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  1. #4
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ #12
    Chapter 10
    Thursday, January 11, 1990 12:30 p.m. Year , Day 148
    Sananda to continue. Thank you.

    We will resume responding to DG’s questions, please.

    “Why must the man give payment in silver or ? to the woman he will marry for her security if she is equal in spirit to man? Is it because in most cases she will bear his children and need his protection and security?”

    Yes, this is in part true but there are other reasons also. Do not forget that at the time of the writing of the particular document under point, there were usually “arranged” marriages and in fact, a dowry was expected from the female to the male.

    Please further note that the price was to be figured in such a way that for each year of her life one hundred pieces of silver should be the basis, measured according to their knowledge, her ability, and her strength, provided her health was not lacking. Also, the price was not to be considered as that of purchase, but as security for the woman, should circumstance arise which would cause her to be lacking. In addition, the sum would go to a most trusted steward who would be handling her possessions.

    This would, therefore serve as a sum should the husband be killed or otherwise absent and in relative meaning, act as what you now call insurance. At that time, it was further understood without demand, that substance would be set aside in addition for any children birthed into the marriage. This was set up solely for security and “responsibility” as caretaker.

    All manner of “gross” misconceptions came from these rules. For instance, it was later dreamt up that a brother should take as wife his brother’s widow and in fact, bear children “for his brother”. WRONG! That would appear to me to be some rather evil excuse to get that which is only a woman’s to give in payment for caretaking on the part of the brother. Do you see how man tempers in everything of value and rewrites to suit himself? The logical reasoning and fact is that no one can do anything such as have a child “for” another.

    It was basically assumed that if you gauge the number of years of age the woman would be at marriage and her worth, that she could live that equal number of years after a husband’s departure or remarry, etc., within that period of time. Once again, responsibility and a show of respect for the equality of the contribution although of difference in types of contribution.

    “Since most of us on this planet have committed some of these and other sins against the Laws of Creation, how can we be forgiven by the Creation? And how do we go about getting ‘straightened up’?”

    You move forward from the “now”. It is not even expected that you can snap your fingers and all will be different and you will be perfection. By the simple attention and care to the correcting has already produced the “forgiveness”. Even the term is not quite correct, for there is actually nothing to “forgive” as such. You simply have made errors, which after all, is all that “sin” is, the falling short of perfection. Further, all mankind sins for all man is short of the ability of total perfection.

    If you have intentionally hurt no one, simply go thy way, do not sit and dream up possible injuries to punish of self. Self-punishment is the weakest of all ventures for you will usually judge yourselves too harshly in the ending. Leave major judgments to yourself and God in the judgment time. You will know if you deliberately injured another through intention. The major point in change is to cease lamenting about that which is done and past and take that which can be changed and move forward. If a thing cannot be changed, be wise enough to leave it.

    “Does the Creation destroy any of its Creations? I am referring to the evil ones of Satan, I mean what becomes of those who have chosen the “dark” path?”

    No! And here is where it is unfortunate indeed, for mankind, that the fact of reincarnation was removed from your Holy Teachings. By removing the term and knowledge, you deleted the very cause of the experience in the first place. Believe me, chelas, it was all in the Holy Books and was deliberately removed in order to maintain control of one group that of another. I shall cover that at great length in a forthcoming Journal.

    Physical, third dimensional physical experience is a “play” in which you are destined to fill basically all parts. Your soul is birthed and grows and matures through the experiences both in the present compression and in higher realms in order to grow again into the total perfection of God-ness, to again become ONE with Creator.

    In every instance of Christ incarnation, it was a gift to show you the FACT of no death of soul and abundant and continuation of true LIFE. The Christ energy as man would experience and show that man can truly live the Laws of God and Creation in all circumstances and in fact, by doing so, bring balance and goodness into a very dank and dingy existence. It was even more smug and elite to proclaim that God would have only sent forth ONE. Further, at the time of impasse in a time in which the world could sink very little lower into evil and anguish, one would always come forth to point the direction of truth, bring forth again, the WORD and do whatever necessary at the time and in the circumstance present at the moment, to remind mankind of his truth and purpose and remind him of the Laws and how he must live. You see, if man had returned to the Laws of the Creation at the time of Jesus, you would have managed to return balance to the sagging planet. Man was in desperate straits but the planet, at least population and ecology wise, could have remained in balance and righted her own ills. Man simply increased in numbers and decreased in his own balance and caretaking responsibilities to all life, all relations. Therefore, at a given point you are set for self destruct. It does not mean total “destruction” and life soul energy is never destroyed.

    Now, I shall point out a reminder to you ones who have been made privy to the questions and responses of Hatonn to TD, and clear a few points with ones who have not.

    When Lucifer as head of the Archangelic realms and who was the favored and beautiful creation of God was expelled from the presence of God, “to shape up”, he took his followers and ran rampant about the Universe tearing up the places upon which they inhabited. As a matter of fact, Earth herself had to be “reclaimed” in order to make it habitable for new creations. Earth was, further, to be a place where Satan was banished (Lucifer’s name was changed by God, to Satan). Lucifer means the bright and most brilliant morning star, the greatest perfection. When evil entered, he obviously no longer could wear that sign around his neck.

