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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    CHAPTER 11

    MAY 6, 1991

    Greetings, Precious Druthea. I AM Sananda, One With God. I come in the service to Holy God/Aton of Light and lo YOU, my brethren.
    This day we have a petition of which we are honored to re­spond. This one petitions in behalf of ALL and ALL of you have lived within what is termed a stale of DENIAL of truth at various times in your lives...and MOST still exist within this bubble of separation from responsibility.
    Let us define denial, "1. A contradiction, as of a statement. 2. A disowning or disavowal. 3. Refusal to grant, give, or allow. To deny," 1. To declare to be untrue; contradict. 2. To refuse to believe, as a doctrine. 3. To refuse to give or grant; with­hold. 4. To refuse lo acknowledge; disown."
    Now to fully understand and thus recognize denial WITHIN yourself or another, you must understand the "negative" emotion which stands guard over denial of truth...and that most often is FEAR. ^You ones have become ever fearful of making change because it means looking within the mirror of self and taking responsibility for those feelings, behaviors and actions which deny the power of GOD within you.
    One of the most common "feelings" which must be faced in one who denies responsibility is his feeling of unworthiness, because along with unworthiness is fear of rejection of self IF, for ex­ample, ones KNEW how you REALLY feel inside. It feels quite UGLY lo feel unworthy and lo carry emotionally depleting "parasites" within. Remember, chelas, YOU choose to feel un­worthy. 11 mailers NOT what "judgment" any other being wishes lo attach to you. You choose lo allow or "perceive" an­other's derogatory opinions as detrimental to you because YOU wish to continue to feed your own unworthiness. Self-Denial allows you to remain in self-centered separation in which all which occurs within your space of experience is responded to PERSONALLY as to HOW you allow it to affect YOU, without consideration of others who share your space and/or experience.

    So one way to recognize DENIAL in self and in another is when self-centered behavior, meaning, "Concerned chiefly with one's own affairs and interests, often with a lack of consideration for others," is exhibited in ways such as, BLAME, HURT and VICTIMHOOD. Also, look for passive resistant thoughts and actions in self, which means the desire to "get even" for the per­ceived wrong against you. Only it is done in very indirect, se­cret or subtle ways, such as through sabotage(Any act per­formed to hamper or obstruct). In many ones, passive resistant behavior may exhibit itself by these ones denying to give assis­tance when asked, deliberate procrastination of an agreed upon task, "reporting" the grievance to an "authority" without first speaking lo the perceived "perpetrator" , or even refusing to speak honestly to the ones who their anger is directed at, espe­cially when specifically ASKED to do so.

    Another reason ones deny sharing honest feelings with anotheris that the one who is afraid to "tell his opinion of thetruth" is afraid of what heperceives may be a "negative" painful or an­gry response by the other. Often ones will not confront anotherand the reason they tell themselves is, THEY don't wishto cause pain or rejection to the other. For example, in the case of when a "relationship" is kindled between two and then one de­cides that he is not compatible with the other and wishes to "break it off'. When what he is really afraid of is COMMIT­MENT of responsibility lo the other or LOVING the other fully that he may somehow be compromised of freedom. Ones can­not be honest with another if they DENY their true feelings within of SELF. Therefore, the confusion becomes manifested FOR BOTH in that neither understands the behavior or true feelings of the other and both wonder what went wrong. Theone rejected becomes resentful and angry. The one rejectingsimply ignores the other because hedoes not know "what losay". This then becomesan "unresolved" conflict of which the "effects" of the "cause" of denial and irresponsible behavior will continue lo "challenge" both of these ones in "future" circum­stances. ..that is until the lesson is recognized, UNDERSTOOD, released and responsible behavior is truly taken.

    Here is an example which has and docs occur in many so-calledlove relationships between couples, married or otherwise. The"wife" is angry at her husband because he didn't even notice thenew furniture and her new hairstyle and he seldom wants to "talk about and share" his feelings about work or other "things", so she begins to feel neglected and unappreciated. But rather than discussing her feelings with him, she looks for ways lo deny HIM that which he "needs", expects or wants. So often she finds herself with a "headache" when he displays "lustful" intent. When he asks her what is wrong, she says, "Nothing", but continues lo sabotage their relationship in other ways, such as getting drunk and disorderly at the office party and "forgetting" to pick him up at the airport. Well, the husband does not understand and is confused by her behavior, and he definitely feels the "sling" of her anger which she refuses to ac­knowledge when he confronts her. He can do nothing to assist solving the problem if his wife denies there is one. So what is SHE really looking for? Perhaps to be rejected "once again" lo "prove" HER irrational opinion that "all men are worthless" (and so, she feels, is she). This way she need not face HER re­sponsibility for creating the sabotage of the relationship because of her own crippled self-worth and inability to communicate honestly her feelings and fears. In this instance, you have TWO "poor" communicators, and alas, because of this denial of true feelings within both parties, the crippled behaviors continue for both until each faces truth within self that THEY each arc re­sponsible for creating the circumstance through lack of trust, feeling fear and unworthiness, and DENIAL of all true feelings. This is why COMMUNICATION barriers MUST be acknowl­edged and confronted within each that the barriers be allowed lo open for true understanding to be allowed lo blossom.

    Some ones are so veryfrightened lo acknowledge perceived "negative" feelings lo another, even when confronted directly, because they fear rejection and even punishment. So they may feel "negative" feelings such as resentment, anger or envy and DENY the feelings, often even to themselves. This is why you ones must become MASTERS at identifying "negative" (adversarial) emotions and feelings within SELVES that you can recognize them in others and CONFRONT the behavior that the light of truth be allowed into the space of the denying one even if the denying one be SELF. (Sec "Recognizing the Anti-Christ Within" printed in "The Phoenix Operator/Owner Manual').

