solu­tion, could the idea of dimensional life really he valid? Please inquire of yourself the next time you look closely at a living or­ganism such as a plant or animal.

    Again, thank you.


    PJ 74


    FRI., JUNE 18, 1993 9:31 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 306

    FRI., JUNE 18, 1993

    Benjamin Franklin

    "I am the Light,"sayeth the Lord. "Our Father is LIGHT," said the Great Teacher. "In HIS ‘lighted image' come we His Creations as He has molded us from HIS thoughts into that which is physical." "These things that I do, so too can you, and MORE." "I am COME AS A LAMP UNTO MY PEOPLE!" So be it for in Truth there can be no copyright except in attempt to hold that Truth from all to whom the gift of knowledge be given. Further, there are no "secrets" in or about "LIGHT"-­only the lack of KNOWING.

    So "how" can I, without assault against my scribe, get this great Truth to you? By sharing that which has been given to one, half a world distant in the southern part of Africa.

    So you ask. "Why would you 'settle' a dispute over God's gifted material by such a thing in the litigation pending?" Why in­deed?? I also marvel at the audacity of such a thing--but a Fed­eral Court Judge told all witnesses present that if "Hatonn" or any other of the so-called authors dared to print that which is forbidden--Doris Ekker will go to prison. Since there is never given opportunity to speak in any form whatsoever, what choices do we have in your system of "justice"?


    The CONTACT AND The Phoenix Institute for Research & Ed­ucation have invested heavily into researching and ferreting out the EXACT liabilities of utilizing any works of one, Walter Russell, who did indeed present the most understandable concept of this Truth--in conjunction with the work of Nikola Tesla. Ones here, as with you readers, cannot understand the thrust for silencing our work nor can any understanding be brought to the actions as to "competition" accusations. There is not even sim­ilarity in any measure with this place and/or operations and ANYTHING done by said Russell Foundation.

    The Russell Foundation, in fact, is not even longer called by Dr. Russell's name and more emphasis is given to his second wife, Lao, than to Walter. This in itself is indeed most strange if it be Dr. Russell's truths which are intended to be gifted unto the people--even at price. Our greatest desire is to give honor to this great man of history and to any place that would offer his work to mankind. However, I shall not allow my penman to go to Federal Prison because of my own need to bring Truth to you-the-people. Therefore we shall set the work in point totally aside and approach the SUBJECT from different resource. When I made this statement in the CONTACT prior to this, the interpretations were that we would go forth and print the SAME works (banned) only in different business stream. SCIENTIFIC TRUTH is universal and this needs settlement in Truth and not in funds--however. George Green saw fit to make his own set­tlement with the opposing parties--at the full expense and focus of the Ekkers and now, does in fact, represent the very or­ganization in point.

    So, in the threat of ongoing imprisonment--we shall approach the subject through the work of foreign receivers who DO OF­FER, PLEAD FOR PRESS AND SHARE EVERYTHING THEY HAVE. I say "they" because more than one shared in the receiving and more than one being offered the information.

    All diagrams and pictorials in any of these writings will be from that resource as the error most obvious in the Dr. Russell hon­oring documents were the major source of irritation, it seems, and somehow "proved" our intent to damage another "business entity". Mr. Green reinforced that intent by turning-coat and, as the publisher, offered the WRONG information in order to save his bank account and retain the hundreds of thousands of dollars in gold he had taken unlawfully. He is now efforting to require that his newly formed alliance will cause the Judge to require that "we" or CONTACT be required by order to cease mentioning his name. How can this be? There are cases run­ning counter to Mr. Green by the Institute, the CONTACT and other parties related to the work here--that have NOTHING to do with Hatonn or the Ekkers.

    (??) There was one nasty, vile phone call from Mr. Fort's at­torney threatening destruction and explosion against Ekkers and the Institute because he was contacted by the Bar Association. The legal counsel firm representing the defendants in the Green/Gold/JOURNALS cases asked release (after thoroughly flubbing the cases) and otherwise? Who knows? NOTHING, I am told the CLC will follow up as soon as the Sacramento office is closed. To get further input I leave it to the Editors and Board spokesman of the Institute. Ekkers are out of the loop for "recovery".

    As to the continuing claims against Mr. Martin and Tehachapi Distributing of which you inquire, I am told that the case is now being pressed by Mr. Green in Nevada. At any rate, Mr. Mar­tin and the company are in bankruptcy but are still efforting to recover the $12,000 in sales, made against court orders, of the books in point. Mr. Martin says that is in order to pay out­standing costs of operation while in business. Mr. Martin's plans were to have a full distribution company AND publishing operation. He spent a great deal towards that end in preparation and stock which has also had to be liquidated at give-away prices or totally free, because of this lawsuit from George Green.

    We are told by ones having prior working relationships with Mr. Green, such as Lee Elder, Stevens, Meier, Bowen, Cannon and others, that their business experiences have been the same and usually end up in litigation. Some of this information came through strange routings of people who no longer respect Mr. Green, so who knows?? We have, actually, almost NO interest in the matter--except to reclaim that which is "other's" property. I and Ekkers get nothing now, or ever have, from this work ex­cept our heartfelt appreciation for being able to serve. A Peace in the action is far more worthy and brings far greater riches than does a Piece of the action. Perhaps even Mr. and Mrs. Green will learn this lesson some day.

    Back to the subject of MAN'S SOURCE and who and what is Man and who and what is God--which necessarily brings us right back to LIGHT. I have to write on this subject for it goes hand in glove with Gaiandriana, your ability to achieve physical attributes to give possibility of translation and transition, stave off disease and death from the genetic/DNA altered "things" and "entities" thrust upon you through this New World Order and fi­nally, come into balance with KNOWING. YOU ARE LIGHT and no matter what we may PREFER--the facts are that you are an electrically created and motivated entity. You are not a chemically motivated creature--you are simply chemically as­sembled from elements of the Universe. You ones claim to dili­gently search for your SELF and for GOD. How can you get back to that God of Creation if you know not what HE/YOU ARE? The tinkerings of man will destroy you--the offerings of God shall see you into infinity.

    I really don't know why there is such flap over books and ex­pressions for the facts are that the actual "inventions" which will physically give you advantage are gifts from Nikola Tesla ex­pressed in the physical/mechanical operation of the concept of LIGHT.

    How many of you, today, noted the special segment on CNN regarding the fact that NOW scientists report that not only is Ultra Violet B severely damaging to the body but so, too, is Ul­tra Violet A rays which were priorly thought to be safe and toasty! What about those flooding through NOW which are even higher in damaging power and are well "beyond" the fre­quency of any Ultra Violet Light waves??

    The next writing comes from Consumer Health Newsletter (Consumer Health Organization of Canada), Vol. 16 No.3, May, 1993. 250 Sheppard Ave, E., Suite 205, Box 248, Willowdale, Onto M2N 559.

    by Charles McWilliams, M.D.
    Dr. Charles McWilliams has a medical practice in Nevis, the West Indies, and has conducted research in the field of vi­brational medical technology for the last 12 years. He has developed many medical technological devices including a photonic homeopathic potency simulator, ozone generator, color/sound/gem frequency generator, electro-acupuncture device (Acutron), and electro-acupuncture measurement and treatment device with Rife frequencies (Biotron II), etc. He Is director of the American School of Oriental and Homeo­pathic Medicine, president of Science Research Inc., and president of Universal Technology Ltd.


    The body is a LIGHT being. It operates on light, and also requires inordinate quantities of oxygen in today's environment where the oxygen ratio in an urban city can drop as low as 6%. Prior to the 1940's, the oxygen concentration of the atmosphere was over 38%. Today it is generally around 18 to 22%. Al­ready, the terrain is set for oxygen deprivation, and an oxygen deprived environment is the ultimate breeding ground for can­cer.

    The second dynamic below light is heat. Without heat, there is no known biological reaction. Heat is an electromagnetic phenomenon. It is several hundreds of thousands of oscillations below the frequency of light. Below the frequency of heat, you get microwave radiation. It is the industrial level of microwave which is bad for you, which we call biological overkill. Your body generates microwave frequency and It generates the next level down called radio frequency. Your body also generates low level electric waves, heart beat and brain rhythms and this is easily demonstrable on EKG's and EEG's. From the concept of quantum physics, you are a light-driven being. Your body receives light, demodulates light and this drives all the rest of your reactions. Your neural circuits, your endocrine glands, your digestive glands, your metabolic oxidations, your enzyme exchange systems are all light driven structures.

