SUNDAY, JUNE 9, 1991 8:04 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 297


Hatonn present to speak first this morning that I might call your attention to a few items.

It might be that you will miss the significance of the two volcano eruptions which are notable this day. It is more important that you pay close attention to the one in the Philippines for it affects the U.S. military base located there. It also comes after prior earthquake activity--keep your eye on it for there is talk of evacuating the base. More interesting about this volcano is that it shows no notable eruptions in your century.

The other one, in Japan , has not erupted in a major manner since 1792. a this important? Not unless you take careful note of their locations, possible uses of the mountain and caverns thereof. Mt. Unzen spews periodically so is obvi­ously active along the ring of fire. The point is to watch the clues b attending other prior and subsequent activities. It is the only way in which you can discern that which is 'natural`' vs that which is "unnatural".

Take careful note of what is going to be coming forth in the UN, for Japan and Germany both desire seats on the permanent security council and are objecting to being listed as "adversary" nations in the charter. There is also a bit of ob­jection coming forth, but being severely squelched, as to the fact that only ma­jor powers control the entire of the United Nations--well, how else can you foreclose on an entire world? You ones haven't yet reckoned the dull impact on the Global Plans of the Chinese or the "Russians".

You can KNOW that the U.S. Elite sanctioned the suppression of the youth--deliberately and strongly at the demonstrations. Trade and inter-relations never ceased for a moment between your Elite and the Elite of China. Further the ones sent to China were from the most Elite of the President's (your) advisors. Therefore, you-the-people must realize that there is a whole generation of Chi­nese to see the Light and rise up against you.

Why do I continue to speak of these things? Because if you lose your Constitu­tion, you have no method of countering anything that comes down upon Further, China and Russia are permanent members of the UN Security Council and they are not your friends and only ONE faction of each government desires any Global unity with you—at all. That means that the 100 billion dollars you will give Russia , plus all the food credits of another 3 to 5 billion $$$ is payoff and entrapment. You see, you are buying Russla (hopefully) but more impor­tantly, the Banksters are sucking in the Soviet Union to ,trap her within the usury and "loan" system which destroys and consumes every player--except the Banks and Banksters. But at is Russia ; what is China doing?? You don't hear a lot about China except for fringe involvement and houses for a whole bunch of the Elite Banks and Kissinger interests--so what are they doing? There are A WHOLE BIG BUNCH of Chinese and they are going to own one of the world's biggest Banking Centers in just a few short years--Hong Kong! The Elite have to work very quickly, do they not? The Chinese have been armed and ready with over half a BILLION troops for a long time, America ! Do you think Kissinger's "shuttle diplomacy" can pull it off? I think NOT!

Why am I turning to the subject of China ? Because, as the Master Teacher, Sananda, gets through speaking of his "Jesus" days, he will turn his attention to Buddha and Confucius, for starters. You will note that those are the two prevalent "religions" of the masses of that great empire. Since GOD IS ONE,how are you going to account for "several"? Well, I suggest you get ready to settle for the fact that God has been sending his wise messengers for quite a while to periodically set you on a correct trajectory and you just keep losing your way. You will find NO differences in the fundamental teachings from which TRUTH AND LAWS came forth-only the foolish Man-conjured splattering of their evil lies upon humanity in the tearing down of infrastructures of Godness. It has happened before, but will it happen FOR YOU----AGAIN? That, dear ones, is the question in point! Might this "coming " of God again unto your sphere be a..possible clue to that which has been coming for a tom time? Could it be the final curtain of final separation and placement of HIS FRAGMENTS? I believe you will find it the better part of wisdom to consider it such for it certainly can't hurt you and it might verywell save you, for that which God creates, HE CAN ALSO UNCREATE!


I shall now relinquish this forum that the beloved brother might continue his discourse. May you be given into seeing and hearing for your days grow short upon the wondrous orb if you continue in the manner you have selected as your path.

Blessings--and may our way be given into the Light that Man may find his way. I AM that you might Be. And, I am Come, that you might be. And. I am Come that you might be given to KNOW. Dharma, allow the clarity into your being--for you only find ONE for there IS ONLY ONE! We come to commune in total balance and as you come into KNOWING--you cannot find difference in one from the other except as we project information- -THAT is how it IS. Totality of ONENESS. Your path is blessed, scribe, and I give ye ones of my children, shielding that you faint not and find security within y protection for I am as close as your breath which -gives unto you, LIFE.

Let us return to the history lesson for you shall learn of Me--from Me, that there cease the misunderstandings as thrust upon you by Man. He has given you things with no basis, lies with no foundation upon which to reason--and without reason you cannot KNOW GOD, for that is the gift that sets you apart from other creations-free will choice and ability to "reason".

I shall refer to myself as "Jesus" since that is the way the world has learned to refer to that incarnation of the Messenger.

