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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    SANANDA MAY 23, 1991
    Greetings, my brethren. I AM Sananda. I come in the service of God/Aton of Light. Greetings, precious Druthea. Let us begin, please.

    This day I will discuss the meaning of INTEGRITY and how it relates to and is integrated with responsibility. Let us first define integrity: "1. Uprightness of character; honesty. 2. The condition or quality of being unimpaired or sound. 3. The state of being complete or undivided."

    Now we will define, responsible: "1. Answerable legally or morally for the discharge of a duty, trust, or debt. 2. Having capacity to distinguish between right and wrong. 3. Involving accountability or obligation. Responsibility: 1. State -a-being responsible or accountable: also responsibleness. 2. That for which one is answerable; a duty or trust."

    Integrity and responsibility are most delicately intertwined. To achieve utmost spiritual integrity, one must recognize and understand his responsibilities; first to God/Aton/Creator Within and also to the rest of the lifeforce expression within the Creation. In order to become a spiritually conscious co-creator with God/Aton, one must become ONE with living the Cosmic Laws of God /Creation. One must realize his accountability to the Great Spirit within Him. He must become impeccable (free from error, fault, or flaw) regarding adherence to Cosmic Law. And to gain cosmic power, he must become spiritually complete, unimpaired and sound of character, which is the state of being called integrity.

    Now in order to become impeccable in your integrity, one must BE responsible by listening to Spirit within about "right" and "wrong"--or as I prefer to call it balanced or unbalanced-- thinking and behavior. Each of you have the KNOWLEDGE within with which to be responsible in every thought, word and deed. You need only LISTEN carefully and ask God/Aton within to help you recognize your error, instantly when you make one. It may not always be pleasant to become instantly accountable for your misdeed or misthoughts, but if you pay careful attention, you will find that you will seldom if ever repeat the same error. You will find that the careful attention to and recognition of your inner guidance, instantly, is well worth the temporary inconvenience or discomfort to your "altered" ego.

    So by requesting God/Aton within to show you the error, immediately, He will also show you the balanced thought action or deed with which to reclaim your impeccability of Spirit. Why can it be seemingly so easy to recognize errors?

    Because, chelas, you ones have made essentially THE SAME errors over and over again. Lifetime after lifetime now you have chosen to be irresponsible and remain spiritually ignorant. You already KNOW and can distinguish between that which is balanced and unbalanced thought and behavior; you simply have forgotten you KNOW.

    When you separated yourself from the Great Spirit within you, which fully contained your being as far as perfect guidance and knowledge, you became spiritually powerless. When you worshipped in separateness from THE ONE and therefore sought OUTSIDE your being for guidance, you DENIED the Spirit within YOU its full creative potential. And because you felt no longer re­sponsible for that which you manifested, you became your own slaves to the physical illusion. By your self-denial you created leaders over you who would support your "belief' in separation from Creator, and thus you developed tremendous attachment to physical matter. This accounts for the same devel­oped attachment to EGO-separate illusion.

