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  1. #7
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    CHAPTER 13

    MAY 18, 1991

    Greetings Precious Druthea. I AM Sananda. I come in service lo Holy God/Aton of Light and to you my brethren. Thank you for finding your balance, Druthea, and petitioning for clarity on "negative" perceptions that we may share with our brethren. For within each "human" conscious mind there exists many various perceptions and depending upon the experiences of emotional attachment, ones will attach to themselves various "degrees" of misperception and therefore respond accordingly.

    Let us example the giving forth of The Word: The historical, economic, social, political and spiritual truths. Every single one of you who first reads of the devastating manifested illusion which now exists upon your plane respond in a multitude of dif­ferent ways, depending upon the level of your spiritual awareness and maturity. When you are told, for example, that you ones in the United States of America are rapidly losing the free­doms which were guaranteed under your Constitution and Bill of Rights, many of you become afraid, mostly because you have taken the freedoms you have had for granted and few of you have any historical, political and/or social-economic knowledge and experience. That which you do have is, as you are finding as you continue to read "The Phoenix Journals", quite limited in truth of the circumstances.

    Mostly you ones have concerned yourselves with survival needs, succeeding in your chosen profession, raising families and en­joying your lives through various forms of entertainment as you are able. When your pursuit of the so-called "American Dream" or whatever "dream" you have which requires "freedom" to realize, is threatened, such as by the truth that the economic system is collapsing and you may lose your once-secure job, many of you feel extremely frightened especially be­cause you feel helpless. The adversary would like you lo feelhelpless andfearful because often you will become paralyzed bythis and refuse to take any action whatsoever, even for your own security and protection. Many will simply try to glue those rose-colored glasses lightly around their eyes, that Their world can return (they hope) to the innocence which they once en­joyed. I will venture to say, chelas, that once the stirring of your Spirit within has been accomplished, YOU will never re­turn to your original ignorant slate. Your conscience will not allow you to.
    Now, many ones of you consider yourselves to be most spiritu­ally attuned especially if you have expanded your awareness be­yond the limiting doctrines of your various religious institutions. Many of you have accomplished much of your spiritual progress through what is often called the "New Age" movement and "Metaphysics" .
    What I would like you ones to please understand carefully is that the adversary has worked just as diligently within the human leaders of the "New Age" philosophies and doctrines in order to deceive and mislead your spiritual understanding, as well as also working through your Fundamental Religious Institutions to ac­complish its deception. Because all of you have various degrees of spiritual innocence and gullibility, the aspects of truth about "personal responsibility" and the nature of evil and goodness, God and Adversary, is often twisted and turned about, so that you searchers of spiritual freedom and Truth continue to be bound by the adversary through a more subtle deception and purposeful misinterpretation of the Cosmic Spiritual Laws.

    For example, what do the terms "negative" and "positive" mean to you? Let us first define, negative: " 1. Characterized by or expressing negation, denial, or refusal. 2. Not positive or af­firmative: a negative attitude. 3. The side that denies or contra­dicts what the other side affirms, as in a debate. Now we will define positive: 1. That is or may be directly affirmed; actual. 2. Characterized by or expressing affirmation; a positive atti­tude. 3.

    Openly and plainly expressed: a positive denial. 4. Not admitting of doubt and denial.

    So the defining of terms often helps assist the understanding of the meaning of your own often used expressions. Most of you when you arc given information about your world circumstance, for example, as laid forth in "The Phoenix Journals", will re­spond in some way. If the information is frightening to you or causes you lo feel "badly" or threatens your "belief" system in some way then most often you ones will say that it is negative. By calling il negative you are thereby expressing denial and re­fusal to accept the information. In this way do you also refuse responsibility lo investigate further and DO something to change the circumstance.

