THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 1991 8:58 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 308


Hatonn present in the Light of God and in the service unto this wondrous Creation. May we come into understanding that the way becomes clearly seen for those who wish to journey home. May our service be in justness and compassion that Man does not lose his way because of us. May only TRUTH be given forth that Man can trust us, the Hosts come/sent to prepare the way. Saalome'.

I am asked, often, why I take the room on the pages to clear of the space and make such a "thing" of dating the material. For two reasons--I want each reader to go within and clear of your space also in acceptance of Truth that you might be shown clearly that it comes from Light and is not more propaganda for the trashing of your world.

Next, we carefully date and time the writings for reference. You ones can pick up any JOURNAL and/or Express (or other writings) and know explicitly, to the minute, when it was received and if you care to mark it--when you receive of it in your hands. Sometimes that particular information is of more confirmation for fact and "proof' of our presence than is the material itself. As a "for instance", I told this group three or more days ago that Mt. Unzen in Japan would produce a far worse eruption than before. That is documented on a taped meeting of record--so that you can see we are on top of things--not as fortune tellers but as ones of farther vision.

Let me show you the difference; we said it would be a worse eruption, etc. We did NOT say on June 10th that on June 20th Unzen would erupt and Japan would slide into the great ocean rift off Japan. (Remember, Japan is prophesied to either greatly or totally be reclaimed by the sea.) The former is telling you a bit early what we see from our vantage point--the other falls into fortune-telling and psychic phenomena--we leave the latter to the so-called psychics, some of whom are truly gifted; most of whom are totally absurd and false to take your money and exchange it from you to them. Not one "psychic" has any ability greater than any one of you if you would but develop your own and it is indeed a false prophet would tell you otherwise.

So, why do I just tell you that Taal in the Philippines will "probably" erupt in even greater measure than Pinatubo? Because if Pinatubo relieves enough undersurface pressure, Taal may settle. However, the facts are if you generalize the entire fissure system running through these islands, you will find that the volcano system is about to blow itself into eternity. If we wished to terrify and spectacularize we COULD tell you that you can expect the entire continent of Mu to rise from the series of activities in the volcano/rift. But you see, I would have told you nothing--for some day the old continent of Lemuria/Mu will rise and the present islands will mostly be underwater--so, I would have told you NOTHING! If you get informed regarding that which is presented--you can begin to fit your own VALID picture into focus and not totally depend on magic for your answers.

This is also why we urge you to become prepared for changes and arrange pro­tection for earth changes and Man-caused disasters, even unto nuclear fallout--because the probabilities are that at some time here in your own lifetime you will need it. You only desire the "WHEN" so that you need do nothing until the last minute and then possibly fail to act in time, i.e., "I will stay in the market and maybe make another 2% on my investment"--when the probability of losing every last cent you have is far more likely. NOW is the time to take action--in both above examples! The world WILL change and the ECONOMY WILL COLLAPSE--it cannot continue in it false shroud of lies. It is reason and logic, not mystical magic projection.

Therefore, in both instances of dating and clearing of these documents--we shall continue with both! If I need to get news to you which would take that minimum of space I would delete something else or add more pages. It is time you demand that ALL give you intent of being in all publications, i.e., the investment newsmen/brokers, etc., and all newsletter and documents bear an explicit dateline. Do you not become irritated to garner an informative article only to have to calculate that it is years old and no reference is made to that fact? If you are to "pick" at our writings, please choose another topic for there will be no compromise on God's intent--we can "negotiate" SOME THINGS--NEVER COMPROMISE TRUTH.

Further, we will NEVER do that which Ted Kennedy and his nephew have just done--utilize correction papers to CHANGE THE CONTENT OF DOCUMENTS WE PRODUCE! You check it out!

I will relinquish topics this morning so that Germain might continue with a much more critical and important subject. I do hope that you readers are already on the list to receive these JOURNALS the minute they are received in print for these last three or four explain THE WORKING ORDER AND HOW, WHAT, WHY AND WHEN IT ALL WORKS--GOD THROUGH THE ENTIRE UNIVERSAL WHOLE. We simply cannot get it into EXPRESSES but unless you ones come into KNOWING, there is no point in this painful confrontation for unless you SOLVE the problem, you have really gained naught and you CANNOT SOLVE THE MASSIVE PROBLEMS WITHOUT UNDERSTANDING WHAT YOU ARE AGAINST! So be it. Blessings. I turn over the forum to Germain.


