PJ 47
MARCH 16. 1992
Greetings, precious Druthea. I AM Sananda. I am also known by the labels Esu, Immanuel. Jesus the Christ, the Pale Prophet, etc. Let there be NO misunderstanding about WHO I AM. For I came as a Christed teacher upon your place, to teach the laws and ways of living which bring balance and knowledge. This is called the "Christ" path or the "Red Road" of Truth according to the Lakota-Sioux natives.

I told My people then that I would go and prepare a place for Our Father's children (those who live within the laws) and that I would return to reclaim Our Father's Kingdom. Your places are prepared and I come with The Hosts of God to bring the righteous home to His places of light. I am not yet upon your place, and yet the "time" draws near for My coming. Which of you will take My hand and walk in the Glory of freedom?

I come now in this format to a few worthy scribes that I may bring instructions that you may each make preparation and awaken fully unto your mission of service to Our Father I God/Aton. A precious few have been visited by Myself, yet only in "holographic" form. Because you may not have con­scious memory of Commander Hatonn or Mineself does not mean unworthiness or your service is of less importance. For even this beloved scribe remembers not My visits with her from a "physical" perception. And for a time, so it must be for most of you of My beloved brethren. I am available to all who re­quest in intent of heart for succor. And so many ones of you receive personal guidance from "higher sources" including Mine-­self. And yet it is often that the listening and hearing of instructions does not occur.

This is one reason that the Commander and I must bring in­structions for the many during this most tenuous and precarious "time" of your civilization. Many simply have not yet de­veloped the ability to hear. And many of you who have come specifically to serve during this transition often seem to get "your wires" crossed. This because the adversary works dili­gently to confuse and confound your instructions, and walking in balance every moment seems all but impossible upon your place for the pitfalls and obstacles, although illusion, are most "real" in the encounter and response to same.

It seems to you who have walked through the worst minefields of terror and confusion that you carry many battle scars. Nay, valuable knowledge and lessons are gained, for the SOUL or you cannot be scarred by the adversary's illusions. The only damage which can be sustained by the soul essence is by nuclear explosion, and yet WHEN you walk in intent in God/Aton's light of service, you will be protected even from soul damage.

Now to our subject of Judgement versus Discernment. We speak often of these terms and yet as a human it is often difficult to know the difference in your own thoughts. You must learn to recognize the differences in your feelings and responses to all circumstances and situations presented to you. It takes diligent work and means honest appraisal of self.

Let us define these terms. It will help you to know which you have done when you think in terms of judgement being an opin­ion. And opinion is a conclusion drawn which falls short of positive knowledge. Discernment, on the other hand, means receiving INSIGHT. Insight means "Perception into the inner nature or real character of a thing".


So after one assimilates all the above meanings then the next step is being able to identity which is occurring with you in ev­ery circumstance.

Let's take judgement/opinion further. When one draws a conclusion or makes a judgement about any circumstance WITH­OUT having acquired or achieved access to all information in the case or circumstance, then his opinion is in error. This is why only God within has ability to make final Judgement be­cause only He KNOWS all sides or has the insight of truth of soul intent in any given circumstance. As human you are not given the right to judge any human. You must through discern­ment KNOW about the behavior which defies God's Universal Laws of Balance. No man can know the true contract of an­other, so it is only behavior and actions which are in point of the effort to understand the cause thereof.

So what part of you wishes to make judgement and opinion without having achieved access to all the information? Or to put it bluntly, which part of you would deem itself the power of Creator to JUDGE. If you said physical EGO, or what I often refer to as the "altered ego", you are quite correct.

The problem comes when you make a judgement/opinion from your physical ego and then you act upon that opinion, not knowing you are in error.

If, for example, your co-worker makes a comment or even a re­quest and you "feel" hurt or angry. Which part of you feels this? Your physical ego is the part of you which chooses to take offense. Was there intentional offense given towards you? How do you KNOW? How will you find out?

