THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 1991 9:18 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 301
In the eternal quest of Man to find Truth, the journey often seems confused and filled with contradictions. There is only ONE TRUTH but it is presented in as many differing facets as there are energy forms. I, Hatonn, am commissioned to bring unto you, LIGHT. If I seem harsh and unbending, unwilling to com­promise, etc., it is because I am unwilling to "compromise" one iota. You have compromised your people, nations and planet away and bargained and finally sold most of your assets unto your enemy, "devil"--I believe you say.
Is it too late to reclaim that which is yours? No.. Most of you have only bar­gained the "things" of physical manifestation unto the influence. Some have forfeited your very souls unto dedicated work for the adversary and some are productions of the adversary himself. However, that which is YOU has inheri­tance within which is of God Creator which allows YOU placement and re­covery within The Creation in the Light of that God Creator. your inheritance is the true essence of that which is YOU and not of that which runs around in foolish antics and things of flesh physical. . THAT is whatAll you have to do to reclaim your birthright in infinity is to turn again unto the Truth and into Me Lighted path we are about telling you of the resources assailable unto you. None shall have the privilege of "being forced" again within the Light of Truth and KNOWING--so you can't "cop-out". No other one can it for you-so you will stand responsible, therefore, ALL we will do regarding individuals is offer you KNOWLEDGE and you will make of the choosing of direction and action. So be it. I turn the forum over to Sananda. Thank you for your atten­tion and blessings upon the WORD--for the WORD IS GOD!
Esu Emmanuel come forth into your presence that we might share communion of mind. We will speak herein about the deceptions of the "New Age" and look at "how" you have already been swallowed by same--even while you denounce it or play within its boundaries openly.
I will quote something which strikes home the facts. It will appear to be an evangelical projection regarding Christians and evil that is to come. But it is not of that source--it is from a noted pyramidologist/ occultist, Peter LeMesurier. It is a how-to manual for New Agers and intellectuals interested in STAGING A SIMULATED SECOND COMING OF CHRIST. The script, as they have written it, if successfully staged could deceive even the very elect. BEWARE!
"Their script is now written, subject only to last minute editing and stage-direc­tions. The stage itself, albeit as yet in darkness, is almost ready. Down in the pit, the subterranean orchestra is already tuning up. The last-minute, walk-on parts are even now being filled. Most of the main actors, one suspects, have al­ready taken up their roles. Soon it will be time for them to come on stage, ready for the curtain to rise. THE TIME FOR ACTION WILL HAVE COME." From the ARMAGEDDON SCRIPT, by Peter LeMesurier, St. Martin's Press, 1982: New York , p.252)

If you ones allow only an exchange of one lie for that of another, you are being even more confused and it is that you continue to look to "another" and "another" for your authority and fortune-telling. Are all of the predictions of New Age "prophets" incorrect? I have no idea for I care not to check them out.
I would say that if you make a prediction of when it might snow next winter if you are located in the high mountains--you will hit it right if you give enough days within your prediction-- say 365.
Why do I know that there are great errors in the works and projections of one such as LeMesurier? Because without even looking closely at the "New Age" portion of his writings, he is a studied and learned student of the "Bible". The_ Bible gives such erroneous information about my being that I can hardly en­dorse the whole of it as comprehensive Truth. Therefore, if he has chosen an incorrect projection deliberately placed to mislead--he cannot be correct in his conclusions.

