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  1. #9
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    CHAPTER 17

    JUNE 25. 1991
    Greetings precious Druthea. I AM Sananda. I come in service to Holy God/Aton of Light, Love and Knowledge. Thank you for your attention, my precious chelas.

    If you will remember of the lessons given forth recently of Germain and Hatonn, Germain spoke of the nature of God. Specifically, I am referring to GIVING and REGIVING which is God. You may see it here upon Earth (Shan) as birth and re­birth such as of the natural seasons which you call Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall. All Creation falls within the cycles of giving and regiving life.

    Only Hu-man (Higher Universal Man) is given die choice through his free-will about whether he will cooperate in die co-creation process of giving and regiving, or he will "develop" through his compressed/limited senses of monitoring EFFECTS, ways to manipulate, dominate and conquer Nature to suit his spiritually ignorant means.
    Only Man through his adversarial/ primitive misdirection chooses to take from nature without regard for balance and har­mony of ALL within Creation.

    The resounding EFFECTS of Earth Man's adversarial TAKING behavior is clearly represented upon your plane at this time...although Man has only just begun to realize HIMSELF as the CAUSE of this unbalance.
    It is always a struggle to take, even if it is only perception of physical "things", simply because the soul is left empty, for your immortal soul is not enriched and replenished through "taking" of life and physical conquering of another or Nature.
    Only through KNOWLEDGE of giving of self, without emo­tional strings attached, will your immortal soul be lifted from earth physical attachment and compression.

    In order lo give effortlessly, the knowledge has been gained that it is one's expression of God Divine LOVE which is ultimately being given. The fulfillment of true ego-selfless giving is im­mediate and not dependent upon perceived physical acceptance of same by the receiver. Although one who is a selfless giver will also be a most gracious receiver of returned LOVE to him­self.
    Arc you beginning to understand, precious chelas? God work­ing through you will ALWAYS BE FULFILLING YOU through His giving and regiving of LOVE.

    Those of us who serve HIS DIVINE LIGHT OF LOVE, could not be very effective "guides" to you, our brethren, if we gave up on our outpouring of LOVE to you simply because so few "accept" what we give. This is the measure of your spiritual maturity, precious ones. That you can give and regive without emotional attachment or suffering to self. Giving and regiving Love is effortless when it is continuous and the measured out­come of "success" docs not dissuade one from selfless Divine God-GIVING and REGIVING.

    The NEED for LOVE giving is great upon your plane and that is why the focus of many ones from the HIGHEST levels of God's Kingdom is upon you. This does not mean that ones of us don't become rather passionate in our concern and compas­sion for you, our struggling little brothers. We, too, have our lessons of KNOWLEDGE earned through our service to God through our service to Earth Human.

    You ones have no idea how often ones of us who work closely with you, want lo DO something more than COSMIC LAW will allow us to do. Many ones of us have petitioned to GOD and He clearly has defined that which we may and may not do to remain in His service. The difference between us, of higher ex­perience, and you of Earth physical compression, is that WE KNOW THE LAWS OF GOD AND CREATION and our Spir­itual Integrity of SERVICE TO THE HIGHEST ONE will not allow us to break THE LAWS.
    Just as a parent with a child who is stumbling and learning lo walk feels compassion for his child who he knows must do il on his own with only loving guidance, we too must observe and guide you ones without interfering and DOING it for you, for then wc only serve ourselves in our impatience lo "hurry" along your growth. The progress of your growth, however "long" it lakes, is between YOU and GOD. Interfering in lhat process- is FORCE and FORCE is not of GOD/ATON!

    So you may be thinking, "What about the Adversary'?" . The Adversary definitely seems to "force" his way into domination. DOES THE ADVERSARY REALLY "FORCE"? Think about this, chelas.

    The adversary definitely lies, cheats, and intimidates, but does he force his way into existence here. The adversary can kill the body physical to further its means. So where docs the adversary get its power? The answer chelas, is from YOU! You have "allowed" the adversary to intimidate you, and when you be­came "afraid", you gave the adversary your GOD-POWER. He controls you through your perceived "separation" from GOD. And the only reason you are still upon this 3rd dimensional plane is because you have BELIEVED THE LIES AND DE­CEPTIONS OF THE ADVERSARY WHILE YOUR GOD-GIFTED SOUL HAS PINED AWAY FOR RE-UNIFICATION WITH THE ONE, GOD/ATON.

    The question now is to self. "Are you ready to release the ad­versary?" If so, then ALL of your TRUST and FAITH must be directed toward GOD who exists within YOU. Therein will your freedom from the bondage of limited-physical adversarial perception be earned. Did you read that clearly? YOU WILL EARN YOUR SPIRITUAL UNITY BY ACCESSING THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD WITHIN YOU. And your "proof" will be forthcoming through FAITH and the return of your Free-will to GOD. For your "proof" of God's existence and "coming" will be revealed WITHIN YOU! FOR THERE IS WHERE EXISTS THE KINGDOM OF GOD ...WITHIN YOU!!


    Grace is the quality ol God of Giving and Regiving Love. Let us define Grace, "I. Beauty or harmony of motion, form or manner. 2. Any attractive quality. 3. Service freely rendered; good will. 4. The act of showing favor. 5. Clemency; mercy. 6. Theology, a. The love of God toward man. b. The divine influence operating in man.

    Mine scribe, Drulhea, watched with some amusement a "Christian" TV Minister on the yesterday. He was speaking about his perception of God's "Grace". He said words to the ef­fect, "You need do NOTHING lo receive God's Blessings and Grace". (Sounds a bil like the "just BE" philosophy of many New Agers, docs il not?) "We humans believe we must "work" to earn God's Grace. This is NOT true. We must accept CHRIST as our Savior. HE has taken our burden for us." There is the catch, Christ has taken responsibility for YOU! Do you see how deceptive the adversary is? "God will lake care of you. You need do nothing. You arc not responsible. Christ is your Savior"...ad nauseam!

