PJ 12

MONDAY, JANUARY 29, 1990 8:00 A.M. YEAR 3, DAY 166


1. According to Egyptian and Greek mythology, a bird representing the sun (Son that consumed itself by fire after living many, many years (hundreds according to some, thou­sands according to others), and then rose renewed from its ashes; a symbol of immortality and spiritual rebirth.

2. A person or thing of unsurpassed excellence or beauty; a paragon--model or pattern of excellence and perfec­tion of a kind; a peerless example.


Emmanuel is the man---the activity, the mind, the relationships that He bore to others. "Ye are made strong--in body, in mind, in soul and purpose by that power in Christ, by being God incarnate. The POWER, then, is in the Christ (God). The PATTERN is in the man."

What does one definition have to do with the other? As with the phoenix, or the alternate labels of quetzal, thunderbird, etc.: Jmmanuel, too, rose from His own ashes in the tomb and overcame death, thereby becoming hu­mankind's symbol of immortality and spiritual rebirth.

The Phoenix is the perfect symbol of this time in evolvement --- the end­ing/beginning. Our Central Son craft is ordained (named) the Phoenix. This is the time of the Phoenix. Our messages carry the label of the Phoenix so that all who pick up the books can KNOW! The Phoenix is a dream and de­sire to become again in newness---a rebirthing and progression into heavens of re-creation---from death into life.

The world is consuming itself with the fires of hatred, addictions, war, divi­siveness, discord, and strife, both figuratively and literally through prolifera­tion of destructive nuclear tampering and chemicalization. But take heart, for "the divine manifestation of God who comes in the flesh to destroy incarnate error", what Eastern philosophy calls an Avatar, a Sananda--is coming again soon and will raise up from the ashes of your polluted, scorched, and belea­guered planet, a New World of Light, Love, Peace, Harmony and Unity.
What would this mean for you? You must prepare yourselves for this time of Purification and Tribulation by moving back into the PATTERN OF EX­CELLENCE AND TOWARD PERFECTION you see in the original Phoenix--CHRISTED BEING--"the highest human physical concept of the Divine Idea".

You are now in the Age of Chaos (Kali Age): no matter what wrongs you may have done, what errors you may have committed in thought, word or deed in the past, if you will truly turn back unto the Lord and follow His example of Love, Compassion, Sharing, Caring, Giving and Forgiving, not only will your physical and material lives be improved, but you will also save your souls, and like the Phoenix, you will be reborn from the ashes of ignorance into the Light of Truth.

The Lord states: "Behold, I make all things new." Look forward to this New Beginning with great joy and anticipation, for nothing and no one can keep the Sun (Son) from rising again and rejuvenating and reclaiming the world with His Light.


The Principle for Generation, Organization and Destruction (G-O-D) is on His way--soon to arrive! These JOURNALS and other priceless documents are coming forth, and have come forth prior to this series, to announce the Good News of that return and give instructions for the passage through this time of transition.

We must give truth that indeed all "religions" are but ONE. The Conscious­ness of The Christed Way (the Red Road) must be brought forth---you ones upon the planet Earth must come into conscious realization that you have reached the transition time of the Ending/Beginning. You must be prepared for these things. God, Creator, would not leave you without travel and trans­portation instructions.

Those who receive of these messages---including the group at TBN with Paul Crouch who suggests YOU return to Christ and get off this "Phoenix" kick-- had better trim their lamp wicks for their vision is dim indeed. WE HAVE NEVER BEEN AWAY FROM THE PRESENCE OF CHRIST GOD BUT YOU ONES ARE FILLED TO OVERFLOW WITH MISCONCEPTIONS AND HAVE HARDENED YOUR HEARTS AND SEALED YOUR MINDS AGAINST TRUTH! No race, color or creed has possession of the concept nor the manifestation of the being itself.

You WILL move into the era of spirituality, peace, love and truth, of brother­hood and sisterhood for all humankind or you will perish and be put aside in the proper placement with the dark brotherhood.

If you call yourself "Christian", you are awaiting the Second Coming of Christ; if a Jew--The Messiah; a Moslem--the Mandi; a Buddhist--the Maitreya Budha; a Hindu--Lord Kalki; an American Indian--the return of both the Pale Prophet or Lost White Brother AND the White Buffalo Cow (or Calf) woman.

It matters not which "religion" one studies, they all teach the same if in truth: the Lord is coming soon! If one studies the prophecies of all the major reli­gions of the world, one sees that all these prophecies are the very same and that almost all of them have been fulfilled.

