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  1. #15
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 12
    CHAPTER 31

    TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1990 6:30 A.M. YEAR 3, DAY 181

    The highest form of crucifixion is the innocent killing of your own people by poison substance and biological diseases. You have had both going on for centuries. I believe as you read along here that you will find it is appropriate material for this Journal--perhaps even the first chapter in this Journal. In an exceptional program called Panorama, made for the BBC television, we thank Roger Bolton, the editor. I also acknowledge the brave and daring work of Robert Harris and Jeremy Paxman. And in highest respect we honor John Coleman for his daring public projection of information as well as James H. Jones who penned BAD BLOOD. The list of ones mentioned may be quite long so we will give honor as we recognize them by label. Dear ones, you have many daring pioneers who are speaking out---please support them. Even if you cannot yet believe that the Global World Plan 2000 is actual, please read with an open mind. Men and women are risking their very lives to bring forth this information--many have been slain for their efforts--please honor them.

    This very day, as the "crimes" unfold out of the Soviet Bloc nations such as Romania, the shocking incidents must be recorded. I cannot ask this scribe to pen long enough to cover it all but let me share a heinous situation in Roma­nia regarding AIDS.

    Western physicians returned from Bucharest to report that in bleak wards were little tots sharing cribs and blankets, 550 children, roughly a third of those tested (not all were tested), carry the AIDS virus. Fifty are already ter­minal in the active course of the disease.

    As the gaps in what you call The Iron Curtain widen, it becomes blatantly ob­vious that there is a seething new world of AIDS--where the medical commu­nity has not been the solution but has, in fact, caused the problem and contin­ues the spread.

    It is now expected that it will likewise spread into Eastern Europe in epidemic proportions. According to Dr. David Heymann of the World Health Organi­zation (speak of foxes in the chicken coop), a member of an emergency team sent into Romania just this past week, believes this to be probable. The AIDS has been spread through non-disposable needles and contaminated blood. It is calculated that in one incident, at least 120 babies were contaminated from one infected baby. This plague has now spread across several cities--Polish AIDS patients have been denied treatment in hospitals.

    What do you believe will happen now as the curtain is swept away? What greeted you this very week in the news--East Germans coming into West Germany are hitting the adult "sex" stores in mammoth numbers--was the headline. Romania reports a dramatic increase in "sex for sale". As repressive dictatorships give way to more permissive democracies, increases in pros­titution, illicit drug use and contacts with foreigners open new channels for the virus-even the "closed" press reports.

    Yugoslavia, with a longer history of openness and higher drug use, has more AIDS victims than have been found so far in Romania. East Germany has now signed an agreement for AIDS assistance from West Germany, whose over 4,000 active disease victims exceed the number in all of Eastern Europe. I urge you to review AIDS, THE LAST GREAT PLAGUE! You must have knowledge about the disease as well as the concept of the magnitude of spreading infection--the compounding of the spread--and the "Big Boys" have other disease viruses waiting if you find a cure too soon, for this one.


    You must be aware of the conspiracy to wipe out large numbers of people from certain racial groups, so-called "undesirable" groups and entire geo­graphical areas.

    According to a plan reported by the Global 2000 Report, this mass genocide was supposed to take place during 1984 to 1990. It is to be completed by the year 2000--hence the title. It is to coincide with THE PLAN 2000 for eco­nomic take-over. There is no need to "prove" that this conspiracy is alive and thriving--go do your homework if you suffer disbelief. There is plenty of well documented information available, "unfortunately", Ignorance or hiding from the circumstance will not save you--information and wise actions can.

    Events in Iran and India have confirmed that the conspirators are moving in the direction recommended by one labeled Cyrus Vance. There is a 36 vol­ume "World Report" on this subject--but don't expect to be allowed access to it. You must also look at the events taking place currently in Central America and Ethiopia as well as numerous other countries which you can recall. The world has surely grown small indeed. In these places, thousands have per­ished from deliberately planned and orchestrated political and religious strife and from hunger unto starvation. You might not realize it, but in Ethiopia for instance, the International Monetary Fund (remember this name?) has de­nied funds and aid. The death toll will be in the millions by this year, 1990.

    The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is, of course, a major instrument of the One World Government Conspiracy. This is a well documented fact. Further, the World Bank through the IMF, has decreed that 150 million black Africans must be ''written off', THIS IS FACT--NOT FICTION. Count on it for it is all but finished--the 150 million people have, or will die! This will of course evolve mostly from AIDS, but there are other deliberately induced plagues which will insure the full measure of death.

    The World Health Organization (WHO) and the Red Cross will not do any­thing meaningful to stem the tide of deaths--the WHO is instrumental in the cause. There will be great so-called international efforts to assist the stricken countries, but this will only be window dressing. It is all in written, docu­mented format. The IMF has already told Nigeria, Ethiopia, Guana, Sudan, Tanzania, Zambia, Chad and other black African states--EXACTLY how much of their populations have got be "gotten rid of". This edict was handed down in the late 70's and early 80's so you see, it is well past under way. This genocide must be accomplished before there will be any monetary help from the IMF. Hard to believe? So be it! We understand that it is hard to believe therefore you must investigate for time is indeed running out.

    Some of these countries' leaders have protested, but they know the IMF means business. Nigeria, for one, acted defiantly and thus suddenly an unex­pected cut in oil prices followed immediately. In retaliation, the Nigerians called for further cuts to upset the world oil markets unless the IMF would drop its provisions and offers financial assistance. Well, the rest is history.

    Oh yes, we recognize the scoffers--believe me, they were around farther back than the time of the Christos, Well, I suggest you go back into the WORLD ECONOMIC REVIEW and check out the publication over the past decade. Honor John Coleman who produces that Journal for he was the first daring person to bring this information to light in the public arena. Some of you still believe that no such international monetary fund exists---oh, dear ones---this is REAL!

    It should not be hard to believe that the One World Conspirators are willing to sacrifice in excess of 400 million people. This is not a new idea--this has been around for a very, very long time. Since the beginning of your counting, there has always been an elite class or ruling class. These groups always take it upon themselves to decide the destiny of what they refer to as the "mass of people" which are held in extremely low esteem.


    Field Marshall Hague, of the British Army, did that in the First World War and before. Whole nations of people were set up for "killing off" as well as distinct racial groups. In the Boer War prior to World War I, Boer women and children were placed in concentration camps and most of them died. That, friends, is deliberate genocide--and you have forgotten today, that your country was founded because of the oppression of Great Britain so why are you so shocked to realize how heinous they have acted in the past--and pre­sent? It is the time of remembering, chelas.

    Sir Hague not only hated his enemy--he despised his own "ordinary soldiers". He deliberately sacrificed hundreds of thousands of them in a no-win conflict by means of lying to the British citizens and Parliament.
    Check your history books and recall how many Chinese were killed in the pur­suance of Lord Gladstones "opium" policy. How many thousands of Indians were killed by the British in the colonial conquest of India? The list is endless. The common denominator is that the "ruling class" is "cult" ridden. They belong to networks of cults and secret societies which, in many cases, teach that killing certain classes of people is their bound duty. That same cult tendency is now prevalent in the U.S.--even into your major church denominations and society clubs. Well, Mr. Darwin's fraudulent theory is based upon--survival of the fittest--or strongest, not necessarily the fittest.


    Bertrand Russell said that the population of the world is increasing at far too rapid a rate". He complained that, "Wars are simply not doing the job they were designed for, that is, not enough undesirables are being got rid of." "And", said Russell, "the results of war in this regard were plainly disappoint­ing."

    Since this dissertation is about disease and plague as a means of getting rid of unwanted people--listen to what Russell actually said: "War has hitherto been disappointing in this respect but perhaps bacteriological war may prove effec­tive. If a Black Death could spread throughout the world once every genera­tion, survivors could procreate freely without making the world too full. This state of affairs might be unpleasant, but what of it!" This is from Mr. Russell's work, THE IMPACT OF SCIENCE ON SOCIETY.

    Here you have a self-styled member of the "ruling class" setting himself up as
    an auditor of who shall live and who shall die. He also says that there are too
    many people on the earth. Rightly so--but does he suggest controlling the
    procreation habits to control the situation? Of course not, he says a good old Black Death would get rid of the unwanted masses and allow the elite to go on --well, you know what! He further said that "like animals, the herd needs culling". He proposed culling by spreading the Black Plague or some other form of disease which would carry off large numbers of people whom he con­sidered "excess baggage".

    Mr. Russell was not even the least bit embarrassed to make such proposals and see to the executions. Well, Mr. Russell's key to fruition was the Plague.


    Beloved brothers, diseases which you think you have ridded your populations of, are still lurking dormant in the wings of the stage. In effect, many of these diseases are simply "on ice--waiting". It is well within the capability of scien­tists to recall them for instant use as and when the need might arise.

    The cults are, in the main, non-Christian (but not the largest in size)--that is, the members actually worship a deity but it is not the One God of the "Christian" faith. The worshipped deity is, in fact, the very antithesis of "Christianity"--do you recognize that label? Friends, the members of these groups do not so much as blink an eye at killing millions of unwanted people--of whom YOU are probably among the ranks. By the way--this group of annihilators is also called "The Club of Rome".

