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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 12
    CHAPTER 19
    TUESDAY, JANUARY 30, 1990 2:00 P.M. YEAR 3, DAY 167

    The most explicit account of Jesus' travels throughout India and other lands is found m a Buddhist manuscript called THE LEGEND OF SAINT ISSA. I shall not reference the works of Judas Iscarioth during the travels for so many of the earth manuscripts were destroyed by fire, as the Priest having found them. and translated them had placed them in a wall of his dwelling; the dwelling was burned to the ground by the Israelis as the man fled with his fam­ily--but that is another story.

    There is ample writing which will suffice. "Issa" is the same as Isa or "Jesus", which dates back to the First Century A.D" making it older than the accounts of the New Testament, and in which Issa, "or Jesus is described as the one". . .whom the Buddha had elected to spread His holy word. . ."

    Probably the first "Westerner" to hear about the manuscript was a Russian explorer named Nicolas Notovitch. Notovitch had traveled extensively throughout India, Afghanistan, and Tibet in the late 1800's and heard about the legend and the manuscript during his travels. He decided to check out the legend and journeyed to a Buddhist monastery called Himis in Leh, Ledak, formerly part of Tibet, now the northernmost part of India. The original manuscript was written in the ancient Pali language, and had been brought to Tibet from India.

    The legend of Saint Issa closely paralleled the life of Emmanuel, including His torture and crucifixion, but also covered portions of the history of missing in­formation, The manuscript was adjusted to fit into the needs of the scholars of the day who placed the time of experience during the time of Esu's early life for the widespread and lingering pronouncement was that after the Em­manuel ascended he was not known again in physical form. The discrepancy has been a burdensome problem to scholars in their efforts to make the pieces fit into the proper sequence. You ones must always keep in mind that there were no televisions, telephones, telegraphs-----only tell-another, and great distances via hard foot-travel was the mode of transportation of the day. It was most easy indeed to have false stories brought forth in confusion--after all "death is death is death".

    Convinced of the authenticity of the manuscript, Notovitch wrote a book on his travels and the legend of St. Issa which included a translation of the origi­nal manuscript.

    Thirty-five years later, in 1922, Swami Abhedananda, a follower of one of the greatest saints to have lived on Earth--Sri Ramakrishna--also traveled to Himis to see the manuscript for himself. He, too, was convinced of its authen­ticity and wrote about it in his book called KASHMIRI O. TIBBETT!.

    The legend of St. Issa opens with these words:

    ''The earth trembled and the heavens wept, because of the great crime committed in the land of Israel.

    "For there was tortured and murdered the great and just Issa, in whom was manifest the soul of the Universe;

    "Which had incarnated in a simple mortal, to benefit men and destroy the evil spirit in them;

    ''To lead back to peace, love and happiness, man, degraded by his sins, and recall him to the one and indivisible Creator whose mercy is infinite ... "

    Even then, dear ones, man did not "begin" his books with the "ending".

    The legend goes on to give accounts brought by merchants from Israel on what had happened. It follows the people of Israel through their troubles, first with the Pharaohs of Egypt and their subsequent deliverance by Massa (Moses), and then by the Pagans from the land of Romeles (Rome). It ex­plains that the hardships that the Israelites suffered were due to their own sins in forgetting the laws of God and cleaving, instead, to sensual pleasures and the laws of mortal men. Because of their sufferings the people again began to remember and pray to the One and only God to hear them, forgive them, and deliver them from their distress. He did! The legend continues:

    "At that time the moment had come for the compassionate Judge to re-incarnate in human form; and the eternal Spirit, resting in a state of complete inaction and supreme bliss, awak­ened and separated from the eternal Being for an undeter­mined period, so that, in human form, He might teach man to identify himself with the Divinity and attain to eternal felicity; and to show, by His example, how man can attain moral purity and free his soul from the domination of the physical senses, so that it may achieve the perfection necessary for it to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, which is immutable and where the bliss eternal reigns.

    "Soon after, a marvelous child was born in the land of Israel. God Himself spoke, through the mouth of this child, of the mis­eries of the body and the grandeur of the soul. The divine child, to whom the name Issa was given, commenced in His tender years, to talk of the only and indivisible God, exhorting the strayed souls to repent and purify themselves from the sins of which they had become guilty.

    "People came from all parts to hear Him, and marveled at the discourses which came from His infantile mouth; and all Is­rael agreed that the Spirit of the Eternal dwelt in this child."

    The legend goes on to say that Issa or Jesus left His parents' home at age thir­teen and traveled toward India, "with the object of perfecting Himself in the Knowledge of the word of God and the study of the laws of the great Buddhas (enlightened ones)."

    Herein the story is incorrect in perfection of sequence. Issa was first taken unto the heavenly places where he was enlightened by the Celestial Sons and Cohans. His lessons were most intense indeed---THEN he was delivered unto the place of India where he spent several years in Jaggannath, in Radjugriha, in Benares, and in other holy cities,, first studying and later teaching and ex­pounding upon the Vedas--the world's oldest holy scriptures--to all members of society.

    Here, as in Israel, the young teacher aroused the anger of certain orthodox Brahmin priests who had twisted God's teachings about the caste system by saying that all men were not equal in God's eyes and that some, the Sudras, or members of the "lowest" caste, were unworthy even to hear the Lord's words, much less read them. Jesus denounced this false doctrine of inequality and warned the priests to beware of perverting the purpose behind God's Great Plan. He admonished them to return to the Truth and to re-examine God's teachings, regarding the caste system. We shall also examine the caste system. We shall look into the origin, purpose, and function of the caste system in so­ciety in order to clear up any misconceptions and misunderstandings about it and the equality of all people. We will also examine the universal Truths that are found in unadulterated scriptures of all of the major religions of the world, as confirmed by Jesus in His travels throughout India, Tibet, Persia, Greece, Egypt, and Palestine. We will also look into the various prophecies of the major religions so as to prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that these are the Beginning/Ending times of a great cycle.

    Much of the restructuring of the tale of Issa's travels are confused because in the translation it had to be considered that the tales of Issa had to have oc­curred in the time of his youth due to his untimely physical death by crucifix­ion. Do you understand that this is the beginning of the crucifixion of truth? Man began to rearrange the sequence to suit the assumed rumors.

    There is a great difference in the boy who went to study with and share truth with the great Eastern Masters, and the man who later traveled mostly anonymously about the land. After leaving the Holy lands and joining with his mother Mary, his brother Thomas, and disciple Judas Ischarioth he traveled to North India. During that time he preached in many countries and often had to flee, because his speeches were revolutionary. That is why his journey to India took several years and was connected with unspeakable hardship---he found it very little different in evil to the lands he had just departed.

    In the country which today you label Pakistan, far up in the North near the last foothills of the Western Himilayan Mountains, his beloved mother transcended. After her departure he, Issa Jmmanuel, moved on and crossed the part of India today called Cashmere, in order to further teach. He traveled at length through what is today called by you ones, Afganistan and West Pak­istan. He went specifically to this place, partially to seek safety, for ten of the Israeli tribes had migrated from Israel and settled in that region.

    Dharma, release this please as I have other for your attention. When we re­turn to the Journal we shall speak of your own "nature" and share some thoughts by great masters such as Mother Nature (White Buffalo Cow Woman) and Lord Krishna, etc., and look at what they really said and meant and what man has ripped asunder. So be it. Go in Peace for I keep you close in my care.

    Salu, and good-day. I AM HATONN OF LIGHT

    PJ 12
    CHAPTER 20

    THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1990 8:15 A.M. YEAR 3, DAY 169


    What exactly is the caste system? What is its origin and what was its TRUE function in society? The Gita, the Lord as Krishna explains:

    "I classed men into four castes and assigned different func­tions to them in accordance with their different temperaments and past actions. The works assigned to priests, warriors, farm­ers and merchants, and laborers are graded in accordance with the qualities born of their inner nature.

    "Serenity, self-mastery, purity, spirituality, forbearance, wis­dom, askesis and ingeniousness--all these are known as the priest's natural attributes.

    "Heroism, prowess, steadiness, skillfulness, large hearted­ness, in battle dauntlessness, administrative ability---all these are a warriors natural attributes.

    "Trade, commerce, agriculture and tending cattle are a farmer's or merchant's natural attributes, even as serving men through work is a Sudra's (laborer's) duty."

    What he tried to outline was a recognition of the different natural talents and abilities of each individual. In "trying" you can always expect failure more of­ten than you can expect success from your efforts. That is why we use the term "efforting" most often instead of "trying". "Trying" indicates the intent of probable failure. "Efforting" indicates "working toward producing". As you might guess, man took the above classifications and distorted them. The original delineation simply meant that (especially at a time of unequal opportunities) man would probably grow into a given talent or service be­cause of circumstance and his placement was equally suitable and praisewor­thy in the eyes of God. It originated simply as categorization of four types of work.

    Sri Aurobindo, a Master Yogi, explains that:

    "There are thus four kinds of works, the work of religious ministration, letters, learning and knowledge; the work of gov­ernment, politics, administration and war, the work of produc­tion, wealth-making and exchange; the work of hired labour and service. An endeavor was made to found and establish the whole arrangement of society on the partition of these four functions among four clearly marked classes. The system was not peculiar to India, but was with certain differences the domi­nating feature of a stage of social evolution in other ancient or mediaeval societies. The four functions are still inherent in the life of all normal communities, but the clear divisions no longer exist anywhere."