    It is a very delicate balance to achieve because even when you learn lo accomplish confrontation of the adversary within self and others, often the denial of truth remains, especially in one who is unwilling lo confront self and BE responsible for ac­knowledging truth and thus communicating and acting with in­tegrity. You cannot FORCE another to confront truth even when it is presented to them in balanced integrity intent. You must though, in a responsible manner, bring your observations up honestly to the one who displays adversarial behavior, most especially if you feel the behavior is detrimental to you and oth­ers, for example, within a "work" or "home" circumstance. It is one thing to punish self BY choice, it is quite another to allow one to also PUNISH you and others because they refuse to take responsibility themselves.

    You sec, precious, chelas, you indirectly SUPPORT unreason­able and adversarial behavior IF YOU ignore it and, therefore, DO nothing lo change it. Which brings us to our next point which is "common" denial of responsibility, most commonly exhibited within belief structures encouraged within your so-called "New Age" community. Wc of God's Hosts have often heard ones speak and ponder about the terms "negative" and "positive". Often ones believe that they must learn to concen­trate their energy ONLY on what they perceive is labeled "positive" thinking behavior and actions. For example, Com­mander Hatonn and his spokespersons arc often called "gloom and doom" bringers who concentrate upon perceived "negative" information and circumstances. Therefore, BECAUSE ONES REFUSE TO ACKNOWLEDGE THE TRUTH ABOUT THE "NEGATIVE" (MEANING ADVERSARIAL) CREATED CIRCUMSTANCES WHICH THEY HAVE CONTRIBUTED TO THE CREATION OF, EITHER DIRECTLY OR INDI­RECTLY, THROUGH IGNORANCE AND APATHY, THEY THEN DENY THEIR OWN PERSONAL RESPONSI­BILITY BY CONDEMNING OR EVEN "KILLING" THE "TRUTH-BRINGER" .

    Here is another example to add further clarification. If you go to the doctor and he discovers you have cancer within your body, do you demand that he NOT tell you the truth so that you can then deny responsibility for: 1. The manifestation of the dis-ease and 2. Making the necessary changes of thinking, of behavior, and of actions to facilitate YOUR CURE from this se­rious dis-ease within you?
    Don't you see? The manifestation of cancer is a gift of warning that there exists unbalance within you? Do you wish to HEAL or continue to deny responsibility? Well the choice is yours lo make. Commander Hatonn and the rest of God's Hosts are here specifically to show you the ANTI-CHRIST CANCER YOU have manifested as a species within yourselves and upon your planet, which has been "hidden" within your government, busi­ness and cultural institutions and organizations. Do you say lo yourself, "Oh my! that is "negative" information and therefore I am not responsible for il. That is someone else's problem; I will practice Ascension or be raptured so I can escape the ugli­ness of which I do not want to be responsible. "

    I have news for you ones who feel NOT responsible for that WHICH you as a species have contributed to the creation of. YOU will either take responsibility, NOW, for assisting the rest of your committed brothers and sisters lo do that which GOD within gives you to do to change and heal the "negative" circum­stances and manifestations ALREADY created around you and within you, or you will not be ready for HIGHER responsibility of Conscious Immortality within God's Holy Realms of experi­ence. There is not much "time" left for you to be in the decid­ing. And NONE can take your portion of personal responsibil­ity in your place. (Although your given task(s)in service lo God CAN be filled byanother, if you findyourself unwilling to perform themin balanced integrity.) You arc accountable to self and GOD for that which you DO or NOT DO, if that be the case.

    So what can you do if you find yourself wanting to "hide" from and not face responsibility of finding truth and taking necessary action? Recognize first that your denial of facing "negative" created circumstances of which your world is full is because of FEAR. You arc afraid of that which you may have to do in or­der lo BE responsible and change the circumstance. You are afraid you have NOT the power to change it. You are afraid of what "others" will think of you if you face them honestly. You are afraid you will fail lo make a difference should you begin changes. And you are afraid of the perceived "unknown" risk to yourself when you begin to "rock the boat" of adversarial control. You arc afraid because you have, in your "past", lived in ignorance of Truth and have successfully run from "uncomfortable" feelings and responsibility, thinking that per­haps you have or can remain innocent of the effects of the evil about your plane, which through your ignorance you have ALLOWED and SUPPORTED. I believe you ones have a cliche' which is succinctly apropos, "What I don't know can't hurt me." That statement of false belief says it all, chelas. WHAT YOU HAVEN'T KNOWN AND REFUSED TO SEE HAS HURT YOU AND YOUR BELOVED PLANET. IGNO­RANCE OF TRUTH HAS UNDERMINED GOD WITHIN YOU, BY CONDONING THE REPEATED BREAKING OF HIS COSMIC LAWS OF BALANCE SO THAT HIS SPIRIT OF LIGHT, OF LOVE, AND OF HARMONY HAS NO PLACE TO GROW...THE DARKNESS AND SUFFERING CANCEROUS DIS-EASE HAS BEEN AND CONTINUES TO BE SO VERY DEVASTATING TO YOUR SPECIES. THE ADVERSARY HAS COUNTED ON CONTROLLING THAT WHICH YOU "KNOW" AND "BELIEVE" SO THAT HE CAN BIND YOU INTO PERCEIVED HELPLESSNESS AND SLAVERY TO ITS "ILLUSION" OF PHYSICAL MANI­FESTED FLESHLY ATTACHMENT. THE ADVERSARY "NEEDS" SLAVES TO CONTROL AND MANIPULATE TO HAVE AND ENFORCE THE "POWER" OF DESTRUCTION WHICH IT DESIRES TO WIELD IN ITS HATRED OF GOD AND ALL THAT IS OF GOODNESS AND GODLY INTENT.

    You must ask yourselves, precious chelas, "How do YOU feed the ANTI-CHRIST to give IT power over God WITHIN you?" What is it you truly FEAR which paralyzes you and makes you wish to HIDE and NOT BE responsible? I, hopefully, have given yen some ideas where you may begin to unfold the source of your FEAR that you may then release it through TRUSTING GOD OF LIGHT WITHIN TO SHOW YOU THAT WHICH YOU NEED TO KNOW IN ORDER TO SUSTAIN ONLY IN HIS SERVICE. You will be guided and shown that which will bring you knowledge and understanding of truth and through empowerment of gaining WISDOM of Truth you will receive GOD'S blessings of INNER PEACE and Balanced Creative Unfoldment. You must first desire to serve GOD and your in­tent creates THE WAY for you lo go and remain in GOD'S WINGS OF LOVE AND PROTECTION.