I have been described in many ways and we shall look at some of them: Niet­zche described me as a psychological type, hypersensitive, prone to suffering and dreading it above all else. Well, what would you have done in my stead? He further theorized that "reality" was intolerable to me and stated that I could only accept it as a parable, a sign. No, the fact is--I KNEW AND KNOW THE REALITY, and I was experiencing in a facade, an illusion of "let's pretend". The fact is that I understood and KNEW that the journey was only that of physical and brief manifestation which would pass quickly-MY "REALITY" OF ME AND THAI WHICH I AM (AND YOU ARE). Nietzsche projected that I lived in a world which was not "real", but a world of vague, intangible symbols. Where do you suppose this great one, Nietzsche, lived--he certainly impacted your societies to a great extent.

Hostility, opposition, the resistance of concrete things were intolerable to me, says this great scholar and founder of societal structure. He says that I simply did not contend with the world, and further that "resist not evil" was the key to the gospel I brought. Where did he get his great wisdom and right to pronounce such information? Why do as a people, accept anything some self-styled "expert" and "authority" hang on your shoulders and denounce any who actually bang Truth directly from the mouth of the one who experienced? How many "PHYSICAL" beings do you see walking around who have lived infinitely? Do not all you see and know make a transition of some sort--leaving that old bag of bones? How do you balance eternity against some 70 to 110 years? Would it not appear REASONABLE that there is more than the 70 or 110 years?
It comes down into your day that I resisted not anything--brothers, this is lie--I resisted and got myself killed for the effort. I was labeled as unable to struggle or had no "capability" for struggle and that is somehow set up as an ethical principle. All I can say in this regard in this particular paragraph is that you had better cease and desist such an illusion right now. This is part of the lie handed down to you in order to render you helpless and docile and totally with­out reasoning stance,

Each decade a NEW LIE is introduced unto you are sleeping masses and repeated until it becomes your very illusion. There was no mention in the original writ­ings of "Jews", Zionists, "Raptures", etc. How dare you think that you can dump your load of transgressions on the shoulders of any INNOCENT Man and you get off with some nice RAPTURE TO PARADISE ? How dare you!

I said that I would intercede and petition on behalf of you who were ignorant of Truth that you might be shown mercy in your ignorance--I DID NOT POUR FORTH MY BLOOD NOR LIFE THAT YOU, SHOULD GET FREE OF YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES. NO MAN CAN DO THAT FOR ANOTHER-- NO MAN! EACH WILL ANSWER FOR SELF-- ONLY SELF

The only true reality is the inner which is called LIFE, TRUTH, LIGHT. The Kingdom of God is a psychological state. It is not expected, it is present everywhere and nowhere. It is a state of beatitude which cannot be demonstrated by miracles or by scriptures, which offers no promise or reward, but is its own proof, its own miracle and reward. Its proofs are inner lights, feelings of pleasure and self-satisfaction— peace. The problem is, then: How shall you live in order to feel that in heaven or this state of grace, at all times divine, the child of God? For this sense of beatitude is the sole reality.

I was not a "hero" nor was I a "genius", but more in the nature of a total idiot, perhaps. I actually believed that Man could come into understanding of LIFE. I could not fit any historian's page of calculations for if you take my Truth as that laid forth you will find that the Sermon on the Mount with the Beatitudes is utterly incompatible with a "Jesus", the fanatical militant, the deadly enemy of the priests and theologians. Consequently, there becomes ascribed to me ev­erything in the Gospels that does not suit the desired human picture of "Jesus" to the invention of the early militant congregation, which required a militant prototype. Therefore, guess what--I came across as an elemental power, by turns unbendingly aggressive and infinitely gentle. Herein I plan to present my­self as a gentle, unbending Messenger of God. I weary of the foolish manner in which Man assumes his right to tamper with the TRUTH OF LIFE.

Did I do the things of which I stand accused? Like what? "He looked on them with anger," "He assailed them (him)," "He rebuked him," "He menaced him." And "Finding no fruit on a fig tree, I withered it with my curse that no man should eat fruit of it forever thereafter." And how about this one? "Those who do not do the will of the Father in heaven, "JESUS" WILL DENY AT THE LAST JUDGMENT!" Where are your EARS, friends? What right have I to even BE at YOUR judgment? Much less would I assume to DENY your entry into God's house. And why, indeed, would I destroy a fig tree when it was rea­sonable that it was out of season or barren? Could it be that MAN misled you and incorrectly projected the tale for your consumption? If they supposedly "crucified" me by the lie, is it not possible that a few other little errors might have slipped through? God gave YOU minds with which to reason, I remind you again and again until I hope you sicken of it.

