PJ 32


MONDAY, JUNE 24, 1991 10:08 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 312


Germain present that we might continue on with this work at hand. Dharma, there is naught else as important as getting this universal understanding possibility into public hands. I come in TOTAL service unto God and The Creation, as a messenger. You ones must come to KNOW that knowledge comes as appropriate and when the student is ready--thus the teacher appears. Once in a while, in long century periods, some vast new (or seemingly "new") knowledge comes to the slowly unfolding race of man through cosmically inspired geniuses or men of "super"-vision, who have an awareness of the REALITY WHICH LIES BEYOND THE UNIVERSE OF ILLUSION. Such new information and knowledge is of such a seemingly revolutionary nature in its time of coming that whole systems of thought, even unto entire cosmogonies, are rendered totally obsolete.

When each cosmic messenger gives such new inspired knowledge to the world the whole human race rises one more step on that long ladder of unfolding, which reaches from the jungle of man's beginnings unto the high heavens of ultimate complete Cosmic Consciousness and awareness of unity with God.

Man has ever been transformed by the "renewing of his mind" with new knowledge given to him since his early beginnings, through many messengers sent forth and/or the WORD sent via human mind conduit. Then dawned a new day of the gathering of so-called "empirical knowledge", which is gained through the senses by research and observation of effects of matter in motion, rather than through the Consciousness of inspired Mind in meditation, which is the way that mystics and geniuses acquire their knowledge. This, which we give now, hardly even fit of that definition for the "conduit" is not given into the full understanding nor details--intentionally. It is not that she is incapable of understanding, it is that we need to produce so much varied information that we cannot allow her time to come into her own full knowledge in her consciousness. Our work is presented that it might find its intended target among the readers of our messages.

It is time to come into understanding of "WHY", or the CAUSE of familiar EFFECTS. Since the day of your Galileo, this undependable method of gaining knowledge through the SENSES has served to multiply man's reasoning powers by teaching him HOW to do marvelous things with electricity and the elements of matter, but not one great savant of science can tell the why--or the cause--of his familiar effects. If asked what electricity, light, magnetism, mat­ter or energy IS he frankly answers: "I don't know."

If science actually does not know the 'WHY--or WHAT--or CAUSE--of these essentials it necessarily follows that it is admittedly, without knowledge.

It is merely informed--but information gathered through the senses is not knowledge. The senses sense only EFFECTS. Knowledge is confined to the CAUSE of EFFECTS. THE SENSES ARE LIMITED TO BUT A SMALL RANGE OF PERCEPTION OF THE EFFECTS WHICH THEY SENSE, and even that small range is saturated with the deceptions and distortions created by the illusion of motion.

It is impossible j the senses to penetrate any effect to ascertain its cause for the cause of illusion is not within effect. For this reason the entire mass of so-called empirical knowledge which science has gained by reasoning through the senses is invalid.

Before going forward with our present subject on "Oneness of Gravity and Magnetism", let us review conclusions which form the basis of scientific theory and see why all present theory is invalid, and why its entire structure has no re­semblance to either Nature's laws or its processes. We will enumerate some of these unnatural theories:


1. The cardinal error of science lies in shutting the Creator out of His Cre­ation.

This one basic error topples the whole structure, for out of it all of the other misconceptions of light, matter, energy, electricity, magnetism and atomic structure have grown.

If science knew what LIGHT actually IS, instead of the waves and corpus­cles of incandescent suns which science now thinks it is, a new civilization would arise from that one fact alone.

Light is not waves which travel at 186,000 miles per second, which science says it is,--nor does light travel at all.

Science excluded God from its consideration because of the supposition that God could not be "proved to exist" by laboratory methods. This decision is unfortunate for God IS provable by laboratory methods!

The locatable motionless Light which Man mistakenly calls magnetism is the in­visible, but familiar Light which God IS--and with it HE controls HIS universe--as you shall see.


2. Failure to recognize that this universal body of moving matter has been created by some power outside of itself has led science to conclude that the energy which created matter is within itself. Even more erroneous is the conclusion that energy is a condition of matter, such as heat.

This fallacy has led to the conclusion that Creation will disappear when heat en­ergy "runs down". The first and second laws of thermodynamics are built upon this obviously WRONG conclusion. The universe will NEVER "RUN DOWN". It is as eternal as God is eternal.

This universe of matter in motion is a Mind conceived, Mind creating body. As such it is as much a product of Mind as a pair of shoes, a poem, a symphony or a tunnel under a mountain is a product of a Mind which conceived it, and motivated the action which produced it as a formed body of matter.