Common prophecies of all are major bizarre weather changes, increased earthquake activity, volcanic eruptions, social, political, and economic chaos increased wars with nations rising against nation, a push for a "one world government" ruled by a single anti-Christ entity, ecological disasters stemming from chemical pollutions, destruction beyond repair of the natural resources, moral decay of the races, famine, plagues of nature and disease, brother killing brother and debasement of the very emotional fibre of mankind-c-all of these things are bringing the world to the brink of catastrophe and these things will immediately precede the Lord's coming.

The proof (for you Earth dwellers do like your proof) of the imminent change is based not only on religious prophecies, but also on scientific, astrological, astronomical, political, historical, and current events unfolding right in front of you and burying you in the confusion. These things have been quite thor­oughly researched and we will now effort at tying them together that those of you who still question authenticity might come into comfort.


It is not a "physical presence" of your "Lord" on Earth that you actually await; you are also awaiting the birth of what has been called the "Christ Conscious­ness" within all, the unfolding of the Divine Spirit within and its manifestation without. Without this unfolding, without the birth of this new, greater, Divine Consciousness, mankind is doomed!

Without an inner change man can no longer cope with the gigantic develop­ment of the outer life. If humanity is to Survive, a radical transformation of human nature is indispensable. An evolution of consciousness is the central motive of terrestrial (earthly) existence. A change of consciousness is the major fact of the next evolutionary transformation. To be wholly conscious of oneself and of all the truth of one's being is what is implied by the perfect emergence of the individual consciousness, and it is THAT towards which evolution tends. ALL BEING IS ONE, and to be fully conscious means to be integrated with the consciousness of all, or in other words, to be ONE with ALL and therefore, ONE WITH GOD.


What is meant by the term "Oneness"? GOD IS ONE! No matter what dif­ferent names one may give to Him, and that all religions spring from the very same" Source--THE "ONE" GOD. Just as H(2)O is called "water" in English, "agua" in Spanish, "eau" in French, "pani" in Hindi, "jal" in Bengali and so on, the words are different but the substance is the same. '

"Religions" of the world are much like the spokes of a wheel, all leading to the same center hub--THE ONE GOD. Whether you call this One God Christ Jehova, Allah, Om, Buddha, Krishna, The Great Spirit, or just Prana (Primal) Energy makes absolutely no difference for the substance is the identical struc­ture. They are simply different labels for the same Source from which every­thing springs. Religions are but different roads converging upon the same point. What difference could it possibly make which road you take if you reach the same goal? Further, you cannot separate out your Holy Books one from another for if there be differences---man has tampered for there is no difference in the original words of God.

You of the "Christian English" belief give yourselves away to the rest of your Earth brothers; for you have unwittingly used the Hindu word for God--OM--to describe God: OM-nipresent, OM-niscient, and OM-nipotent. Om­nipresent means the presence of OM or GOD everywhere--always present. Omniscient means the knowledge of OM or GOD, or all-knowing; Omnipo­tent means the power of OM or GOD, or all powerful. "OM" comes from Sanskrit, which is the oldest written language known to man and predates even your Latin. The Latin word "OMNI, however, means "ALL", indicating God, since God is All---or EVERYTHING.

Our intent herein is to clear away some of the misconceptions and point out similarities of the teachings and truths contained in the World's major reli­gions in that we might create more harmony, unity, and understanding be­tween peoples of different religions, and to clear away a lot of confusion, mis­understanding, and misconceptions which people of differing faiths have about one another. Organized religion, instead of being the great uniter of mankind and the world, has most often BEEN THE GREAT DIVIDER of mankind and the world. True religion is spiritual religion, it is a seeking after God, the opening of the deepest life of the soul to the indwelling Godhead, the eternal Omnipresence.

In spirituality restored to its true sense, you must seek for the directing Light and the harmonizing law. Spirituality is something else than intellectuality; its appearance is the sign that a Power greater than the mind is striving to emerge in its turn. Spirituality is a progressive awakening to the inner reality of our being, to a spirit, self, soul which is other than your mind, life, and body. It is an inner aspiration to know, to enter into contact and union with the greater Reality beyond, which also pervades the universe and dwells in you, and, as a result of that aspiration, that contact and that union, a turning, a conversion, a birth into a new being, in other words, to become a Gnostic Be­ing--Gnostic meaning knowledge of God through direct, personal spiritual experience.