    From the view up here--the line of separation may not be as clearly indicate( as it once was but in some areas of experience the lines are more offensively drawn and warriors stand posted to see that those ones considered "lower" are not allowed to pass. The separation in the original was not one of hierarch: but only classification of "type". Just as in this little group, one receives, other format, another publishes and yet another prints while even yet another distributes---none stands alone and yet each "job" differs. One can be no more important than another. Perhaps one could consider Dharma's to be the most important for without her the word would not flow---but, without distribution it would stop at the keyboard. I hope I clarify myself.

    Today one can't help but notice that there are still basically four types of works in the world that loosely parallel those outlined. It is following one's own nature (and that is the trick--your own, not another's definition) and developing one's innate talents that true happiness in one's work is usually found. Not all have the gift of drawing; not all have a "green thumb" for growing things; nor do you all have computer brains for numbers and science nor do you all feel drawn to studying philosophy or religions. But everyone is blessed with certain talents, and it behooves each one of you to discover what are your natural attributes and to nurture them, them to grow and flourish. For you all have a place in God's Master Plan, and it is in discovering your place or role in the Divine Plan that true peace, harmony and happiness can be found.

    What has happened, however, is that some of the groups of self-proclaimed "elite" have turned to classifying ones as being "above" another and enforce that those "they" consider to be "below in rank" remain unfulfilled to the extent that "the considered lower" quit, for the most part, efforting at moving across those erroneous barriers. But, in writing their own lines of demarcation they have accomplished something else much worse---CORRUPTION WITHIN THE GROUPS OF ISOLATION WHICH ULTIMATELY CAUSES THOSE SEPARATED AWAY TO FINALLY TIRE OF WALLOWING IN THE "SLOP" "THEY' "ALLOW' YOU TO BE "GIVEN" There, thank thy Creator, shall always be some who will not sit quitely and be murdered in emotion, soul and consciousness and will move on in behalf of "freedom" at all costs to self. But loud, raucous and criminal behavior only causes set-back. Change can only be brought forth through enlightenment of the masses---such as we effort at here-doing.

    It does require that you, who are pushing for truth, utilize those thing: (loopholes) written into your "Caesar's Laws" for the elite to play the game more cleverly than they who persecute you through habit of power.

    You in the U.S. for instance, are now slaves to man-written "statutes" and your Constitutional Laws are all but forgotten and you don't even realize it. How many of you have a copy of your Constitution and Bill of Rights in your home, much less on your coffee table for ready reference---and do you know what to do with it when you refer to it? Well, we are going to write a lot about your Constitution in a separate journal and we are going to begin with the mandatory filing of Income tax forms which is illegal except for Washington D.C. and U.S. protectorates. Oh yes, I know, "they can over-ride the Consti­tution and do so at every turn of the road---BUT WHO WILL BRING BACK YOUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS IF NOT YOU? Almost ev­eryone in your prisons are in there by "unlawful" prosecution.Keep in mind that anything the U.S. legislative democracy does is "legal" because they have written their own laws---but it is not "lawful" within the Constitution. We shall talk about, it at great lengths later but Dharma is working so many hours a day that we simply cannot cover it all instantly. We will effort at getting to that subject, however, before the ending of February that you might have time to consider what you will do at income tax form filing.

    Lord "Jesus" explains this idea with the parable of the talents where He com­pares talents to money. In the parable, the master calls three servants and gives each a number of talents or sums of money according to their individual abilities. The ones receiving five and two talents respectively quickly double their number through hard work and ingenuity. But the one receiving only a single talent does nothing; he does not even try to use it or expand it in any way.

    When the master returns, he is greatly pleased with the first two servants who have wisely used their talents and increased their size and value. "Well done, good and faithful servants", says the master. "You have been faithful servants, you have been faithful over a little, I will set you over much; enter into the joy of your master".

    But to the servant who did not even try to be a good steward, who refused to even use the talent given him, the master said angrily, "You wicked and sloth­ful servant!. ... You ought to have invested my money with the bankers, and at my coming I should have received what was my own with interest".

    He took away the servant's single talent and gave it to him who had the most talents, for he had used what God had given him wisely, saying, ''The man who uses well what he is given shall be given more, and he shall have abundance. But from the man who is unfaithful, even what little responsibility he has shall be taken from him. And throw the useless servants out into outer darkness . .


    From the GITA:

    "Everyone acts impelled by his own Nature: even the illumi­nate is no exception. How then can inhibition avail in life?. . .

    '''Tis wiser to follow a line of evolution consonant with one's nature even when 'tis imperfect than to tread to perfection a path alien to one's native temperament. ..

    "A man attains salvation when he cleaves to his own voca­tion. Let me explain to you how he achieves this when he does his duty. The One who pervades the universe and is the origin of the compulsive urge to action--when Him men worship with their works, assigned by Him as their duty they attain perfec­tion.

    "Better is an action prompted by your nature--even if it is not done well--than the one well done when 'tis another per­son's duty, but not your own. You incur no sin when you do your duty that suits your temperament.

    "None must disown a work hailed by his nature, even when 'tis defective. For all work is dogged by defects even as fire by smoke."

    Now, interestingly enough, it is actually going against one's natural inclina­tions that one incurs "sin (errors). Why? For two reasons, the first one being that God put all of you there for a purpose, that purpose being to serve Him in the way that He has ordained. Thus, when .one follows one's nature and develops one's innate attributes and God-given talents, with total integrity and honesty, and God-given talents, no matter what the field, one is fulfilling his or her purpose, playing his or her role in God's Great Cosmic Play. It is always man who comes along and redefines the meanings of the words. It is obvious that the politicians publicly pronounce (while they are running for office) that they are your servants and only wish to serve and give you the people all the wondrous gifts. They know, and you know, they consider themselves "masters" and will give you naught; whereby you laugh at their antics and go to sleep in their speeches---and yet, those same ones move right on into the leg­islatures and make their "legal" "unlawful" laws which enslave you the people.

    "All the world's a stage, and we are but players on that stage." Not everyone can be the leading man or lady, but the play can not go on without the stage hands, the lighting crews, the costume-makers, and the ticket-takers! All are equally essential and important to the overall production.

    In India, the castes are said to correspond to various parts of the body of the Lord depending on their functions. The priests and holy people are said to correspond with the Lord's head as learning, speaking and teaching are their main function; the warriors and politicians are said to be from the Lord's arms and hands as they are His instruments of direction and protection; the shep­herds and farmers are from the Lord's belly area as their works usually in­volve foodstuffs, etc., and the laborers are from the Lord's feet as it is upon their labor that the rest of society stands. The idea is that all members of so­ciety, regardless of their function and work, are from the Lord and are part of the Lord; therefore, they are all essentially equal as how can one part of God be superior to another part of God?




    "Now God gives us many kinds of special abilities, but it is the same Holy Spirit who is the source of them all. There are different kinds of service to God, but it is the same Lord we are serving. There are many ways in which God works in our lives, but it is the same God who does the work in and through all of us. . .

    "The Holy Spirit displays God's power through each of us as a means of helping the entire church.... It is the same and only Holy Spirit who gives all these gifts and powers, deciding which each one of us should have.... Each of us is a part of the one body of Christ.... The Holy Spirit has fitted us all together into one body.... This makes for happiness among the parts, so that the parts have the same care for each other that they do for themselves. If one part suffers, all the parts suffer with it, and if one part is honored, all the parts are glad....

    "All of you together are the one body of Christ and each one of you is a separate and necessary part of it."

    Now, I ask you---when your "preacher" gets to the pulpit and reads the above, does he treat you as an equal? Or does he, for example with these JOUR­NALS, tell you not to partake of them for they are of the Devil? Do you move like lambs to the slaughter in his "definitions" and "directions" or do you stand like the "equal" man or woman that you are and proclaim that you shall read and decide for yourself! Do you not see how evil corrupts even the houses of God (especially the houses of God) for it is the ultimate "perception" and "discernment" of one who has self-appointed himself as your warden. You see, in truth, he would urge you to surround yourself with God light and read of these things and if they are wrong you will discern it and re­turn to that which you feel is correct. YOU ONES REFUSE TO TAKE RE­SPONSIBILITY FOR SELF--YOU EVEN GIVE YOUR VERY SOULS INTO THE HANDS AND CONTROL OF ANOTHER WHOM YOU KNOW NOT. SO BE IT.

    I hope you find it interesting that both the Christians and Hindus use the same illustration of the body of the One Lord to explain this idea of equality? In essence, what St. Paul and the Hindu scriptures are saying is that all human beings are equal in God's eyes as every human being is a part of the One God. Therefore, no caste, class, race, sex, religion, nationality, creed, culture and on and on, can be viewed as superior or inferior to another for how can one part of God be superior/inferior to another part of God? For, have ye not all the One Creator?

    The caste system, then, was meant as a logical division of labours based on one's natural attributes. However, the castes were not meant to be in water­tight compartments. For example, if an individual were born into a farmer's household and yet his/her natural abilities and propensities lay in another area, such as politics or religion, he/she should have the right to freely follow his or her nature and do the work that suits his or her temperament. To deny a person this free mobility would be interfering with God's plan for that indi­vidual. I suppose you might agree with me that the Plan of God is most often violated?