The poem is NOT THE POET, however, nor is the symphony its composer. In a like sense this universe is not its own Creator. Whatever qualities, or at­tributes there are in any product--whether it be an adding machine or a universe--have been extended to that product by their creator to manifest qualities, at­tributes and energies, which are alone in the creator of that product.

Nor is the IDEA which matter manifests within matter. IDEA is never created. Idea is a Mind quality. Idea never leaves the omniscient Light of Mind. Idea is but simulated by matter in motion.

IDEA never leaves its invisible state to become visible matter. Bodies which manifest IDEA are made in the image of their creator's imaginings.

Every creation, whether of God or Man, is an extension of its creator. It is projected from him by a force which is within its creator and not in the pro­jected product.

All of the knowledge, energy and method of creating any product are properties of Mind alone. There is no knowledge, energy, life, truth, intelligence, sub­stance or thought in the motion which matter IS.


3. Electric matter is but a mirror which reflects qualities outside itself to simulate those qualities within itself.

In the Mind of any creator of any product is the IDEA of the formed body which Mind desires to produce. Also the KNOWLEDGE, ENERGY AND METHOD OF PRODUCTION are in the Mind of the creator of that product and NOT in the product. The architect does not say that the energy, idea, or construction methods are in the temple of his conceiving, nor would Man say that they are in the temple of God's conceiving. Thus the claim that energy is a property of matter is to deprive The Creator of HIS omnipotence and omniscience The entire universe MANIFESTS power, but the universe is NOT THE POWER which it manifests.

Not one particle of matter which constitutes the material body of any product can move of itself. It can move only through desire and command of the Mind of its creator.

The powers of attraction and repulsion which science mistakenly attributes to matter are electrical effects performing their one and only function of dividing an equilibrium into two opposing conditions, which extend equally from a dividing equator. The magnetic Light controls the balance of these two opposing conditions, which interchange two-ways in their endeavor to void their opposing conditions, but the stresses and strains which seem to make matter attract and repel matter are electric effects.

Electric effects of motion can be insulated from each other--but the magnetic Light of The Creator, which causes those effects, cannot be insulated from matter by matter.

All matter is electric. Electricity conditions all matter under the measured control of
the ONE MAGNETIC LIGHT which forever balances the TWO electrically divided,

conditioned lights of matter and space.

Divided matter strains to find balance in the zero of equilibrium from which it was divided. The senses of man are mightily deceived by the illusions of appearance, which cause him to conclude otherwise.

Newton's apple was not attracted to the ground by gravitation. The high potential condition of that solid apple sought a similar high potential condition. That is to say it "fell" toward earth to fulfill Nature's law of like seeking like.

Had Newton sat with the apple for a week or two he would have seen that same apple "rise" unto the heavens as a low potential gas seeking a like low potential position to balance its electrically divided state. The "rising" of the decaying, expanding apple again fulfills Nature's law of like seeking like. This is a most important point to consider regarding GRAVITY!

All polarizing bodies add to their densities and potentials. The apple which fell to the ground was a polarized body. All polarized bodies must reverse their polarities and depolarize. They then lose their densities and potentials. The depolarized apple returned to the zero of its beginning.

The Newtonian Law is, in this respect invalid, for it accounts for but one half of the apple's growth-decay cycle. This is a two-way universe of opposed effects of motion--not a one-way universe.


4. Sense of observation has led to the erroneous conclusion that there are 92 different substances of matter.

This universe is substanceless!!! It consists of motion ONLY!!! Motion simulates substance by the control of its opposing wave pressures of motion which deceive the senses into seeing substance where motion alone IS. The senses do not reach beyond the illusion of motion, nor do those who believe that they can gain knowledge of the secrets of this vast make-believe universe even faintly comprehend the unreality of this mirage of polarized light in motion, which they so firmly believe is real.

Motion is two-way, for all motion is caused by the division of an equilibrium, and its extension in two opposite directions, to create the two opposite conditions of pressures necessary to make motion imperative.

One of the two conditions of electric motion pulls inward toward a center to create a centripetal vortex to simulate gravity. On the other side of the dividing equator the other condition thrusts outward from a center to create a centrifugal vortex to simulate vacuity.

Moving waves of oppositely conditioned matter simulate substance, but there is no substance to the motion which simulates IDEA in matter. If a cobweb could move fast enough it would simulate a solid steel disc--and it would cut through steel. If such a thing could happen it would not be the "substance" of the cobweb which cut through the steel-it would be the motion which cut it.

Fast moving short waves simulate solids, while slow moving lone waves stimulate the gases of space which surround solids. Waves of motion are substanceless, however. They merely simulate substance. Motion itself is controlled by the Mind of the Creator, Who use it to express His desire for stimulating IDEA of Mind by giving it a formed body. There is not other purpose for motion.