Jmmanuel said, "Lest one be born again one cannot enter the Kingdom of God. Repent! For the Kingdom of God is at hand!" The Biblical word "repent" is translated from the Greek word "metanoia". Dear ones, your original New Testament was written in part, in "Koine" (from which you get the term "a word coined from . ."), which was a mixture of various languages of the region, mostly Greek, and was later translated into pure Greek.
"Metanoia" or "repent" means a complete change of mind, a total turning around and going in the opposite direction, or to revolute, change everything, and with this changing or conversion, one is "born again". Ah, now look closely at this parallel to those above words of Jmmanuel to these of Au­robindo, the great Indian master:

"As God's partners we beg you not to toss aside this mar­velous message of God's great kindness. For God says, 'Your cry came to me at a favorable time, when the doors of welcome were wide open. I helped you on a day when salvation was being offered. Behold, NOW is the acceptable time; behold, NOW IS THE DAY OF SALVATION!"


In your book of Revelations God reveals that at the time of the end of this Age of Chaos, the Divine Mother (or God as the Mother) would come to Earth for a period of 1260, would have 12 stars around her head and would be pursued by the "Red Dragon". (Rev. 12) The above was prophesied 2000 years ago.

Let us look at some irrefutable manifestations that are most current indeed: On June 24, 1981, on a mountainside behind the village of Medugorje, Yu­goslavia, the Divine Mother started appearing to six children--four girls and two boys ages 10 to 17 yrs. According to eyewitnesses, which include Turks, Moslems, Communists and believers alike, miracles have accompanied these apparitions. For example, on August 2, 1981, " . . . the people saw the sun be­gin to spin and move towards them as the earth began to darken . . . "--the ex­act same sign or miracle the Holy Mother gave on October 13, 1917 in Fa­tima, Portugal. Other miracles include 1) a blazing fire seen on the mountain­side, yet when police rushed up, no sign of anything burning or burnt was found; 2) the word "MIR" or 'PEACE' written across the sky in letters of light; and 3) a brilliant light appearing around a huge cement cross erected on the mountain peak--a light so brilliant that the cross was seen spinning in rainbows of light.

Alarmed by the massive spiritual conversions these events have initiated, the communist authorities (or perhaps the "Red Dragon"?) have fenced off the mountain with barbed wire and have arrested people including the parish priest and the six children who, despite being severely threatened, refused to deny the Mother's appearances and, thus, were eventually released. Since then, the people have been forced to worship inside St. James parish where the Divine Mother, who calls Herself "The Queen of Peace" and who, ac­cording to the children, wears a crown of 12 stars, has been appearing to them daily for the past three years.

The Mother has told the children that, due to man's "sin" (errors), the world is on the brink of a major catastrophe. The "chastisement" cannot be avoided, but its days will be shortened and blows cushioned through prayers and penance. For this reason, She has stressed the following: 1) PEACE--through reconciliation with God, family, neighbors and countries; 2) PRAYER; 3) PENANCE--for one's sins and the sins of the world through personal sacrifice such as 4) FASTING (and I shall be speaking of "fasting" by definition and in­tent at a later portion); and 5) CONVERSION--or turning back toward God and leading a spiritual life.

The Divine Mother told that there will be a visible sign given to humanity at the location of Her first appearance in Medugorje, PRECEDED by three admonitions as warnings. These warnings will be events on earth that will come in rather quick succession. Conversion to God during this brief period of Grace is essential because after the visible sign is given, those still living will have little time to convert.

The Divine Mother has also more recently appeared in Detroit (USA), Viet­nam, Nicaragua, Vienna (Austria), Garabandal (Spain), and elsewhere in­cluding Poona, Indian where Smt. Indira Devi (Ma) had a vision of the Holy Mother in March of 1984 during which she was told to set aside Fridays for devotion to Her by reading information about the Lord Jmmanuel's life. In addition, reports of statues of the Blessed Mother shedding tears have come from around the world, including the May, 1984 "CNN" report from St. John of God Church in Chicago, and from Lebanon where a statue of "Our Lady of Fatima" shed tears of blood constantly for two weeks.

The Mother has told the children that these are the last times She will be ap­pearing on Earth in that type of manifestation for her presence shall be needed in other manners, and that you are very close to the events that She has described. This timing it would seem, confirms a vision given to your own earth "Pope" Leo XIII on October 13, 1884 in which he was shown that the forces of evil would lose their influence on the world within 100 years. Thus, it is imperative for you to turn back to God immediately and begin living the message from the Divine Mother as given in Yugoslavia--the same message, by the way, that she gave in Fatima. For, as She stated, "You have forgotten that with prayer and fasting you can stop a war from happening. You can ac­tually suspend natural laws."