    I will say that the information SHARED within "The Phoenix Journals" is actually quite positive in that it is OPENLY AND PLAINLY EXPRESSED: POSITIVE TRUTH! Now in order to find balance with EVERY circumstance and EVERY bit of information you arc given, you must ASK the Spirit WITHIN you what this circumstance and/or information is showing you. WHAT IS THE LESSON HERE WHICH YOU HAVE ASKED FOR? You will find that, finally having and knowing the Truth, when you recognize it as such, to actually be most liberating to you spiritually because you will have recognized the enemy, and it is YOU. So then, with your newly discovered personal power and responsibility you will demand the Spirit of God within you lo show you YOUR opportunity to serve God and The Creation, and therefore change what you find to be unaccept­able/ unbalanced consequences/ circumstances. And then YOU will KNOW YOU CAN create a more balanced circumstance.

    Now here is a little test for you. Think of a profoundly "negative" circumstance in your perception. What emotions do you feel, for example, if you lost your job, or your home burned to the ground. Fear? Loss? Anger? Helplessness? Is the "loss" outside of you? Do you ask yourself, WHY ME? And do you feel VICTIMIZED by something OUTSIDE OF YOU? Now think of a profoundly "positive" circumstance in your per­ception, such as, the birth of a new babe or getting married. How docs simply thinking about this circumstance make you feel? Love, Joy, fulfillment, Peace? Do you know that YOU choose how you will respond in every circumstance and situa­tion put before you? Inner Peace and Joyare yours and youwill experience them more and more as you take personal responsi­bility and sincerely work to create BALANCED circumstances and correct UNBALANCED circumstances with the INNER GUIDANCE OF YOUR SPIRIT.

    Now when you receive information, such as that produced within "The Phoenix Journals" and you respond with FEAR in your heart, then what action docs this response demand from you? What do you want lo do? Denounce the information? Denounce the speaker who presents it? Turn off the flow of any further investigation of the information?

    I will suggest that whenever you respond with FEAR when pre­sented with information, that Spirit within you is showing you something which YOU need to deal with. Truth is showing it­self to you and the Spirit within registers it and the "altered" ego chooses to become fearful, because its belief/security structure is feeling threatened. If you will simply see the emotion of fear as a warning of real or imagined danger and/or an illusionary block to the opportunity of expanding your knowledge of Truth, discernment and inner understanding, you will be able to rise above the fear and take the necessary action to KNOW THE TRUTH AND RESPOND TO THE CALL WITHIN TO TAKE RESPONSIBLE ACTION..

    Now for you ones who call yourselves skeptics, defined as: 1. One who doubts, disbelieves, or disagrees with generally ac­cepted ideas. 2. One who questions the doctrines of a religion. Skeptical: Doubting, questioning; disbelieving. Skepticism: 1. A doubting or disbelieving altitude. 2. Philos. The doctrine that absolute knowledge is unattainable. "

    Now there is nothing wrong with questioning that information which you arc given in order to find Truth. But ones who call themselves skeptical or a skeptic most often hide behind this term so that they can remain on the fence of indecision about a particular matter and therefore not take action or responsibility. By the very definition of skepticism, these ones hold a doc­trine/belief that absolute knowledge is unattainable FOR THEM

    (or anyone else for that matter), and as long as they continue to sit upon the fence of skepticism, they certainly will continue to find themselves unable lo absolutely find the Truth. One who holds lightly to his skepticism is often most fearful and so ap­pears most self-righteous and arrogant about his beliefs, such as his erroneous belief that, if HE doesn't know Truth then neither can anyone else.

    So for you chelas who are sincerely seeking life spiritual Truths, you will continue lo learn about discernment of all information presented to your attention. Often you will feel skeptical about and therefore, doubt and question a new idea, thought or bit of information which is given to you. That is perfectly healthy, just don't STOP there. Ask The Father WITHIN to please show you the Truth and guide you to that which will allow Truth to unfold for you. Then wait upon Spirit to unfold the Truth in the BEST way for you to understand it clearly. This means TRUSTING your inner guidance to unfold all you need in the correct time-frame for you. So then PATIENCE is necessary as well. Simply because you will feel less stressful if you can trust GOD within to GIVE YOU ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW TO CONTINUE TO GAIN SPIRITUAL WISDOM AND PER­FECTION.