    You must sec, precious chelas, that you ones who even deny the existence of the Anti-Christ, Adversary to God, do so so that YOU need not face responsibility WHEN the Anti-Christ is AL­LOWED by YOU to control your very being. The destructive results of the Anti-Christ exist all about you; do you deny this truth as well, that your "rosy" view not be disturbed and make you uncomfortable? WELL, HAVE YOU EVER CONSID­ERED THE COMFORT OF THIS BELOVED PLANET AS YOU POLLUTE HER WATERS AND SOILS AND ATMO­SPHERE WITH IRRESPONSIBLE THOUGHTS AND TECHNOLOGIES OF DEATH AND DESTRUCTION? HOW CAN YOU LIVE IN AN OBVIOUS FACADE OF "SPLENDOR" WHEN MOTHER EARTH SCREAMS IN AGONY OF DESPAIR AT THE EVIL CAUSED HER BY YOUR UNBALANCED, UNGODLY BEHAVIOR TOWARD HER, YOURSELF AND EACH OTHER?

    It is time for you each to find the balance of God which exists within you. Those who resist this change to balance, who choose to swim "upstream" against GOD'S WILL will remain 3rd dimensional experience as a puppet for the adversary... and so, too, remainin self-imposed ignorance for the "lime" neces­sary to recognize the errors of thought and behavior and correct the imbalances caused to self because of them (the errors). God and weof His Hosts offer you THE WAY HOME through giv­ing youthe opportunity TO SEE AND KNOW TRUTH ABOUT THE CANCER YOU'VE CREATED AND WHICH YOU CAN HEAL THROUGH RESPONSIBLE THINKING AND BEHAVIOR AND ALIGNING YOURSELVES WITHIN THE LAWS OF BALANCE OF GOD AND THE CRE­ATION as given forth.

    There is naught lo fear WHEN you attune your will with that of GOD'S WILL for HE is THE WAY, THE TRUTH, THE KNOWLEDGE and THE POWER, and HE EXISTS WITHIN YOU! HE NEVER TURNS FROM THEE, NEVER! WILL YOU TURN FROM HIM? HE ALLOWS YOU TO MAKE THAT CHOICE, PRECIOUS ONES. WHAT WILL YOU DO? The adversary, on the other hand, IF he is allowed and welcomed entrance into YOUR TEMPLE OF GOD, is an insa­tiable parasite of destruction upon ALL that is OF GOD and GOODNESS. YOU HAVE THE POWER WITHIN YOU OF GOD TO CAST THE ADVERSARY OUT...FOREVER! SO BE IT AND SELAH!

    Thank you forthis opportunity lo bring further clarity and un­derstanding to our brethren, precious Druthea. I AM Sananda. I come in service to HOLY DIVINE GOD/ATON OF LIGHT AND THE CREATION. May you each find inner peace which wisdom brings. I love you dearly, my brothers and sisters! Ponder your lessons carefully. Walk in peace. Salu.

    CHAPTER 12

    MAY 8, 1991

    Greetings, precious Drulhca. We arc Sananda, Lord Michael, and St. Germain. We come in the service of Holy God/Aton of Light and The Creation.

    We will begin this day with the challenge of peeling away the "barriers" to successful communication in your "human" lan­guages by efforting to show you how you can stretch the limita­tions of human language to achieve clearer and more succinct communication ability with one another.

    Because "Universal Language" has no limiting "words", it is God's perfect language. When beings communicate in Uni­versal language, there is no way to "lie" to yourself or another about your intent, since it is the language which utilizes pure thought from that which is "in the heart/spirit" as...feeling. So the key to more successful communication on your plane is to learn to fully understand HOW you feel about a circumstance before you. Now, emotion is defined as, "A strong surge of FEELING, as of love, hate, or fear." So by understanding and identifying your feeling accurately, you will find that YOUR perceptions and beliefs about any given circumstance will bring up certain emotional feelings. First, you must correctly deter­mine which emotion you actually do feel. For example, when you correctly determine that you are afraid, then you must de­termine WHY you are afraid in order for you to successfully re­solve it. Fear is a feeling one has generally when he feels threatened in some way. Every emotion is SHOWING you something... a lesson to be understood, or a sustaining need we all have, such as absolute/unconditio nal LOVE. For example, when you arc touched by some act or behavior done for you or another in kindness which absolute love expresses, you feel JOYand UNITY.

    On the other hand, when you are angry or hurl about something someone said or did "to" you and you fail to identify ACTU­ALLY WHY you feel this way, then you will be unable to communicate effectively to "clarify" what may perhaps be a misperception on your part. Then most often, your unresolved anger and hurt will actually propel you to respond in a variety of "punishing" behaviors directed toward self, the other who you perceived caused you pain, ALL others with whom you come in contact, or all of the above. One of the common ways ones re­spond irresponsibly, which we discussed previously, is through "passive-resistant" behavior, in which one is afraid or simply unwilling to confront the person honestly about his anger and/or hurl feelings and therefore seeks indirect ways to punish the perceived perpetrator against him. Others of you ones respond most directly your anger and hurt lo the perceived perpetrator, and then, of course, when ones begin arguing about WHO is RIGHT and WHO is WRONG, nothing is solved, and resent­ment begins to establish itself most firmly, especially when ones stubbornly refuse to search the common ground of cause which allows self-understanding of MUTUAL responsibility of the cir­cumstance. When mutual understanding of each "point of per­ception" is accomplished for each, then a satisfying resolution, which recognizes joint responsibility of forgiveness and release of the "error", can be reached. Of course, both must wish to resolve the issue between them, for if one's objective is to deny responsibility and continue to blame and punish, then THEY must deal with what is now their PROBLEM on their own. The others must stand firm with integrity to not allow themselves to be PULLED down or into an emotional drama of one who is unwilling to reasonably resolve their problem.