Let us look at a rather phenomenal incident from 1945 when the atomic bomb destroyed Hiroshima. Eight men living near the blinding epicenter of the nu­clear explosion not only miraculously survived the searing hurricane blast and gamma rays while everyone within a mile radius perished, but have also shown no effects of the radiation even though others who were further away con­tinue to die from its lethal effects. For over 40 years, some 200 of your scien­tists have examined these eight men trying in vain to determine what could have preserved them from incineration. One of the survivors, Father H. Shiffner, S.J., gave the dramatic answer on T.V. in America: "In that house, we were living the message of Fatima."

A further message which is most often overlooked is the next message from the Divine Mother which told ones if they would return to the bosom of the Mother (that is the Earth terra--ground) ye would be protected from the holocaust. PERHAPS--SURVIVAL IS ONLY TEN FEET FROM HELL?

This message comes on this particular date in response to a question pre­sented unto Sananda on the day before yesterday. Thank you, son, for your inquiry regarding the Mother.

We shall close for this segment and PEACE BE WITH YOU! HATONN
PJ 12
TUESDAY, JANUARY 30, 1990 7:30 A.M. YEAR 3, DAY 167

Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set ye free!

Do ones who claim "their" work to have been "pilfered" or "stolen" from the public documents having been set forth as "non-fiction" and we call of it truth­---lie? If Jmmanuel Sananda (Jesus) writes something of his own, or Fleet Commanders write something of their own experience and it meshes with that which others have written, is that truth? Is it lie? Can you claim God as your own special possession which excludes another from truth?

If you disclaim of another's penning as untruth and it is exactly that which ye have projected (and ye are complaining of it) does it not indicate that ye have lied unto your brother? If ye make judgments about documents which ye have not so much as read in total--have ye the right to denounce and disclaim the authors as being evil? I shall take a most recent disclaimer of this work and examine it at the ending of my presentation this morning.



"Foolish to think that truth is in untruth, equally foolish that untruth is in truth--truth is always truth, untruth always untruth . . . Only suffering for the evil man--suffering now, suffering later, suffering in this world and the next. Happiness for the good man--happiness now, happiness later, happiness in this world and the next. . .

"Right views will be the torch to light his way. Right aspira­tions will be his guide. Right speech will be his dwelling-place on the road. His gait will be straight, for it is right behavior. His refreshments will be the right way of earning his livelihood. Right efforts will be his steps: right thoughts his breath; and right contemplation will give him the peace that follows in his footprints.

"Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.

Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied. Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the chil­dren of God. Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."


"Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and the door shall be opened to you. For every one who asks, receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. . .For there is nothing hid, except to be made manifest; nor is anything secret, except to come to light."


There are two states for man--the state in this world, and the state in the next; there is also a third state--intermediate between these two, which can be likened to a dream . . . while in the intermediate state, he foresees both the evils and the blessings that will yet come to him, as these are determined by his conduct, good or bad, upon the earth.

I shall give you some typical expressions of ones who experience what you call "near death". WE prefer "near life". This will somewhat explain that third beingness a bit better than to simply describe it by definition.

"The next thing I remember is feeling myself being drawn through this dark tunnel at incredible speed, kind of like I was falling down this deep well, and as I fell, all my cares and troubles seemed to melt away. There was no pain at all; just a feeling of warmth, of peace and calm and solitude. As I was falling, I could hear this beautiful music all around me, like bells tinkling or choirs humming. It was as if my being or soul was pulsating or vibrating with this music.

"At the end of this tunnel was this beautiful bright light. It was small at first, but got bigger and brighter as I moved toward it. I was drawn to it, like a magnet. Suddenly this white light was all around me, enveloping me, sur­rounding me with warmth and love. But it was more than just light; it was a Being, a Divine Presence with a definite personality. While in Its presence I felt totally accepted, loved and secure.

"Then the Being asked me a question: What had I done with my life to show Him, and was I ready to die? Suddenly, I saw a panoramic view of my whole life--all the things I had ever thought or said or done were there in full color--like a cinema show, but more real. It was as if the Being was helping me to judge myself and my life.