    Every circumstance you give your attention to is a lesson, per­haps of discernment of Truth or conquering paralyzing fear or even rising beyond skeptical indecision. And more than it being a lesson, every circumstance you give your attention to is also AN OPPORTUNITY for improving on or "sharpening" your spiritual wisdom and perfection.

    You see, precious chelas, as you sharpen and perfect your spir­itual knowledge, your foundation becomes more solid than any man-made structure or material, because your foundation is aligned with the wisdom of knowledge of TRUTH of your IM­MORTAL DIVINITY, COSMIC LAWS AND ONENESS WITH GOD AND THE CREATION. NOTHING of physical illusion will be able to tear down your foundation which is built on Truth and spiritual wisdom. This alas was my final "initiation" upon your plane less than some 2000 years past. I, Sananda, had to pass the final lest of spiritual fortitude as a hu­man upon your place. I knew I had to experience the denial of MINESELF AND MINE FATHER WITHIN by you of my brethren and still rise above the human "altered ego" limitations of fear frustration and pain. Mine crucifixion was mine final TEST of Spiritual commitment to MINE FATHER WITHIN ME, I THEN ATTAINED a higher level of spiritual mastership of which I continued to develop and perfect after my actual physical departure from Shan, which did NOT occur at cru­cifixion, but many years later as you have read in "And They Called His Name Immanuel: I Am Sananda. And, of course, the crucifixion of mineself offered MANY lessons lo you of my brethren who either witnessed physically, or otherwise, not the least lesson which was totally purposely misinterpreted, and that is THE IMMORTALITY OF THE SPIRIT OR SOUL WITHIN. I then continued my spiritual mastership training in the higher realms of GOD/ATON and have reached mine inher­ited perfected spiritual slate of SANANDA, ONE WITH GOD. I am assisting and monitoring you of mine brothers and sisters who receive and give forth MINE FATHERS WORD. I am available and accessible, though not yet in physical form, so that I may bring the spiritual foundation and balance along with the other Heavenly Hosts of God, so that you of my brethren, who so choose, can awaken and remember TRUTH, and receive earned graduation to "higher" realms in God's Kingdoms. I am come as MINE FATHER GOD/ATON'S representative, lo claim you of His Faithful and True children of Light...and bring you HOME.
    Now let us clarify more on "negative" perceptions. When George and Desiree' Green speak before you and they describe the historical, political, socioeconomic and spiritual circum­stances in Truth, see this as POSITIVE in that you arc now given the opportunity through your Spirit within TO KNOW TRUTH AND TO TAKE ACTION TO BRING ABOUT NECESSARY CHANGE TO BRING BACK BALANCE. Chelas, information is information. The merit of it is its Truth as it relates to your global and spiritual growth and discernment. Your Spirit within is seeking BALANCE and it will continually show the UNBALANCE that you may choose to HEAL it

    WITHIN and WITHOUT. This is your measure of responsible spiritual maturity...your ability to absorb Truth and knowledge and become empowered and responsible for creating BAL­ANCED alignment with GOD and The Creation.

    Remember chelas, YOU all share the pool of mass conscious­ness upon this plane, you contribute to the DIS-case as well as to the LIGHT...it is your choice. You can remain IGNORANT and IRRESPONSIBLE, but you will still suffer the conse­quences of your ill-thinking and acting behavior. You see, you contribute to the unbalance either directly and knowingly if you align yourself with the destructive adversary, or you contribute lo the unbalance indirectly through your ignorance of spiritual and global Truth. It is most especially your ignorance of the consequences of your unbalanced "thinking" and doing, and of the Cosmic Laws which has nearly devastated your planet and your species.