    One of the main lessons that people who have had death experiences say they learned on "the other side" was that it was not only wrong to kill one's self, as that would be like throwing God's gift of life back in His face, but that it was also wrong to kill anyone else, as that would be interfering with God's plan and purpose for that person. In the same way, to deny someone the right to follow his/her nature and pursue the type of work that God has ordained for him/her nature and pursue the type of work that God has ordained for him/her is to, again, interfere with His plan and purpose for that individual.

    Let us look again at the Legend of St. Issa. Issa (or Jesus) was adamant about the equality and equal opportunity of all to perceive God and achieve union with Him:

    "He declaimed strongly against man's arrogating himself the authority to deprive his fellow-beings of their human and spiri­tual rights. 'Verily,' He said, 'God has made no difference be­tween His children, who are all alike dear to Him...

    "One law has been given to man to guide him in his actions: Fear (revere, respect, honor) the Lord, thy God; bend thy knees only (only before HIM) and bring to Him only (to HIM only) the offerings which come from thy earnings...be humble and humiliate not your fellow-man. Help the poor support the weak, do evil to none, covet not that which belongs to others:.. He who has recovered his primitive purity shall die with his transgressions forgiven and have the right to contemplate the majesty of God."

    Oh would it be I could get you to reread the above at least three times---REALLY read it, before moving on.


    The one you call Jesus said:

    "My Father-God, who was and is and evermore shall be ..
    Who in the boundlessness of love has made all men to equal be. The white, the black, the yellow, and the red can look up in thy face and say, Our Father-God. . .

    ''The Holy One has said that all His children shall be free; and every soul is a child of God. The sudras shall be as free as priests; the farmers shall walk hand in hand with kings, for all the world will own the brotherhood of man.

    "O men, arise! Be conscious of your powers, for he who will need not remain a slave. Just live as you would have your brother live; unfold each day as does the flower; for earth is yours, and heaven is yours, and God will bring you to your own."

    Oh, you don't remember that part? Try the Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ! It is quite filled with wondrous insight.


    Interestingly enough, many of "Jesus" disciples and followers in Israel or Palestine were women. Yes, you understood them to all be men? Well what does "disciple" mean? It means admirer, buff, devotee, enthusiast, fan, fol­lower, groupie, apprentice, beginner, freshman, intern, neophyte, newcomer, novice, novitiate, pupil, chela, recruit, rookie, student, tenderfoot, trainee, be­liever, convert, follower, zealot - - - - -, how many do you wish?

    Man again set his own rules and laws. The women were considered to be "unworthy" by the orthodox Jewish priests to enter into the Inner Temple of the synagogues. Women were viewed as existing solely for the service of men and were definitely second class citizens, if now even lower in class unto third or fourth. Jesus decried this inequality and the double standard of justice meted out to women, as in the case of the adulteress: (''He among you who is without sin, let him cast the first stone.'') It would be logical that some of the men in the crowd had even bedded with the woman if indeed she was an adul­teress.

    Jesus made no distinction between men and women when it came to His fol­lowers, and it is perhaps for this reason that Jesus showed Himself first to a woman---Mary Magdalene---upon His coming into his higher being of light.

    Better quoted:

    " .. an old woman who had approached the group, to better hear Issa, was pushed aside by a man, who placed himself be­fore her.

    "Then said Issa: ‘It is not good for a son to push away his mother, that he may occupy the place which belongs to her. Who so doth not respect his mother--the most sacred being af­ter his God--is unworthy of the name of son.

    "Hearken to what I say to you: Respect woman; for in her we see the mother of the universe, and all the truth of divine creation is to come through her.

    "She is the fount of everything good and beautiful, as she is also the germ of life and death. Upon her man depends in all his existence, for she is his moral and natural support in his labors.

    "'In pain and suffering she brings you forth; in the sweat of her brow she watches over your growth, and until her death you cause her great anxieties. Bless her and adore her, for she is your only friend and support on earth.

    '''Respect her; defend her. In so doing you will gain for yourself her love; you will find favor before God, and for her sake many sins will be remitted to you.

    "'Love your wives and respect them, for they will be the mothers of tomorrow and later the grandmothers of a whole na­tion.

    "'Be submissive to the wife; her love ennobles man, softens his hardened heart, tames the wild beast in him and changes it to a lamb.

    "'Wife and mother are the priceless treasures which God has given to you. They are the most beautiful ornaments of the universe, and from them will be born all who will inhabit the world.

    '''Even as the Lord of Hosts separated the light from the darkness, and the dry land from the waters, so does woman possess the divine gift calling forth out of man's evil nature all the good that is in him.

    "Therefore I say to you, after God, to woman must belong your best thoughts, for she is the divine temple where you will most easily obtain perfect happiness.

    '''Draw from this temple your moral force. There you will forget your sorrows and your failures, and recover the love nec­essary to aid your fellow-man.

    "'Suffer her not to be humiliated, for by humiliating her you humiliate yourselves, and lose the sentiment of love without which nothing can exist here on earth.

    '''Protect your wife, that she may protect you--you and all your household. All that you do for your mothers, your wives, for a widow, or for any other woman in distress, you will do for your God.'"

    This does not mean that woman, then, goes forth and battles against man to put him beneath her and proclaim herself above him. In this day the balance has been tilted by the thrusting and "fighting" for equality of the sexes as to become absurd in the other direction. The balance is the respect and love of one sex for another in equality according to the abilities and responsibilities involved. THE BALANCE SHALL NEVER BE THROUGH LEGISLA­TION FOR MAN CANNOT LEGISLATE MORALITY! IT WILL COME THROUGH THE EQUAL MEETING TOGETHER OF MEN AND WOMEN IN SPIRITUAL UNDERSTANDING. IT HAS NAUGIIT TO DO WITH "JOB" OR "STATUS" AS DEFINED BY SOCIETY.

    Clearly, the Master Teacher did not view women as inferior to men. On the contrary, He stressed that it was the feminine aspects of love and compassion that men themselves must cultivate if they are to realize the highest spiritual truths.

    Even your current "scientists" are recognizing the need to place greater em­phasis on stimulating the right hemisphere of the brain, which is considered to be the portion that is associated with what you have "traditionally" considered feminine qualities--love and nurturance, cooperation and compassion, pa­tience and tolerance, intuition and creativity. However, as you MARCH and demand and push and shove, you women acquire the very traditional at­tributes accorded "to men". Yet if you see your own feminine reflection in a male, you denounce him as being a "wimp".

    Likewise you go further and make a big to-do about the left hemisphere of the brain to be the analytical side that controls logic, reason and qualities that have been "traditionally" associated with men. NOW WHO DO YOU SUP­POSE SET UP THESE GUIDELINES? DO YOU SUPPOSE IT WAS YOUR LOCAL DELEGATION OF WOMEN?

    Rise above this ridiculous separation of gender; cast aside this foolish percep­tion of division. You are forcing a major segment of your society into pro­claiming homosexuality wherein in actuality, the sexes simply are thrust apart and are no longer in comfort one with the other and has actually no relation­ship to homosexuality in the least--it becomes a behavior pattern and a deadly one at that. You are developing a segment of female that is more violent, more addicted to self-greed, and less nurturing than in all times since creation of your placement.

    It is right that women take a stand for equality of respect and in services ren­dered but ones must always use wisdom and caution that in the righting into balance the scales are not tipped off-balance to the point of great destruction and past the ability of righting. The perception is that the Mother Earth is coming into her time of feminine projection--can you ones not accept that it cannot be one or the other and maintain balance?

    Women are beginning to call for a new vision of your future, politically, eco­nomically, and spiritually: a vision of mutual cooperation, not competition; of trust and love, not suspicion and hate. Examples can be seen worldwide as women become more visible and begin to gain a new sense of awareness and confidence in themselves and in their ability to perform the various roles as­signed to them in God's Cosmic Play: as wives and mothers, scientists and teachers, social activists and politicians, and above all, as spiritual leaders calling for Peace in the world.

    But let us consider what else has happened by not correctly analyzing the problem.

    You have continued to misuse the tools of procreation and turned it into some type of "right" for fun and games. Therefore, being that women bear the children and men tend the woman and child during pregnancy and childbirth, at least originally in traditional manner, it has become chaos.

    The children who are birthed are tossed to child tenders who basically keep the child alive. The mothers move off into the workplace and men feel re­jected, to feel unrejected they hop into bed and prove their manhood, thus causing either stringent birth control or unwanted children or abortion. The cycle grows larger and larger and now you have a planet overpopulated by some 5 and 1/2 billion people and total unbalance between your sexes. You make your marriages and build in contracts to cover the divorces and the chil­dren are caught in the middle of total nightmare existence of insecurity and rejection. Adults of both sexes are so miserably unhappy that escape is sought in more loose morality and substance abuse to simply make it from day unto the next. You do not look at what the problem really is, you move on in the wave of chaos and asking ''why doesn't the government do something, put in more money, use more police, make some more laws and on and on, Without once regaining balance and morality along with responsibility for actions, to solve the problem. You simply remain blinded by the false perception of the problem. YOU CANNOT LEGISLATE THESE THINGS INTO SOLU­TION.


    Indeed, it is no coincidence that women desire to be considered equally and speak up more readily for their "rights". It is unfortunate that it must be thus. The feminine form of God is returning just as is the masculine form.