"Then it was as if nine-tenths of my brain was opened up and I was privileged to see, hear and understand all knowledge; for a second, all the secrets of the ages and Universe, the meaning of Creation and life and death and its endless cycles were revealed to me.

"Next the Being showed me this beautiful place--it was like Heaven--with light and music everywhere. It was like a beautiful countryside or forest, and I was part of it with other people, too. No words can describe the beauty of this place or the love and warmth I felt being there.

"The Being asked me if I wanted to stay and I said, "Yes!" I never wanted to leave this place or His presence. But then He said to me that I couldn't stay here yet; that I still had a mission to accomplish, things to do for Him, and that if I really loved Him, I would go back and finish these deeds for Him.

"Suddenly, I was back in that tunnel and everything went black again. When I next awoke, I realized that my soul was once again in the prison of the body.

"I no longer fear death because I know what to expect, and He'll be there to greet me. But I have no wish to die immediately either, I still have work to do for Him, and the next time I go, I want to go with no regrets!" This person died in an unforeseen accident. The next illustration is one from a man who chose suicide:

" ... That last drink gave me the 'courage' I needed.

"I stumbled out of the bar and into my car, and drove off down the highway toward the cliff. As I reached the cliff, I veered to the right and the car, with me in it, went sailing off into space. I felt the crash shake my whole body, and pain shot through my head, and I blacked out.

"The next thing I knew I was out of my body and trapped in some kind of aw­ful limbo state. It was horrible! Everything from which I had been trying to escape--the loss of my job, the embarrassment, the drinking--all of it kept go­ing on and on, again and again. It was like some kind of rerun. Every time I would go through the whole sequence of events, I would think, 'Boy, I'm glad that's over!"' and then it would start all over again, and I knew that I would be in this horrible place, this pathetic state of existence, for a long time--maybe forever!

"I immediately saw the mistake I had made and wished I hadn't done it, but now there was nothing I could do about it because I couldn't get out of this place and back into my body. All of my problems were still with me, but in even greater intensity! It was like I couldn't think of anything else BUT my problems! I was confused and perplexed and felt like my brain had been ‘dulled'. I was depressed and couldn't figure out what to do or where to go; it was hopeless; there seemed to be no way out!

"Then these ugly beings came toward me and dragged me deeper into this place. I felt like I was being tormented and bitten by snakes--the snakes of my passions were striking back at me!(*) The beings forced me to go with them and I suddenly found myself in a bar, watching other human beings drink. As they were drinking, these 'demons'--I don't know what other word to use--­tried to possess their bodies! I tried to tell, the people in the bar to stop--stop what they were doing so that they wouldn t end up like me, but they couldn t hear me.

"Next these beings dragged me to a fiery pit--all bubbling and smoking. They forced me to look into it and there I saw the consequences of what I had done. My wife and kids were grieving for me, and then they were being thrown out of our house because they had no money to pay the mortgage.

"I screamed and cried to be forgiven for what I had done, and the Lord, in His great Mercy, heard my cry. Suddenly I found myself back in my body--in a great deal of pain, but back in my body. God had given me a second chance!"

(*): The Sioux emphasize that this event should not only be taken as an event in time, but as an eternal truth. Any man who is attached to the senses and to the things of the world, is one who lives in ignorance and is being consumed by snakes which represent his own passions.


The prior scenarios are composites taken from actual experiences of physical humans upon your placement at this time. They are factual life-after-death experiences. The events of the first narrative--a glimpse of a heavenly after­life--are compiled from true accounts of individuals who have "died" in all earth monitoring sense, either through accidents or through natural causes, and who later came back to physical life, their souls being reunited with their bodies. The majority of these individuals were not great saints or overly spiri­tual; they were, on the whole, ordinary humans who were basically "good" and loving, but not perfect or "God-Realized". They had made plenty of mistakes in their lives, as have you all---as have WE all. And yet, their experiences in the afterlife were very pleasant, if not heavenly, and in general, profoundly af­fected the individual's outlook on the meaning of life, love and God in a very positive way.

The events of the second narrative--a glimpse of a hellish afterlife--were taken from actual accounts of individuals who had either tried to commit suicide or had lived rather self-destructive, egotistical, and hateful lives; and who were given a second chance at life in order to change their ways. They too were, in general, greatly affected by their death experiences, and in many, if not most cases, changed the way they have been living; specifically, they became more loving and caring, and more mindful of others' needs. They recognized that they had been living against God's Law of Love and had been viewed as "rebels" against God on "the other side".