Again--the assumption is that I would be that God of judgment and yet some­how I was also supposed to be there denying you if I didn't like something about you. It is said that I would toss you out and turn my back if you followed not the rules of God--I think HE is perfectly capable of handling that task Him­self. Further, it is said that I projected to "cast into outer darkness, those ones..." and "there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth." "Whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven. Think not that I am come to send peace on earth; I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother." Come, come, chelas--DOES THAT SOUND LIKE A SWEET CHRISTIAN ATTITUDE OR DOES IT SOUND LIKE THE TRICKS AND LIES OF THE ADVERSARY? IN THE PAST SENTENCE I WOULD HAVE BROKEN HALF THE COMMANDMENTS BY WHICH I LIVED UNTO MY DEATH OF FLESH.

More: I supposedly reviled the cities that did not repent: i.e., "Woe unto thee, Chorazin; woe unto thee, Bethsaida ! It shall be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon at the day of judgment, than for you." And when Peter is offended to hear that the Son of Man would suffer much, be killed, and rise again, I sup­posedly rebuked him: "Get thee behind me, Satan,...thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men." This is a bit much, is it not? And a strange thing comes to attention at this very projection of words regard­ing Peter. Is it not strange that one Sister Thedra would write to this scribe the very words: "Get thee behind me, Satan..." This is for my scribe who takes abuse daily: Satan was not "created" until in your recent history--satan, (with a little s) simply means gad meant, "adversary". Peter was most certainly NOT my adversary! HOW MANY OF YOU TRAVEL ON INTO YOUR NEXT EXPERIENCE BEARING THE LIE?? HOW MANY OF YOU EF­FORT TO CLEANSE THAT WHICH IS NOT PRESENT? DOES NOT, THE ADVERSARY ALWAYS KNOW OF THINE SOFT AND VULNERABLE PLACES AND THEREIN STRIKE YOU?

Boy, the really good one is how I handled those nasty old money-changers in the temple. "With a whip, he drove the money-changers from the Temple ." And do you suppose I just turned around and grabbed a whip? Or, did I bring it with me unto the temple? Do I tell you to handle the situation of the tax-col­lectors and money-changers in that manner this day? Then why do you believe I would have done so in those days when I would have known it would have meant my physical destruction?

The next should also be most thought-provoking to you with "reason" in your mind: I was strangely dual in personality- -gentle and uncompromising mili­tancy: "My yoke is easy, and my burden is light," but then I would also com­mand men to "follow me at once, without hesitation, and without reservation. " To the young man who wished to first bury his father, I demanded: "Follow me; and let the dead bury their dead." I rather wish I had originated that one for it is so appropriate in your recent days. Again, I "cursed the unbelievers and in the words of Isaiah: ' Ye shall hear, and shall not understand; for this people's heart was waxed gross.'" Then I turned about and gave thanks that God should have hidden the Truth from the wise and prudent, and revealed it to babes?? I tell you truly, I marvel that any could come into Godliness through that which is attributed unto me! The very words are a mockery unto God and Truth.


This so-called Jesus is a figure of late antiquity, living on the margin of the Hellenistic- Roman world. In a period of luminous history, he spent his life in obscurity, barely noticed by the outside world. What part could this man who did not calculate at all have in a calculating, realistic, rationalized world where nothing mattered but power? From the standpoint of all material reality, his life was a mistake and could only end in failure.

Compared to the archaic "Jewish"?!? prophets, who seem cast in bronze, he seems contemplate, ambiguous, and volatile. But compared with the Hellenis­tic- Roman world, he has the originality of a first beginning. Some have tarried to explain Jesus as one of the many religious or political fanatics of his time. He has been identified with the apocalyptic movement that was widespread in the Near East, with such sects as the Essenes who sought salvation in a life of purity and serene brotherhood, or with the revolutionary movements proclaim­ing a Messiah who would restore the kingdom of "Israel" (?!?); he has been numbered among the wandering prophets spoken of by Celsus, who went about the cities, temples, army camps, begging, telling fortunes, claiming to be sent by God to save other men and cursing those who would acknowledge them; and he has been likened to the artisans who wandered about the desert with the Bedouins, destitute but carefree, watching their battles but taking no part, caring for the wounded on both sides, men of peace, living successfully among war­riors.

Now I ask you to contemplate the above description- -be it of anyone--and with reason, discern if THAT IS OF GOD? God is total clarity with the only mystery being that which is simply not yet understood-- but totally open for the learning as ye will do so. He gave succinct and easily understood instructions for behavior—a' your species and gave forth the command, further, to live within the balance of the Natural Creation. Would a true messenger of a God who- ready had given those pronouncements upon His people--present such stupid contradictions? If he truly did so, how long do you really think he would last? Ah, but the adversary deceives, confuses and lasts until the ending of your "physical" at which mint he dumps you into the void El of more confusion. WHO

Ah yes, let us continue with this brilliant historical dissertation from a most learned historian:

Jesus may have something in common with all these types. Certain aspects of their lives and modes of thought provide a possible framework for his existence. But once this is recognized, the reality of Jesus shatters the framework, for it is utterly different in meaning, origin, and dignity. He reveals breadths, and depths unknown to the others. All those who came forward as Messiahs were executed and forgotten; when they had failed, their followers ceased to believe in them. The religious fanatics lost themselves in particulars and externals. If so many heterogeneous types can cast a light on Jesus, it only goes to show that he belongs to none of them.