Now, if you mix a confusion factor with an already confused factor--you end up with chaos of information.
These ones offer, also, A PLAN, which is projected to confuse regarding the Elite PLAN 2000. Please remember that the mark of proof of a prophet is total coming forth of the projected information. So let us look at that very book in point.
If his plan--clearly part of what the New Agers call "The Plan"--were executed as written, it might be enough, as I supposedly said, to "deceive the very elect".
What is the proposed agenda that this "subterranean orchestra" is "already tun­ing up" for "down in the pit?" It is startling, if nothing else, but obviously is naught but what you call BS. No amount of placing and replacing, locating and relocating possibilities can make it so.
First, it calls for having the new "messiah" in the Holy Land by 1985. IT DID NOT HAPPEN, I am still well off-shore. There was given a "fudge factor" of " later than the arrival of Halley's Comet in early 1986".
This new leader is to carefully prepare for his role by studying scriptures and Dead Sea Scrolls, current "Jewish" messianic expectations, familiarizing himself with prophecies of other major world religions and "the best in New Age reli­gious thought." My, my: WHY WOULD GOD NEED TO STUDY UP ON ALL THAT WHICH HAS ALREADY BEEN PROVEN FALSE AND UN­WORKABLE—WOULD NOT GOD KNOW OF HIS OWN PURPOSE FOR THE JOURNEY AND COMING? Why, indeed, would I need to study "current Jewish messianic expectations" ? Those, by definition alone, indicate Khazarian Zionist Mandates and Protocols as within the Talmud. Note that "Hebrew tradition" is not even included therein.
Then, the science of earthquake prediction would be employed for the remain­der of the initial scenario. LeMesurier, this wondrous leader, then cooly details some of them as follows:
"1. The restored Messiah must reappear on Jerusalem 's Mount of Olives at the time of a great earthquake.
2. He must enter Jerusalem from the east, escorted by a procession of rejoicing followers dressed in shining white.
3. Visiting the tomb of his spiritual ancestor, King David, he must emerge in suitably-perfumed royal robes as the great monarch returned.
4. Supported by a popular rising, he must proceed with his followers to the Temple Mount , there to be enthroned, anointed, and crowned king of the New Israel."
Ah, but you might say: "...surely no thinking person would expect such a pro­gram to succeed, given the large number of determined Catholics, Protestants, and skeptical Jewish observers who might give opposition."
To the contrary, this resistance has been carefully calculated-- AND DIS­MISSED!
"The massed forces of the Old Age, however, will be unable to check their headlong onrush. In large measure they will go on to destroy each other in a massive, mutual venting of long pent-up aggression.. . !"
What sort of a program would be offered to satisfy the spiritual needs of those living under this regime? As expected, the leader, LeMesurier, rightly notes that it will not be the traditional Christian ones:
"The new mission to the youth of the world, then, will be an interna­tional movementdedicated to spreading the already developing ideas and values upon which the New Age is to be founded. Those ideas and val­ues will not necessarily be the traditional Christian ones....For the wis­doms of all agesand cultures will be called upon to surrender their most precioussecrets, and the collective human psyche will add to it yet fur­ther wisdoms that have so far never even been expressed_ _It is for the soul of man that the New David will have to fight..."
It appears Mr. LeMesurier is well right for the wrong reasons. Yes, the "wisdoms of all ages and cultures will be called upon. And they will surrender their most precious secrets." The Apostle John was clearly shown this in the course of his Patmos Island vision.
"And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened_ with his glory. And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her forni­cation, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies." Rev. 18:1-3
Please do not err in thinking this LeMesurier is alone, note the following: His books have received the benefit of major publisher support [when the True word of God is turned away by EVERY major publisher--which tells Truth in itself.] both in the U.S. and in places such as England , Germany , etc. It was a major book club selection in England . Books revealing the cover-ups and lies, even of earth-bound actions get banned and removed from shelves in stores and li­braries--they DO NOT MAKE IT TO BEST SELLER LIST THROUGH THE HANDS OF MAJOR PUBLISHERS WHO ARE WITHIN THE ELITE CON­TROL!

Major New Age conferences have been held on this very theme. One such con­ference was reported in a matter-of-fact style in September, 1983 New Age Journal. Appropriately entitled "Facing Apocalypse", it was attended by 125 activists of the Jungian persuasion. It was organized by Robert Boznak, a Jun­gian analyst from Sudbury , Massachusetts . Its premise was that the vision of a cataclysmic ending of the world is itself a menace. The conference was held in an incredibly elegant hall that formerly served as a millionaire' s mansion at Salve Regina College in Newport , Rhode Island . Some of your better known were in attendance.
I must point out, as well, that the infamous Humanist Manifesto, also carries this very theme. Look at the preface to Humanist Manifesto II; it states:
"As in 1933, humanists still believe that traditional theism, espe­cially faith in the prayer-hearing God, assumed to love and care for persons, to hear and understand their prayers, and to be able to do something about them, is an unproved and outmoded faith. Salvation, based on mere affirmation, still appears as harmful, diverting people with false hopes of heaven hereafter. Reason­able minds look to other means for survival."
Ah so--we call a spade a shovel and speak truth by tainting the intent. Salva­tion, based on mere affirmation is as far from the truth as is the manifesto itself in its stupidity.
This is further reinforced within the body of the Manifesto itself:
"Promises of immortal salvation or fear of eternal damnation are both illusory and harmful. They distract humans from present concerns, from self-actualization, and from rectifying social injustices." So be it--and what does the New Age Movement teach that is different?
Let us look at some interesting projections for I remind you of that which I have said--"...the ending does not need be as protected!" You are given scenes which cause collective through which focuses on fulfillment of that which is de­sired for you to project--to fit the needs of those adversary happenings.
One can easily see where the area of that which is called "Jungian" archetypes and acting out an end-time drama is an area in which occultists, atheists, and agnostic humanists can find common ground. What mean ye by "humanist"? You mean a total separation of the "physical human" from the "spiritual reality" and, worse, it is supposedly accomplished through the higher spiritual self--two mutually exclusive states of being in total opposition one to the other. At best, that HUMAN experience of any given sequence will be around no more than a century--and that is really pushing the old clock.
But let us continue to investigate the confusing mess. The occultists of all New Age persuasions could easily support such a figure because they believe it is "their Christ" as they define it. The atheist could participate because he would feel it would contribute to the furthering of human progress on the planet, with people being discharged of their ideas of a coming deity for once and for all. The Humanist could participate because it would further the aims of their mani­festos. In fact, maybe the Humanists and the New Agers are really not so far apart at that! The 1973 Humanist Manifesto II reads, "..we stand at the dawn of the new age". Many recognizable New Agers and occultists appear as signers of the 1973 document, including Isaac Asimov; Archie Bahm; and Lester R. Brown of the World Watch Institute. Likewise, the 1933 original Manifesto was not without occultist influence. Oliver L. Reiser, a Lucis Trust activist, par excellence, appeared as a signer to that original declaration. This is all tan­gled up within the New World Order and Global Plan 2000 and One World Government, etc., further projected forth under the United Nations, i.e. Donald Keyes.
Go back a bit now, to your old book of Daniel and see that he warned that the coming world dictator would not come initially with guns. The angel warned him instead:
"And in his estate shall stand up a vile person, to whom they shall not give the honor of the kingdom: but he shall come in peaceably, and obtain the kingdom by flatteries." Daniel 11:21. There are some pretty good and accurate things in those "good old books".