    Now, feeling anger and hurt is definitely a most uncomfortable place to be, in that one will feel isolated, separated and rejected and so his "altered" ego will urge him to cast blame outside of self. Many of you have most likely heard the saying or even have personally fell like "It is ME against the World". It is not a comfortable feeling to feel unsupported and "victimized" and so il is up lo YOU lo learn lo sol aside "Altered" Ego percep­tions so that you can successfully uncover HOW you have con­tributed to the cause of this "victim" self-separation and/or mis­understanding with another.

    One of the challenges you ones have in your interrelationships is responsible communication. In order to communicate responsi­bly, YOU each must become acutely in touch with WHY you feel these "negative" emotions, such as fear, anger, jealousy and resentment. For example, many of you ones often use "sarcastic humor" to stale your true feelings, let off "steam" and yet still "hide" the feelings. Many of your so-called comedian have successfully used cutting, sarcastic and sardonic jokes to tell the world or even particular others HOW they really feel about them...and then ,of course, they call it humor. They be­have as if it's okay to call it a "joke" because they assume it is less painful to the ones the sarcasm is directed at, only deep in­side, THEY KNOW IT IS NOT LESS PAINFUL AT ALL. Ones who USE sarcasm in their communication, whether it be a comedians or not, must recognize they most often harbor intense feelings of unresolved anger and/or unworthiness and they de­sire to feel superior by causing pain, somewhat indirectly by calling it "humor", lo others because of these intense unresolved FEELINGS within.

    Let's give you ones a common example of how many of you USE what you call "humor" to express inner hurt and/or superiority/ unworthiness. We have often heard you ones make a sar­castic (An ironical or scornful utterance; contemptuous and taunting language) remark, such as, "When God said brains, you thought He said trains, so that's why you have no brains" and then you'll say, "No, Just Kidding "...ha ha ha. We have heard so many unkind things said by you ones to each other, and then, "No, I'm just kidding". Sorry, chelas, MOSTLY YOU ARE NOT "JUST" KIDDING in these circumstances. This is most often a "dig" and usually falls under "passive-resistant" behav­ior. You have a wondrous cliche' in this regard. "Many a TRUTH is said in jest". So be it.

    Now we will discuss expectations, to expect defined as, "1. To look forward to as a certain or probable. 2. To look for as right, proper, or necessary. 3. Informal To presume; suppose."

    All of you have expectations, whether you completely under­stand what they are or not. Of course, for successful communi­cation in your interrelationships, being CLEAR yourself about what are your expectations within any given relationship and/or situation is essential. Now there arc what can be termed "reasonable" or "realistic" expectations as well as "unreasonable" and "unrealistic" expectations. For example, there is certainly nothing "wrong" with looking forward to being justly treated, or lo making a successful speech. Those are rea­sonable expectations for one who treats others justly, and one who prepares properly for his speech. But to expect that others will behave AS YOU would in any given circumstance is most unrealistic. All will behave according lo their own inner in­tegrity, or lack there of, or they will behave according to the dictates of their own individual personality, which may certainly be correct for them, only perhaps not YOUR way. In order to successfully interrelate in harmony and balance, ALL expecta­tions must be acknowledged openly, so that all expectations which arc determined reasonable be defined clearly for all. In this way the integrity of your defined common expectations and objectives, such as work objectives, will not be compromised because of unresolved emotions, unrealistic expectations or other allowed misunderstandings.

    There arc many kinds of what would be termed "social" expec­tations, such as saying, "Thank you" when someone does something nice for you or serves you in some way. In most all situations, gratitude expressed to another is most reasonable and certainly appreciated, if it is sincere. Now ask yourselves, chelas, when you ones GIVE something to another, whether it be a physical gift or something intangible such as friendship, love and support, what DO you expect in return? You are NOT honest with yourselves, chelas, if you tell yourselves, "I expect nothing." Because even when you extend YOUR hand in sin­cere love, kindness and friendship, YOU expect the one you give lo to LIKE you and feel connected to you in return. You want to bo a part of their life by letting them know YOU appre­ciate and support them. You enjoy the inner "rewards" of giv­ing which makes someonefeel good and appreciated. If the re­ceiver is ungracious to you, face it, chelas, you arc disappointed and often saddened.

    Let us give another example of expectations. When you person­ally make your commitment lo serve GOD, what do you expect in return for your service? Well, certainly a "reasonable" ex­pectation is that you expect to be guided and sustained, to be protected and fulfilled within your service, do you not? Or what do YOU expect? Do you expect that you need not be re­sponsible for your own behavior? Do you expect your life to be "problem" free and your lessons easier? Do you expect lo be more special than your other brothers and sisters? Do you "bargain" with God: you'll give this, IF He gives that? We are asking you to really be HONEST with yourselves, chelas, be­cause your "unreasonable" expectations are NEVER met and so it is best to uncover them NOW so that you can find the true PEACE, JOY and BALANCE in your service to God, which reasonable expectations provide for you.

    Now, we would like you ones to clearly think about what arc your expectations when and if you decide to make your home in Tehachapi? Do you expect spiritual perfection of the ones al­ready committed in service? Do you expect "social" fun and entertainment from Dharma, Oberli, Hatonn, George and Desiree' and the others here? Do you expect the businesses cre­ated by these ones to financially support you, now or in the fu­ture? WHY do you wish to be here? To be closer to God, per­haps? To learn how lo be closer to God? Remember YOU are the temple for God. Do you recognize a purpose for you, per­haps, a way to serve GOD where you are able and willing to do so? Do you expect Hatonn lo tell you what you must do as your service to GOD? Do you KNOW what your service is? For we will tell you, as has our beloved brother Hatonn, that Tehachapi is a place of work, of commitment of service to GOD/ATON Our Father, to assist the growth, transition and cleansing of a sick/unbalanced humanity and this beloved planet, Shan. We have a job, and YOU ones who choose to serve God are the hands and feet of HIS Brotherhood of LIGHT. The road is of­ten most painful and precarious for you beloved ones of GOD's service, most especially emotionally, until you ones learn to de­tach from others' often cruel rejection of you and their unwill­ingness lo SEE the truth. God only asks that YOU do your job lo the best of your ability. Do you expect that you WILL? Ponder these things, chelas, for in confronting self-expectations in responsibility, you will unlock that door lo the inner peace and fulfillment which has often eluded most of you in your "past" experiences.


