SEPTEMBER 23, 1991

Greetings precious Drulhea. I AM Jesus, Esu, Immanuel, now called Sananda. I come in service to Our Holy Divine Creator, Aton.

Thank you precious, for sharing your thoughts and feelings with your brethren who work within this small circle to bring forth THE WORD. No, it is not easy to open self and bare all inside for others to see. Many other ones here within your circle also have extreme difficulty with this type of expression sharing. Perhaps your sharing will allow it to be "easier" for the thought­ful silent ones to come forth and share as well.

These interactions which you arc participants within ARE your lessons. Do you see, chelas? The lessons never end... until, of course, we return to Oneness with God and no longer express as individual fragments in "perceived" separation.

Thank you for recognizing We of The Hosts of God in your thoughts, precious, for in this recognition and honor which you give us, you also must be honored for "taking your medicine" so graciously.

Simply behold the growth and knowledge you have garnered now which NOTHING can take from you. You've climbed one more mountain in your road to self-discovery which leads you on to God-knowing. YOU cannot DO all and BE all for every­one! And isn't it a relief to finally acknowledge that you ones NEED each other to accomplish our goal to get out THE WORD of Truth to humankind on earth Shan?

Do you recognize that WE of God's Hosts NEED you as well? That if you ones "fall" it is our "failure" as well? This does not mean that YOUR job cannot be replaced, simply that lime is running out for your brethren and each of you is so precious. WE too, cannot bear to lose ANY of you ones who are among God's finest servants and projections for His task. And yet you each have free-will and we cannot interfere with your choices made.

Hold it close lo you, chelas. The value of your service is so immense that you must ALWAYS see the WHOLENESS of the picture lo complete this job in honor. Please do not lose sight of our shared GOAL and COMMITMENT TO GOD, Our Father. It is most easy, in your humanness, to forget why you arc here, and how valuable is your contribution, however small it may seem to you. The adversary enjoys NOTHING MORE than to cause you ones to bicker and resent one another. Remember that the next time you begin to harbor anger or resentment for some real or perceived attack or miscommunication by another in your circle.

Some of you arc just WAITING to be victimized, often com­pletely misperceiving the intent of another or others. Please do not HOLD these hurt feelings. And at the same time give each other the benefit of the doubt and calmly ask them to explain what they mean by whatever il is they said or did lo offend you.

Effective communication docs take tremendous work in your il­lusion simply because you can speak one thing and mean some­thing entirely different. Whereas God's "universal language of light" does not leave room for misinterpretation or miscommu­nication. Il comes directly from soul consciousness level, or as you may know it "the heart".

But on this dimension, one of YOUR lessons as human is KNOWING what is in your "heart" place and then being able to communicate it accurately and effectively. That is one reason why illuminates of your past have said, "KNOW THYSELF". For it is easy to "lie" to self and it truly lakes the desire and courage to really be honest with self in order to come into KNOWLEDGE and understanding.

I must relieve Druthea lo rest. Be at peace, precious. The lessons and testing seem to be worse for you, but remember God never gives more burden than any can handle and He will carry you if need be. Each one of you feels inadequate at times. This too is a lesson. I love you greatly, precious chelas.
Druthea, thank you for your service, for though you know it not, you truly are a "Gift of God". So be it. I AM Sananda, One with God. Walk in the love and peace of friendship and God will show you the way. Salu.

SEPTEMBER 24, 1991

Greetings my precious little sister, Druthea. I AM Sananda. I am also known by many ones as Jesus Christ, Esu, Immanuel, etc. I come in service lo Our Holy Divine ONE Creator, God/Aton.

Aton is the term used many thousands of years ago by ones called "Egyptians". The term means "The ONE Light". The sun was their symbol of the ONE light. You may use the term God lo describe our ONE Creator. It matters not, except that the intent within your soul consciousness be to connect in com­munion with The Great Spirit, The Great CAUSE of ALL within Creation, whom We of the Hosts often refer to as Aton.

Now, I have titled this document as Knowing Your Priorities, since many of you ones, including my scribe, will at one time or another find yourselves FORGETTING your true priorities. The 3rd dimensional physical frequency in which you on earth experience can at times certainly become most confusing. There are many distractions and many "things" which demand your attention. So it is imperative that you recognize YOUR FIRST PRIORITY in all circumstances.