    Lucifer defied God and was stricken from God’s presence to mend of his ways. Many hordes of angels went with him. Later, after failure to either mend of his ways or to take his place elsewhere he again defied God and this time he was “cast down” in a confrontation with Archangel Michael and was tossed out on his ear. “Cast down” and “fallen” designate not direction, but rather a “falling from Grace”. He was sent to Earth and other planets of such density, and he has destroyed the balance and brought one catastrophe upon another to the peoples. The facts are that he and his band of hoodlums went first to the constellation of Orion prior to Earth. Just as all planets in your solar system are not as is Earth, neither are all planets and places of Orion. There are still places in these constellations which are totally evil. They are, however, for all practical purposes, prisoners to the planet, if not at least the constellation. As technology is remembered and increases, abilities to travel increase and colonies are begun and hence the cycles begin again and again.

    There is always the “opportunity” for change and the returning within the Creator’s flock.

    Satan and his bands of hoodlums hit all the young colonies and caused untold devastation. They destroyed the life forms on Venus and Mars as they worked their way through the Galaxy. This is why the spin off or recognition of the “Reptilian” races. You are talking about an invisible realm and the reptile is representative of the “dark” forces. It is also why, in your more recent mythology, Venus is the “planet of Love’ for it still exists in its fourth dimensional state of “rightness”.

    Creator always provides a “reentry clause” which binds any evil from a recovering placement for a period of time. Then again Satanic influences are allowed, probation if you will. Those who chose the dark path are given opportunity to again experience and, hopefully, change of their ways. Los, all of you have walked in those shoes also. NOW, WHAT WILL YOU DO? TO BE OR NOT TO BE, THAT IS THE QUESTION!

    Those of “darkness” are given truth and ability to “change”. Choosing to not leave of satanic ways they are left to the consequences and as the souls come for they are again placed in dimensions suitable to the level of growth. The totally evil are left to express in the “void”, the absence of light which means actually, lack of wisdom and knowledge. Either way, the planet is basically cleared of life forms and energies go where their suitable placement might be. Satan is bound (kept from impact) against those remaining; the planet changes and recovery begins. The higher beings of the planet and her transitioned beings move on into a higher dimension and the lower self (body, as you might think of it) is left to reclaim, the sunken continents rise and the old goes into recycling.

    The final clash comes for Satan is a “poor loser”! “If I can’t have it, no one shall.” A that point it must be stopped or he would surely destroy the entirety of the manifested “stage” and the play would stop and the repercussions of an exploded planet in the Universe is devastating to your neighbors.

    While you are in the midst of “experiencing” manifestation, there is no way you can truly understand “illusion of experience”. Creator has arranged it that way in order that you experience and learn truth. I remind you, the astral planes are indeed most unsavory; you cannot conceive what “boring” actually is until you remember that experience. You must travel a long, long way up the ladder to again be able to have choices, etc. It surely behooves you to pay attention now and then head straight for home. It is a true loss when a higher soul form is lost to the physical, for there is confusion on the next “departure’. This, because a soul does not actually regress but you surely can get set off onto the side track.

    Blessings are great unto you ones who seek understanding, especially that you do not mislead others along your path by erroneous answers. It is a responsibility, not that you do it for them, but that you feel responsibility, especially as you send forth the WORD. It takes “time” to become discerning and it is not that you cannot figure out your own answers, it is that you simply need the confirmation of your correct answers and a little more insight where the answers are yet clouded. You who work most closely with us at this time do “have one foot firmly planted on the Earth reality and the other planted somewhere in the cosmic realm.” Further, it is a most painful situation, not at all the wondrous separation from worldly cares, just more responsibility, heavy vision and long, hard hours of work. As Little Crow stated, “You don’t gain anything by the knowledge except fitful nights without sleep and a most heavy load of responsibility indeed.” But ye shall be given a peace within that will surpass all about you, it will not remove all the doubts, the sorrow, the frustrations, the longing, etc., but ye shall at some point know of the peace within. You will long for the “old ways” when it was OK to have the new and beauteous furniture and lovely clothing, so, do well, and continue to have them. That, so man can see that being within the light is also wondrous and prosperous.

    As contentment comes, so comes the change in daily values and things which “were important” often no longer have any importance whatsoever. Allow it to happen and do not struggle nor kick thy own backsides at every turn or decision. Ye are HU-MAN, THAT MEANS HIGHER UNIVERSAL MAN. IT IS SIMPLY TIME THAT YOU REMEMBER IT.

    You will all have incredibly horrendous times of it where you judge and complain and strike out and are totally miserable, that does not mean that the following day need also be lost. That means you are growing and that you are expressing the frustration of your humanness.

    You must rise above “fear”, that does not mean that at times you will not be completely consumed with terror and healthy fright. These can be most wondrous warning devices, but you must rise above “fear” for “fear” is the most destructive and debilitating emotion, even greater than “hate”. Fear immobilizes. The basis of all inaction is fear motivated and fear cannot survive in the presence of love.

    This is why, when you clear of your “space” and ask the darkness to remove itself in the name of Divine Source, you are calling in “love” and thereby removing the only weapon the “dark ones” have to immobilize you. Respect negativity, do not wallow in it.

    It is impossible for you precious ones to raise your heads and look around , see that which IS and refrain from sticking thy heads back into the sand bucket. It is truly a mess, a terrifying mess and at first you feel you are the ones out the marching step. But, LISTEN, REALLY LISTEN, to that which others toss at you in a “reasoning and authoritative tone of voice” and check on validity. For instance, if ones says, “Well, I am the sole and single ‘channel’ for ---“ (for one of the great energies, say one of the mighty Cohans or Angelic beings, honor their opinion and go your separate way. God would never ask a being to bear the Earth burden alone, nor would he deprive those children on the opposite side of a planet access to truth. This does not mean that, that speaker might not have great truth to share, it does mean that physical ego has entered into the picture.