    I am not YOUR savior. YOU arc your Savior. And the good news is YOU will EARN your way into GOD's Grace by standing responsible for self and obeying THE LAWS OF GOD/CREATION. It is really so simple, chelas. You see, GRACE also is a wondrous quality of EFFORTLESS GIVING AND REGIVING BY GOD!

    I will first define Mercy, "1. Kind or compassionate treatment of an adversary, prisoner, etc., in one's power. 2. A disposi­tion to be kind, forgiving, or helpful. 3. The power lo show mercy and compassion."
    Remember this carefully, chelas, GOD is all-compassionate LOVE and MERCY. It is the adversary who seeks punishment and is absolutely merciless! You who have allowed yourselves to be ruled by the adversary WILL PUNISH SELF AND BLAME GOD EVERY TIME!
    It is only a spiritually ignorant being who will seek punishment of self for perceived errors. Errors are EFFECTS of diseased thinking, NOT ever are errors caused from GOD-KNOWL­EDGE. ONLY THROUGH THE MISUNDERSTANDING AND MISINTERPRETATION OF THE PHYSICALLY COMPRESSED SENSES AND BLIND DEFIANCE OF THE LAWS OF GOD/CREATION ARE ERRORS CAUSED BY MAN.
    God IS ALL-FORGIVING MERCY. So then, chelas, forgive­ness and mercy must begin within SELF since that is where GOD resides.

    The adversary will dissolve in its power when confronted by the Divine Holy Power of GOD WITHIN YOU! WHY? Because EVIL is an illusion developed and sustained by MAN. God's Love, Light and Knowledge is ALL that exists. YOU each arc fragments of HIS divided thinking. THERE IS NO SEPARA­TION OF GOD AND WE OF HIS THOUGHT FRAGMENTS, EXCEPT THROUGH THE BELIEF OF SEPARATION EM-BRACED BY LIMITED HUMAN SENSING PERCEPTION So Be it.

    Only through KNOWING that which is GOD will you KNOW GOD WITHIN ALL. How can you KNOW GOD? BY YOUR DESIRE TO KNOW GOD will HIS Kingdom be revealed within you. He awaits your sincere petition of recognition and acceptance of HIS WORD within you. Your song of LIGHT resounds within GOD'S KNOWING and you will dance and sing HIS presence in co-creation as ONE WITH GOD AND ALL THAT IS.
    "In all that I AM Father, not MY will, only let THINE WILL BE DONE." And so it is.

    Thank you, precious Drulhca, for your service. I AM Sananda, ONE with GOD within Creation. I am most pleased to be of service lo you, my precious brethren of Earth Shan. Walk to­gether in Absolute Love, Unity and Peace and KNOW Always Our Father walks with. you. Salu.

    CHAPTER 18
    JUNE 27. 1991
    Greetings Precious Drulhea. I AM Sananda, One With God. I come in service to God of Light, of Knowledge and of Love.

    This day I will discuss the condition of emotion which you call martyrdom. Let us define Martyr within your human dictio­nary, "1. One who submits to death rather than renounce his religion. 2. One who dies, suffers, or sacrifices everything for a principle, cause, etc. 3. One who suffers much, as from ill health or misfortune."
    One who believes that he must suffer and die for that which he believes in, or for God, is most mistaken as to the nature of GOD. God does not require suffering and death for soul salva­tion. He ONLY gives forth life to his human imaginings as well as ALL of Creation. It is the adversary who has "fooled" the devoted and developing human into believing that he must "die" for God and that suffering is somehow "good". All I need say to this line of "thinking" is, it is nonsense, since it is not coming from the KNOWING of GOD.

    Why is this so? Well, the difference is that a spiritually MA­TURE being will seek understanding of CAUSE of his error so that the KNOWLEDGE is gained from the experience that the error NOT be repeated. He will not seek continuous self-pun­ishment for experiencing an EFFECT from an error in his thinking of which he KNOWS NOT THE CAUSE in self.

    Hatonn has said repeatedly, and it bears repeating herein, that GOD needs LIVING devoted human beings upon physical 3rd dimension of Earth (Shan) lo do His Work. He does not de­mand, require or even imply that HIS children need suffer and die in His behalf! GOD IS LIFE GIVING AND REGIVING LOVE!

    If you martyr yourself, then it is human misperception influ­enced by the adversary that develops this desire to suffer and die. You become unable to truly serve God when you develop suffering of great pain and agony upon cither physical or emo­tional self. For then most of your focus is on self in the suffer­ing thereof. And when you die in physical form after suffering intensely, there is much healing that must occur even in the next place of your experience after your so-called "death" transition.


    We have heard this said by many ones, especially within the "New Age" and even so-called "Christian" community. Now please do not misunderstand, every painful experience can teach you something from the "information of EFFECTS of motion" standpoint. Pain is a symptom, an EFFECT of disease in one's thinking/behavior, it is most certainly NOT the cause. Most often, when it is viewed from the EFFECTS standpoint, what you learn is that feeling pain is a pain and certainly NO fun. But UNTIL ones who suffer pain actually search CAUSE within THEIR creating experience and THEN GAIN KNOWLEDGE FROM GOD as to WHY one is punishing SELF, one will have learned nothing of absolute CURE.

    Now think about this, chelas. How many of you have felt great KNOWLEDGE flow forth to you when you are in tremendous physical or emotional agony? Many of you have simply run to your nearest physical/emotional pain-killer, such as Alcohol and/or Drugs. Did you find your CAUSE in those drinks or those pills? Not only did you avoid the discovery of your CAUSE, many of you found yourselves addicted to the unbal­anced EFFECT! The CAUSE must become KNOWN within, understood completely and released lo allow a CURE of the dis­eased CAUSE and, therefore, the diseased EFFECT.