You should be very concerned indeed, because within the next few years in your counting, as many as 90% of you living this day may very well be "dead" and therefore, experiencing one or the other of these "afterlives"! As you have seen, the choice really is yours as to which place or "world" you will experience---do you prefer Heaven or Hell? If you are loving and mindful of keeping God's Laws, "Heaven" awaits you! If you are hateful and destructive, constantly breaking God's Laws and destroying His Creations--"Hell" awaits you! So be it--the choice is always YOURS.

Let us, speak of the prophecies concerning "the End Times" of this Age--what the Hindus call the Kali Age, the Age of Chaos. If it appears I repeat that which I have already given forth, forgive the repetition but I still am bom­barded with questions regarding this matter and shall not move on until the questions are somewhat silenced.

Here we are talking about the end of this system of things--of ego, lies, hatred, violence and destruction; the end of man's system and man-made laws, to be replaced by God's system and God's laws of Love, Peace, Balance, Unity, and Truth.


Throughout the aeons, prophets have been announcing "the end of this world age", Why should you believe that "the Beginning" (for it most surely is not the End) should take place approximately now? To what facts can one point to prove that you are in the Age of Kali, or "ending" times?


As I have told you elsewhere, the Indian prophecies, which date back well over 2000 years, are clearly drawn on a rock in Black Mesa, near the "Four Corners Area" of your United States. They predict a time of great destruc­tion. The Indians would know that this time had come and that the great Tribulation/Purification was near when "a gourd of ashes" would be invented. This weapon would be so powerful that, if dropped from the sky, it would be capable of boiling the oceans and burning the land so badly that nothing would be able to grow for many years.

The discovery of this weapon was to trigger the release of certain Indian teachings to the general public; teachings meant to warn the world that a final calamity could bring an end to all life on the planet if the people of the world did not wake up and change their way, and force their leaders to change their direction toward planetary annihilation. This weapon--the gourd of ashes--is considered to be the atomic bomb whose mushroom-shaped cloud also resembles an American Indian gourd.

As the days have ticked away since the bringing forth of the bomb, hundreds of other signs have come into reality. Mt. St. Helens spoke to the Indians, my friends. As a matter of fact in your counting, last week, Mother spoke again as she rumbled through South Dakota and the Earth shook and the ground trembled and called out the warnings.


When asked by his suspicious and frightened disciples as to what would be signs of the end of this Age, Jesus mentioned wars, earthquakes, famines, spewing volcanos, epidemics, false prophets, and religious persecutions. Then, as to the last signs, He said:

"And there will be signs in the sun and moon and stars . . . men fainting with fear and with foreboding of what is coming on the world; for the powers of the heavens will be shaken."

In this context, the word "heavens" means "celestial powers", or powers of cre­ation. The original Greek word for "heavens" is "Ourania", which is also the root word for uranium". Rewritten, the passage reads: "and the powers of uranium shall be shaken". Uranium is shaken to produce atomic power. So the discovery of atomic power and destruction was predicted accurately by Jmmanuel almost 2000 years ago and was to be viewed as a sign of the ending of the age.

Ah ha! We finally get to show up: "then will appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven . . .and they will see the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. . .!"

Do you think it coincidence that the first successful atomic or nuclear fusion test was code-named "Baby Jesus", and that the first successful atomic or nu­clear blast was called "The Trinity"?

"For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now, no, and never will be. And if those days had not been shortened, no living thing would be alive....

"Now when these things begin to take place, look up and raise your head, because your redemption is drawing near. Truly, I say to you, this generation will not pass away till all has taken place." This means the generation in which all of these signs are present.


For you ones who desire to clutch your limits of God unto self and project judgmental opinions, I wish to give you some food for your meditations in­stead of empty heads and reciting mantras.

You rise up in arms and claim that AND THEY CALLED HIS NAME IM­MANUEL cannot be right for in Emmanuel Jesus' short life there was not time for great and lingering studies in India. And yet the shroud hidden away for almost 2,000 years clearly has the symbol written upon the forehead of the enshrouded flesh. That bloodstain bears the image of the Sanskrit word for God---Om. What would such a symbol be doing on the forehead of the "Christian" Messiah? Could it mean that you don't have all the story? Or, does it mean that YOU HAVE THE STORY BUT HAVE REJECTED IT?