If you have reasonably concluded that there is obvious inten­tional attack against you, what can you do? If you ask the Father within to show you, help you gain insight into the cause of intentional attack or disdain directed against you, do you know what happens? How does it feel when you begin to honestly look at WHY the person has attacked you or intentionally at­tempted offense?

I will give you a hint about how to recognize INSIGHT. You no longer feel hurt or resentful. The only feeling you may have, depending on the circumstance, is compassion. This is when their opinion of you is in error and you KNOW it and yet they do not know they err. How can you take offense for example, when you gain the insight that they are afraid and are stuck in their own physical ego opinion? Only when your physical emo­tional response is set aside and you seek God insight about the CAUSE of the other one's attack or intentional offense against you, can you then respond accordingly in balance.

Why would you need argue with someone when YOU know you stand in the light of Truth? You certainly can discuss any matter even when the ones in point do not agree with one another. You must learn to discern the difference between an argument about WHO is right, and a discussion which brings the light of under­standing of perceived differing points of view. It is often in healthy discussion of any matter that seemingly opposing views are not (opposing). It may even be differing communication methods. Often your misunderstandings occur because of mis­communication of intent or misunderstanding of communication of intent. How will you know your perception is in error if you do not actively seek clarification in a respectful manner?


Now Druthea has some confusion about the intricacies involving judgment versus discernment when Godly morals are infringed upon by others. What do you do, if anything, to ones or about ones who defy God's laws?

Let's discuss homosexual behavior. First of all, as discussed many times before and outlaid explicitly in OPERATOR-­OWNER MANUAL, it is the sexual behavior between same sex individuals which is the error in point, NOT the love shared between any ones which has NOTHING whatsoever to do with sex acts.

The reason Commander Hatonn has said, and it is absolutely a fact, that you cannot legislate morality, is because morally righ­teous behavior is achieved by example through knowing and living God's LAWS.

Now you must understand that we explicitly are referring to be­havior between CONSENTING adults. Ones who are so in­clined or programmed, will do with one another and behave in deviant ways regardless of any laws passed in human form. The only areas that human laws can protect against, as intended in the Constitution and Bill of Rights, is when ones infringe upon the well being of others who are NOT consenting adults. This means that you have the right and responsibility to protect your children. You DO NOT HAVE to sanction or support ANY behavior which defies God's laws and that includes support of pornographic "art", homosexual persons teaching your children about "alternative lifestyles", state funded abortions and the like.

You must recognize that you now live in a society in which ALL manner of greed, corruption, violence, murder and sexual devi­ation are being thrust down your throats while your basic decent human rights are being stomped upon. This is why the PHOENIX will rise from the rubble and ashes of the destroyed evil into rebirth of RIGHTEOUSNESS again. These things of evil projection, and that includes every so called business which thrives upon greed and corruption of the senses, spirit and planet will fall into destruction. This these ones have brought upon themselves, the consequences of their own defiance of Balance and Love.

You ones who walk honorably in righteous God intent shall be the remnant who are building and will rebuild Moral Character into the next generations who come. The Glory and freedom which awaits you precious ones of God Intent is beyond your human comprehension. These are the things I long to share with you, for like Hatonn, I see the bigger picture.

We have much to do and this is but a beginning, I know, even though there are some 50 JOURNALS now in print, this journey is far from over.

So can you STOP one from choosing an abortion? You cannot FORCE them to make the choice, although you certainly can ef­fort to help them with alternative choices to the murder of the babe. Can you parents STOP your teenage child from sexual relationships? Not by force. You can, however create the at­mosphere of trust, understanding of responsibility of actions and creative outlets which allows little opportunity for developed de­sire of such physical behavior.

I know, you ask, what about "peer pressure"? I ask you this. If you give nurturance, sincere interest, spiritual balance, creative opportunity and TIME to your child from birth, do you think "peer pressure" will undo your LOVE? And so many of you say, TOO late. I did not know these things until recently. Well then perhaps a move into the country is in order for time or healing and nurturance in nature's habitat instead of the cities of death.