    For example, you Mothers who have given birth to a wondrous child. IF you suffered great physical pain which we observe MOST of you do, were you not beside yourself thinking HOW to relieve the pain? DO YOU KNOW, PRECIOUS MOTHERS OF GOD, that child-birth NEED NOT be physical agony? YOU SIMPLY EXPECT THAT IT WILL BE AND SO IT IS. Could it be in your thinking that somehow the pain makes you a more worthy Mother? And is the Joy of the gift of the child more wondrous when you have suffered to give birth? Ponder these questions within God-Knowing, chelas. There is no Pain required to be "Worthy" and "Joyous"... ONLY LOVE. So Be it.
    Very simply put, chelas, PAIN is EFFECT of YOUR desire to suffer. WHY would any CHOOSE to suffer? Mostly because you have been taught and have BELIEVED the lie that suffering somehow makes you worthy in "the eyes of God". For most of you feel so unworthy and guilty in SELF that you seek SELF-punishment to somehow "even" the score with God.
    All you are really doing, chelas, is punishing self and invalidat­ing your LIFE. You are telling GOD, Igive up on life. All I deserve is suffering because I am worthless. So I will gain my immortality and acceptance by GOD by suffering FOR him." This thinking behavior is so ludicrous! Do you see? GOD DOES NOT PUNISH; YOU PUNISH SELVES, ALWAYS. YOU REAP THE EFFECTS OF THAT WHICH YOU SOW IN EVERY CIRCUMSTANCE. WHEN YOU DEGRADE YOUR SPIRIT BY BREAKING THE LAWS OF BALANCE OF NATURE, YOU REAP THE EFFECTS OF THAT UN­BALANCED BEHAVIOR, NO MORE AND NO LESS!

    As I said earlier, when you suffer great emotional and/or physi­cal pain and agony, you most often are not thinking about HOW to serve GOD, or how to assist your neighbor. You are too "busy" in self-suffering and usually garnering much needed "attention" from others around you. One who suffers "continuously" is most often STARVING for LOVE, attention and acknowledgement from others of friends and family.
    YOU arc in NEED when you suffer. Only most often, you ones seek OUTSIDE selves for nurturing and LOVE, instead of in­quiring WITHIN of GOD for nurturing and UNDER­STANDING of SELF-CAUSE of the suffering. IN A MO­MENT GOD WITHIN CAN ALLEVIATE ALL SUFFERING IF KNOWLEDGE OF SELF-CAUSE WAS ACCEPTED AND UNDERSTOOD.

    In the first case of seeking from outside self, one is NOT taking responsibility for self, so KNOWLEDGE of CURE cannot be attained. In the second case of GOING WITHIN WITH PURE INTENT/DESIRE TO KNOW, one is most definitely TAKING responsibility for SELF-healing IN his MIND-THINKING dis­eased CAUSE. One has then ACCESSED and ACCEPTED the power of knowledge gained by GOD WITHIN.


    There is absolutely nothing "wrong" with GIVING assurance and support to another for the work they are doing, especially if it has been beneficial for you. Often ones in service, such as mine scribes, work in blindness about the effectiveness of our work together in helping mankind attain inner KNOWLEDGE. The human still yet has very little ability to monitor EFFECTS of his efforts in other humans. And often you ones are much quicker lo "criticize" another's work from human "ego" percep­tion than do you offer praise and support from receiving of SPIRITUAL benefit. So the sincere and supportive "feedback" is most heartening and reassuring to our scribes and other work­ers as well.

    Druthea's greatest concern, as well as most all of GOD'S scribes, is that she is translating our messages accurately. She often, most especially in the beginning of her receiving, really needs Hatonn's and My reassurance that all is coming out as We intend it to. She is coming into comfort with Us, and working with us WITHOUT her human ego perception input interfering. Dharma, too, has had her times of extreme "concern" about her work with Hatonn as well as Mineself and All the others whom she has received for.

    You see, for both Dharma and Druthea, the intent lo serve GOD only is so very pure, and the commitment so very strong within, that the "letting go" of ego perception for purpose of GOD re­ceiving has not been difficult for either of them. They may sec it differently, only in reality of Truth, I am sure both would ad­mit that ALL of the TESTING they have endured has simply made them STRONGER in their intent and commitment to serve God of Light.
    Does that mean that they do not feel "hurt" or "angered" by sharp criticism and inconsideration by others who read THE WORD and yet do not see Truth? Of course not. They, too are impacted by perceived "negative" attack by others. And al­though I know, in the beginning when the threats and criticism and hatred were thrust at her, Dharma occasionally wondered about the value of her service, today SHE within herself cer­tainly has NO doubt about the importance and value of her con­tribution.

    What is so beautiful to behold from where I sit, is that both of these little doves, Dharma and Drulhea, have only become MORE humbled and spiritually mature because of their work for God. Well, I've nearly brought Druthea to tears...

    So you sec, my precious chelas, when your integrity of service has become impeccable in intent, and you have truly given back your will lo God's will, then your desire is to ONLY serve Him. Your inner thought will be, "Please Father, I only wish to sus­tain in YOUR service, do YOUR will and BE an HONORABLE reflection of YOU". Within you YOU WILL KNOW you are doing His will and the "right" deed, and then from human per­ception, occasional sincere assurance given from without is mostappreciated.Inside you KNOW and will continue your serviceIN KNOWLEDGE ANYWAY, with or without outside reassur­ance.


    When you give appreciation to SPIRIT within another and not just false accolades to the EGO, then you lift them as well as self into GOD'S LOVE VIBRATION. You are demonstrating HIS giving and regiving quality. And LOVE given in honor of intent is ALWAYS returned in abundance to SELF. You are then HIS grace in motion co-creating His Harmony of LOVE within Creation. A most splendid place to be...ONE WITH GOD'S MIND!!
    Giving LOVE is becoming ONE with the Breath of GOD CRE­ATING.
    With that thought let us take a rest, Druthea, and ponder these things more carefully. Thank you, my precious little sister, for your service. I AM ever with thee, to lift and comfort thee. Walk with Me, my precious brothers, and I WILL bring you home. I AM Sananda. One WITH GOD, Within Creation. I LOVE you greatly, my brothers. Be at Peace. Salu.