    So the terms "negative" and "positive" arc "New Age" terms and the adversary has encouraged you ones to align all circum­stances in either category. Remember the definitions above, these terms do not fit and they cause you to turn from responsi­bility of a given circumstance because it is identified by you as "negative". YOU CREATE ALL CIRCUMSTANCES, YOUR SPIRIT IS ALWAYS SHOWING YOU SOMETHING you need lo know. YOU DECIDE HOW YOU WILL RESPOND IN EVERY CIRCUMSTANCE PUT BEFORE YOU. First you will need to recognize unbalance when it is presented to you. Then you will need to further investigate for yourself, with the assistance of your Spirit-Within, until you are satisfied with the Truth. Then you will ask God Within to show you how to bring back balance to your portion of the mass consciousness "pie". Then you will do what God within guides you to do.

    Here is something for you lo think about. That which is "positive" to the adversary... i e : causing confusion and decep­tion is considered quite "negative" to a child of Light. That which is "negative" lo the adversary, i e: being exposed as a liar and deceiver, is considered quite "positive" to a child of Light. So you sec, those terms arc quite relative to the situation encountered and the perceptions retained by opposing personali­ties.

    The absolute surest way, chelas, lo compound the problems you face, and therefore create ever more devastating consequences to yourself and your planet, is to be led lo (by your Spirit within) and exposed to THE TRUTH about the circumstances already created, and THEN still doing absolutely NOTHING to change them to bring back balance. So il is the better part of wisdom to HEAR the call of SPIRIT and learn to LISTEN to and accurately decipher your guidance given. All it lakes is YOUR COMMITMENT TO SERVE GOD'S WILL and you will be given all you need on your wondrous journey. So be it.

    Thank you for your attention. May clarity and understanding be yours that your spiritual foundation may become solid in TRUTH AND WISDOM. I AM Sananda. Thank you little sister, Druthea. Go forth and find your confirmations that they bring you peace and balance in your service to GOD/ATON. Know that I LOVE YOU ALL SO GREATLY for you each arc a part of ME as I AM a part of YOU. Walk in God's Light of Truth and KNOW therein you always find Peace. Salu.

    CHAPTER 14

    MAY 21, 1991


    Greetings precious Druthea. I AM Sananda. I come in the ser­vice of Holy God/Aton of Light, Truth, Wisdom and Glory. This day I will further clarify and describe that which is occur­ring upon your plane in this time-frame of history.

    Your species and planet Shan (Earth) is experiencing a spiritual REVOLUTION, which means, recognizing, challenging, changing and discarding the spiritual false and "archaic" ways, so that you can surmount your stagnant condition and method of adapting to limited ego-separate "belief indoctrination. The reason for this "revolution" is that you are making room for your Spiritual RENAISSANCE, that is, your New Birth, Resur­rection and Revival of God-Light Truth gained from personally accessing the Divine Knowledge and Wisdom of your Spirit WITHIN.

    Just as the revival of letters and art in Europe marked the His­torical Renaissance or transition from medieval to modern his­tory representing the rebirth of civilization out of archaic cre­ative suppression to a period of time (roughly 14th through 16th century) of relative abundant artistic expression and freedom, so too is your species experiencing a "Spiritual" transition or Re­naissance.

    The Great Creative Movement of Spirit is singing its song of CREATION in the hearts of ALL who choose to hear. Ones who attune themselves lo the Holy Vibration of God/Creator/ Creation WITHIN and WITHOUT, will experi­ence consciously THE BURNING DEATH OF THE ILLUSION OF SEPARATION FROM God/Aton/Creation. Out of the ashes you ones will be reborn...resurrecte d from your sleepy semi­conscious slate in which you have long existed and that is, the "altered" ego-separation experienced in your physical-dense vi­bration illusion. Many of you have been in this creative un­foldment process for some years already. Many of you notice that TIME as you measure it seems lo be speeding up and your "lessons" have often been frequent, difficult and stressful espe­cially due to increased intensity of the unfolding, understanding and releasing process.