    I can further example the above statement. If Dharma were to be mine only scribe, I would never burden her with such a statement, NEVER! Statements to the contrary are to prevent you from hearing another. For instance, Dharma cares not whether or not all of you read and hear every other mouth aboard the planet, in the long run her truth is “the truth” and it will match of others and mismatch with some. Woe be unto those that hold their “fans” hostage to a lie.

    Most “groups” and doctrines are pretty sure their truth will not measure up to this truth and in fact, most will certainly not do so. Rather than adjust and make an even greater contribution, however, they will set about discrediting. Ye ones simply must waiver not. It is most hard for Dharma, for she loves those ones and loves to share the experience. She always questions if we are contradicted and well she must, however, seek truth and ye shall recognize truth.

    All ones of enlightenment have made great contributions, but always become most suspecting if ones fear to share their followers and readers for they fear the denouncement of that which they project. If you know your truth is truth, you are most happy to share with all who will receive. It is a most wonderful sorting tool indeed. If a “channel” refuses on any grounds to allow his/her “energy speaker” to share with and commune, in a group, with that “energy speaker” of another “channel”, you have a REAL FAST PROPHET AT HAND! You will find none who come this route the least hesitant to confront or commune with any “invisible” energy form. Discern well, chelas, for these are the clues unto which you seek. I have many references to offer you along these very lines. There may be a lack of recognition on the human level but NEVER on the level of energy source.

    I recall a very unpleasant day when there was great confrontation with Hatonn in which one present was speaking for Morya. The human entity involved did not recognize when Aton took the floor but Morya did and said ‘thank you Father, for the most necessary and loving lesson”. Darryl Anka did not recognize Hatonn but most certainly Bashar did and there was a great cross conversation. Most often the “channel” involved, if speaking in his/her own behalf, will fall into complete confusion and the façade becomes totally apparent.

    It is most forgiving of the higher energies for ones whose groups have become large organizations for what is the precious “channel” to do? Who will pay the bills for all those “organizers” if the “energy” fails to show up to a seminar? Has it happened? Thousands and thousands of times and the little “channel” does his/her very best to pull it off and not disappoint anyone. After a while he/she is no longer burdened with “business” and finally the entire package is destroyed by evil, it is a pattern, not the exception. It is most difficult for those “channels” indeed and there was usually not original “sin” involved. Although, in most cases it was a sham from onset. Do not waste your time in concern about them for truth shall out and the evil shall consume of itself. Rebuttals from those groups can only assist in our work.

    Man is curious about that which is denounced, banned and censored and will seek diligently until he can find out all about the matter. Never be distressed at those who throw stones, especially in the public media, etc., for they do you great favor. We speak truth and you have naught to fear for it is intended that it shall find ear and eye.

    It may not be what ones “wish” to hear, but it will be truth and the hearts of man shall know it! So be it and Selah!

    Dharma, close this please for there are questions for Hatonn and I have spoken long. I trust I have brought more peace than confusion, for it is my intent to allow for understanding and not further discomfort.

    I move aside but remain ever in your service.


    PJ #12
    CHAPTER 11
    Thursday, January 18, 1990 8:00 a.m. Year 3, Day 155
    Hatonn present to commune with ones who have asked response. Thank you. I would hope that you might share this document with several as we shall effort at responses which will be “generic”.

    First of all, to PY and MB, Aton received and understands; the time of plenty is nearing. It may require relocation of some ones but do not ponder and worry over it at present. I see that we have come into the cycle of unfolding an outline which will allow more input. It will also explain why it is not yet time to stir, rumble and boil in your present circumstance. We are still “reaching out and touching some ones”. Let’s refer to it as the first three hundred forty seventh “call of the Phoenix”. We chuckle over this for you will recognize of the mark on your forehead, God never did say it would be on the outside! The realization hits you somewhere between the eyes as the ears and eyes come into focus in response to the nudge. You ones are the “grounding” of the energies. That, too, unlike what ones are doing in the running about hugging trees and “grounding” everything, you are actually acting as the grounding “point” at which positive becomes negative and returns for its reverse cycle back to source.

    Think in terms of Aton (God, Central Sun, Source, whatever) as the big transformer “mother station” in the sky. You ones are the little sub-stations scattered around. Picture billions of “fiber optices” scattering in every direction and being grounded somewhere by some thing. You make up the living circuits of life and some of you have substations all over the place, routed through larger substations (Hatonn, Sananda, Silver Ray, Wakan Tanka---) but always back to home office! Some have moved so far from the circuitry as to have practically no return to the focus but a severance of the circuit is NEVER DONE BY ATON.

    I am parablizing for a reason; for I think it will make it easier to see what comes next. You see, you have at some point in experience come to this mass of density as one of the “fallen” ones to gain of your lessons. As you grow you become the teachers and return for purposes far beyond your consciousness. At this time, it is to see to it that the “Phoenix” can be rebirthed in glory. You are in the time of the Crucifixion of the Phoenix; the dying and the death throes of a world out of control and in the Kali Yuga (time of total chaos).

    We are taking many of the works already presented by man upon your place and simply returning the truth to your attention. We find that a book written even a while ago is not picked up again to be reread, no matter how wondrous. Man wants to be told anew and perhaps in a different manner. If all of you would go back and read all of Antony Sutton’s books on just the Skull and Bones, and Gary North’s works, and Ron Paul’s and, and, and --- but man does not so we must prod and prod and make Dharma work. Our efforts are to pull it into a set of reminders to that you can stretch out and come into complete confirmation of truth, then we can move like your proverbial “gang busters”.

