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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    CHAPTER 15
    MONDAY, JUNE 17, 1991 7:13 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 305
    MONDAY, JUNE 17, 1991
    Hatonn present to share on this wondrous and gifted day. May we be given into understanding.

    Let us please give Dharma a bit of a break and allow Germain to continue with his dissertation on the Definition of God. I would think there is nothing more important than recognition of God-however, must also attend to the things d physical experience so gat you CAN attend the things of the; spiritual.

    The "break" comes in that I request Sandy get permission to reprint the docu­ment dealing with "income tax" as beautifully framed by Geri McLain. I think you will have more space for other information if you get someone to reformat it onto our document dimensions. Do that which seems the most propitious. I will write an EXPRESS later in the week. We wish to finish this JOURNAL this week also, however. Whatever its label, it will be CONTACT WITH PLEIADES VOL: III. For the curious, this IS the information which was given to an earlier receiver, only fleshed out much more in detail herein. The prior information became totally infested and infected with politics and greed--just understand that through the "law of cycles", that which was given forth shall cycle back unto those who misuse and denigrate another. He who vilifies his brother shall find himself, diminished.

    This happens with almost total lack of understanding as to "why" one is acting in reproachful manner--check it out; it is going to be found that if you allow your space open for attack and input from the adversarial aspect, you block that which is entrance way for Light. The attacks upon the being are ever so much more intense in the presence of Lighted groupings and/or persons. I can promise any who come near my workers in lack of protection will become most aggressively contemptuous. I will allow of it for a period of time sees his error of actions in attack and then I will confront the adversary. God's work has been disrupted and disinformation given forth, and it herein stops--I believe you ones say "...and the buck stops here!"

    There are always ones who think there is some miracle in location changes and come into new places only to find they have brought with them, the discontent. We are not of a "group" in this Tejas Shape' valley. We are separate yet "community" in purpose and there is great shortage of work places available in the outer community and none available within the business of the workers. Please, as ones of you consider moves for better contribution of service, that you attend this information carefully for we call NO ATTENTION UNTO SELVES IN THIS PARTICULAR COMMUNITY, and all must be self sustaining in every manner while projects are still in drawing-board format. Make sure, all ones, that you are overlooking a probable fact that your service is in­tended and greater need is present RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE! If, for in- stance, you are good at setting up gatherings, perhaps you are needed more in your own location than here where George already has that service and has no need at this time, for additional input. Remember, he and Desiree' are only able to be in one or two places at once so overload in given slots is a burden--not an asset.

    If intent is full, all of the material is carefully absorbed to the point of ready knowledge--all information; then, and only then, could speakers for the JOUR­NALS, Pleiades Connections and/or EXPRESSES be appropriate- -the world needs no more interpretations/ personal opinions of this material. Your relation­ship to God is your utmost property and the information has been disinformation for aeons--no more.

    We, further, accept no projections of "New Age" input or output as regards ar­tifacts, mysticism, card readings, fortune telling, psychic nonsense and/or gu­rus. As Little Crow puts it, we don't need any more pipe blowers, sweat lodges or coeducational vision quests. God is giving forth Truth a war journey and speakers therefor are the silent partners.

    Ones demand the notes of Billy Meier so that his notes can be authenticated. Only a fool would respond to such egotistical demand. The information is go­ing forth--YOU may do anything you choose with it--God will play no games with you-it is time YOU PROVE SOMETHING TO GOD--NOT VICE VERSA! What are you willing to do about your relationship with God mad Cre­ation? Are you also willing to WAIT UPON GOD? That does not mean ser­vice His table--it means service his table--it mean serve patiently and WAIT upon God as this Truth unfolds. None is more favored by God than for GOD IS ONE.. If you perceive that He favors you less--then you insult your very Creation/Creator and lessen Self which is the magnificence of God in reflection. Ponder upon these things and give of us time for more unfolding of the way it is and then, only then, can informed decisions be accomplished. So be it. In great and infinite Love, I pass the forum to Germain. You ones are beloved of us and we are come to show you the way--be patient in your temperament for you have come a long way and you must not err now that we are making progress. Blessed, indeed, are you who "wait upon the Lord" and study of your lessons. If you believe that you already knowit all, this is NOT the place for your service--for our WORD seems to be like few other's and the subjects myriad--all of which must be absorbed and understood, not just the one you "Ike" hest! Further, I care not about which "star" you have "rising", etc. We use the stars and signs as tools--not mysticism. So be it.

    Good morning, Germain.

    Thank you, Gyeorgos, may the WORD be blessed and may we add under­standing. Good morning.

    At last writing we were defining God.

    God's thinking is universal. His actions spring from His thinking, therefore, God's actions are universal. Thoughts do not take place just here, or there, where they begin. They are everywhere, and their beginning and ending are ONE. Actions, likewise, are as Omnipresent as their Source in Mind-thinking. That which happens anywhere happens everywhere in this universe of naught but Mind-extension.

    Idea has no extensions, but idea, divided by imagining, extends into an imaged divisions like unto the infinity which the kaleidoscope its imaginings as it repeats.

    Extension of God's thinking speeds along with Light into your three dimensional illusion of about 186,400 miles per second.

    Radical expansion of beginning points compress motion into cube planes of rest in space. These are reflecting mirrors of Magnetic Light which project God's thought-imaged -forms onto His universal screen of space to simulate a reality of existence where not anything is, not even the motion which-so-convincing ly seems to be there. There are many diagrams showing this projection in the prior book on "LIGHT". Invisible cubes of Magnetic Light, and of zero cur­vature, are the boundings of wave-fields within which the curved universe of re­flected spherical forms are projected to constitute this electric thought-wave universe of complex illusion.

    God begins each electric thou ht-wave at a point a His White Light at the intersection of the three inner planes of the cube, which are at right angles to each of other point of beginning is the wave fulcrum. It is also the point of idea: conception in Mind It is the centering eyeof the inert gas of the elements which springs from that plane. It is likewise, the cathode center of man's electric current and the beginning of the wave-shaft which extends two ways to divide the red half of the spectrum from the blue, to create separated father and mother bodies. Here also is where time and all other dimensions begins, as well as all other effects of life, compression, polarization and heat. Here also is where all depolarizing dimensions and effects end and disappear into in­visibility, silence, and cold stillness of space
    God creates three pairs a disunited male and female bodies upon His extending octave wave shaft--and then a united fourth pair at His thought-wave amplitude. This united balanced pair is an incandescent sphere. At that point m the wave, and that only, the disunited father and mother unite as ONE at its white center. One of its hemispheres, however, is still the red light of the father and the other one is the blue light of the mother; for each is still extended from its centering Oneness.


    God's Magnetic cube is three, multiplied by three. Its planes of zero curvature are nine, and its boundary angles are the eight corners and the centering one of the fulcrum Source. Cube wave-fields are the eight mirrors of Magnetic Light which project dimensioned and conditioned forms to all the universe from one wave-field to another throughout all Creation. Divided light opposes its division. Opposed pressures arise from resistance to this division. Curvature arise from resistance to two way opposed motion. Resistance is gentle at cathode beginnings but multiplies its resistance with cyclonic fury at anode endings. Here is where gravity collisions of sex unions borns whirling, incandescent carbon, silicon or suns, according to the measure of Mind-desire exerted electrically as anode points..

    With the Magnetic cube of zero curvature a universe of opposed curved-pres­sures is born. Each curved pressure within it is a lens to multiply or divide, heat or freeze, compress or expand, solidify or vaporize all pressures of motion which pass through its concavity or convexity. In this manner God's curved universe of curved directions and curved cellular forms appear upon His cosmic screen for an interval to simulate the many and the complex, and then disappear into His Oneness to rest for an interval between thought-pulsation frequencies. Thus the cube, which is the Qneness of all form, is imaged as the sphere in God's imaged universe. The cube and the sphere are one. The sphere is an "incandescent" cube and the cube is a frozen sphere. The planes of the cube are nine, and their projections into the spectrum of the incandescent sphere are nine.

    Frozen incandescent spheres of carbon become cubes. They image the cube of their cold wavefield. Their wave position is the only one of undivided balance in wave, and all other positions are unbalanced because of their separateness but balanced with an equally unbalanced mate. That is also why the very many moving particles in octave waves exhibit different qualities and transient changing forms to which man gives so many names, not knowing that one which he names this becomes that almost timelessly. That is heating, moving forms are curved and cellular, while cold ones lose their curvature and reflect the planes of zero curvature of their cube Source in space. Water drops are cellular when warmed above their freezing points, but below that point they become hexagonal crystals to reflect their positions in their cube wave. Vast complexities of crystal forms thus arise from balanced and unbalanced matings and from separateness as well, such as the distorted cubes of copper or sodium iodide, or the octahedrons and dodecahedrons of more dense elements farther removed from wave amplitudes.


    God's Mind centers all things, minerals, all vegetables, all animals, and every cell which constitutes their bodies. He gives life and purposefulness to all things. Bodies acquire awareness of purpose only through electrical messages of command from Mind which centers them, for no body could otherwise move, survive or fulfill its purpose without being centered and polarized by Mind. Cells, glands, white or red corpuscles, hormones and other parts of bodies, must fulfill their purposes. In themselves they are helpless to move or act their parts in Nature's plan. Each part and each whole of all cell groups is centered by the Intelligence which centers the whole structure, whether ant, violet or man. Every creating particle of matter in the universe is a polarized Mind-extension. When each particle disappears to rest for each pulsation interval it withdraws within that In­telligence from which it extended as a patterned form of idea.

    Man is the consummate element. It is not a part of God's intent that carbon should have inner awareness of its divine origin and identity, but it is intended that Man should have. Mind and Soul centers every carbon crystal, never-the­less, or it could not fulfill its purpose as part of the patterned body of tree or Man.

    In all this vast universe there is naught but Mind and thought-motion. All motion is but an electric recording of the Mind-thought which centers it. It is also the record of the idea simulates. In the idea is purpose of idea. In the elec­tric recording, therefore, the mechanics of idea, thought and purposefulness lodged, otherwise The Creator could not create.

    God's universe is living, and purposeful. Wherever there is motion, there also is God commanding His thought-forms to fulfill their purposes..

    Know thou that God does not extend His Self moving universe, for the God-Light is_ gill. Its stillness centers all things--and it, likewise, centers the shafts of all motion which turns around it shafts which are levers of fulcrums and end at poles which measure extensions.