For as in the example of Druthea, who found herself buried in physical tasks and perceived "responsibilities" and worries which caused her to nearly eliminate her FIRST priority of writing and serving God in the ways which she has committed to.
Many, many of God's children have become lost in the muck and mire of this physical "illusion", often unwittingly becoming tools for your adversary.
Yes, Druthea did ask GOD for help in her dilemma. The prob­lem was, as is often the case for ALL of you, she did not listen for her answers. I, Sananda, could not reach her for in her weakness, the adversary was allowed control and was slowly strangling her to death. Fortunately, she finally recognized she was in trouble and screamed in desperation for God's protection and guidance in order to overcome the control exercised by the adversary.
Commander Hatonn was sent lo confront the adversary. After it was "over", Druthea was free once again to listen to her in­structions for recovery. And just so you ones don't became too smug, ALL of you were and are fighting the same battle, in dif­ferent ways, that she is. Hatonn was sent for ALL of you. Druthea played the part of example in this drama for she had agreed to do that THIS time.
You must understand that often times the greatest lessons you ones will ever receive are offered in just these sort of circum­stances. Would she have "fallen"? That, chelas, is between HER and GOD. Please be thankful she offered herself as ex­ample that the lessons not be hers alone, and now belong to all of you.

While you are experiencing the awakening process into GOD-KNOWING, it will not be possible to always KNOW from ego consciousness standpoint WHY this or that happened. You may not even completely understand the value of such a circumstance as occurred recently within this circle. I will share with you this fact though; the growth incurred and accepted at soul level by ALL of the individuals in this small circle of devoted God-frag­ments in the last week, is TREMENDOUS. Most of you will find yourselves, your perceptions, your altitudes changed in ways you may not consciously understand right now. Please KNOW that God is WELL PLEASED with you ones!

ALL who so DESIRE in full intent to assist mankind, with love and compassion, through die direction of Holy God's will. Many of you (though you know it not) already are among His finest co-creators, experiencing now in human physical form that you relate most effectively to your brethren. This is so you too, may discern and rise above the imperfections, evil and con­fusion offered by your adversary. This in order to again become examples of people who create a planet in balance by co-existing and co-creating within God's Laws.

Soon, precious ones, many of God's mysteries will fall away as you each come into KNOWING. Remember, as has often been said by my brother Hatonn; God is not mystical. He is only a mystery until you come into God-knowing, and thus, unfold those perceived mysteries. So be it.

I will close for now. Thank you, precious Druthea, for your service and for again listening to me. I am always a breath away from thee, chela. I am here to work with you, but not for you. And I do wrap you in wings of love, protection and guid­ance lhat you are, in your service, an honorable reflection of God, as is YOUR desire. I love you dearly, my precious brethren on earth. Please walk in peace and love and God will show you His way. I AM Sananda. Salu.
OCTOBER 1, 1991

Greetings, my little dove, Druthea. I AM Sananda. Many of you may know me by the labels of Jesus Christ, Esu, Issa, Immanuel, The Pale Prophet, etc. These labels are mostly of hu­man input for ones desiring to "define" mineself, who came as a man upon your place over some 2000 years past in your count­ing.

I was actually born and given the label, Immanuel, also spelled Jmmanuel and Emmanuel. The term means, "God with us". My inherited name, given of Our Father, God/Aton is SANANDA, meaning "One With God". The one you call in your so-called Holy Bible, Paul the Apostle, who was actually Saul of Tarsus, changed my name to Jesus Christ, which means "The Anointed". This one was not of my disciples. He was most confused and completely misunderstood mine teachings of God and Creation. And so because of his confusion, he has passed along mis-teachings in what many of you precious ones believe to be MY name, (Jesus Christ) which was NEVER my name in reality.
I AM now come, along with many of Our Father's Hosts, lo set the record straight. You may continue to believe the lies of your adversary, also called "Satan", if you so choose, for Our Father Creator, whom I call Aton, meaning "The One Light", gave you each of His children FREE WILL, to choose for your­self.
I have not returned in physical compression TO YOUR PLACE at this time. I know not the time of my return. Only our One Creator Aton knows. I AM Spiritual Guardian along with my brother, Archangel Michael, of developing earth-human species. You, dear ones, arc not our only "charge". We have many other planets and the humans thereon within our charge of re­sponsibility.