Desire in the Light of Mind for creative expression is the only energy in this universe. All motion is Mind motivated. All motion records Mind thoughts in matter.


Step by simple step we will briefly unfold the supreme mystery of all time to enable science to void the confusion which has arisen from inability to relate the reality of the invisible universe to its simulation of reality, which has so regrettably deceived the senses of observers for all time. I do this, not only for science, but for the great need of religions, which so sorely need a God Who can be KNOWN by all Men as ONE, to replace the many imagined concepts of God which have so disastrously disunite the human race.

No one, save the few, has ever KNOWN God, or God's ways. Nor has Mankind yet known the meaning of LOVE, upon which the universe is founded--nor of LIFE, which the electric universe simulates in never ending cycles--nor the CAUSE of the EFFECTS for which Man so heavily pays in tears and anguish for his not knowing.

The long heralded peace which passeth understanding awaits for science to tear away the veil which has for so long hidden the face of the Creator. Religion can be united as ONE only by dispelling the ignorance which now cloaks the faith-and-belief-God of fear which has bred so many intolerant groups of unknowing Men.

I speak familiarly about the spiritual, invisible Mind universe of the Creator, and I speak with equal familiarity about the "physical" universe of matter which we call Creation, but the world has not yet known either of them separately, nor their unity as one to sufficiently define either of them scientifically.

I will now do this as simply as is possible, in order that the physicist of tomorrow can KNOW and COMPREHEND the universe as ONE WHOLE, instead of SENSING it as many separate parts, which he will never be able to fit together. Although I have covered this basic information in more detail prior to this, it is time to review and summarize a bit to refresh memories briefly.


The very basis of creation is the Light of the Mind which created it.

God is the Light of Mind. God's thinking Mind is all there is. Mind is universal. Mind of God and Mind of Man are ONE. This eternally creating universe, which is God's eternally renewing body, is the product of mind knowing, expressed through Mind thinking.

In the Light of God's Mind is all knowledge. All knowledge means full knowing of The Creator's ONE IDEA which is manifested in HIS CREATION.

The undivided and unconditioned light of Mind is an eternal state of REST. That invisible Light of the spirit is the equilibrium of absolute balance and absolute stillnesss, which is the foundation of the divided and conditioned universe motion. In that Light there is no change, no variance of condition, no form and no motion. It is the zero universe of REALITY. In it are all of the Mind qualities of knowledge, inspiration, power, love, truth, balance and law, which are never created, but are simulated in moving quantities in the divided universe of moving waves which are called matter.

The Light of Mind is the zero fulcrum of the wave lever from which motion extends. Its zero condition is eternal.

The unfortunate error of science lies in assuming that the power which belongs solely to the fulcrum of Light at rest, is in the motion of the lever which simulates that power.


In the Light of the Creator's Mind is DESIRE to dramatize His ONE IDEA by dividing its one unconditioned, unchanging unity of balance and rest into two pairs of oppositely conditioned units, which must forever interchange with each other to seek balance and rest.

DESIRE then multiplies those pairs of units into an infinity of eternal repetitions to give formed bodies to The Creators's imaginings. All formed bodies are created "in His Image". Through the expression of DESIRE in LIGHT this universal drama of CAUSE and EFFECT is created as the product of Mind knowing divided by Mind thinking.

CAUSE is eternally at rest in the balanced unity of the undivided Light. CAUSE IS ONE.

EFFECT is eternally in motion to seek balance and rest in the centering equilibrium of the two opposed lights of this divided universe, which it finds only to lose. EFFECT IS TWO.

The Light of CAUSE, divided into the two opposed lights of EFFECT, is the one sole occupation of mind which we call THINKING.


Mind thinking is electric. Divided electric thought pulsations manifest creative desire in wave cycles of motion, which forever vibrate between the two electric thought conditions of CONCENTRATION and DECENTRATION.

Concentrative and decentrative sequences of electric thinking form solid bodies of motion surrounded by gaseous space in one wave pulsation, and reverse that order in the next. Concentrative thinking is centripetal. It focuses to a point. It borns gravity. It "charges" by multiplying low potential into high, and cold into heat.

Decentrative thinking is centrifugal. It expands into space. It borns radiation. It "discharges" by dividing high potential into low, and heat into cold.

All motion is a continuous two-way journey in opposite directions between two destinations.

One destination is the apex of a cone in an incandescent center of gravity. At this point motion comes to rest and reverses its direction.

The other destination is the base of a cone encircling a cold evacuated center of radiation. At this point motion again comes to rest and reverses its direction from centrifugal to centripetal.