    Naught exists but God. Man exists as ONE with God, but until he is aware of his Oneness he is but a thought-recording image of God's imagining. Some day he will know, however, for that is God's intent in creating Man. Know thou, therefore, that motion merely simulates God's knowing, and God's qualities and the purposefulness of His divine drama a Creation. Simulations are not reality, however, nor do they exist. Imaginings come and go. They change and have dimension. God's imaginings are not God, however. The play cannot be the Playwright.

    When God, the Father-Mother, divided the Light of His sexless Oneness into the red light of the father, and the blue light of the mother, He ordained that the father light must penetrate the light of the mother, and be forever within her womb to live, and without her womb to die. Thus it is that the red fires which center our father of lie enfolded within the blue coolness of the earth's crust, and the cooling blue oceans and atmosphere of the encircling mother womb. Thus it is that the compression of the mother womb generates heat to polarize and vitalize the father seed of life which is enfolded in that womb. That process of sex interchange between the blue and the red lights which beget life, continues to beget life to give back to its Source until the inother can no longer compress life into the father, and the father can no longer discharge heat into the mother to continue to beget father and mother bodies.

    When this has come to pass both expand. The Earth emerged from the sur­rounding womb of the sun to cool and thus beget a father within her pregnant womb, to continue God's one process of creating bodies until both father and mother slowly depolarize by expansion of both, and both continue their journey into the Magnetic cold from which they emerged.

    Mother and father reverse their spectrum positions, however. The womb of the mother is on the inside and the father surrounds it by a ring, such as one sees in the Lyra Nebula. One can also see the birth of a new star in the very center of that great black cathode hole which the mother womb is. That is the way that God turns the anodes of His thinking inside out to rest, and outside in to again become anodes. God's process of creating bodies through sex interchange is based upon the sex urge of the divided color spectrum of light to void its color divisions and become the White Light of rest from which its tensions were ex­tended.

    God is ONE--at eternal rest. Creation is TWO in the perpetual tensions of mo­tion. The divided two in action desire rest in Oneness. They find rest by inter­change, but lose it as they find it until they can interchange no more. A long interval of rest in "death" then follows but it is only an interval. It is just one black gap of the many rests between actions of God's Cosmic cinema, which simulates the Idea of Creation which He has imagined into seeming being. Life in Mind is eternally existent. Life in matter eternally repeat its simulations of existence.


    God is ONE. His Oneness is manifested in all things. His White Light must be manifested in His universal image. The incandescent white light of a sun center manifests the Oneness of its Source in the Magnetic White Light of Mind.

    Man is the consummate manifestation of God's imagining of His very Self. God's image in Man is not complete. The time will come to every Man when the Light which is God will be known in every Man. That White Light of God centers every Man. Few there are, or have ever been who know that Light within them, but all men must eventually know that Light as their spiritual natures unfold.

    God's Oneness is imaged in the elements of matter. Carbon is the consummate element beyond which there is no possibility of extension, even as the cube or sphere cannot possibly be extended. The suns of the heavens are incandescent car on. The still White Light of Mind centers carbon and unites its male-fe­male pair as ONE. All other elements are in carbon and are incandescent in God's suns which are the seed for His universal garden of living things. All in things are always carbon when incandescent, no matter how they may be divided for enfoldment in the womb of creating things to become a violet, a wil­low twig or body of man. No matter what these may be their residue left over from white hat is carbon--only carbon, the ONE THING of all matter. All things in Nature spring from their pattern seed which is their concept in the White Light of Mind. The seed is the Oneness of the uncountable many which unfold from it and refold into it.

    Likewise, all chemical. elements of the octaves are red and. blue lights which are projected from from the pure White Light of their inert gases, which are their octaves seed.. They return to their invisible Oneness by radioactive emanations which are pure White incandescent, microscopic suns. Man calls them alpha, beta, gamma or helium rays as they emanate from tungsten, actinium, radium or ura­nium at almost the speed of light. Each of them is the seed for another body of its like kind, as suns are seed for all bodies.

    Not one complex creation of Nature can lose its. Oneness. God extended them from Him to be like unto Him in His image. The great oak has many parts which multiply in number as they unfold from the Oneness of their seed. Its countless parts take on dimension in length, breadth and thickness which were dimensionless in their seed. It weighs many tons and gives shade to many things while purposefully manifesting God in action. When it refolds within its send to rest, however, all of these dimensions and multiplicity of parts disappear into the Oneness of its seed to regive to their Source that which had been en to the tree. The tree is not dead however What it has been still is. No mi­croscope of man can find one electron of that tree within it seed, for if one could find what is really there one would find God. The patterned tree is the image of Mind-imagining. Mind-Light projected that image into space to mani­fest Mind-imagining. Mind rested between its cycles of imagining and with­drew the image into its equilibrium. Every unit of Creation unfolds and refolds in that life-death manner. Nothing has happened to the idea of the tree. eternally exists and will again unfold into action and again become the imaged form of Mind imagining repeated sequences when conditions of electric pressures are favorable for its reappearance. Even though ten billion years pass, and this planet has journeyed beyond its present pressure conditions, that tree will reappear on Venus, then on Mercury, just as long ago it appeared and dis­appeared on Saturn and Jupiter and thus and so. Wherever the intent and thought of God wishes to project it.

    God thinks in electric pulsations which are recorded in motion as four pairs of rings which are compressed into spheres. Each cyclic pulsation is manifested by the projections of four concentric light ring in one plane from one point of Magnetic Mind-Light, in which the red half of the spectrum is on the outside of the rings and the blue half on the inside. These four rings are the seed of the octave wave and occupy that position in the wave known as the zero group of the elements, or inert gases.

    The wave is created by dividing the four sexless rings of the inert gases into four pairs of oppositely sex-conditioned rings, and projecting them toward sex mates of adjoining wave-fields to find balance and unity in each other. God's concentrative thinking compresses these mate rings as they are projected. This is the generoactive (uphill flow of energy) principle which multiplies power and speed in the inverse ratio of the cube, as they are thus centripetally projected, until the red and blue pair of cyclonic vortices, thus resulting, collide at wave amplitudes midway between the two zero cathodes from which they were pro­jected. This is the manner in which unbalanced and separated sexed pairs are united into the Oneness of the two balanced and equal hemispheres of spherical incandescent suns.

    Within the four zero rings of the wave is the cathode mother womb of space which is seeking the outside to fulfill her office of borning the seed of the fa­ther. To aid this process the four pairs of projecting rings gradually close up their centering holes as the rings are compressed from their cone bases toward their apices, where the collision of sex-mating completes the closing in the in­candescent sphere thus formed.

    The wave shaft itself is the still God-Light of Mind which is like unto the still eye of the cyclone at the polarized end of the cyclone shaft. The true sphere thus formed marks the maturity of the imaged-form which is completed at the junction point of eight cubes where the octave wave ends at amplitude. This is where microscopic suns of almost timeless duration are formed. Here also is where majestic suns of huge mass and durations of billions of ages in duration are also formed, to function as seed for borning of planets and lesser forms of God's imaginings. From that point of maturity of such flaming carbon masses as your sun, God's decentrative thinking causes these suns to project rings from the plane of their equators in series of four which, likewise, compress into plan­ets in series of four. These, likewise, forever project rings in series of four un­til all that God gave in light rings of His electric pulsing are regiven to the four of their zero group as refolding records of that which has been unfolded.

    Within this process lies the mystery of the seed and its growth as its pattern un­folds, and the record of the pattern as it refolds. And as suns throw off rings they oblate in like ratio and the holes come again as one can see in the "Dumbbell" nebula which was once a mighty sun, or in thousands of other ring formations throughout your heavens.

    God projects His thought-recording rings from the cathode zero, in pairs along the wave shaft in planes of 90 degrees from it. Likewise, He matures His thought-imaged form so that its equator is in a plane which is 90 degrees from the wave axis.

    The Creator's atomic systems do not begin in the wave in elements which are centered by holes. They begin only when centrifugal force has multiplied suffi­ciently to throw off spiral arms and rings from equators of matured suns. Until that time all forming elements are centered by the gradually lessening cathode holes of the mother womb until the invisible patterned seed of the inert gas be­comes the visible patterned body form of the seed image. During this entire cy­cle the still Magnetic Light of the centering cathode is projecting rings out wardly from it in pairs around a wave-shaft, to manifest the Love principle of giving, while the compressed bodies thus formed are exploding outwardly, likewise, to manifest the principle of re-giving.

    The result may better be pictured by the tornado which every action in Nature emulates. All electrical motion in the octave wave turns spirally around cen­tering, still Magnetic shafts, just as cyclones do. All electrical compression begins by violet expansion to create a condition which born its opposite as all opposites in nature do. This effect is the answer to the electrical engineer's question which asks WHY his electric current is only at the surface of his wires and cables, and not all through them except at the points where loops of force count his impulse frequencies for him. If it were possible for him to slice an electrical current into sections he would find that each section would be a ring whirling around a still center, except at points where collisions occur between the two lights of the spectrum, which are so forcibly projected from cathode ze­ros.

    Thus it is that gravity is seemingly created to control the compressive force of Nature and the regiving reaction of the creation of an expansive force. Expan­sion is the result of MIND DESIRE TO GIVE by its outward explosive effect from its zero cathode. The re-giving of compressed, energy, likewise, is an outward explosive effect, as electric compression ceases, gad the result of that effect is to born its opposite and leave great black holes within compressed masses as they return to the zero of their Magnetic stillness.

    Thus it is that God's Law gf Love is manifested in emu action-reaction of Nature. After long aeons of man's hard experiences in learning how to mani­fest the Love principle in his dealings with other men, he will some day know his own Oneness with God, and find happiness and peace which can only come to him by having made that supreme discovery of his own divinity.


    We have described the manner in which all creating bodies "emerge from space" for an interval to fulfill their destined purposes, and are then "swallowed us by space" to rest for an interval before awn emerging to continue the ful­fillment of their purposes. God's one desire to think action, and rest from ac­tion, in sequential intervals, is thus fulfilled. Likewise, His one action of giving for regiving to manifest His Love, is also fulfilled, together with His one mo­tive for seemingly dividing His unity into two desires for unity.

    These are the qualities of God's imagining which He projects upon the screen of His vast space in such rapid sequences of changing patterns that the senses of Man are deceived by seeing motion where no motion is. Likewise, that he sees as life in living bodies and death in dying bodies, is but simulated mo­tion to simulate life. This universe of seeming motion is but an electric recording of Mind-imaginings. God's one purpose, which is to think what He Is and what HE KNOWS into His own image, is thus fulfilled. All of His Creation is for the fulfilling of that one ideal. Man is the consummate of His purpose, for Man alone, of all His Creations, can become aware of his Oneness with His Creator.