    To achieve Spiritual integrity you are required to BE responsible and acceptable for the effects of your thoughts, words and deeds. In order to be responsi­ble, you must UNDERSTAND and adhere to The Cosmic Laws of that Balance. You must seek ONENESS and see UNITY with all, NOT separation, inferiority or superiority to anyone or anything. You must become impeccable in your in­tent to serve God and The Creation. You must recognize only ONE WILL, the Will of THE ONE, Creator/Creation. Then you will gain the Spiritual integrity of CHRIST perfection and with that your Power within will become Magnificent.
    Remember when I, Sananda, walked as man upon your place I told you, "These things I do, YOU will do GREATER". So be it and it is coming to pass, chelas.
    I would like to requote something for you to ponder from our beloved St. Ger­main: "Your personal power is in direct proportion to the integrity -of yaw soul".This one sentence says it all, chelas. Ponder these things most carefully that you hear Spirit to Spirit and not Spirit to ego illusion. This "time", my brethren, is the "hour" of the dawning of YOUR spiritual awakening. How the Angels Glory in Heaven REJOICE; for earth human is preparing for the cel­ebration of ONENESS and BROTHERHOOD within GOD'S HOLY Kingdom of LIGHT!
    I love you greatly, my precious chelas! I am most honored to serve My Father and therefore you, my brethren. I AM Sananda, One with God. Thank you my precious sister, Druthea. You are most blessed in Our Father's Kingdom. Be at Peace as is the spring time flowering of this time. Enjoy the radiance of Our Father's Creation before you. Salu.
    SANANDA JUNE 25, 1991
    Greetings precious Druthea. I AM Sananda. I come in service to Holy God/Aton of Light, Love and Knowledge. Thank you for your attention, my precious chelas.
    If you will remember of the lessons given forth recently of Germain and Hatonn, Germain spoke of the nature of God. Specifically, I am referring to GIVING and REGIVING which is God. You may see it here upon Earth (Shan) as birth and rebirth such as of the natural seasons which you call winter, spring, summer and Fall. All Creation falls within the cycles, of giving and regiving
    Only Hu-man (Higher Universal_) is given the choice through his free-will about whether he will cooperate in the co-creation process of giving and regiving, or he will "develop" through his compressed/limited senses of monitoring EFFECTS, ways to manipulate, dominate and conquer Nature to suit his spiritually ignorant means.
    Only Man through his adversarial/ primitive misdirection chooses to take from nature without regard for balance and harmony of ALL within Creation.
    The resounding EFFECTS of Earth Man's adversarial TAKING behavior is clearly represented upon your plane at this time...although Man has only just begun to realize HIMSELF as the CAUSE of this unbalance.
    It is always a struggle to take, even if it is only perception of physical "things", simply because the soul is left empty, for your immortal soul is not enriched and replenished through "taking" of life and physical conquering of another or Nature. Only through KNOWLEDGE of giving of self, without emotional strings attached, will your immortal soul be lifted from earth physical attachment and compression.
    In order to give effortlessly, the knowledge has been gained that it j one's expression of God Divine LOVE which is ultimately being given. The fulfillment of true ego-selfless giving is immediate and not dependent upon perceived physical acceptance of same by the receiver. Although one who is a selfless giver will also be a most gracious receiver of returned LOVE to himself.
    Are you beginning to understand, precious chelas? God working through you will ALWAYS BE FULFILLING YOU through His givingand regiving of LOVE.

    Those of us, who serve HIS DIVINE LIGHT OF LOVE, could not be very effective "guides" to you, our brethren, if we gave up on our outpouring of LOVE to you simply because so few "accept" what we give. This is the measure of your spiritual maturity, precious ones. That you can give and regive without emotional attachment or suffering to self. Giving and regiving Love is effortless when it is continuous, and measured outcome of "success" does not dissuade one from selfless Divine God-GIVING and REGIVING.
    The NEED for LOVE giving is great upon your plane and that is why the focus of many ones from the HIGHEST levels of God's Kingdom is upon you. This does not mean that ones of us don't become rather passionate in our concern and compassion for you, our struggling little brothers. We, too, have our lessons of KNOWLEDGE earned through our service to God through our service to Earth Human.
    You ones have no idea how often ones of us who work closely with you, want to DO something more than COSMIC LAW will allow us to do. Many ones of us have petitioned to GOD and He clearly has defined that which we may and may not do to remain in His service. The difference between us, of higher experience, and you of Earth physical compression, is that WE KNOW THE LAWS OF GOD AND CREATION and our Spiritual Integrity of SERVICE TO THE HIGHEST ONE will not allow us to break THE LAWS.
    Just as a parent with a child who is stumbling and learning to walk feels compassion for his child who he knows must do it on his own with only with loving guidance, we too must observe and guide you ones without interfering DOING it for you, for then we only serve ourselves in our impatience to "hurry" along your growth. 'The progress of your growth, however "long" it takes, is between YOU and GOD. Interfering in that process is FORCE and FORCE is not of GOD/ATON!

    So you may be thinking, "What about the Adversary?" The Adversary definitely seems to "force" his way into domination. DOES THE ADVERSARY REALLY "FORCE"? Think about this, chelas.
    The adversary definitely lies, cheats, and intimidates, but does he force his way into existence here. The adversary can kill the body physical to further its means. So where does the adversary get its power? The answer chelas is from YOU! You have "allowed" the adversary to intimidate you, and when you became "afraid", you gave the adversary your GOD-POWER. He controls you though your perceived "separation" from God. And the only reason you are still upon this 3rd dimensional plane is because you have BELIEVED THE LIES AND DECEPTIONS OF THE ADVERSARY WHILE YOUR GOD-GIFTED SOUL HAS PINED AWAY FOR RE-UNIFICATION WITH THE ONE, GOD/ATON.
    The question now is to self. "Are you ready to release the adversary?" If so, then ALL of your TRUST and FAITH must be directed toward GOD who exists within YOU. Therein will your freedom from the bondage of limited physical adversarial perception be earned. Did you read that clearly? YOU WILL EARN, SPIRITUAL UNITY BY ACCESSING THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD WITHIN YOU. And your "proof" will be forthcoming through Faith and the return of your free-will to God. For your "proof' of God's existence and "coming" will be revealed WITHIN YOU! FOR THERE IS WHERE EXISTS THE KINGDOM OF GOD --WITHIN YOU!!