It has been said, rightly perhaps, that there was nothing new in the teachings of Jesus. He accepted the knowledge of those about him, worked with traditional ideas. The God that he loved so intensely was the "Jewish"?!? God. It never occurred to him to break with the "Jewish"?!? faith. Like the ancient Prophets, he lived in it, while opposing the congealed forms and dogmas of the priests. Historically, he is the last of the "Jewish"?!? Prophets. He cites them often and explicitly. OR DID I? SEEMS I REMEMBER DENOUNCING THEM AS LIARS, THIEVES AND EVIL. I DENOUNCED THEIR RELIGIOUS PRACTICES AND CONTINUALLY GOT THROWN OUT OF THE TEM­PLES --HOW SO, THAT I SO CONVENIENTLY GOT BROUGHT BACK WITHIN?

But let us go on:

But if only because of the changed world, there was a difference between Jesus and the ancient Prophets. They had lived in an independent Jewish [I give up--we will have to use the term for the historian used it over and over again] State and witnessed its decline and end. Jesus lived in a long-stabilized and politi­cally dependent Jewish theocracy. Between the political independence of the Jews and their final dispersion after the destruction of Jerusalem, there elapsed a period of five centuries marked by many of the most fervent Psalms, the Books of Ecclesiastes and Job--and the career of Jesus. The Jewish theocracy cast him out, as the priests in the days of the Kings had attempted to cast out the Prophets. The Talmudic Jews of the Diaspora who accepted the old Prophets as part of the canon could no longer accept Jesus, for in the meanwhile Gentiles had built a world religion around him.

Historically, Jesus' faith in God is one of the great creations of Jewish Biblical religion. The God of Jesus, the God of the Bible, is no longer one of the Ori­ental gods from whom Yahweh was descended. Gradually He had lost his Ori­ental cruelty and lust for offerings, largely through the Prophets who molded a more profound conception of sacrifice and spoke their last word in Jesus. Nor is this God one of the grandiose mythical figures who symbolized and so subli­mated and guided the primordial forces of human existence, after the manner of Athene, Apollo, and all the rest; He is the imageless, formless ONE. Yet He is not a mere universal power; He is not the world reason of Greek philosophy, but an active person. Nor is He the unfathomable Being with which man achieves mystical union in meditation; He is the absolutely Other, which can be believed but not seen. He is absolute transcendence, before the world and out­side of the world, and He is the creator of the world. In relation to the world and man, He is will: "He spoke, and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast." Impenetrable in His decisions, He is trusted and obeyed without reserve. He is the judge who sees man's most hidden thoughts, and before whom man must give an accounting. He is the father who loves and forgives, in whose presence man knows himself to be a child of God. He is jealous and hard, but merciful and compassionate. Remote and unapproachable, He governs from afar, but He is close at hand, speaking in man's heart and communicating His imperatives. He is not mute and intangible like the One Being of speculation; rather, He is the living God who speaks directly to each man.

And this one goes on to say:

Jesus believed in the God of the Old Testament and fulfilled the old Prophetic religion. Like Jeremiah, he was a Jew, pure of heart, freed from all bonds of law, ritual, and cult. He did not reject all these forms, but subordinated them to the present will of God. Once again Jesus embodied the Prophetic faith, which sustained him as it had sustained men for centuries.

Is it yet occurring to any of you that the one labeled "Jesus" by Paul was not one who experienced in Christness? Does it yet touch your imaginings that this "Jesus" conjured by Saul of Tarsus and about whom Paul spent his remaining days touting—was simply a conjured,symbol of this misgiven Alan? There is almost NOTHING within the writings of your so--called Bible which reflects that which a Christed beings would be! The things that were given in Truth regarding the Commandments and method of life law, are now finally being voted-in/out as well.


Sananda to bless you, chela, for I see the pain and agony within your being. I never, never said that to bring the TRUTH would be easy—only glory, joy and infinite blessings. Man must be given into TRUTH before he passes from this experience. MAN can no longer live by the lie for he has destroyed all that has come into his clutches--Man has become one with the adversary whom he serves. Ah yes, were today to be the ending journeythe ships would indeed be uncrowded. Hold unto ME for I AM YOUR SHIELD AND YOUR BUCKLER AND NO MAN NOR EVIL CAN NOR SHALL STAND AGAINST ME--FOR J AM COME THAT THIS KINGDOM BE COME AGAIN UNTO GOD. WE HAVE BUT TO PLAY OUT THE FINAL ACT AFORE THE CURTAIN FALLS.