    Members of such cults are actually put to the test of killing. The Son of Sam murders were an identical replay of Jack the Ripper killings. Once a person is "programmed" to kill, the actual commission of the murder is very easy. The most positive proof of this, as a scientific fact, is given in a statement by your wondrous H.G. Wells (a fellow-traveler and colleague of Bertrand Russell). Mr. Wells says, in his essay, "Anticipation of the Reaction of Mechanical Scien­tific Progress Upon Human Life and Thought", that it is easy to kill when one kills for the purpose of maintaining the ideals of the "ruling class". This theme runs throughout Well's papers and writings. Mr. Wells further says, "It is right and proper to kill in order to preserve the quality of the ruling class." He says, "It is no good allowing inferior beings to overwhelm the best quality beings because of greater numbers."

    Now for Well's opinion regarding Blacks. "Men of the New Republic will not be squeamish either in facing or in inflicting death--they will have ideals that will make killing worth while." The Council on Foreign Relations, Club of Rome--your present ruling class of "nobility" of the Aristocrats--has as an idea that the common "herd" must not be allowed to grow too big. The rationale of killing is this, it only remains to have it carried out in fact.


    Churchill was very much a part of the "ruling class". He felt nothing for those he looked upon as inferiors--which was almost everyone. Although offered many alternatives which would have ended the Second World War far earlier than 1945, he opted to ignore those offers, as the German, Rudolph Hess, found out when he tried to see Churchill. The deal Hess tried to offer Churchill was peace with Germany so that Hitler could deal with the Bol­shevics. Churchill's zionist consortors saw to it that Hess never got near the man. Efforts by the Duke of Hamilton, a friend of Hess, to get Churchill to meet with him, failed completely. Churchill had no desire to end what he re­ferred to as his "delicious war". You all know what has happened to Hess in these past near years--a total violation of all human rights. Let me remind you--nations that will take the lives of millions of its own people will not hesi­tate to snuff out the lives of millions of members of the "colored races" of the world as well as the so-called undesirable whites, particularly the "patriots" of the elite in the U.S.A.


    Why would the ruling classes desire to get rid of so many people? The an­swer, of course, lies in the theory that there are too many people consuming too few resources that cannot be replaced (certainly a valid observation). When people become selfish, they forget God and God-ness. Regardless of what is touted near and wide--the major ruling members of the "ruling classes" simply do not believe in the God-ness of which you believe. That includes the aristocrats and nobility of Europe--the church is set up totally as a facade be­hind which to orchestrate the genocide--IN THE NAME OF CHRIST! Many, many of the Eastern Liberal establishment of the United States oper­ate in the same manner. Their God, beloved ones, is Lucifer--The Morning Star! whom they have long since declared to be the ruler of the Universe. Oh yes, I suggest you shudder now and get it over with.

    In this idea, they are joined by the "churches" of the Soviet Union who have called for "a spiritual mobilization against America" and don't let Glasnost fool you! The newly freed people are not flocking to the "Christian" churches as they escape into your wonderful "new world"--they are flocking to the sex/porn houses as fast as they can paddle.

    There was a formal meeting which announced the "Spiritual Mobilization Against America Plan". The result was a meeting that was attended by the leading "cultists" of the world. The subject which was discussed was "Spiritual Resurgence in the West".

    Common allegiance to a false God makes these kinds of meetings possible. The real point was, however: "How to Implement the Global 2000 Plan". The principle speaker told his audience that, "Man was better off during the 14th century with the Bubonic Plague than he was in the present day climate over­shadowed by nuclear weapons." The key to the statement is the referral to the term "plague".


    The first step to putting the puzzle pieces together is taken when you go back to the first world war. At that time, the Britains did not shrink from sacrificing millions of its youth in a war set up to make profits for the bankers. The first suspected use of bacteriological weapons took place at the close of that terri­ble war. It happened in the following manner: After four years of stalemate with neither side gaining the ascendency, the Germans finally broke through the French lines and were less than 37 miles from Paris when SUDDENLY disaster struck them. Practically the entire front line German units went down instantly with what is now known as Type A Influenza. This was in April of 1918.

    Far from the Germans being defeated as General Hague had misled his gov­ernment into believing, the German army was actually on the offensive in their march on Paris. The Germans were briefly checked by the green and untried American forces. The Americans laid down an artillery barrage. Now surely there was nothing new in that, but at this point the events went into un­derground secrecy. The entire army of Germans was simultaneously smitten with virulent influenza. Prior to the American artillery barrage, there were no cases of influenza amongst the German troops. Suddenly, as if a cloud burst over them, the Germans went down with such virile flu that it laid low the entire Division. In some sectors along the front, Companies were down to as lit­tle as ten men. So violent was this epidemic that the British and Americans, for the very first time, were able to break through the German lines. That proved to be the turning point of the war. Thereafter the Germans rapidly retreated and virtually gave up the fight.

    Bacteriological experts in England, Germany and Switzerland believe that the Americans brought with them shells containing the influenza virus which was then unleashed on the Germans. This was the only "credible" explanation for the sudden and instantly deadly outbreak of what was later known as The Spanish Flu epidemic which first raged through the German lines and later marched right across the world, killing millions of people. In fact, more peo­ple died from the influenza than died in the actual war.

    It is to avoid what is known as an "outburst" of this kind that the Council on Foreign Relations Club of Rome biologists are working on right now. The Global 2000 provisions cannot be implemented if it means that the indiscrimi­nate spread of an epidemic, that will not be a respector of persons, cannot be can tamed in some way.


    No one knows for sure where the influenza virus originated but the first known cases occurred in 1580, in Asia and there were sporadic appearances of the disease until 1890. Even in the non-epidemic outbreaks of influenza, more people died from the flu than have from any known nuclear related causes. Note we do qualify by the word "known". Where are all the Peace Demonstrators against the flu? The first known induced epidemic began on the battlefield at the close of the First World War. It was utilized directly as a chemical/bacteriological weapon.


    Well, Dharma wants to speak of chemicals in the warfare and, although this subject deals with biology, we will toss in a bit of alternative horror.

    On the 22nd of April, 1915, an afternoon breeze sprang up. It came in from the north, from behind the German lines and gently fanned the faces of the Allied soldiers in position around the village of Langemarck, near Ypres,

    The French reservists and Algerians from France's north African colony were new to the trenches. The fresh wind seemed a good omen, for a few seconds later, as if on cue, the German guns which had been bombarding them all day, suddenly stopped firing. Silence descended over the front

    At five o'clock, three red rockets streaked into the sky, signaling the start of a deafening artillery barrage. High explosive shells pounded into the deserted town of Ypres and the villages around it. At the same time the troops shel­tering near Langemarck saw two greenish-yellow clouds rise from the enemy's lines, catch the wind, and billow forwards, gradually merging to form a single bank of blue-white mist: out of sight, in special emplacements protected by sandbags and concrete, German pioneers were opening the valves of 6,000 cylinders spread out along a four mile front. The cylinders contained liquid chlorine--the instant the pressure was released and it came into contact with the air it vaporized and hissed out to form a dense cloud. At thirty parts per million of air chlorine gas produces a rasping cough. At concentrations of one part per thousand it is fatal. The breeze stirred again, and one hundred and sixty tons of it, five feet high and hugging the ground, began to roll towards the Allied trenches. Dear ones, CHEMICAL WARFARE HAD BEGUN!

    The wave broke over the first line within a minute, enveloping tens of thou­sands of troops in an acrid green cloud so thick they could not longer see their neighbors in the trench. Seconds later they were clutching at the air and at their throats, fighting to breathe.

    Chlorine does not suffocate: it poisons, stripping the lining of the bronchial tubes and lungs. The inflammation produces a massive amount of fluid that blocks the windpipe, froths from the mouth and fills the lungs. Some tried to bury their heads in the earth. Others tried to outrun the clouds but found that the exertion only caused larger gulps of the poison. The tide of gas washed over the struggling men and their faces turned blue from the strain of trying to breathe; some coughed so violently they ruptured their lungs. Each man, as the British casualty report was later to put it, was "being drowned in his own exudation". That one attack could have cost the war, but the German soldiers dug in.

    This little game was called "Falkenhayn's experiment" for the German com­mander, Falkenhayn, was as startled as were his opponents by the over­whelming effect it had cost the Allies 5,000 men dead and 10,000 wounded.

    Thirty-six hours later, while the British and French still struggled to fill the breach, the Germans struck again. Wave after wave of gas flowed over the Allied troops and soon the gas was accompanied by Germans wearing strange masks with glass eyes and large hoods.

    The last and greatest attack came later in the summer, on Mar 24th, this fol­lowing attacks on May 1, 6 and 10. The only interim protection against the gas was urine soaked cloths or earth filled cloths stuffed into glass tubes. And then came the punch line. The Allies set out at a nice little bankers delight of $400 million to create gas of their own.---Oh yes, by the way--there had been a commission set up under the name of the Hague Convention to outlaw such chemical weapons. But the Allies were ingenious--they came up with "tear gas" invented by Dr. Tappen and thusly labeled "T-Stoff", Also there were the Stink bombs.