The degree of God-knowing accomplished upon your plane will determine the level of my accomplishment as well, for this is mine final "testing" upon these dimensions. You are my little brothers and I desire to bring you into God's Mansions, that you may experience the Glory of LIFE beyond the often painful and confusing limitations granted by earth physical incarnations.

Today, our subject is Human Opinion versus God-Knowing. You sec, precious ones, "opinions" are simply conclusions drawn by you ones through your physical sensing experience. You ones form opinions most often from the EFFECTS you ex­perience or observe. An opinion is not drawn from KNOWL­EDGE. Let us see what your dictionary says:
Opinion: /. A conclusion or judgment held with confidence, but falling short of positive knowledge. 2. An expert judgment given formally.

So you sec, chelas (students of life), everyone can have a dif­fering opinion about let's say, what happened at MINE cruci­fixion and why, but the reality is that very, very few of you who were there remember. You all can have an opinion about Ha­tonn and what you believe his intentions to be, but you cannot KNOW until the fruits of his work become obvious. And even THEN, many will deny THE TRUTH for sake of PRIDEFUL opinion.

You all form opinions about one another constantly in your inter-relelationshi ps. In every circumstance you experience, you form an opinion. That is, until you desire TO KNOW God within you. Then your human opinions will fall aside along I with human ego limitations, to make room for GOD-KNOWL­EDGE to unfold.

Also realize, chelas, most human judgments are reached by hanging tightly onto opinions you've formed, without forming the desire TO KNOW. Often it takes work to discover The Truth about any circumstance. And many generations have ex­perienced passing on their formed opinions from one generation to the next within the family structure.
IF you were born, for example, in a Southern Baptist household and were constantly indoctrinated as to HOW you should think and believe, you will most likely have had difficulty questioning the belief structure, especially when your questions were not ap­preciated nor accepted by your ciders.
Many of you ones have escaped the chains of a "belief" struc­ture which was imposed upon you to find Self and God within you. Also many ones of you even went to an extreme of rebel­lion and became "so called" Atheists, having become completely disheartened by the "faith" of your parents.
I repeat what I told you ones when I was human those many years past, "I and My Father are One." Know Our Father within you for there lies the Kingdom of Heaven ." You will experience in your ignorance and continue lo form your human opinions and judgments until the DESIRE is great within you lo KNOW The Truth and Father Within. Then you will not longer ask, in ignorance and superstition, what God can give you and what God can DO for you, but instead you will say to Our Father, "Please show me Father, what I must do to sustain in only YOUR service that I may be an honorable reflection of YOU in every thought, word and deed. Not MY will Father, only let THINE will be done."
In this way you will give back unto God so that He can regive unto you. You then, precious ones, are well on your road to re­sponsible co-creation with God-Knowing.


I am repealing the words of wisdom expressed recently by my brother, Hatonn. There arc not MANY truths, only ONE. You each will express and manifest life to the degree of un­derstanding and comprehension of The Truth. You will respond to circumstances and other humans based upon your adherence and comprehension of God's ONE law which is BALANCE in all transactions. Also called RYTHMIC BALANCED INTER­CHANGE.

All the laws written by Our Father and explicitly expressed within "The Phoenix Operator-Owner Manual" allow focus and choice of adherence lo God's One Law of BALANCE. When you defy any of those laws you create unbalanced circumstances of which you will reap the consequences. This is why we effort to encourage you to find and KNOW Cosmic Spiritual Truth and remember The Laws given forth for Human experience, because ignorance will nol prevent or excuse you from the consequences of defying Cosmic Law.

J say REMEMBER the Laws because YOU arc born KNOW­ING them. That is, of course, as long as you have the gift of soul conscience from our ONE Creator.
So you see, you have freedom of loving balanced expression in co-creation with God as long as His ONE LAW of Balance is not defied.

For example, I will discuss The One Truth about immortality. Immortality means no end lo existence and therefore on-going life somewhere within the ONE MIND of God. It is simply birth and rebirth.

Death as you observe il is simply a transition of the soul. The soul does not end or die. Although it can return to or be re­folded back into the One Mind of Our Creator. There may be many opposing opinions of that truth, but it matters not, for it is THE TRUTH and it is best to KNOW it than to deny it by self-delusion and opinion.