Yes, I know you thought it was "Violini" but it is a masculine designation which requires your alphabet letter "o". It matters not and it was misspelled on the "legal" registration on your plane and I shall leave it that way for I answer to "Vio" at any rate. Mostly I am simply called Germain and you may also call me same.


We were about to speak and explain your eternal universe when we had to turn attention to your "infernal" universe. Such is the sequence of experience.

The great telescopes of man have revealed thousands of spiral nebulae in the heavens which give the impression of great pinwheels of fire that appear to be unwinding like huge clock springs, which throw out many stars like balls of fire in misty clouds of fire as they unwind. The spectroscopes of the laboratory have shown conclusively that these nebulae are all rushing away from each other with tremendous speeds. This fact has given rise to the assumption that the universe is running down like a clock, and that when all of these hot nebulae have expanded into cold space the universe will die in a cosmic disease called entropy, which means heat-death. Of course, you use the term as "to be buried in this or that" and to be sure, entropy is destructive and chaotic to say the least about it. The theory which gave rise to this particular belief is known as the expanding universe theory. This theory, likewise, arose from another theory which conceived the universe as having had its birth from some giant cataclysm untold ages ago, which caused a huge ball of fire to form. The theory assumed that this cosmic fireball is now splitting up into smaller fireballs and gradually wasting away toward disappearance into the nothingness from which they came.

Well, theories are "most often" incorrect, i.e., there is a theory that if you have enough items you think you need and they are added to the "entropy" that the one you need will eventually resurface from the chaos. The problem is that the item rarely surfaces while you are in need of it specifically, and Man simply goes and buys another--to simply increase the level of entropy. You can have thirty screwdrivers but if you cannot find one with which to turn the screw--you might as well have none.

The human senses are easily deceived by what they see when not compensated by knowledge of what is known but cannot be seen. All rivers run forever in only one direction to the sea. Your senses tell you that but you are not deceived by that effect into believing that rivers will die, because you know that they are forever replenished by mists and vapors which you do not so plainly see. Our universe is as eternal as God is eternal. It cannot die for God cannot die. It is true that all of these nebulae are rushing away from each other. They are on their way to disappearance into the zero from which they appeared. That is the way of all things in Nature. That is what is known as the centrifugal downhill flow of the expressed energy of Nature. Its uphill flow is the centripetal spiral of its beginnings. The eternal balance in this rhythmic universe divides these two expressions of Creation equally. As a matter of fact the entirety of Creation is an uphill flow of expressed energy. Its downhill flow does not require an expression of energy. Its downhill flow is its dissolution. Man can interrupt its downhill flow, however, and make it flow uphill again to multiply potential. Nature continually does just that. Creation is an electric effect of compression. Compression multiplies to accumulate mass. Expansion divides to dissolve mass. Compression is an effort which causes tensions in a vacuous condition. Expansion is that vacuous condition. Motion is always seeking a level. The level EXISTS. Motion simulates existence. It requires effort to divide a level into two levels, but the two become one without effort. Compression is always TWO but expansion is ONE, which the TWO eternally seek.

Life is an expression of interaction between two levels. It requires an effort to maintain the two, but the moment that effort ceases both levels seek the one. That is why life requires continuous effort, but no effort at all is required to die.

The expanding universe concept could be true if revised in the following manner. Instead of one great cataclysm which caused one great ball of heat and flame all at one time in prehistoric times, substitute for it billions of microscopic heat producing balls for every cubic millimeter of this whole universe. These billions upon billions of atomic units come to life and end their life in death, for a duration of probably ten billionth of a second, but they have an accumulative power in potential and mass which adds up into suns. These suns have one life-death frequency in fifty billion years. Time divides and extends as mass multiplies and compresses. Each of the billions of nebulae and suns in the heavens is one of those giant cataclysms which must divide itself and die a heat death. They split up into other fireballs which, in turn, die a heat death. All matter dies a centrifugally dividing heat death, but it also lives a centripetally multiplying heat life.