    This is also the reason, however, at this time we must speak in riddles and decline answering questions which are not suitable for our “enemies” to hear or see for we are constantly monitored.

    Yes, of course, Messrs. Tesla, Russell, etc., are thoroughly informed about all current significant apparatus and ongoing procedures upon your orb. That is the reason that only a selected one or two are receiving such pointed information and visitation, that you might come into recognition of your own important contribution which is always hidden from your total understanding in order that you remain available for your major thrust. Mr. Tesla does send one other response to a directed question: “Yes, the earth is basically the grounding of all energy and the most satisfactory way to send wireless energy is through the medium of the earth itself. It is unfortunate that so much of the mineral and liquid life stream of the earth is being relocated but you will find before all is finished in this particular curtain call that you will have new medium with which to work.”

    “There is one thing which needs some attention, please. We will be building a small apparatus which will attach to the base of the power production wind machines to work off the wasted vibrations of the machines themselves. There is also one who will come into attention who carries around mental documentation given him by “Silver Ray” some two years ago which shall be of benefit in concept for energy production. If ones come into comfort and wish to participate, we shall introduce the players. We cannot suddenly introduce the solutions for they would never be allowed. There will come the moment of perfection for bringing them forth in security. It is sad indeed, that it must be this way but it does make for a most interesting experience and challenge. Always you ones must remember that this is an experience and enjoy that which you are, or are not, given for the fun is truly in the playing. I shall shortly direct a full discussion on “ground” association, but I must wait in line today. Thank you, Dharma. Tesla to out”.

    Oberli, make a tape of Silver Ray’s message and perhaps add to it, Ashtar’s direct message to Dharma and allow it to be forwarded to GG, GWN and JB. It is time they are privy to the original contacts. It has truly required this length of time to bring Dharma’s training to this receptive point and I thank you ones for honoring this scribe for we, too, are so well pleased and we have moved more rapidly than any of us could have hoped for, as she has blossomed like a lotus and has served, sometimes in 24 hours shifts at the pen or keyboard, only to be followed by taped audio presence. This means, of course, that all who are around her must duplicate the hours in distribution. It has been a long, hard run but the rejoicing is truly in the results which ARE Happening. EVEN ABROAD IT IS AWAKENING THE SLEEPING DOVES. BLESSED ARE YOU PRECIOUS BROTHERS AND EVEN MORE GRATITUDE IS GIVEN UNTO YOU ONES WHO HAVE STRUGGLED THROUGH THE YEARS TO BE READY FOR THE BREAKTHROUGH.

    PY & MB, do not be concerned about the responses in the area of Sedona. Let me explain, please. When you have a vortex which is so highly active and ones of truth begin to gather, all effort is poured into the area from the Satanic elements, mostly just “experiencing”, “being” and searching little people. All of you had to come into recognition. As the attention and wherewithal falls away and the “fad” passes, the genuine lighted workers come up through the confusion and jangle of energies and emerge like the butterfly. The others drop away, or in recognizing the truth of the situation, settle in to prevent your efforts from bearing fruit. That is exactly what has happened to ones at “the Gatehouse”. The brotherhood has surrounded the place as a cocoon and the little light within cannot reach of the multitudes which is her very birthright.

    We have hit “THE NEW AGE MOVEMENT” as being the most deadly movement to hit your world, just as with the orthodox theologies. The “movement” is as controlled and corrupted as can possibly be to accomplish exactly that which it has, a falling away into mysticism, magic and inaction. In effort to be “non-judging” man has foolishly taken up total lack of discernment. You “seekers” are the bait and end up the prey of the beast afoot. There are hundreds of places filled to overflow with searching ones who have fallen to the entrapment of the darkness of these hot-beds of Satan. That is one reason the location of this area is by and largely unknown, and it must remain that way. Ones have intended to be in this location but were required to go elsewhere to pull those energies away from this resource. Beloved little Sister is the predominant one. She and the henchmen had picked out facilities in this place and we required them relocate in this interim time. The training of this scribe would have been all but impossible with the presence of the ones who clung to Sister. Oh yes, you can fool the Satan beast, for he, too, must work through the human and he trains his humans in the ways of greed and evil; that is why the “drug war” war. Evil has risen against evil vying for goods and breaking the pecking order in greed and despotism. WE MUST BE PREPARED TO PICK UP THE PIECES AND HEAL THE AFFLICTED WHEN THE SMOKE CLEARS AND THE SERPENT EATS OF ITSELF. WE MUST BE PREPARED WITH A MODEL WORKING SOCIETY, ALBEIT IT SMALL AND THE PREPARATION FOR NURTURING THE TINY QUETZAL AS IT COMES FROM THE BIRTHING ASHES. OH YES, WE CAN MOST SURELY DO IT. WHEN THE CLAN IS ALERT AND READY, THE BUILDING CAN BEGIN AND YOU WILL HAVE THAT WHICH YOU NEED AND YOU WILL MOVE LIKE THE WILDFIRES.

    I wish this message sent to GWM, please. But we shall answer his correspondence separately because of its highly confidential material. But we do desire that he know we have it and we are counseling to see how best to respond.