It comes down to the real question being not whether there will be flatteries, but what form will they take? The central "flatter" the anti-christ and his followers employ is the same as that consistently employed by "Satan" in all past times "Thou shall Be as gods."However it is also evident that he has been courting the intelligentsia by flattering themselves into thinking they can change the course of history--by concerting play-acting a false messiah into his domain. Daniel was further warned:
"And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that 4 know their God shall be strong, and do exploits." Daniel 11:32.
Is it not evident from the context of the Daniel passage that while "Lucifer" is busy inspiring his forces, God will likewise gives great strength to his people.
Your good friend, Isaiah, gave some important advice for you ones who per­ceive yourselves to be "authentic" Christians vs. the "mouth" Christians. First, it tells that nothing will ultimately prevail against God's TRUE body.Sec­ondly, it tells you whom you should truly fear:
"Associate yourselves, 0 ye people, and ye shall be broken in pieces; and give ear, all ye of far countries: gird yourselves, and ye shall be broken in pieces. Take council together, and it shall come to nought; speak the word, and it shall not stand; For God is with us. For the Lord spoke thus to me with a strong hand, and instructed me that I should not walk in the way of this people, saying, Say ye not A confederacy, to all them to whom this people shall say, A confederacy; neither fear ye their fear, nor be afraid. Sanctify the Lord of host himself; and let him be your fear and let him be your dread." Isaiah 8:9-13.
I trust you can quickly see that the planned deception is incredible in detail and magnitude, perhaps enough to deceive "even the very elect". One way that the elect might remain alert to such deception is to remind themselves how Christ will really appear--if you can isolate the chaff of the vision from the wheat thereof. You will know that no matter how impressive the show, or the people calling for his acceptance, if you are standing on the ground, it is a clear-cut phony. You will behold CHRIST IN THE AIR-- NOT ON THE AIR as some prominent TV evangelists have suggested Owning a television set is not a pre­requisite to viewing this coming "in power and great glory". How can such foolishness prevail as "every eye shall see him", and it is meant "on television". By the way--one called Benjamin Creme ALSO PROJECTS THIS FOOLISH­NESS! I can promise you that unto the least eye, seeing or blind, in every part of the world shall see the coming and know of its presence--even unto the dark­est corner of Africa or the tribes of the Amazon--to the native in the regions of the poles. They have not television and yet THEY WILL SEE AND KNOW!
I warn you that it is most important that you not be ignorant of the adversary's devices. However, it is even more important that you know wherein to place your fear and your trust. You fear not "them that can slay the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell" (separation from God of Light).