    The American Indians are awaiting the return of both, the feminine form in the form of whom they reverently label White Buffalo Cow Woman. Ac­cording to the Indian tradition, this feminine form of God incarnated ages ago and brought the Word of Truth, as well as the Sacred Pipe--The Peace Pipe--to the Indian people. She promised that She would return at the end of this Age to help usher in the New World of Peace.

    In an effort to show you ones that in truth there is balance and harmony the Christed energy was sent forth to be born of woman that you might see that there would not have been one without the other. But most of you missed the point. The very earth itself is called Mother, or Grandmother. From the sub­stance of earth you are created--birthed by the Creator. Therefore you must have Father/Mother God--Mother Creation/Father Creator.

    There have been many signs brought unto you in your last decades to help you see the principle but most forget or get lost in the controversy of the churches whether to ordain or deny the truth of the signs.

    The stars in the heavens are verifying the fulfillment of the prophecies, that the feminine aspect of God is also to make Her appearance on Earth and Her influence felt throughout the world.

    I do not like to use astrologic signs for description for the term, again, has been distorted into the act of "fortune-telling", but the facts remain that the stars do give signs for which you must watch. For one great point is that often that which you visualize is not what "you perceive or define as stars or plan­ets". Millions of your stars and planets are naught more than space ships---bigger in size than is your little Earth. They can be rotated and replaced and moved about your heavens at will, without disrupting the magnetic balance of the orbiting solar system or galactic balance.

    In 1981, a rare triple conjunction of the planets Jupiter and Saturn took place in the only purely feminine sign of the twelve signs of the zodiac---according to your perception and definition---not so in truth! But for the sake of non-ar­gument (for God will effort to allow you signs which fit into your comprehen­sion) we will use the traditional perception of your placement. This refer­enced sign is Virgo, representing the Virgin or the Mother. This is the same conjunction that took place around the time of Christ's birth as nearly as the astrologers can theorize. That one called Virgo was called by your as­tronomers, historians, theologians and astrologers as being the famous Star of Bethlehem of which the Bible speaks. (Interestingly enough, the star-craft aboard which Sananda traveled most widely is labelled--for you ones--The Star of Bethlehem. I use the term as past tense, for the command ship is now called THE PHOENIX. This does not mean there is no longer a Star of Bethlehem, it only indicates that Sananda Jesus Emmanuel is most often aboard this command ship in these critical times of the cycle closing.)

    The expert historians will point out that the magi were highly knowledgeable about astronomy and astrology, and that they understood the meaning of this rare conjunction, i.e., that a great Messiah (Messenger of God, the Word) was to be born. They point out that though the stars do not control earthly life, they do influence and reflect events taking place on earth---a great point in­deed.

    This rare conjunction took place in Pisces around Christ's birth, Pices being considered the sign of the zodiac representing the Son and corresponding on the earth to the country of Palestine, and placed exactly opposite Virgo, rep­resenting the Virgin or the Mother, on the zodiac! Isn't it interesting that Emmanuel, the Son, was born of Mary, the Mother (Virgin)! (By the way--"virgin" had a much different definition than you tout of it!) This rare conjunction also took place at the time of the Buddha's birth in 63 B.C., and again forty years later at the time of His "Enlightenment". Coincidence, perhaps?

    Dharma, we need a respite. We will continue with "God the Mother" at our subsequent sitting..

    Thank you for your attention,

    Hatonn to stand-by, please. Salu.D/2-03-169

  2. #10
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 12
    CHAPTER 21
    THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1990 2:41 P.M. YEAR 3, DAY 169

    I would like to point out that many of the various aspects of God which have come as visions during this century have come in the feminine form. Most of the visions which are considered to be Holy have involved, not God as the Fa­ther but God as the Holy Mother, as with the visions the Holy Mother at Lourdes, France, Fatima, Portugal, and elsewhere, including a vision of the Mother seen by Catholicism's newest canonized saint--Maximilian Kolbe, a Polish priest and victim of Hitler's notorious concentration camp--Auschwitz.

    Maximilian's vision came to him one day while praying in church when he was still just a boy. He had a vision of the Holy Mother holding two crowns, one red and one white. She told him that the white crown meant that he would remain pure and that the red crown meant that he would be a martyr. Both aspects of the vision came true as Maximilian remained pure in heart and be­came a Franciscan priest devoted to the Mother. Years later he volunteered to starve to death in place of another man in Auschwitz death-camp. The man whose life he saved had been one of the ten prisoners chosen by the Nazis to starve to death as a reprisal against the whole camp for the escape of one prisoner. The man had a wife and children, so Kolbe volunteered to take his place in the underground "hunger bunker" instead. After two weeks, Kolbe was still alive, so the Nazis injected him with a lethal drug. Thus, the second half of the vision was fulfilled, and Kolbe's sacrifice helped to stimu­late courage and brotherly love among the rest of the prisoners at Auschwitz.

    The other visions of the Mother mentioned herein have also been accepted as true occurrences and we are asked about them constantly. They have been accompanied by miraculous healings and signs in the sky, such as the appear­ance of the sun falling in Fatima, which was witnessed and verified by tens of thousands of individuals. In fact, one of the main reasons given by the Holy Mother at Fatima as to why She had made Her appearance at that time was that God wanted the world to begin consciously revering the feminine aspect of the universe and the relationship with our Creation, and not a single focus upon Creator, for the laws of The Creation are above all.

    There was great meaning in the Fatima appearance and the prophecy given forth by the Mother. Let us examine that incident in more detail.


    Millions of people believe that the prophecies of Fatima are coming true in this current time. Today's chaotic situation in the churches and government offices of Christendom is close to the situation predicted more than seventy years ago and the worst is yet to come.

    What is the Fatima Prophecy? It is a detailed prediction of things to come as revealed by an apparition of the Beloved Mary which appeared to three young children on six occasions during the summer and fall of 1917. The ap­pearances took place near the village of Fatima, Portugal, about seventy miles northeast of Lisbon.

    Because of mounting evidence that the appearances were truly miracles, the Catholic Church in 1930 authorized a cult of Our Lady of Fatima. The site where the visions took place has become an important shrine and annual pil­grimages are made to Fatima by devout Catholics on May 12 and 13.

    The apparition appeared to the three children--Jacinta, Francisco and Lucy--­aged 10, 9 and 7 1/2. The first appearance was on May 13, 1917; the last on October 13, 1917. This last appearance culminated in the one well-recorded miracle of the 20th century.


    On that day, at about 11:30 a.m., some 70,000 people including reporters from Lisbon newspapers, were shocked when they saw, in the middle of a cloudy day, the sky rend and the sun execute a "dance" above them, as the three chil­dren conversed with some apparition visible only to them. (The apparition appeared to the children on the 13th of each month and the public and press were on hand to witness the October 13 "performance".)

    According to one Catholic dictionary which bears the imprimatur of the late Francis Cardinal Spellman, Archbishop of New York, the sun "began to spin like a wheel in the sky". Sounds pretty familiar and suspicious to me.

    On this final appearance, the children reported that they saw the apparition cause a shaft of light to open the earth and reveal an immense sea of fire--­Hell. The apparition also foretold a rapid end of World War I and the occur­rence, before long, of an even worse global conflagration in which "many na­tions will be annihilated". Could this have possibly been a shaft of light pre­senting a holograph as utilized in SIPAPU ODYSSEY?


    There was also a secret "third" part of the prophecies given only to the sole survivor of the three children, Lucia dos Santos, who became a Carmelite nun in Coimbra. She kept up a correspondence with Pope Pius XI (Achille Ratti) and Pope Pius XII (Eugenio Pacelli), the two anti-Bolshevik popes who guided the Roman Catholic Church in its violent opposition to Communism and Soviet designs from 1922 to 1958. No, I am not going to bring into this is­sue the Catholic vs. Protestants---that is exactly what is wrong with your world, bigotry and foolish divisions in the name of one who taught you nothing of that which religions practice. I speak here of a perceived miracle and you ones must move beyond "whose miracles?" It was God's message unto his people.

    Pope Paul VI (Giovanni Battista Montini) read the secret message when he assumed the supreme Catholic office in June 1963 and immediately called in both President John F. Kennedy and Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khruschev (a most interesting grouping, don't you think?) to whom the secret message was apparently read. Some observers said that this started both nations on talks which led to the nuclear bomb agreement.

    Pope Paul did not see fit to proclaim the warnings contained in the secret message, nor to acknowledge that the published versions are accurate. Some observers felt that the violent anti-Communist and anti-Soviet stands that Pius XI and Pius XII took were the result of the content of the secret prophecy.


    Despite the strictest secrecy, the secret "third" part of the prophecy has be­come available to your press and is considered authentic. It was first pub­lished in a German newspaper, Neues Europa on October 15, 1963 and in a French paper, Le Monde et la Vie, in September 1964. Well, perhaps the French didn't read German and the English read neither German nor French.

    Since that time the message has been republished in the United States, with minor changes in phrasing (the "men" cannot bear to leave a thing alone but must tamper), but all in substantial agreement with what is purported to be the official version. It has been given ecclesiastical approval subject to the declaration that "the final and decisive judgment on the facts belonged exclu­sively to the Supreme Magisterium of the Church whose decision you accept from the very moment it is pronounced by the Pope." Of course. Well, thank God it happened or certainly it "could" not have happened--just like the Em­peror's new clothes--the naked truth is often so obvious that you must close of your eyes to insure of it.