    At this present time there is NO WAY to protect any earth equipment from the dark forces and with the most recent satellites in place, it simply is not worth the effort. As we move along here it will be most feasible indeed. First, we must establish credibility, and then we must put forth the vision of Sipapu Odyssey after which it will be obvious that even the Christos has participated. Then we can openly control our own circuits and the Grey Beasts will find they cannot have it all “their way”. The U.S. is not at all lost if you but pull together within this decade. This is why the focus must remain predominantly in this sector. There are others at work about the world and the books should go forth as widespread as possible, but you can now count on trouble for the last thing the “Cartel” will tolerate is anything that represents freedom. The massive maneuvers in the Communist Bloc are political and it will remain to be seen whether or not the people shall prevail. The things “given” will be measured indeed to funnel the people into doing exactly that which the Cartel desires. It will appear to be freedom, it will be a gift of chains in the forms of loans and credit cards, etc., which will lock them right into the beast which has its tentacles all over your local heavens. What appears to be freedom is the worst bondage man has ever considered. THIS IS THE CRUCIFIXION OF THE PHOE]]NIX!

    The next Journal shall be called by that name. It will relate the prophecies to the moment. It will repeat and repeat THE PLAN and, to keep it handbook size, will stop prior to integrating it totally within THE CHURCHES and the CRUCIFIXION OF GOD. Well, God does not intend to be crucified again, surprise for the little dark brothers! HE DOES NOT INTEND TO BE AGAIN CRUCIFIED! HOLD IT IN YOUR HEART! That means that you ones will have to read it presented in two or three different ways, all basically saying identical messages, until you REALLY HEAR IT! Most ones have a “snooze alarm” on their alarm clocks and it requires pushing it several times. We need to speak a bit more of Skull and Bones, The Plan 2000, the Trilateral's and the Council of Foreign Relations and I repeat the request that all coming into attention of the Journals, make sure the publisher gets information of any and all publications backing up these Journals. Our intent is to protect ALL of you primarily and long-term. Any books or articles sent to the publisher should be forwarded on to the scribe’s location for she lives in total blindness and those confirmations “make her day!” It is hard indeed to not know, for instance, that Rhonda is JB’s wife and Dorothy is his aunt. She must have confirmation of her material for she already goes through the periods of being confident that all of this comes from Girard’s description of “an insane mind”. She lives with her ears plugged and electronic noise saturating her brain constantly. We play music to her until she comes to work aboard craft at sleep, to allow for quiet enough to go into sleep. Herein, I shall tell you something, to this little group of receivers. Some of you already know; most do not.

    This area is important indeed. This is known as Tejas Shape, the four corners, if you will, of Mu. The dwelling of the scribe is on the North-eastern edge of a crystal of some two and a half miles in diameter, midnight blue and filled with a starburst, throughout, of gold. It is the navigation, communication center of this sector. The activity from that crystal is enough to blow ones off the hill at times and few people live immediately on it. Our intention is to keep it that way. So, there are many things of priority which must be tended with the flowing of funds. The major portions of these one’s work is totally unknown to the rest of you and perhaps Oberli or Ilsie can enclose just our list of necessary projects for this area.

    Proposals have been put forth for the upstarts and now we await the conclusion of financing plans and the bottom out of your economy. The timing must be perfection for we must utilize the gifts wisely indeed, and YOU must attain them in a most earthly manner for protection. We cannot simply manifest millions of dollars; it is simply not feasible or permitted. YOU ONES MUST ALWAYS KEEP IN MIND THE COSTMIC LAWS OF NON-INTERFERENCE IN A FREE-WILL SOCIETY.

    GG, I would believe TD would enjoy a copy of this message, please. He actually needs to be introduced to GWM; at any rate it is time to make that connection.

    You are all going to find that among you will be found all the talents and knowledge to put into operation everything under question. Earth man bears all the pieces and you will simply begin to recognize them. There will also be “defectors” from the Cartel who will bring you things which exist already, as truth begins to burst through.

    By the way, you ones look at these Journals and already you have a perceived barrier to distribution. Space men and discarnate beings, whatever happened to “pen” names? It seems to me that Mark Twin did alright. If truth is truth, overlook the source and focus on the truth of it. Who should care from whence truth arises? But, man must get use to us as well so that when we do show up, he is prepared. Beloved ones, you are getting there for we plan to do our own “show” in Sipapu. No offence to Wally Gentleman’s special effects. We’ll give him better photo equipment in exchange. Yu ones have some exciting rewards right on the horizon. Keep your calendars a bit loose.

    P.S., GWM: GG doesn’t have your document THE MAGIC OFLIVING FOREVER, but I would appreciate him having your works as well as extra copies for this scribe. We “borrowed” from a local friend. Thank you, beloved brother. These are the ways in which we ask you to “hear” us that you might know for whom the bell tolls, so to speak. Be forgiving of us if we seem to take liberties with your personal property, for God never takes without returning ten-fold at least. So be it.

    GG, please forward this on to CH in Colorado. This book from Phoenix Enterprises is most excellent indeed. There are few accidents as the names pop up now, but allow us to get another Journal or two out prior to the printing of that document lest we have claims shouted all about. What is making everyone cross and ready to do battle is that we can write 12 books in as many weeks, cover it along with background documents and not bat an eyelash at it, whereas it takes one like FH, 5 to 7 years to do not even as much. It is a most un-humble human reaction and that is why we will sell more books through our recommendations to acquire the material than any can believe. WE WILL NOT, HOWEVER, RECOMMEND ANY BOOK WHICH HAS DRAWN WRONG AND DETRIMENTAL CONCLUSION. I CARE NOT HOW ACCURATE THE RESEARCH. WHEN THE AUTHORS OF PAPERS COME TO THE PROPER CONCLUSIONS OF TRUTH THEN WE SHALL SUPPORT THEM IN UNDREAMED OF MEASURE. EVEN THE ONES WHO RECEIVE FROM THE ARCTURANS, NOT EITHER TO EXCLUDE THE ‘ALIEN’ MISINFORMERS. SO BE IT.