    Grace is the quality of God of Giving and Regiving Love. Let us define Grace, "1. . .Beauty or harmony of motion, form or manner. 2. Any attractive quality. 3. Service freely rendered; good will. 4. The act of showing favor. 5. Clemency; mercy. 6. Theology. a. The love of God toward man. b. The divine influence operating in man.
    Mine scribe, Druthea, watched with some amusement a "Christian" TV Minister on the yesterday. He was speaking about his perception of God's "Grace". He said words to the effect, "You need do NOTHING to receive God's Blessings and Grace". (Sounds a bit like the "just BE" philosophy of many New Agers, does it not?) "We humans believe we must "work" to earn God's Grace. This is NOT true. We must accept CHRIST as our Savior. HE has taken our burden for us." There is the catch; Christ has taken responsibility for YOU! Do you see how deceptive the adversary is? "God will take care of you. You need do nothing. You are not responsible. Christ is your Savior" nauseam!

    I am not YOUR savior. YOU are your Savior. And the good news is YOU will EARN your way into God's Grace by standing responsible for self and obeying. THE LAWS OF GOD/CREATION. It is really so simple, chelas. You see, Grace also is a wondrous quality of EFFORTLESS GIVING AND REGIVING BY GOD!

    I will first define Mercy, "1. Kind or compassionate treatment of an adversary, prisoner, etc., in one's power. 2. A disposition to be kind, forgiving, or helpful. 3. The power to show mercy and compassion."
    Remember this carefully, chelas, GOD is all-compassionate LOVE and MERCY. It is the adversary who seeks punishment and is absolutely merciless! You who have allowed yourselves to be ruled by the adversary WILL PUNISH SELF AND BLAME GOD EVERY TIME!
    It is only a spiritually ignorant being who will seek ( punishment of self for perceived errors. Errors are. EFFECTS of diseased thinking, NOT ever are errors caused from GOD-KNOWLEDGE. ONLY THROUGH THE MISUNDERSTANDING AND MISINTERPRETATION OF THE PHYSICALLY COMPRESSED SENSES AND BLIND DEFIANCE OF THE LAWS OF GOD/CREATION ARE ERRORS CAUSED BY MAN.
    God IS ALL-FORGIVING MERCY. So then, chelas, forgiveness and mercy must begin within SELF since that is where GOD resides.
    The adversary will dissolve in its power when confronted by the Divine Holy Power of GOD WITHIN YOU! WHY? Because EVIL is an illusion developed and sustained by MAN. God's Love, Light and Knowledge is ALL that exists. YOU each are fragments a HIS divided thinking . THERE IS NO SEPARATION OF GOD AND WE OF HIS THOUGHT FRAGMENTS, EXCEPT THROUGH THE BELIEF OF SEPARATION EMBRACED BY LIMITED HUMAN SENSING PERCEPTION. So Be it.
    Only through KNOWING that which is GOD will you KNOW GOD WITHIN ALL. How can you KNOW GOD? BY YOUR DESIRE TO KNOW GOD will HIS Kingdom he revealed within you. He awaits sincere petition of recognition and acceptance of HIS WORD within you. Your song of LIGHT resounds within GOD'S KNOWING and you will dance alining HIS presence in co-creation as ONE WITH GOD AND ALL THAT IS.
    "In all that I AM Father, not MY will, only let THINE WILL BE DONE." And so it is.
    Thank you, precious Druthea, for your service. I AM Sananda, ONE with GOD within Creation. I am most pleased to be of service to you, my precious brethren of Earth Shan. Walk together in Absolute Love, Unity and Peace and KNOW Always Our Father walks with you. Salu.