    The terrible predictions made in the "third" part of the message reveals the reasons why none of the popes had seen fit to make it public. Here is the secret prophecy as circulated by American Catholic groups. Surely I shall not quarrel on such good authority---at this time.

    "Do not be troubled, dear child, I am the Mother of God who is speaking to you and begging you to announce the fol­lowing message to the entire world in my name. On doing so you will meet with strong opposition. But be strong in faith and you will triumph over all opposition. Listen carefully and remember what I tell you. Good people must be better. They must implore God to forgive the sins they have committed and will in the future commit. You ask Me for a sign so all may comprehend the words which I am addressing to mankind through you. You have just beheld that miracle, the great mira­cle of the sun! Everybody saw it, believers and unbelievers. And now, in My name, it is proclaimed.

    "A great chastisement will come over all mankind, not today or tomorrow, but in the second half of the twentieth century. What I have already announced at LaSalette through the chil­dren Melanie and Maximin, I repeat to you now. Humanity has not developed as God desired. Mankind has been sacrilegious and has trampled under foot, the wondrous Blessings of God. No longer does order reign anywhere. Even in the highest places Sa­tan reigns and directs the course of things. SATAN WILL EVEN SUCCEED IN INFILTRATING INTO THE HIGHEST POSI­TIONS IN THE CHURCH. Satan will succeed in sowing confu­sion in the minds of scientists who design weapons that can de­stroy great portions of mankind in short periods. Satan will gain hold of the heads of nations and will cause these destructive weapons to be mass produced.

    "If mankind will not oppose these evils, I will be obliged to let the Arm of My Son drop in vengeance. If the chief rulers of the world and of the Church will not actively oppose these evils, I will ask God My Father to bring His Justice to bear on mankind. Then will God punish mankind even more severely and heavily than He did at the time of the great deluge.

    "But a time of very severe trial is also coming for the Church. Cardinals will oppose Cardinals and Bishops will oppose Bishops. Satan will enter into their very midst and will walk in their ranks. In Rome also will occur great changes. What is rotten will fall and what falls must not be retained. The Church will be obscured and all the world will be thrown into great confusion.

    'The great, great war will come in the second half of the twentieth century. Fire and smoke will drop from heavens and the waters of the ocean will turn to steam throwing their foam to the very sky. Whatever is standing there will be no escape. The great and powerful will perish with the lowly and meek, the good will die with the wicked, the Princes of the Church with their faithful, and the rulers of na­tions with their people. Death will reign everywhere, raised to triumph by erring men. THE HELPERS OF SATAN WILL BE THE MASTERS OF THE EARTH. These evils will come at a time when no one expects it, nevertheless it must come as punishment and revenge in accordance with God's Plan. Later, however, God and His Glory will once more be invoked and will once more be served as He was not so long ago, when the word had not yet been corrupted.

    "The time of times is coming, the end of all ends, if mankind is not converted. Woe, woe if that conversion does not come about, and if everything remains as it is now or worsens.

    "I call upon all true followers of My Son the Christ to go and announce this: for I will always be at your side to assist you."


    Seems to me that you should have heard this message before--from several sources in almost identical words. Why would it be so shocking? When I tell you, for that matter, do you simply denounce me as some fantasy "space cadet"? Because man remains ever the up-side-down ostrich who likes the flavor of sand in the mouth? You are not "popular" if you simply stick with the truth, 'tis always more popular to tell all those drooling non-thinkers ex­actly that which they want to hear--it helps fill the collections plates on Sunday.

    Just as the early prophecies of the apparition (which foretold, for example, the rise of Communism) this final prophecy is also coming true.

    Even on a strictly scientific level, such statements as, "Mankind has been sac­rilegious and has trampled under foot, the wondrous Blessings of God", are all too true, as any student of ecology will shout from the edge of the grave.

    The infiltration of your churches by evil-shrouded clergy, including even bishops, is proof that, "Satan will even succeed in infiltrating into the highest posi­tions in the Churches"--he certainly has taken a whopping big slice from the T.V. religious teachers and they are noted because they are so blatantly pub­lic. It has happened in every orthodox church because it has occurred at the level where the rules are laid down for the outlying ministers unto the flocks. Many clergymen actually proclaim that "God is dead", teach immorality and make new laws and commandments to "suit the more modern needs". They actually TEACH IMMORALITY AND SANCTION IMMORAL BE­HAVIOR EVEN UNTO THE CHILDREN. "LET US TEACH THEM 'SAFE SEX' IN GRADE SCHOOL!!!!" Some actually engage in subversive activities under the shelter of the cloak called God.

    Some of your brethren claim that the upheaval is hurting the Catholic Church the most. A substantial number of Catholics have chosen up sides and are in all-out hostile confrontations with each other and the church hierarchy. Well, not to be different--it is throughout the world in every "denomination" and one denomination unto another.


    For the biggest blow of all of you patriots who tag along in your dreamland ideology, What actually caused the most horrendous shock of all from the messages is known unto but a very few and look around before you deny of this:

    Among the many other things the little ignorant and illiterate peasant children said--and hold your breath America--was that Russia would not only "spread her errors throughout the world", as she already has done, but that THREE (3) COMMUNIST EMPIRES WOULD EMERGE ON THE WORLD SCENE---RUSSIA, THE UNITED STATES AND CHINA!

    One must bear in mind, that these children, hidden away in a crevice of Por­tugal, were not even aware in October, 1917, that a world war was under way, and that never had they heard of Russia. At their very tender age, they had never heard of Communism--which, of course, was not even known as a world-government in 1917. In fact, the Bolshevik revolution was hardly a whisper in the world at that time. Yet these little ones, one so young that even in America he would only be about the age of kindergarten or first grade, conversed with the Blessed Mother on the subject of Sovietism and Commu­nism and the three Soviet empires to emerge far later in the 20th century! Ah yes, out of the mouths of babes. I suggest if you find ones who wish to write books on Atlantis at the age of nine or ten that you most surely encourage them to do so. YOU do not yet know who these children might be. I, myself, am most interested in a few.

    It could possibly be considered that these children were inventing a bit of the tale if it were this day and age with television and had they been greatly coached in current happenings---I daresay if you ask children of your own, who are in the age group--about these places and political styles they would not know---would you?

    Had these small children known anything about the world in which they live, or had studied world governments, one might somehow suspect they were in­venting with prompting. But they could not even read nor write, and had never heard of Communism--as who had in 1917? You can be quite safe in assuming this story to be valid and that the Blessed Mother truly prophesied to these little ones, who were given Her desperate warnings, which have not yet been heeded in great measure.

    It is obvious that The Mother has been sent by the Eternal Father/Creator to alert mankind of the scriptural predictions of a cleansing of the earth with fire unless mankind makes a complete reversal of his willful ways. A world-wide warning shall precede the Chastisement in an effort to recall God's children to a life of grace. She has also promised that God will perform a great miracle after this warning and, if men still refuse to change, then God will be forced to send the Chastisement. Where do you think you might stand in the "changing line" this day?


    The Blessed Mother came forth to ones on June 12, 1976 with this warning: "My children, you must pray more; do much penance, for the Warning is coming upon mankind. There will be tremendous explosions and the sky shall roll back like a scroll. This force shall go within the very core of the human. He will understand his offenses to his God. However, THIS WARNING WILL BE OF SHORT DURATION, and many shall continue upon their road to perdition, so hard are the hearts hardened now, My children---BEWARE OF THE SUNRISE!

    "As the day follows night, so shall this Warning follow soon. Beware of the sunrise!" She said to not look up to the sky unto the flash!!!! "Beware of the sunrise! Do not look up to the sky--to the flash! Close of your windows! Draw your shades! Remain inside; do not venture outside your door, or you will not return! Pray! Prostrate yourselves upon your floor! Pray with arms outstretched and beg for mercy of your God, the Father. Do not seek or re­ceive your animals into your homes, for the animals of those who have re­mained of well spirit will be taken care of."


    "O My children, how many will try to go back and restore their homes when it is too late? Keep blessed candles, water, blankets, food within your homes. The candles of those who have remained in the state of grace shall not be extin­guished, but the candles in the homes of those who have given themselves to Sa­tan shall not burn! Amen, I say to you, as night follows day a great darkness shall descend upon mankind."


    How about Emmanuel? "I give you one indication that the time is ripe: When you see, when you hear, when you feel the revolution in Rome: when you see the Holy Father fleeing, seeking a refuge in another land, know that the time is ripe. (Sept. 14, 1976 did these thing come forth unto you.)


    The Blessed Mother spoke to one on December 24, 1973.

    "The Warning which will be sent upon man must be ef­fective. And in the mercy of the Father, a great spectacle will then be placed in the sky for all to see. However, the agents of hell will try to prove--disprove the hand of the Father in this Miracle.

    "You must cleanse your souls of all sin, mortal and venial. Come to My Son in belief. Believe what you'll see at Garaban­dal, and turn back from your ways that have been created by Satan. Return to the Father, do penance and atonement, for your Chastisement will soon follow upon the great spectacle. I bless you all, My children, as the Father blesses you with sad heart."

    The above message speaks of Garabandal. For those who do not have the background on this--Garabandal is a small village in northwestern Spain, where from June 18, 1961 to November 13, 1965, the Blessed Mother ap­peared to four young girls.

    The girls spoke of the Warning, the Great Miracle which would take place in the pines near their village, and also the Chastisement.