    Dharma, hold the material from GWM for more detailed response; I simply wish to acknowledge the receiving of it. We shall keep it most safely secured. I believe we have responded to the other outstanding inquiries. Therefore, let us have a break before we return to the Journal. I know you have already forgotten that we actually have already written two or three segments. You will have to go back and review. It is equally important, chela that these personal responses go forth, in fact, it is more important to the immediate personnel involved. I shall move to stand-by and allow you to have a break. We shall remove the growth on your left hand tendon, Dharma, as I see it is giving you concern and discomfort. The lumps to the side of your wrists are simply muscle enlargement from the typing. Yes, we also look forward to having a couple or so “instrumental” Dharmas but not nearly as much as does SHE! We would grow most lonely for one another, however, and my little family here would be so sorely missed to us. We could, however, perhaps have more time for the personal visits. It shall all come in its proper sequence. Please do not cease your concern and a projection of ideas for that is exactly what will change of the circumstances. So be it and I salute you for we revel in our family.

    Salu, Haton to clear frequency, please. AHO

    PJ #12
    CHAPTER 12
    Saturday, January 20, 1990 7:30 a.m. Year 3, Day 157
    Jesus present, Dharma, to respond once again to the slings and arrows aimed at your heart place. They do not impact of me, little sparrow, but your wounds need tending. This is such a usurpation of time from your work that I request this document be kept separate in that it can be sent to the ones who come after this time. There are hundreds of hours regarding this matter and I would appreciate it if ones who have the time for the searching would locate the segments. In the interim I shall again respond.

    This is in response to a four page letter fro one, James E. Hackett of Sedona, Arizona. A most angry and hostile young man of years in the 29th calendar cycle, on leave from his studies and is a gifted child but who is frittering away of his time at “game building” when the game of life is so much more wondrous. He wishes, or at least he so stated, that he might have “personal” response from me. It is most surely not that which is within his heart but his lips and tongue are loud indeed. His mind is screaming out for truth and help for he feels a failure and has no fulfillment in those things which he does. May my presence touch him that he might see and hear of my words for he is flailing about in pain and unrest. I would ask of him, that he attends my response as dearly as I shall pen the points he “blasts” at me and my contacts. In the name of the Father, Amen.

    It is obvious from his letter that he has little respect for his parent or, for himself. He enjoys speaking without thought and certainly without research or understanding of that which he projects. This is the most usual status of earth man at this cycle in evolvement.

    I honor him greatly for his correspondence although he knows not that which he speaks or presents. Dharma, I request that we quote from his letter and then I shall respond. We will correct all spelling and print errors for the spelling and pronouncement, as presented, would be great distracters. If ones wish copies of the original document we shall be most gracious and supply them upon request to GG.


    Star date 14, January, 1989
    Dear Sananda,

    Greetings from the Earth ship. My name is James Hackett; I am a follower and a believer of the divine energy of Jesus Christ and father God. I am also a cautious and discerning skeptic of those who claim to lead the way to the divine light. You, Sananda, are claiming to be the embodiment of the Christ and as you should know, Christ cautioned his following to be aware of those that would come in his name, and yet lead the way to hell. Last month I saw two such individuals on television with the sincere belief that they were the Christ. There is another that walks the streets of our town.

    My mother is a devout reader of Space Command literature. She has been actively promoting and distributing your material, and has spent a good amount of her time trying to convince me that you are who you say you are. I must be honest with you and tell you that much of what you claim to be truth could only be so to the gullible, fearful, of those searching. I, as the commandment is written, honor my mother. I love her and fear that she will somehow be hurt by her incredible faith and lack of discernment as were others that followed the PTL, Swaggert, and numerous other ministries. In protection of my mother I will either expose you as a fraud or confirm you as the Christ. I hope that you will respond to my questions in person, as well as in print.

    If you are the Christ why have you changed your name? I am bewildered by this and wonder if IBM would ever consider changing the name that has already become a household word. For what purpose would this benefit you? You have attached the Christ name in a sort of loose association. Your revelations about the Bible are interesting, yet I must wonder why, with all your power, did you not insure these supposed truths thousands of years ago. Did you not come to Earth to insure truth then and now? Were Mark, Matthew, Luke and John fiction writers? Apparently the Good book isn’t so good, glad you’re here to clear up this misinformation, never would have thought that Judas was a Saint.

    In a recent popular movie series, the question arose “Why does God need a space ship?”, so why do you? When you visited Earth last, did your spirit arrive in the same manner? Why have you not returned among us to lead us from our temptations in the same powerful and effective manner that you did 20 centuries ago? Why do you now hide in the shadows? I would think the son of God would have more important things to do than loom over Earth and preach impending doom on a weekly basis. What do you do with the rest of your time?

    If you are the Christ, I mean no disrespect, but by your own caution I must qualify you and confirm that you are who you say you are before I follow and moreover have faith in what you say. The Space Command writings, as informative as they may be, seem to use the same tactics to capture a following that many men of evil used in the past to control men. Hitler unified the entire German race against the Jews by pointing them out as conspirators and the root of all German problems. You seem to have the same operation going against all governments in the world; that they are deceiving us and will lead us to our annihilation. I cannot yet believe that with as many elected officials that follow the Christ that this could occur. Surely one man that stands with God would stand forth. Surely God would protect this man as you protect Dharma.