    In space. there is no white light, but when radiations of the sun strike the vapour of the earth, they dissipate into white light, which can break into a spectrum of colours. Your body requires all seven of the rays which can be seen through a prism. The blood requires an inordinate amount of red light, your nerves require an inordinate amount of violet light and your digestive organs require inordinate amounts of yellow light. Each glan­dular system within your body needs that light nutrition.

    Your first source of light is air. The Hindus called it Pranayma. You not only bring in oxygen, but you also bring in light, because light wraps itself around the oxygen molecule.

    Your second source of light is water. Water is able to re­ceive very vast quantities of photonic energy from light. When you take water from recycled sewage, you are taking in dead water. When you expose water to nature cycles, to evaporation, to going up to the clouds, mixing with ozone and falling as rain, you oxygenate the water tremendously. You sterilize the water in nature cycles. Any farmer will tell you how much faster plants grow after a rain storm than they do from ground water irrigation. In the industrialized countries of the world, every­body is taking ground water from recycled sewage, or from lakes with low bio-oxidative potentials. Basically you are cooking, drinking and bathing in dead water. These are electron robbing substances. They require your body to process them to eliminate them. They are poisons and they burden the enzyme systems of your liver. Nature's cycle exposes water to light and air. Water was meant to give you life. When you drink it from a stream or as it falls down from the mountain or taken from an extremely deep well, those are waters that have healing proper­ties that add energy to your body.

    Another source of light is overlooked by most people. You get light from plants. Plants take photon energy from the sun, capture it and sequester carbon dioxide and water into sugar, fats and proteins. Plants are stored sunlight. They are one of nature's miracles. When you take the plant into your body, your enzyme system causes cleavages of those atomic bonds and, just like an atom bomb, they release energy. Energy is also released as light and as heat which further drives your bio­logical mechanism. Sugar is stored sunlight. Higher up on the scale are aromatic plants and spices. These are very high energy carbon bonds with cyclic aromatic rings. Spices deliver a lot of energy to your body.

    So I have given you the four sources or primary photon en­ergy. Light, water, high energy food, and lastly fats, carbohy­drates and proteins. But mankind has reversed this. Instead of getting primary energy from sunlight at the top of the list, he is taking it from sugar, at the bottom of the list. The more depen­dent your body becomes on sugar, the less you are able to as­similate higher forms of energy. One of the hallmarks and first signs of inability to utilize light energy is obesity. It is the greatest disease of the industrial countries of man. Obesity is the first sign of the inability of the body to take light nutrition.

    Homeopathy is a time tested, proven method of detoxification and it works. The old homeopathic method of trituration and succussion, the grinding and pounding and shaking of a sub­stance is nothing more than the release of photons of light. Water has the ability to absorb inordinate amounts of light and heat. Water has one of the highest specific heats of any sub­stance known to man. In the natural environment, it does have the highest specific heat. It absorbs tremendous quantities of electrostatic energy. When you make homeopathic remedies by pounding, trituration, succussion and electrification, it doesn't matter by which method, it tears apart the electro-zonal bonds of the original substance and creates photons that are then dis­persed in water. We use those by a resonance factor. All the tissues of your body require certain resonance frequencies to vi­brate to stay alive. Light deprivation is death. It is easily proven. Without light there is no life. So by giving homeo­pathic remedies, or by giving colour, those tiny little photons resonate like little frequency oscillators and sending them all through your system, and where they resonate, like two tuning forks, wherever they find each other in a domain, they vibrate. In a homeopathic liquid, there are billions of photons contained in just one glass of water, more than enough to start reactions in the body.

    In the case of a toxin, we use the homeopathic remedy to raise the energy of the toxin to cleave its electro-zonal forces off the tissue. The toxin has bonded to your body. By taking the homeopathic remedy, it breaks the bond and gives it a chance to be excreted. On the other hand, we also have remedies which are very beneficial energies. The potentized toxins are only taken for very short periods of time whereas flower remedies, cell salts, potentized minerals, potentized vitamins are used ex­tensively in the practice. These are used to resonate metabolic functions to a higher energy level. If you are not utilizing a vi­tamin to a high efficiency, you can take potentized vitamins to get more utility out of it. We raise the energy spectra of the body and the vitamin or mineral that is already in your system can be more easily utilized and absorbed. So we use the reme­dies in two ways. In the case of dissipation, we use the reme­dies to expel toxins from the body. We use them for short peri­ods of time and we give the body time to heal. In the case of metabolic insufficiencies, inability to use mineral salts in the body, enzymic problems, nutritional deficits, we use them for more prolonged periods of time in an attempt to raise the body's energy potential.

    Light has two forms, one that we visibly see and another one that we don't see unless you are psychic. That is where our en­ergy medicine and acupuncture and homeopathy operate. It is light prior to manifestation. It is a Para physical energy that psy­chics are sensitive to, people that are intuitive. These people are able to sense light of prior manifestation. Invisible light is able to be made prior and able to be used in the body when the resonance is there. Invisible light has to do with a more spiri­tual nature of mankind, and for these types of things, we use gem stones and flower elixirs to change the psychic structures with the body.

    (Extracted from Dr. McWilliams' presentation given at Total Health '93 on April 3, 1993.)

    * * *

    I believe that you can now begin to see where we are headed with the gaiandrianas, spelt, algae, etc. The point is that you are going to have to raise the vibration frequency of your "light" body if you are to sustain the mechanical properties and the electric flow of your mental processes. All things mentioned arc partial "helpers" but you are going to have to get right to the DNA source of your reclamation if you are to come into whole­ness.

    Let us close this writing for today. Thank you.


  2. #4
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 74


    SAT., JUNE 19, 1993 8:08 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 307

    SAT., JUNE 19, 1993

    Have faith. Have faith. Have faith.
    You're on the spiritual path. You're on the road. You ARE the spiritual sanctuary. You are that strength and you're not going to be punished for believing that God lives inside you. That isn't a punishment; that's a joy.

    The answer is there and what we need to do is to have faith in what we believe. If you believe that there is a God and that there is a heaven, then believe that and believe it with all of your heart and all of your being and act accordingly to it. Act accordingly to it. Behave as if you do believe that. That's all.

    It always comes back to the faith of the individual. You have to have faith in what you believe--whether it is the dogma of something that nobody else believes in, if you have the faith in it, that's what is required for it to work for you. It always comes down to the individual taking responsibility for their life.


    * * *
    Nowhere in the above does it say to have "blind" or "dumb" faith. Get on with your "wisdom" education and then for good­ness sakes use discernment. Gain ALL you can of truth and pathway from ALL sources. If you get wisdom through learn­ing and KNOWING--you will know that which is right from that which is wrong. These are the only words I have to express and they are not quite correct but they will have to do. But first you must seek the "higher" path toward wisdom and knowledge and THEN study, dig and act in KNOWING--which is the only VALID FAITH there IS!

    If you cannot recognize what you ARE, for instance, you cannot move into a finer perfection of what you are meant to be. Nothing says you have to stay shackled to the kindergarten practices. There is no native American law that says you can never rise above and beyond the match-lighting of the smoke pot and rise on the wings of the sweetgrass waves to commune with Grandfather. As a child you cannot know all in the conscious­ness--but as a child you are far advanced in the KNOWING of your relationship with God and Soul. HOLD THE RELA­TIONSHIP AND KNOWING--AND LEARN TO RISE WITHIN THE MATURE KNOWLEDGE. Will you err? ALL mankind does, no more and no less--how else can you "learn"? You are BACK to correct errors so why would you expect in­stant perfection if you LEFT IN UNKNOWING?

    Let us go right back to the "beginning" and the "modern" as­sumption is that you evolved from lower species--apes. That means that you had to have been created in the image of apes. You were not! MAN WAS CREATED IN THE IMAGE OF GOD! APES WERE CREATED IN THE IMAGE OF APES. It, further, is a fact that man was created so distinct from animals that he was unable to find one physically or emotionally compatible with him. These are facts taken right from your "Holy Bible" and Oral Traditions.