So long as The Creator's Mind divides His knowing by His thinking just so long will that two-way motion continue its sequences of cycles to record God's imaginings in forms of His imaginings. God being eternal, likewise His uni­verse is eternal.

The belief of science that the universe had a beginning in some past remote pe­riod--as the result of some giant cataclysm--and will come to an end in some future remote period is due to not knowing that waves of motion are the thought waves of the Universal Thinker.

Also the belief of science that the universe is dying a heat death by the expan­sion of suns is due to not knowing that there are as many black evacuated holes in space for the reborning of suns, as there are compressed suns for the reborning of evacuated black holes. Fig. 101; 102.

Together the interchange between these two conditions constitute the heartbeat of the universe, and they are EQUAL. Being equal they are balanced and con­tinuous, eternally.

The journey toward gravity simulates life and the opposite journey simulates death in the forever repeating cycles which together, in their continuity, simu­late eternal life.

The two opposite pressure conditions which control the life-death cycles of all bodies are:--(a) the negative condition of expansion which thrusts outward, ra­dially and spirally, from a centering zero of rest to form the low potential con­dition which constitutes “space”, and:--(b) the positive condition of compres­sion which pulls inward toward a centering zero of rest to form the compressed condition of gravity, which generates forming bodies into solids surrounded by space.

Desire of Mind expresses its desire through the electric process of thinking. Thinking divides IDEA into pairs of oppositely conditioned units of motion, which record a simulation of IDEA into thought forms.

Matter is not pure thought, but it IS the electric record of thought. Every electric wave is a recording instrument which is forever recording the form of thought in wave fields of matter.

All thought waves created anywhere in any wave field become universal by repeating them everywhere. Thought waves of expanded and compressed states

of motion are fashioned into moving patterns which simulate the forms of the Creator's imaginings. All formed bodies thus created are "made in His image".

This division of the undivided Light and its extension into oppositely conditioned states of motion is the basis of the universal heartbeat of pulsing thought waves, which seemingly divide the ONE WHOLE IDEA into many ones.

Interchange between oppositely conditioned pairs of thought recording units is
expressed in waves of motion. This is a thought wave universe. Thought waves are reproduced throughout the universe at the speed of 186 400 miles per second.

It is commonly believed that the incandescence of suns is Light. Incandescence simulates Light in this cinema universe of macrocosmic make-believe, but incandescence is not Light. It is but motion. Incandescence is merely the com­pressed half of thy one divided pair of opposite conditions, which constitutes matter and space. The black vacuity of cold space constitutes the expanded half. Together these two are as much mates as male and female are mates. Each is equally essential to the other. Each finds balance in the other by voiding ­each other's unbalance.

These two conditions and directions of compression and expansion are necessary for the two-way interchange of motion, which performs the work of integrating and disintegrating the living-dying cycles of opposed motion which this electric universe is.

The incandescence of compressed matter and the black vacuity of expanded matter are the two opposite polar ends of Nature's "bar magnet". Nature does not make her bar magnets in the form of cylinders as Man does. She makes them in the form of cones. In this radial universe no other form of motion than the spiral form of cones is possible.

This means that the negative end of nature's "magnet" is tens of thousands of times larger in volume than the positive end, although the potentials of each end are equal. It also means that the equilibrium plane which divides nature's "magnet" is curved, while that same plane in a cylindrical bar magnet is a flat plane of zero curvature.


The Coulomb Law statement that opposites attract and likes repel IS NOT TRUE TO NATURAL LAW!

Opposite conditions ARE opposite conditions. Likewise, they are opposite ef­fects caused by each pulling in opposing directions. It is not logical to say that opposites fulfill any other office than to OPPOSE. Nor is it logical to say that opposing things attract each other.

In all this universe like conditions seek like conditions. Gases and vapors seek gases and vapors by rising to find them. Liquids and solids seek liquids and solids by falling toward them.

Radiating matter seeks a radiating condition in the outward direction of radia­tion. Gravitating matter seeks the inward radial direction of condensation to find its like condition.

Opposite poles of a bar magnet push away from each other as far as they can go. That is the very purpose of the electric current which divides the universal equilibrium. If opposite poles attracted each other they would have to be together in the middle, instead of pushing away from each other to the very ends.

When depolarization takes place the poles seem to draw closer together, but that is because of their lessening vitality. They still pull away from each other until devitalization is complete. When motion ceases the matter which it manifests ceases to be.

Scientific observers have been deceived by their senses into thinking that oppo­sites attract each other because of seeing the north pole of one magnet pull to­ward the south pole of another magnet.