There needs clarification regarding holography and appearance of beings. If you do not understand that which is actually in point herein, you will be sorely misled.
"Not since the advent of motion picture photography has there been a development with so much potential for reorienting our concepts of vi­sual image-making as holography-- the technique of using still-life laser transmissions to create an image that has depth. This volume takes you into the wondrous world between matter and energy, real and surreal, object and idea, to explore the social dimensions, political conscious­ness, and aesthetic developments that have shaped this revolutionary art. From THE HOLOGRAPHY BOOK, by, Jeff Berne, 1980.
Within the past few years a theory has been developing which may further unify all aspects of mankind, including its religions. Because this theory has not yet had wide circulation among non-scientists, it is included herein in this discus­sion so we may use some of its concepts when applied to World Religion for the New Age. It is known as the "Holographic Theory of the Universe. There is even a "holographic supertheory" :
"In a nutshell, the holographic supertheory says that our brains mathe­matically construct ' hard' reality by interpreting frequencies from a di­mension transcending time and space. The brain is a hologram, inter­preting a holographic universe."and then moving on a bit further:
"The holographic model also helps explain the strange power of the im­age--why events are affected by what we imagine ,what we visualize. An image held, in a transcendental state mu be made real."
But, chelas, WHAT IS REAL? How can I explain to you that if this be so--you can only conjure on a plane of illusion within a physical environment- -FOR YOU ARE HUMAN, IN PHYSICAL EXPRESSION! Therefore, is it not with great wisdom that you consider that ones of the etheric realms of creation be able to product a factual holographic duplicate from "through" projections, but that any entity FROM THE PHYSICAL cannot do so??? From the physical as­pect, only duplicates and synthetics can be DEVELOPED--not--CREATED AS LIFE FORMS AS THOUGHT-BASED, GOD-SOURCE BEINGS.
I suggest you further look at those rules given forth unto you by God for your guidance:
"Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them..." PONDER THIS MOST CAREFULLY AND SEE THAT AT WHICH YOU EFFORT TO DO CONSTANTLY!
This in no wise takes exception to the setting of goals within man and projecting them into reality of experience. We speak of two very differing states of achievement. The time for Man to achieve the "creation" practice of other life--is after the perfection of the learning when one is again in Godness with the to­tal perfection of the balance of God within Creation. The third dimensional, physical state of being does not "cut the mustard". That station is still very low on the levels of dimensional achievement. Therefore, as Man of Physical ex­pression gets into that which is given unto perfection-- he gets himself into very "hot water" indeed. The species of Man can then only prove of his incapabili­ties to manage that which he can technically tinker with. Human Man can never achieve GODNESS from the physical aspect--forthat is NOT WHERE YOU FIND GOD IN CREATING--ONLY EXPERIENCING!
Well, you might ask me: "..isn't a 'replica' a sort of hologram?" NO. A replica is a fabricated "thing" which functions but only duplicates holographic perception. A holograph is basically a "perception" or "vision" of a finished cellular reproductive illusion--without physical manifestation of "solid" form.
"Can the outer dimensional ' brothers' create holographic forms on a planet?"--Yes, some can and all higher etheric beings of higher levels of the dimensions of God most certainly CAN.
Does this mean, then, that no matter what thought processes and projections you forecast will not (can not) be actually experienced? No, because a vision and goal of perceived fruition is NOT a hologram nor a holograph. It is precipitating "goal" to which the, mind will produce a method of bringing into your perceived experience. For instance, if the goal of a war is placed into the col­lective consciousness and given expectation- -you will have a war for your goal seeking mechanism will see to its fulfillment- -but again--that is NOT a holo­graph; that is but an accomplishment of the goal seeking mechanism of the physical "experience" .
Projections of "how it will be" are rampant as always--however, look closely unto those things which are already come to pass. This will give you insight into how the goal seeking mechanism works--slowly but deadly.
I am going back to your year 1985 or so, for it is the time segment which I need to bring to your attention. Dharma continues to be pained by that which is thrust at her by the ones from the club, A.S.S.K., and I can bring insight which will answer much for all of you readers. I take no opposition unto any individ­ual-- I will not, however, allow Truth to be buried by the wash which efforts to confuse you. New World Order is one of the most important elements within that so-called spokesmen organization set forth in the name of Sananda and Sanat Kumara. And yet, look herein. One of the most influential "friends" of the leader of the "club" is Donald Keyes. So, who in the world is Donald Keyes? He has been around for a long, long time so you new children will not know who he is--so please read on: One, Robert Muller and Donald Keyes are tremendously influential at the UN. As in 1985, as the Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations, Muller coordinated its vast 32 agency bureau­cracy. He was openly participating in and had been doing so, in Lucis Trust activities, even giving speeches with titles such as "The Reappearance of Christ" and "The New Group of World Servers, a Look Into the Future".
Likewise, Donald Keyes exercised no small degree of influence over that inter­national body. With the help of his close friend, Norman Cousins, he formed close friendships with UN ambassadors and even wrote their speeches for them. Although the UN was tightly guarded, Donald Keyes had and has free access. He says that he has started "many a trend at the United nations". As a gifted speechwriter, he composed speeches for UN Ambassadors. Humorously boast­ing about his impressive influence at the UN, Donald Keyes told a symposium audience "how to start a 'trend' ".
"First you write a speech for one ambassador. And then you write a speech for a second ambassador praising the first ambassador for the speech he just gave! That's how you start a trend." [Feel a bit queazy yet?]
Can't you just close your eyes a minute and hear: "...but he shall come in peaceably and obtain the kingdom by flatteries!" ?
Of course, the average "peace demonstrator" is not working with any ulterior motives. But still, they are saying "peace and safety". Is there any evidence to show that the Peace movement, too, has been influenced by this Lucis Trust and the New Age Movement? Oh dear, so much so that one knows not where to even begin. You see, even the "green movement" and anti-pollution laws are geared to force your industries out of your U.S. , for instance, and into Mexico --whereby you have to give in to the free-trade agreements. The anti-pollution laws are set to be totally unworkable and unattainable and YOU VOTED THEM IN HOOK, LINE AND SINKER!
One of the most important DISARMAMENTgroups is S.A.N.E. Donald Keyes helped organize and lead it. Familiar inside out with the New Age writ­ings, Donald Keyes once worked for Lucis Trust as an Arcane School adminis­trator. His open contributions to that organization continue through his speeches and articles in their magazines (BEACON, etc.). Another very im­portant group of people in the peace network are the World Federalists (don't confuse this with other similar "sounding" groups).
Donald Keyes represented them at the UN for many years. His influence con­tinues there as well.
In one of his speeches he proudly said he had infiltrated the Peace Movement in 1958, the Human Rights Movement in 1969, the Global Movement in 1970 and the ranks of diplomats in 1975. He said that he now spends his time writing speeches for foreign ministers and ambassadors and roaming the halls of the UN. Evidently he spends time roaming the acres of Findhorn as well! He told this audience about his annual workshops there.
Keyes' impressive contacts with the United Nations are neither accidental or coincidental. He told Lucis Trust just how they came about:
"...Norman Cousins and I worked closely together with a number of the ambassadors. He would invite them to dinner and I would suggest which ones he might invite. And this way we had neutral tuirf where ambas­sadors could let down what hair they had and discuss issues which were close to their hearts which they might not normally undertake to reveal to one another. Out of that came their idea of a Conference on Human Survival which would meet at the 25th anniversary of the United Na­tions.....
I am going to leave this at this point for I wish to close this segment. However, I wish to add comments of a personal nature. I wish to continue this subject line for you must come into the facing of facts. If you have been sucked-in, don't waste of your time wallowing in mortal agony--simply know the delusion has been planned and the plan worked--no more and no less. Let us get on with that which is "reality"--what is coming down here, and your relationship with God within this wondrous Creation.
I am Sananda, and therefore, many of you are certainly confused by the above portion. Be not longer confused. Those ones have denounced these works as being of Satan--I believe you ones have enough insight now, and information which you can easily research--YOU BE YOUR OWN JUDGE. I BRING NAUGHT UNTO YOU SAVE THAT WHICH IS GOD, TRUTH AND LIGHT. I FORCE NOT, I HIDE NOTHING--I REVEAL MYSTERIES AS QUICKLY AS YOU CAN ACCEPT THEM AND I DECLARE THAT NOTH­ING IS OF MYSTICISM. WHO MIGHT BE GIVING FORTH WRONG IN­FORMATION IN MY NAME? Worse, these ones in point SAY they will meet with "their energy" and "Hatonn" or "Dharma's Sananda"-- BUT THEY DO NOT AND WILL NOT. THEY SEND ANONYMOUS HATE MAIL AND EFFORT TO BRING LEGAL STOP TO OUR WORK--YOU, DEAR ONES, JUDGE FROM THE BENCH OF TRUE JUSTICE AND DECIDE FOR SELVES. So be it for the lies shall be stripped away that your eyes will be given into seeing and thine hearts into hearing.

THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 1991 2:05 P.M. YEAR 4, DAY 301

Visualization used for manipulation of external events can have, some very present dangers. This is aptly referred to as "sorcery".Ones think it great insight and fun to play at witchery/sorcery as "white" vs "black", etc. I warn you, chelas, it is a dangerous game where YOU are "had" almost every time and not vice versa.
I am Esu Emmanuel Sananda (Jesus the Christ, as you ones have come to label my being). I am come to speak of earthly things that you might be given into KNOWING and move out of the confusion of MAN'S OPINIONS AND ILL-INTERPRETATIONS .
Most speakers on these particular subjects of "Christianity" , "New Age", New World Order, New Age Politics, etc., have what they believe to be "good in­tent" but they are indeed "ignorant". Ignorance is defensible until it turns into refusal to consider that that which they might be experiencing is "ignorance". I am going to currently skip through discussions at length, on such matters as public school prayers, and other Church/State situations for I wish to continue my subject of "visualization" . The contradiction is, as with all deceiving, so imperceptible in projection that you are manipulated into being unable to see any difference at all.
Let us look at something which was widely read, which was projected by Pat Robertson and co-workers. This man is respected in the circles of evangelism on the TV and ran for the office of your Presidency. But, what does he tell you? He tells you that the Kingdom of God will not materialize unless you "visualize" it.
"Ever wonder what it would be like if the kingdom of God were real­ized on earth beginning today? How would you recognize it? Would you feel comfortable in it? Or do you suspect your life would have to change significantly? .... In THE SECRET KINGDOM Pat Robertson and Bob Slosser let us peek into the invisible kingdom of God as portrayed in the Bible. And then show that if it is to be implemented on earth now. you and I will need to be involved in its visualization.Our obedience to God's Word will determine how much of it will be implemented in our communities, our nation, and our world."
Wow! And what if those projectors of their opinions and perceptions of "how it will be" are WRONG? If you have visualized the incorrect picture and action-- how will you know the difference when the real thing comes down? That is exactly that which you have done! There is no statement from me that says such a thing--there aren't even any scriptural requirements that it is necessary to fulfill Jesus' prayer "Thy Kingdom Come". I can assure you precious little friends, HIS KINGDOM will come with or without your. visualization. But it could well be that your visualization- -deliberate disobedience of God's prohibition against sorcery--could prevent you from recognizing the Kingdom and actually cause failure in entering that Kingdom.
"Blessed are they that do His commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murder­ers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie. " Revelation 22:14-15.
Certainly seems to include "white", "black" and "multicolored" witches/sorcerers, to me.