    Ah, and "There was a period when there was no time, space, or matter." Genesis and Hebrews, Bible. Well, you have to get BACK THERE, don't you? And so, we are here to show you the way!

    SO, WHY ARE "WE''?
    In this "We", I mean "We of the universal 'out-there some­where'."

    You people argue over the most confounding things instead of getting on with your purpose and Truth. You argue over "Evolution" and then you argue over "Creation". You separate into gangs and fight over Evolutionists and Creationists, There is TRUTH IN BOTH; there is great LIE IN BOTH.

    You want God IN and you certainly want HIM OUT. Both sort of recognize the personal appearance of GOD as being infre­quent into your evolving learning classrooms. But, also, both ".. see God as coming down at various intervals during the evo­lutionary process to give a slight direction to an otherwise blind process" (Richard Niessen).

    So what is the problem, Hatonn? YOU ARE LIGHT! THAT is the problem. You focus on your manifestation and manufacture and the factory/classroom and miss the only important point of all-- YOU ARE LIGHT! YOU ARE A COMPOSITE OF ALL THINGS OF THE UNIVERSE GIFTED WITH THE IMAGE OF GOD IN PERFECTION OF "LIGHT". YOU FUNCTION IN AN ELECTRIC WAVE UNIVERSE AND ARE THE DI­RECT THOUGHT OF GOD MANIFEST.

    We will now begin to present to you the layout of Universal foundation and building blocks.

    We are going to present it through the presentations of others than one beloved brother, Walter Russell, for we are denied the ability to utilize his magnificent work. This presentation will be a bit more difficult to fathom but we will "get there" because, for one thing, most of you readers are more knowledgeable now than at onset of our earlier writings.

    These concepts, as we present in the "Universe" portions of elements and nature, win be from the gifted work of Tom Astley. At this point he is so dangerously existing that I cannot give you more specifics about him other than that he has sent to me his "original" works and diagrams, has "gone under cover" and was somewhere in Africa. But, he is un­der my full protection and I bless him greatly for his contri­bution to MAN and KNOWING HIS SOURCE.

    "But if Russell was so brilliant and wrote and spoke TRUTH and his work was in the public domain at its early offering, why can we not have it now?" Ah indeed, because his work has been taken and hidden in copyrights and singularly encapsulated by a "business club". The roots of the "club" go a long, long way back within the notable notables of the day and for a while it was called the Twilight Club. I do not feel free to discuss this further in public statements in fear of bringing my secretary into further contempt of court charges as continually threatened on a daily basis.

    It appears we may well have legal counsel moving into this case who work directly with Gerry Spence and his firm. We wish nothing against any opposition to us--owe only desire the ability to offer to you readers that which YOU MUST HAVE TO COME INTO UNDERSTANDING THAT YOU HAVE BEEN GIVEN MUCH INCORRECT INPUT--BUT THAT, TOO, IS THE WAY MAN LEARNS.

    How can you KNOW this? Because the Catholic Church did not until this past year recognize Galilao as having valid information regarding the heavenly bodies. We can get the information TO YOU--but it is so sad to have to bypass the greatest teacher, on this subject, of them all! Why could not a business entity gain and prosper through the sharing? I think you know!

    Now, knowing that everything in the Universe is electric wave and LIGHT, let us speak of "frequencies" and radio signals, etc. What we are interested in here are his studies and inventions relative to "HIGH" frequencies. Perhaps if we give you a brief background you will be able to move along with us a bit better. I won't start with the basics of exactly who is Tesla-for that is something ALL OF YOU SHOULD KNOW. I will not he sur­prised, however, to realize that almost none of you REALLY know who was this incredible gift to you humans.

    Dharma. as tedious as it is, scribe, please offer the "INTRODUCTION" portion from the volume of priceless notes from Colorado Springs between 1899 and 1900. This will give the readers recognition of the WORK involved and that is to which we focus attention. Nikola is working directly with Dr. Young so there is no need to concern about "what is going on" and how do we build this or that "thing" according to Tesla to get such and such results. We will have exactly what we need WHEN WE NEED IT IN PROPER SEQUENCE WITH ABIL­ITY TO UTILIZE IT WITHIN THE POLITICAL SYSTEM.

    "WHO" is Dr. Young? Indeed, the one who is Chief Editor of CONTACT!! Surely you do not think you would have LESS than the Best. You must understand that there are GREAT MEN present this day to work with higher knowledge to get this job done. Ones do whatever is needed as task to reach our fully-intended successful goals. "Goodness" is GOING to re­claim a place in your dark and impoverished world--but first the political rot must be identified. Then, if YOU desire to move your world into Freedom and Glory--LET'S DO IT! It is up to YOU for God shall provide those minds to lead you and serve you.

    Tesla and Russell were greatly connected and Tesla told Russell that his work was too early for Man's proper acceptance and handling thereof. He suggested Russell put away great portions of the work until mankind could ready itself. THAT WAS DONE AND HAS YET TO BE BROUGHT FORTH. I know that you will hear that it was brought forth by Lao, etc. NO, IT WAS NOT! I shall say no more on the matter lest we stand ac­cused of defamation, etc. Our intent is NEVER TO DEFAME ANYONE--AS A MATTER OF FACT WE CAN'T--JUST AS MAKING A FOOL OF SOMEONE-- YOU CAN'T: ONLY THE INDIVIDUAL SELF OR GROUP CAN MAKE A FOOL OF ITSELF. This is a good little Universal Law of Truth. For instance, how could a little grandmother in her six­ties make a fool of the great George Green? She hardly ever leaves her basement keyboard room, does not lecture, does not teach seminars--only goes out to attend court appearances pre­cipitated by our "good friends" such as the Greens. I would say she has NOTHING to do with it if George Green appears a fool.
    So be it for I shall not further place her at disadvantage nor any of the works of the hard labors of our people.

    NIKOLA TESLA 1899--1900
    (Aleksandar Marincic)
    In 1898 Tesla' s creativity in the field of high frequencies was at its peak. From his initial ideas in 1890 and his first, pio­neering steps, he had worked with such intensity that many of the inventions and discoveries which he had given the world by this time have remained unsurpassed to this day. Even the loss of his laboratory on Fifth Avenue in 1895, a severe blow for him, did not hold him back for long. He soon resumed his ex­periments in a new laboratory, on Houston Street, continuing to make new discoveries and inventions, applying them with un­flagging energy.

    Tesla's polyphase system essentially solved the problem of generating, transmitting and the utilization of electrical power. When he started working on high frequencies, he almost imme­diately began to perceive their vast possibilities for wireless transmission of "intelligible signals and perhaps power". He worked on the practical development of his first ideas of 1891-- 1893 at such a rate that by 1897 he had already patented a sys­tem for wireless transmission of power and an apparatus utiliz­ing this system. Shortly before, during the ceremonial opening of the hydroelectric power plant on Niagara, at a time when the world was only just coming around to Tesla's polyphase system which for the first time in history enabled the transfer of electri­cal power over distance, he said: "In fact, progress in this field has given me fresh hope that I shall see the fulfillment of one of my fondest dreams; namely, the transmission of power from station to station without the employment of any connecting wires." (Tesla: "On electricity", EI. Rev. Jan 27, J 897, A-101)

    Always true to the principle that ideas must be experimentally verified, Tesla set about building powerful high-frequency gen­erators and making experiments in wireless power transmission.
    The Nikola Tesla Museum in Belgrade possesses a Tesla' sown slide which confirms that the experiment described in the patent (Tesla N. "System of transmission of electrical energy", U.S. Patent of 645 576, March 20. 1900. Appl. Sept. 2. 1897). [H: Readers, you are simply going to have to put up with some references. I shall effort to keep them to a minimum while giving credit for the work-however, I shall never again place my scribe in danger and assault because of conve­nience. I WILL, however, not recognize each and every ref­erence or author-but these are most important references and patent numbers for involved "scientific" 'input. Even the "scientists" must recognize the total simplicity of that which Tesla and brethren offered.] Was in fact carried out be­fore the Examiner-in-Chief of the U.S. Patent Office. For ex­perimental verification of his method of wireless power trans­mission "by conduction through the intervening natural medium" on the global scale Tesla needed still higher voltages and more room (in the Houston Street laboratory he generated voltages of 2 to. 4 MV using a high-frequency transformer with a coil diam­eter of 244 cm), [H: Please realize that he only perceived he needed more room--you will be able to produce the same and more with a tiny box when the apparatus Is correctly developed. I also know that these "old" steps are "old hat" and some of you will do your usual, bitch: moan and com­plain about "nothing new". RIGHT! NOTHING NEW TO YOU SO-CALLED SCIENTISTS AND EXPERTS WHO "THINK" YOU KNOW IT ALL AND KNOW ALMOST NOTHING.] So towards the end of 1898 he began looking for a site for a new laboratory. Mid-1899 he finally decided on Col­orado Springs, a plateau about 2000 m above sea level, where he erected a shed large enough to house a high-frequency trans­former with a coil diameter of 15 meters!