The fad that opposite polarities void each other when thus contacted has not been considered as a factor in the matter. It is a fact, however, that when two opposites are thus brought together by their seeming eagerness to contact each other, both poles cease to be. Each one has voided the other as completely as the chemical opposites, sodium and chlorine void each other and leave no trace of either one after that contact.

If the Coulomb Law were valid it would not be possible to gather together one ounce of any one element.

Dharma, please allow us a rest break. Thank you.

PJ 32

MONDAY, JUNE 24, 1991 1:43 P.M. YEAR 4, DAY 312

Germain returned and ready for service. I salute you.

There are a couple of things I am urged to share with you--one is mine, the other is a suggestion of Hatonn.

Please inform John that he will not find the material I am writing in anything but general format in Walter's books. I am utilizing the drawings and of necessity, as with all Truth, the same information in generalized format--but if ones think they will find all that I am sharing now within those books, they waste their money and THEIR TIME which is more valuable at this transition. If ones will simply be patient and REALLY STUDY THIS INFORMATION as I present it--we will all be far, far ahead without confusion of various efforts to "match" information. Walter was purposely NOT given all information for it was not the time of revelation in full. I fear that if you readers start scattering and researching, you will miss the portion intended for YOU. This is the REASON for these integrations as we are now presenting the work. Thank you.

Now, Commander asks me to remind E.J. that if he plans to have D.C. oversee building of any of the construction, he should be included in the trip for original discussions. He has experience with commercial construction and early inclusion makes for very congenial labor when time, is appropiate--and, as with the above, uncluttered by OLD experience to the exclusion of openness regarding, the NEW. See what you think appropriate--this IS going to be a place of high integration of nepotism! Salu.


In order to know more dynamically what electricity really is I will define it. I will then amplify my definition by example.

Electricity is an effect of strain, tension and resistance caused by the energy of desire in the Light of Mind, to divide and extend the balanced unity of the One still Light of Universal Mind into pairs of many divided units of thinking Mind.

When electric strains and tensions cease to oppose each other, electricity ceases to be. Electricity dual action-reaction. When dual actions-reactions cease to vibrate, electric effect is voided by the one universal condition of rest. Sound vibrations of a harp string are an electrical effect. The electrical vibrations of sound are a division of undivided silence. When sound vibrations cease, silence has "swallowed them up" by voiding them.

The IDEA of the silent harp string note eternally exists. Electrical division into sound manifests the IDEA, but the IDEA belongs to silence, and to silence it returns for reborning again as a simulation of IDEA.

The two electric pressures formed by the division of the universal equilibrium have separate offices to fulfill. The negative pressure expands to create space by dividing potential and multiplying volume. Conversely, the positive pressure contracts to multiply potential into solids by dividing volume. Electricity thus performs the "work" of the world by straining toward separateness and multiplicity of units and also by relaxing from such resisted strains and tensions until motion ceases its vibrations by withdrawing into the universal stillness. The only "work" performed in this universe is the "work" caused by the strains and tensions of electrically divided matter in motion.


Matter neither repels nor attracts matter. All matter which is out of balance with its environment, volume for volume--or potential for potential--will move ONLY to seek rest in an equipotential environment of equal volume displacement. That is why air or ocean currents move, and for no other reason than to seek their lost equilibrium. And while they move they will perform "work",--and the measure of their power to perform "work" is the measure of their un­balance. You see, herein lies the very "secret" of perpetual motion. To say there is no such ability is like saying "there is no God" Not only is perpetual motion possible, it is mandatory once anything has been originally placed into motion all impacting fragments are structured to cause unbalance every time balance is attained.

Earth's tides are not "pulled" by the moon. Curvature in the pressures of their wave fields which control their balance is the cause of that. And that explains why tides are thrust away from the face of the earth opposite to that of the moon, as well as being thrust toward the moon on its near face. I would hope that you ones are beginning to perceive from a different perspective for almost all of the projected scientific data is incorrect and it gives us reason to "marvel" that you ones accomplish anything at all. It does, however, explain why you are so limited--you cannot go far into the ethers until you outgrow the perceptions which limit you--from fuel and thrust, to direction and understanding of thought/matter.

When tides rise they will perform "work", and they will also perform "work" when they fall, but "work" will cease being performed the moment the motion of either rising or falling ceases. Likewise, Dharma--that old waterfall trick you question--the waterfall will perform "work" while falling but not when waters cease their movement. However, once in motion and unbalanced--the whole cycle will be finished or the "rest" will not be able to come within the cycle. Think in perspective now: What happens if instead of a cliff "fall" you have a dam--do you see that the water would become "still" and not "fall"?