    TUESDAY, JUNE 4, 1991 10:02 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 292

    Thank you, Dharma, for standing by and receiving our beloved brother who would speak. I prefer to do this JOURNAL in his "first person" for it will deal with his close association with the transmutation of Light and human form as well as speak of the urgency of action within that which is recognized as the United States of America. There are many Hosts come on this sojourn and you ones must become familiar with those which impact you greatly.
    As "focus" begins to occur, it is necessary that you begin to "accept" the "whole" and concentrate on the now, the present location of necessary action and that which affects you as individuals. Does that mean that there are not valid teachers in other locations on your globe? No, it DOES mean that if you are located in a place--THAT IS WHERE YOUR THRUST WILL BE IN THIS TIME OF CHANGE OF CYCLES. For instance, if you are in Tehachapi, it is indeed foolish to take your present instructions for today's action directly from a Sathya Sai Baba. I comment not on validity--I DO comment on the fact that the focus of that one is on his people in his immediate placement for the Truth will be Truth wherever you experience but actions within the "light of that truth " will be localized to where you are experiencing. Intent of the mind expressed through the medium you find self for what it was, after all, your choice to be in a given placement in the loca­tion for claimed service. Some of you claim "service" unto God, however, when your actions but slow the progress of understanding of God. Be most careful p your discernment and check it out to see if you do not actually avoid "service" by the cop-out a "belief" in a different avatar of some sort. You will find that GOD IS ONE AND LABELS DON'T MAKE A WHIT OF DIFFERENCE-- YOU EITHER WORK WITHIN THE LIGHT OR WITH­OUT IT FOR YOU CANNOT REMAIN IN THE "VOIDANCE".
    Don't be in misquoting me regarding this matter--it is alright if you do effort to remain in the voidance--it will simply slow your journey and cause delay of KNOWING. To find guidance "somewhere else" is invariably a sign of avoiding responsibility. Again--whose business is that? Just yours and God's! If, however, in your demand for your own "rights" and that pulls another from their path--you have just created a most interesting and trying triangle which also deters you from your "claimed" goal. If this be so, I have no input unto you except to relay Truth and YOU will be in the choosing for I WILL NOT HIDE BEHIND A LIE TO MAKE YOU FEEL A BIT BETTER ABOUT YOUR ERRORS IN DISCERNMENT!

    believe that I will now simply' ask that our beloved Cohan of the Seventh Ray take the reigns and I will sit aside and accept my own lessons. Please allow un­derstanding and acceptance of his presence that you might be given into the re­alization that you have guides at work right where you in the physical experience with great focused service. The teacher/masters -the seven tones (rays) of Light waves are the most directly related to you and bring with them the guides in the energy of the Tesla's, Russell's, Newton's, etc.
    If you believe in the infinite of God then you will most surely be able to accept that HE would send you help as you ask and plead for same-THE CALL COMPELS THE ANSWER, dear ones. May you be given into Salu.
    Master means "teacher" or "one who holds authority regarding specific mat­ters". I AM GERMAIN. I stand in the Great Silence within the heart of the Central Sun. I am absorbed in the Light of My Presence, at last with its LOVE all ONE.
    I pray for Earth's blessed children and Freedom I ask for all--and I pour forth the Love of My Presence in order to answer every call. I bend my knees unto you whom I serve and stand tall with God--that LIGHT OF ONENESS FROM WHOM I AM BORNED.
    Thank you, Dharma, for you have served before and our closeness is wondrous so that communion can be of perfection. I wish to honor my brother who serves in Shasta, my beloved John, who recognized the Truth of our presence in this focus and tested to find Truth. It is through the KNOWING of one frag­ment that another fragment can find unity and confirmation of that KNOWING. Unto that beloved student (chela), I offer my humble appreciation.
    Ye cannot live by bread alone--nor can you live by that which is not Truth for it is the TIME OF GOD and remembering that which you are and from which you were and are born. It is the time of understanding of that which nurtures you and birthed you into and through this wondrous infinite perception and op­portunity to experience.
    There is no lapse of time for certain physical requirements, which is the condi­tion of physical embodiment this day. We give praise and thanks that once again the earth is to know the PERFECT embodiment and come back into it permanently. Long ages past, mankind knew the Divine Way of birth. It was so offing -ago, that but for records which will be coming forth, and that which is now being brought forth--shall man remember. Man has forgotten and cannot believe that there was ever "perfection" . Precious ones, there are records which have existed upon your earth--of all Great Civilizations which have experienced upon your place from the beginning. They were held in security so that Man could come into focus of beingness at this wondrous time of transmutation and remembering.
    One day, ALL mankind shall know the Truth which is waiting unfoldment; for all the the doubts and fears of mankind will be forever erased from their consciousness.
    The consciousness which envelops the earth which has been charged with dis­cord shall become cleansed oil purified! No longer shall it weigh upon mankind cause a pressure greater than that of the atmosphere of earth. It is rapidly being purified and the pressure is being reduced from mankind-you simply cannot yet perceive it for you have long slept in ignorance.
    This day I call for the complete release of all "motherhood" of earth, into the full perfection of understanding that what is birthed can come forth in Lighted focus and cease the heinous thrust of negative production of energy. I ask for intense input upon and unto the American people for within their hands, they hold the key to keeping the prison door open unto freedom. The slave-master stands at your door and is ready to turn the key which will incarcerate you for a long and miserable sequence of events. You do not have to experience the neg­ative impact if you choose to not to do so. have been given into the lies and acceptance of the doctrines which were raised forth and presented by physical Man for his own greed and power desires. You have had the wondrous ending of the play removed from your understanding so that you would march to the drum of the lie.