    Tesla's arrival in Colorado Springs was reported in the press. According to the Philadelphia Engineering Mechanics Tesla arrived on the 18th of May 1899 with the intention of car­rying out intensive research in wireless telegraphy and proper­ties of the upper atmosphere. In his article "The transmission of electric energy without wires" (1904) Tesla writes that he came to Colorado Springs with the following goals:

    1. To develop a transmitter of great power.
    2. To perfect means for individualizing and isolating the energy transmitted.
    3. To ascertain the laws of propagation of currents through the earth and the atmosphere.
    Tesla had some ten years of experience with high frequency AC (alternating current) behind him by the time he moved to Colorado Springs. In 1889, on his return from Pittsburgh where he had been working as a consultant to Westinghouse on the de­velopment of his polyphase system, he began work on the con­struction of an alternator for generating currents at much higher frequencies than those used in ordinary power distribution, In 1890 he filed applications for two patents (Tesla: "Alternating electric current generator", U.S. Patent 447 921, March 10, 1891, App\. Nov. IS, 1890, P-129. "Method of operating arc lamps", U.S. Patent 447 920, March 10, 1891, App\. Oct. I, 1890, P-205.) for alternators working at over 10 kHz. One of these patents was in conjunction with a method for achieving quiet operation of arc lamps, but this was in fact a first step to­wards a new application of alternating currents, which soon be­came known as "Tesla currents". Tesla's alternators were an important milestone in electrical engineering and were the pro­totypes for alternators which were used some quarter-century later for driving high-power radio transmitters, and later on also for inductive heating.

    Soon after he had started his research in high frequencies Tesla discovered their specific physiological action and sug­gested the possibility of medical application. He did a lot of work on the utilization of high frequency AC for electric light­ing by means of rarefied gas tubes of various shapes and types. During 1891 he publicized his results in journals, patent appli­cations and in his famous lecture to the AIEE at Columbia Col­lege. (Tesla: System of Electric Generation, U.S. Patent 454 622, June 23, 1891. Appl. Apr. 25. 1891, P-208. Electric incandescent lamp", U.S. Patent 455 069. June 30, 1891, Appl. May 14, 1891, P-213.) This lecture, before a gathering of emi­nent electric engineers, brought Tesla widespread recognition and soon made him world-famous. [H: In prior Journals we have offered this speech in its entirety.] This success was due in good measure to his convincing experiments, too, which in­cluded a demonstration of rarefied gas luminescing in a tube not connected by wires to the source of power. This was the first experiment demonstrating wireless power transmission, and marked the birth of an idea to which Tesla was subsequently to devote a great part of his life. The necessary powerful electric field was created between the plates of a condenser connected across the secondary of a high-frequency transformer, which was connected via a series condenser to a high-frequency alter­nator. The system worked best when the primary and secondary circuits were in resonance. Tesla also made use of the resonant transformer with his spark oscillator, enabling easy and efficient generation of high-frequency AC from a DC or low frequency alternator. The system worked best when the primary and sec­ondary circuits were in resonance. This oscillator was to play a KEY ROLE in the development of HF engineering. Only a few years later it was to be found among the apparatus of practi­cally every physics laboratory, under the name of the Tesla coil.

    The first record of Tesla's high-frequency coupled oscillatory circuit with an air-cored transformer is to be found in Patent No. 454 622 [H: Ah, but what can you do, my friends, with cores of other gases?]. The oscillator converts low-frequency currents into "current of very high frequency and very high po­tential", which then supplies single-terminal lamps.

    Tesla presented much new information about his discharge oscillators and his further research on high frequency currents in the lecture he gave to the IEE in London, February 1892, which he subsequently repeated in London and then in Paris. (Tesla: "Experiments with alternate currents of high potential and high frequency", a lecture delivered before the IEE, London, Feb. 1892, L-48.) He described at length the construction of a type of air-cored HF transformer and drew attention to the fact that the secondary voltage cannot even approximately be estimated from the primary/secondary turns ratio. Tesla also did a lot of work on improvements of the spark gap and described several designs, some of which were subsequently attributed to other authors. In describing the apparatus with which he illustrated this lecture he explained several ways for interrupting arcs with the aid of a powerful magnetic field; using compressed air; multiple air gaps in series; single or multiple air gaps with rotat­ing surfaces.

    He describes how the capacity in the primary and secondary circuits of the HF transformer should be adjusted to get the maximum performance, stating that so far insufficient attention had been paid to this factor. He experimentally established that the secondary voltage could be increased by adding capacity to "compensate" the inductance of the secondary (resonant trans­former).

    He demonstrated several single-pole lamps which were con­nected to the secondary, describing the famous brush-discharge tube and expressing the opinion that it might find application in telegraphy. He noted that HF current readily passes through slightly rarefied gas and suggested that this might be used for driving motors and lamps at considerable distance from the source, the high-frequency resonant transformer being an im­portant component of such a system.

    In February 1893 Tesla held a third lecture on high-fre­quency currents before the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia, and repeated it in March before the National Electric Light Association in St. Louis. The most significant part of this lec­ture is that which refers to a system for "transmitting intelli­gence, or perhaps power, to any distance through the earth or environing medium" [H: I believe we have already offered this lecture also.], What Tesla described here is often taken to be the foundation of radio engineering, since it embodies princi­ple ideas of fundamental importance, viz.: the principle of ad­justing for resonance to get maximum sensitivity and selective reception, inductive link between the driver and the tank circuit, an antenna circuit in which the antenna appears as a capacitive load. He also correctly noted the importance of the choice of the HF frequency and the advantages of a continuous carrier for transmitting signals over great distances.

    Between 1893 and 1898 Tesla applied for and was granted seven American patents on his HF oscillator as a whole, one on his HF transformer, and eight on various types of electric circuit controller. In a later article Tesla reviews his work on HF os­cillators and reports that over a period of eight years from 1891 on he made no less than fifty types of oscillators powered either by DC or low-frequency AC.

    Along with his work on the improvement of his HF oscilla­tors Tesla was continuously exploring applications of the cur­rents they produced. His work on the improvement of X-ray generating apparatus is well known--he reported it in a series of articles in 1896 and 1897 and in a lecture to the New York Academy of Science. In a lecture before the American Electro­-Therapeutic Association in Buffalo, September 1898, he de­scribed applications of the HF oscillator for therapeutic and other purposes. The same year he took out his famous patent "Method of and apparatus for controlling mechanisms of moving vessels or vehicles," which embodies the basic principles of telemechanics, a field which only began to develop several decades after Tesla's invention.

    On 2nd September 1897 Tesla filed patent application No. 650 343, subsequently granted as patent No. 645 576 of 20 March 1900 and patent No. 649621 of 15th May 1900.

    The second of the two patents by which Tesla protected his apparatus for wireless power transmission, known as the "system of four tuned circuits", is particularly important in the history of radio. It was a subject of a long law suit between the Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company of America [H: A J.P. Morgan travesty or justice.] andthe United States of America alleged to have used wireless devices that infringed on Mar­coni's patent No. 763 772 of June 1904. After 27 years the U.S. Supreme Court in 1943 invalidated the fundamental radio patent of Marconi as containing nothing which was not already contained in patents granted to Lodge. Tesla and Stone. [H: And yet, WHO GETS CREDIT FOR THE WIRELESS RADIO? AH HA, J.P. MORGAN'S MARCONI!]