MONDAY, JUNE 10, 1991 8:43 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 298

MONDAY, JUNE 10, 1991
Hatonn present to commune on this wondrous summer morning. No matter what is your circumstance brethren, do not fail to experience the wonders re- sent for your journey for you cannot know until you jump in" exactly what the glorious situation might be as given unto you. And, moreover, may you be given eyes of understanding to see beyond that which appears to be. There is so much of evil intent going on behind the shroud and trappings of distractions- -please, chelas, pay attention for you are about to lose your nations into the clutches of the Beast and have your very plan of national life dissolved.
Since we have taken all weekend in the writing of Express urgent material, I will turn over this discourse into the hands and wisdom of Sananda, Esu, who will continue on his own journey's explanation unto your place. You are greatly blessed, precious ones and I am honored as a teacher, that you are cho­sen. I salute you for lessons well learned.

In a blazing glory of "moment" shall you be given into understanding and it shall come as the Creator reveals unto you the keys unto His Kingdom! Esu present in the brotherhood of Man among the Hosts who come to show the way and bring you home. Where is "HOME"? Anywhere that you find perfect bal­ance within that which is Creator/Creation. It is a journey of the Soul/Spirit-­ not of the flesh. "Son of God" and "Son of Man"? I, like you, am both--in the image of God as fragment thereof and image of Man who utilizes housing to give physical experience. That which is of God gives unto the housing of the Spirit, honor, joy, revelation and care in as nearly balanced experience as Man can attain. That of evil brings pain, chaos, sorrow and emptiness unto the being for the lessons. in the learning of the difference and moving beyond that which is physical perception into the sublime. Each being must learn of "both" move through his lessons into KNOWING.

Some of us have learned most slowly--moving from experience unto experience, always reaching and groping. Then we find a flash of Truth and bend unto the task of perfecting it; only to realize that each fragment of God has right of passage and experience—so we move on in allowing. We feel great sorrow at the erroneous choices and desire to push another into the way that we have found into balance--but in the ending we must simply realize that it is ONLY ONE and we cannot do of what another must do for self to perfect the fragment and reclaim it unto God.

How smug Man becomes as he journeys through the physical for he is blinded by that which is called "ego". God's gift unto human to set him apart is "reason" and "thought with choices of his own conjuring". Ego is that which is of the physical process which "believes" itself to be "all". Just as a serpent must shed of its outgrown skin that it might grow, so must the being shed of its ego restraints in order to grow. Is it so very difficult to see that you come from the heavens? Would it not be wondrous to KNOW that there are higher knowings unto which you can turn from your limitations and ignorance? Is it not wonder beyond wonder that there is a wholeness to the plan and a Oneness with that which is capable of filling the void within which always reaches out and seeks endlessly? Is it not joy to KNOW that there is that which is beyond the tinkering and arguments of voted-in rules of behavior--that the body of God KNOWS its guidelines and does not argue and fall to the ones who would have MORE congregation and collections in the plates on Sunday? It is not to the "homosexual" being that respect needs be given--but to the being which is mani­fest in that wondrous form. It is the physical "behavior" which must be confronted-- not the LOVE IN THE HEART BEING OF INDIVIDUALS- -FOR THERE IS NO GREATER GLORY THAN THE LOVE OF ONE BEING FOR ANOTHER AND THERE IS NO SEX DELINEATION.

All of those elements of which the demands and marches are brought forth are OF THE PHYSICAL FLESH PASSING EXPERIENCE-- BUT, WHAT THE SPIRIT DOES WITH THAT EXPRESSION IS THAT WHICH SHALL BE CONFRONTED AT WHICH WHAT YOU CALL JUDGEMENT! At that moment of passage will you stand in appraisal of self-knowing that you used discipline and found that which was greater than physical self or will you have only grappled with the "physical" manifestation of the ego claim upon the expression of God? These are the reasons the Hosts have come forth and then, again, the Creator, that the "creation" might be reminded of that which IS in order to move away from That which is the passing illusion. For I assure you that in EVERY IN­STANCE--THE THINGS Qf PHYSICAL ARE CAST AWAY--YOU DO NOT TAKE THAT OF THE PHYSICAL WITH YOU! What mean you, "to ascend "? It seems YOU mean to take that whit is PHYSICAL with you. Let me assure you that what you mean by RAPTURE is to take that which is physi­cal--with you. Would you not cast off the shanty in favor of the marble man­sion? Where is your REASON? How is it easier to believe that you will some­how sit atop clouds than that God would prepare carefully and with REASON for your needs--both for "placement" and "journey unto that placement"? 'Tis the ego fed by the negative aspects of self which causes lack of reason--for it fears the unknown and efforts to always kw the innocent child--aid of wonder and infinite creation bounded. It keeps you bound in fear that YOU cannot do it so you must always cling to another in hopes that somehow "his ticket" will bear the both of you! Especially if he lies unto you and pronounces that, for this or that--you can somehow "purchase" your passage.