    As you might guess, the chemical factories became the backbone of the econ­omy--especially the German economy. Well, those German laboratories went on to produce all sorts of deadly things over the years. But at that time gas became THE weapon of choice--and of course, a nice little side industry sprang up--gas-masks and shelter.

    Are you beginning to long for a nice underground shelter system? I hope so for there is coming a time of death to surface dwellers in lots and lots of geo­graphical locations. I am constantly denounced and my scribe openly threat­ened because I project these things "God wouldn't s[read fear like you do, so you are evil." So be it. They also denounced Christ, Dharma. "Yes", she nervously replies, "they also crucified Him!" Let us take a break please, chela

    Hatonn to stand-by.

    PJ 12
    CHAPTER 32

    TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1990 1:30 P.M. YEAR 3, DAY 181

    Good afternoon, Hatonn present to resume in the Light of Our Radiant One.

    On February 20, 1919 the Times of London says that the "Estimates of dead between 1918 and 1919 are between 20 and 30 million people. The disease shows an amazing attack mortality rate."

    Indian sources, and this is a very interesting notation to the Council on For­eign Relations Global 2000 conspirators, say, "The death toll in India, alone, was over 20 million." It is further stated that the true figures were lowered so as not to cause further panic.

    American records show that more than half the population of Alaska per­ished. And in the Pacific Islands, almost three quarters of the people died. It is of extreme interest to note that in Alaska there was almost NO GROUND MOVEMENT OR TRANSPORTATION. Therefore, it certainly bears out the theory that the disease was airborne and not passed on from person to person. It also makes very feasible the projection that the coming plague (or plagues) would be introduced through artificially seeding the air and rain-clouds.

    The scale of the ravages of the flu pandemic is difficult for you to visualize. It seemed to come forth in waves and the attack mortality rate was astonishing. And here, you are talking of some 70 years past in which new and innovative techniques could be established against this day. The mortality rate was as­tonishingly high among the young people. In India, the official records show that entire villages and towns were completely wiped out. Trains were found stopped where drivers died and the trains themselves were littered with corpses. Railway stations were piled high with the dead and had to have a continuous clearance program. There was no escaping it.

    Now listen up closely. In open, unwooded or unforested areas the death toll was heavier than in forested regions. Again, this added to the probabilities that the virus was airborne and intentional. Certain countries and some is­lands escaped the disease for quite a long while, even though ships from in­fected areas called in their ports. No quarantine method can account for this and it remains one of the secret unsolved mysteries.

    All records of research into the matter are simply "missing" or "the files are not available to the general public". It is plainly obvious that there is knowl­edge of how and why the pandemic struck certain areas while leaving others virtually untouched. Such information, of course, would be most helpful to the planners of mass genocide by means of the plague and hints are leaked that they have been quite available to certain and select persons.


    An island in the Atlantic, St. Helena, and Australia are two areas that were not hit until almost the end of the outbreak. Quarantine could not have pos­sibly accounted for the disease being delayed in reaching those areas.

    Passengers on ships at sea in route to Australia were struck down in terrible suddenness and the mortality rate was higher than elsewhere. The erratic way in which the pandemic behaved has never been accounted for publicly. The virus seemed to simply travel thousands of miles in a matter of hours and yet somehow take weeks or months to reach places in near locations one to the other. A Dr. L. Weinstein has done a brilliant publication on that pandemic. His work is in the British Museum in London.

    He stated, "The influenza pandemic occurred in three waves starting in the spring of 1917/1918. It was characterized by a high attack rate and 50 percent of the world's population was affected. An even more lethal wave began in Scotland and then in Massachusetts on September 12, 1918. It spread over the world in a very short time. Epidemialogical behavior was most unusual. Although person to person spread occurred in local areas, the disease ap­peared on the same day in widely separated parts of the world, on one hand, but on the other took weeks to spread relatively short distances. It was de­tected in Boston and Bombay, India on the same day but took three weeks be­fore it reached New York City despite the fact that there was considerable travel between the two cities. It was present for the first time in Jolliet in the State of Illinois four weeks after it was detected in Chicago only 38 miles away. Death rates in various cities in America from respiratory diseases dur­ing the second wave show that the Jolliet-Chicago incidence was not unusual. Pittsburgh and Toledo with almost identical death rates in normal times, and with similar population groups, and similar occupations, showed a remarkable difference. The death rate in Pittsburgh exceeding that of Toledo by 400 per­cent."

    This next also comes from Dr. Weinstein. In 1948 there was another outbreak of influenza and studies were made by Dr. F. Magressi which show that it started among shepherds in Sardenia in isolated areas. Dr. Magressi said, "We were able to verify the appearance of influenza in shepherds who were living, for a long time, alone---in solitary, open country and far from inhabited centers. This appeared absolutely contemporaneously with appearance of in­fluenza in the nearest inhabited cities." Magressi says that the speed in the spreading of the disease was inconsistent with any possible person to person transmission.

    An interesting addition to this comes from a British epidemiologist, C. W. Creighton, who in 1837 concluded that the Black Plague and Influenza spread was due to what he called "a miasma spreading over the land".


    With all the massive facilities available to the planners of the Global 2000 conspiracy It is not unreasonable to believe that such a miasma can be artifi­cially created and spread over selected target countries and even cities. This, of course, is one of the ways in which the coming plague will be introduced and spread. You have certainly not seen the last of the Black Plague or In­fluenza---or Smallpox, for that matter. The microbiological concept for the spread of plague or flu, plus the fact that these viruses and bacterias can be stored in a dormant state and then allowed to "break but" shows how easy it will be for the One World Government conspirators to introduce the corning plagues and spread them by airborne methods.

    The old idea that these diseases could only be spread by person to person was laid to rest during the 1919 Influenza pandemic. The actual cause of In­fluenza is still not released to you--for certain. Although--and listen carefully-­-a veterinarian from Ft. Dodge, Iowa (in 1918) proved that a new disease which was a carbon copy of the Influenza in humans, had appeared in pigs. Does this remind you of bovine leukemia and sheep visna viruses of AIDS? I suppose most of you also recall the "Swine" flu?

    The most important finding was made by a Dr. Burnett who proved that In­fluenza virus could be cultivated in the developing embryo of chickens. From this, the various strains of Influenza that attack humans were identified. All efforts to find an antidote have met with only moderate success. The most virulent, Type A, that killed millions in the 1919 pandemic, appeared to shift, which the medical profession said "is difficult to understand within orthodox views". Thus it appears that you are not in a position to combat Type A In­fluenza. It seems likely that reservoirs of that deadly virus are in existence.

    The Soviet Union is known to have large stocks of deadly chemical and bacte­riological weapons and it is likely that the Type A Influenza virus figures largely in their arsenal.

    The Soviets have long had the facilities to create reservoirs of flu viruses which was not thought possible up to a relatively short time ago. Since there is no known human reservoir for the virus, it could be therefore, that a delib­erate breakout can be allowed and if spread by airborne methods you would have an epidemic on your hands of the calibre of the 1919 pandemic---if the Soviets have the capability and they most certainly do---the West must also have it.

    Given the goal of the Global 2000 report it appears it would be a most simple matter to arrange a breakout of a whole array of deadly viruses over any given selected target areas. It would also be certain that the elite conspirators have full ability to treat or antidote the disease just as there is an antidote and cure for AIDS virus disease.


    Some types of viruses can be stored in animals and allowed to break out in controlled or uncontrolled conditions. The virulent and deadly Lassa fever, for instance, was being tested for animal host reservoirs when it accidentally broke out causing a world wide panic. Had the deadly virus not been cor­ralled it would have killed millions of people irrespective of status and without regards to race, color or creed.

    Now shake, don't just shudder: in 1978 it came to public attention through a real "slip" from NATO headquarters that "scientific experts" had stated that the Russians were developing three horrific new diseases for warfare. Now you must remember that "slips and leaks" occur on pretty well arranged schedules and you can further KNOW that if Russia has it--the U.S. has it, so do your meditation with all that in mind. The three diseases: Lassa fever, which kills over a third of all persons contracting it (35 of every 100), Ebola fever, which kills 70 out of every 100 people it strikes, and the deadly Marburg fever --oops! (Green Monkey Disease)--and the rest becomes history.


    Until effective methods have been found to immunize and decontaminate chosen areas and chosen groups, just the Lassa fever virus is totally devastat­ing. The Lassa fever viruses will be kept under the most strict conditions of security. The world is probably safe until the genocidal conspirators come up with a bit better solution as to how to keep it confined to target countries and target cities and areas without getting some of their own special co-conspira­tors.

    An airborne assault by Lassa fever viruses on a country like India, for exam­ple, would kill an estimated 80 to 100 million people in three to four months, according to records available at the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta. Again, don't expect to walk in the Center and have them show you these records.

    "Officially" the Lassa fever virus has been destroyed--that is not so and to do so is a very, very big job. The Lassa fever viruses are directly "on tap" and waiting. The Lassa fever virus is one which is called a recombinant hybrid (familiar?). It cannot emerge in several different countries at the same time--there can be only one focal point at which it can emerge. This was proved when it made its first appearance only in "Lassa" in Nigeria.