  2. #10
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    CHAPTER 19

    JULY 1. 1991 REC #1

    Greetings, precious Druthea. I AM Sananda, One with God. I come in service to Holy Divine God of Light and to The Creation. Druthea has petitioned for clarification regarding "pain" and "illusion" and how it relates to one who serves God upon 3rd Dimensional Earth Plane.
    Druthea's "confusion" came when she read Hatonn's statement of Saturday last in which he said. "Peace" does not mean "absence of pain"-it means exactly what it says-"at peace with that which you are?within," The Masters before you have had total Peace within-and abundant earthly agony and pain with­out?do not confuse the two."
    What is the "confusion", little sister? Did you think that you would serve God here and then ALL would be painless and fearless within you? Come now, chela. Let me do some "reminding" about this place and the nature of your "agreement" when you serve upon "physical" illusion.


    When you ones of God petition God to serve in 3rd Dimensional "physical" illusion, you KNOW in advance that part of your service involves MANY challenges to THAT service by the ad­versary upon this place. The adversary "rules" this place through the developed illusions, which we call "obstacles" of FEAR and PAIN, as well as a host of other "human physical" emotions.
    Chelas, let us give you an example with which to ponder. Most any well-meaning spiritual seeker can and will serve God when all receive him in Love, and there is NO criticism, NO pain,
    NO doubt and NO Fear thrust back at him. But how many of you WILL endure the DISCIPLINE of physical and emotional obstacles, such as fear and pain, and continue in your service to God? Il seems, few indeed.


    Do you sec precious, that you who have agreed to assist this de­veloping humanity must jump in completely and function in this illusion as ANY human does, that includes experiencing the ad­versarial challenges to your INNER KNOWING.

    You have a saying which applies herein, "When in Rome you do as the Romans do". When on Earth Physical, you experi­ence as Earth Human at the same level which the "Mass" Con­sciousness of the WHOLE is experiencing at. This is how you gain "understanding" of the workings and hardships of this "illusion" that hopefully you "remember" and "rise above" the obstacles set before you in true spiritual discipline. SO THAT YOU BECOME AN EXAMPLE FOR HUMANITY to see that perhaps they TOO can overcome the compression of this illusion and find the JOY within of KNOWLEDGE to sustain them in God's service.

    It is easy lo be upon a higher plane and observe Earth function­ing and say, "Father, please let me serve my little brothers on Earth." It is quite another thing to find yourself in earth physi­cal bombarded by the actual illusion and perceived separation from Creator source, and through the experience then begin to truly comprehend the difficult nature of your commitment to serve.

    Hatonn, Germain and myself can speak of the true nature of "Reality" which is ALL KNOWING, LIGHT, LOVE of MIND of Creator, but it does not mean that YOU experience in physi­cal form only within MIND OF GOD. The suffering and painof Earth istremendous, and as a human working here, you will most certainly be impacted by it.
    The question to self and God is, "Will you continue in your service to God IN SPITE of the adversaries evil projections and painful bombardment? " We feel YOU WILL DO SO. That is why we work so closely with you ones to remind you and assist you in keeping you "on track". The discipline of self in com­mitment is extraordinary upon this plane. Frankly, that is the CHALLENGE you ones desired and you certainly felt at the time that you agreed to serve here that you could handle it. We KNOW you can. Do you?

    Experience on Earth is really quite a test of MIND over MAT­TER (illusion). I came as did you ones and endured pain and agony, fear and rejection. If you think I and the Masters before me were somehow "above" human emotion and pain, you are sadly mistaken. I experienced as human, as part of MY testing and spiritual development in service to OUR Father God/Aton. I developed such compassion for you ones because of my expe­rience upon Earth. This is why I promised to return and bring you who choose to go HOME to Our Father's Kingdoms.

    You see, I could not serve you NOW in my inherited capacity as SANANDA had I NOT experienced physically upon the Earth plane. I made the choice and my rewards from MY Father Aton have been incredible. You ones have yet to remember HIS LOVE, Light and Perfection of KNOWING. I and my brothers serving with me hope to bring MANY of you home to His place of remembering within you. God has prepared a place for YOUR return. And WE are come to bring THE WORD that you ones may choose GOD within you to return to. So be it.


    It is true, chelas, that pain and fear arc symptoms, EFFECTS of disease in one's thinking or "believing" patterns. They arc tools of the adversary. Pain and fear also exist as development of physical manifestation ILLUSION. You will either fall into feeling "helpless despair" or you will recognize CAUSE in self, and continue your commitment of service.

    For example, many of you ones of earth, are "sharpening" your spiritual discipline within by enduring the challenges without. It is really that simple. Is it easy? God NEVER said it is easy to experience here, BUT the rewards are tremendous, especially in regard to the gaining of KNOWLEDGE and Spiritual Perfec­tion.

    You ARE giving birth to God perfection, Love, Light and Knowledge within. This does not mean that birth is easy and pain free always. You arc creating your birth HOW YOU DE­SIRE IT TO BE. Some of you choose pain in order that you can practice "Mind over Matter". The point I have been efforting lo make is that YOU CHOOSE ALL in your experience, including adversarial challenges or obstacles to self. I simply want you to know that in REALITY OF GOD LOVE and MIND KNOWING, you are not REQUIRED to suffer continu­ously unless you choose to do so for some understanding. ..or punishment within.

    Do you know that when you DECIDE to, you can RELEASE your pain to Our Father and it will dissolve by the strength of your intent and DESIRE? It is so. I suffered tremendous physi­cal pain as a lest of discipline to myself before and during my crucifixion. I did not suffer as long as I could have though, be­cause I surrendered MY WILL TO MY FATHER and HE re­leased me. That is why I was comatose and "appeared" to be physically dead. I was NOT killed at my crucifixion, as it was the WILL of MY Father that I continue in service elsewhere; I was NOT a Martyr who suffered and "died" for YOUR sins. I RELEASED MY WILL TO GOD, WHO IS WITHIN AND HE RELEASED ME FROM MY PAIN THAT I COULD CON­TINUE HIS WORK.