    One of the girls, by the label of Conchita, writes this in her diary about the Miracle:

    "The Blessed Virgin advised me of a great miracle, saying that God, Our Lord, would perform it through her intercession. Just as the chastisement will be very, very great, in keeping with our deserts, so too, the miracle will be extremely great, in keeping with the needs of the world.

    "The Blessed Virgin has told me the date of the miracle and what it will consist of. I am supposed to announce it eight days in advance, so that people will come. The Pope will see it from wherever he is, and Padre Pio also. The sick who are present at the miracle will be cured and the sinners will be converted.

    "There will be no doubt in the mind of anyone who sees this great miracle which God, Our Lord, will perform through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin. And now as we await this great day of the Miracle, let us see if the world changes and the chastisement is averted."


    Dharma, write child, as we look upon the world with Sananda and Grandfa­ther and Mother.

    Be ye warned that houses will blow in the wind and skin will dry up and blow off the bones as though it has never been! Hasten and listen. You are re­ceiving one of the final warnings to be given to the world before the cata­clysms come upon you! Our words will have reached throughout your earth. All who fall will have fallen of their free choice---loving more the things and pleasures of earth, than the everlasting glory of Father's Kingdom.

    Look, the value of life is lowered to the extreme: Man murders without con­science. Brother against sister; families torn asunder by evil. Man and woman falls to the addictions and diseases. Mothers weep for the loss of their sons and daughters fed to the hungry beast of war---many will truly join the Christ upon the Cross.

    Dharma, look and weep with me. Stand with our brethren and mine Eagles and witness for this must be recorded that man may have that upon which to base his choices.

    Ye have no shelters into which to hide and yet no-one moves; he only argues and complains. You are witnessing the destruction that will come upon mankind in the Great War. So many will perish that there will not be time to mark the graves, My child.

    Mothers will long to see and know where lie their sons, but to no avail. This comfort will not be given unto them so great will be the loss of life.

    Dharma, you must tell the Word. Can you little ones not turn back now and beg the Eternal Father before it is too late? Are you children so blind to the truth, that you see not the road you travel?

    The time shall be terrible, but there are two, little ones. One will come from man, through the hands of man, a war so great that it will almost exterminate the earth, but for the merciful heart of the Eternal Father; and the chastise­ment of the planet of redemption.

    Oh yes, my children, I hear the voices of disdain shouting, sadism! Is this a sadist God who promises such destruction upon His creation?

    I say unto you, as your God, I bring not your destruction; you will bring about your own destruction, for I leave you, as your God, to the exercise of your free will. In your free will, if you reject your God and the plan for .man's redemp­tion as given from the beginning of time, I say unto you--you will destroy your­selves. You have brought terrible unbalance unto your Mother Source and Creator's creations. Can you not see that it is from the unbalance that the change must come in purification and renewal---you push too far.

    You must witness that which has been done lest you think you need not claim of responsibility for all have participated.

    In America, Dharma---look and see that which is. Your country, a land of plenty and blessed beyond all, has never witnessed mass slaughter and death-­-before. But there has been a rejection of the Laws of God and Creation and the masses will reap the horrors of the lie foisted upon them by the evil con­spiracy. Your masses have turned away from the red road of God-ness and into all manner of pleasures of the flesh and defilement of the human body and desecration of their bodies and spirits.

    There shall come the massive earthquakes in your country in many places and extending up into the regions of Canada and down into the regions of Mexico. There will be earthquakes in places unknown prior to this, as the earth be­neath surges. The volcanos will erupt and toxic fumes shall rise from the crevasses which shall split of the earth. The heat will burn, the livestock will starve and hunger shall plague your lands as the growing seasons change and the waters shall be polluted for the growing fields.

    The children are the true victims of you elders. The example given to them is poor indeed. Many children shall be removed from the world. It shall be a time of great and deadly plague. The plague shall be great and many, many shall die. Ah, and the cry of the murdered unborn shall smite ye ones and your souls shall cringe in the presence of their innocence.

    I came unto you in a time of bleakness 2000 years past and ye crucified me---I was the Eagle sent forth to show you the way and ye hanged me on a cross and went thy evil way. Now the time is come and ye change not from thy evil---and the fire burns and ye again crucify of the Phoenix--but this time it shall be dif­ferent for ones will choose of their path and the evolution shall come and the cycle will close and the Phoenix and my chicks shall fledge again into the won­drous dimensions of greater light and these days of horror shall be wiped from thy memories that you may find peace----BUT THE WORD MUST GO FORTH UNTO THE CORNERS OF THE WORLD AND THEN BE PRESERVED FOR THE TIME OF ANOTHER GREAT ENDING IN ANOTHER GREAT CYCLE AT SOME OTHER PERCEIVED "TIME".

    If you ones will but do of thy work and make preparations, enough shall pass through for the renewal and reclamation of healing. You ones must listen carefully to the lessons of your ancient teachers who have not forgotten.

    It is not to be harsh that I require that you look--for it begins with you and those of your brothers who put the WORD to print that man might know and the time is short and therefore the hours of work must be long indeed.

    "Fear" only in that you must turn back unto God and the Laws of The Cre­ation for therein is truth and the way. Hope is as a lotus blossom which un­folds unto the sun and spreads the perfume about the lands. Oh chelas, 'tis not hopeless, it is glorious. But the old must pass that the Phoenix can arise from the old into the new. So be it.

    I give you peace, and soften the image for your senses have taken much abuse in these past days. Hold unto my hand and naught can touch you or mine children. You are my beloved ones and I grant thee peace.


    Let us close this portion for we have worked many hours this day and the effi­ciency wanes with the weariness. But before I leave this evening I wish to speak about the Indians and what of their relationship with the Christos. The Pale Prophet or Lost White Brother is what they called Him.

    Almost all of the Native Indians have legends about a Pale Prophet or Lost White Brother who came to them thousands of years ago and brought with Him the Teachings of the Great Spirit. He taught them to love one another and often used examples from Nature to illustrate His lessons. He performed incredible miracles, one of which was to raise a huge stone in Monument Valley--actually it was half a cliff that had fallen down off a mountain. Other miracles included controlling the elements, miraculous healings, and even raising of the dead.

    The people loved Him and flocked to Him, but the priests were afraid of Him because He represented a threat to their power. He is always pictured as having a beard, longish hair, a fair complexion, blue-green eyes, wearing san­dals and a long white toga with His symbol--the cross--embroidered around the edges. His sign of greeting was His hand raised in Peace, which is one rea­son this is a rather wide-spread greeting among the Indians.

    He had the people build pyramid-style temples, and told them to smoke the Peace Pipe in His memory. He brought them seeds for several different plants, including the mescal plant, and foretold what the future held for the Indians and their beloved land, including the arrival of the white man whom He called "those who conquer", which is known in Spanish as "conquistadors", who did indeed arrive 1500 years after His prophecy! I shall not discuss these prophecies at this time.

    He represented exactly what his label represents--a "pale" "prophet". The
    christed energy was already a part of the Indian knowledge and it is related as
    the Sacred Circle of Infinity. It is late this day so we shall move into more of
    this discussion on the morrow.

    Thank you for your hands and the rest of you for your ears and eyes. Good
    evening and rest in peace and joy for our work goes well.

    Salu, Hatonn

    PJ 12
    CHAPTER 22
    Rec #1 HATONN

    FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1990 7:45 A.M. YEAR 3, DAY 170

    Hatonn to continue. It is not my intent to do more than simply touch on the Indian concepts for those great teachings of the oral traditions are coming forth from Little Crow, the Great Red Eagle. But, for those who might not become apprized of the myth I wish to point out that there most surely is a connection.


    Interestingly enough, He admonished the people to never touch the white man's whiskey, which He called "Devil-Water"; a description echoed by the saint Shr Dadji almost 2000 years later who, in a letter, wrote that alcohol was "one of the most demonic influences in the world". The Pale Prophet said that this Devil-Water or alcohol unsettled one's reason, loosened one's tongue, and caused one to act foolishly. I assure you that the Pale Prophet is not so given to understatement in this day. Alcohol and drugs open the very gates of Hell and calls the demons within to court and commune.

    The current information on alcohol has more than justified Jesus' warnings about it. Physicians are now warning that alcohol kills brain cells, including the pineal gland, which cannot be regenerated; has a toxic or poisonous effect on the lungs and heart causing irreversible damage to the heart muscle; de­generates live tissue, even in so-called social drinkers; causes inflammation of the pancreas; impairs the functioning of the endocrine gland; causes pre­mature senility, including sexual dysfunction; causes red blood cells to clump together, thereby slowing circulation and depriving every tissue and organ in the body of vital oxygen; lowers the body's resistance to disease and infection; creates "drunken cells" that form brittle bones; causes inflammation of the nerves, as well as being linked to all kinds of cancers. It also causes fetal al­cohol syndrome in human fetuses, even in babies whose mothers may only have had a few drinks during the entire pregnancy period, leaving babies men­tally and/or physically impaired. It also produces an abnormal gene that is passed on to offspring, leaving the offspring more susceptible to various ill­nesses and alcoholism itself. A positive example for children must be set by the parents. Today, "one out of every ten parents in the U.S. has a drinking problem that forces their children to withdraw into a secret world---and for every alcoholic parent, four or five other family members are directly af­fected." Hence, you must help your children by first helping yourselves and setting the right examples for them.