A storage battery will perform "work" while being "charged" with increasingly high potential pressures which oppose each other, and it will perform an equal amount while it is discharging to seek the equilibrium pressure which will unite the divided two. When fully discharged it will cease performing "work" because it has found balance in its zero and can no longer move.

In a live electric battery, or in its chemical counterpart such as sodium and chlorine, there are three equators, the central dividing one being the fulcrum of the two extended ones, When the two extended equators of the live electric battery withdraw into their balancing one the battery is "dead". They have found their eternal stillness.

Likewise their chemical counterparts have ceased to exist as separate elements when they withdraw into their sodium chloride fulcrum. Even though sodium and chlorine have disappeared they still are, for they will as surely reappear as night will follow day.

To recharge the battery the one dividing equator has to be extended in opposite directions until there are again three before motion is possible. Motion is then not only possible but imperative.

The heartbeat of the universe is eternal. So long as the universal heartbeat continues, every divided pair and every unit of every divided pair, will reappear to express life as surely as it will again disappear in eternal repetitions to express death.

"Work" is not performed by the attraction of matter for matter, nor because of a condition of matter, such as heat, which is presumed to be energy. "Work" is performed solely because the electric current, which divides a motionless condition into two unbalanced conditions, sets up two oppositely straining tensions or unrest which must move to release those tensions.


No effect can be produced unless there is an equal opposite effect to work with it. Electrical workers are two, which pull in opposite directions to perform that effect called "work." Effect is therefore two-way, just as "work" is performed two-ways. The two electric workers are like two men on opposite ends of a double saw which pull and thrust in opposite directions from opposite ends to perform the "work" of sawing through a tree.

Or they are like two compression and expansion ends of a piston which pull and thrust in opposite directions sequentially, to move, and to perform "work" while they move, in either opposed direction. Each end of the saw, or piston, is helpless without the other.
Heat, for example, is one end of the cosmic piston. Cold is the other end. Just so long as these two conditions exist, the piston of interchanging motion will continue to expand and contract sequentially. When each has found equilibrium by voiding the other, motion will immediately cease and "work" can no longer be performed.

Science says that cold is "less heat". Another boo-boo. One might as appropriately say that female is less male, or that south is less north. It is this kind of deductive reasoning that disallows your forward growth. You are going to find that almost all of the concepts if "reversed" would be more accurate in almost all instances. What you believe to be TRUE is simply NOT.

Science says also that there is no compensating uphill flow of energy to balance its downhill flow. There is an uphill flow. Otherwise, a downhill flow would be totally impossible.

Every wave is a compression-expansion pump. The whole universe is a giant pump. The two-way piston of the universal pump constitutes the universal heartbeat. A one-way universe is as impossible as a one-way pump is impossible.

The compressed condition of this universe is exactly equal to the expanded condition. The compressed condition is gravitation. The expanded condition is radiation. Gravitation and radiation are equal opposites. Each is helpless without the other. In fact, each condition is impossible to produce without simultaneously producing the other. Heat is the effect of multiplied resistance to the compression of gravitation. Cold is the effect of the opposite strain of resistance to the evacuation, or emptiness, which results from the expansion of radiation.

There is as much cold in the great expanses of space as there is heat in the compressed suns in all of this universe.

There is not one ampere of difference between these two opposite conditions of the electric workers in the whole universe, nor is there one milligram of weight in it which is not balanced between the two. This universe of electric waves is divided into wave fields. Each wave field is equally divided by contraction of gravitation and expansion of radiation. The potential of solids in a wave field is equally compensated by the potential of space which surrounds the solids.

It is as impossible to unequalize these two conditions in any wave field, or produce either one of them separately without simultaneously producing the other, as it would be to polarize one end of a bar magnet without producing an equal pole of opposition at the other end.

This wave universe is divided into wave fields. Each wave field is an electric battery which is forever being charged being by the centripetal polarizing power of gravitation and discharged by the centrifugal depolarizing power of radiation. This process is a manifestation of the life-death, growth-decay principle which is ever present in every effect of motion in Nature, without exception. Together they constitute the electric action-reaction sequences without which there would be no universe.

It is not true to Nature, therefore, to say that either heat, cold, compression, expansion, or any other expression of motion is energy. If the power to cause motion is in the balanced state of rest, it necessarily follows that energy is in the stillness of rest, and not in motion, which is effect of cause.

The Mind of the Creator is the fulcrum from which the wave lever of Mind thinking extend to express creative the energy of Creative Mind. Thought waves cannot therefore, be the energy which caused them to become thought waves.