Heat is a condition which is necessary to the creation of life in inorganic matter as well as in organic. But heat is also necessary to create death. Matter would never disappear if it could be kept cold enough. Matter can die and disappear only by accumulating enough heat to consume itself. The cathode beginning of matter is an immeasurable low degree of heat. The anode ending of matter is an immeasurably high degree of heat. Flame is the maximum consumer of matter. All matter is self-consuming but its creation is an effort of its Creator. The Creator gives, but that which He gives must be regiven. That is law, and law must be fulfilled. Fulfillment is automatic, however. It is self-motivated by explosion from within itself. Flame is self-explosive but the heat which created the flame is a compressive effort.

Creation is an effort of the energy of Mind-desire in its Creator. Mind-desire is expressed by the electric thinking process. With the beginning of thought comes the beginning of the heat of motion. Heat begins when thought begins. Heat concentrates when Mind concentrates. It demands an effort of Mind-energy to concentrate and heat. Electricity expresses that effort. It does not require an effort for Mind to stop thinking and rest. Nor does it require the exertion of an electric force to make hot bodies cool.

Every reaction is within its action. Expanding nebulae are the reactions of the action which consummated them. They are the flame-consuming death end of Creation. They are quite visible to the senses of man, but the beginnings are multiplyings of those accumulations and are invisible to his sensing. Exponents of the expanding heat death universe sit by the dead and dying carcasses of Creation and see only the death ends of living things.

A timeless universe can have no beginning. GOD CAN HAVE NO BEGINNING, NOR CAN HE DIE. LIKEWISE, MIND-THINKING CAN HAVE NO BEGINNING NOR ENDING. ALL MATTER IN THIS ENTIRE UNIVERSE IS THE RECORD OF GOD'S THINKING. This is why Hatonn would say to ones who have been led to believe that certain records are somehow "removed" from the Akashic Records, "IT CANNOT BE SO!" For all thought and matter sprang from God's thought and is recorded within the records of God--ATON and therefore, Hatonn is very likely to be right in most debates--ultimately. If you have doubts regarding that matter I suggest you look at the label appended to Hatonn and study the proper pronouncement of the letters--"a silent H, and you have revealed a great mystery have you not? Matter is forever coming and going, for God is eternally thinking and resting from thinking, in wave frequencies. Electricity is forever recording the comings and goings, the lives and deaths, of God's pulsing thinking. As long as God thinks in pulsing sequences electricity will record His thinking in the pulsing motion of matter. You must know, therefore, that matter is pure thought. This fact the world must someday know. It has been prophesied that the world would someday find this out, but always to now there has been a loss as to WHY.

You must, also, know that every action in human life, or throughout Nature, is an attempt, or even an experiment, in manifesting the law. Such an attempt may well be out of balance and result in discomfort or catastrophe for Man or Nature. The reaction, however, is a fulfillment of the law. The reaction restores balance always. The free will of Man to create chaos, or of Nature to create a cyclone, are equal, but his free will, or Nature's, are limited to the action. The reactions belong to the zero universe of eternal, unchangeable expansion. Unbalanced actions of the transient can in no way affect the eternal, for the eternal is but a multiplicity of compressed pairs of moving units within an omnipresent expansion, which are forever maintaining a great effort to continue their compressed conditions. The moment they cease to maintain the two levels thus required of them to live, they find rest in the one from which they seemingly divided themselves into two to manifest the one. Compression multiplies energy expression. Expansion takes care of itself, for maximum expansion is CAUSE. No energy is needed for matter to die. It is needed only to live.

Creation never began and will never end. Such a concept as the birth of the universe theory now accepted as fundamental belongs to archaic ages, not to this age. Creation is eternal. You are a unit of Creation doing that which is expected of you to do to manifest the Man idea in action. You must, however, learn that you cannot forever remain as body in the universe of simulation, or make believe, which motion is. There are intervals in which you must be wholly Mind to learn your part in the drama of Creation. You must then reappear on its stage in many thousands of rehearsals until you manifest the divinity of the Man Idea instead of his flesh alone. GO BACK AND READ THAT THREE-TIMES-AGAIN.

The time has come when you must now learn that you live in a Cosmic Electronic Vacuum Tube of invisibility, as Mental Beings who project actions from that vacuum condition to manifest your creative desires. READ THAT LINE TEN TIMES.