You may argue anything you wish, precious ones. What I am saying to you is that it, is NEVER too late and if you have a teenager in trouble with drugs and crime and sex, what are you willing to do for this child that he may again find balance? And what is YOUR responsibility for this child's lack of balance? I know some of you believe you simply "cannot afford" to move. Can you afford the agony of an emotionally disturbed drug-de­pendent child? Can you afford to work at a job you despise, while your child seeks attention and acceptance from evil influ­ences? I ask you what are you willing to do for your child who is GOD'S child? If you do not understand what I say here, perhaps it is time you listen within for if your DESIRE in intent is to choose correctly, your instructions will come, whether it be from this document or confirmation in that still quiet place within. So be it.

I know, chelas, that these are often hard lessons. And it is most painful to face self and failure of choices and decisions. How do you ever expect to make the best choice in every cir­cumstance unless you are willing to understand WHY it is the best choice and why NO other choice would do?

Often it is difficult to perceive "priority". I simply will remind you that as parents, your children who are not adults must be your priority. Your family is the nucleus wherein your LOVE, KNOWLEDGE and your ERRORS will be passed to your children. From this foundation or Truth or the false foundation of illusion will the child glean his example and thus strength and/or weakness to face his life experiences and bear his responsibility in honor to Creator God. What will you offer your child that he can example and pass on to the future generations IN HONOR, BALANCE and ABSOLUTE LOVE?

I know these are hard questions for some of you. Remember it is NEVER too late to change the circumstance or situation in or­der to improve the outcome in honor. Let your errors be faced that they not require repeat of the error in ignorance, and therefore, suffering because of ignorance. You bear the conse­quences of your errors whether or not you err KNOWINGLY or UNKNOWINGLY. "Seek and ye shall find." "Knock and the door shall be opened." "Ask and ye shall receive" and most importantly,"LOVE YE ONE ANOTHER". All these things I spoke unto you and still so many understand not. How do I KNOW this? Look around you, precious ones, including in your own life. Who comes first in your life? WHY? You must answer these questions in self. For ultimately it is YOU who must live with the consequences or rewards of your actions. So be it.

Let us close this document. Druthea is somewhat surprised by the intensity of these lessons. It must be so, my precious, for the time is near when final choices must be made. The illusion of "middle ground" is all but gone and you are either FOR or you are AGAINST GOD. Your actions will always speak louder than your words. KNOW THYSELF AND THE DOOR TO THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN WITHIN YOU SHALL BE OPENED!

Thank you my precious little dove, Druthea. I am most pleased with your maturity and strength, little one. You are listening and you are hearing so rejoice in your accomplishment for you have "worked" diligently to achieve this far. I am ever with you and it is an honor to be so.

Thank you, precious ones, for hearing me herein. May you each garner that which brings you strength and focus and courage for God's mission. Walk in peace together. I love you ALL beyond even your comprehension. Each of you will KNOW this love, for it is of our Father and it dwells within ALL. Salu.

PJ 47
MARCH 17, 1992
Greetings, precious Druthea. I AM Sananda. I come in service to Holy God/Aton of Light and thus to you my brethren on earth Shan.

We will continue our discussion of knowing and understanding the intricacies between Judgement, Discernment and now Per­ception. It is in this way that will enable you to then carefully choose your words, recognize the basis of your feelings and thoughts, and therefore become more attuned to Self-motivation and grow into Self-knowledge. By knowing self are you then forming the foundation of knowledge with which to grow in SPIRIT of ONENESS with Creator/God and thus earn your wings as an honorable Co-creator.

We will speak more on Judgement and Discernment. First I will speak on what is the meaning of Perception. To perceivemeans to become aware of something through the physical senses; see, hear, feel, taste, or smell. If you have read Germain's PLEIADIAN CONNECTION JOURNALS, then you now know that the physical senses alone CAN be most misleading, for these senses are only capable of monitoring EFFECTS of the illusion of MOTION. Now when you are able to use your physical senses IN CONJUNCTION with Discernment/INSIGHT gained from the LIGHT of Higher Knowledge, achieved through experiences of life-streams, communion with God within and balanced intent of service, you have established a COMPLETE basis or Truth and Wisdom in which to ACT upon.