    The Lassa fever outbreak in Nigeria was almost a calamity because the virus broke out while experiments were being done on host animals in the region. The alarm and concern shown by the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta, for example, tend to lend credence to the panic---however, note that probably not more than a half percent of you readers have ever even heard of the disease.

    The Center for Disease Control took extra-ordinary measures in an effort to corral the virus and ordered all plagues being worked on to be destroyed by incineration. Even the air conditioning air as it came out from the labs was incinerated. This is a most deadly virus and works a heck of a lot faster than your old slow AIDS.


    This can truly be as large a killer if it begins in pandemic form. It can be lo­calized because it IGNORES the technology of human travel. Let us look at the 1889 to 1890 outbreak, which was small, of Type A virus---the first report came from Russia in May. At the start it spread very slowly and took until Oc­tober to reach a nearby town. Plainly the spread ignored the technology of human travel for people were traveling between the two villages constantly.

    When the Hong Kong flu broke out it might seem natural that it was Califor­nia, which is the nearest point in the United States to Hong Kong, the disease should have occurred in California first. But it broke out in a very small community in a desert town called Needles. This, brothers, is decidedly ab­normal. It just seemed to ignore the large cities of San Francisco, San Diego and Los Angeles and by the forty-fifth week spread into the states of Nevada and Arizona. It is very important to note here the support for the idea that the disease being airborne appears in open, unforested areas first and then spreads outward. It can be controlled as to where it strikes. You have now seen this example as well as the Islands which all but escaped the 1918/1919 pandemic.


    Is this by accident or by design and why might a space cadet be giving you this most pointed information? Well, I go on record--the Global Plan 2000 con­spirators will soon claim that the diseases are brought and integrated from Space Command--it is next on the "fear and panic" agenda. You know, all those little grey aliens who run around in the shadows with your military and government contracts? Well don't look out here--they are all dark as a dun­geon and twice as dirty--not the little aliens--the "big" grey men! But you will swallow the story hook, line and to the pole because you know what--half of the community will still be arguing over who's information is who's and fight­ing over copyrights and seminar schedules. The government and conspirators will just be laughing at you little citizens--all the way to their completely owned banks; neither will any of them have the flu or so much as a bad cold!

    The others of spiritual centers will still be throwing stones at the Christos and Aton for bringing you news and information regarding "Caesar's world". Open your eyes, we are doing all we can to keep you alive and able to function against all odds on your placement and we of this realm weary beyond all patience at the rocks being barraged in upon our scribes and receivers. There are now daily attacks---from ones claiming to be THE source of spiritual truth! So be it! See if you can clear the flu with a purple shirt for you won't unless Germain happens to be in the shirt. Use faith healing? I don't find enough "faith" to heal hives much less a deadly virus. Further, I find the very ones who claim all knowing to take a few little drugs along "just to awaken a bit more fully". Well, awakening is going to be abrupt indeed and you'll pray for death to ease the sickness which shall consume you. Have you ever been so sick that it was just too much to stay alive and yet you did? These diseases bring illness (sickness) beyond belief and nothing actually gives relief to any extent.



    Funny thing, someone has just happened to notice that among the hidden toys----is an antidote to Type A virus which the world has NOT been told about. Two well known scientists tried to get the information published but with no success. The tests were done in The Netherlands in 1957. It seemed that the elderly (80 to 90 years of age) who went to their doctors for treatment of "colds" were found to have high concentrations of Type A antibodies lead­ing the scientists to believe that these people must have encountered a sub­type virus at some time or other and were now immune to subsequent attacks.

    Instead of considering this a major medical discovery and rushing to make an­tibody doses from the donors--nothing was done and no publicity was allowed. Well, they put Priore and Rife out of business, also.

    Dear ones, rain clouds can be seeded with Plague or Influenza or any number of viruses and dumped over certain areas.

    Why am I dallying around so much with Influenza? Because when I give you a breakdown of the other little boogers planned for you, I will lose my audience as you rush out to picket and protest--I hope! Better, start digging thy under­ground hovels with good radiation and filter systems. We have told you how and if you don't remember--rush to re-read FIGHTING CHANCE OR SURVIVAL IS ONLY TEN FEET FROM HELL. God does not consider any of you Satan's or Caesar's property and if ones consider things down on your place to belong to Ceasar--then I have bad news--you get your informa­tion from the wrong resource and that evil energy will eat you alive.

    Ones of great closeness broke with my group over the SURVIVAL book and Dr. Robinson found the same result in his town. He offered to build the first shelter -- it was declined because after all, how could you choose who to save! The same identical statement was made to our publisher--"Who could select who would be saved?" Has anyone ever heard of building enough for you all and storing enough quantity of foods for you all? They have done it in Russia and China as well as Switzerland--could you not do as well? You claim to be the most wealthy country in the world! Well, you aren't--you are bankrupt but a survival system wouldn't cost more than a couple or three stealth bombers a year..

    Raindrops keep falling on my head--humn de dee, de dee-de dee---can easily be made to be pathogenic and when they fall on your heads in a given area, everybody falls down.

    If your own "obstructed" scientists of good intent can know of this ability--­don't you believe that Caesar's Satanic Conspirators know also of this ability? Caesar's things indeed. Satan's things--INDEED! What of God's things--like YOU FOR INSTANCE? A wrathful God? Oh my goodness--well, how about just a tad twinge of a little bit angry at the very preposterity of the statement. If you care so little for the gift of life God has given unto you, then so be it.

    Dharma, let us close this as you are too weary and we begin to get foolish and hopeless. Dear ones, it is not foolish nor hopeless--we must keep on keeping on for those ones have no notion of that which they do.

    I think we should not work later this evening as the hours have been long in­deed with much editing necessary in the interim. Everyone of you must get more rest. I ask that you not be up at your work past 11:00 p.m, for fatigue slows our pace.

    Please use available material for the Express this week as we must move on with this document without major interruptions. Neither do I wish this Jour­nal to become too lengthy because people will postpone the reading of it if it is too large. Pray for your brother who cannot yet see how it is for you need unity and community. We need to speak of how to achieve that also--do you feel your education upon that orb is a bit lacking? So be it.

    I move to stand-by that we might take respite. Thank you for your service for I am most appreciative. You of my group have most certainly earned your tickets home. Aho!

    Salu, Salu, Salu--in service unto the Radiant One.

    Hatonn to clear, please.

  2. #16
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 12
    CHAPTER 33
    WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1990 7:00 AM. YEAR 3, DAY 182

    Hatonn present in Light that we might continue on the subject of murder.


    I shall begin with a question. How many of you have felt, say, that it is highly unusual that a Shah of Iran comes to you in healthy form and "dies of natural causes" only weeks later? What about Marcos? What about Howard Hughes? What about Casey Gust (just before he could spill the entire conspiracy because of Iran-Gate)? What about all the witnesses to Kennedy's assassina­tion? Selective plagues? My, my, my---it is dangerous to work among the elite for if you become dangerous to their conspiracy you are immediately ex­pendable and are expended. You are also expendable if you play their game perfectly and become "a problem of any type". The evil brothers have no code of ethics. Criminals even have codes of ethics. The conspiracy has none!

    We continue on the subject of the Influenza because there is more experience from which to draw. It is interesting to note that person to person transmis­sion has never been a serious consideration for the spread of the disease. Of course it is spread that way in families, schools etc.- but never when many come down with a disease simultaneously.

    If the spread is primarily person to person at "kick off" then ones in the forested locations would be as quick to the attack as those in open locales. It is obvious, then, that forests and heavy foliage growth offers protection against pathogens from the sky.

    Now, sleepyheads, your conspirators who created and kept the war going in Viet Nam knew these things. They set out on a deliberate mission to defoliate wide areas of terrain and if a few million American kids got sprayed with a lit­tle Agent Orange, in addition to whatever else they dumped on the ground--so be it. And you thought they were clearing the enemy hiding places---sic, sic. Worse than that, the conspirators set out a "kill" campaign against anyone who spoke out against the war. Does anyone remember what a blast Jane Fonda bore? How about Dr. Spock? What of the degradation cast upon the young people who fled rather than go be either weapons fodder or kill his brother?

    Unless you have experienced it, you have no imagination as to what a napalm attack on a village is like--the frying and cooking of innocent families and ba­bies. How many of you know what a "cluster bomb" is? How many of your own husbands, fathers and sons/daughters were killed by weapons stamped "made in the U.S.A."? Well, it is going to happen again and again--it began in your Americas in Panama and now the way is paved to allow a patriotic march right through Central and South America--all in the name of drug control.


    You must realize that pathogens which are seeded into clouds do not come in a steady flow--it comes in bursts just as the releasing of pathogens which are dropped in spray or bursts of wind-carried contamination.

    Could it be that the conspirators are working to perfect a system of bursts to spread the disease? It most certainly would be the logical next step wouldn't it? If wars simply aren't killing quickly enough the overburden of the less de­sirable population, then it is logical indeed to use other methods. Oh, you will have to have the wars, dear ones, because your economy is dead and some way has to be devised to revive it above the death rattle to sustain until the "no money/total economic control" system is totally operable.