    Man himself, however, is but still in the making. For long ages he has been unaware of this Self because of building his body. The dawn of that conscious awareness has at last come to Man, though that stage also is in its early begin­nings. He is still so new in his spiritual unfolding that it is difficult for him to forget his fight for body survival in his jungle days. He has begun to listen to the Silent voice within however, and is gradually becoming aware of the Light of His Source.

    Some there are, however, who hear that voice with greater understanding than others, but few who hear with complete understanding. These have become more illumined with the Light of Mind and their thinking has so far transcended their sensing that much of God's Omniscience is already theirs.

    Such a man was Emmanuel, the Nazarene, who fully knew His Oneness with God. In Emmanuel, God had fulfilled His complete desire for creating Man in His own image and likeness. Emmanuel gave to man that which He was com­manded to give for man's uplift toward the Light, but man was not able to bear that which was told unto him. Man crucified this beloved perfection for thus claiming His divinity and for trying to convince men that they were like unto God. Man still crucifies all who come to transform him from the ignorant "pagan" and "barbarian" ways which still dominate man's relation to man.

    God is a patient Father-Mother of Man, however. The ages of time consumed in creating Man in His own image mean nothing to Him. In this respect God says to man: "All men will come to Me in due time, but theirs is the agony _of awaiting."

    Thank you for your service; this is a good place in which to break this lesson. We shall next take up the subject of our eternal universe. If you relax and al­low this information to "flow" it will come to make great sense to you:--if you work it, contradict it and pronounce that it you will miss, entirely, the message of TRUTH. So be it, may the Light be given to shine upon you as you come into the dawning of KNOWING


    CHAPTER 16
    TUESDAY, JUNE 18, 1991 7:26 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 306
    TUESDAY. JUNE 18. 1991

    It is far better to have understanding than to glorify ignorance. Hatonn present to commune briefly prior to recalling Germain to the witness stand.

    There are erroneous assumptions running about in the projections of advertisers regarding the Phoenix material. I must set this to correct for incorrect conclu­sions are very dangerous for ones who must be about in the public forums.

    I know that the intent has been quite intentional to mislead ones of the public that Desiree' (as in Green, of America West) and Dharma, are one and the same. You who perpetuate this incorrect assumption are causing undue danger and harassment to these very ones you proclaim to assist--or hate, whichever fits your intention.

    Desiree' is a lovely young lady who is married to George Green of America West Publishers and Distributors. Dharma writes the JOURNALSand EX­PRESSESwith rare assistance of input from Thomas and Druthea who are both valid receivers but whose thrust is very different in this interim period of time. We have arranged it so that Dharma writes almost all of the material to avoid exactly this wrong assumption on the part of the public.

    Dharma is under attack physically at every point in her life--we WILL NOT TOLERATE THIS SAME BECOMING ANY PART OF DESIREE'S EXPE­RIENCE. For you who produce other books, etc., let it be known right now, that the Greens are very self-sufficient unto their own needs, having been very successful in business relationships. America West publishes many books and quite a few are not of Dharma's writing so I ask that this record be set to straight.

    Secondly--no, Joy is not Dharma either. Joy is located in a distant state from this location. Because of this conjured association which becomes most danger­ous for both parties involved, I shall have to ask Joy to write separately, or whatever she wishes to do, for a period of time. The works of "Joy" are not PHOENIX JOURNALS although Mr. Green publishes them.

    Oberli is Dharma's mate and carries the load of five people in addition to the barrage against his being and property. Do not interpret this message as being an objection on any part from this group of five or six persons--it is not even in their attention. However, it is now being pronounced on radio and TV that these people are the same. Further, I have been asked via direct telephone communications if this is not fact. You readers and listeners MUST keep the separation of entities in perspective because misidentification is a most serious thing when the adversary would like to silence the work and the entities in­volved.

    I do not speak for the publishing company nor the distributing company for they are both typical business operations as is any other publishing company, other than that both involved parties, as well as the employees and volunteers thereof, are devoted totally unto God and in service to the Command of Hosts come to bring Truth and set records to straight. Just as you would not say Dharma and Wendelle Stevens or Bruce Cathie, of New Zealand , are the same--so must you NOT conclude this ridiculous masquerade.

    As for the Institute--that is a whole entity of itself. We have capable business persons devoted to clarification of all participation as do we effort to make available any information regarding incorporation and management thereof, af­ter you are aligned'. This is through one, E.J. Ekker.

    All proceeds from JOURNALS and writings are automatically diverted into the Phoenix Institute and Dharma and Oberli receive no personal salary nor pay­ment for the material written. Moreover, the cost of publication, printing and distribution is incredibly expensive and thus far, all proceeds have simply been returned into the next volumes, causing great imbalance of expenditures- -all OUT. There is an established Church of some six years which serves to assist wherein possible but this area of information dispersement is not any type of "religious" organization and has no coalition with any group of any "faith" doctrine. JUST GOD!

    You would not think that Ernest Hemingway had a church or an institute in Hawaii simply because he would spend time in Hawaii writing. Please, readers, do not make the error of furthering incorrect information or speculation.

    Yes, I know, one called in to a Los Angeles news broadcast and announced that George Green is a member of the KGB and is married to Dharina. From Las Vegas came that Desiree' is Dharma, married to George Green and George is a member of the CIA; then from Florida that Desiree' and Dharma are the same and married to George Green--who is simply a member of the "Fraud Bureau". Again, from Las Vegas , this work was dubbed by the misinformation touters as "...the biggest hoax ever perpetrated on the world" (regarding the JOUR­NALS). Now, chelas, if you have ever had so much as a wedding announce­ment in the press--you KNOW that all manner of errors are placed therein. I am sure that Oprah Winfrey is even irritated that the Inquirer establishes her "regained" weight to be 205 pounds. I further speculate that Elizabeth objects to both this infernal "...she is getting fat again" to "...you know she has aids!"


    I do not wish to belabor these points and we are all most grateful for the loving sharing given by you readers--and from you, it matters not who is who, actu­ally--however, we do know that you wish to know differences and there are very definitely differences- -INTENTIONAL DIFFERENCES SO THAT READERS DO NOT NEED CONFUSION.

    Desiree', for instance, is a lovely young lady who is recognized as an excep­tionally beautiful and gifted speaker in behalf of the "WORD". Dharma is a 60 year old grandmother of nine and mother and stepmother of nine. Further, I wish I had time herein to honor each and every contributor to the work in han­dling all this immensity of information for as we continually say, no job is greater than that of another--ONLY DIFFERENT.

    The above is the cause for us to discourage ones from simply moving to the lo­cation and "assuming" placement--for at this time all proceeds are going to printing and there are no assets for assisting ones who have no individual means of support nor occupation. We welcome with great humility and appreciation those who are able to assist us during this difficult time and humbly ask under­standing for that which is earthly impossible for this handful of workers.

    The opportunities will be available as the "projects" begin to come into being in fruition but that is still somewhat down the road. We do have a small interim business which works in conjunction with the group in that the operators donate much to the distribution of the material. They have a business called SURVIVAL STOREHOUSE and you might wish to check with them for products for your own needs of storage. I ask that someone give forth the information for contact at the close of this document or insert it herein. (P.O.Box 1911-58, Tehachapi, Ca 93581)

    There is a secondary interest wherein a party called Holloway Construction (shortly to be changed to a new Corporate label) who is building a wondrous "survival" dwelling wherein a third to half the place is underground with all survival specs to perfection. On this foundation will be built an elongated dome home (if the pumice-concrete can be perfected in time). This is a first step to­ward pleasant living facilities in conjunction with survival storage, etc. There are not yet separate "plans" to share but we will ask to have them made avail­able as is possible--for when you build you can simply place whatever home is desirable on the slab foundation. Also, we are efforting to get a simple survival type of shelter underway. Plans are not the same as a working practice-run. Our people are doing what they can as rapidly as possible so we do appreciate your inquiries and patience.

    Watch what is unfolding that which you are hearging --"..massive RARE rainfall has triggered deadly mudslides in Chili; Mt. Unzen in Japan is expected to blow again"--dear ones, prior to every massive and deadly orchestrated war and intended war, come these things in order to distract you-worldwide. All the hoopla in Africa is for exact purpose of distraction, for instance, for there is no intention of changing a staid system.

    T.D. writes in despair and I wish to speak to you through my response to him--behold God in His time. It is a time in experience to feel desolation and inade­quacy for the human who has gone forth upon your place to serve. Man plugs his ears and projects lies to distract and deceive. You must persevere and al­low-always allow, for there is not force with --man will come into his own knowing or will be passed by.

    For my beloved friend in New Zealand who watches the babies die at the hands of the politicians, all over the world, and watches his own nation fall into decay and decadence--it is the signs of the time of change and that which is perceived is thine own testing, to great extent, for you who will serve must keep going and going.The lamps will come into lighting is as the fuel which is the WORD goes forth---AND IT IS GOING FORTH! MAN NOR ADVERSARY OF GOD CAN STOP OF THE TRUTH FROM GOING FORTH FOR AS THE WORD COMETH SO MUST MAN COME INTO HEARING AND SEE­ING THAT WHICH HAS BEEN BROUGHT UPON HIM. SPIRIT AND MATTER ARE NOT THE SAME! God gives you for those works ordained; we open the coffers of riches in Truth and give unto you the travel fare that advanceth you to victories; many are the principles that await your em­bracement. The first of these is LOVE and the essence thereof; thereat is the mystery encompassing all. The things of Love are stable, enduring throughout time.

    The second is of Spirit separate in perception from matter, for behold: without Sprit, Love CANNOT MANIFEST.

    THEN comes Matter, that Spirit doth manifest verily through Love to get that which is of substance.. I tell you your error of perceiving is this, THAT YE MAKE NOT THE DISTINCTION BETWEEN MATTER AND SPIRIT!

    Many of you and us have travelled the expanses of this timeless infinite universe and again we serve--no more and no less. Never is it easier nor harder--IT SIMPLY IS. I must remind you, however, that we who come to example do not know that which we pull into loss if we give in to despair and voicesuch for others are watching, pressing, denying and seeking. You cannot judge the good you do--NOR THE DAMAGE. The LIGHT is never extinguished and you must never place it beneath the bushel lest you cause another to lose of his way. God lifts thee up in the moment of thine worst des air! Hold it in you hearts. God comes in His own perfect time-and no man shall judge of That time. So be it.