Any lever is powerless without a fulcrum. The power to move lies in the fulcrum which never moves.

All motion starts from a point of rest, seeks a point of rest and returns in the reverse direction to its starting point of rest. Test this fact by throwing a ball in the air, breathing in and out, pulling a chain, or walking.

Electrical effects of motion are not energy. Matter in motion is a marionette on the end of two Mind-controlled electric strings.


The only "work" reformed in this universe is the "work" of recording thought forms of Mind imagining into positively charging bodies, which are expressing the vitalizing half of the life-death cycle of creating bodies--and into negatively discharging bodies, which are expressing the devitalizing other half of that cycle. That is the only work there is to do in all Creation, for God records His concentrative­-decentrative thinking in the electric actions-reactions of living-dying bodies which appear and disappear in sequential cycles.

Creation of bodies is the only work that Man does. Every body created by God or Man appears from invisible and disappears into that same stillness of its source, to reappear, periodically, in life-death, growth-decay cycles forever.

All bodies manifest eternal IDEA by eternally repeating their manifestations of IDEA in continuous cycles, which have no beginnings or endings. To exemplify: cold generates-­generation contracts-contraction heats--heat radiates-- radiation expands and expansion cools.

Sound--for another example--is a body of interchanging motion which appears from silence and returns to it. The silent harp string is the fulcrum of energy from which the moving harp string extends as a vibrating lever of motion to manifest the IDEA of a musical tone in life-death cycles.



Science has for years and years been searching for some simple underlying basic principle of motivation which is present in every effect of motion. Mathematicians have hoped to find it and reduce it to a basic formula. Physicists have sought for it in the hope of thus discovering the life principle.

Science has never found it, and never will find it so long as it is sought for in either matter or motion.

That elusive secret is to be found only in the zero Light of the universal equilibrium, which is the fulcrum of the sex-divided electrical universe of thought waves of two-way motion.

That forever hidden secret of the ages is the divider of the ONE zero into seeming TWO extended zeros. And it is the multiplier of the TWO into countless TWOS.

The name of that great divider of rest into two-way motion is POLARITY.

Polarity is the controller--the measurer--and the surveyor of intensity of desire in Mind for the actions-reactions needed for creative expression. Polarity extends its surveyed measure of desire from a zero point of rest in the universal Light, to two extended zero points of rest where motion reverses its direction, its polarity and its condition.

These two points of stillness where motion reverses from one opposite pressure condition to the other are what science calls magnetic poles. The office of magnetic poles is to balance, and control, all divided motion in the universe.

Every, particle of matter in the universe, whether atom or giant sun, is controlled by a still centering point of magnetic Light. The two extended poles of that still Light measure the intensity of desire which motivates those extensions from their source of energy in the still Light.

Polarity vitalizes and devitalizes--charges and discharges--gravitates and radiates-- inbreathes and outbreathes--lives and dies--appears and disappears--compresses and expands--heats and cools--grows and decays--integrates and disintegrates--and solidifies and vaporizes by its electric actions-reactions which divide the ONE into countless pairs of separate ones.

When Man breathes in he polarizes his body. He vitalizes it into wakeful action and an awareness of sensation. He charges his body with higher electrical potential. He manifests life.

When Man breathes out he depolarizes his body. He devitalizes it into sleepy inaction and lessening awareness of sensation. He discharges his body by lowering its potential. He manifests death.


Nature is engaged in the making of but one form--the cube-sphere--which means the same as though we said female-male of Man. The sphere is the positive centering sun. The cube is the invisible surrounding wave field. All matter is thus divided into positive solids surrounded by negative space.

As matter begins its formation into spheres its first shape is disc-like, for it begins as the base of a cone. In a series of efforts which constitute the octave wave, the first disc-like effort gradually prolates until the perfect sphere is formed at wave amplitude. This is the process by means of which "matter emerges from space".

During this process the balance poles which control all matter move gradually toward the pole of rotation. When the sphere is perfected, as it finally is at carbon, the two poles coincide with the pole of rotation and the equator of the perfected sphere is 90 degrees from the wave's axis. Likewise, the wave field becomes a true cube. Likewise, any element which reached it true sphere status will crystallize as a true cube. Likewise, any divided pairs of elements which unite as one on wave amplitude--such as sodium and chlorine--will crystallize in the true cube shape of its wave field.

Conversely, as true spheres oblate, the two balancing poles move away from the pole of rotation and toward the wave axis, until depolarization is completed and magnetic poles disappear in the plane of the wave axis. This is the manner in which "space swallows up matter".

The mechanics of this process of polarization and depolarization, under the guiding control of two pairs of magnetic poles has already been more fully described. This process of polarization takes place with increasing intensity for one half of every cycle, the ether of one breath, the cycle of a day, the year, or a lifetime.