Now, the next does not match Scripture. But it does match a significant para­graph of THE ARMAGEDDON SCRIPT by Peter LeMesurier. LeMesurier also says, in effect, that visualization is necessary for the manifestation of the Kingdom--for the kingdom of their deliberately staged FALSE CHRIST. The following is directly from Pat Robertson:
"In the meantime the new world-leader must prepare himself for his role. He must study the scriptures and the Dead Sea Scrolls, immerse himself in current Jewish messianic expectations, thoroughly survey the general locality and familiarize himself with all the major prophecies and the best in New Age religious thought. In short he must create in his own mind a crystal-clear idea of the vision which he has to fulfill. For only in this way can that vision be guaranteed to come into manifestation. "
Dear ones--this says: GOD DOES NOT KNOW HIS OWN PURPOSE!" Where are you, chelas? Could it be that mortal Man, Robertson, doesn't know his head from his toes? He has just limited God of Infinity and Universal Cre­ation into a set of human visualizations. Is that what you want? God of ALL KNOWING--to fit the guidelines, instructions, actions and expectations of Pat Robertson, human politician? As a matter of fact, it matters not even that which YOU want in the circumstance; much less that of an avowed political speaker.

Despite all these objections, I am told that Robertson's ministry has to be from God because it has "fruits". WELL, I SUGGEST YOU REMEMBER THAT THERE ARE BOTH GOOD FRUITS AND BAD FRUITS AND THE SKIN OF THE FRUITS BEAR NOT SIGNS. Dear ones, you must test your spiritual leadership against the Wain counsel Qf God—His WORD, rightly divided. "Fruits" alone are not enough—they must be GOOD fruits: I said that " that day many would say to me, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in thy name and cast out devils in thy name?" And my reply? "Depart from me ye that work iniquity, I never knew you."

"The Open Conspiracy must begin as a movement of explanation and propa­ganda." H. G. Wells, THE OPEN CONSPIRACY.
"It must be remembered that the forerunner of all movements which appear upon the physical plane is an educational propaganda....Disciples in these ashrams have been in training for nearly one hundred and fifty years to do this work." Alice Ann Bailey, THE EXTERNALIZATION OF THE HIERARCHY,
"We (himself and Donald Keyes) have worked together through several decades to sound the alarms and to point to possible new directions." Norman Cousins, introduction to Donald Keyes' EARTH AT OMEGA.
The world was to be prepared for the New Order, the New Religion, and the new "Messiah" in many ways--mental as well as physical. Occult literature de­tails this coming "New World Order" or "New Order" as a "Golden Age". Conversely, the Bible describes it as a time of sorrow. Detailed preparation for that "New World Order" is very much in process and all but fulfilled. This portion will take a look at a few of the vehicles politically acculturating you for the New Order. We will examine the possibility of their work being influenced by occultism (this is actually not a good term for use here, but you have no word which gives me necessary definition-- I use it in the accepted meaning of witchcraft, sorcery, magic, incantation, etc.). Further, we shall see that much if not most of the work in this area is either occultism or demands an occultic world view for its acceptance. "Mysticism", not "mystery".
Two MEN, Aurelio Peccei and Alexander King, co-founded this influential network of financiers, industrialists, and scholars in the late 1960's. A capable executive, Peccei served as Chief Executive Officer for the Olivetti Corporation and for Fiat Automobiles. His writings clearly reflect an "occult" world view--if not totally "Satanic". They also reflected biases against even the "orthodox" Christianity (as defined by a meaning of being based presumably on Christ, real or imagined).
The Club of Rome continues to work closely with a number of occult political action organizations including Planetary Citizens, the International Center for Integrative Studies (ICIS), Lucis Trust, and the Global Education Associates. Indeed, its "Goals for Mankind" Report's United Nations' goals were submitted by Donald Keyes himself. Keyes is an activist with Lucis Trust and a former administrator of that organization. Peccei believed that orthodox religious be­liefs were somewhat primitive:
"If the future was full of mystery, it was because it was shaped by the thought of the life beyond and the unquestioned belief that Hell and Heaven truly existed. The future belonged to God. Mortals would, according to the good or evil deeds of their lifetimes, either be rewarded by the Lord with unsurpassed bliss, or punished for eternity; the soul was all that mattered. And so the human imagination created a host of spir­its and deities to take control over mortal life."

No, not so--MAN created the heaven/hell, projection as well as the other propo­sitions above. God only stated that the "soul alone" matters, so you can see that from a twisted, manipulated vision came an opposing and equally dangerous counter-vision.
I note herein, that Peccei probably didn't know the closeness of his proposals to Bible prophecy. But judging from his associations, it is probable he did know that he was reflecting the occultic-inspired organic world view.
"One of the greatest socio-political and economic differences between the future and the present is that the increasingly intertwined structures of the entire global system will produce A Progressive Convergence of the Futures of all Peoples. All societies will be bound together ever more closely by a network of vital interlinkages, which will condition their re­lationships with each other for better or for worse. Breaking these links will not longer be conceivable. It would throw the whole system into chaos--which no one would want."