    Now we will discuss a very prominent barrier to successful communication within your interrelationships, and that is TRUST, defined as, "1. Confident reliance on the integrity, honesty, or justice of another; faith. 2. Something committed to one's care; a charge or responsibility. "

    Trust is a most delicate subject in that most all of you have ci­ther breached a trust and/or been the "victim" of a breach of trust by others. So as a result, most of you find it difficult to es­tablish complete trust and faith in others whom you share expe­rience with. First of all, many of you now recognize that you as "common people" have blindly trusted your government leaders and many of THEM have breached YOUR trust by lying and deceiving you for their own selfish means. So it stands to rea­son that you NOT give trust blindly or freely to other HUMAN beings until you KNOW of their integrity and intent. For exam­ple, DO YOU DESERVE to be trusted? Are you able to keep the private matters of another who trusts you with sharing them with you, to yourself? Do you respect the privacy of others? Or arc you always looking over the fence of others to see what they arc doing, which is NONE of your business unless it is harmful lo you or impacts you in some way that is not reason­able. Many of you have a very dangerous "habit" of gossiping about and then you wonder WHY you are NOT trusted by oth­ers. This is why it is most important that for trust to develop, ones must clearly define what matters are privately shared and a shared commitment of responsible communication is adopted byboth or all panics, so that any possiblemisunderstandings can be ironed out quickly and completely. In true dedicated friendship and the commitment thereof, ones always have the shared ob­jective of achieving mutual trust, support, loyalty and under­standing, especially when differences come up for them to man­age together.
    There is really little else more painful and disappointing than for one of you, who possesses honest integrity within, lo establish and nurture a friendship, give your love, loyally and trust lo an­other and then find that they do not honor and trust you enough to speak honestly to you about their true feelings and instead they spite you behind your back, or even more disheartening, that they have actually USED you for their own selfish means such as to gain money, prestige, sexual conquest or power and NEVER really thought of you as a cherished friend. How many of you now can say that you have trouble trusting others because you have allowed yourself to be USED by choosing the "wrong" person to develop friendship with because they did not have the same degree of commitment to your friendship as did you? This breach of trust occurs often in so-called "Love" relationships and marriages, often after the "lustful" feelings taper off.

    So by now you may be contemplating, HOW do you properly solve a perceived "error" or misunderstanding with integrity with one whom you claim as your friend? First of all, you need to acknowledge your feelings, if they be anger, hurt, frustration or whatever, and then you must set up a time to privately and personally talk to the person you have the problem with. Now you must be very careful how you approach the person, since they may not have any idea of what your problem is or their connection with it. Tell them how you're feeling, "I feel hurl and upset because I wasn't invited to your family dinner, per­haps I have misunderstood or misinterpreted something, so will you help me to understand your position so that we can resolve this together?" In this way, you have not placed any blame and you have shown that you value the other person by asking them to assist the resolution of what may be simply your own misun­derstanding or over-sensitivity, or it may actually be something more than you have understood, from your friend's point ofperception, perhaps that this one was irritated with you about something you did, or he just simply felt it was not necessary for you to be there at that time.

    Now, inbusiness, there are MANY expectations which ones have about operating their business with integrity. For example, when you purchase a product by phone or mail, do you not EX­PECT to receive it within a reasonable time-frame and in good condition? Many things can happen between the time you order and when you (hopefully) receive your order. Many business owners want lo keep your business by insuring customer satis­faction, so they have a policy of "The customer is always right." Well that is not necessarily true, is it? What about ones who purchase items, such as books, from you on agreed upon terms, such as 10 days or 30 days,-DO you not expect them to pay you in full within thattime frame? Interestingly enough, MANY businesses, even when given and they have agreed to 30 day payment terms, have a policy that THEY do not pay before 60 or even 90 days. Is this operating business with integrity? So it has become not reasonable within your current business society to TRUST ones, especially NEW customers, to pay you for products they purchase. Yet many retail business-persons be­come indignant when asked lo pre-pay for their purchase and often will simply not buy, unless THEY need the items perhaps to fill a special order for one of their customers. And why. do many bookstores, for example, balk when asked to pre-pay? Because they do not know whether or not the books will sell within a 30 day time-frame and "need" the time to return the funds from actual sales to the publisher or distributor. Now America West, for example, has perhaps a little over a dozen of their total "open" resale accounts who arc responsible and really do pay in full within the agreed time-frame. The rest do not honor their agreement with America West, and several have NEVER paid their balance, so because of this, America West, in order to continue to pay its printing and overhead expenses now ASKS all new resale accounts lo pre-pay with no MINI­MUM order required and NO returns allowed. Do you blame them? It is interesting lo note that many bookstores and distrib­utors expect lo be able to RETURN unsold books, as well as, lake 30 days to 6 months lo pay for them. So then, of course, the RISK of loss isentirely in the publishers hands. So you pon­der this, chelas, Isthat reasonable?