    Our mission is great at this time for it appears that God has been all but ban­ished from the presence of the masses of human forms. But you cannot expatri­ate God for HE IS! He is the Light and the Light is ALL. We of the Hosts and Cohans have accepted this mission and this full glorified activity that all may feel of its Mighty Presence within selves; and in the glory of this Great Cosmic Light all shall be made Perfect! Mayall enter in and be the fulfilling of the Law. Would it not be wondrous is all brothers would return unto Truth that there might again be true Freedom ?.

    In the full understanding of your Presence, remember: only through your attention is everything made possible for you. Without your attention upon a given thing-your focus of light wave intent--you cannot know its activity. Thus, your attention becomes the first focal point for the Power of your Presence to come through and fulfil every requirement. Through it, must come all that your heart craves, all that you wish to have made manifest. Remember! where your attention rests, there flows your experience.
    I say to you that We are wholly indifferent to the human "opinions" of mankind which say that in these dictations you will find Us repeating each other. We are not concerned with the intellectual imagination of mankind! We are voicing Our words which are the chalices which carry Freedom and Perfection! We are not concerned with the foolish criticism of mankind whose intellect says that certain expressions should and must be used--we will use that which gives ability to be understood by the largest masses of God's fragments. You will find the most a those NOT BEING within the accepted houses or groups of called churches or regigious groups and God speaks wherein MAN CAN HEAR AND ATTEND' HIS INSTRUCTIONS- -IF IT BE CRUDE, THEN ALLOW THE KNOWLEDGE THAT IF A MAN GOES INTO THE GUTTER-SO GOES GOD! These JOURNALS of Truth and information are given for the almost 7 BILLION life-forms in human manifestation upon your orb--God shall commune as HE sees fit--EVERY TIME. If that which God says unto a brother sits ill with you--then YOU had best look into thine own lighted being and see why it bothers thee. It is God perception and acceptance which shall pass or fail a Map-not your opinion of GOD SHOULD do a. thing. So be it.

    We simply are not in the slightest bit concerned with the "opinions" of one above another. We give forth that which the people require and let the human criticism cease. If We followed the human opinions of mankind, We would be in the same conditions in which you are experiencing- -God forbid! Therefore, precious ones, we no longer harken too much to human opinions--we do accept them and pass on as we MUST! We stand forth giving the Law of Life abso­lutely unadulterated by human suggestions- -for it is through the human expres­sion that you have destroyed that which was once perfection. If you find that in the various dictations We have repeated each other, then know it is for your blessing, benefit and confirmation of ONENESS!

    If a thing be TRUTH, it will stand untampered into infinity and will and shall be repeated as many times as required to allow MAN to hear, see and come within KNOWING.

    YOU HAVE BUT CERTAIN WORDS IN YOUR VOCABULARY. IF ONE OF MANKIND OR TWENTY REPEATED THOSE SAME WORDS, IS IT PLAGIARIZING? You must know, in this Work at hand, We are not in the slightest concerned about any human opinion regarding the matter. We give forth this Law. It is doing its Work, and We are not concerned with human ego conceit.