    I thank you for your attention and I relinquish the floor to my friend, Germain. No greater honor can come u man than that another call him "friend". Be at peace, beloved one, for as you distract in other--you fail to comprehend-the message of messages; we are speaking now of the very heart and pulsing LIFE of the Universe and God--do not miss the beauty of the moment by that which stains as discord. Remember-You would not be manifest if these other things you find horrible and despicable, painful and disorderly were not present-for this reason are YOU COME/SENT!

    Ah, thank you sir. Vio present in fullness of love and respect--please dear ones, do not misinterpret love and reverence for worship--for if you do so, you miss the very wondrous miracle God. If ye be always worthy of being called "friend" ye shall walk the streets of glory; it is the promise.
    Gyeorgos speaks in great wisdom as he separates perception of Spirit and Mat­ter. For Spirit is not and CANNOT be "matter".

    I say that you cannot have matter without Spirit and Spirit without Matter, BUT Spirit has the capability to clothe itself in many forms of Matter for special manifesting, or rather, it is Spirit manifesting that causes Matter, or is Matter through causation.

    Spirit itself is invincible above all forms of Matter as you know them, being in thee abstract the Thought behind Matter. You cannot make any manifestation of Matter without utilizing the Matter of some form or substance; thereat do you have the incarnation principle ...it is Spirit of God (God thought) descending into Matter, or taking on Matter particles, that it may first see and conceive in terms of Matter, or etheric energy in pattern.

    Don't be misled: matter of any kind is Ether in action (motion, different kinds of Matter being different performances of Ether in action--from the One Source.

    You don't know that which Ether is while in mortality, in that there is not mor­tal analogy, or physical analogy, by which it is pictured unto the mind.

    Thought is the force which deploying on Ether produces that which you Motion; this Motion, when obstructed, results in that which is known as Force, and the concept which all of it is rendered real unto your senses is actually Love.

    LOVE IS NOT JUST AN EMOTION beloved; it is Transition; it is the essence constructiveness which exists in Thought or OF Thought, when Thought has any form of Matter on which to disclose itself. Ah, there is such nonsense pro­jected about that which is LOVE, from silly triteness of "magic" to illicit physi­cal intercourse in degradation of the very term itself, to misunderstanding of the frequency of vibration which is present in the state of in Love-ness. LOVE en­compasses ALL--its opposite, HATE, turns All, within and upon self in low frequency bombardment of destructive thrust, not of the Creator thrust of Love. Mostly, you define Love as "rapture".

    What IS rapture but the essence of Thought beyond translation in any form of symbolization known as words? Herein I think, however, that we should pause and see exactly what is the meaning of that "RAPTURE" of which the evangel lists continually promise to you if you but "believe". This is not due to actions of discipline nor responsibility- -but simply "believe" as they tell you--and you shall be physically whisked away to some magical clouds. Well, you had best look again at the reality of their misperception.

    Rapture is a thought projection--NOT A PHYSICAL STATE OF WALKING ON CLOUDS OR SOMETHING. There ARE symbols which define the thing called rapture in the higher spiritual realm; thus rapture is always relative, and is truly limited by the essence of its form.
    I present for your logic that which is difficult in that all these terms and phrasing have a different meaning the higher you enter the statospheres of that state called Love

    Men have that which they term Conscience. I say Conscience is the aspect of God as each perceives it himself; thus Conscience is of Light, and Light is of Love (God). Men have a light; it brightens the household, but behold, they know not that even such phase a light is Love in its performance.
    The light which you see with your eyes is only one phase of Light in its essence, verily a narrow phase of real incandescence.

    You also have in "life" a condition called "Death"; have you not spoken of the going out of the light in the physical body? That is truly spoken: the Light Body moves out permanently and comes not back into that literal organism from which it departed, no matter how many incarnational excursions the Light Body takes.

    Would that I could give you understanding of Light as I KNOW it from my status and position. We do make ourselves understood by Light—heard through light pulsations and by all means, Light in a form you call IDEAS! This is our effective communications. Do you not often to an Idea as "light coming on in the brain"? This is correct, that Light comes to you in a form beyond the radiant.

    The nature of is twofold, beloved...the incandescent and transcendent: transendent lightdoes the work of the universe behold it exists informs of matter, the true essence of Spirit perception though you recognize it not.

    Matter makes Spirit to know itself AS itself; when you have said this, you have uttered the universe. And yet the the confusing idea obtains that matter is the abiding-place of spirit, that when matter perishes the spirit goes likewise.

    That is error and the very opposite of Truth. Men have deceived you, being sluggards in their wits; they will not lift their eyes. They have looked upon matter and behold it with their senses; they have said unto themselves, "Were not our senses given to perceive the truth that is? Behold, without our sensings, naught is that seems to us!"

    They speak of the senses only of the body. The soul has senses; that which is seen of the soul is spiritual; that which is seen of the body is mortal. The mortal has its place, that the spiritual rises above the mortal and be known for that which it IS.

    The body is "real" but the soul has its moment, verily the soul has its transcen­dence, thereby proving the body to be simply "mortal".

    Unless you disclose these things unto yourselves, that soul transcends body and uses matter wantonly, then you are blinded to the drama of the Infinite. I would not have you blinded; I would give you the lessons that can enable you to manifest, yea, in your Godhood that transcends that which you can only perceive as "reality".

    Let us say unto the master: "Master, we perceive your works and your miracles and we accept that you come among us performing goodly works; show us your enhancement in the eyes of the Godhead that we may be raised to do these wondersalso. So be it.

    I must ask, however, and why do mu do the wonders? Is it for pleasure? Would you be renowned for that which is of mystery? And what do I get? "Behold it gives the power to triumph over evil, even to cast the evil one from us, yea into his pit...." that I would respond : "Why cast the evil one into his pit?"

    Then your answer: "Behold we would have it that Thou delight in us, that we have been achievers of goodly works and have glorified the Father who dwells in majesty where the outmost star shines."

    Now, I ask and remind you: And is it the moment that the Father be glorified? Would you do antics to gain the eternal? I have to acknowledge that your spir­its have a movement, your brightness has its errand--you must cast off the encumbence that man should be miraculous to know the beneficence.

    So, at this point you feel mocked and shout out that "we only desire goodly works; we await the high summons; you give us an errand and provide the payment for same, the method to accomplish same (in other words, do it for us) and we shall certainly get it done!" I am sorry, chelas, over and over again it goes more like this: I give you the mystery and method—you go forth and raise up much coinage Which now, you wish us to tell you how to "save you" from assault and confiscation, and the earthly will adore you and your riches shall raise you. Not on your little "cotton pickers"!

    What happens is that mostly it is desired that a man seeks the ways of emolu­ment and vin of his own desires. Seeking advantage over his neighbor, he knows no respite in goodly works but that he may perceive the coinage of silver and self aggrandizement. Look around you and ponder others who have "brought the word"! Even unto bringing the WORD and so-called serving, great wealth is attained as it is seeped from the touted "save" to the "saver". This is NOT THAT WHICH WE ARE ABOUT HERE.

    I remind you, dear ones, except you KNOW the mystery you cannot take thought to the parsimonious niggardliness of Mamoon.


    What have you to do with those who say: "It is time to believe not; our ears have rung with doctrine; they arc wearied to saturation with much listening and I refuse to hear another word"?

    What have you to do with those who cry: "Let us beware of that instruction which has a way of upsetting my stomach and causing me to lose of my sleep"?

    When those come to you saying, "We have profit of our elders, why go into strange countries following after you even if you appear to have ' reason' and 'logic' for I wish not to prove of my own mistakes unto the witnesses. I do not wish it to be as you proclaim it to be--I PREFER TO EXIST EXACTLY AS I AM!", what are you to do?

    All things are thrust at you that you may be wise; all things are made known unto you that have true reasoning in them, much is withheld from you that consume the plan whereof you are parts. God has asked that you give leader­ship to wanderers and bidden you "feed my sheep who are hungering"--He does not tell you to stuff their throats and necks to the death of the mortal.

    Ones moving into spiritualness in Truth move always into upward movement into Light--NEVER downward into shadows. The Light is radiant and has all meaning within it, all things in it are of good report for the races of those who come up out of flesh perceptions and illusions.

    Our Mother-Father Creator has knowledge of that which transpires, day unto day and season unto season; it comes to pass in all circumstances.

    I would bid you to rise and walk upright, beloved; now we see you crouching, fearing a displeasure and cowering in the "but, what if?"--you cannot do of your work in attitudes of crouching. Cast off your chains--get up and walk in the image of God which mu are--as MAN, created as MAN in the image of God.

    You who would serve--He gives you commandment; take that which is given and increase it sevenfold; nurture it by your knowledge of your subject. be circumspect of adventure in that which rises ever before you, but fear nothing , no lion in the path take the yoke of service and find that bearing it nothing--take that which is given freely and use it.Demand which attack you be put from you for the enemy will pursue and he will give no mercy---but you have ALL and in God's presence, no evil can prevail nor will long stay.. All comes into balance within the cycles---as surely as you perceive morning to follow the night.

    Be cautious in your discernment but make not judgments. You cannot tell who all are in your own blindness; great spirits do visit you in the guise a menials, for that too is the Plan--but ones who are not representative of that Great Spirit will move away from goodness and you shall soon be given into the KNOWING.

    Do the work that comes to hand. Do it so well that there is no doubt in the minds of worldly men that you are who you are. Take treasure as it pleases you for God is abundance--it shall be well with you. Use it, beloved, as directed by circumstance- -BUT MAKE NQ MISSIONS NOT CONSTRUCTIVE NOR IN INTENT OF GREED AND MORTAL GAIN—MOST ESPECIALLY IF AT THE EXPENSE OF OTHER. DO NOTHING ONLY FOR TREASURE for shall surely destroy you. Do all things for spiritual enhancements; thusly, it shall be well with you.

    Open your hearts to understanding; posses it soundly ; let it grow within you as trees that are young, lovingly plants by hands that are tender. Pity those who proclaim that there is no God, nor required balance within Creation--that there is no "way" of Christness--for theirs is their own long reward of learning otherwise--step aside and allow them their own journey for that is between EACH and God SOURCE.