    Now, how many of you have or know someone who has pur­chased something, say from a department store, and then a year later ask to RETURN it? How many of you have or know someone who has purchased an expensive dress, for a special occasion, and after wearing it, they return it? This is very common, even with middle class and upper middle class women who are in the "social" set and can "afford" to pay for the dress. Well, many department stores have "caught on" to this practice and now DO NOT ALLOW returns for certain dressy attire. Do you understand, chelas, what we are efforting lo show you here? Many ones simply do not behave with integrity, and it has become ACCEPTABLE lo many ones to behave this way! Many simply do not KNOW better and even brag about HOW they take advantage of businesses. So ones who do wish to op­erate with integrity and responsibility must EXPECT a degree of dishonesty from a percentage of business customers. Many businesses have a special term for this expected percentage of loss, theft and damaged products, they call it normal shrinkage. The results, if shrinkage becomes unreasonable, are often higher prices to the consumer, if the business wishes to stay in busi­ness. How sad it is that so many have become slaves to this beast of selfish deception and deceit. However, you will find, precious chelas, that as you align yourself in service to GOD, your conscience will not allow you to get away with any sort of unbalanced behavior, without some careful and often difficult contemplation of the consequences thereof. So Be it.

    Thank you, precious chelas, for your attention. Druthea, you are most blessed in your loving and giving service unto Our Father. Thank you, precious little sister of ours. We are Sananda, Lord Michael and St. Germain. We come in the ser­vice of Holy God/Alon of Light and The Creation. May you walk in the peace which true knowledge and understanding brings. Salu.

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    CHAPTER 13

    MAY 18, 1991

    Greetings Precious Druthea. I AM Sananda. I come in service lo Holy God/Aton of Light and to you my brethren. Thank you for finding your balance, Druthea, and petitioning for clarity on "negative" perceptions that we may share with our brethren. For within each "human" conscious mind there exists many various perceptions and depending upon the experiences of emotional attachment, ones will attach to themselves various "degrees" of misperception and therefore respond accordingly.

    Let us example the giving forth of The Word: The historical, economic, social, political and spiritual truths. Every single one of you who first reads of the devastating manifested illusion which now exists upon your plane respond in a multitude of dif­ferent ways, depending upon the level of your spiritual awareness and maturity. When you are told, for example, that you ones in the United States of America are rapidly losing the free­doms which were guaranteed under your Constitution and Bill of Rights, many of you become afraid, mostly because you have taken the freedoms you have had for granted and few of you have any historical, political and/or social-economic knowledge and experience. That which you do have is, as you are finding as you continue to read "The Phoenix Journals", quite limited in truth of the circumstances.

    Mostly you ones have concerned yourselves with survival needs, succeeding in your chosen profession, raising families and en­joying your lives through various forms of entertainment as you are able. When your pursuit of the so-called "American Dream" or whatever "dream" you have which requires "freedom" to realize, is threatened, such as by the truth that the economic system is collapsing and you may lose your once-secure job, many of you feel extremely frightened especially be­cause you feel helpless. The adversary would like you lo feelhelpless andfearful because often you will become paralyzed bythis and refuse to take any action whatsoever, even for your own security and protection. Many will simply try to glue those rose-colored glasses lightly around their eyes, that Their world can return (they hope) to the innocence which they once en­joyed. I will venture to say, chelas, that once the stirring of your Spirit within has been accomplished, YOU will never re­turn to your original ignorant slate. Your conscience will not allow you to.
    Now, many ones of you consider yourselves to be most spiritu­ally attuned especially if you have expanded your awareness be­yond the limiting doctrines of your various religious institutions. Many of you have accomplished much of your spiritual progress through what is often called the "New Age" movement and "Metaphysics" .
    What I would like you ones to please understand carefully is that the adversary has worked just as diligently within the human leaders of the "New Age" philosophies and doctrines in order to deceive and mislead your spiritual understanding, as well as also working through your Fundamental Religious Institutions to ac­complish its deception. Because all of you have various degrees of spiritual innocence and gullibility, the aspects of truth about "personal responsibility" and the nature of evil and goodness, God and Adversary, is often twisted and turned about, so that you searchers of spiritual freedom and Truth continue to be bound by the adversary through a more subtle deception and purposeful misinterpretation of the Cosmic Spiritual Laws.

    For example, what do the terms "negative" and "positive" mean to you? Let us first define, negative: " 1. Characterized by or expressing negation, denial, or refusal. 2. Not positive or af­firmative: a negative attitude. 3. The side that denies or contra­dicts what the other side affirms, as in a debate. Now we will define positive: 1. That is or may be directly affirmed; actual. 2. Characterized by or expressing affirmation; a positive atti­tude. 3.

    Openly and plainly expressed: a positive denial. 4. Not admitting of doubt and denial.

    So the defining of terms often helps assist the understanding of the meaning of your own often used expressions. Most of you when you arc given information about your world circumstance, for example, as laid forth in "The Phoenix Journals", will re­spond in some way. If the information is frightening to you or causes you lo feel "badly" or threatens your "belief" system in some way then most often you ones will say that it is negative. By calling il negative you are thereby expressing denial and re­fusal to accept the information. In this way do you also refuse responsibility lo investigate further and DO something to change the circumstance.

    I will say that the information SHARED within "The Phoenix Journals" is actually quite positive in that it is OPENLY AND PLAINLY EXPRESSED: POSITIVE TRUTH! Now in order to find balance with EVERY circumstance and EVERY bit of information you arc given, you must ASK the Spirit WITHIN you what this circumstance and/or information is showing you. WHAT IS THE LESSON HERE WHICH YOU HAVE ASKED FOR? You will find that, finally having and knowing the Truth, when you recognize it as such, to actually be most liberating to you spiritually because you will have recognized the enemy, and it is YOU. So then, with your newly discovered personal power and responsibility you will demand the Spirit of God within you lo show you YOUR opportunity to serve God and The Creation, and therefore change what you find to be unaccept­able/ unbalanced consequences/ circumstances. And then YOU will KNOW YOU CAN create a more balanced circumstance.