    Be aware, chelas, that the spiritual work you are accomplishing in this time frame IS intensified, magnified and CONSTANT. Many of you no longer have the luxury of "lime" and lack of "experience" to claim innocence and ignorance of spiritual Truth and so your CONSCIENCE is moving you as fast as possible to learn and discern QUICKLY that you can shed the physical at­tachments as well as "altered EGO" illusions. YOU ARE IN TRANSITION. YOU ARE CLAIMING YOUR SPIRITUAL RENAISSANCE. The chosen path of many of you lo attain "graduation" involves the releasing of YOUR ADVERSARY WITHIN. This time-frame represents your spiritual-rebirth op­portunity and the process in itself is creating your spiritual rev­olution.. .your inner battle to resurrect YOUR SPIRIT WITHIN from the self-imposed prison, of which you have forgotten ex­isted. You can remember NOW. Because of God/Aton's IN­FINITE grace and wisdom, you ones are NOW given the op­portunity to AWAKEN to the call of the MIGHTY PRESENCE OF GOD/ATON/CREATION WITHIN YOU!! DO YOU HEAR?!?

    Thank you for your attention. I AM Sananda, One With GOD, in service to Light of God/Aton's Holy, Divine PRESENCE, and lo you my brethren. Thank you precious little sister, Druthea. Salu.

  2. #8
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    CHAPTER 15

    MAY 23, 1991

    Greetings, my brethren. I AM Sananda. I come in the service of God/Aton of Light. Greetings, precious Druthea. Let us be­gin, please.

    This day I will discuss the meaning of INTEGRITY and how it relates to and is integrated with responsibility. Let us first de­fine, integrity: "1. Uprightness of character; honesty. 2. The condition or quality of being unimpaired or sound. 3. The state of being complete or undivided."

    Now we will define, responsible: "1. Answerable legally or morally for the discharge of a duty, trust, or debt. 2. Having capacity lo distinguish between right and wrong. 3. Involving accountability or obligation. Responsibility: 1. State of being responsible or accountable: also responsibleness. 2. That for which one is answerable; a duty or trust."

    Integrity and responsibility arc most delicately intertwined. To achieve utmost spiritual integrity, one must fully recognize and understand his responsibilities; first to God/Aton/Creator Within and also to the rest of the lifeforce expression within The Cre­ation. In order to become a spiritually conscious co-creator with God/Aton, one must become ONE with living the Cosmic Laws of God/Creation. One must realize his accountability to the Great Spirit within him. He must become impeccable (free from^ error, fault, or flaw) regarding adherence to Cosmic Law. And to gain cosmic power, he must become spiritually complete,' unimpaired and sound of character, which is the stale of being called integrity.

    Now in order lo become impeccable in your integrity, one must BE responsible by listening to Spirit within about "right" and "wrong"—or as 1 prefer lo call il balanced or unbalanced—^ thinking and behavior. Each of you have the KNOWLEDGE within with which lo be responsible in every thought, word and deed. You need only LISTEN carefully and ask God/Aton within to help you recognize your error, instantly when you make one. It may not always be pleasant to become instantly accountable for your misdeed or misthought, but if you pay careful attention, you will find that you will seldom if ever re­peat the same error. You will find that the careful attention to and recognition of your inner guidance, instantly, is well worth the temporary inconvenience or discomfort lo your "altered" ego.
    So by requesting God/Aton within lo show you the error, imme­diately, He will also show you the balanced thought action or deed with which to reclaim your impeccability of spirit. Why can it be seemingly so easy to recognize errors? Because, chelas, you ones have made essentially THE SAME errors over and over again. Lifetime after lifetime now you have chosen lo be irresponsible and remain spiritually ignorant. You already KNOW and can distinguish between that which is balanced and unbalanced thought and behavior; you simply have forgotten you KNOW.
    When you separated yourself from the Great Spirit within you, which fully contained your being as far as perfect guidance and knowledge, you became spiritually powerless. When you wor­shipped in separateness from THE ONE and therefore sought OUTSIDE your being for guidance, you DENIED the Spirit within YOU its full creative potential. And because you felt no longer responsible for that which you manifested, you became your own slaves to the physical illusion. By your self-denial you created leaders over you who would support your "belief" in separation from Creator, and thus you developed tremendous attachment to physical matter. This accounts for the same de­veloped attachment to EGO separate illusion.