Only through achieving Higher INSIGHT will you be able to ever draw a conclusion of understanding (wisdom) about THE CAUSE of any given circumstance, behavior, disease and that includes this CONSPIRACY of evil upon your planet which you now find yourselves racing. Otherwise, if you have not teamed to access Higher Knowledge, ANY conclusions you may draw will be only ego-opinion based upon perhaps only part of or even NONE of the actual information needed to take the necessary valid/effective action. In other words you are jumping and you have no feel upon which to land or the ground upon which you jump is quicksand.

Insight of God helps you form the foundation and basis of Truth and Wisdom upon which you can build your structure of Bal­ance in which to serve God in your Highest potential.

With this firm, impenetrable foundation established and in place, then you can investigate the materials with which to build your spiritual perfection. First comes your foundation based upon the Laws of God and Creation. From there comes the choices of which materials will empower your foundation in balance and harmony or which are less than perfection. Often you will choose materials and then remove them and start again for they do not hold up under the TESTING which all materials (information/knowledge) will inevitably endure. And always will your intent be tested as to WHY your choices work or do not work.

No other can build either your foundation, or choose your mate­rials or decide your intent for you. There are others who can show you the errors in your foundation and materials and even why your intent has sabotaged you. They cannot make the changes, nor make you understand why you need to change. These things you must decide alone with God. There are ones who will pull you out of your depths of despair and hopelessness and give you the information about how to sustain yourself in balance. They cannot, however, MAKE you sustain yourself or MAKE you understand why you have errored. You must choose to remain above water and in the lifeboat. You must choose to learn from your errors through understanding WHY you caused yourself to fall into the depths of despair. You must choose to learn how to sustain yourself in balance and you must then make the effort of intent to accomplish your goal. And when you accomplish your goal and understand the responsibility which accompanies your wisdom and power, then you will be called upon to assist others (relations of self) who still remain underwater and await the hand of love, hope and mercy. And so the cycle of growth into Oneness continues.


Since receiving insight into the inner nature and real character of a thing or circumstance allows for a more balanced percep­tive (point of view), wisdom CAN be allowed fruition within you.

Now let us define wisdom: Knowledge, learning, practical Judgment; insight and common sense. These are the terms used in your dictionary to define this word. You can now see how knowledge, insight, judgment and wisdom are used quite inter­-changeably in your language.

I trust you are comprehending the differences in use of terms when I speak of terminology. I am efforting to show the differ­ence between information/ opinions/theories gathered from the PHYSICAL SENSES based upon the EFFECTS of the ILLUSION of MOTION and Discernment/insight/know-ledge received by successfully accessing Higher Resources; God within (which is CAUSE).

When we (The Hosts) speak of WISDOM, we speak of KNOWINGLY attuning yourself to Our Creator within you (communion), and thus inherently knowing and living your life in balance with ALL. Your choices and decisions become much fewer to choose among for you will have and be the wisdom to KNOW always what is the balanced choice. Therefore the ap­plication of inner knowledge/insight/discernment is WISDOM.

What about "free will"? My chela, Dru, asks. The use of this term becomes "obsolete" for your thoughts, choices and actions are attuned to the ONE will of God. This achievement, of course, allows one to experience a manifested awareness of near-perfection. And no, I will not dwell upon these "higher" levels longer, for it does not serve you precious ones to do so.

Like Dru, many of you become frustrated in your efforts to fig­ure out the universe, before you have figured out HOW TO re­claim and maintain balance upon earth Shan. I will say it is the better part of WISDOM to be patient in the unfolding of your lessons in their proper sequence. So be it.

Now as a part of your inner "home work", I suggest that you ones begin (if you have not yet begun) to monitor your thoughts, your feelings and responses and your behavior in EVERY cir­cumstance and interrelationship. In the beginning you will be most aware of the UNCOMFORTABLE or UNBALANCED re­sponses. Here are some questions to ask yourself that you may determine the CAUSE of your feeling.