You can "purchase" nothing of value. NOTHING! Further, the things of value of God---are only on loan unto you to see if you can can tend them properly

I witnessed Swaggart on the screen shouting and weeping and telling of stories on the yesterday; I will share his story for I could not witness more of his rantings. He said, with tears streaming down his face, that he, like you, are as the lamb who strays and falls into the ditch from off the path. Supposedly I, Esu Jesus, take of my staff and hook and lift the lamb back--over and over and over again--(fine so far), then he said: "After many times and the lamb has not learned, the shepherd takes the lamb from the ditch again, and with his hands, breaks of its leg! Then the shepherd gently sets the fracture, binds it with lov­ing care and bears the lamb on His shoulders until the lamb is healed--then when He again sets the lamb onto the path--it does not again stray." That is among the biggest bunch of hogwash garbage I have ever heard. I might pick you up again and again but I would never break of thine body and render pain unto the foolish lamb. I would carry you, yes, after you stray and if you ask to return unto the flock. If you do not ask, after your lessons are shown--then you may stay where ye will until you have learned from that which is manifest for your lessons--the shepherd would never break of thine leg!

So what means the lesson as given? A man who has strayed completely away from God is efforting to convince himself that he shall be forgiven of his own transgressions and this is that which he perceives SHOULD happen as punish­ment! With this attitude and concept--he will never find his way for he still perceives God as a mean and punishing shepherd of that which he KNOWS he has committed in transgression against the people he leads and the laws of God and Creation.

Have you fallen so far that you cannot forgives self and find worthiness in Love God bestows upon you? My Truth has never changed-only the men who change my words to suit their own needs, be they humble or with intent to mis­lead.


I was given into the KNOWING of myself in relationship to Creator. I was illumined by the Godhead--I was taken and taught the Hats that I might real­ize my journey. At every moment I was with God, and nothing had meaning for me other that God and God's will as we refer to that being. The IDEA of ALL in Source is subject to no condition, but the norms it imposes subject ev­erything else to their condition. It gives knowledge of the simple ground of all things.

The essence of this faith, chelas, is FREEDOM. For in this faith that speaks of God, the soul expands in the encompassing. As it experiences gladness and woe in your world, it awakens to itself. Nothing that is merely finite, that is only world, can hold it captive. From devotion, from the vulnerable trust that transcends understanding, it derives an infinite power: for in the sorrow of the vulnerable heart, in rending emotion, it can gain awareness that it is given to itself by God. By believing, man can become truly FREE.

You ask me to comment on and denounce one religious group or another--why?

If that which is taught and exampled deviates from that which, God bestows upon you as guidelines and expression-- the WORD is not of God but rather, of Man--somewhere in the PHYSICAL history the doctrine is birthed of Man. So be it. You are given into reason and choices--you KNOW when a thing is im­proper and you scream "I don't understand" to give excuse for you understand very well, indeed. You CHOOSE to move against the word of God and then have another to blame for your transgressions. Again, let us turn for example unto the homosexual behavior--the acts of physical practice are no more valid for the "heterosexual" intercourse than for the two or more, of sameness in de­sires. To defile the body which houses the soul and to defile the very spirit is that which is wrong --not thine choice of "who" to love. Further, every Man, Woman and Child KNOWS--even if the child knows not what there is that is wrong--he knows he is defiled and abused and becomes crippled for his whole experience by those acts upon his person. All the lies and excuses and "voting" will not change an iota of the TRUTH of it.

The certainty of my faith in God made possible for me, an attitude of soul which in itself is incomprehensible. I lived in the world and partook of its tem­poral existence, but, moved by a profound unworldly source, I was unmoved by the world. This is not a gift only given unto ME. I was but ONE, the same as are YOU. In the world, can transcend the world and for that is your journey given. Even while your life is given into the world, you can become independent of that world surrounding your perceptions. I can compare it to the dream which you might refer to as a "nightmare" and you are both within the dream and yet witness it in knowing that it is a dream. You CAN release the unreality and remain in the wisdom of reality of infinite spirit.

This independence amid immersion in the world is the source of such a wonder­ful serenity as that which was allowed unto me. On the one hand, worldly things could no longer tempt me into finite absolutes; the worldly husks of knowledge could not longer beguile me into total knowledge, nor the rules and laws into calculable dogma. All these temptations shattered against the freedom of my faith in God--my KNOWING of God. On the other side, my own being was open to the world, my eye was, alive to all realities, and particularly to the souls of men, the depths of their hearts, which could actually conceal nothing from insight for the story is written upon the countenance all and within the the eyes which mirror the very soul itself even if the eyes be sightless.