    Precious ones, there is no Deity save that of God Spirit and until you come into KNOWING of that which IS, so shall your own journey be long. and painful--KNOW TRUTH AND YOU KNOW GOD AND LOVE IS YOUR DESTINY AND HERITAGE--NOTTO EVEN MENTION YOUR INHERITANCE!

    The time has come when these things shall be again laid before you so that MAN can look within and choose--for THAT is the promise of God--so send forth AGAIN the Word unto the lands that MAN may come into choosing of his divine path.

    In this service and in brotherhood,


  2. #2
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 32
    CHAPTER 18


    THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 1991 3:52 P.M. YEAR 4, DAY 308

    Vio present. Dharma, I will begin immediately this afternoon because I see that that one who calls me "friend" intends to usurp my time on the morrow for another of those wordy "EXPRESSES". Clues and signs are pouring upon you dear ones and we do not wish you to miss the signals. I watch the frustration and despair as Dharma reads the quantitious pile of inquiries of Hatonn and self. She cannot handle the load, brothers, so please bear with us while we find some way to answer the flood of excellent and thoughtful inquiries. The most recent is several pages of lengthy inquiries from Australia. We shall ask Rick to respond to the best of his ability but there are requests for full instructions for shelters and how to store food, etc. Quite frankly, some things that these ones have simply not had time to give attention to in their own right.

    This is not to say "don't inquire" for there is no intent of such, but we are all feeling our way along together. There are many resources from which to pull and I ask in behalf of Hatonn that Rick compile as much as possible and forward it, i.e., SURVIVAL, at least and then descriptions of the JOURNALS for there are several regarding handling resources, etc. You will note that Australian common law is about the same as in America for America now runs pretty much as England desires it to run.

    These countries of yours give you little opportunity to do very much of anything--intentionally to prevent your adequate and comfortable escape from adversity, for they are the ones who have brought the adversity. Please note that Thatcher is in Washington with Bush at this very minute to make sure that Russia's Yeltsin is handled properly according to King Elite's demands.


    (Candace: I have come across a goodly number of “bible reading Christian folks who believe Christians are actually asked by God to get rid of those “pesky” Arabs in fact, and who highly supported the awful situation the folks of Gaza found themselves in this past winter. )

    But for you ones in Australia--hold strong for the intent is to bring as little de­struction to Australia and New Zealand as is at all possible for those two places hold great survival facilities and bombs; volcano eruptions and massive earth­quakes are not good for the structures nor the nerves. The reason Hatonn requests that Rick respond to the inquiries and then make up sample packets for any who wish to obtain same; i.e., much as the "Constitution" package. It is a time of pulling together that impact might be felt in the levels of government where changes can be brought about. But, as it now stands, a way THROUGH the government appears to be out of the equation for the government has learned to believe their own lies.

    I will point out something right now, however, that the world had better take note and take note quickly. Australia, you know, is a British colony. Always was based on the British "pound" for currency. Might you find it interesting to know that as of June, 1990, Australia is now based on the dollar--AND THE CURRENCY IS MULTICOLORED, STATING THE NATION ON ONE PORTION AND THE DOLLAR AMOUNT AS WELL. THERE IS ALSO A CUTE LITTLE FIBER THREAD AND, FURTHER, THE NOTES WERE PRINTED RIGHT ON THE SAME PRESSES AS YOUR MONEY WILL BE AS WAS THAT OF THE SOVIET UNION! Just a thought for today--Hatonn will speak of that also in the EXPRESS so it reaches readers prior to this. It is coming, brothers--right on track and moving rapidly.

    You may as well face something else, and Hatonn will cover this topic also, there is no United Nations nor U.S. nor English nor Russian intent to save any of those 200,000 Iraqi children marked for death. The POLICY is to kill the children and you may as well face it now or they will be dead by the time you can get intervention! I tell you again, the point is genocide--intentional genocide—and unless you as citizens of earth Shan face it, it is done!

    (Candace: and lots of rumors abound now on the swine flu and its effects on children and the elderly as targets. Again, the vaccination will cause this flu not prevent it. Your choice anymore on whether you take vaccines of any sort or not.)

    Let us return to my subject, Dharma, so that we can cover as much information as possible so that you will be free to write for Hatonn on the morrow.

    I have one other request--please find the writing I did some days ago and include a message to my friend and brother in Shasta, JS, for I fear the mailing in separateness was overlooked. Thank you. We do not wish to further burden you ones, but we effort to respond to writers via these messages and it is easy to let personal response slip through unnoted. I would not persist except that John has a great walk to share with me at the appropriate sequence of events and I must stay in touch through the earth route that our works be coordinated for proper action. So be it--I shall not trouble you further with tasks--except to read and listen carefully.


    Ah, back to "our" favorite subjects. We shall now build up the nature of the electric current to make its multiplying and dividing two-way principle more clearly understood. The very first principle to make clear is that electricity cannot run in a straight line. It always spirals around a hole in one direction to create its two-way effect. An electric current on a straight wire does not run through the wire in a straight line, it spirals around on its surface. Now all of you good people who are familiar with a Tesla Coil know this as fact. In the coil, however, it spirals both through the spiraling wire and around the outside of the wire in addition. It is all the same in effect but perhaps a better visualization tool. There is always a hole in the center of the wire. A current strong enough to fill the whole wire would melt it. A still stronger current would vaporize it into gases.

    This can be demonstrated by taking a clock spring of closely twisted wire and pulling it apart. You will see it coiling around its axis of gravity like a spirally whirling cone. That is electricity at work which you see spirally whirling around its centering hole.

    Now consider the wave shaft itself. Motion whirls around that centering hole in four pairs of cones to every cycle. That is where electricity multiplies its terrific power to compress matter in order to create the explosives of which this entire universe consists. The wave is REPEATED in cycles, but each wave cycle is a series of four conical pairs.

    The first essential for you to completely understand is the fact that there is always a hole in all matter and in every part of an electric current, except where collisions occur between pairs to destroy them by breaking them up into spiral ring systems. The other essential fact is that cycles pulses in two-way compression-expansion sequences to live and die. Then they must expand into the four ring formations of their cathodes to live and die. It is an extremely interesting and very simple process which you must thoroughly know, for there is nothing else beyond it to know. Every action in Nature repeats that one formula, from your thinking, to your breathing. Because of its great basic import we will leave no stones unturned to have you fully comprehend that master key of wave mechanics and space geometry which could make a new world of science if properly applied, and a new destiny of your own commanding if you apply it understandingly to every decision which you must make.

    Helium, for example, is the inert gas record of the carbon octave. If you "electrocute" carbon by a million volt current the carbon will return to its cathode birthplace as helium to again become carbon. Likewise, if your body is electrocuted it will return to its eternal record of you to born a new body of you.

    There are nine of these inert gases in Nature, as you will see by the nine stringed harp of the universe. The only difference in their structure is that each consecutive inert gas, from one to nine, is smaller than its predecessor, for each octave is a multiplication of its predecessor. We will get to more fully describing the inert gases as bridges between Man and God.

    I am now going to request our editors dig up some examples to show you and please understand, readers, that they will not make sequential sense as to their numberings but I am going to utilize that which has already been beautifully done by Dr. Russell and we will move on with his numbering system, please. Except for diagrams it will be too difficult to visualize that of which I speak. Thank you.

    (Candace: The images are missing. They do not copy from Christ’s email within this. I picked them out separately from the email into files, but when I then place them within my word doc piece, they still do not copy to the website, with the word doc. And I would then have to upload the several of them separately to the website piece which is awfully time consuming, so I am awaiting Christ’s creation of the pdf file which will include them. I have troubles still even with understanding the images, takes a meditative state for me to connect the dots with them for myself, meaning drawing on what I have stored in my monad.)

    Figure No. 42: The upper diagram, marked A--A, represents the creation of an octave of tones, beginning with the inert gas of four motionless rings, centered by the stillness of universal energy, to act as cathodes at both ends. This pair of four rings divide and extend their pairs of four rings toward approaching mates. Electric compression causes the rings to begin to spin, then to become smaller and turn faster as they approach the plane of collision where all four pairs unite to form a sphere. This represents the centripetal half of the journey which charges, polarizes, heats and multiplies potential. These are the qualities necessary for increasingly vitalized life.

    Between the cathodes is the sun of the atom or solar system thus created by the manifested energy which has been projected from its cathode Source, to simulate that energy by motion.

    The central diagram, marked B--B, gives the octave names to the four pairs of tones of the carbon octave. The centering sun is marked carbon. Carbon is a united pair. It is a true sphere when hot, and true cube when cold. An equator marks the plane of union of the carbon pair. One hemisphere is on the red side of its wave, and the other hemisphere is on the blue side. The names of the elements are marked under each ring and their places in the spectrum are marked above them.

    The lower diagram, marked C--C, represents their place in the tonal octave of the musical scale. The inert gas is the keynote of the electrical octave just as the note of C in the musical scale is the keynote for that octave. The keynote is omnipresent in all of the elements of matter as well as being omnipresent in the musical scale. By omnipresent we mean that it is in each note a well as its own tone. In music, for example, one is always conscious of the presence of the keynote, no matter which one is being sounded, nor how many of them. In matter, the inert gas is not so mind-consciously aware of its omnipresence but the sudden electrocution of any element, by passing a heavy current through it, will release all of the tones except the eternal keynote. By this process the area of gravity, represented by the hole, is gradually compressed out until the hole is closed up by the united pair and the very dense, hot, solid sphere is the product. The life half of the polarized body, which was created by an effort, comes to an end, and the death half, which requires no effort, begins.

    This reversal from maximum compression to the beginning of expansion, and from heat to cold, and from charge to discharge and depolarization, is the most confusing of all phenomena in Nature to the physicist. It is the one thing all observers have missed. As we have mentioned before, even Einstein missed it in his Equation of 1905, for the validity of that equation ends right here and its reversal, which voids its validity, also begins right here. All observers throughout the centuries have failed to see that one direction of motion has produced a two-way effect, which is as applicable to a mathematical equation as it is to a state of motion.
    Observe carefully what now happens, centripetal force reaches its maximum and begins to die, and centrifugal force takes over. Look again at the top diagram in Fig. 42 and carefully note that the four rings of the inert gas are like the four rims of wheel placed within each other, with one common hub. Now note that these four rings become the hub when they are compressed and extended. Observe, also, that the extensions cause the appearance of cones as centripetal force winds the cone bases into a sun at the apex point of collision. Observe this effect also in figures 43 and 44.