    To achieve Spiritual integrity you are required lo BE responsible and accountable for the effects of your thoughts, words and deeds. In order to be responsible, you must UNDERSTAND and adhere lo The Cosmic Laws of Balance. You must seek ONENESS and sec UNITY with all, NOT separation, inferiority or superiority lo anyone or anything. You must become impec­cable in your intent to serve God and The Creation. You must recognize only ONE WILL, the will of THE ONE, Cre­ator/Creation. Then you will gain the Spiritual Integrity of CHRIST perfection and with that your Power within will be­come Magnificent.

    Remember when I Sananda, walked as man upon your place I told you, `These things I do, YOU will do GREATER". So be it and il is coming lo pass, chelas.

    I would like to requotc something for you to ponder from our beloved St. Germain: "Your personal power is in direct pro­portion to the integrity of your soul". This one sentence says it all, chelas. Ponder these things most carefully that you hear Spirit to Spirit and not Spirit to ego illusion. This "time", my brethren, is the "hour" of the dawning of YOUR spiritual awakening. How the Angels of Glory in Heaven REJOICE; for earth human is preparing for the celebration of ONENESS and BROTHERHOOD within GOD'S HOLY Kingdom of LIGHT!
    I love you greatly, my precious chelas! I am most honored to serve My Ealhcr and therefore you, my brethren. I AM Sananda, One with God. Thank you my precious sister, Drulhca. You are most blessed in Our Father's Kingdom. Be at Peace as is the spring time flowering of this time. Enjoy the radiance of Our Father's Creation before you. Salu.
    CHAPTER 16

    JUNE 23, 1991
    Greetings precious Druthea. We are Sananda, Lord Michael and St. Germain. We are pleased to have you back with us lo allow "written" sharing of knowledge with our brethren. We come in service to Holy God of Light and The Creation. Let us begin.

    It seems that through the sensing compression of your physical manifested illusion lhat all EFFECTS which you are now wit­nessing upon your plane exist OUTSIDE of your beings. This, precious brothers, is one very important area where you earth humans have errored in perception of understanding. YOU arc the CAUSE. Your awareness of the actual EFFECTS of your DESIRES has simply been limited to SENSING perception of motion which you have believed existed "out there" somewhere beyond your control and/or responsibility.

    Not one of you would be reading The Phoenix Journals had you not had the DESIRE to know Truth. The Spirit of ONE within you is calling you to awaken to your true potential of SERVICE to GOD. If you have been drawn to these JOURNALS, it is not by "accident" chelas. YOU have answered the call within you. YOU have a most cherished purpose to serve in the assistance of BIRTH of God awareness and knowledge upon your Earth plane. What may that be? Many of you still are asking. YOU only need to DESIRE to know and serve God, our Creator within Creation, and since YOU are his temple, WITHIN you, will your wisdom, knowledge and purpose be revealed. Re­member, there is NO separation. You ones have simply for­gotten your Divine Spiritual Heritage, YOUR ONENESS WITH ALL!

    It will also be your DESIRE that will propel you toward your oneness and service lo God. Your Free-will must be returned, surrendered, released, however you want to think of il, TO GOD. There is only ONE choice ultimately, and that is GOD'S WILL WILL BE DONE! Many of you are now facing the choice of aligning your thoughts, words and behaviors with GOD balance or remaining in the "illusion" of ego-separate ad­versarial games. Ultimately it will be the impeccability of your DESIRE, which is defined as "spiritual maturity" which will propel your being to SERVE the Light, Love and Knowledge which is God.