    Unlike other radio experimenters of the time who worked either with damped oscillations at very high frequencies, Tesla investigated undamped oscillations in the low HF range. While others principally developed Hertz's apparatus with a spark-gap in the tank circuit (Lodge, Righi, Marconi, and others) and im­proved the receiver by introducing a sensitive coherer (Branly, Lodge, Popov, Marconi, and others), he set about implementing his ideas of 1892--1893. How far he had got in verifying his ideas for wireless power transmission before coming to Col­orado Springs may be seen from patent No. 645 576.

    Tesla based his hopes for wireless power transmission on the global scale on the principle that a gas at low pressure is an ex­cellent conductor for high frequency currents. Since the limiting pressure at which the gas becomes a good conductor is higher the higher the voltage, he maintained that it would not be neces­sary to elevate a metal conductor to an altitude of some 15 miles above sea level, but that layers of the atmosphere which could be good conductors could be reached by a conductor (in fact an aerial) at much lower altitudes. "Expressed briefly, (cit. patent 645 576) my present invention, based upon the discoveries, con­sists then in producing at one point an electrical pressure of such character and magnitude as to cause thereby a current to tra­verse elevated strata of the air between the point of generation and a distant point at which the energy is to be received and uti­lized. From the patent it may be seen that the pressure in the tube was between 120 and 150 mm Hg. At this pressure, and with the circuits tuned to resonance, efficient power transfer was achieved with a voltage of 2-4 million volts on the transmitter aerial. In the application Tesla also claims patent rights to an­other, similar method of transmission, also using the Earth as one conductor, and rendered conductive high layers of the atmo­sphere as the other.

    In the late eighties of the last century very little was known about the radiation and propagation of electromagnetic waves. Following the publication of Hertz's research in 1888, which provided confirmation of Maxwell's dynamic theory of the electromagnetic field published in 1865, scientists became more and more convinced that electromagnetic waves behaved like light waves, propagating in straight lines. This led to pes­simistic conclusions about the possible range of radio stations, which were soon refuted by experiments using the aerial-earth system designed by Tesla in 1893. Tesla did not go along with the general opinion that, without wires "electrical vibrations" could only propagate in straight lines, being convinced that the globe was a good conductor through which electric power could be transmitted. He also suggested that the "upper strata of the air are conducting" (1893), and "that air strata at very moderate altitudes, which are easily accessible, offer, to all experimental evidence, a perfect conducting path" (1900). It is interesting to note that this mode of propagation of radio waves was initially considered as something different from other modes then to be forgotten until recent years. In the 1950s Schumann Bremmer, Budden, Wait, Galejs and other authors, working on the propa­gation of very low (3 to 30 kHz) and extremely low (1 to 3000 Hz) electromagnetic waves, founded their treatment on essen­tially the same principles as Tesla.

    Tesla spent about eight months in Colorado Springs. Some­thing of his work and results from this period can be gleaned from articles in "American Inventor" and "Western Electrician". For instance, it is stated that Tesla intended to carry out wireless transmission of signals to Paris in 1900. An article of November 1899 reports that he was making rapid progress with his system for wireless transmission of signals and that there was no way of interfering with messages sent by it. Tesla returned to New York on the 11th of January 1900. [H: I would guess by this point you are beginning to get a glimmering why J.P. Mor­gan of the. World Order Banker Elite would get rid of Tesla, bury his work and destroy his laboratories? But there is far more and involves so many wonderful inventors and gifters to mankind, slain and buried by the adversary in the name of GREED AND AVARICE! THE STORY NEVER RE­ALLY CHANGES, DOES IT?]

    The Diary which Tesla kept at that time gives a detailed day­-by-day description of his research in the period from 1st June 1899 to 7th January 1900. Unlike many other records in the archives of the Nikola Tesla Museum in Belgrade, the Colorado Springs dairy is continuous and orderly. Since it was not in­tended for publication, Tesla probably kept it as a way of recording his research results. It could perhaps also have been a safety measure in ease the laboratory should get destroyed, an eventuality by no means unlikely considering the dangerous ex­periments he was performing with powerful discharges. Some days he made no entries, hut usually explained why at the be­ginning of the month.

    According to his notes, Tesla devoted the greatest proportion of his time (about 56%) to the transmitter, i.e., the high-power HF generator, about 21 % to developing receivers for small sig­nals, about 16% to miscellaneous other research. He developed a large HF oscillator with three oscillatory circuits with which he generated voltages of the order of 10 million volts. He tried out various modifications of the receiver with one or two coher­ers and special pre-excitation circuits. He made measurements of the electromagnetic radiations generated by natural electrical discharges, developed radio measurement methods, and worked on the design of modulators, shunt-fed antennas, etc.

    The last few days covered by the diary Tesla devoted to photographing the laboratory inside and out. He describes 63 photographs in all, most of them showing the large oscillator in action with masses of streamers emerging from the outer wind­ings of the secondary and the "extra coil". He probably derived special satisfaction from observing his artificial lightning, now a hundred times longer than the small sparks produced by his first oscillator in the Grand Street Laboratory in New York. By then many leading scientists had been experimenting with "Tesla" currents but Tesla himself was still in the vanguard with new and unexpected results, When he finally finished his work in Colorado Springs he published some photographs of the oscilla­tor in a blaze of streamers causing as much astonishment as had those from his famous lectures in the USA, England and France in 1891-1893. The famous German scientist, Slaby. wrote that the apparatuses of other radio experimenters were mere toys in comparison with Tesla's in Colorado Springs.

    The descriptions of the photographs in the diary also include detailed explanations of the circuitry and the operating condi­tions of the oscillator. The photographs themselves give an im­pressive picture of the scale of these experiments. Tesla main­tains that bright patches on some of the photographs were a con­sequence of artificially generated fireballs. He also put forward a theory to explain this, still today a somewhat enigmatic phe­nomenon. Research on fireballs was not envisaged in his Col­orado Springs work plan, but belonged to the special ex­periments which, in his own words, "were of an interest, purely scientific, at that time," which he carried out when he could spare the time.

    Tesla used some parts of the diary in drawing up the patent applications which he filed between 1899 and 1902. Keeping such notes of his work was more or less a constant practice; they provided him with an aide-memoire when preparing to publish his discoveries.

    The diary includes some descriptions of nature, mostly the surroundings of the laboratory and some meteorological phe­nomena, but only with the intention of bringing out certain facts of relevance to his current or planned research.

    Immediately after he finished work at Colorado Springs Tesla wrote a long article entitled "The problem of increasing human energy" in which he often mentions his results from Colorado Springs. In 1902 he described how he worked on this article: "The Century began to press me very hard for completing the article which I have promised to them, and the text of this article required all my energies. I knew that the article would pass into history as I brought, for the first time, results before the world which were far beyond anything that was attempted before, ei­ther by myself or others."

    The article really did create a sensation, and was reprinted and cited many times. The style he uses in describing Colorado Springs research differs greatly from that of the diary. [H: Some of the most incredible and destructive as well as fu­turistic in concept: replications, cloning, transmission high-frequency, extra-low-frequency, etc., STILL comes out of the area and Elite laboratories around Colorado Springs and "under".]

    Tesla wrote about his Colorado Springs work again in 1904. Some interesting data is to be found in his replies before the United States patent Office in 1902, in connection with a patent rights dispute between Tesla and Fessenden. This document in­cludes statements by Tesla's assistant Fritz Lowenstein and sec­retary George Scherff. Tesla took Lowenstein on in New York in April 1899. At the end of May that year he summoned him to Colorado Springs where Lowenstein remained until the end of September, when family matters obliged him to return to Ger­many. Tesla was satisfied with him as an assistant and asked him to return later, which he did, again becoming Tesla's assis­tant in February 1902. [H; Well hindsight is always better than foresight--he shouldn't have.]