Why don't you do a little homework? You are going to find truth and missing portions with answers. There are some glaring holes in the story even if you totally discount AND THEY CALLED HIS NAME IMMANUEL. What of this "Pale Prophet"? What of this wondrous illusion that showed up from time to time in the worst of times--in India, South America, North America, Asia, the Middle East, the Far East---and on the space ship Phoenix? What of this one that showed up in the nations of Russia?

Look at a few empty note pages: Why was Jesus not married by an early age---it was Jewish custom to marry even at ages as young as 13 years. Your Bible says He was apprenticed to His father Joseph, the carpenter. Further, records indicate that Jesus was absent at the time of His father's death, which is said to have occurred around Jesus' 20th year. According to the Bible, John the Baptist did not recognize Jesus at first. It should also be remembered that John and Jesus were cousins, and their families lived fairly close to one an­other. If Jesus had spent all of His life in Nazareth, why, then, did John, his own cousin, not recognize Him? So, how come all these things? You ones who are fanatic in your Biblical belief---how many of you knew this tid-bit? It is in your Bible! How you can pronounce another's judgment when you fail your own testing?



We have continually told this scribe that she would be attacked, attacked and attacked again. We have told her it would be most painful indeed as attention came into her consciousness of WHO would be the ones who would ultimately denounce her after first telling her that her work was perfection, These very ones warned her at onset of the work in August of 1987, that those she per­ceived to be "friends" would turn away and it would break of her heart--but it must not break of her spirit.

You ones within the group of readers must know that these latest blows unto her have been most critical for her spirit is sorely tried. It is most serious in­deed and as you ones who are close tend to tease and discount, you must be patient for her heart is truly damaged.


You ones continue to draw sides and war over who's truth is truth. Well, let us understand something right now, before we go further---you have free-will to choose up your own set of truths and I honor them-------THAT DOES NOT MAKE YOUR TRUTHS TO BE TRUTH! PONDER IT!

When we tell you that Issa, Esa, Esu, Immanuel, Jmmanuel, Hesus, Emme­nauel, White Buffalo Calf Woman, Standing Bear, Buddha, Quetzalcoatl, etc., etc., etc., are ALL THE ONE, YOU MUST BEGIN TO REALIZE IT IS TRUTH AND STOP CRUCIFYING HIM OVER AND OVER AGAIN.


Many accounts of the travels of Jesus were a result of visions that man pro­jected. But from where did these visions originate? They came from "The Book of God's Remembrance", or the "Akashic Records", "Akasha" being Sanskrit meaning "Primary substance", or the Spirit of God, as the origin of all things is God.

There are, however, accounts of this "Christ's" travels that do not rely on vi­sions. And if Jesus did travel through and about the lands would there not be folk legends or accounts of His travels and visits, or at least references to Him somewhere in those countries? The answer, of course, is emphatically--YES!

The oldest reference to "Jesus" can be found in a set of Hindu scriptures called THE SHRIMAD BHAGAVATAM, which has been described as "the fruit of the Vedas and Upanishads" and "the embodiment of the Lord Him­self" in this age--the Kali Age, the Age of Chaos, or End Times. THE SHRI­MAD BHAGAVATAUM is similar to the Judea-Christian Bible in that it re­counts the lives of great saints and sages as well as the teachings of the Lord Himself throughout the ages. It accurately chronicles historical events such as the creation of the universe and this world, and the Great Flood that covered the earth, the only difference being that this account of the flood is at least 1000 years older than. the account of Noah found in the Bible! By golly, it ap­pears that the energies of higher Source "pilfered" man's personal writings even back before "Creation".

It also contains a section remarkably similar to the lines of kings and rulers found in Daniel of the Old Testament. Of course the kings and the duration of their rule mentioned here refers to India, but it is every bit as accurate, his­torically, as is Daniel's with regards to Middle Eastern rulers.

The birth and life of the Lord as Shri Krishna (oh, ee-gads) is recounted as well as the prophecies and predictions that preceded His coming at that time. (I'm sorry, chelas, but you are going to get truth spread before you---it matters not what garbage you have been previously fed.) Also prophesied is the birth of the Lord as the Buddha (oh, faint!) including the area in which the Lord would be born: "When Kali (the age of chaos) sets in, He (the Lord) will be born in Magadha (North Bihar, India) as Buddha with a view to deluding the enemies of God" Lord Buddha was indeed born in 563 B.C. in ancient Kapilavatthu, which lay in North Bihar, India---Sorry!