    It is interesting to note the band of people you travel with. Instead of Moses or Buddha, you come with Tesla and Russell.

    Your prophecy of AIDS may well be true, but why, if you possess the knowledge to cure this plague, do you not do so now. I would think that if you materialized on the 50 yard line of the Super bowl and said, “I am the Christ, stop spreading AIDS,” some good would come of it. We are a world governed by ourselves, even moreover these recent days, yet you appear to hide behind some Star Trek directive preventing you from interceding in our affairs (oh yea, except for nuclear explosions). While on the other hand it is all right for you to converse with our government heads whom you accuse of lying, deceiving and every other treacherous action. Yet you are not able to converse with us directly. I am confused!

    I am so hard pressed to believe that with all your sophistication and computers that receive and decode CIA transmissions and what-not, that you are operating with a scribe over a radio transmission which frequency is not privy to all on this planet. If you are capable of receiving and decoding CIA transmissions then surely you are able to present yourself over more conventional methods such as satellite linked television, or at the very least a simple American Standard Code for information interchange to transmit your information directly to your publisher’s computer and give that poor Dharma a complete rest and stop endangering her life!

    You, Sananda, do not speak with the same concise prophetical tongue that you did when you were the Christ. Every word you spoke then meant many things and often required much thought, always concluding, that love and brotherhood would solve any of our problems. Today you come with quite a different message. Enslaving us to fear and absolving yourself from freeing us of the tyranny you preach is impending. Are you no longer the Savior?

    Your recent confrontation with Mr. Cooper leads me to believe that you are operating a profitable business that just became competitive. I fear that you, Sananda, and your comrades, Hatonn and Ashtar, are not working in the light of Christ. Along with the rebuttal to Mr. Cooper’s statements, you threaten that Mr. Cooper would be “stricken down”. Truth need not be brought forth by death and rarely ever is! Do you not know this by now?

    Your association with Ramtha, the greatest modern day hoaxer, is most alarming. Your humble life on Earth, void of wealth, brought many to leave the acquisition of material gain and seek the richness of the spirit. Ramtha, by sharp contrast and her own admission, is involved in a “profit making business”. Are you and the brothers of space command a subsidiary of Knight Enterprises?

    I feel at this point, sir, that you are not whom you profess to be; you are either a sadly disillusioned soul, as those I saw on television, or perhaps you and Dharma are one in the same, or perhaps you care nothing for what you print as most of it seems plagiarized from a multitude of other sources, and excessively repetitive. Indeed, your request for additional material from common Earth beings is questionable. Is not the son of God all knowing? Can you not access all the information you need for us to know on that super special computer you spoke of?

    You reportedly met with archaeologists recently so obviously you are capable of coming to Earth. My mother, father and myself invite you to visit our humble abode in Sedona, Arizona, less than a mile from Sister Thedra. Come to us for a nutritious bread breaking ceremony welcoming your return to Earth. Bring Commanders Hatonn and Ashtar and clear up these important questions. Convince us of your truth and we will be your humble servants from thence forth. Perhaps you would like to meet with a delegation of your current following, or perhaps you would like to meet with me on your ship, give me the co-ordinates and I’ll ready myself for beaming up.

    Bless you, whoever you really are!

    In the highest light of divine order,
    Salu, Salu, Salu!

    Son, be most glad that Dharma and myself are not of the same energy for I fear she would trim thin ears quite severely. Wake up! You are a superb example of “a person of the lie”. You spout that which you do not know and you have not even the respect to “look it up”. For one who is “resting on sabbatical” from higher education, I suggest you return to the lower educational grades for at least 25% of your words are sorely misspelled and the ones you have deliberately misspelled to be ungracious are in most poor taste. Oberli, please make sure that a copy of Mr. Hackett’s letter is returned with this response that he might follow along as he has written the words.

    I shall utilize your “good book”, but in most instances I shall quote from only one place for the document would be hundreds of pages in length if I verified each statement all the appearances within the book. I shall utilize the ‘THE LIVING BIBLE’, “PARAPHRASED, A THOUGHT-FOR-THOUGHT TRANSLATION” OF TYNDALE HOUSE PUBLISHERS, INC., WHEATON ILL., 13TH PRINTING, JULY 1988. I do not believe Mr. Hackett would be in the understanding of the standard King James translation.


    Please refer to the above letter for I shall respond sentence by sentence.

    “Good day unto you, Mr. Hackett. You say that you know the divine energy of Jesus Christ and father God; I suggest that you do NOT! Further, you have no concept of that which you speak. I do not claim to be the “embodiment” of the Christ or anyone else. I am the ascended one Christ Sananda “Emmanuel” of last experience. I have manifested on your placement in many cycles, I have not “re-embodied”. Yes, you have been severely warned of those who would come in Christ’s name and proclaim themselves the “Christos”. If they call of themselves “Jesus” you can have assistance in discernment, I shall cover that in a moment. Can you not refrain from judging those ones who are sorely put upon and find themselves in the believing they are the returned Jesus? Can you not see the torment and pain within them? Can you not have compassion enough to take the hands of those ones and assist them from their pain or must you cast more stones upon their crippled beings? Can you not sit with them, ask me in to clear of the darkness from your space, and hear their story that you might offer truth to fill the empty and screaming call for help from these precious beings? If you have one who walks your own streets, can you not take him aside and hear of his heart? These ones are most often led into the entrapment through drugs and substance abuse and trapped in the lie of Satanic energies to discredit truth as it is brought unto you.