Look within a television vacuum tube for a moment. All you can see there are flashes of electric light which come and go. They come only because of a Mind-desire to manifest invisible IDEA into visible form. They go when the invisible IDEA has been expressed and the desire for further expression ceases for a while. Ask yourself this question: Will those light flashes remain in that tube unless forced to remain there by a power outside of themselves? You have but one answer. Those light flashes have been created to manifest Mind-Idea in action. They have no energy of their own. They will cease when Mind ceases to desire manifestation by action. What has happened within that vacuum? Mind-thinking has been electrically recorded. That is all that has happened. That is all that Creation is. That is all that electricity is, and that is all it does.

We will carry the example of the electric tube still further. Consider that tube as a miniature replica of the COSMIC VACUUM ZERO of the Creator's Mind. Now
consider it is YOUR Mind. Now follow that up by realizing that there is no light in the tube, because you are not recording your thought-images in it. That is the only reason. The moment you connect the electric pulsations of your divided thinking into that vacuum it immediately begins to record your thoughts in light flashes which come and go as the light flashes of suns and stars of the Cosmic vacuum come and go like flashes of fireflies in the meadow. If you will but think this through in your quiet hours of innersensory perception you will then fully comprehend that the light of motion, which matter is, has but one desire--to escape from the bondage of compression which keeps it forever moving to record Idea instead of resting within Idea.

Every particle of matter in the universe, from microscopic particle to giant sun, desires to explode. The only way it can explode is to generate enough heat within it to explode instantly, or to decay slowly. The slow process of decay merely means that the whole mass cannot generate enough heat to explode the whole mass, but each particle can generate enough heat--according to the melting points of each--to explode it all part by part, over a period of time. The only way that matter can generate enough heat to die slowly, or quickly, is through the speed of compression. If you drive an airplane at 200 miles per hour it will not generate enough heat to die quickly, but if you could drive it at 4,500 miles per hour it would disappear in a white hot flame in seven seconds. This fact has been demonstrated in a wind tunnel experiment at Langley Field, Virginia. I thought I would throw that in for George Green, who some say gets all his information in these writings, from Langley Field. (sic, sic) This effect and an electrical short circuit are identical except for the seven seconds time element.

The only thing which prevents the continual multiplication of heat is the uncreated eternal cold of the omnipresent vacuum which not only surrounds it, but interpenetrates its every part. Cold freezes matter in space to keep it from ex­ploding, just as cold freezes matter in your deep freezer. Cold even freezes the flame particles of suns to imprison them within themselves. Every particle of matter in the universe retains its appearance as a gas, liquid or solid only be­cause it is frozen into the ice of itself. A vast mass of the vacuum cold freezes your sun into its density and keeps it from exploding. Some suns generate heat beyond their melting points and explode as novas, but some of them are conquered by cold before they expand beyond the limits of their exhaustion. They are then subdued for awhile, until they generate enough heat to try it again. This happens many times to many stars before they become permanently subdued. Many, however, explode and disappear.

Compression alone creates density, but compression also creates the heat of re­sistance to tensions. Vacuous cold takes that heat away, however, and leaves only the ice of that heat to simulate substance. Iron, for example, is so closely compressed that it can generate 1,500 degrees of heat resistance to that com­pression, before the eternal cold subdues it. It desires to explode, however, and will do so if you help it by supplying 1,800 degrees from an acetylene torch. Everything on this planet will explode if it can generate enough heat to do so. It has always been trying to do this through the internal fires of compressive resistance, which sometimes reach the surface of the earth through volcanoes.

The earth has reached so far away into cold space from its sun that cold has quite completely conquered it, but Man is now attempting to create conditions which might make it possible to explode. A full realization of the fact that matter is not held together by nucleal attractive action from within, and the knowledge that your earth is held together only by freezing a crust of stone around its internal heat, should deter humans from helping the earth to explode as a whole, as it is continually exploding in every little part of it, which we call growth. We mean by that, that when a small particle generates enough heat from the sun's rays to explode, the cold of its environment freezes it and causes it to refold into a cell of polarized matter. Gradually those cells take on patterns. Tens of thousands of forms of animal and vegetable life then appear. That is the way things grow, and the only way they die is that they are enabled to generate more heat than their normal needs. Living bodies are produced by compression. Dying bodies are liberated by expansion.

Allow us a break at this point, for I ask that all of you readers ponder this for a while, until it clears a bit in the thinking processes. It is a bit easier to digest in limited portions which do not overwhelm. Thank you.