"People in that age (the age of Kali and the time of Christ's coming) turn out to be greedy, immoral and merciless, enter into hostility without cause and are unlucky and extremely cov­etous. (I would guess that is a pretty accurate description of the rulers at that time!) The Sudras (lower classes or poor la­borers), fishermen, and the like take the lead. Ah yes, poor Si­mon Peter.

It must be recalled that most of the very early followers of Jesus were the humble of lower classes as described by society standards. They flocked around Him for He gave them hope of a brighter future. It should also be remembered that Jesus' closest disciples were mostly fisherman, including Si­mon Peter, Andrew, James, and John, among others---poor weary Peter, al­ways destined to be "fisher of men".

Throughout the SHRIMAD BHAGAVATAM the word "Isa" is found. "Isa" means "God" or "Lord of Created Beings". It is interesting to note that the Moslems, who believe Jesus was a great prophet, call Him "Isa". Coinci­dence?

The Buddha, too, foretold of the future incarnation of God on Earth. When He was about to leave this physical plane, His disciple tearfully said to Him, "Who shall teach us when thou art gone?" And Lord Buddha replied":

"I am not the first Buddha (enlightened one--avatar--Son of God) who came upon earth, nor shall I be the last. In due time another Buddha will arise in the world, a Holy One, a supremely enlightened One, endowed with wisdom in conduct, auspicious, knowing the universe, an incomparable leader of men, a master of angels and mortals. He will reveal to you the same eternal truths which I have taught you. He will preach His religion, glorious in its origin, glorious at the climax, and glo­rious at the goal, in the spirit and in the letter. He will proclaim a religious life, wholly perfect and pure; such as I now pro­claim."

The disciple asked, "How shall we know Him?"

And the Buddha said, "He will be known as Metteyya, which means 'He whose name is kindness and wonderful'."

Was He talking about Emmanuel Jesus (and his name shall be called "Wonderful")? Well, it is most interesting that Jesus has been described as the embodiment of compassion, kindness, and Divine Love. In artwork He is frequently shown pointing to His Sacred Heart--the symbol of kindness and Divine Love. This, coupled with the fact that His followers were to be fisher­men, certainly gives some weight to the possibility that Lord Buddha was re­ferring to Emmanuel, the Pale Prophet.


You who "would rather perish than be Buddhist" better harken up. After hearing Jesus speak, the Buddhist priests themselves recognized Jesus as be­ing "The Holy One", the reincarnation of the Lord whose advent had been prophesied by Lord Buddha almost 600 years earlier!

"Now, Vidyapati, wisest of the Indian sages, chief of the Buddhist temple heard the Hebrew prophet, and he said,

"You priests, hear me speak: We stand today upon a crest of time. Six times ago (six centuries ago) a master soul (Lord Buddha) was born who gave a glory Light to man, and now a master sage stands here in the temple - - -

''This I Iebrew prophet is the rising star of wisdom, deified. He brings us a knowledge of the secret things of God; and all the world will hear His words, will heed His words, and glorify His name. You priests of the temple, stay! be still and listen when He speaks; He is the Living Oracle of God.'

"And all the priests gave thanks, and praised the Buddha of Enlightenment ("Jesus" Emmanuel Christ)."

Dharma, let us have a break please, before we move further into the legend for it is most important indeed that ones realize a continuing thread beyond AND THEY CALLED HIS NAME IMMANUEL. If you recall as we left off it was noted that in his continuing travels he was not known as Jesus (which actually he was not in Galilee), but rather, Isa (Isla, Esu, etc., you can look back as I shall not repeat it herein). Remarkable! The threads are all there if you but look and we cannot cause you to look unless we refer to documents and histories already in placement upon your world. I shall no longer sit quiet while arrows of accusations are slung against my Commander and Master Guide. TRUTH AND THE WORD ARE HIS NAME AND SANANDA (GOD) IS HIS LABEL. HOW DAREST ONES UPON THIS WON­DROUS CREATION CAST ACCUSATIONS OF DARKNESS AND THIEVERY UPON HIS PERFECTION? TAKE CARE THAT YE NOT BE FOUND STANDING AT THE DOOR WITHOUT THY CREDEN­TIALS FOR ENTRY. SO BE IT FOR THE WISE ENOUGH To HEAR AND SEE. YOU WHO THINK YOURSELVES SO FILLED WITH GREAT AUTHORITY AND WISDOM ARE IN NO-WISE WISE; IN­DEED YOU ARE MOST FOOLISH OF ALL MANKIND. SALU!