    Now here is a little test for you. Think of a profoundly "negative" circumstance in your perception. What emotions do you feel, for example, if you lost your job, or your home burned to the ground. Fear? Loss? Anger? Helplessness? Is the "loss" outside of you? Do you ask yourself, WHY ME? And do you feel VICTIMIZED by something OUTSIDE OF YOU? Now think of a profoundly "positive" circumstance in your per­ception, such as, the birth of a new babe or getting married. How docs simply thinking about this circumstance make you feel? Love, Joy, fulfillment, Peace? Do you know that YOU choose how you will respond in every circumstance and situa­tion put before you? Inner Peace and Joyare yours and youwill experience them more and more as you take personal responsi­bility and sincerely work to create BALANCED circumstances and correct UNBALANCED circumstances with the INNER GUIDANCE OF YOUR SPIRIT.

    Now when you receive information, such as that produced within "The Phoenix Journals" and you respond with FEAR in your heart, then what action docs this response demand from you? What do you want lo do? Denounce the information? Denounce the speaker who presents it? Turn off the flow of any further investigation of the information?

    I will suggest that whenever you respond with FEAR when pre­sented with information, that Spirit within you is showing you something which YOU need to deal with. Truth is showing it­self to you and the Spirit within registers it and the "altered" ego chooses to become fearful, because its belief/security structure is feeling threatened. If you will simply see the emotion of fear as a warning of real or imagined danger and/or an illusionary block to the opportunity of expanding your knowledge of Truth, discernment and inner understanding, you will be able to rise above the fear and take the necessary action to KNOW THE TRUTH AND RESPOND TO THE CALL WITHIN TO TAKE RESPONSIBLE ACTION..

    Now for you ones who call yourselves skeptics, defined as: 1. One who doubts, disbelieves, or disagrees with generally ac­cepted ideas. 2. One who questions the doctrines of a religion. Skeptical: Doubting, questioning; disbelieving. Skepticism: 1. A doubting or disbelieving altitude. 2. Philos. The doctrine that absolute knowledge is unattainable. "

    Now there is nothing wrong with questioning that information which you arc given in order to find Truth. But ones who call themselves skeptical or a skeptic most often hide behind this term so that they can remain on the fence of indecision about a particular matter and therefore not take action or responsibility. By the very definition of skepticism, these ones hold a doc­trine/belief that absolute knowledge is unattainable FOR THEM

    (or anyone else for that matter), and as long as they continue to sit upon the fence of skepticism, they certainly will continue to find themselves unable lo absolutely find the Truth. One who holds lightly to his skepticism is often most fearful and so ap­pears most self-righteous and arrogant about his beliefs, such as his erroneous belief that, if HE doesn't know Truth then neither can anyone else.

    So for you chelas who are sincerely seeking life spiritual Truths, you will continue lo learn about discernment of all information presented to your attention. Often you will feel skeptical about and therefore, doubt and question a new idea, thought or bit of information which is given to you. That is perfectly healthy, just don't STOP there. Ask The Father WITHIN to please show you the Truth and guide you to that which will allow Truth to unfold for you. Then wait upon Spirit to unfold the Truth in the BEST way for you to understand it clearly. This means TRUSTING your inner guidance to unfold all you need in the correct time-frame for you. So then PATIENCE is necessary as well. Simply because you will feel less stressful if you can trust GOD within to GIVE YOU ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW TO CONTINUE TO GAIN SPIRITUAL WISDOM AND PER­FECTION.

    Every circumstance you give your attention to is a lesson, per­haps of discernment of Truth or conquering paralyzing fear or even rising beyond skeptical indecision. And more than it being a lesson, every circumstance you give your attention to is also AN OPPORTUNITY for improving on or "sharpening" your spiritual wisdom and perfection.

    You see, precious chelas, as you sharpen and perfect your spir­itual knowledge, your foundation becomes more solid than any man-made structure or material, because your foundation is aligned with the wisdom of knowledge of TRUTH of your IM­MORTAL DIVINITY, COSMIC LAWS AND ONENESS WITH GOD AND THE CREATION. NOTHING of physical illusion will be able to tear down your foundation which is built on Truth and spiritual wisdom. This alas was my final "initiation" upon your plane less than some 2000 years past. I, Sananda, had to pass the final lest of spiritual fortitude as a hu­man upon your place. I knew I had to experience the denial of MINESELF AND MINE FATHER WITHIN by you of my brethren and still rise above the human "altered ego" limitations of fear frustration and pain. Mine crucifixion was mine final TEST of Spiritual commitment to MINE FATHER WITHIN ME, I THEN ATTAINED a higher level of spiritual mastership of which I continued to develop and perfect after my actual physical departure from Shan, which did NOT occur at cru­cifixion, but many years later as you have read in "And They Called His Name Immanuel: I Am Sananda. And, of course, the crucifixion of mineself offered MANY lessons lo you of my brethren who either witnessed physically, or otherwise, not the least lesson which was totally purposely misinterpreted, and that is THE IMMORTALITY OF THE SPIRIT OR SOUL WITHIN. I then continued my spiritual mastership training in the higher realms of GOD/ATON and have reached mine inher­ited perfected spiritual slate of SANANDA, ONE WITH GOD. I am assisting and monitoring you of mine brothers and sisters who receive and give forth MINE FATHERS WORD. I am available and accessible, though not yet in physical form, so that I may bring the spiritual foundation and balance along with the other Heavenly Hosts of God, so that you of my brethren, who so choose, can awaken and remember TRUTH, and receive earned graduation to "higher" realms in God's Kingdoms. I am come as MINE FATHER GOD/ATON'S representative, lo claim you of His Faithful and True children of Light...and bring you HOME.
    Now let us clarify more on "negative" perceptions. When George and Desiree' Green speak before you and they describe the historical, political, socioeconomic and spiritual circum­stances in Truth, see this as POSITIVE in that you arc now given the opportunity through your Spirit within TO KNOW TRUTH AND TO TAKE ACTION TO BRING ABOUT NECESSARY CHANGE TO BRING BACK BALANCE. Chelas, information is information. The merit of it is its Truth as it relates to your global and spiritual growth and discernment. Your Spirit within is seeking BALANCE and it will continually show the UNBALANCE that you may choose to HEAL it

    WITHIN and WITHOUT. This is your measure of responsible spiritual maturity...your ability to absorb Truth and knowledge and become empowered and responsible for creating BAL­ANCED alignment with GOD and The Creation.