Peccei more than likely honestly thought this would usher in a time of peace and prosperity for life. But on close inspection, his proposals are more likely to usher Orwell's 1984 horrors than an age of peace, light, and love. If these links of which he speaks are truly unbreakable, individual freedoms are very much a thing of the past. I have deliberately worded this statement in this manner--for we KNOW that the full intent was present from the beginning, therefore, the question is; WHO GAVE THESE MEN THE FORMAT IN THE FIRST PLACE?

You must realize that Peccei's analysis justifies the establishment of a new uni­versal religion:
"The institutionalizatio n of faith...has not always had happy re­sults....Certain points of doctrine... have been magnified, provoking schisms, apostasy, and the denunciation of what are claimed to be here­sies. The official truth... has become impossible to question: and in or­der that it never should be questioned, ignorance and even superstitions have occasionally been encouraged.. .These structural inflexibilities and doctrinal introversions have helped to keep the major religions static even when the winds of change blowing through society have made clear the need to move from one cultural epoch to another. As a re­sult, it is difficult even for their most sensitive and profound theologians and scholars to break out of a system frozen into formulations, reflecting the past, a system that cannot adapt itself or its doctrines to modern life....Religions now run the risk of becoming a timid rearguard, de­tached from the problems and aspirations of a bewildered and troubled humanity.... And yet humanity...has a PROFOUND NEED FOR SPIRI­TUALITY _The anguish within the churches, the call for a new ecumenism to free them from their narrow confines, the widespread interest in minor cults... and a return to a respect for Nature--an ecological re­spect this time--are all symptoms of this need... They are encouraging symptoms. For, Without a Sincere Spiritual Awakening, The Renais­sance of our True Humanity Will Be Impossible."

I'm sorry, beloved readers, but animism and a repudiation of God's command for man to take dominion our the planet are occult belief hallmarks. Peccei also suggests that perhaps Man created God and not vice versa:
"We may also ask whether it was perhaps to justify our immense aspira­tions in our own eyes that we were led to conceive God, and thus to at­tain the privilege--alone among all forms of life--of entering into com­munion with Him: and even to go so far as to assert that the Almighty had chosen to create us in His own image. Is not this anthropomorphism of the Creator, which is not exclusive to the Christian faith, in reality a form of deification of Man?"
Seems to me that these very men were "acting" in the capacity of God them­selves. Peccei was personally expressing a belief in an organic view of the uni­verse. Which is in itself wondrous indeed--that you are all parts of a whole. The mystics will always foist enough truth off on you to hook you into the lie. It comes forth in the New Agers as the popularization of "unity consciousness" without the slightest idea of what is meant by the very term. These become catch-words and codes for group unification and recognition, just as "hardware" and "software" become a verbal language unto itself.
They project one statement and bear definition of an entirely different intent. It is mirrored in the popularization of "unity consciousness" where they come to a "realization" that they are one with everything in the universe--up to and in­cluding God--and utilize every known type of mind altering substance while doing so. It is very nearly stating that "all is related to all" but overlooking en­tirely the MEANING of the latter.
The Club of Rome betrays its occultic mystic witchcraft orientation in its rec­ommended goals for human beliefs:
1. A world consciousness must be developed through which every indi­vidual realizes his role as a member of the world community.
2. A new ethic in the use of material resources must be developed which will result in a style of life compatible with the coming age of scarcity.
3. An attitude toward nature must be developed based on harmony rather than conquest--only in this way can man apply in practice what is already accepted in theory...this is, that man is an integral part of na­ture.
If the human species is to survive, man must develop a sense of the identification with future generations and be ready to trade benefits to the next generations for the benefits to himself. If each generation aims at the maximum good for itself, homo sapiens are as good as doomed.