    Tesla did not break off his research in the field of radio after visiting Colorado Springs. Upon returning to New York on the 11th of January 1900 he took energetic steps to get backing for the implementation of a system of "World Telegraphy". He erected a building and an antenna on Long Island, and started fitting out a new laboratory. From his subsequent notes we learn that he intended to verify his ideas about resonance of the Earth's globe, referred to in a patent of 1900. The experiments he wanted to perform were not in fact carried out until the sixties of this century, when it was found that the Earth resonates at 8, 14 and 20 Hz. Tesla predicted that the resonances would be at 6, 18 and 30 Hz. His preoccupation with this great idea slowed down the construction of his overseas radio station, and when radio transmission across the Atlantic was finally achieved with a simpler apparatus, he had to admit that his plans included not only the transmission of signals over large distances but also an attempt to transmit power without wires. Commenting on Tesla's undertaking, one of the world's leading experts in the field, Wait, has written: "From an historical standpoint, it is


    The invisible UNIVERSE IS in ABSOLUTE Control of The visible. The invisible Universe, Dominates and Controls all Motion By Magnetic Division into Cube wave Fields of Zero Curvature beyond which no moving thing can pass. It can, however, Repeat itself in Neighboring Wave-Fields but always in Reverse, as Mirrors Reverse the Geometry of the zero Universe is based upon the Cube and Cube Sections their Planes are of Zero Curvature and they reflect their forms in Matter in Crystal Structures, which are the only forms of Zero Curvature in nature, all motion in the Electric Universe is Curved. The Curved Universe of Matured form is based upon the Sphere. The Sphere is a compressed Cube. The sphere is a series of true circles, no matter where it may be divided into sections by cutting through it in one plane anywhere in motion is equally compressed in respect to gravity. Motion is in true gravity centered circles which moving into spheres and again divide into true circles. The source of energy which creates true circles is at their very centre. The source of all energy is the creator, all motion of every nature whether of thought or action spins in true circular control around the omnipotent creator of that motion and in planes of 90 degrees from a shaft of any extension of motion, the time must eventually come when man must know where God is at every moment in respect to himself, he must completely understand how God controls every action and desire of all living things. From man to .......... or from galaxy to electron during their entire journeys from their beginnings in him to their endings in him, these are the unknown things which unfolding man must know before he can begin to manifest his own divine in heritage.

    significant that the genius Nikola Tesla envisaged a world wide communication system using a huge spark gap transmitter located in Colorado Springs in 1899. A few years later he built a large facility in Long Island that he hoped would transmit sig­nals to the Cornish Coast of England. In addition, he proposed to use a modified version of the system to distribute power to all points of the globe. Unfortunately, his sponsor, J. Pierpont Morgan, terminated his support at about this time. A factor here was Marconi's successful demonstration in 1901 of transatlantic signal transmission using much simpler and far cheaper instrumentation. Nevertheless, many of Tesla's early experiments have an intriguing similarity with later development in ELF communications.

    Tesla proposed that the earth itself could be set into a reso­nant mode at frequencies of the order of 10 Hz. He suggested that energy was reflected at the antipode of his Colorado Springs transmitter in such a manner that standing waves were set up. [H: He was right and moreover the "enemy" has now set forth a full world-wide grid system wherein any wave pat­tern desired can be sent forth to totally control, kill, renew or wipe-out civilization.]

    In a letter to Morgan early in 1902 Tesla explained his re­search, in which he envisaged three "distinct steps to be made: 1) the transmission of minute amounts of energy and the pro­duction of feeble effects, barely perceptible by sensitive devices; 2) the transmission of notable amounts of energy dispensing with the necessity of sensitive devices and enabling the positive oper­ation of any kind of apparatus requiring a small amount of power; and 3) the transmission of power in amounts of industrial significance. With the completion of my present undertaking the first step will be made." For the experiments with transmis­sion of large power he envisaged the construction of a plant at Niagara to generate about 100 million volts.

    However, Tesla did not succeed in getting the necessary fi­nancial backing and, after three years of abortive effort to finish his Long Island station, he gave up his plans and turned to other fields of research. [H: You-the-people have about reached that same point again with "our" people. It becomes a hopelessly frustrating experience in which the whole of the world is apparently against any progress in the lighted direc­tion of mankind. Why take more and more and more abuse? Why not settle down and live out the allotted days as others-in whatever luxury is afforded by the Elite? Well, I don't know about that but we pray that you workers will hold on long enough that men of souled beings will awaken to TRUTH. All of these incredible THINGS have been per­fected to the point of capability of destruction of your planet and even Dharma wonders "why bother"--"this is all like starting at prior-kindergarten level of technology." Well, perhaps that is because she and others of the teams have moved from the most advanced back into the primitive cave­man era. If, however, only a few come to see and KNOW, then the journey and the efforts shall be "worth it".] He wrote several times about his great idea for wireless transmis­sion of power, and remained convinced to his death that it would one day become reality. Today, when we have proof of the Earth's resonant modes (Schumann's resonances) and it is known that certain waves can propagate with very little attenua­tion, so little that standing waves can be set up in the Earth-­ionosphere system, we can judge how right Tesla was when he said that the mechanism of electromagnetic wave propagation in "his system" was not the same as in Hertz's system with colli­mated radiation. Naturally, Tesla could not have known that the phenomena he was talking about would only become pro­nounced at very low frequencies, because it seems he was never able to carry out the experiments which he had so brilliantly planned as early as 1893. It is gratifying that after so many years Tesla's name is rightfully reappearing in papers dealing with the propagation of radio waves and the resonance of the Earth. In a book of a well known scientist (Jackson) it is stated that "this remarkable genius clearly outlines the idea of the earth as a resonating circuit (he did not know of the ionospheres), es­timates the lowest resonant frequency as 6 Hz (close to 6.6 Hz for a perfectly conducting sphere), and describes generation and detection of these waves. I thank V. Fitch for this fascinating piece of history". We believe that further studies of Tesla's writings will reveal some interesting details of his ideas in this field.

    The publication of the Colorado Springs diary, a unique record of the work of a genius, means an enrichment of the sci­entific literature, not only in that it throws light on a particularly interesting period of Tesla's creativity, but also as a source for the study of his work as a whole, and particularly of his part in the development of radio. It also facilitates the identification of many documents now at the Nikola Tesla Museum in Belgrade which lack date of description.

    The preparation of this manuscript for publication required considerable time and labor in order to present its content in a form not deviating essentially from the original but more ac­cessible to study. No alterations have been made even where the original contains certain minor errors, sometimes also in the use of power and energy units; some more important calculation errors which influence the conclusions drawn are also repro­duced but are noted. A section at the end of the book contains commentaries on the Diary with explanatory notes, and a survey of his earlier work and that of other researchers. For these commentaries reference was made to the large body of literature and documents in the archives of the Nikola Tesla Museum in Belgrade.


    One last message before closing out this segment. This is to all you receivers who are subject to ridicule, imprisonment and other disgraceful treatments thrust at you:

    ".....Tesla made another discovery that summer which he considered of cosmic importance. Alone in his laboratory one night he became aware of signals coming in a pattern. He became increasingly confident that these were definitely an attempt at interplanetary communications. He admitted to being terrified in that moment of revelation but was certain that he would find a way to return the signals. He was positive that it was a definite attempt at communication, not of terrestrial origin, nor atmospheric, nor influenced by the Aurora Borealis, but that it was a message with a distinct one-two-three pattern--the first ever to have been received,"

    And, Dharma, when the Russell story is finally told in Truth it will be realized that he, too, received his information and in­structions in exactly the same mode as you--through a binary code of pulsed waves ("light" tones). This is NOT psychic; it is physics. We have now come to the time wherein contact must be made in physical format. Mr. Tesla had another advantage through his advanced thought--he could develop his inventions in higher dimension, test them and realize errors and wear areas. Indeed, these men-out-of-their-time before the world of man was ready to rightfully use the gifts of God shall have their day in the sun-albeit it now must be through you beloved and cher­ished friends willing to be patient, allow unfoldment and serve.


    PJ 74


    SUN., JUNE 20, 1993

    FATHER'S DAY. 1991
    Each year you ones come up with your annual celebrations of this or that in order to aid commerce and focus a hit of attention on a given subject.

    I am honored that some of you ones have honored me by ex­pressing your feeling of one with me as Father to my own off­spring manifested as YOU. It is a wondrous joy for any parent who had great love for his children to have a child say, "Thank you, Dad, for the hard lessons for I recognize that you must love me greatly to allow me expression AND walk with me through my lessons."