    Perhaps now you will understand why I have recently written about Martyrdom, it is because YOU ones MADE me a Martyr so that somehow you could justify YOUR evil behavior which is simply a product of your IGNORANCE, and NOT be responsi­ble for selves when you error. If I had DIED, perhaps I would have Martyred myself, but I certainly would not have "passed" my initiation toward "Sanandahood" , now would I have? I would have GIVEN UP PHYSICAL LIFE on earth and there­fore, been unable to continue with my commitment of service to GOD/ATON on earth.
    YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR SINS (ERRORS). I know we keep repeating this statement, but it bears repeating and repealing that you ones who call yourselves "so called" Christians who believe I died upon the cross FOR YOUR SINS, KNOW THAT YOU WILL STAND NAKED BEFORE GOD AND SELF IN RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR OWN SINS. I don't care if you claim you accept JESUS CHRIST as your savior. YOU will "save" your own soul and assets or they will not be "saved".
    And what about your soul? YOU will choose to GROW INTO KNOWLEDGE OF SELF-RESPONSIBILITY and abide within the LAWS OF GOD NATURE, or you will choose physi­cal destruction of self and thus remain in a place in keeping with your IGNORANCE.
    What is even more disturbing to those of us assisting Earth human, is that you ones even seem bent on destroying your very beloved planet! YOUR life-blood of survival as a species is at stake, and YOU SEEM TO CARE NOT ABOUT IT!

    This is why WE of YOUR HOSTS most certainly hope that you ones will take heed of the WARNINGS about HOW NATURE WORKS, especially those given by Germain at this time within the Pleiades Connection series, and that is that Atomic Radiation is BURNING YOU UP, EXPANDING YOUR CELLS OF LIFE AND CREATING DEATH WITHIN YOU AND ALL ABOUT YOU. You MUST stop this madness of developing Nuclear Atomic Plants, because it is coming back upon you; and you think there is suffering now? Oh, MAY GOD HAVE MERCY UPON YOUR SPECIES IN YOUR IGNORANCE OF THAT WHICH YOU DO! YOU WILL REAP BITTERLY THAT WHICH YOU HAVE SOWN UPON MOTHER AND MOST OF YOU KNOW IT NOT!

    Please read ALL of the PLEIADES CONNECTION SERIES, 1,2,3,4 and I expect more volumes as this is the information which will hopefully SHOCK enough of you into action for self-preservation, if no other motivation arouses you. Send these books to the officials in EVERY city which supports a NU­CLEAR PLANT or ones who PLAN to build one. GIVE THEM QUICK REFERENCES ABOUT HOW RADIATION TRULY WORKS AND THE DANGERS OF MINING AND SEPARATING MINERALS FROM THEIR NATURAL STATE WITHIN YOUR ROCKS AND EARTH. THE MAD­NESS MUST STOP, CHELAS!

    We hope that with this knowledge now coming to you via Ger­main and Hatonn, you and your officials and statesmen will SEE THE LIGHT OF TRUTH and put an end to what WILL be the complete destruction of your Earth Species, as well as the Earth as you know it now! You can avert further damage, only you MUST act NOW!
    Now I will quote from one of Germain's recent writings within the Pleiades Connection series that you may further understand the seriousness of your circumstances upon earth.

    ….Nature has a tremendous balanced rhythmic normalcy ij her orderly process of creation. It is all of it good for man and animal alike when they observe that normalcy. When they defy it, or violate it through ignorance of it. Nature (or GOD) does not punish them for that violation . Ignorance punishes them. The discovery of atomic energy as a means of obtaining greater heat than an orderly and normal way suitable to environment , is as much a breach of Nature's orderly processes as it would be if Man violated the law of gravity by discovering that he could get to the bottom of the canyon in a much quicker thanthe normal way. No man would do than because lie knows bet­ter. Atomic energy for industry is as great a violation of Na­ture's way as a defiance of gravity would be (realizing that even gravity is not that which is accepted). And it is as sure a death for the violator of one as the other.
    "We know that Man is not intentionally defying Cod's law. Tliere is but one other reason why he is doing it, which is that he does not know what he is doing. Do not, however, for one minute believe that, as time has elapsed, the Elite have not seen the possibilities and now utilize same for their own greedy pur­poses. Man admittedly does not know what he is doing. The law works just as irrevocably, and inevitably, however, against him who defies iT, as it does for the one who does not know. For long ages he has sought for the life principle in germ or ul­timate unit of matter. He has never found it there and never will. Likewise, he has sought for the principle of death. This he has now found, but does not know it. "...So be it and Thank you, Germain.
    I am very sorry that we must show you these things, these con­sequences of your errors and your ignorance. I know that you do not like much what you see and especially what you hear within THE PHOENIX JOURNALS, only you must KNOW THE TRUTH OF YOUR CAUSE, even if it is through igno­rance that you caused this destruction upon yourselves. Because you see as it was so beautifully explained by Germain, the law works irrevocably and inevitably against you if you defy it knowingly or unknowingly.


    Now you may have a better grasp at why the Highest COM­MAND of The Creation is: "Gain ALL knowledge inasmuch as this will enable you to wisely follow the Laws of Creation." Ig­norance WILL kill you, and although your soul is IMMORTAL, your REMAINING in ignorance can and will cause you much unnecessary pain and suffering. And in this time-frame of your evolution, not only can your ignorance of Nuclear Atomic En­ergy cause you great pain and suffering, IT can also DAMAGE soul essence and as Halonn has said, "THAT IS A NO-NO!"

    So here is THE WORD and THE WORD will go forth as promised by God/Creator of LIGHT, LOVE and KNOWL­EDGE. YOU will choose that which YOU will do and the CHANGE must BEGIN WITHIN EACH ONE. You will each stand responsible for self. And those of you in God's service will become most disciplined in ability to WALK through the destruction of the physical illusion all about you to assist the bringing home of YOUR brothers who choose GOD in ONE­NESS.

    May God's light shine brightly within and without you that you remember WHO YOU ARE AND FROM WHERE YOU COME IN ONENESS.

