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  1. #1
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar



    APRIL 16, 1991
    I AM Sananda. I come in service lo Our Holy Father of Light, God/Aton and The Creation. Greetings, precious chela, Drulhea. Let us begin.

    Many of you may wonder what Santa Claus has lo do with the Anti-Christ. Everything! The Adversary to God in its wish lo place bondage and limitation upon God's Human Creatures upon this plane knows that to garner the greatest degree of deception it must begin with the human in its childhood state.

    You see, the adversary, in order to maintain deceptive "control" over you ones, must support its "illusion" of attachment lo "physical" matter. The being that so-called Christians have called Santa Claus represents the "god" (of the adversary) to your little children. For example: According to the "myth" (defined as, "An imaginary or fictitious person, thing, event or story.) Santa Claus can BE everywhere around this planet within a short 8-hour-or-so period. He will bring "gifts" lo all the "good" children around the planet. These "gifts" are physical toys and objects of desire of the young and "good" child. If the child is really "good", he/she receives many gifts of which he/she has asked for. This begins the human's attachment to having "things" of material plane versus desiring the "spiritual" gifts of Our Creator, God/Aton.

    Now the parents, of course, support this Santa Claus "image", only it is not necessarily based upon the "goodness" of the child, but more directly based upon the pocket-book abilities of the parent. Since there is NO such being called Santa Claus as de­scribed in the "myth", it is THE PARENTS who perpetuate the lie of the adversary, by themselves continuously allowing, en­couraging and fulfilling the "I want..." list of their children. Essentially, regardless of the "good" intentions of the parents, they themselves are planting the seed of, encouraging and sus­taining "materialism" within their child. Those children whose parents cannot "afford" many gifts for their children most often feel "guilty". The child senses this and unless the parent ex­plains HONESTLY where the gifts come from, so that the child understands that it is not based upon his "goodness" or "badness" but that any "gifts" given are based upon the LOVE-sharing of his parents (or whoever gives), he will begin "comparing" himself by that which he has not received, against what his "perceived" more abundant friends and peers receive. The child will most often begin to harbor feelings of unworthiness and eventually he may become quite ANGRY with his par­ents for allowing and supporting a LIE.

    Am I saying it is "wrong" to give gifts of material matter? Not at all. Parents, you must FIRST simply nurture and encourage the spiritual "gifts" of Our Creator, God/Aton; especially the spiritual creative potential within, personal responsibility, in­tegrity of spirit within, Love and Joy of life and ONENESS with all. If Christmas represents a "time" when family and friends can be close in communion and sharing of LOVE, and a "time" of thankful appreciation for the gifts of LIFE of God and a "time" of remembering and giving back dignity to those who are less fortunate in physical manifestation, then God blesses you. Only, God, Our Father, and We of the HIS HOSTS OF LIGHT would encourage you to not save this "time" of sharing for ONLY societal designated "times" such as Christmas. EV­ERY DAY IS HOLY AND BLESSED OF GOD! MAKE EV­ERY MOMENT A DIVINE, HOLY CHRISTED CELEBRA­TION WITHIN!

    I AM suggesting, though, that the "image" of "roly poly", Santa Claus who is "everywhere" ("like" God) is really the ANTI-GOD's attempt at a very POOR copy of GOD. Santa Claus represents in his image figure, gluttony and his perceived "jolliness" and "benevolence" is really the ANTI-GOD laughing AT YOU because you parents play his game of seducing your own children into MATERIALISM and away from true SPIRI­TUALITY. The "myth" says, "Santa Claus" goes "everywhere" where the "good" children are. Do you think perhaps those starving ones, such as in Ethiopia and HERE within your own United States , arc loved LESS by God/Aton? Well, Satan Claus only gives "gifts" to children who are "good" according to material desire AND ABILITY OK PARENTS TO PAY! Ponder this carefully.

    Parents, many of you have given "EVERYTHING" you could of material "desires" to your children, and when they are grown and still depend upon you in their adult years and then even re­sent you, you arc baffled. Don't you see? When you give your child TRUTH and LOVE and GUIDANCE of SPIRITUAL INTEGRITY and ONENESS, THEY WILL HAVE GAINED ACCESS TO THE TOOLS WITHIN THEM TO BE RESPON­SIBLE CREATIVE HUMANS OF THIS PLANE. YOU MUST GIVE THEM TRUE "GIFTS" OF SPIRITUAL KNOWLEDGE AND POWER WITHIN THEM that they may move forward IN JOY AND INNER PEACE and FEAR NOT the challenges put before them, but instead WELCOME THEM as OPPORTUNITIES TO GAIN KNOWLEDGE AND UN­DERSTANDING OF TRUTH OF THEIR HOLY, DIVINE SPIRITUAL HERITAGE WITHIN!