    Doesn't it make your heart weep to watch a President dressed in fatigues watching war "games" and pronouncing these children to be the finest fighting forces? Wouldn't you perhaps think he is getting them ready to go some­where and be a fighting force? How about medals (for men only) for going to Panama and killing thousands of civilians and demolishing your own protected colony? You think about 200 dead in Panama's civilian sector? Try over 7,000. More dishonorable--what of the dishonor of not even being among the counted? Each family, for instance, of each soldier slain and listed, thinks their son is one of the 125 or so slain. How do you know? Could it be like the San Francisco earthquake of 1906? Hundreds and hundreds died and yet the list of dead was piddling--but who can argue for an "official" count goes forth and each thinks their loved one was among the counted.

    Consider the flu that ravaged Alaska. Those facts should be available in the Congressional Records of Jan. 16, 1919, under the heading "United States Senate, Committee of Appropriations". It tells the story of how the virus struck all over Alaska at the same time. It was proven that the spread was not from person to person. Since a lot of snow and rain falls on Alaska isn't it quite obvious what happened?


    Let's now move to the "Legionnaires Disease" which killed some 29 people and hospitalized 183 others during the American Legion Convention in the city of Philadelphia in 1976. This was an experiment carried out by the Global 2000 plotters who were researching a hybrid virus with which to work, which could be spread via airborne methods under totally controlled conditions.

    The severe onset of the disease came during a span of a few hours on one day and after only a few hours of general malaise, fever set in. This was accompa­nied by muscle cramps and then a rapid rise in fever and severe rigors with chest pains, difficulty in breathing and death followed swiftly. The course of the disease was unpredictable, just like the Lassa fever cases showed. Death rate in relationship to attack was high. Antibiotics were of no avail.

    According to reports, "Careful inquiries revealed that all of those attacked spent a long time in the hotel lobby." (That is, the hotel wherein the Conven­tion was being held.) "There appears to have been a connection between the attack rate of the disease and time spent on the sidewalk outside of the hotel watching a parade. A distinction could be made between those who were on opposite sides of the street. There is a strong indication of an airborne pathogen, the incidence of which is patchy on the scale of the width of the street." Was this a "natural outbreak" of a new virus or was it part of a care­fully conducted experiment? Before you dismiss it, remember that during the 1950s extensive and widespread experiments with the drug LSD, manufac­tured by the Swiss Company, Hoffman-LaRoche, were carried out by certain research organizations in the United States with official sanction in most cases. The elite simply count on the public masses to have extremely short memories. In fact, they go further--news items hit and are immediately buried so that if there is a national ball game or "T.V. Special" most people never so much as hear the news item.

    The victims, in the Legionnaires case, were completely unaware of that which was being done to them. This outbreak is an identical pattern--this was an "unofficial" "official" test by the Global 2000 planners. The LSD experiments were part of a pattern set up by Aldos Huxley and the CFR conspiracy. There have been further outbreaks of Legionnaires Disease in Scotland where some 65 people died in 1983/84 under similar circumstances. The Scottish out­break, however, went practically unreported except for one single British newspaper article in which it was only mentioned.

    The Center for Disease Control in Atlanta says that Legionnaires virus is not spread by person to person contact. Then how did Legionnaires Disease ap­pear suddenly and disappear just as suddenly? Where did it come from? You must know that there is a reservoir waiting to be used when deemed appro­priate by the Conspirators. The prospect of new diseases, taking you totally unaware, should be most depressing to you unsuspecting and trusting lambs. It is there waiting for you and cannot be ignored. You have seen it in the past and you must expect similar things in the future, including the advent of new diseases--AIDS is only a start and preceding it was the massive outbreak of Herpes of the reproductive system. Further indication of the seriousness of these recent "dumpings on you" is that they are housed within the body and once infected are never removed awaiting proper circumstance to become ac­tive instead of remissive. AIDS, once active, almost never is again completely remissive.


    It cannot be denied that these things are both experimental as in the labora­tory studies only using you, the people, as well as deliberately introduced and carefully spread introductions. Well, chelas, you are in the final stages of completion of the well laid plan and there is massive assistance from within the drug manufacturing facilities--you call them pharmaceutical houses. Since they have paid for the creation of the disease and reap the rewards from the treatment compounds--it is never going to be that there is found a cure via that route--for anything. Why "cure" heart disease if your whole industry is based on the foundation of active "heart disease"? The logical modus operundi is, of course, to create treatable side effects of the present disease or don't cure the one you have going.

    Since the 1940 experiment with Influenza and the chick embryo virus hatch, there has been a mammoth increase in the numbers of experiments with bac­terial viruses called PHAGES, (do you remember T-cells and macrophages, etc., in AIDS?), which has attracted a large number of scientists. Since 1940 thousands and thousands of new experiments have been carried out by scien­tists working under grants from the Ford, Carnegie, and Rockefeller Founda­tions (CFR, Trilats, IMF, World Banks - - - -!). These Foundations, if you re­call, fund mainly "anti-American" causes and of course they pour money into anything connected to the Club of Rome and the other groups mentioned above. These are the very foundations of the traitor organizations for the One World Government and Global 2000 Plan.


    Fiction? They told you it was fiction! If you haven't seen it--rent it and see it. It was a depiction of actual truth (just as is SIPAPU ODYSSEY) of work which was carried out on the Lassa Fever virus. This, brothers, is not far­fetched; this is getting down and dirty.

    Do you also remember Stanley Kubric's Clockwork Orange? Well, our beloved Wally Gentlemen, of 2001, will certainly at least remember Mr. Kubric. Remember Dr. Strangelove in that movie? This man is a living per­son currently.

    Your new breed of scientists is responsible for remarkable progress made in molecular biology--frightening isn't it? Their biggest problem, however, is in finding host cells in which to produce viruses, which then can be reproduced from a single plaque. Incidentally, this was the method used by the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta, to isolate the Lassa fever virus.

    The disturbing factor in this equation is the manner in which the dormant phases of these viruses and bacteria are handled. There are four phases in the development cycle of viruses, the most important being "the endosym­biont", Phages can be kept in host reservoirs and then aroused when needed. This means that large quantities of phages are stored in the dormant state, aroused and released in various manners such as seeded clouds over a given target area; or released through directed air particle projectors. The Legion­naires virus was released in air projection.

    To you scoffers who will say that no-one would even contemplate such things as we project herein, you must return and recall the tragedies of the First World War where the very flower of the youth of Western nations was cut down in numbers of staggering proportion and stuns the mind. If you believe me not, read backup literature and consider the battlefield cemeteries of Eu­rope and see the thousands of row upon row of little white crosses--death in the hundreds of thousands---from chemicals and disease. You ones are quick to forget these things and brush them aside--a nice park garden for a picnic perhaps. This is why, Dharma, I began all the way back in 1915. If you over­look the lessons of the past---you are destined to repeat and repeat and re­peat them. You already have forgotten and are now in the repeating in the most heinous manner possible.


    You must realize that men were capable of orchestration of that war, for rea­sons you ones have never had explained, (greed on the part of the bankers who reaped mammoth profits); can you actually believe that these same groups of men would not simply kill off a few million Indians, Latin Ameri­cans, African's and Asian's? Especially when it can be perfected in such a remote manner without the complications of man even questioning intent or possibilities? They are fully capable and fully intend to do exactly that!



    Areas in the U.S. where there are large and concentrated groups of staunchly patriotic Americans, will be the most likely target areas of the Global 2000 planners. This is because the perpetrators within the Conspiracy are TRAITORS to the United States of America---they are not patriots of the Constitutional United States and they have fooled you at every junction and stayed a long way ahead of you in the planning and orchestration of The Plan. They have sucked you in and are now devouring you and all for which Amer­ica stands. Your Constitution has been all but totally destroyed and overrid­den. There is no justice in your courts and you HAVE NO FREEDOMS REMAINING.

    This is why the bringers forth of these truths are scattered and work in basic isolation. To keep them out and away from the groups targeted. The tar­geted ones are in groups where demonstrations and ease of contamination is best served. Look at where the AIDS has been introduced. You will note very few of the "elite" infected and if so, it is purely accidental.

    If AIDS doesn't do the job then any of the old deadly plagues can be sent upon you in targeted areas, from the Black Plague, Smallpox, untreatable strains of childhood diseases such as measles and chicken pox, influenzas, etc., etc---by way of any of the many "phages" that the planners have "on tap".

    A successful launch of a plague must come from large reservoirs of "phages" and believe me, there are those reservoirs in place. The Soviet Union calls their reservoirs, storage of "mass weapons of destruction". And when the So­viets are ready for that next world war--they are ready and waiting.