    Alcohol is the primary tool utilized to entrap the unsuspecting participant First the substance is given and then, once captured, the destruction ceases, there will forever more be damage to the physical being, loss of memory perfection, a slowing of mental process and often total senility or irreversible organ damage. Satan, my friends, knows exactly the poison to feed you to entrap and totally control the being and finally kill the conscious­ness thereby capturing the very soul. Oh yes, before we are done with all these Journals we most surely will thoroughly cover the "12 step program" for salvation from the demons, the unlocking of your mind that you might free yourself, the letting go of the terror, fear, and desire for escape and low self­-esteem and allow you to rebuild your temples if indeed you have entered that particular path. We are going to show you how to reach through and into the undamaged sub-conscious mind, thus opening the prison doors. So be it, for first you must be ready and willing to admit and accept the problem, under­stand it and desire change---mostly you must really desire change above all else. Man still sits in the middle of his self-pity and wants another to save him for himself--nay, each must do it alone. Another can assist--none can do it for you for any input of money, laws or punishment---you must grow into the burning desire for change.


    At one time, the Pale Prophet relayed to the people His background. He said that He was born across the sea to the East: "in a land where all men were bearded. He was born of a virgin on a night when a bright star came out of the heavens--the heavens opened and down came winged beings singing chants of exquisite beauty. He spoke of houses, cattle, clothes and customs, their ships and temples, and their metal-clad armies."

    He spoke further of His life there: of healing and teaching, of how the people loved Him, but the priests hated Him, again because He threatened their power. He spoke of His trial, His prison stay where He was lashed and beaten, of His crucifixion cross which He had to carry Himself, of His cruci­fixion and His Resurrection.

    He was called different names by different peoples because, as He explained it, names were of little meaning or value; it was the Truths that He taught that were important. So He allowed each tribe to name Him whatever they wished. Thus the peoples called Him the Fish God for the symbol of his group was the fish, the Lord of the Wind and Water--Hurukan, from which you get your modem term "hurricane", the Plumed Serpent or Quetzal-Coatl-- -Quetzal being the sacred bird of the Toltecs, Mayans, and Aztecs, repre­senting the wind or air (hence, the Spirit), being brilliantly colored with long tail feathers, nesting in trees that are in their last stages of decay, and, today, an endangered species, and "tl" meaning "Lord", and also being used in the self-same manner as Thunder Bird or Thunder People and/or Phoenix. The definitions are a bit different but in concept are most similar indeed; Kate-Zahl, Kane, the Pale One, the Healer, or just the Prophet. However, when pressed by Some of His native followers to tell them what His name was in His Homeland to the East, He answered: "Chee-Zoos God of the Dawn Light" and said that the name that His countrymen used for God was "Great Yeh-ho- vah."

    Now you great white men of self-proclaimed all knowingness and skepticism may not wish to believe the American Indian legends, saying that the Indians simply "borrowed" the character of Jesus or Emmanuel after bearing of Him from Christian missionaries. But this cannot be so, my friends, as these leg­ends date back almost 2000 years. And, Emmanuel Himself said that He had other flocks to tend: "I am the Good Shepherd. I have other sheep, which are not of this fold: I must bring them also, and they will heed my voice. So there shall be one flock, one shepherd."

    These--the American Indians--are the other sheep of whom Jmmanuel spoke. Further, there are accounts that when the Spanish Conquistadors were butchering their way to Colulua, a sacred city of the Indians, they came upon a Great Pyramid Temple--the Temple of Quetzal-Coati, whose base is greater than Egypt's Cheops. Quetzal-Coati had foretold the arrival of these bearded white men, who would wear metal-tipped boots and carry iron rods that made loud noises and could kill men from a great distance. He had also foretold the desecration of His mighty temple by the forces, even to the fighting that would take place on the tiers or the steps to the top of the temple.

    Indeed, in the bloodiest battle of all Meshico (Mexico), the Spanish did slaughter their way up the temple's steps, but stopped in their tracks when they reached the top. The reason? At the top of the temple there was a life-­size statue of a Christ-like man worked in pale marble in a flowing robe standing with outstretched arms to greet them.

    What's more, there are now newly discovered artifacts with the sign of the cross through the hand--the sign of the Pale Prophet--from archaeological "diggings" of native American spiro mounds that have been carbon-dated to the First Century, AD. Other artifacts include pieces of parchment, now held in Harvard, which have quotations from the Old Testament written in Archaic Hebrew! So be it, surprises are good for your attention,

    One recorder of legends has written that his father once found a stone picto­graph of the white-robed teacher. (H.H.Bancroft is his label.) It showed His hair, beard and toga, and "above His head, in Ancient Hebrew were the words of the Ten Commandments".

    Jmmanuel, as the Pale Prophet, promised the American Indians that He would return again at the end of this age. But what is the Significance of Je­sus' travels to the Americas, and why did He travel to the East, as has now been proven through the Legend of St. Issa and other writings? To quote Paramahansa Yogananda in answer:

    "God made Christ an Oriental in order to bring East and West together. Christ came to awaken the Divine Con­sciousness of brotherhood in the East and the West. It is true that Christ lived in India during most of the eighteen unaccounted-for years of His life, studying with India's great mas­ters. That doesn't take away from his divinity and uniqueness. It shows the unity and brotherhood of all saints and avatars."

    Jmmanuel (Jesus) as Christ was unique, as are all avatars. They are unique as is each snow-flake; no two are exactly alike and yet they are united in that they come from the same source and are made of the same substance. They are unique and yet united in Truth of Fatherhood/Motherhood of God and the brotherhood/sisterhood of humanity. They all stem from the root of the One God, who has numberless manifestations, but is One--One in Spirit, One in Love, One in Truth. UNITY DOES NOT IMPLY UNIFORMITY!

    Stop trying to form up your blindfolded committees checking out different parts of the elephant and reaching wrong conclusions---TAKE OFF THE CONFOUNDED BLINDFOLDS AND LOOK AT THAT WHICH IS IN FRONT OF YOU!

    You must remove the blindfolds of prejudice and ignorance and see the over­all nature of the Lord, because, as the American Indians believe, no one reli­gion contains all the Truth; each one is but an attempt to understand the Na­ture of God and is, in reality, just a different path leading to the same Goal--The One Great Spirit who pervades all and is within and without all, and is beyond all worldly dualities, all distinctions, all physical attributes; the eternal Being--Sat-chit-ananda (Sananda?), Being-Conscious-ness-Bliss, where Love Eternal reigns supreme.

    It is to the Realization of and Union with this Eternal Being--God without at­tributes, the Great Spirit behind all creation--that all avatars and true prophets are leading you. The example given by the life of Sri Ramakrishna and his realizations of the Lord through three different paths proves that God is ONE, but that there are several paths to Him. The only difference in Ramakrishna's experiences is that he entered into union with the Lord through three different doors: Hinduism's Mother, Islam's Prophet, and Christianity's Emmanuel. It was through merging with these manifested forms of the Lord that Ramakrishna realized and achieved union with the unmanifested Lord, the Great Spirit, the Being of Light of whom those who have had death experiences speak.

    Further, the teachings of all of God's Messengers are so similar that if one did not know whose teachings one were reading, it would be difficult to guess cor­rectly who said what! For example, the Christian Gnostic Gospels are most similar indeed to those of the East:

    ". . the identity of the divine with the human, the concern with illusion and enlightenment, the founder who is presented not just as Lord, but also as spiritual guide--that some scholars have suggested that if the names were changed, the 'living Bud­dha' appropriately could say what the Gospel of Thomas at­tributes to the living Jesus."

    Little Crow, who is bringing forth, soon, THE SACRED HILL WITHIN is, in this incarnation, a Lakota Sioux by birth tribe. I do not wish to intrude in any manner with that wondrous document. Therefore, all my rambling shall be from that which has come forth from others of the writers and tribal leaders. Just as with the gospels of the disciples, all will vary in words--never in con­cept.


    Near the village of Oraibi, Arizona, in the heart of Hopi-land, carved upon a rock, is a petroglyphic representation that records the prophecy of the Great Spirit in regard to His return.

    In the lower left-hand corner are a bow and an arrow, representing the mate­rial tools which the Great Spirit, who stands to the right of the implements, gave to the Hopi.

    The Great Spirit points to his path, which is straight up. An upper path to the Great Spirit's right is the white man's way. Two white men and one Hopi--symbolizing the Hopi who forsake the old traditions and adopt other ways--walk this line. A vertical line joins the path of the white man with that of the Hopi, indicating their contact since the Hopi's emergence from the Lower World. The Hopi's path is lower, more spiritual, than the way of the white man.

    A large circle represents World War I, another stands for World War II. A third circle symbolizes the Great Purification, which the Hopi feel is fast ap­proaching, according to a timetable that was set centuries ago.

    After this transitional period, the Great Spirit returns; food and water is abundant; the world is made well. The white man's path becomes more and more erratic until it is but a series of dots that eventually fade away. PAY ATTENTION PLEASE, YOU ARE RECEIVING THAT OF WHICH YOU HAVE PETITIONED OVER AND OVER AGAIN.

    A quartered circle in the lower right hand corner of the petroglyph is the fa­miliar symbol for the spiritual center of the North American continent, which the Hopi believe is the Southwestern United States, specifically the area around Oraibi.