There is only a "germ" of that which was in the so-called Old Testament of the Hebrew teachings--note I do not say "Jew" for "Jew" no longer has meaning as relative to the God of MY forefathers. I had earnestness of the idea of God and it brought the most radical of consequences. This God who for me was not physically present--not in visions and not in voices--was able to put absolutely everything in world into question. Everything in the world was drawn be­fore His judgment seat. It was quite terrifying to witness this with the total absolute infinite faith I held--for Man was not and is not given into such knowl­edge in most manifestations within a physical flesh environment. But for this very reason, was I sent and did I come forth--to see that which Man can be ca­pable that he not be given more than that which is his capability.

I would hope that none can read of my experience and faith and yet remain easy in your mind, content with your existence and remain caught up in its routine, for it represents blindness to refuse to see. I broke free from every practical or­der in the world--and I further told you, that that which I could do—you could do--moreso! I saw that all orders and habits had become pharisaical; I pointed to the source in which they melt into nothingness. All earthly reality is de­prived of its foundation, absolutely and definitively. All orders whatsoever, the bonds of piety, of law, of reasonable custom, collapse. Beside the command­ment to follow Source Creator imp very Kingdom of His residence, all other tasks--the earning of bread, the oath before the law the claims of justice and property--became and become meaningless. To die at the hand of the powers of the world, in suffering, persecution, abuse, degradation, that is what befits the believer if it need be--BUT, IT NEED NOT BE FOR I FAILED TO FULLY UNDERSTAND THAT IT NEED NOT BE SO.

It is said of me that never had words so revolutionary been spoken, for every­thing otherwise looked on, as valid, is represented as indifferent, unworthy of consideration. What of that which I speak now? I shall be telling you that you come from the "stars" and give your heritage and placement of origins and they shall be considered as science fiction and heresy. How can this be? Because YOU have grown and the end and margin of the world is broader and you must take the next step for you cannot forever remain in the abyss of unknowing that which is your very source.

I stood then, at the end and margin of the world, in an exceptional situation. Do you not think you are in an exceptional circumstance at the moment? I re­vealed the possibility and hope implicit in all those who are despised according to the standards of the world, the lowly, the sick, the deformed, in all those who are banished from the orders of the world; I reveal the potentialities of Man himself under condition. I point to the place where a home is open to Man in every mode of failure for "failure" means nothing--NOTHING! Man cannot define "failure" except by his own experience.


I was only an example, a teacher. I made my way to your place where every­thing is world is overshadowed. You like metaphors so metaphorically speaking, it is "light" and "fire", exactly as I am credited with stating. Di­rectly, it is LOVE an GOD. Conceived as a place in the world, it is not a place at all. By the standards of what is appropriate in the world, everyone is bound to misunderstand it. From the standpoint of the world it is impossible-- but therein IS the secret of the passage.

In the world, I can point only indirectly to this source. I seem to test what is madness in the world for its possible truth. Both my actions and His words seemed contradictory by the standards of reason: on the one hand, struggle, hardness, the ruthless alternative; on the other, infinite mildness, nonresistance, compassion with all the forlorn. Was I actually the challenging warrior and the silent sufferer? OR, WAS I ONLY A REFLECTION OF THAT WHICH I FOUND EXPOSED AND EXPRESSED BEFORE ME--AS THE MIRROR OF GOD? GO LOOK INTO YOUR LOOKING-GLASS AND WHAT DO YOU FIND IN ITS REFLECTION? DO YOU MIRROR GOD OR DO YOU MIR­ROR WORLD?

It is said that radical certainty of my faith in God derived unprecedented inten­sity from his expectation of the impending catastrophe. Well, I know not of how Man REALLY interpreted my journey—it was the time of experience for that presentation to be given forth, no more and no less--just as now with the. coming again--Truth had to be set to right for further experience. I came not with great cosmic revelations at that time-for the journey of the species lived in a limited mystical level of growth and understanding was only present to the level of that which was allowed to be given by Man. I am represented as being in error regarding cosmic knowledge and expectations. But what is the END of a "thing"? I can promise you that with my presence upon your world--it never again was quite the same. Even with the evil tamperings-- the world was never again the SAME. When God makes known His presence, that which was is no longer.

My presence, whether immediately or far in the future, at the end casts light and shadow, puts its question to each and every man, summons him to decision. Did not the Truth come into light by compelling the in the presence of catastrophe? For though men close their eyes to the ultimate, they are faced with it none the less. The world is not the first and last; man is destined to "die", mankind itself will not endure forever-only the spirit of Man can endure infinitely. In this situation the alternative is: with God or against God; with Creation or against Creation; good or evil. I simply remind Man of this ex­treme situation.

An intrinsic element in the idea of Me is somehow, suffering, terrible, limitless suffering, crowned by the most cruel of deaths. Man chooses of those things in order to hide from Godliness--it is the very fear professed from the evil. If God's chosen must suffer in such manner then "you better come over here with me and live in the 'hope' that some kind of magic' can happen to you." If God's "troops" stood strong--there would only be abundance, joy, justice and beauty within balance. The distortions are presented to terrify you into re­maining within the slavery and prisons.