    I most sincerely hope that you ones who know of the ones efforting to stop this scribe from bringing forth these messages by calling her evil, the messages evil, US of the Brotherhood of Light evil and workers of the Devil and Satan, realize which shoes are soiled and blackened. If you continue to sit and pon­der in naught but a spiritual light, you will be "spirit" most soon to ponder your errors. Those who would call these messages "evil" are working as diligently toward your destruction as a hydrogen bomb aimed right at your head. God sends forth truth, knowledge and instructions in answer to your very own peti­tions and you set upon the scribes and crucify them--well, in so doing you commit suicide and crucify the very phoenix who comes to show you the way. So be it for what you end up in the doing, is your choice. 'Tis not from thy brethren of the cosmos which comes your destruction--but from thy sleepy brother and from those "grey-beings" to whom you have handed, well bun­dled, your lives and freedoms. Armageddon may actually appear to be quite pleasant, in relative manner, if you do not wake up and change THE PLAN. The Satanic Global 2000 Conspirators and their eager "little devils" have in­comprehensibly nasty little plans for your well-being and they fully intend to have it finished by year 2000!



    If you do not choose to use any of the information we bring you--fine. If you think it too big an effort or expense to get a corporation, or store food, or build a shelter--I care not. Neither will you find flourishment in great measure by converting into gold and T-bills---our intent is to give those of you who ask in sincere petition--a manner in which you might be able to survive--not get rich in human materialism. I am interested in your success to the point of get­ting our assigned jobs done and the word gone forth as a mission accepted. Do not think I am giving you get rich quick schemes--we speak here about your very survival. If it is too gloomy for you to swallow--throw out the book and meditate and say ohms and aums--'tis your privilege of privileges---but how many will then go to the door of the ones who build their shelters and set aside stores--and ask to sit at their tables? Will the young "bedevilers" of these ones, from Sedona, continue their attack and then go to the few who lis­tened when the path gets rough? It happened with Noah and quite a few got their feet wet right up over their heads for they missed of the life-boat in awaiting the cruiser or ocean queen-liner.


    It is easy to have massive reservoirs by coating viruses with a protective ma­trix. The Lassa fever virus is a perfect example of a matrix coated virus and look closely at the AIDS situation. You have the virus which moves into a completely shielded cell which cannot, thus far, be penetrated by drugs. That is why you are basically stuck with the necessity of antidote or frequency beams for cure purposes. All of your known viruses now have been given man-created coats of protection.


    It. is not dead and gone! It is only being kept in a "lying low" state of being. A nice little smallpox virus can just sit around meditating for thirty years or longer, Now this could be through a natural thing or through artificial induction. But you have something else happening, with which to contend--every time there is outbreak--the form is much more unstable and by far increased in virulence. Smallpox, further, can exist nicely in the host's body for at least ten years without any symptoms of disease appearing on the surface. Herpes is an excellent example for it cycles in the identical manner. The facts are--­there is not treatment and no cure for Smallpox. It has been found in the re­mains of corpses exposed after thirty years.

    Smallpox first popped forth in China in 249 B.C. (that is quite a long while ago). Further, in 200 AD., Smallpox swept through the Roman empire and was devastating indeed. Smallpox was prevalent throughout Europe during all of the Middle Ages. Major Smallpox outbreaks come in cycles of hundreds of years apart. The virus is also airborne, and therefore, a much more virulent form of the virus is a natural for the death merchants of the Club of Rome for they already have vaccination ability and have utilized it for all of their elite co-conspirators.

    It is ideal, this higher form of killing--for man will simply call it "act of God", or, look what the aliens are "really" doing to you--and the sheep stampede hel­ter skelter and never look at the source--"they" tell it to you in an emergency alert and, via T.V., lay it on you. Then, the President comes on the airwaves and starts a "War on Whatever the 'thing' of the moment is", declares emer­gency status, seizes all your assets and you just go die somewhere--they even have a major section in their "Plan" book regarding how to dispose of the mas­sive numbers of bodies, my friends. The military will be hit last, unless by nu­clear attack, and the uniformed will incinerate the bodies.

    My beloved little children---these terrible things are thrust upon you through the most heinous routes possible. Through your open and permissive misuse of the procreation organs. You are gradually opened to a lifestyle that actu­ally "requires you be deviant in moral behavior" to be "mentally sound ac­cording to psychiatry"--all actions become "human rights" from sodomy (through which route AIDS is most rapidly and definitely spread) to body fluid exchange--drug needles. This is aimed at a group deemed totally un­wanted and undesirable in every aspect. Through the drug-wars you can kill off millions and call it God-ly, from the youngsters "pushing" in the ghettos through outright murder to long-ranging and all-out war! Either way you can kill hundreds of thousands and countless millions of undesirable persons, after first banning and confiscating all weapons from the citizens who then simply fall over dead; without wasting ammunition.

    As these dormant viruses awaken there will be widespread hepatitis, meningi­tis and myolitis which produce excruciating death. I have told you in the AIDS Journal and others have brought it to your attention, although only in the most silent manner--in the Kapose's sarcoma stemming from AIDS--there is a spirochete of syphilis which is cultured from the lesion.

    Well, I have a sickened scribe and I shall depart this subject now. I suggest you avail yourselves of other presentor's information and by all means, if you can locate copies, get A HIGHER FORM OF KILLING, by Robert Harris and Jeremy Paxman; Hill and Wang, New York (an effort has been made to take it out of circulation and publication). Also BAD BLOOD. THE TUS­KEEGE SYPHILIS EXPERIMENT,by James H. Jones. You would also ben­efit infinitely from any and all information you can glean from any of the John Coleman materials, i.e., The Coming Plague (Global 2000 Report), etc. There are others but my intention is to present information unto you--I am not in the library business and I, frankly, only wish to give honor and apprecia­tion to these fine, daring and caring people for their ceaseless work. We are not in any manner in the "literary business". These Journals are for the sale purpose of information. If you are only in the reading to critique or look for misplaced commas--so be it, that is your prerogative; I suggest you ignore the commas and get busy digging your shelter systems. TRUTH SHALL SET YE FREE! IGNORANCE WILL BE THY DESTRUCTION!



    PJ 12
    CHAPTER 34

    TUESDAY, MARCH 6, 1990 8:15 A.M. YEAR 3 DAY 202


    Hatonn to speak of serendipity in the light of Radiance and the passing of "time'". Also, I will remind you of things already discussed in the Journals such as SURVIVAL--not to bore you with repetition but rather, to assure you that this is not a "new" matter, but only a misplaced focus.

    As far back as your early 80's these same ones whom I honor today, for baring truth, were hard at it to get the attention of the masses and few listened. Ron Paul, Gary North, Arthur Robinson, Antony Sutton, John King, etc- - - the list is long indeed. IT IS NOW TIME YOU LISTEN-UP, DEAR ONES, FOR THE FOX IS ALREADY IN THE HEN HOUSE.

    In the early 80's you could have taken satchels full of money in cash to your local precious metals dealers and walked out with unaccountable assets. It is harder now, but still possible. Remember, I must speak to a wide range of people in the Journals so you must be patient on either end of the economic chain. Obviously, if you have no assets--you will not be able to buy coins. Please use your heads and fit information to your situation. We can give you basics and then fringes--we cannot individually contact and instruct 6 billion persons and customize a plan.

    For instance, you can still buy gold and silver coins if you take care and pay at­tention to quantity lumps. There are still many reputable dealers and there is nothing to prevent your doing business with all if you have funds enough. You can get good investment value by buying precious metal jewelry at pawn shops. You can buy goods at swap meets--unfortunately, that is also a place for "fenced" goods. You can buy used or discounted durable consumer goods and tools and equipment to be used later as barter. There are still some ex­ceptional opportunities but there are plenty of other writers who can tell you these things. I have no wish to utilize another's material---we want you to wake up and use that information already available unto you.

    Let us speak more in generalities and from a realistic perspective.

    Since the plans of the illuminati, which is the faction of the "Power Elite" whose power is money---woops! I have already lost my scribe and therefore, 1 will have lost a great number of you good readers---so be it, we shall return to basic definitions and descriptions.

    EPHESIANS 6 10-13:

    My brethem, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the mica of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wicked­ness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. So be it.

    * * * * *

    The idea of riot and revolution in America is no longer unthinkable to most Americans--it is now occurring daily. Yet, there is a conspiracy to not only overthrow your form of government but to destroy most of your population and reduce the United States to a weak outpost under the dictatorial rule of an international government. HEAR ME WELL AS I LAY DOWN THE BASICS ONCE AGAIN. IF YOU ALREADY RECALL AND KNOW THESE THINGS--READ THEM AGAIN FOR WHEN I BREAK DOWN THE FACTIONS WHO WAR ONE AGAINST THE OTHER YOU WILL NEED THE INFORMATION.

    The plan to accomplish world government has been secretive. At most, there are only about 5,000 people in the entire world who have any significant un­derstanding of THE PLAN. That is what we are about, as are many of your fine writers whose material shall be given at the ending of this Journal. I will utilize no bibliography as such, for I need none--but you need confirmation and further instructions--I am only to give you the precipitant to cause you to seek and find--quickly! Further, I do not endorse ALL material from any "one" author or group but there are some writers who act in total integrity and their work is valid indeed. I am now being prepared for lawsuits because, "Hatonn has NOT used some author's material." Well, perhaps the author's intent is wondrous indeed, but conclusions are incorrect and therefore renders almost useless the information preceding the conclusions. Some authors have conclusions which are totally accurate and reached them through incorrect as­sumptions---always the latter is the more acceptable.