    You must know, dear hearts, in the Mighty Expansion of the Light, which this Understanding has brought forth, it is just the beginning of its Mighty and Per­fect Work. The blessed ones have been raised up throughout the globe and, specifically, I speak herein unto the wondrous ones about to lose your freedoms within the United States, to give forth these Mighty Decrees, and this Cosmic Light is cleansing and purifying the feeling and mental world of mankind. I care not whether you believe in an energy called Germain--I AM! Call the mes­sengers that which you choose--but you had best harken unto the WORD for that IS GOD!

    This purification and bringing forth of Truth shall continue, until the Presence can do the things It wishes to do and which need to be done, for individuals, for the nation and for the world. You today are the product of your thought and feeling. In refusing acceptance to appearances which are less than Perfection, say to them instantly: "You have no Power"! Then, you slop the activity of those appearances. You stop human creation which has accumulated up to this time and you cause it to cease action in your world-in the future. For you will note that you are not "creating" but, rather, in destruction of perfection-- which you ARE.

    Blessed ones, I tell you the time is now at hand when ou must assert your-elves for he Perfection you wish to call forth. Then and only then will you receive it. This is why II speak to you in this positive passionate-manner, to break through and shatter all the human creation about you--for again, it is not "creating", it is but using the negative perception which is alteration and "development" within that which is perceived manifested in a physical format and shall move not with you when YOU depart the physical perception. You must come to realize the full Power of God and understand the wholeness of Light of that which HE IS and YOU ARE. I call this Perfection the Mighty I AM PRESENCE. If alone can produce perfection for you and your world, glorying you with its perfection however sustained. It rises above all things human or physical--beyond creeds, colors, races and species.

    I rejoice with you and thank each one in deepest gratitude, for the beautiful and wonderful work you are doing in preparation for understanding- -you of the beloved workers serve endlessly and allow for the stage for HIS coming forth in glory. Just as He went to prepare a place for you and has so done-so too, ye have been sent afore to prepare the place for His return-blessed are ye ones of Light

    Ah, the days of your coming sequence of expression shall be ones you will never forget as long as you have LIFE--ascended or manifest. Remember, that is My Promise and I have authority to give that promise. This Truth shall be electrified and glorified as you have never before witnessed in your experiences. It shall remain active with you forever. Remember it. Every earnest call, which is building up this Mighty momentum, to call forth the glory and perfection he God into your world, shall go forth. No human creation can prevent it and all human gossip shall cease forever from this work and all mankind be­fore we close this play.

    Remember, upon that depends your Freedom and I plead with you: let no student Master Teachers of God projection, anywhere, continue any longer to allow himself to express one thought, feeling or word of condemnation or criticism against his fellow student, or his group leader--for you must function in community (not communal)--communit y! with each doing that portion of action which is most suitable--all honoring that which is given by each and by ALL. Every one must be free and no one shall judge another---harken up, lest ye be weeded from the garden until thy learning is honed a bit more fully. The only judge in this Universe is your oneness with God Within and you had best be getting in solid touch with that Higher Body of Mind.

    Dear ones, you must go forth doing all you can, each one of you. Let each be free to do what he can do and bless each one. Then, you will have that which is given unto you to serve in understanding all who would come to you for help, assistance and enlightenment- -without prejudice and without ego gossip. You cannot hold unity if you bring criticism and condemnation upon those who step forth and take up the cross and shoulder the load. If you dissect the ones you have as "leaders" you will not hold those ones and individuals will disappear and those who pour out Love and Kindness cannot find room to take care of those who come--Harken up-it is the Law a Life precious ones.

    We call to the attention of every one the things you require. As long as you allow human feelings to govern and give voice to your unkind feelings, you will be deprived of your very heart's desire. It is the Law of Life. Precious ones, it is no one's desire, but you are the CAUSE in your world and if you send forth discordant activities and feelings, then you must reap just that! Nothing can prevent it but yourself. If you understand not, that which I am giving--go back and restudy (until you understand it) the JOURNAL just preceding this, LIGHT.

    I offer you this, wipe out in one sweep every discordant feeling within your world--your own in world--your own feeling world--the say "Mighty I AM Presence, take out of me everything less than your Perfection; sweep through my world and activity; reach out Your Hand and, through me, bless all I contact with such an outpouring of thine Light and Love; that no longer is there anything left out just your Mighty Perfection in action" All can have and do this if they but will. Repeat this affirmation until it becomes a part of thine very thought-beingness.