    It gives cause to stop and think upon these things for a while in order to consider that which is and that which may come to be. There is NO FUTURE, there is only the curved universe which shall bring into your attention that which you are expressing NOW. Complicated? No--it only seems complicated and com­plex because of all the incorrect lessons and perceptions. More­over, you have reached a time in cycle evolution where you MUST consider the Spiritual aspects of self more carefully than the physical if you are to continue your journey to KNOWING. The gourd of ashes has been shown in the heavens and time of recognition of plight is at hand. This means the "Day of the Lord" is also at hand for when the student is ready-the teacher will always come for the higher lessons.

    There is nothing except electric waves in this universe in which you are experiencing your play. But what you least realize is that the INvisible universe is the one in absolute control of the visible. The INvisible universe dominates and controls ALL MOTION. This is by magnetic division into "cube" WAVE FIELDS OF ZERO (NO) curvature--beyond which no mov­ing thing can pass. It can, however, repeat itself in neighbor­ing wave-fields but always in reverse as mirrors reverse. This in fact (this illusion) is exactly THAT--a reverse reflection mir­ror image in simulation of the cause which offers the effect of "being".

    The geometry of the zero universe is based upon the cube and cube sections--no curvature. Their planes are of zero curva­ture and they reflect their forms in MATTER in CRYSTAL STRUCTURES, which are the only forms of zero curvature in nature.

    All MOTION in the electric universe is curved. The curved universe of matured form is based upon the sphere.

    The sphere is a COMPRESSED cube (OOPS!). The sphere is a series of true circles no matter where it may be divided into sections by cutting through it in one plane, anywhere. All motion is equally compressed in respect to gravity.

    Therefore, all motion is in true gravity-centered circles which multiply into spheres and again divide into true circles. And what of the "center" of these circles-what is represented therein? Ah yes, the source of ALL ENERGY is the CRE­ATOR, all motion of every nature, whether of thought or action, spins in the circular spiral control around the om­nipotent creator of that motion and in planes of 90 degrees from a shaft of any extension of motion.

    The "time" must come when man MUST KNOW where GOD is at every moment in respect to himself. He must completely understand how God controls every action and desire of all living things from man to the most tiny cells and spores or from galaxy to electron. During their entire jour­neys from their beginnings in HIM to their endings in HIM, these are the unknown things which unfolding man MUST KNOW BEFORE HE CAN BEGIN TO MANIFEST HIS OWN DIVINE INHERITANCE.

    May you, my own, be given to come rapidly into this KNOWING.

    And now, my precious friends and family, let us speak a bit on the "future", this wondrous concept that allows for dreaming, planning, learning and anticipation worthy of "action" motion.

    Your enemy has stalked you and sought to destroy you. He has risen up at goodly works and revealed a very sharp sword and destructive life-destroying weapons. He has hurled these things at your faithfulness and he has made himself quite worthy of the fear instilled within you.

    Man has come and gone in equity while seeking out revilements only for the beastly, for the wolves of great massacres, for those who do a wrong and who know wherein they do it. It is indeed confusing and misleading but don't be so perplexed as to miss the truth of it in expression.

    Your shields and coats of goodly armor are wrought of far tougher material and fibers than any of you have yet thought. The arenas of your strivings, precious ones, are far higher on the uplands and mountain tops.

    I know that you would enjoy comforts of some trivial gossip and speakings but that would only cause you to remain within the perplexed circumstance and indeed your banquet table would remain quite barren. It is that soon will come and go those who do the boasting and oppression. There will come the day when the drums of hate are stilled and the righteous have increase.

    Man must rise up and look beyond that which SEEMS TO BE and yonder unto that which is the destiny of expression.

    You, in all the wonder of your experience, must become as the child in anticipation of witness and expression in the learning and the testing curiosity. You must be as the lark of the morn­ing time--as the sparrows who look upon their morning as a glory in radiance--another day of experience for they have no "thinking" mind to do other than respond to that which is of­fered. If you dwell in the dreary you shall become an immobi­lized dullard without ability to move on into your wondrous ex­pression of divinity--you will walk on in the bindings of self-­imprisonment.

    Take note of those things upon which you allow your mind and physical self to dwell. Is it your resources? Is it your possibil­ity of some LOSS or another? Is it your self-limiting focus on "how bad things are for you"? Do you think of your brother and pray for HIM--or do you ask perfection, luxury, security and "having" for SELF? Ponder these things for wherein lies your thought and heart-there too shall be entrapped and immo­bilized, SELF.

    There is coming the sequence of events in which the tauntings and boasting shall be cast down and the Father tells you that you are, "My Beloved! I am he who has proclaimed you! I have given you speakings and writings and I have laid them in your presence and upon your lips that you can know your way. Do you use them or do you turn to that which is already proven crushing upon the very soul?"

    You are not just "my lambs"--you are the shepherds. The sheep go before YOU and unto the still waters and meadows of plenty are you beckoned. WHERE DO YOU GO?

    I ask you, family of my beloved circle, is it better to be one who goes before the sheep and sees not the mischief performed by the wolves, than to give all vigilance and hear the small plaint of the lamb that is taken? Look beyond the sheep into that which is ahead, having learned the prospects and possibilities--and the probabilities of pitfalls and dangers-THEN, let the sheep go before you so that you can watch over them and hear their cries as if in a wilderness of blindness.

    Of course there are comings and goings of perplexing circum­stances. There can be anger in the morning as often as the gen­tle perfection of joy as ever endless scenarios unfold in the ex­pression of manifestation. There can be strife presented in the noon-time and the evening and thus and so--but THE GOODLY COMPANY shall pause, not to be bogged in the mire of that which MAY be. KNOW that you shall pass beyond this inci­dent, this action, this perceived moment and on into that which is REAL and valid. You must keep on valiantly while seeing the splendor of the goal to he taken.

    Respond to me, chelas, and I succor you now and forever--my help rests upon you as the down feathers of the eagle but with the security of the flight feathers of the Phoenix. I now and for­ever shall ennoble you to all things wondrous and beautiful as you rise above those things of ugly reflection of soulless evil images borne in places of hell--that place devoid of God and LIGHT. Separate not from the LIGHT for, in your wanderings into the dark reflections and expressions, you shall become lost. I ask that you open your ears to understanding--and eternity in my places shall surely receive you--you shall become holders of true wisdom and you shall flourish as the perfection which you mirror as God in Self--if you but come and walk this path with ME. I can see you home, children--and I shall. For it is my promise that I shall do so. You shall learn and KNOW and we shall go into the wondrous expression of greater and ever greater experience as we reach into that cosmic universe.

    Don't dwell in consternation at the lessons--all things need ex­planation that you do not go without "reason" --but full compre­hension does not come until the KNOWING--all else is LEARNING.

    The messengers come to you, bringing both triumphs as well as perplexities; they are guided of God in that HE gives them placement and instruction. They shall tell you of the Plan and the beauties of its masterings so that you can learn and know substance. I, further, however, caution to NOT demand that they "give" you this or that. You shall petition for your brethren and for another creature or creation but God KNOWS that which you need for your journey and growth and your only valid approach unto God is, "Thy will be done in your higher knowing, Father." You continually ask for things which, if given as asked, would destroy you for you are yet ignorant as to the WHOLE and would ask for the "moment" and miss the won­drousness of the victory awaiting. You are IMPATIENT IN YOUR GROWING AND YOU WOULD ACT OUT OF EA­GERNESS INSTEAD OF WISDOM.

    Man chooses his pathway and makes his own progress. We can show you the way and tread the path-before you and even motivate good to come unto you-I can even convince you of my presence-but I must leave to you your decisions.

    Now is the time of cycle, however, wherein in your growth or ignorance I must say to you, "Choose" for it is time to know if ye be of your Father Creator or servants to the darkness. It is not so strange, the vision of man, for it is easy to see that "darkness" needs some radiance to relieve the absence of vision­-but one does not perceive the light readily--it is just "there" and is unseen in its presence.

    Well, chelas, a new cycle has performed and opened--the times are ripe on Earth for heavenly manifestings. How much progress has MAN made in his experiencing? He cries out for light and he shall arrive at a point where denial of Truth shall not longer be acceptable to his own senses. Man has gained a whole lot of "knowledge" but not WISDOM. He has used this knowledge to bring utter peril to himself. Man has gone far in learning's application, yet has he threatened himself with ex­tinction.