    Incredible and unbelievable efforts have been thrust forth to keep the true na­ture of the plan from leaking out to those people who would oppose or expose the plan--unto murder, torture, and destruction of a man's reputation, career and family structure.

    There have, however, been numerous individuals who have uncovered various aspects of the conspiracy. Many of these individuals have put their discover­ies in print. Some of the most daring speakers and authors have defected from highest ranks of the CIA, FBI, SATANIC/WITCHCRAFT CIRCLES, KGB, CONGRESS, ETC. FOR EVERY ONE WHO IS STRAIGHTFOR­WARD, THERE ARE DOZENS STILL ON THE PAYROLL OF THESE GROUPS AND ARE OUT TO DISCOUNT, ANNIHILATE AND SMEAR THE WORD OF THE LEGITIMATE. You, the receivers, must be in the dis­cerrnng and hopefully you are paying attention to the discernment tools and clues we give unto you.

    As just a touch of witchcraft history, I would say that in 1624 there landed upon the American shores a group of Puritans---at a port called Collins Bay. This place is just northeast of what you now call Boston. The ship that brought them was owned by one, Francis Collins. Mr. Collins was a "witch" of Celtic descent. He built his home at Marblehead just south of what is now Salem Bay. Francis Collins built the Salem Church. It was this church that was the source of the Salem witch trials. Suffice it to say, however, that true to form, there were witches present but you can jolly-well bet that none of the people put to death were actually the witches.

    From that Collins family have decended major heads of the "Witch" cults such as the Druids with their Council of Thirteen and true and open Satanism. A very brave defector who was once Grand Druid High Priest of a thirteen state sector, headquartered in San Antonio, Texas (name withheld for his family is in great jeopardy) has tales to tell which would put SATAN'S DRUMMERS in a kindergarten classification for reading material.

    In the year 1971, when this man was Grand Druid Priest, over 90% of the politicians in that thirteen state area received financial support through him personally, from the Grand Order. These politicians took orders regarding political decisions from him personally. The orders were passed down from the Rothschild Tribunal to the Grand Druid Council and then the Council passed them on to individuals and organizations under their authority.

    This person was personally responsible for murder of an officer while in the military service. He was tried and convicted. However, when his prison cell mate was released, "Sir X" asked him to get word to a certain individual in the U.S. who Sir X knew to be a witch (this killing occurred in Germany and thus the incarceration was in Germany). Within days a U.S. Senator and a congressman showed up at the prison. Twenty-four hours later Sir X received all honorable discharge with all information of the shooting incident purged from his record.And just what do you think will be the ultimate penalties for the Iran-­Contra scandals? Yet a man in your country who runs for President and brings forth truth--is sent away to prison and his young staff is imprisoned for 72 and 86 years respectively--for raising campaign funds.

    When Sir X arrived in the U.S. after his release, his mother sent him to New York City. After he arrived he was trained for six months by Dr. Raymond Budkland, Chairman of the Druid Council of Thirteen. Following that he traveled out to the West Coast where he was trained for another six months by Mrs. Louise Hubner, another member of the Druid Council of Thirteen. (Remember, at that time the family name was Collins).

    In 1972, Sir X was shown a chart giving THE PLAN FOR WORLD TAKEOVER. Just take a deep breath and we'll dive right in for you have had your toe testing of the waters.


    Remove President and Vice-president

    Republican Successor Throws Election to Democrat

    Democrat President Gets Following Laws Enacted:

    • 1. New gun law to take away guns from citizens.
    • 2. Removal of tax exemption from churches.
    • 3. Genocide Act
    • 4. Presidential martial law powers
    • 5. The Anti-Hoarding Act


    Caused by Israel State battling over petrol, farmlands and chemicals.


    Make every person totally dependent on the government by:

    • 1. Creating a pseudo-fuel shortage.

    • 2. Confiscating all guns.

    • 3. Calling for "Helter Skelter"

    (All trucks, trains, and ships stop. Charles Manson leads army of some 200,000 white prisoners and motorcycle club members to create mass insanity in the streets (six months after his release) by bombing churches, raping, mur­dering and other fear tactics). "It will be when the lights of New York go out for good"--Rothschild Tribunal.

    4. Declaring Martial Law - suspend Congress. Activate National Guard to keep order. One policeman for every five people.

    • 5. With Anti-Hoarding Act outlaw all food and medical supplies from being stored.

    • 6. Issue a Security Card to govern all buying and selling.

    • 7. Destroy monetary system (All money, etc., becomes worthless).

    • 8. Issue new currency.

    • 9. Destroy all cropland. ''There will be nothing south of the Mason-Dixon Line over two inches high from the Atlantic to the Rocky Mountains."--The Rothschild Tribunal.

    Rothschilds send all countries except America against Israel for the oil. Use of neutron bomb allows destruction of people while all buildings, natural re­sources and croplands remain intact. When war is over the world will be run from Jerusalem.


    Oh precious ones, I do not jest, this plan is the "End Plan", THE PLAN 2000--AT LEAST ONE FACTION THEREOF.


    Look carefully at the above chart and compare with today, almost two decades later--you see, only some of the players change--not the plan! See how it harmonizes with the rise of the world political ruler prophesied in Rev­elation.

    In addition to the chart for world take-over was a letter from the Rothschilds-- on Rothschilds stationery that stated, "We have found a man who is willing to become world ruler and remain obedient to the Illuminati. (shocker coming His name is Jimmy Carter."


    In 1972 the total population of residents was listed as approximately 500,000. Out of that half million, there were at least 100,000 people connected directly with witchcraft.

    Well, beloved ones, you must recognize right now: He that is within me is greater than he that is in you and I can bind all your spells so that they won't work and everything will go wrong. All you have to do is ask! For it is through the lighted path that you will come to overthrow Satan, demons, drugs, habits, addictions, and threat of assassination. But you will find that few will listen in the onset following your changes toward the lighted pathway and then more and more and you of the light will unify and will stand as a wall of light over and through which no darkness can pass. This ability will come only through understanding of the problems as they exist without blurred vision and in truth. Pick up the banner of truth as the ones who have come before are damaged by the evil enemies. Hundreds came bravely before these recent scribes--honor them, support them and protect them. Those who act in truth, defend and protect the speakers and identities---those of evil intent shout the names and addresses from the airwaves---those ones, in these days, shall be given to reap the tares and thistles which they sow, for God is moving, broth­ers---God is moving!


    The illuminati was started by the Rothschild dynasty in cooperation with Adam Weishaupt. The Rothschilds rose from obscurity in Germany to be­come the most powerful banking family in the world. The formation of the Illuminati occurred after the Rothschilds met Adam Weishaupt. Weishaupt was born the son of a Jewish Rabbi but he defected from Judaism and be­came a Franciscan monk. He studied in France where he became close friends with Robespierre who later led the French Revolution. Weishaupt also became friends with several people in the French royal court. These friends practiced the black mass, baby sacrifice and other vile rituals, as entertainment. It was through these associations that Weishaupt became ac­quainted with "Satanism" (to be distinguished from "witchcraft").

    Weishaupt desired to acquire copies of the "Kabala", "The Major Key of Solomon" and "The Lesser Key of Solomon." These books told how demons could be controlled to do an individual's bidding by using occult practices and rituals. The Rothschilds had copies of these books and as a result were brought into a joint relationship with Weishaupt. The consequent result was the first union of Satanism with the Kabalistic crafts.

    The Rothschilds persuaded Weishaupt to leave the Catholic Church and unite the various occult groups. This he proceeded to do. One of the covens cre­ated by Weishaupt was "The Golden Dawn" which became and still continues as the private coven of the Rothschilds.

    Weishaupt and the Rothschilds proceeded to put together the creeds of the Golden Dawn. The Rothchilds gave what they considered to be important and Weishaupt was the priest who put it in final form. The result of all this was the Illuminati officially formed on May 1, 1776. To witches, May 1st is the birthday of Baltane. To them, it is the day when the Sun which is "the god of light" returns to the atmosphere from the underworld where he has been at rest. The lower witches know him as "Pan" but higher witches know him as "Lucifer". To witches the world over, May 1st is the New Year's Day of Witches. The fact that Communism celebrates its birthday on May 1st should reveal to the world that the same conspiratorial personalities who rule the western capitalistic countries through banking control also rule the communist countries the same way.

    The most important truth (lie) in witchcraft is the so-called Prophecy of Truth: "When the Son of Lucifer takes his throne, then will witches have peace forever mone (morning)." The goal of witchcraft has been and re­mains to be the placing of "The Son of Lucifer" - the Satan empowered world ruler - on his throne so that witches the world over can lead the world, by whatever means, to worship Lucifer as the sole god of the world.

    Towards this goal they have already built a behind the scenes network that effectively rules the basic six areas of society: (1) Religious (2) Political (3) Economic (4) Educational (5) Military and (6) Social. In every area only those personnel at the very top know th true nature of the purposes and activities of their organization. Those individuals at the lower and middle levels often feel they are working to accomplish some noble humanitarian goal.