    Each one can be blessed, and be such a blessing to one another, that the whole planet will turn. and look in gratitude to you; but as as discord reigns within your feeling world, all good is repelled. Rejoice always when anyone can release a greater power of Love than can you. Let that be an example for you to release more Love. Then you, too will stand with equal power in the Great Out-Pouring of Love; and call all mankind to you for their release and KNOWING.

    You are privileged this day, beloved ones, for it is the greatest ever known to mankind. It is a privilege to serve at this time of crisis of mankind. The im­portant A not 'just your individual requirement. Think of the need of your nation and your world. Unless mankind can have the protection needed, their hope is gone. The glimmer of HOPE is all that holds the fabric together as is.

    Will you not bear with Me just a few minutes to hear of these things? Think of it, beloved ones. I have worked for America and you for well over two hun­dred years and more, in your own counting, for the mission was given unto me. I could say to you that I have worked for you for seventy thousand and more, years. Will you not join Me now, in such harmony within your senses to your fellow-man and all things that the power of YOUR presence, to whom I have called your attention, can bring such release unto you and your world that every one of mankind will be blessed forever by it. It is too mushy in sounding or hopeless in scope-Nat you must avoid and deny? I have had the patience, along with my brethren, to go on and on and on--can you not have a little patience to walk with us until you can "see" for selves the Truth of thine existence? If you but give patiently and accept as patiently--harmony -harmony in your feelings the discordant things will pass and mankind can return into balance and harmony with his expression.

    We have come from the realm of the Masters so that you will not be left to fight your battles alone--we could have gone on within that realm, but we did not. The beloved messengers have come again into your consciousness so that you might be given into understanding.

    As long as you respond to denial of the Presence, you will be given into limitation. Unless you free yourselves and your worlds from it, you will not know that Freedom, Perfection and happiness as comes from the Lighted experience.

    The opportunity offered only after centuries is again open to you, to glorify yourself in the Perfection of the LIFE which beats your heart. You cannot be disconnected from IT and live. Therefore, your Life is your Light! If you will thank and praise, revere and honor the Life which beats our heart, then you have more of Life Power. Your Life is God, the Governor of the Universe within The Creation. it will bless you as nothing else in the world can do, if you but give it the opportunity

    Demand that yourself remain only within the. Light--that all of dark intent be. removed and cast away from your being. . Know that within the Light, no human physical thing can touch of your shield.

    This is the purpose and glory of mankind. You are the Light of the worlds. Do you know that? Do you know that you, who, have this understanding KNOWING are the Light of the worlds of God? If you remain within and cast without that light, it will pour forth in, through and out into your world in the magnificent waves of pulsation which IS.

    What perceive you that allowed the very touching of the hem of the Christos' garment to give healing power? Because that garment radiated the Light of His being and all who would reach out for that goodness could find healing within their own being. The Radiance from you is YOUR Eternal Garment whose Radiance or touch can heal, bless and enlighten-through the Godness within self--not of ego self in human casting--but the YOU of GOD--the energy of that reflected perfection.


    There is no longer any excuse which can be given for mankind not having the perfection of the Presence; but Man is still drowsy and sluggish in his awaken­ing. It is during this time of awakening that he is apt to give away that very beingness of self which shall bring his own destruction.

    I thank you for opportunity of this discourse that we might come into under­standing of our subject at hand. It is not enough for Man to simply be told that he is a fragment of Light or of God's reflection-it is a time of coming into comprehension that he might travel on in journey. Man must remember that he has power to impact and change that which is unpleasing and adversarially destructive in his experience-- MAN MUST REMEMBER THAT HE IS RELATED TO ALL THINGS OF' CREATION AND ONE WITHIN AND 'WITH GOD WITH AND WITHIN THE WONDROUS UNIVERSE OF CREATION. There are many universes within universes within the ONE universe of the ulti­mate ONENESS. DO NOT LIMIT GOD, CHELAS, LEST YE ERR TOO GREATLY TO PASS-THINE EXAMINATION AT TIME OF TRANSITION, TRANSMUTATION AND TRANSLATION. CALL IT THE TRIUNE EX­PERIENCE OF "REAL" LIFE.
    You are ever in my attention and I am present only to serve. I come with ones who hold higher command at this time of experience for you of our beloved brotherhood and we shall commune with them.
    Thank you, Dharma, for it is nice to share again, communion, for in service within unity shall we bring to fruition and harvest our mission in this wondrous cycle of sequence.

    첨부된 파일 첨부된 파일
    Last edited by web master; 2013-01-15 at 21:00.

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