    It was once believed that the Cherokee held the answers (which of course they "also" do) but it would appear at this time of present knowledge that the most evident secrets are being presented through the Hopi tradition. Do not allow this to distract you one simply because it is the basis of this discussion.

    In the Hopi myths of their people emerging from one world to another (THROUGH THE SIPAPU), you may have a poetic accounting of a people's intellectual and spiritual evolution, or you may have exactly what the traditional Hopi claim: the record of major high civilizations that rose and coll­apsed in prehistoric times. One may call these civilizations Mu, Lemuria, Atlantis, it makes little difference as to labels; but the Hopi's myths maintain that that human race has passed through three worlds which the Great Spirit has been forced to terminate, to purity, because of the people's corruption and materialism. (Pilfer indeed, these records have been held since the be­ginning of your planet and some brought forth from long before!)

    The last Great Destruction was achieved by flood, and all but a few faithful perished. The story of the Great Deluge has survived in the myths of nearly every culture, and it is said that the Hopi and all those faithful who were saved made a covenant with the Great Spirit that they would never again turn away from His path. But now, the Hopi believe, the Fourth World is coming to a close. Men have fallen away from their covenant with the Great Spirit. Once again, a Great Purification is needed.

    The Hopi believe that the Great Spirit did interact with the first people and that He taught them how to live and how to worship. He breathed His teachings, prophecies, and warnings on stone tablets, before He hid Himself from the view of man. Spider Woman and her two grandsons, the Great Spirit's helpers, remained, along with other guiding spirits. These tablets were broken in half by the spirit Massau when the Hopi reached this continent. To­day the traditional Hopi await the return of the Older Brother, whose skin has since turned white, who will match his share of the sacred stone tablets with those retained by his Younger Brother. The rejoining of the sacred tablets will signal the advent of Purification Day. Is it truly the "stone" which is sym­bolic or the WORD? Keep writing Dharma!

    The Hopi were led to their present home in Arizona by a star. As Abraham dealt with his nephew, Lot, the Hopi chose desolate and infertile land and permitted other tribes to choose the greener, more fertile valleys. Or so it may seem to those with greedy eyes. The Hopi settled in the specified area because it is in the land of the Great Spirit. In spite of the sparse quality of their home, the Hopi were warned, strangers would come and try to take it away from them. The Hopi must resist all pressures, they were told, and they must hold on to the land and their ancient religion. If they were able to retain control of their material and spiritual gifts of the Great Spirit and remain true to their name, "one who follows the peaceful path", Hopi-land would one day be the spiritual center from which all Indians would be reawakened to the old traditions and would arise to touch the hearts and save the souls of the in­vading strangers.

    There are shrines there in the spiritual center which are markers for spiritual routes which extend in all four directions to the edge of the continent Through their ceremonies it is possible to keep the natural forces together. From the spiritual center, their prayers go to all parts of the Earth. Their prayers are the balance that keeps all things well and healthy. This is the sacred place. It must never be defiled. Only people who know how to grow things will survive. Through prayer, people can develop their own way, as the Hopi have.

    Let us interrupt and speak of more crucifixions of the Natural Mother.


    There is a massive crisis at Black Mesa, wherein coal is being strip-mined for a consortium of twenty-three power companies (Western Energy Supply and Transmission Association). That wondrous land of wide, silent deserts and deep sky-space--that heart of Mother--will soon contain six giant power plants which will make up the heart of the energy grid. Together all six plants will be able to generate some 14,000 megawatts (MW), yet this was just the begin­ning. The plan is still for increasing increments to over 36,000 MW, 17 times the capacity of Egypt s famed Aswan Dam. How many of you readers realize this?

    Since Black Mesa is considered by the Hopi to be the spiritual center of this continent, one can imagine the horror the uninformed traditionalists experi­enced when they learned of the planned desecration. They are holding the land for the Great Spirit. The Spirit gave the land into the hands of these people for safe keeping; they are holding this precious heart-land for the Great Spirit. The Hopi feel the land is theirs to hold and yet the Hopi Tribal Council members and the Navajo Council members, too, are the very ones leasing to the mining company. Brethren, it differs not at all from the total defacement in the wondrous Holy and Sacred mountains of the Black Hills of the Lakotas. How dare the white evil men carve pictures of their evil leaders upon the face of God? How long will you DARE to flaunt your destruction and desecration in the, and upon the, face of God? NOT MUCH LONGER, MY CHILDREN, NOT VERY MUCH LONGER! HOLD IT IN YOUR HEARTS!

    The Hopi traditionalists refer to their prophecies and agree that that Older Brother will soon return with his half of the Sacred Tablets (write a bit faster Dharma?). The prophecies state that the Great Purification will occur when people turn to material, rather than spiritual, things; when evil ones set out to destroy the land and the life of the Hopi and other Indian brothers; when leaders of men turn to evil instead of the Great Spirit; when man has invented something which can fall upon the ground, boil everything within a great area, and turn the land to ashes where no grass will grow. It would seem to me that this all matches pretty well with that which has been pretty much fulfilled.

    The Hopi are not alone, dear ones, in their anticipation of a Great Purifica­tion and the tellings of the Mesquakie, a people who have proudly maintained the old traditions, see a great catastrophe happening soon to "rearrange things" and I would like to share it with you for you ones always seek, seek, seek your proof and confirmations.

    "It will possibly be a great fire of some type, and it will leave pockets of men and women who will begin to people the Earth again. This is what the prophets of the Mesquakie have spoken. They have spoken that the hundred thirty many people with their many languages will want to come back to their old religion. These people will want to return to the traditionalists to learn. There are traditional pockets in Mexico and in the United States. People here in Iowa have called us heathens, pagans. We shall see we are all brothers, after all.

    "I think the end might be very near. I am not speaking as a pessimist, but as one who believes in the prophecies of the Mesquakie. A hundred years ago, the Mesquakie prophesied a box that would sit in the corner in which we would see things happening far away and hear people speaking who would not be there. They prophesied great trailways in the sky. They said that the animals would be dying. They said when many species were becoming extinct, man would begin to see unusual things. Floods, earthquakes. It would be as if the Earth were re­volting against its inhumane treatment.

    "Other Indian tribes throughout the country are beginning to see these things coming. Many are saying in desperation, 'What can we do to revive the old tradi­tion? How can we get back to it?' Well, there is a way for them to return, of course; but time is very short. They had better start returning now, or else they are going to be left on the railway station when the train leaves. You know, it is all going to be over."

    The Indians of all tribes are storing food and water for the coming Great Pu­rification. They have been told that there will be a terrible famine sometime soon--no longer than a mere few years of your counting, in the future. Canned and dehydrated foods, seeds, kerosene lamps, bottled water and wa­ter purification tablets are being put aside in carefully concealed caches as well as oil and kerosene to fill the lamps and many candles to light the way un­til the tallows can be rendered. The Hopi tell about the Older White Brother and the secret of what is to happen.

    They spend much time in meditation and receive from the Great Spirit and they have already put three years of food into secret storage.

    The elders speak of "astral travel". The Hopi visualize themselves in a boat moving on a stream and they go and learn things about the Great Purification that is coming "sooner than we think". This is why they store up food. There will be a great catastrophe, and they believe that their home in the Southwest is a safe place. There are several safe places if you ones but listen carefully and stop of your time of division and ridicule for you leave precious little time for the preparations.

    Let us speak of hoopla, nonsense and probabilities of truth. My wish is not to start a cowboys and Indians war. There are always ones playing in the middle of truth but you shall find that these ones fit into the tapestry also.

    A non-Indian, P.S., pronounced to the media that he had been sent to the Hopi reservation (ones are always claiming to be sent to somewhere or other and poke into another's business). Dharma, go back and leave only initials please for I want no controversy or distractions regarding this story.

    He went to "call down" UFOs to present the Hopi with a sign, then produced what the waiting, skeptical press called "a flying saucer". It looked like a star--almost, it was claimed. It rose in the sky, stopped, hovered, wavered to one side and then continued across the sky repeating the maneuvers. Now this was in August of 1970 and provoked yet another major split among the tradi­tional Hopi. One of the elders, Chief Dan Katchongva (109 years alive), said that both the division and the UFOs are in fulfillment of the old prophecies foretelling the Great Purification.

    A petroglyph near Mishongnovi on Second Mesa shows flying "saucers" and travel through space. The arrow on which the dome-shaped object rests, stands for travel through space. There is also a maiden on the dome shape which represents purity. Those Hopi who survive Purification Day, they be­lieve, will be taken to other planets. The faithful Hopi, have seen the ships and know they are true. "We, the faithful Hopi have seen the ships and we have watched nearly all of our brethren lose faith in the original teachings and go off on their own course. Near Oraibi was closely shown the Plan of Life, and we are gathered here to await our True White Brother." Some Hopi state that the ships are manned by Kachinas, entities which are portrayed in tradi­tional Hopi dances; I most sincerely hope, however, that I do not look like some of the fiercesome ones I have seen projected.

    I refuse to get in the middle of Indian harangues any more than into the mid­dle of your orthodox doctrines but I do wish to share some of the legends which bear great truths and you can ride along for the enjoyment and insight therefrom.

    Allow us a bit of a respite, Dharma, and then we will speak of some of the tellings of White Bear as regards to "the times" for I think you cannot hear of it too often.

    Hatonn to stand-by. Saluset

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