    Remember chelas, YOU all share the pool of mass conscious­ness upon this plane, you contribute to the DIS-case as well as to the LIGHT...it is your choice. You can remain IGNORANT and IRRESPONSIBLE, but you will still suffer the conse­quences of your ill-thinking and acting behavior. You see, you contribute to the unbalance either directly and knowingly if you align yourself with the destructive adversary, or you contribute lo the unbalance indirectly through your ignorance of spiritual and global Truth. It is most especially your ignorance of the consequences of your unbalanced "thinking" and doing, and of the Cosmic Laws which has nearly devastated your planet and your species.

    So the terms "negative" and "positive" arc "New Age" terms and the adversary has encouraged you ones to align all circum­stances in either category. Remember the definitions above, these terms do not fit and they cause you to turn from responsi­bility of a given circumstance because it is identified by you as "negative". YOU CREATE ALL CIRCUMSTANCES, YOUR SPIRIT IS ALWAYS SHOWING YOU SOMETHING you need lo know. YOU DECIDE HOW YOU WILL RESPOND IN EVERY CIRCUMSTANCE PUT BEFORE YOU. First you will need to recognize unbalance when it is presented to you. Then you will need to further investigate for yourself, with the assistance of your Spirit-Within, until you are satisfied with the Truth. Then you will ask God Within to show you how to bring back balance to your portion of the mass consciousness "pie". Then you will do what God within guides you to do.

    Here is something for you lo think about. That which is "positive" to the adversary... i e : causing confusion and decep­tion is considered quite "negative" to a child of Light. That which is "negative" lo the adversary, i e: being exposed as a liar and deceiver, is considered quite "positive" to a child of Light. So you sec, those terms arc quite relative to the situation encountered and the perceptions retained by opposing personali­ties.

    The absolute surest way, chelas, lo compound the problems you face, and therefore create ever more devastating consequences to yourself and your planet, is to be led lo (by your Spirit within) and exposed to THE TRUTH about the circumstances already created, and THEN still doing absolutely NOTHING to change them to bring back balance. So il is the better part of wisdom to HEAR the call of SPIRIT and learn to LISTEN to and accurately decipher your guidance given. All it lakes is YOUR COMMITMENT TO SERVE GOD'S WILL and you will be given all you need on your wondrous journey. So be it.

    Thank you for your attention. May clarity and understanding be yours that your spiritual foundation may become solid in TRUTH AND WISDOM. I AM Sananda. Thank you little sister, Druthea. Go forth and find your confirmations that they bring you peace and balance in your service to GOD/ATON. Know that I LOVE YOU ALL SO GREATLY for you each arc a part of ME as I AM a part of YOU. Walk in God's Light of Truth and KNOW therein you always find Peace. Salu.

    CHAPTER 14

    MAY 21, 1991


    Greetings precious Druthea. I AM Sananda. I come in the ser­vice of Holy God/Aton of Light, Truth, Wisdom and Glory. This day I will further clarify and describe that which is occur­ring upon your plane in this time-frame of history.

    Your species and planet Shan (Earth) is experiencing a spiritual REVOLUTION, which means, recognizing, challenging, changing and discarding the spiritual false and "archaic" ways, so that you can surmount your stagnant condition and method of adapting to limited ego-separate "belief indoctrination. The reason for this "revolution" is that you are making room for your Spiritual RENAISSANCE, that is, your New Birth, Resur­rection and Revival of God-Light Truth gained from personally accessing the Divine Knowledge and Wisdom of your Spirit WITHIN.

    Just as the revival of letters and art in Europe marked the His­torical Renaissance or transition from medieval to modern his­tory representing the rebirth of civilization out of archaic cre­ative suppression to a period of time (roughly 14th through 16th century) of relative abundant artistic expression and freedom, so too is your species experiencing a "Spiritual" transition or Re­naissance.

    The Great Creative Movement of Spirit is singing its song of CREATION in the hearts of ALL who choose to hear. Ones who attune themselves lo the Holy Vibration of God/Creator/ Creation WITHIN and WITHOUT, will experi­ence consciously THE BURNING DEATH OF THE ILLUSION OF SEPARATION FROM God/Aton/Creation. Out of the ashes you ones will be reborn...resurrecte d from your sleepy semi­conscious slate in which you have long existed and that is, the "altered" ego-separation experienced in your physical-dense vi­bration illusion. Many of you have been in this creative un­foldment process for some years already. Many of you notice that TIME as you measure it seems lo be speeding up and your "lessons" have often been frequent, difficult and stressful espe­cially due to increased intensity of the unfolding, understanding and releasing process.

    Be aware, chelas, that the spiritual work you are accomplishing in this time frame IS intensified, magnified and CONSTANT. Many of you no longer have the luxury of "lime" and lack of "experience" to claim innocence and ignorance of spiritual Truth and so your CONSCIENCE is moving you as fast as possible to learn and discern QUICKLY that you can shed the physical at­tachments as well as "altered EGO" illusions. YOU ARE IN TRANSITION. YOU ARE CLAIMING YOUR SPIRITUAL RENAISSANCE. The chosen path of many of you lo attain "graduation" involves the releasing of YOUR ADVERSARY WITHIN. This time-frame represents your spiritual-rebirth op­portunity and the process in itself is creating your spiritual rev­olution.. .your inner battle to resurrect YOUR SPIRIT WITHIN from the self-imposed prison, of which you have forgotten ex­isted. You can remember NOW. Because of God/Aton's IN­FINITE grace and wisdom, you ones are NOW given the op­portunity to AWAKEN to the call of the MIGHTY PRESENCE OF GOD/ATON/CREATION WITHIN YOU!! DO YOU HEAR?!?

    Thank you for your attention. I AM Sananda, One With GOD, in service to Light of God/Aton's Holy, Divine PRESENCE, and lo you my brethren. Thank you precious little sister, Druthea. Salu.

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