    I honor and salute you of our physical crew members, who al­though not all of you remember yet your complete commitment, yet you serve responsibly within the INNER KNOWING, ever enduring and surmounting the outer darkness, discomfort and distraction of this illusion. KNOW, precious ones, that GOD'S radiant light IS WITHIN YOU ALWAYS to guide and comfort you. I love you greatly, precious ones.

    Let us close this document. I trust that I have clarified suffi­ciently to bring Peace Within about that which is. Thank you precious Drulhea, my little dove, for inquiring on behalf of self and your brethren for clarification. I never leave thy side, chela, and Michael and Germain are always with thee as well. Hold this close to your "heart", precious. Your "worthiness" is absolute, you just don't "believe" from human ego perception that this be true. Release that false "perception" to YOUR KNOWING within, precious. You will endure. KNOW THIS FOR THIS IS YOUR DESIRE...TO SERVE GOD. I AM Sananda, ONE WITH GOD, in service lo His Light of Knowl­edge, of Love and of Light, and therefore to YOU, my brethren. Thank you for your attention. Salu.

    CHAPTER 20
    JULY 1, 1991 REC. # 2

    Greetings, precious Druthea. I Am Sananda, returned in service to God of Light to answer some inquires of me of a personal nature for one called "Laurie1'. I will answer in general format that those of you with similar concerns may be given under­standing as well.

    Precious Laurie, you ask questions from within which cause you great unrest and feelings of "guilt". Such is the nature of human perception when one does not understand the effects one wit­nesses with his senses and not his KNOWING.
    First, chela, let me begin by saying that it is not necessary that you send your inquiry, anywhere except to God WITHIN you. When, for example, you petition to Myself, Sananda, I HEAR YOU WITHIN, precious, it is simply you do not yet HEAR ME. You must learn to seek your answers WITHIN, child, that your power be acknowledged and recognized and therefore ac­cessed WITHIN you. I will ask herein that our editors please send a clearing tape to Laurie that she learn to simply clear and quiet self and LISTEN.

    Does this mean we expect you ones to not inquire or ask for clarification? Of course not. Often your questions belong to many ones and so we are most eager to offer clarification and further understanding to you.

    Now, it is most important, chelas, that you read "PHOENIX OPERATOR/OWNER MANUAL" for in-depth clarification on the Laws of God and Creation. Therein we speak of murder, suicide and abortion clearly as defiance of God's Laws. Suicide is self-murder. So then, you must understand that it is not the decision of any human to end his/her life before its natural cycle is finished. WHY? Because God/Aton has graced you with LIFE upon Physical dimension to GROW in your spiritual per­fection back lo ONENESS. When you purposefully END that life you reap a sort of "set-back" caused by the confusion of premature death at the hands of self.

    Although you never go backwards in your spiritual evolution, you certainly can become stagnant, or lost in confusion for a time. Suicide is an interruption with YOUR WILL against the WILL of GOD of your lifestream evolution. What happens to one who ends his life will vary with each individual circum­stance. One thing is certain though, you will not GO to a better place of fulfillment until you've completed your lessons. You will need to return and FINISH lessons which you may have thought you escaped and you may find that the second journey may be less pleasant than the first in human experience.

    Just as it says, chelas, because you die physically does not mean you arc now perfection and have no more lessons to reach God perfection. The difference is thai "on the other side" you will be made, often painfully, aware of your errors made against God and Nature through self-misbehavior.

    Now, it is most important, chelas, that you read "PHOENIX OPERATOR/OWNER MANUAL" for in-depth clarification on the Laws of God and Creation. Therein we speak of murder, suicide and abortion clearly as defiance of God's Laws. Suicide is self-murder. So then, you must understand that it is not the decision of any human to end his/her life before its natural cycle is finished. WHY? Because God/Aton has graced you with

    LIFE upon Physical dimension to GROW in your spiritual per­fection back lo ONENESS. When you purposefully END that life you reap a sort of "set-back" caused by the confusion of premature death at the hands of self.

    Although you never go backwards in your spiritual evolution, you certainly can become stagnant, or lost in confusion for a time. Suicide is an interruption with YOUR WILL against the WILL of GOD of your lifestream evolution. What happens to one who ends his life will vary with each individual circum­stance. One thing is certain though, you will not GO to a better place of fulfillment until you've completed your lessons. You will need to return and FINISH lessons which you may have thought you escaped and you may find that the second journey may be less pleasant than the first in human experience.

    Just as it says, chelas, because you die physically does not mean you arc now perfection and have no more lessons to reach God perfection. The difference is that "on the other side" you will be made, often painfully, aware of your errors made against God and Nature through self-misbehavior.

    ONLY LIFE IS ETERNAL and physical death is just that, death of a body. THE SOUL IS IMMORTAL and continues on at whatever its level of KNOWINGNESS WITHIN GOD/MIND. Only through LIFE and LIVING in balance within The Laws of God and Creation will you conquer your fear of DEATH. For then you will KNOW that physical death is only a step, a change of experience.. .NOT the end of LIFE eternal!

    Murder, Abortion, Suicide are all attempts by Man's will to end life given of our Creator against HIS WILL. The one thing I wish you ALL to remember clearly is this: You are responsible lo SELF and TO GOD WITHIN for your actions and behaviors which defy Nature and the laws thereof. INHERENTLY WITHIN YOU, YOU ARE GIVEN ALL THE LAWS AND MORAL RULES OF CONDUCT AND BEHAVIOR. So within you must conic into understanding of WHY you arc dis­tressed and feeling unworthy in your being.
    WHEN YOU UNDERSTAND YOUR CAUSE YOU CAN CHANGE your behavior that the cause not be repealed by the lesson or error being understood in KNOWLEDGE within you. Forgive yourself for that which is done and cannot be changed...it is a gift IF you recognize the error and can release the punishment of self or of another. Or the error can be turned by you into a tool of punishment of self or another, leaving the lesson unlearned and the error planted indelibly within you to be repeated and repeated until you choose to KNOW by asking GOD within for guidance and Truth.