But use your minds. In the instance of that which I "supposedly said" on the cross"-- God, why halt Thou forsaken me?"--is the very opening of the Twenty-second Psalm. Where would come these words? IN EXTREME SUFFERING THERE ARE ALWAYS THOSE THINGS WHICH COME INTO THE EXPERIENCE FROM THE DEPTHS OF AFFLICTION. It mat­ters not as to whether or not the words were or were not spoken--it goes with the teachings as representative of a "time" in which Man was expected to be the "worm" and no "man" at all; a reproach of Men, despised of the people. And then if you stay tuned to the same channel it begins to make sense, i.e., "0 my God, I cry in the daytime, but thou hearest not." I am helpless and forsaken, and God is mute? And then, in the midst of my silence and despair, everything changes: "But Thou art holy--OUR FATHERS TRUSTED IN THEE." Now, just WHO do you think was doing a bit of conscience tampering?

There does come a good commentary of the event of "Jesus' suffering" which is historically interesting and unique according to one writer: "The pain and terror are not accepted with resignation or borne with patience; they are not veiled. He insists on the reality of suffering and expresses it. When, forlorn and for­saken, he is nearly dead with suffering, the minimum of ground he has to stand on becomes all and everything, the Godhead. Silent, invisible, unimaginable, it is after all the sole reality. The utter realism with which the uncloaked horrors of this existence are portrayed implies that help can come only from the utterly intangible." Could this be the same mechanism by which you might find "no atheists in foxholes"? In the physical form, what can a_ physical being do against those multitudes in power? To avoid the experience, I too, would have had to become "invisible, silent and unimaginable" . Only the experience as Man could allow for recognition of Man.

The scenario is twisted and fitted into the picture of that which the Hebrew cul­ture believe and mandated. The Hebrew tradition and experience of "suffering" is an element of the Old Testament religion, which is the kernel of Christian, Hebrew, Islamic religions in all their innumerable historical forms, deviations, perversions, so that none of them can claim to be in possession of the true Bib­lical religion, which nevertheless sustains them all. It is impossible to speak di­rectly of the Biblical religion without making dangerous claims. Well, perhaps it can be said most emphatically, that the Christ presented to you is a creation of the early Christian congregations AND OF ST. PAUL AND IS NOT ANY­THING MORE THAN THE "JEWISH" LAW OR THE NATIONAL CHAR­ACTER OF THE JEWISH AND MANY PROTESTANT RELIGIONS AND NOTHING MORE--A COMMON FACTOR CONSTRUED FOR THE PUR­POSE IN ALL BIBLICAL RELIGION.

The lie is told boldly by the fact of "suffering" being the ideal religious state of being--God is Love, Joy, Truth Light and Glory--that does not even "smack" of suffering Moreover, you will 1 find that amt self-styled and so called Zionist (now called Jews and Mormons) are not sufferers—they only PRETEND at suf­fering while they make sure that their own groups glean great abundance and in this present day—at the very expense and great suffering of those whose property they usurp. It is always the intent of the SLAVE-MASTER to demand suf­fering and pain from his SLAVES so that they can be docile and rise not up against the master. You who tolerate as much are not of Godness--you are giving worship to the evil master. YOU GIVE THE VERY HANDS YOUR ADVERSARY AT HE MIGHT HAVE AND YOU NOT HAVE. You have been sold (for you paid mightily for it) the greatest lie within creation. You have taken the poison and take your dose as dutiful ser­vants every moment of every day--awaiting your death and destruction like the lambs to the slaughter--sufferin g mightily all along the path like good little forfeits. YOU OF GOD RAISE UP EVIL INTO THE HIGH PLACES--AND THEREFORE SHALL THE FALL BE FATAL.

I can only give unto you that which is historically written regarding the experience of that energy dubbed, most carelessly, Jesus. But since it represented the energy of the Christos, when we sit to pen again, I shall outlay that which is SAID about that one. Ye shall have to accept it as "parable" for by the very fact that the name given unto ME by Saul, so are the stories representative of me, mostly false and tampered.

What happens to those energy forms who give great projection of erroneous in- formation? They are given into experiences wherein they can return into the Truth and share in the setting of the tale to right. For some that journey is in- deed long and hard for it is difficult to separate out the intent through love and giving and the lip service usually efforted at achieving divinity and balance. It matters not, for the journey will be eventually back into Truth in full intent ink the perfection within God. From time to time ones are given into the experience of that cycle of change and the collective "conscious" or sometimes referred to as "unconscious" allows scenario for that transition. I find that you have an example of perfection in ones efforting to return into ONENESS at this given moment of experience-- and moreover, ones are coming into realization that they have CHOSEN the passage in order to serve. So be it. Blessings are bestowed upon ye ones of the passage.