    The power of the Illuminati is money. In the area of money their resources are almost limitless. Their organizational structure is depicted by three pyra­mids and a sphinx. The three pyramids show the same four groups at the top: The Rothschild Tribunal (3 members) depicted by a triangle around the eye of Lucifer. Immediately beneath is the Druid Council of 13. Under that is the Council of 33 (Free-masonry). Below them is "The 500" known infamously to outsiders as the "Bilderbergers". From that point the groups are different. In the three pyramids representing the Occult and Religious; the Political, and the various organizations, only a few of the most important groups will be shown herein. There are other groups under the control of the Illuminati but the ones herein given are very representative of the most important groups. The Sphinx shows the power flow of the Illuminati. It must be remembered that to understand the chart the driving force is MONEY!

    The Illuminati changed its name several years past because of a number of writers who began to expose it. The name used within the organization more currently is "Moriah" meaning "The Conquering Wind".

    Suffice it to say that people still recognize the meaning of the term "Illuminati" and cringe when anyone is on target in describing its activities---like this mo­ment!

    Please allow space in this Journal to reproduce diagrams .. Therefore, allow us to take a break at this point and it will allow ease of pagination for the format­ting.

    Thank you, Dharma, let us take respite, please.

    Hatonn to move to stand-by, Salu.


    Dharma, the diagrams will be placed immediately following this notation. There is, however something which must be added into this record, at this point for it is timely unto the hour, and I will explain.

    To all you readers who think we are but silly children out for notoriety and to "pilfer" material from other authors and beloved Sister Thedra, I have the following to offer unto you.

    Please turn to Appendix No.1. This is a note received this day at 11 :09 A.M. (Oberli, strike out all pertinent information as to location, etc. but leave America West for we must set up a protection shield around those beloved ones and we desire the public be made absolutely aware.) For you readers, Chuck, referred to in item No.1, is our printer and I Will leave his location unidentified in this document.

    The manuscript referred to is CRUCIFIXION OF THE PHOENIX. For you ones who do not take seriously, the dangers and intrigue involved, please take most careful note of the following:

    Appendix No.2: This is most fearful indeed and is being placed in this docu­ment in addition to placement in CRUCIFIXION OF THE PHOENIX since its printing is delayed because of the prior notice. Place it in the appropriate placement as an addendum with a special notice as to content and source. Mark it well for there must be no misunderstanding as to its source--it must not be construed as being of our input for we shall neutralize its content and remove its energy therefrom before reprinting.

    The reason the Satanist's letter is so very important is that it was sent to George Green in denouncement of him and a Satanic curse placed upon his person following the fiasco with the Billy Goodman/Bill Cooper program on February 28, 1990 (last week). The letter was sent in support of William Cooper and his group who placed all the calls into the station. This source, brothers, is as evil as you will ever encounter--Satan is taking a direct stand--­yes, the "Big Boy" himself.

    I wonder if Mr. Cooper wishes to accuse us of plagiarism of his documents henceforth? I care not what Mr. Cooper does, it is just extremely important for Mr. Cooper and Mr. Goodman to KNOW who is specifically backing their activities. We are going to print it exactly as it was received. I want you to note that Satan is a Master at confusion and deception---he hasn't missed a trick and yet, neither has he failed to place clues
    throughout and all over the documents, If you are unable to pick up the pale print of the Satanic sign which is almost a watermark in the stationery, suggest you look closely and you can discern it. It is actually a shadow print.

    Since Mr. Cooper accuses us of word for word plagiarism of documents of his authorship of some 50 pages from a 26 page document---could these be the other 24 pages? We know not of that which he speaks.

    And as regards to the Gatehouse---this one who calls himself Satan is also in protection by verbal commitment, to beings who surround the Gatehouse--­what might that mean?

    Perhaps you can now see why Mr. Cooper's phone call to George Green threatening to "take out that 'channel'" was taken most seriously by us. When one is set-up as a tool for the Satanic team it is also made sure that the person becomes totally without reason and irrational. I suggest Mr. Cooper listen most carefully indeed, to his friends such as John Lear, whose research was shared liberally with Bill.

    Allow me to tell you what it means; it means you are not playing over some tiddle-de-winks of foolish nonsense. It means that the Evil King himself will stop at naught to stop truth and you cannot tell for sure, where he aims it. I suggest you call in the God of Light, brothers, and wrap yourselves in the cloak of God and the Infinite Sacred Circle of the Cristos because you who leave yourselves open are indeed in trouble.

    We have confronted some of his henchmen and he is totally aggravated. He always fights in this manner. He, further, utilizes some person who is already in unbalance and destroys all he touches. Not only is this a most valid letter as well as the message of intent, but he has openly called the hand.

    Now the clues: In the mass of confusion as to full meaning of the document, it might well appear that this energy is denouncing the word within the Journals as false. Nay, nay, nay--not so. He is telling you exactly where the falseness lays---he blesses Mr. Cooper and Mr. Goodman and actually writes upon the paper for the world to see---"P.S. I curse you, George Green, and all your associates. Including the Paladians (Pleiadians, of course)."

    Further, he and his flock went through the whole ritual experience and exer­cise to do exactly that. I tell you, however, to fear not for this mite upon the skin of God is naught for the evil prince has dared come to the heart place of God and his taunts and threats are naught but a chill of fear upon a troubled land. The truth being, that things have become most serious and disastrous indeed, upon your world and he claims his kingdom of dominion over your world and slashes the boundary line between himself and his troops and God and the hosts of heaven.

    I have worse news for you who plotted that little fiasco on that radio program­--you are all on his "throttle" list because you staged it so badly that he lost the battle. It is important that Mr. Goodman know that numerous ones have writ­ten and called George Green to apologize for the terrible injustice of that program. Satan doesn't like it when you boys botch a well-laid plan. You had best think very carefully about it.

    I further suggest that Mr. Cooper and Mr. Goodman get off the SPACE GATE document and on into the important material such as SATAN'S DRUMMERS and see if they want credit for all that material also! How about we just get my scribe and publisher off the hook and give Mr. Cooper credit for all of the literature we are putting forth? So be it! It pays greatly to ­know about that which you soap-box.

    For you, beloved Sister, and dear, dear Tuieta--look carefully, indeed, at this material for the problem is not around this source and/or resource and Dharma has been badly, badly accused and used. Now the effort will go forth to destroy Sister's credibility and that of Ed DeMar, etc. If you cannot see the truth of these documents, then I have naught more to offer thee as evidence.

    There is naught but love of all creatures of all species and all creeds, colors and races of human coming from this placement and we have watched the very ones closest unto these beloved workers crucify them and spread lies about them in most heinous manner of ridicule and incredible, blatant lies. Neither do these ones have anything to fear for Sananda/Aton stands squarely betwixt Satan and these workers and truthbringers. This, however, does not diminish the pain of being stricken and accused by ones they trusted and honored above others.

    Please label the copies as to beginning portion and signal ending for we want this reproduced exactly, including the information whereby the author can be reached--as he says, for "additional information".

    I further request that copies of this portion and the attachments be sent to Bill Cooper, Sister Thedra, Tuieta, Billy Goodman, John Lear, etc., as well as the ones who receive regularly. Then I wish to know if you would like an Express on the subject.

    I would hope that the receivers who plan litigation look most carefully, indeed, for you have openly named names and slandered these ones upon the airwaves of a nation You have labeled them hoaxters and deliberate liars and thieves. I suggest you look most closely at libel laws for the Constitution of the United States of America is still somewhat operative and you have publicly defamed mine workers and sent the material filled with accusations and lies unto the four corners of the continent. Yes, indeed, I would think most carefully upon these things. Mr. Goodman has betrayed the trust of his audience who respected and revered him.

    As we move further along and get into the impact on religion, education, and other societal structures, the impact will worsen. You who claim to be of light and truth and claim to wish only to share that truth--I plead with you now to look within and find thy truth for the trumpet call has sounded and most have missed of it. So be it.

    The father wipes of thine eyes, Dharma, for He shall keep you in care that thine heart find peace and ye must be in the allowing of others to find their own way, chela. All will be tested unto the ending and hallowed be the blessed ones who stand strong against the storm for the lamp of truth and Light shall be held for all to see and know. Amen.

    Let us leave this for this segment for your heart is too heavy to work further. Ye ones shall be given buffering against the blast--allow that knowledge into thy beings. I further give comfort unto George, Chuck, Desiree and others who bear the hurt of these slings and arrows--ye shall be in our protection at every moment. Do not throw any more of this material away for it is im­portant we counter every message of this nature. Further, it must not go forth even into the trash heap without the de-energizing of it. Cleanse everything it has touched, even unto the trash bin. Do not feel foolish in the so-doing for you ones do not yet understand beams and energy thrusts--stay in protection.

    I stand aside now, that you might unwind thy stresses, chela, and we shall re­sume our work as it is suitable.

    Hatonn, in behalf of the Lighted Brotherhood in service unto the Lighted Hosts, Mother/Father Creator, The Creation of Allness--and unto thee, our beloved family of the Great Spirit of the Lighted Realms, to place my bene­diction upon you and about you that you be kept in security. Salu!

    Ha­tonn to clear frequency, please. Thank you.
    ( christ.) For the 4 diagrams, Appendix I & II : see book in Pdf section!

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