    We have said repeatedly that if ones do not wish to hear the truth that Abortion is murder of life and against God's laws, that suicide is murder of life and against God's laws, or that you are in BIG trouble upon your plane because of the defiance and ig­norance of THE LAWS OF GOD AND THE CREATION, then let it go. THEY will not change until THEY so choose to do so. You pestering them and pleading with them will only cause YOU more anguish and they will pull away from you com­pletely. LET IT GO, chelas. Give and do what you can to of­fer assistance and understanding and if the information you give is rejected, leave them alone. Each must live with the conse­quences of his behavior and his ignorance. If he chooses to re­main in ignorance then that is HIS choice, not yours.

    These ones, especially friends and family members will remem­ber YOU when this illusion comes bearing down upon them and they are terrified and know not what to do. Ai that time you may extend your hand, if that is what GOD WITHIN requires of you; until then release them to themselves and pray that they arc given something from elsewhere to confirm what you have shared that they may act before the clock runs out for them in this illusion.

    Well, chelas, this is a time of remembering your Divine Spiri­tual Heritage of ONENESS with ALL and of graduation. Many of the children entering during this time-frame especially of My people, come with child body and SPIRITUALLY MATURE SOUL. It is hest not lo DOMINATE the child. The child needs LOVING, FIRM DISCIPLINE for its own protection. Yes, pa­tience is most important with children. Thai does not mean that the child walk all over you and others in inconsiderate behavior. Explain the "WHYS" as best you can. Do not LIE, ever, to the child. If you do not know something, tell the child you do not know. The more spiritually aware children will question and be curious about EVERYTHING and therein is where your pa­tience will be most important.
    My suggestion is that when you feel your patience running out, slop and clear your space of ALL dark fragments and then ask GOD within to help guide you with how best to respond to the child in any and all circumstances. You who have chosen the challenge of parenthood during this lime-frame indeed have your work cut out for you. KNOW that you are worthy. You cannot RUIN a child by a few harsh words occasionally. Learn to apologize lo the child when YOU feel your temper was lost. He will learn that even his parents, in their humanness, are not al­ways perfect and an apology is important at limes and soothing to the soul of both giver and receiver of an apology.

    The Light of the child's KNOWINGNESS will shine above the physical impact he endures. As a parent, though, you have the opportunity to guide him and, give him the security of your ABSOLUTE LOVE that he finds himself worthy in his own BE-INGNESS. He, therefore, will not be emotionally crippled from childhood neglect or abuse, which would simply become another obstacle which would challenge his growth.

    You parents who concern the most arc most thoughtful and aware of the tremendous responsibility you hold for raising a child for GOD. Many of you ones have had emotional and/or physical "abuse" yourselves in your growing up years which you have worked to overcome and you "fear" that youwill somehow "repeat" the errors in behavior of YOUR parents. I will suggest that if you are thinking about it carefully, YOU KNOW YOU WILL NOT KNOWINGLY TREAT YOUR CHILD IN ANY EMOTIONALLY INHUMANE WAY.
    If you were treated in ways which caused you pain, YOU KNOW THAT WHICH CAUSED YOU PAIN. So if you rec­ognize behavior in yourself which is unbalanced and belongs to your past, THEN CHANGE IT. ASK GOD WITHIN TO SHOW YOU YOUR ERROR THAT YOU UNDERSTAND AND NOT REPEAT THE OFFENSE

    Yes, a strong willed child is a challenge. Know that YOU can handle that which God gave you as His charge or you would not have His child. Make sure you take time for self, by yourself, even if it is only when the child naps, to commune with God. This will bring you the peace within which you arc asking for, for HE will show you the "right" way to respond and to be. You only need learn to LISTEN. So be it.
    Druthea, let us take a rest. You have written twice this day. I am well pleased. Thank you, Laurie, for your inquiries which have been within the hearts of many. May you find the PEACE WITHIN which you so deserve. I love you greatly. Walk gen­tly wilh one another, my brethren. I AM Sananda. Salu.

    CHAPTER 21

    JULY 2, 1991

    Greetings, precious Drulhca. I AM Sananda. I come in the service of Holy God/Alon of Light and to you my brethren upon Earth Shan.

    This day we will discuss the importance of the children of your species. There are now birthed and being birthed many whom arc destined to become the "leaders" of your Spiritual Trans­formation and Alignment in the 4th and 5th dimensional experi­ence in which Earth is moving into.

    You as a species must regard ALL children as the potential for creative and spiritual upliftment for your evolving species. There must be a universal and common interest paid to ALL children, whether YOU arc a parent or not.

    During ibis time of Kali (chaos), there exists the tremendous op­portunity ror CHANGE toward "higher" spiritual KNOWING and many HIGHER Spiritually developed beings are coming physically, now as your babies and children, to assist the birth of YOU within the ONE. Will you give them a "place" upon which lo blossom within GOD's knowingness? Or will you continue towards the "suicide" of your species? This uncertain answer remains to be played out upon your plane.


    There is a feeling of sincere and serious responsibility being felt by you young parents at this lime of change. Inherently YOU KNOW of the importance of YOUR mission in raising an emo­tionally stable and mature child into his/her adult state of inde­pendence and responsibility.
    One of themost important "jobs" you have as a parent is how you explain and share your perception of God and Creation. In order for you to express with integrity and KNOWING, you must possess the integrity and KNOWING within YOU. It is crucial that you explain God FROM YOUR PERCEPTION al­ways, that the child be allowed to come into his/her own KNOWING within, without strict rules and unwavering projec­tions of "THIS IS HOW IT IS, SO DON'T ASK ME ANY­MORE."
    The most important bit of information which you can give the child is that GOD EXISTS WITHIN HIM/HER, NOT WITH­OUT. You must tell the child that which YOU KNOW from soul KNOWLEDGE. God is Light, Love and Knowledge and WE ARE ALL RELATED FRAGMENTS OF HIS THINKING MIND KNOWING.
    Remember, THE SPIRITUAL TRUTH, such as of DIVINE SPIRITUAL ONENESS, will not confuse or upset the child al all. HE KNOWS inside. You are simply reminding him of that which HE KNOWS. You will be giving him his spiritual stabil­ity in preparation for the probable human instability which will confront him from other "humans" whom he will undoubtedly encounter.
    You are preparing the child for his LIFE'S WORK upon Earth. Are you not honored and humbled by YOUR commitment to GOD?