A man of forty will have reached his fully polarized strength to manifest life in the first half of his life-death cycle. Depolarization then assumes control as polarity reverses at the wave amplitude of Man's life cycle. Devitalization then begins and from there on Man manifests the death half of the cycle.

This process takes place in every creating particle of matter or any combination of particles, whether in Man, ant, electron, or nebula.

As polarization increases in intensity, the strains and tensions set up by the desire of opposite of polarity to pull away from each other increase in their intensity. This fact is exactly the opposite effect from conclusion stated in the Coulomb Law.

As polarization decreases, the strains and tensions of electric opposition relax, until polarity disappears in the rest condition of the equipotential plane of the wave axis. This fact should not be interpreted as opposite polarities attracting each other, for depolarization means that the ability to oppose lessens as each pole voids the other in the rest condition, but they still pull away from each other until their end. The entire process of polarization and depolarization of every action-reaction of Nature could well be described as a lever reaching out in opposite directions from its fulcrum until it could reach no farther, then reversing those directions and unwillingly withdrawing into its fulcrum where motion ceases to again begin, and again reverse.


We will write this section and then take a break after which we will return to the subject of "The Oneness of Electricity and Magnetism". We will add some more diagrams also.

One of the great illusions of Nature which has deceived scientific observers is the principle of curvature, which is everywhere present in ever changing effect in every wave field, and in wave fields within wave fields throughout the universe. Wave fields are bounded by planes of zero curvature, which act as mirrors to reverse all radiation which reaches out to these wave field boundaries.

An example of such a plane of zero curvature is the equator of a bar magnet. Iron filings reaching out from either pole will curve gradually in the ever changing pressure gradients which surround the poles. Science mistakenly calls these curved lines magnetic lines of force. See figures 65, 66, 67,173 and 174.

When these curved lines reach the equator which divides the two poles, they reverse and repeat their curvature as though reflected by a mirror.

There are no magnetic lines of force in Nature. These so called curved lines are the radii of the spheres and spheroids which constitute this radial universe of prolating and oblating matter. Radiation is an electric effect. It is not magnetic. Pressures which surround spheres and spheroids vary greatly in their equi-potential pressure gradients. As radiation is maximum at solar or planetary equators and gravitation is maximum at their poles, the pressure gradients surrounding spheres or spheroids vary in their curvature to conform to these pressures.

Gravitation and radiation are both radial. Radii of either the inward direction of gravity, or the outward direction of radiation, cannot be projected through varying pressures without bending to conform to the varying densities of varying pressure gradients.

Just as a stick, when thrust into water seems to suddenly break at the dividing plane of the two different densities, so likewise do the radii of incoming and outgoing light rays seemingly bend gradually as pressures gradually become more or less dense.

This divided universe is curved. Its two opposed conditions of gravitation and radiation are oppositely curved. Each has a system of curvature of its own and each system is opposed to the other, for their purposes are opposed.

The system of gravity curvature is evidenced in spheroidal and ellipsoidal layers of equipotential pressure gradients which curve around gravity centers. The surface of the earth is a good example. The curvature of gravitation is centripetal. It is controlled by the north-south magnetic poles. Its office is to extend bodies in motion from their wave axes to their wave amplitudes.

The system of radial curvature is evidenced in ellipsoidal layers of equipotential pressure gradients which extend radially away from gravity centers. Radial curvature has the same relation to the equators of suns and planets as gravity curvature has to their poles of rotation.

Good examples of radial curvature are the rings of Saturn, the Dumbbell Nebula, (fig. 148 ) and the sun's corona.

The system of radial curvature is centrifugal. It is controlled by two as yet unknown magnetic poles which will be amply described later as east-west poles. Then we will follow up with a discussion regarding the interrelations these two pairs of poles.

The entire matter of curvature is one of the many optical illusions which Nature is completely made up of. Curved pressure gradients act as lenses to bend radiating light outward as they pass through their concavity from an inward to an outward direction. The reverse takes place as gravitating rays pass through the convexity of light lenses from the outward to the inward direction.

Polarity surveys and measures these pressures, but electricity alone projects and reacts the light which causes these illusions. The supposition that magnetism is a mysterious force of some kind which attracts and repels has helped to build these wrong conclusions, which the senses have deceived observers into believing. We will utilize more detail on this subject if it appears necessary at a later time. I don't wish to delete anything of value but neither can I linger on one facet to the exclusion of the whole. We will get through this as best we can.

Let us leave this for a while and have a rest break. Thank you for your attention and service