God IS LOVE. The Father/Mother sex conditioned divided lights of His thinking come from His Knowing. From His Knowing comes His One Desire, Love expressed in Motion of which his divided thinking CAUSED. And then, of course, a return to the rest or voidance within God's mind. This simply means no illusion of separation is experienced. Only God-Knowing and God-Love. Again, I suggest you carefully read the Phoenix Journals called, The Pleiades Connection Series, Volumes 1-8. There within, my beloved brothers, Hatonn and Germain beautifully and explicitly express, from the KNOW­ING of Aton, the details regarding the nature, structure and workings of God/Aton and His Creation.
For those of you of mine precious ones who truly DESIRE to know THE ONE Truth, we give forth the information (in over 40 Journals now), to allow for your unfolding. You must under­stand that your unfolding will occur in direct relationship lo the degree of your DESIRE to KNOW God within you. YOU, ' therefore will determine by comprehension of THE LAW of Balance and the Level of LOVE you hold within, through God-Knowing, the degree of responsibility for co-creation which you will express.


I wish to further clarify the difference between what you ones might call "preference" and opinion.
Preference involves choice of expression for enjoyment, comfort or beauty. It does not mean that if you prefer the color blue that red is evil or bad or lesser. Or if you prefer to grow roses, that carnations arc less beauteous. If you decide carnations are less beauteous or that red is ugly, that then is your opinion, for in God-knowing, you would know the unique beauty of each flower in His Creation, as well as the unique beauty of each color in His spectrum coming from the ONE Light. In other words, you may have preference and still appreciate the equal beauty of ALL expressions which may seem different or un­usual.
Now we come to "preference" which does involve defiance of Cosmic Laws of Balance. You have ones who have coined a term called "sexual" preference which is a label given to qualify sexual behavior practiced by same sex individuals. I don't care how youqualify your behavior, or what you prefer regarding it, THE TRUTH is that Homosexual SEXUAL behavior is SERI­OUS defiance or COSMIC Law. Sexual behavior has NOTH­ING to dowith giving LOVE. And to choose behavior which degrades and damages the human body, as well as calling it love, which degrades the human soul, will cause inner torment and painful demise of the ones who practice same.

We, of God's Hosts, will not sanction behavior which defies His Laws! The quicker you ones KNOW and live the Truth, the quicker you will free yourselves from the adversary of physical illusion!

Can you LOVE a person of same sex? Of course. We speak of sexual exchange PHYSICAL behavior. LOVE is not at all re­lated to sexual behavior as many of you have come to believe.
Even in your heterosexual unions there is almost NO sexual ex­pression practiced with GOD-LOVE! What happened to RE­SPONSIBILITY? It is amazing that for ten minutes of "pleasure" responsibility is seldom even considered. And then when a child is conceived, "Oh my", says the couple, "We don't want this child". WHY DID YOU NOT THINK OF THIS BEFORE YOU JUMPED IN INBETWEEN THE SHEETS TOGETHER? Instead you ones often choose or "prefer" lo KILL, yes MURDER, the unborn babe. You ones can deny The TRUTH throughout eternity, but until you stand responsible for self and choices and until you start including GOD in your decisions, you will struggle with the consequences of your choices made in ignorance of God's LAWS.

So in closing on "preference" , let me say that you may prefer to listen lo Mozart, or grow roses today, but don't leave out the option of listening to Beethoven or growing carnations to­morrow. Learn to enjoy and APPRECIATE ALL the variety of beauty given of our Creator God-from the tropical rain forest to the desert-and you will find much enjoyment and peace in your LIFE journey, whether il be physical or non-physical.
And of course, nuke sure ALL of your preferences include GOD and adherence lo His Laws of Balance. In this way do many more doors open into the experience of the Kingdom of Heaven within you, instead of being shut into limitation and disharmony by the self-imposed intolerance, which comes from ignorance of NOT KNOWING and NOT SERVING GOD who exists WITHIN you. So be it.
I AM Sananda, One With God, in His service within Creation. May these words give you CAUSE lo ponder your journey more fully and awaken within you GOD-KNOWING to replace the old and worn-out opinions which serve none save the adversary who would keep you from YOUR Divine Spiritual Inheritance. Walk together, one with the other, all "races" and "religions" in Knowledge, Peace, Tolerance and Love that balance can be re­stored through UNITY of common values in GODLINESS. Thank you for your service, my precious little dove, Druthea. I love you dearly and am so very pleased to have you as one of my blessed scribes. Salu.