    Now for the reversal. If you look again at A—A in fig. 42, you will note that the center of the inert gas is the point marked zero in both cathodes. These two points now become the apices of cones instead of the center of cone bases. The shaft of gravity which runs through from zero to zero now begins to open up at the center of the sun (or earth—or cell of your body) and cause it to expand at its equator and flatten at its poles. Rings are then thrown off from the equator which are the bases of cones whose apices are the zero centers of the cathodes.

    Now look again at these zero points in A--A of Fig. 42. Note when we have indicated cone apices there by faint white tones. If you can now imagine yourself opening up that shaft of gravity in the center of any spherical cell, whether sun or carbon atom, so that the center of the sun becomes the center of cone bases, instead of being their apices , you will have begun to comprehend a secret that the world has never yet known about the transition from life to death.

    Can you now see how centrifugal force of desire to return to the zero universe of rest, is unwinding that which has been compressed out of it, to let it come back into it? Can you now comprehend the loops of force in an electric current, or giant nebula, as shown in figure 43 and 44?

    If you now study the ring nebulae of the heavens you can see numerous examples of dying suns. Perhaps the editors will be kind enough to present some within these pages. The Owl Nebula is a very interesting example of an "unwinding" sun. It has a big hole clear though it. The Ring Nebula in Lyra is also interesting to note because what was left of a sun regenerated at the center to repeat throwing off rings until nothing is left. Figure 31 & 32.

    Candace: you should be able to google these nebulas. I think the Ring Nebula in Lyra is labeled the “eye of God.”

    A complete explanation of this great pulsing movement, which motivates the universe, need volume instead of mere pages, but if you will follow carefully what is given herein you will have the essence of the profound mystery of the life-death movement of the creation, which the senses of man have not yet fathomed and it will be sufficient to your needs. Scientist will have enough more in-depth detailed information to fill their needs as well, for the ones who are intended to garner the information will find great and abundant information for which they petition. To assist in visualization of the whole process, however, instead of just its parts, please print Fig 45 which shows a whole carbon octave wave, rather than the electric current confined to a wire. The more you study these diagrams the more you will comprehend them. New
    thinking is not readily grasped in one reading. Meditation and repeated reading finally reaches your omniscience, for your Mind really knows all things, and need but to be awakened to recollect that which it has always known. If you are not yet aware of this fact you will be some day, and the more deeply you desire the coming of that glorious day, the more quickly it will come.
    (Candace: Well, interesting, Germain just described here, what I wrote I do above, in meditation! If you are a younger soul and don’t have a full storage in your monad or your morontial soul, you can still use meditation to get it out of the ONE mind of the creation. All this stuff has been given into Earth’s “genetic mind” for you to access. This got labeled the bestowal of the Spirit of Truth 2000 years ago, because younger souls have no ability to access higher than earth’s genetic mind.) More missing diagrams below, see above note.

    The most important and direct reason why mankind should comprehend the way the Creator works in this respect, is because this book is being written to demonstrate that man cannot violate God’s orderly, rhythmic processes of nature without paying a price which is equal in measure to the violation.

    Atomic fission is a violent abnormalcy for the rhythm of the environment necessary for man. This we must show electrically, chemically and in other ways which man understands by laboratory work, for morals in Nature do not have a metaphysical basis, nor even an ethical one. The behavior of all creating things is determined by their Source in the zero universe. These are the things which man, who believes in free will to do so as he chooses, must know. For this reason, we must convincingly show him how close to God man is without having known it. That we must do in language and diagrams which are familiar, and acceptable, to science. A metaphysical or emotional language used with moral persuasion, in a plea to cease this terrific violation, would have no effect upon industry, government or science whose need for a life-saving fuel is great, unless accompanied with scientific conviction that such procedure is in defiance of Cosmic law, which will not allow such defiance. This volume is necessarily too brief for expanded detail. Since we must, therefore, keep to the point at issue, we will save much space by telling you briefly right here what the following pages are to reveal in respect to vital knowledge, which no man on earth today even suspects, and, to our knowledge, only one energy entity of all the past ages has fully known and told to a world, which crucified Him because of it. Bear in mind that we shall not deal in abstractions, nor theory, nor affirmations, even though such affirmations may be admitted truths.

    The time must eventually come when man must know where God is at every moment in respect to himself. He must completely understand how God controls every action and desire of all living things, from man to fungus cell, or from galaxy to electron, during their entire journeys from their beginnings in Him to their endings in Him. THESE ARE THE UNKNOWN THINGS WHICH UNFOLDING MAN MUST KNOW, BEFORE HE CAN BEGIN TO MANIFEST HIS OWN DIVINE INHERITANCE AS AN OMNISCIENT AND OMNIPOTENT BEING:


    1.The invisible universe is in absolute control of the visible. The invisible universe dominates and controls all motion la magnetic division into cube wave-fields of zero curvature, beyond which no moving thing can pass. It can, however, repeat itself in neighboring wave-fields, but always in reverse, as mirrors reverse. The geometry of the zero universe is .based upon the cube, and cube sections. Their planes are of zero curvature and they reflect their forms in matter in crystal structures, which are the only forms of zero curvature in Nature.

    2. All motion in all the electric universe is curved. The curved universe of matured form is based upon the sphere. The sphere is a compressed cube. The sphere is a series of true circles no matter where it may be divided into sections by cutting through it in one plane, anywhere.

    3. All motion is equally compressed in respect to gravity, therefore, all motion is in true gravity center circles, which multiply into spheres, and again divide into true circles.

    4. The Source of energy which creates true circles, is at their very center. The Source of all energy is the Creator. All motion of every nature, whether of thought or action, spins in true circular control around the omnipotent Creator of that motion, and in planes of 90 degrees from a shaft of any extension of motion.

    5. No man, nor creating thing, can in the least way, become off-center from God, nor can his orbit around God be aught, at any time, than a true circle, even though its seeming orbit is an eclipse. You think of orbits of planets as being elliptical. And so they seem, but such illusions in Nature are multitudinous, and must be overcome by comprehension. See Fig. 46.

    6. Man's body is compressed motion, which encircles Man's invisible Mind-Source in true circles. He can never depart from these true circles. His thinking and his forming body cells encircle them without knowing that he is but manifesting his own immortal Self, or without knowing that the immortal Self which centers him is continually whispering to whatever of Mind-awareness has yet unfolded within him. The noise and turmoil of outer-sensing drown out those inner whisperings for long aeons, but there comes a day in his unfolding when he begins to hear that Inner voice. More long ages pass before he knows that it is the Cosmos of all that IS is speaking to him and that he IS that Cosmos.

    7. Gravity controls the moving universe but man has never known, nor even suspected, that his own immortality and gravity are ONE in their centering of his sensed-body. Nor has he ever known that gravity extends to a shaft as his body extends from thought-ring planes to mass, and as equators divide to become pairs and united to lose their division. These things Man must know together with the omnipresence of gravity which but seems to the senses to extend into shafts made up of many points, which are all ONE. When Man overcomes this illusion of the senses he, likewise outgrows the possibility of forming sensed-conclusions such as the nucleal atom, which violates all principle of this electric universe, which Nature is.

    8. Man plainly senses the motion of a plane, or boat, or a speeding bullet and thinks of it as a direction of motion. He sees the motion of a wave, or the vibration registered by a harp string, or the cardiogram of a heart pulsation. His senses also interpret these as motion, and directions of motion, not knowing that they are but registering the curvature of gravity control, and that the direction of motion is ninety degrees removed from that direction of gravity control.

    9. That which cannot be sensed in invisible space is yet to be dynamically known. The mystery of the crystal, and its cleavages which divides crystals into units, lies within the knowledge of space geometry, which can be scientifically organized into Mind-visibility, as bodies in motion can be scientifically organized in sense-visibility. There is nothing in nature which the senses can feel that the Mind cannot know.

    10. The great mystery of all of the mysteries of matter lies hidden within the inert gases of the wave. The nature and structure of these keys to motion have never been known. It is time that they must be known.

    All of these mysteries shall be briefly touched upon herein for the express purpose of giving enough knowledge of the true nature of the atom to prevent it being used to endanger the human race.

    Thank you, chela, I believe you are too weary to go on longer at this sitting. Let us take leave for a while. Do not effort to sketch the diagrams indicated--in the interest of speed, we shall just use those of Walter who sits with me and offers readily that we do so.

    If you feel overwhelmed, be patient, all of you--for it is a time of times to experience
    upon a living planet--when knowledge comes forth from the ignorance. So be it and may the violet flame of transmutation enfold you that you may be given into KNOWING.


    PJ 32
    CHAPTER 19


    SUNDAY, JUNE 23, 1991 2:56 P.M. YEAR 4, DAY 311

    Germain present and ready to continue with our discussion regarding our eternal universe--yes, it is also mine. Until it is somewhat understood, you have no way to KNOW that which must be accomplished to get off your place. Then we need to be able to make a transition, also, whereby some are able to structure the next step in that translation. This is still a "required" "physical" experience so some of you must KNOW, even if most of the human populations of Shan do not.

    You have been told that ignorance of The Laws is suitable reason for God's understanding. However, refusal to learn when information is present to overcome ignorance is "excuse" and is not acceptable--for God is sending/bringing Truth and Man is expected to do his CHOOSING well. No indeed, our craft would not be very crowded with travelers this day! And, no, it is not alright to just turn back "part way" and continue in other breaking of Laws intentionally, and yes, if you stand by and "allow" stoning of your brothers who bring that word, by those who set themselves up as Truthbearers but are false, you are as guilty of the stoning as are they. You may denounce the words we bring until the bitter ending and it will make not one iota of difference in the Truth herein. But the children shall be gathered unto the shepherd for they are unknowing and without blemish.