    There is a certain comfort which will develop within you ones as you begin lo see the "lessons" which confront you as simply challenges which offer you the chance to become spiritually mature.

    Most everything that you will learn on this plane especially, will come from your relationships with other human beings. When many ones speak of "mirrors", meaning that other humans are your mirrors, there is much misperception in the meaning of that statement. Il is quite true that every human is related to YOU. You are ONE. So in that sense when you look into the eyes of another, you are seeing yourself in oneness, simply as a frag­ment of that oneness.

    The problem comes when you ones casually call everyone mir­rors and ihus you tolerate, condone or allow BEHAVIOR to­wards you because somehow you deserve it because they are mirroring YOU. That is the big BS word! Remember, we spoke of lessons as challenges. Often, YOUR challenge is HOW you will choose lo RESPOND to the behavior and words of another.

    If, for example, THEY profess unhappiness with their relation­ship with you, and somehow it is implied, directly or indirectly, that YOU must change lo make it better for THEM, what are they really saying to you? How will you respond? Do you im­mediately feel guilty of error?
    Think about this, chelas. WHO is unhappy? WHO must change to bring balance? YOU, who feels unhappy must lake responsibility for your own dissatisfaction. Bui how do you do so without casting outward blame? And how can you think such irresponsible thoughts as "You are my mirror, so I can DUMP my feelings of unhappiness/ unworthiness upon you?" This thinking behavior, chelas, is punishment. You who cast blame are seeking a place where your self-punishment will be allowed by another. The lesson to the receiver of blame may simply be to NOT ALLOW blame, guilt, etc., to affect him/her. It may also be a time of improving communication between you. Even if that be to direct the responsibility for positive change to the one who is unhappy. As the receiver, you may offer your as­sistance, or you may choose to withdraw until such time as atti­tude has adjusted and even apologies given.
    Remember this, chelas, in EVERY circumstance set before you, which YOU set before self, YOU CHOOSE how you will re­spond. If you feel that you are treated unfairly, then you must learn to communicate with intent to UNDERSTAND the intent of the other. If you choose to define yourself as "sensitive", fine. Does that mean you must wear your emotions upon thy sleeve, waiting to become victim? If you set yourself up lo be emotionally fragile and sensitive, you will develop a victimhood circumstance EVERY lime.
    Victimhood is also self-punishment. It is a condition developed from extreme insecurity and deep feelings of unworthiness. This is why there is the perception that many ones who are in "victim" condition feel, and that is that they are somehow treated differently. Well, in a sense they are.
    For example, one who is relatively secure and spiritually mature will often simply become irritated with one who is highly inse­cure because he/she simply does not relate with the condition.

    He/she will simply avoid confrontation with the condition or feeling of being "sucked" into the emotional trauma/drama which a "victim" often develops by his/her deep-seated and un­resolved insecurity.

    The victim always seeks ways lo be "hurt", usually by others within their circle of experience. Until the victim begins to sec HIS/HER CAUSE, which is insecurity and unworthiness, he/she will remain trapped in a very lonely cycle of self-punishment. The change must begin BY HIS/HER DESIRE to serve GOD of LIGHT. When one makes his/her choice lo serve ONLY THE WILL OF OUR FATHER, then self-punishment and unworthi­ness IS IMPOSSIBLE!! DO YOU UNDERSTAND, CHELAS?

    Remember when you perceive you arc a helpless "victim" of all and everything outside of you, then you serve the adversary who encourages the illusion of punishment and unworthiness of self. You will remain "victim" to self as long as you continue to live in FEAR. Naturally, others will cither support and sympathize with your feelings of helpless "victimhood" or they will NOT support your behavior and avoid you...until such time as self-re­sponsibility is demonstrated and accepted.