    Do you live your life in balance with the Laws of God and Na­ture? If not, how can you expect the child to do so? YOU are setting an example, not by that which YOU SAY, but by that which you DO.
    1 do suggest that your copy of " Phoenix Operator/Owner Man­ual" become most 'worn from your study of same so that as you (each your child of THE LAWS, you live accordingly in balancewith themyourself IN KNOWLEDGE. If you are notresponsi­ble in your behavior, how can you expect the same of your child?

    Become an honorable reflection of GOD, and your child will desire the same within self, for he will see the example of TRUTH and BALANCE and LOVE which you arc expressing.
    The child must also be shown how powerful arc his thoughts, and that HE is responsible for that which he sows. Encourage him lo ASK questions when he docs not understand.

    Encourage him lo seek TO KNOW CAUSE of that which he witnesses or participates within. If he asks you WHY the water is dirty and the sky is brown, tell him the truth that mankind is not very KNOWLEDGEABLE about the NATURE OF GOD AND CREATION and because of his ignorance, he is slowly destroying our planet.

    Tell him not to FEAR that which he witnesses as unbalance and suffering. Show him that HE can offer assistance to CHANGE that which he sees into balance again.

    Teach him about GOD'S DIVINE LIGHT of protection and guidance. And that if he truly wishes to understand something which you are unable to offer an answer for, Uiat he can ask GOD within him to show him THE TRUTH and return to him HIS knowledge.

    Show him that ALL answers and KNOWLEDGE exist within him; therein lies his power.

    Teach him to give honor and appreciation to God, to Earth and lo ALL within Creation every day for the LIFE experience, beauty and sustenance graced upon him.
    Teach him about absolute LOVE and His connection to all. That he exists as a product of God's LOVE giving and regiving principle.

    Teach him lo respect all of Nature and that nature and God only gives and rcgivcs. Human has the choice to give or to lake, and taking is that which creates the unbalance.
    SHOW him that HIS will and God's Will are ONE.

    Tell him about the nature of the adversary, and how the adver­sary fools him through fear, pain and other human emotions into thinking he is separate from God and powerless lo control his "reality".
    Remind your child that ONLY GOD IS REAL. WE ARE ALL ONE.
    Teach him about the universal law of CAUSE AND EFFECT. And that only through petitioning within for GOD KNOWING will he understand CAUSE and not be fooled by his senses of what is the EFFECT.
    Remind your child of the IMMORTALITY of his soul and that "reincarnation" is a natural cycle of rebirth and one of the most important "facts of life".



    This is most natural since the baby and young child arc solely dependent upon its parents for its food, clothing, home, nurtur­ing and love. The awareness of the child is centered on the needs and wants of self, until he learns about "respect" of and "regard" for others and that "others" have needs and wants as well.
    Most of you have heard the disgruntled exclamation or com­plaint made in regard to a particularly inconsiderate child or adult. "He/She thinks the world revolves around him/herself! "

    These ones are often referred lo as "spoiled", which is quite an unpleasant term lo refer lo someone who is excessively selfish or self-centered.

    I must tell you honestly that il is up to you parents to SHOW the child what CONSIDERATE behavior is versus self-centered in­considerate behavior. You must show the child that there are others lo consider in his world and that as parents you will not give him everything he asks for, such as of material goods. He must know that he ALWAYS can count on your love, not your pocketbook.

    If your child becomes demanding of more, more, more things, Ihcn parents, YOU have contributed to this ungracious behavior and ONLY you can set it right with SELF and, therefore, child.

    I am sorry to inform you of the fact that in MOST all cases of "spoiled" demanding and unruly children, you have as exam­ples, one or both parents behaving in the same way. REMEM­BER, the child follows YOUR EXAMPLE OF BEHAVIOR, parents.


    It is most beneficial to the child when you parents give the child duties, such as household chores, and responsibilities. There is no strict set age to begin. I would suggest that you use your GOD given intuition to guide you in each child's case. Often a child will ask to help you in some way and so that is the perfect opportunity to begin teaching about responsibility.

    I would suggest that in order to help the child develop and maintain discipline in his responsibilities that you are somewhat flexible and alternate duties when you have more than one child. Also it is most important that the consequences of ignoring du­ties is made VERY CLEAR in advance and adhered to every lime so that the consistency of the consequence is well under­stood by the child.

    You must instill in thechild that aswith Nature, when her"laws" arc broken there arc consequences lo be had, so too, when he does not do his chores, there arc consequences. Al­ways explain WHY you give him duties and WHY il is impor­tant that he DO them as agreed. IF, for example, he "forgot" lo feed his dog, what would happen to the dog? He would be the CAUSE of hunger for his pet, and that is not acceptable. Or IF he forgets lo lake out the trash or clean his room, then how will it gel done?
    An extremely beneficial and fun way to teach a child about re­sponsibility is when you have "pets", household or farm, lo lend. Most children are naturally interested in nature's crea­tures and by giving them responsibility for the care and feeding of animals, they will learn responsibility AND love and respect for God's creatures as well..
    Many of you Mothers, especially, get into the habit of just DO­ING everything, such as laundry, dishes, cleaning for your chil­dren and then wonder why they are so irresponsible and de­manding of MORE. When they are old enough and big enough, let them learn to cook, clean, feed the pets, do the laundry, so that they do no expect all to be done for them. And they then, in turn, learn to care for themselves and be neat and orderly in their functioning.
    More than anything else, your child must be secure in the KNOWLEDGE that YOU, his Mother and Father love him ab­solutely.
    Let us take a rest, Druthea that we can get this to the editors in time for the EXPRESS. Thank you, precious little sister, for your service. I trust that my suggestions are beneficial for you struggling parents. We will continue in guidance on the subject of children as needed or requested. I AM Sananda; in service to God/Aton of Light and lo you, my brethren. Walk gently with one another in Peace and Love. Salu.

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