    Not one action of motion man or Nature--in all the universe--can escape from the absolute centering of its action by the Controller of all action. Anything, or any man who tries to escape from it, or use his "free will power" to do as he chooses, may exercise that privilege, even unto destroying himself by so doing. He will not escape, however, from the perpetual control of his universal energy Source. No matter what he does, to upset the universal balance, he will find that the Creator of Creation always centers him, and his own unbalanced orbit is still on center with his unbalance, and is perpetually in a plane of 90 degrees from the shaft upon which its circling turn.
    (Candace: Again, wait the pdf file for the figures.)
    Consider a top, for example, which is spinning true upon the planet's axis of gravity. See Fig. 46-A. All motion around that axis is in true circles, and in planes of 90 degrees from that axis. The time comes when the top can no longer spin fast enough to keep its spinning's centered by the earth's axis. As it slows its speed its axis inclines. Every turn of the top still spins true to the now wobbling axis. That wobbling axis is compelled to revolve around its Source of balance, however, and in doing so it inscribes true circles around its gravity Source, and they, likewise, are in planes of 90 degrees from that axis, as illustrated in the diagram A-1 and A-2. Consider the earth's orbit, for another example--see B-1 and B-2. When the earth was where Mercury now is, there was but one common center of gravity, and one equatorial plane for the earth, and for the sun. The earth has now left that position of perfect balance between itself and its source and set up an equator of its own, which is at an angle of 23 degrees from the sun's equator. Its axis has a similar variation to that of its source. It has not escaped God-control, however, for the sun's gravity still controls it by centering a larger circle, which includes its entire wanderings around two centers instead of one. Fig. 46-C illustrates this principle in an off-center flywheel which will turn with uneasy and uncomfortable oscillations if slow enough, but would shake itself to pieces if turned very fast. This example is a good symbol of your present civilization, which is ever turning faster in its eccentric orbit, and ever approaching its dissolution.

    Man must some day learn that every cell of his body must be in tune with the universal rhythm in order to keep his body in balance, and every thought and action, which controls his body, should be within as close a circular orbit as possible to reach within to the divine Source of all things where omnipotence and omniscience awaits all men. In this way only, and through such knowledge only, can Man know the meaning of that Silent Voice which has tried to reach through his senses for ages upon ages. A continued effort to thus decentrate from concentrated movement to universal stillness, gradually unfolds one's spiritual and intellectual nature. Decentration invites meditation and meditation opens wide the doors for inspiration. Don't be too impatient regarding how to reach through in that meditation for if you can learn to totally relax into com­munion it will be fine. It requires no special "methods", in fact prescribed "methods" only end up being far more distracting than helpful. We will work on that matter at a later time.

    The geniuses of the world are those who have learned to talk with God by transcending their senses and becoming Mind-Beings. In this still very early stage of the unfolding of the Man idea he is very conspicuously body-conscious and but faintly Mind-conscious. God's intent for man is that he should manifest Mind‑-not body. The signs of the times tell us, that more and more Mind-conscious humans are coming into their fruition stage, but mass-Man is still body and-sensation­-conscious. That is why such chaos is spreading over the face of the earth. Culture is dying because sensation shuns culture. A Wagner or Mozart is worth billions, and should be nourished. The Wagner’s and Mozart’s of today can be found trying to survive by playing in night clubs, or selling vacuum cleaners. You have no pennies to spare for the arts of peace while so many billions of dollars must be spent upon the arts of war, and in extolling those who kill. Man has chosen to upset his own balance by seemingly violating the inviolate. In the battle of civilization for body-supremacy over Mind, it may well be that the moral, mental and spiritual decline of the last half century will continue into another degrading Dark Age. Time is naught, however, in Nature, and Man will again arise through the efforts of the few among the many who are now becoming more and more Mind-conscious.

    Scientifically, what is happening to mankind at the present time is that he has chosen to distort his balanced circular orbit around his Creator. His free will, supported by his ignorance of his unavoidable close relationship to God, and his unawareness of his dependence on God, has influenced him to choose transient body-sensation, body-comforts and body-values instead of eternal Mind-values. It is not possible for Man to continue to distort true circular orbits of Man around God, by choosing eccentric orbits or by unbalanced interchange in his human relations. No Man, or nation, is powerful enough for that. Fear is the product of such unbalance. Neither Man, nor nation, can survive fear. The universe is founded upon love and Man must some day become aware of the meaning of love as related to human survival. And to have love--you must let go of fear. Your present civilization is hurting itself by building its own agonies and ills. It has become physically scientific instead of spiritually scientific. It has no living philosophy to overcome the philosophy of death, which is now threatening the world. War has taken forty million lives in forty years, but radioactivity can very easily take four hundred million lives in four hours. This bears some serious contemplation, chelas. Worse, this can be done even if war does not occur.

    Eighty years ago there was less than three pounds of radium above your earth, yet people are dying today from slow accumulations of that little over the years. Today you are creating over 15,000 tons or more of uranium salts each year which is ever so much more deadly. Not only that, you have some million tons of uranium ore above ground. Who today can tell what the price will be that you must pay for that in human lives and deformed births? Who today can tell the price you shall be forced to pay in the future years if there are future years to be considered, for there are so many other toxins abounding in your place which are almost as deadly as the so-called "nuclear" substances. The concrete containers which house this deadly material and wherever they might be placed become radioactive monsters to raise up and devour you. You cannot know for another decade or more what that price will be of just that loosed in the past, but if the intervening decade multiplies the amount of killer metals, which will be above ground, in the ratio of its present increase, it is quite possible that the doom of the human race is then inevitable without other happenings.

    All of the above has been written to show that Man cannot transcend Nature, or violate its tonal rhythms, by attempting to travel outside of the orbit ordained from Him. By so doing he has extended his orbit in the direction of death by expanding his circle to take him farther away from God. Fig. 46 will clarify that for you. Note the orbit of the earth. Its potential was maximum when its orbit was a true circle around its source. An elliptical orbit, and a straying from its plane of balance with the sun, not only widened its circle of control, but unbalanced its relations with its source by dividing its power by perihelion and aphelion positions in its orbit. The orbits of all the planets plainly mark out the road of death, which all dying things must follow. Can it be that Man prefers to choose such a path, or is it because he just does not know?

    How long must it be before mankind will know his universe and his Creator sufficiently well to live in love instead of in fear? The answer to that is dependent upon the length of time it will still take for Man to know his universe, and to know God who centers it and him. As lone as Man chooses to think, or act, out of balance and close control with the Magnetic Light which centers his every cell as well as his Soul-Identity, he but weakens himself by distancing himself from his Source of power. In so doing, however, he does not escape from its absolute control and watchful care over him, no matter what he does to hurt himself.

    All of the examples given in Fig. 46 illustrate the principle of balanced control of all creating things by their Creator. It also illustrates the principle of multiplied power which Man gives to himself by ever drawing the circles of his body in closer circles of balanced relationship with his Maker in order to become a mind-Being primarily, and a body, secondary. The secret power, therefore, for any man, does not lie his ability to create motion. It lies in his ability to knowingly control it. A little knowledge is more powerful than a mammoth cyclotron.


    If it appears I am repeating myself, please bear with me, for it is so entertwined that some must be repeated.

    We have now arrived at a point where the relationship of gravity and magnetism can be more easily comprehended. They both belong to the zero universe. They are both one, but each has a different connotation in common usage which requires two words to define their separate meanings, just as an armchair and a rocking chair are both of them chairs, but require two words to differentiate them. Gravity really means a point, or shaft, that can be located in the invisible universe, where Mind desires to concentrate thought, and thought-power. You cannot see gravity but you can locate it at the very center of every creating thought-ring, which constitutes what we call bodies of matter. You cannot SEE Mind either, but you can locate Mind also, for Mind is also that center which balances, controls, surveys and motivates its electric thought-rings in their effort to simulate the Idea existent within that stillness, by fast or slow motion.

    There is not more gravity or less gravity anywhere. The seeming increase of the power of gravity is electric potential, which means faster motion in smaller circle. Gravity shaft, and centers of gravity are the omnipotent zero of the Mind Universe. It is the same everywhere. It is all-powerful everywhere. The nearer that motion can come to it the greater the power which can be drawn from it. In Man that power is desire. Desire for closeness to God gives one that power in the measure of Man’s desire. The measure of power which Man takes from it is the measure which is dependent upon his own desire for omnipotence, and his willingness to multiply his thought-power and action into electric potential BY ACTION. In so doing he decentrates to the Source of where gravity multiplication begins in order to conceive Idea and gain knowledge. He then concentrates to manifest God’s omnipotence in him.

    Let us look at this for that which it really is; Gravity and the Magnetic Light are ONE, but the connotation of gravity differentiates it from the word God. They are the same, however, for God is the universal Soul while Soul in Man means Identity, or Being, as a unit of the Universal Being. The moment that electricity divides the One changeless condition into pairs it is necessary to balance and control those pairs. Gravity is the Magnetic control and balancer, although its power never multiplies or divides. Where gravity is, stillness is. An area of stillness always surrounds gravity shafts. These areas are the holes which center the rings of electric potential which continually multiply compression, or di­vide it by expanding, in accord with the desires of Nature, or Man, to manifest that all-power which is within, and omnipresent in all things. The "meaning" of "gravity" is a most often asked question for it is not well understood and is NOT that which the science books explain it to be.

    The one most important thing to burn into your consciousness is to realize that wherever motion is, it is centered by stillness, and that stillness is its CAUSE. The universe is composed of electric thought-rings of motion. Each thought-ring is centered and controlled by the Creator of that thought-ring. God creates His universe in that way. You create your universe that way, also. It is God who sits there. It is the Magnetic Light of all-knowing, all-powerful Mind which sits there. We call that centering point GRAVITY. The reason why we call it gravity is because there are adjacent thought-rings which have united together so closely that we think of them as mass, instead of rings. Each added ring of the mass has its Mind-center in its own plane. In a mass, therefore, there are seemingly so many Mind-centers of stillness that they constitute a shaft. The word "gravity" arises from this fact. Gravity is a shaft of Mind-controlling stillness. In that sense, gravity and God are one. Now you-have the whole story except for one thought to complete it. Every point of that gravity point is the same point, for God’s zero universe is omnipresent.

    It may take you a while to fully grasp the above, but you can never comprehend it by reasoning with your brain as a sense basis, for in that process is the motion of "thinking". You must learn to "be still and KNOW". The inner thinking of deep meditation will take you into the zero world of REALITY where illusion does not exist. Moreover, neither will the smatterings of incorrect perceptions as given to you before now be forever inhibiting your learning and KNOWING. The more you are able to find that center where the Light of Creation dwells, the more you will be able to discover the Light of your Self, and that is the greatest miracle that can happen to anyone. When you find your Self you also find God in His Kingdom within you. You certainly do not need to go running about the globe searching for Self for, if you do so, you will NEVER FIND SELF. When you have thus acquired full awareness of your own omniscience, omnipotence and omnipresence you can then knowingly, and authoritatively, say: "I and my Father are ONE!"