    Man seeks the Spirit as he has never before sought. Life has its mysteries, science has her quandaries, the souls of men arrive at the cross roads of experiencings and a massive cry goes up. Men utter the cry. Where are those who lead us? We are stopped and do not find our leaders! There is none to lead us farther!?!

    But men cry out their anguish in error and their mistakes find them out--I, and my Hosts, go before them with great truths. I say again, "Accept the LIGHT!" For lo, we are the lamp­lighters bringing forth light unto searching Man. We are come to flood them with light but they must see for themselves the Spirit moving and behold the results of spirituality and goodness as we lead them. We can push a little and shove or pull a little--­but we cannot make this journey for a single one of you.

    I can only repeat that you have the Truth; practice it! You have the Spirit; use it! Goodly gifts have been given to you; now I COMMAND that you employ them!!

    You keep running to me with petitions of "Show me" and "Manifest, Master, that we can believe!" Well, precious ones, we will manifest when we are READY to come forth in physical aspect. We are NOT the little gray clones of interplanetary fa­bles and myths--we are the Hosts of God come to attend our people and the things of Creator.

    My "words" are but sounds on the waves of energy frequency. My thoughts are the manifestation of that which you ARE. Therefore, you must hear the words and BE them! The call has now come forth for higher things to be revealed and the Bright and Radiant WORD shall be revealed in unfolding manifesta­tion--and from the ugliness shall become manifest the beauty that has been so long hidden.

    The "Pharisees" still live, my friends, and man has his scriven­ers (writers) to lay down the laws of MAN to oppress and im­prison, behold your lawyers, but rend the goodly and lift up the evil standards. Ah yes, many dwell, NOW, in goodly places but have great darkness in their hearts. Moreover, to simply come forth in pretense of goodness while practicing in the physical greed of self-gain is not bidden from the presence of God and is not long hidden from the sight of MAN. The Truth is easy to remember--the LIE grows out of bound and changes with the wind. Hold to the Light and in the ending the Truth shall be made known in honor and profit and the evil cheats shall manage to damage and consume themselves. Indeed, it may SEEM to take long--but dear ones--TIME IS REALLY ALL YOU HAVE IN ETERNITY IN WHICH TO EXPRESS AND EXPERIENCE--BE PATIENT. What you see is most often NOT what IS.

    I ask that we rerun a section from a small booklet written by one called David Lewis, SURVIVAL OF THE REMNANT. We have shared it before and it needs to be shared again as refresher and reminder that you are in the great time of change which must be confronted. The "Holy" Remnant as well as the human remnant must prevail through these pressing tribulations and you must fight also for the survival of America as well as your own for it is the place of chosen greatness and the place of your manifested heritage of the" Ancients". You must win THIS battle without Man's weapons but by using the greatest power of all weaponry­-the prevailing powers of God.


    In the grim years ahead, the time is 2000. The place: Earth-­-now a desolate planet slowing dying by its own accumulated er­rors and follies. Its dying is the end result of man's wasteful years, his growth of technologies in the wrong direction, his fear of being conquered and his inability to cope with the reality that people are a human entity of God and not to be used or misused as a tool of whimsical temperament to deprive, starve or destroy at will.

    By man's own choice, the earth in Global 2000 lies barren of its forests while sand dunes rapidly spread over the fertile farm lands that once served us so well. Nearly two million species of plant life have withered on the burned stalks; birds, insects and animals have vanished from sight; the once sparkling rivers that gave life to the world are now dried and the river bottoms are likened to the skin of the crocodile. The fertile valleys, the golden wheat fields, citrus groves and millions of acres of veg­etables are now only a faint recollection or the past. Aircraft no longer fly over our cities and the traffic congested streets are the silent ghosts of an era past. Sidewalks are no longer the foot paths for hurried feet for, although they hardy remain, the memory is now lurking in the shadows of the blackened fog of radioactivity that shrouds the atmosphere.

    Nearby and far off structures that once housed a metropolis of activity has changed from the architectural splendor into a dreaded nightmare of man's stubborn attempts to defy God and nature as he changes the atom into weapons of destruction. Yet with this beforehand knowledge firmly planted in the minds of most intelligent men, knowing that this era will come to a close, he is still propagating so rapidly that his momentum is carrying him even faster to a civilization demise.

    This bleak and solemn scenario is not science fiction to any degree but a detailed study of the real world's future in Global 2000, which is a prophecy that is merely waiting to be played out. Global 2000 could grow into an even darker picture prior to this great historical event if we continue to speed up the intri­cate acts and threats of wars, thus painting an absolute shocking picture of the world fifteen (Ed. note: and eight years have passed.) years from now.

    God did not plan our future but, knowing man as He does, his prophecies will ring true on that day of Global 2000 and 2001. Man has insisted on his own follies and has learned little by his mistakes, thus he has paved his own road to the abyss of hell--taking with him--all of mankind.

    Today we live in an era where nearly everything is geared toward armament and destruction. Our guns are in readiness, our attitudes are tense, faces grim with the progressing news of world events. Frustration mounting and nerves frayed to near short circuits. We have approached that time in our society where it is now fashionable to burn all candles at both ends, outwardly demonstrate our greed and selfishness, stimulate riots and discontent and scoff at those who still show some Christian background.

    To our deepened regret, government officials throughout the world have planted the seeds of deceit, spoken unforgivable words in their constant wrangling, prepared many guises in or­der to cover the actual intentions, led the masses to complete ig­norance and have aided the communistic parties where they in turn can begin to take over our freedoms within this great na­tion. Yet in a war of nerves to the American people, they lead us to believe there will be no impending dangers--while they silently proceed with their plans toward a One World Govern­ment, a One World Order, a One World Religion, and for a money control--a One World Bank. Is this the freedom promised you under our Constitution? We can no longer back away from the conclusions of this truth anymore than we can continue to sidestep the conclusions of Global 2000. The stakes are too high for the United States and for all mankind.

    This then is "the challenge of the century" to all who truly care about God's creation ... the ultimate destiny of mankind and the real meaning of "survival".

    I am going to close out this writing with some sobering state­ments from your own claimed books of knowledge and religious teachings. Let this truth be held within your bosom for it will come to pass that it bears great importance.

    Just as there is true definition of such as "Khazar", "Gentile", Jew, Gog, Magog, expressed in many languages, as example: In Arabic, "Gog" means China and "Magog" means Russia. Let us not fiddle in such matters to the extent you MISS THE POINT.

    I want you to understand that with all the New World Order and other things applicable to changing times--China right now controls its "active" army of a bit over 225 million. The Bible refers to China aggression as the "Yellow Peril"--the armies or 200 million coming out or the East, shielded with armor and swords, riding their horses to battle. Do not let the "horses" fool you--it is all that was available for transporta­tion at the writing of the book. Let us just consider "horsepower" and "weapons".

    Ezekiel 38: 1-4:

    "And the word of the Lord came unto me saying, Son of man, set thy face against Gog (China) and the land of Magog (Russia), the chief prince of Mesheck and Tubal, and prophecy against him. And say, thus saith the Lord God, Behold, I am against thee, 0 God, the chief prince of Mesheck and Tubal. And I will turn thee back, and put hooks into the jaws, and I will bring thee forth, and all thine army, horses and horsemen, all of them clothed with all sorts of armor, even a great company with bucklers and shields, all of them handling swords ."

    There is something even more important, however, to remem­ber: We speak of those of the Mongol origin. You MUST re­member that the Khazarian "Zionists" are of Mongol, Russ (Russian) and Nordic origin. So what does this possibly mean? Let us consider that the very forces of that which is basically humanistic and atheistic in perception shall have a rising up against each other that shall be as the explosion of the planet it­self.

    Does this mean that all Chinese and all Russians and all Ameri­cans and all MEN are evil and against God? No, it means you should learn your lessons so you know what to look for and get your own SELF squared away with GOD so you HEAR your in­structions if you are to be among the remnant. Salu.

    "We must make changes because changes are inevitable and the first change we have to make IS IN OURSELVES, as to how we see the world and how we are able to deal with life. That change comes about by releasing the past, releasing the blame, the anger, and frustration for what you feel has been done to you, and to get on with your life.
    "Attitude prevails and in order to change what is prevalent around us, we have to be willing to change the attitude within ourselves. Nothing begins if it doesn't begin right here with you, with me. Nothing happens unless it happens with ME."


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