    Or, have you established yourself as God of “their” soul that you can “judge” of them? Can you not effort at changing of a false speaker into a Messiah (MESSENGER OF GOD!) (SON OF MAN!) instead of evil? Or, do you act continually as a tool of evil to draw thy brother away from God-ness? You set yourself forth as judge and jury and executioner of truth! Ponder it, my friend.

    Is there something wrong with Space Command literature? What do you suppose might be wrong with it, in general? I honor your mother for trying to “convince you of who we say we are”. She might consider ceasing her attempts for you have already made up your mind that we are both real and who we say we are. Your ego will not allow you to do other than argue for you are most insecure and dependent upon your parents for your support and worldly comforts and it is easier for you to simply argue and disclaim and reject their wisdom in order to continue to abstain from the practice of any responsibility for your own self.

    You say, “I must be honest with you and tell you that much of what you claim to be truth could only be so to the gullible, fearful, of those in searching.” I say that most of that which is fed into you ones is resting upon gullible ears and efforted at thwarting the searcher of truth. You state that you follow the “commandment” to honor your mother. You state that you love her and fear that she will somehow be hurt by her incredible faith and lack of discernment as were others that followed the PTL, Swaggert and numerous other ministries. In protection of your mother you will either expose me as a fraud or confirm as the Christ.

    I suggest that you do not honor of thy mother, you abuse, ridicule and denounce her. Also to “love”; I believe that you have no idea what the term “love” means. You fear that she will somehow deprive you of attention, worldly goods and your place of comfort for the life-style in which you are so miserably unhappy!

    How can you, at random, denounce me for being other than the ones who project Swaggert, PTL and other ministries when you also claim that I deviate from the teachings of the Good Book which they swing in your face all the while they thrust lies at you? Can you not forgive them, too, in a Christian truth and have compassion for their fall, or do you sit in judgment of ALL? If you denounce all who project the words of your Bible and the ones who effort at correcting misconceptions, who is left? Let me be one of the first, perhaps, to tell you; Satan dear one. “Expose” me as a fraud? I sincerely doubt that you shall expose me for anything for I suggest that you would not make the effort required to either research facts or make announcement. YOU HAVE NO QUALIFICATION TO PRONOUNCE ME CHRIST! SO BE IT!

    You hope that I will respond to your questions in person, as well as in print. You do not hear of me when I confront you personally, my beloved son, you turn away and plug of your ears and make racket with you mouth to insure that you do not hear. I come personally to all who will ask me in and according to your poll within “People” magazine this very month, 25% of your people polled claimed to have had God speak to them.


    I have not changed of my name. Man changed of my label. My name was Emmanuel (often spelled Immanuel and Jmmanuel, meaning God is with us.) Matthew 2:20-23”…For the child within her has been conceived by the Holy Spirit. And she will have a Son, and you shall name him Jesus (meaning ‘Savior’), for he will save his people from their sins. This will fulfill God’s message through his prophets – ‘Listen! The virgin shall conceive a child! She shall give birth to a Son, and he shall be called “Emmanuel” (meaning “God is with us).”

    My name was not Jesus for Saul of Tarsus (he changed his name to Paul to cast off the old recognition as Saul who was the worst persecutor of the followers of truth) gave of me that label from his travels and the Greek translation of (the anointed one). My name was Esu Emmanuel. Actually it was not even spelled nor pronounced in any way which you would recognize in your English.

    My Egyptian name was Sananda albeit it was incorrect for the time in which they affixed it unto me. “Sananda”, just as “Christ”, designates a “category or a definition”. I was not often called Esa and “Master” Esa (pronounced ee-sah) for the term “master” (in Hebrew would mean naught to you) designated youth of maleness. As I grew in knowledge and earned my respect, I was called “Master” as in the terminology of a “Master teacher”. I was actually known as a “Master Cohan” (head-teacher). I came upon your placement in embodiment as a “way shower” and to allow you to come into knowledge that there is no “death”, there is life eternal. You see, man has been distorting truth since the beginning of records.

    Now I shall tell you exactly who I am and why my name is Sananda, for “Sananda” means “The Word of God, One with God, Lord of Lords and King of Kings”. A bit filled with frills and I care naught except for the one which proclaims “ONE WITH GOD’; God being “ATON” – THE “ONE” SOURCE, THE “ONE” LIGHT – CREATOR AND ONE WITH CREATION.

    The Revelation, 19:11-16. “Then I saw heaven opened and a white horse standing there; and the one sitting on the horse was named ‘Faithful and True’, the one who justly punishes and makes war. His eyes were like flames, and on his head were many crowns. A name was written on his forehead and only he knew its meaning. He was clothed with garments dipped in blood, and his title was ‘THE WORD OF GOD’”.


    You suggest that I compare myself with IBM which is a household word. I suggest that you have not really “read” any of the Journals, for I would always answer to “Jesus” for I listen not to words from the mouth but rather that which is spoken within the heart. For if I only answer to “Gee-sus” how could I respond to ones who call me “Hay-suus”? I can think, however, of reasons for the explanation, man has corrupted the teaching of one “Jesus” and follows blindly along. If I perpetuate a lie then I am no better than the Prince of Lies, the King of Evil! If I call you George, James, would you not probably correct my introduction? Even if you were called George for 2000 years and your name be “James” would the label “George” be correct?”

    Dharma, allow us to take a respite for I wish to thoroughly discuss the term “Christ” and my “loose association with it”! Thank you, I shall await your call to resume. Adonai.

    Last edited by wave; 2010-07-02 at 02:43.

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