    Man's unfolding power increases in the measure in which God-awareness in him increases. As your power increases through that greater comprehension, your command over motion, and over your own destiny, increases in proportion. The main thing for you to fix into your consciousness is the fact that this is a Mind and motion universe, and that Mind centers motion. In the Mind is all-Knowing and all-power. In the motion is the image form of Mind-knowing which manifests mind-power without being that power. In that sense it would be more exactly definitive to term it a Mind and Mind-thought universe--for all electric motion is but the record in motion of Mind-thinking. It would be even more simple to think of our universe as a Cosmic cinema, for it parallels the cinema of man in every respect.


    It is necessary to correct the popular conception regarding what is meant by the term magnetism, which is now popularly regarded as a physical force, closely related to electricity. Some do pretty well in considering that ones have "personal-magnetism" but even that is misunderstood. You hear much about magnetic fields, electro-magnetism, magnets, magnetic lines of force and such phenomena. You hear about the power of magnetism to pick up needles, tacks and small iron objects with small magnets, and the power of lifting tons by large magnets. You often hear of the universe being referred to as an electromagnetic universe. It could properly be so termed but only in the sense which you would apply to a Mind and matter universe, or the term Creator and Creation.

    You also hear it said that the earth is a huge magnet, such as the bar magnet made within an electric coil. It is not like a bar magnet, however. The middle of a bar magnet IS "DEAD". The center of the earth is alive. Earths and suns are the result of collisions which occur between polarized pairs where two bar magnets come together as you refer to what we will label figures 11, 12 and 13. These polarized pieces of steel should not be called magnets, however. Like the earth, they are electrically created. They are electrical effects controlled by Magnetic stillness, which means Mind-stillness. It is popularly believed, however, that magnetism comes from matter which is endowed with magnetic qualities. It has ever been claimed that all of such material must be in the earth's crust not more than fifty miles deep, and that influence creates a magnetic field for earths and suns. It, also, presumably created magnetic fields and lines of force, which bend around from equators to poles. There are many such theories, all of which are groundless, for they are all of them perfectly explainable electric effects which we will yet enlarge upon.

    Much confusion has been set up in world laboratories because of this concept of magnetism. The physicist deflects electrons from their paths in vacuum tubes by holding a magnet near their path, and sincerely believes that the power of magnetism does that instead of electric polarity. He does not realize that the polarized condition in his "magnet" is an electrically divided equilibrium which has created two strong electric vortices, which his electrons are being pulled into just as particles floating n in your bath tub are pulled into its spirally turning outflow.

    Hundreds of other misinterpretations of what electricity is doing fills all research laboratories and not only slows their progress but gives them a tremendous amount of unnecessary work in experiment after hopeless experiment, at tremendous cost, to find out things which are quite simply predictable to one who knows CAUSE and WHY of things.

    Before passing this subject it may be well to give one more example of misinterpretation where electric effects are attributed to magnetism. In the astronomical laboratory they use an instrument called a spectroscope which tells what the stars are composed of in lines of colored light. Michael Faraday "discovered" a relation between "magnetism" and light. Later a scientist, named Zeeman, used that principle to detect the "magnetic fields" of stars by applying a magnetic control to the spectroscopic light lines of the stars. As a result he succeeded in splitting one line into two, making it look like a tuning fork. With a stronger, "magnetic field" he again split those two so there were four, which then looked like a table fork. The result is interesting, and valuable, but it is not what it is claimed to be. It is a division of one fixed condition into pairs, and octaves of pairs , and that is the sole office of electricity. So why call the polarizing principle of the electric current a "Zeeman effect"?

    The word magnetism should in no way be used, for it connotes a physical attribute. A proper way to connect it to this electric universe of motion would be to term it the Magnetic-electric universe, meaning the spiritual-physical universe, or the Mind-thinking universe, in the sense that the zero Magnetic universe is the Creator, and the motion universe is Creation. Likewise, you should never use the term matter in relation to the visible universe, for the word matter connotes substance, and there is no substance in all of the motion universe. You must someday remodel your concepts to the realization that the God Light of all-knowing and all-energy is all there is in this omnipresent universe of Mind. Mind thinks its knowing, however, and electrically records the imaginings of that thinking by two-way divided effects of motion. Motion simulates that which it seems to be but that is all it does. It creates a motion-sound-picture by the light which is projected from Mind.

    What observers think of as magnetic power is the measure of electric potential which is created around gravity shafts and centers. The multiplication of electric potential around gravity shafts is--in reality--the manner in which Mind-thinking concentrates.

    It is not gravity, or Mind, or stillness, which multiplies, however. That which multiplies and divides is electric potential only, and that means fast or slow centripetal or centrifugal motion. The gravity which evidences Mind-concentrative power is changeless. Motion surrounding it alone changes.

    If you wonder why you are so far behind in coming into understanding of Truth of your universe, you must look to the scientific "method" of "proving" everything in a "physical" manner. Many scientists do not accept God or Creator as a truthful entity and therefore CANNOT POSSIBLY FIND THE CORRECT CAUSES AND RESPONSE. SINCE GOD IS GRAVITY AND ALL LIGHT AND ALL-KNOWING AS WELL AS ALL-ENERGY, YOU CANNOT HAVE THE WHOLE WITH ONLY HALF THE EQUATION.


    I am herein reminded of that which so many effort to accomplish now--a cure for diseases and infirmities through use of the Rife microscope, etc. However, you work with only a portion of the equation so how can you possible find the "whole"?

    I honor Royal Raymond Rife for he made a most significant contribution to the world of "seeing". Through his perceptive work with circular, wedgeshaped, quartz crystal prisms he has been able to polarize light in such a way as to produce the visibility of micro-organisms beyond the range of electron microscopes.

    Rife's understanding of the "heterodyning" of light enables his device to see far into the extreme, so-called invisible infra-red (left) and ultra-violet (right) ends of the color spectrum. The use of a revolving control permits any one facet of a prism to bring light into a special, "fine tuneable" frequency, with all the ease of turning a radio dial--much as we contact Dharma. We always present ourselves in a color band ray from which she can "fine-tune" and identify. In this way, the Rife microscope captures light passing through a particular prism not ordinarily visible to the naked eye or the fifty-thousand diameter, magnifying, electron microscope.

    In the "heterodyning effect" light from two vibrational frequencies interplay to establish two new frequencies. This medium transposing light allows the Rife Instrument to re-create bands of light running into the several higher, invisible octaves of the ultra-­violet end of the scale. By contrast, visible light (color) embraces scarcely as one octave range. Thus Rife's microscope joins ultra-violet beams with other oscillations to manifest light in the eye of the viewer, otherwise lying beyond the realm of visibility.

    The Rife microscope permits scientists to observe the living virus and other micro­organisms without the need for stains. Invariably when used, the electron microscope, stains, or both, immediately kill tiny life-forms. Necessary study of the active germs can be easily made with the Rife equipment, for great benefit in modern laboratory work.

    Most microscopes hold light rays in parallel movement for short distances. The electron microscope can't separate the beams indefinitely and ultimate distortion begins to occur. With Rife's instrument the rays run parallel without convergence, thus demonstrating incredible feats of high magnification. .Please recall what I have said about the cube and non-curvature and the sphere with curvature. You are going to have to come back to the point of God/Cube if you indeed will perfect this work.

    In Rife's work, he discovered that all bacteria or virus maintains its own frequency vibration--this is a vital piece of information for the facts are- they are but crystalline substance. Later Rife found a certain form of cell life could invariably be tuned into by a prescribed setting. Rife's unusual microscope made visible virus found in poliomyelitis and cancerous tumors, previously invisible through any other microscope. Since these type of micro-organisms thrive in the range of radio waves in the electromagnetic spectrum their progression can be observed and poses the possibility that some vibrational producing instrument could be employed to control their growth and behavior--or destruction. It is interesting to note that the, once believed, colorless bacteria and virus do generate hues which can be translated from the seemingly micro-invisible world into your "seeing" rainbow light spectrum.

    Why have not more scientists looked into the effects Rife achieved with electromagnetic waves of specific frequencies upon disease, including cancer? Dr. Georges Lakhovsky in Paris developed a wave emitter called a multiwave oscillator which he certainly found gave good results in both plants and humans. Why can't the apparatus seem to find perfection in the hands of current experimenters? Because you have forgotten that the center of all is Creator (Mind) and gravity is Creator (Mind)--therefore, if the one single most important element is excluded, that of God/Mind Man/Mind--you CANNOT PERFECT THE WHOLE CYCLE.

    The multi-wave oscillator is today banned by the FDA as quackery--and in most instances it could be considered as such for, again, the "invisible" element of electrical projection is missing in the calculations.

    These same good results are noted in Bordeau by another inventor, self-taught as was Rife, Antonine Priore, whose apparatus combines the use of electromagnetic radiation with a plasma of helium or noble gases reminiscent of Rife's methods.

    I can promise you that until you bring into tuning the mental pattern within the focus of the "physical" projection"--you cannot complete the cycle and until a cycle can be completed--you are not going to get very far. The "cures" attained are due to an ability of the individual "patent" to mentally bring his own frequency into the same identical pattern as the equipment is producing so that the circuit is completed. This requires cooperation of the patient--more than the efficiency of the apparatus. This is why, if given into the care of a good hypnotherapist who can direct the subconscious mind into alignment, you can attain incredible results with actually inferior product.

    We will have opportunity to share more on this subject at a later time but now I believe we should take a rest break. We will do no one a favor if we cause our scribe to be unable to function. Thank you for your kind attention and I trust some of you insightful readers are picking up the information intended for your eyes and understanding. Let us move in this very experience journey into wholeness. It can be accomplished if enough find desire to do so.

    Good day and thank you, Dharma, for your service. As we consider the spectrum octaves and the "matter" octaves, I believe that much will come into consciousness for the intended receivers of the information. It cannot do so, however, if we fail to get it to print so our appreciation is great for you who produce this great quantity of material. Freedom, and transcendence can be only come into perception by coming into knowledge. So be it and may the transmuting flame of the violet frequency give unto you protection and awareness for it shall be through the violet ray that great healing can come about. I salute you as a fellow traveler.


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    최신 글: 2009-11-20, 12:10
  5. 관련글: 9
    최신 글: 2009-08-30, 18:05

이 주제글의 글단추(태그)

글쓰기 규칙

  • 새 글 작성이 불가능함
  • 응답글 작성이 불가능함
  • 파일 첨부가 불가능함
  • 내 글 수정이 불가능함