You have to REALLY look inside and with utmost caution and discernment to catch the flaws within the above "ideal" presentation. One blatant and glaring absence is m relationship in and within God. All is limited to the very base "physical expression" of the human relative to a physical expression of a minute portion of Creation.
Then we come to the parting of the ways between "typical" Christians and Truth. The orthodox come forth and denounce anyone who speaks a word such as "reincarnation" while at the same time, in the same breath--touts this won­drous experience of life after death. If you have one you MUST have the other and likewise, if you do not have one--you CANNOT have the other. Again I am going to quote something which is interesting in perception of one author:
"Yet consider the transformation of earthly existence were reincarnation accepted into the soulstream of the global population as a guide by which to live. Acutely aware of reaping harvest of past deeds while si­multaneously sowing the seeds of future lives, most people would behave very differently. Life on the planet would be overhauled-- and hugely for the better. Wars, crime, racism, nationalism, and sexual chauvinism would be radically diminished.. . The nagging fear of death would be eliminated and replaced with acceptance of the opportunity for transfor­mation. Doctors who strive to prolong life... would see themselves as sad clowns flaunting their ignorance of cosmic renewal...genetic engineering would be recognized by all as meddlesome and dangerous. Care would be taken not to encourage the extinction of animal and plant species lest rungs be removed from the evolutionary ladder...Acceptance of reincar­nation demands a complete overturning of prevailing attitudes inculcated by a civilization that has long over-identified with the body."
It is truly enough to break of the heart for portions of the projection are worthy of changing the entire planet into oneness with God. But you must remember--there is not intent of God in relationship to Man--but the premise that Man shall somehow become God in human form and control other Men and dictate all ac­tions and thoughts.
Man continues to seek and seek that which is fulfilled somehow through the physical and through the hands of other Men. While Man rewrites the rules and assumptions, the commandments of the God and The Creation are put aside, voted-in or out, stomped on, walked on, spit on and/or most certainly ignored. YOU WILL NEVER FIND WHOLENESS, FULFILLMENT OR ANY LASTING EXPERIENCE UNTIL YOU RECOGNIZE, GOD AND THE NEED FOR BALANCE 'WITH THAT ONENESS WITHIN CREATION. I CARE NOT WHAT YOU CALL YOUR RELIGION. IF IT IS OF THE HUMAN IT WILL ALWAYS REMAIN OF THE PHYSICAL ASPECT--AND THAT IS A FLEETING EXPERIENCE AT BEST.
I walked your roads, felt your pain and occasional joy (man has little joy). I appeared to do that which was, at the least, unusual--for the birds and little creatures would come to perch upon my being. I experienced the glory of that communion and, when asked about these things, I efforted to explain. This was not the "mortal, self, the self you can "see" that is able to do these things. It is.a truer, deeper self. It is what you know as God, God within you, within me, God the Omnipotent One working through the being, that does these things. Of myself, the mortal self, I can do nothing. It is only when I get rid of the outer entirely and let the actual, that which I AM, speak and work and let the great love of God come forth that I did these things that were witnessed.

When we consider the possibilities it becomes easy to see why Man becomes "victim" of the illusions of another for he is forever searching. There seem to be great contradictions but those are the result of taking that which is desirable out of context and utilizing it in incorrect assumptions. It returns to the lack of understanding of LIGHT. There is difference in the "thinking" of Man and the "thinking" of Central God--and a great difference in the KNOWING. One is a physical experience; the other is a soul energy experience. One can affect the other but one can never BE the other.
When Man shall at last know God he shall then be transformed.
Dynamic knowledge of the Identity and Presence of God within the Soul of Man--and throughout all Nature is a necessary stage for the human race to attain before it is possible for him to build an enduring civilization of unity and broth­erhood.
The only reason Man has never known God is because he is still in his intellectual infancy and his ideals and practices are still "pagan" and mostly barbarous. I apologize to the ones labeled "pagan" for it is indeed a most stupid projection but does suit my needs herein--as the stupid projection, not as the truth regard­ing those so labeled.
To know God, Man must know what Light is, and energy,, magnetism, electric­ity, gravitation and God's processes in the building of bodies which manifest His Presence and His purposes. And he must know the mysteries of life, death and growth, and of the into which even the giant oak disappears but still retains its identity. And he must blow how Man, retains identity when he also disappears.

No man has yet known these things. The concepts of modern sages regarding them are totally unlike God's processes. The conclusions of Man regarding them are the conclusions of his senses. His Mind has never yet pierced their illusions. He still senses EFFECTS without knowing their CAUSE.

These things you shall be given to know--and when you comprehend within your inner Self you will then KNOW God. If we are to change and reverse the path from the chaos back into order, transmutation need surely occur. Transmutation needs but the comprehension of a few men of vision, men whose minds are not fixedly closed to make such a reality--I did not say "visualization" as sit and chant or picture a tree, etc. I mean "of vision" in openness to see and hear, that which flows within and not from the projections of of another forms without.

Transmutation is the simplest of all the principles of Nature ten thousand times more simple than what is now being at is dangerous and expensively done. The first step toward it is to discover that matter and motion is tonal--and thoroughly controllable. The elements are not substances. They are but states of motion which can be controlled by knowledge and electricity power. The present concept which makes it necessary to knot an electron from one element to trans­mute it to another, is contrary to Nature's working. No one would think of try­ing to knock out one part of a sound to make it into another sound, or to take an arm from a man to transmute him into a horse. This is what science is trying to do, however, by knocking an electron from mercury to produce gold. There are no electrons in the elements to knock out in any case, as you shall be given to see.

Dharma, I have with me a "Master" of transmutation and alchemy. I would like to share the forum as we move through the next few portions, with Ger­main. I ask that the length of this JOURNAL be checked for I would guess la the following portions will run well over a hundred pages. Germain can be as wordy as Hatonn and I realize we are efforting to keep these JOURNALs at a reasonable length.

I believe what we shall do is simply close this portion and release you for this day for you have been long at the keyboard in any event. Let us take council on our next move and we will begin in the morrow.

Dearest friends, if there is to be Balance achieved, you MUST come into the KNOWING. Since there are only infinite cycles-- you WILL come into the KNOWING. The only thing in point is WHEN and HOW. Would it not be wondrous to move from this chaos into the journey home so that the majority of the trip shall be delightful rather than according to visualization of a few men who have pronounced their mysticism upon you? Allow us to rest and refresh and we shall look forward to meeting again tomorrow.
In love and compassion for the opening eyes and hearts-- I AM