    At the very root of the emotional victim's severe feelings of unworthiness is FEAR. The illusion of separation from God is very strong. The connection of God knowledge is severed...in illusion of course. What do "victims" fear the most? REJEC­TION OF SELF BY GOD. This illusion of possibility of rejec­tion by God is sustained by tremendous guilt carried by the "victim" for errors perceived or real committed against God. Every time the victim perceives REJECTION by another hu­man, he/she is reminded of his/her fear of rejection by GOD. This cycle of unbalanced self-punishment continues until the "victim" slops seeking love and acceptance outside of him­self/herself, but instead goes within to ask forgiveness and re­lease of unworthiness and guilt. When you petition GOD to show you HIS way...and your intent to heal is pure through de­sire to serve, HE will show you the way home. He will wrap you in his wings of LOVE, of" LIGHT and of KNOWLEDGE that NO rejection is possible except by misalignment of "altered" ego self. THE KNOWLEDGE OF TRUTH COM­PLETELY UNDERSTOOD AND ACCEPTED WITHIN WILL RELEASE THE VICTIM, AND THE FEAR WILL DIS­SOLVE AND NO LONGER RENDER HIM/HER HELPLESS!
    Remember, as Commander Hatonn so succinctly said, "KNOWLEDGE ALLEVIATES FEAR". Hold it close lo you, chelas. So Be it.


    To dissolve the fear which exists only as an illusion of physical survival, you must DESIRE Truth and knowledge in order lo serve the will of GOD. Ask yourself, "What is my feeling of fear showing me?" Is it a warning call? "WAKE UP, WAKE-UP, THE TIME OF GLORY OF YOUR SERVICE IS AT HAND!" Fear is felt when you feel threatened in some way. For example, when Commander Hatonn writes of the socio-eco­nomic and political evils perpetrated upon you and George Green speaks of his experiences of corruption in the highest of­fices of your government, are you afraid? WHY? Because you did not know or because YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW?

    To become aware of the truth about the unbalance developed upon your plane requires change and often you ones are simply afraid to change your perceived comfortable life-styles because you perceive PHYSICAL inconvenience or even suffering IF you were to LOSE those precious assets of which you believe you OWN. You OWN NOTHING save your immortal soul and even your immortal soul belongs to God/Aton THE ONE!

    Does this mean you must not have? OF COURSE NOT! Re­member GOD IS ABUNDANCE! You will simply let ALL go of physical manifestation when you leave this plane. So it does become wise lo gain knowledge of Truth that YOUR FEAR OF LOSS OF BODY PHYSICAL AND/OR PHYSICAL ASSETS IS PROPERLY ALLEVIATED, DOES IT NOT?
    When you align your free-will choice into service unto God/Aton of Light, Love and Knowledge, YOU will have ALL abundance you need to sustain in His Service ALWAYS!

    With that thought, precious chelas, we will close this document You ones who seek, who desire to KNOW, who seek lo gain knowledge or Truth, who desire lo SERVE ARE MOST BLESSED OF OUR FATHER. WE HONOR YOU ALL AND WE ARE SO GRATEFUL TO SERVE YOU OF OUR BROTHERS OF GOD AND THE CREATION. Thank you little dove of light, Drulhea, We LOVE you greatly and God is most pleased with your service, chela. Hold it closely. We arc Sananda, Lord Michael and St. Germain. May God's Light shine brightly upon and within you, our brethren. Walk gently and in Peace with one another. Salu.

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    최신 글: 2011-01-18, 03:36
    By wave in forum Phoenix Journals Archives
    관련글: 12
    최신 글: 2011-01-18, 02:39
    By wave in forum Phoenix Journals Archives
    관련글: 15
    최신 글: 2010-08-07, 20:19
  5. 관련글: 0
    최신 글: 2009-01-11, 03:26

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