1. How do I feel? --Identify the emotion. For example: Angry, hurt, frustrated, resentful, frightened, sad, bored, impatient, nervous, superior, inferior, inadequate, lonely, guilty, rejection?

2. WHY do I feel this way? For example, if you determine you are feeling angry, hurt and rejected within a given interaction or communication, ask God within: Is the offense intentional? If so, find out why one would desire to intentionally offend. HOW do you find out? Ask the Father Within to help you see the cause (insight). Perhaps you will be shown, perhaps you will have to ask the perceived offender in order to ultimately bring understanding and thus balance to the circumstance.

3. Why do I choose to allow another's OPINION of me to hurt me? DO I believe their opinion is TRUE? What is the basis of that BELIEF?

4. Next how do I desire to respond? Examine your habit of re­sponse, especially when you determine the emotional base you respond from. Do you wish REVENGE or some other method of "getting even"? Do you become defensive and attack your perceived opponent? Only your physical EGO would desire such tit for tat games. In order to achieve balance then you will need to establish your goal. Ideally your goal would be to heal the discord in self, and if accepted by them, in the other person as well. Can you do this by behaving in the same manner as the offender? Getting "even"? (if that ever is plausible). Now that you have made the choice to heal the discord, the next question is:

5. Father within, please show me how I must CHOOSE to re­spond in this circumstance in order to achieve healing of this discord? Then you must listen and often wait upon the Lord. How will you recognize the correct guidance from God within? You will no longer feel emotional offense. Often you will be filled with compassion for your brother for you will not longer see separation between you. When you respond as guided by Father within, you will feel the discord dissolve in yourself and you will be deeply moved and humbled by your experience of achieving Godly-balance and forgiveness. There will be no re­grets. You are complete and fulfilled.

In addition please remember this: Although your perceived op­ponent may lose his antagonism towards you as you reach com­mon understanding, his lessons may not be complete in regards to his own responses. This is not your business or responsibil­ity, although you have offered an example of balanced behavior which his soul has registered, even if his ego-consciousness has not. Ultimately he will need also learn to question his motives as have you in order to find HIS balance within self.

Now chelas, don't think you have achieved perfection just yet! You will get MANY more chances to "practice" at choosing balanced responses! This is called TESTING. After a time you will have achieved the wisdom to recognize and welcome your TESTS for they allow you to sharpen your spiritual integrity, which ultimately moves your soul toward perfection in ONE­NESS with God. Without these challenges to your soul there would be no reason for the JOURNEY of life you have. What challenge would there be to walk the same path, see the same scenery, without benefit of hills to climb and streams to swim, which make the journey interesting, even if not always "fun and enjoyable" in your perception of those terms?

You each have been given the gift of life here. It is about time ALL of you LIVE and BE ALIVE. What is the most fulfilling way to FEEL ALIVE? GIVING to one another, Giving Truth, The Word, your time, your encouragement, your care, your friendship and yes, even your "abundance" in benefit to the whole. This is how you express absolute God LOVE. God's love is LIGHT which you are. Give this light of self as God de­signed you to serve. LOVE YE ONE ANOTHER! This is the golden thread of every Master's teachings. Wisdom is yours when you no longer question how to give love. You inherently live your life giving equally in all transactions and circumstances as Our Creator intends for you.

Let us close this document that Druthea may rest. I trust that each of you are broadening your understanding and self-aware­ness. Thank you, Druthea, for your service. Be patient my precious, for the lessons must come in sequence of comprehension for many, many ones. If you effort to jump the starting gun, you may cause all to return to start again. Learn to trust the process and the necessary sequence of lessons, for in the pacing and self-discipline will ALL, who so choose, be welcome to share in the winning with GOD. Thank you, my precious chelas for, "hearing" these lessons. Be at peace with self and the struggle will not seem so. I AM Sananda, in service to Holy Light of God. Salu.