    So what am I suggesting? Very plainly, that the "myth" of Santa Claus be presented HONESTLY to your children from the beginning. You need not continue to FEED THE LIE OF ANTI-GOD and thus, cripple your children by feeding them limitation and bondage to "material" objects. They must learn and KNOW that THEY create ALL within this experience, in­cluding any perceived "lack". You must teach your children RESPONSIBILITY for their thoughts, words and actions and DISCIPLINE of their "minds" by ALWAYS monitoring their own thoughts. For those of you parents who have already taught your children the "myth" of "Santa Claus", NOW is the time to "pop" the phony, gluttonous belly of Santa Claus lo re­lease the "hot air" existing within this deceptive "satanic myth". You see, "Satan" Claus is NOT an image of TRUE Christians. TRUE Christians arc those who understand and adhere lo CHRIST consciousness teachings of THE LAWS OF GOD AND THE CREATION, NOT so-called ones who label them­selves "Christian" based on their "belief" in what they arc toldarc the "teachings" of Christ us presented erroneously within your various Bibles.

    SEE Santa Claus for that which this image truly represents: a ridiculous, gluttonous image to perpetuate COMMERCIALISM of material "goods" and "services". Face it, precious ones, MANY businesses DEPEND upon your CHRISTMAS season for a major portion of their business. Just as the ANTI-GOD DEPENDS upon your IGNORANCE of Truth to perpetuate its EVIL FOLLY upon you. YOU feed the BEAST by your choice to remain spiritually ignorant.

    Many of you now may be concerned about YOUR BUSINESS, especially if yours is one which rides the MASS consciousness tide of Christmas giving. IF that be your FIRST concern and NOT about the integrity and necessity of YOUR product, then YOU need to PONDER YOUR priorities of concern more care­fully. If your business is truly one which serves your human brethren by truly SERVING GOD, then you need not concern over its success...GOD' S WILL WILL BE DONE! But if your business rides upon MEDIA molded and created desires, addic­tions and "social" traditions.. .it may be time to carefully con­sider YOUR PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY to GOD, SELF and YOUR BRETHREN, and therefore, CHANGE your busi­ness! IMPOSSIBLE, YOU SAY?! NOTHING IS IMPOSSI­BLE WHEN YOU MAKE YOUR FIRM COMMITMENT TO SERVE IN BALANCE WIHCH IS OF GOD/ATON AND THE CREATION. "Will it be easy lo change?", you ask. THAT depends upon YOU! Meaning ii depends upon the de­gree of resistance and dependence upon the "material" plane of­fered and accepted by your "altered" ego which, of course, is fed by the Anti-God which YOU have allowed within YOUR TEMPLE OF GOD. Whether it is easy or not does NOT mat­ter. WHEN your commitment to GOD IS MADE AT SOUL LEVEL, YOUR SOUL WITHIN WILL BRING THE LESSONS TO STRENGTHEN YOUR SPIRITUAL CON­NECTION AND COMMITMENT TO GOD. IT WILL BE ENTIRELY UP TO THE SELF-DEVELOPED INTEGRITY WITHIN as to whether or not YOU are successful in YOUR

    TESTING to allowYOU entrance withinGOD'S HOLY KINGDOM OF LIGHT. So Be it.

    I AM Sananda, ONE with GOD, in Service to God/Aton and The Creation. Thank you precious chelas for this communion. May you receive the clarity and understanding OF GOD, given herein. Bless you little sister, Druthea, for your service. Peace be with you. Salu.

    APRIL 17, 1991
    Greetings Precious chela, Druthea. I AM Sananda in service to God/Aton of LIGHT and The Creation. Our subject this day is that which you ones call "Welfare" and which is actually that which is not for the welfare of ones, but instead binds ones ever into crippled bondage of NO DIGNITY and social separation.

    Welfare defined as, 1. "The condition of faring well. 2. Aid, as money, food, or clothing given to those in need. On Wel­fare, defined as," Receiving aid from the Government because of need."

    You ones NOW have within your United States of America the system of functioning called WELFARE STATE, defined as, "A government that assumes a large measure of responsibility for the social welfare of its citizens." Your government, mean­ing you lax-payers who have taken responsibility for your own welfare, arc assuming financial responsibility for those and their families who find themselves "unable" to care financially, for themselves.

    Do you realize that you have WHOLE generations of families WHO exist in self-perceived helplessness and attachment to your SOCIAL WELFARE system? They are trained parasites of your system because they KNOW no other way except through crime, drugs, weapons, etc., to care for themselves. The par­ents are dependent, they teach their children this same depen­dency, as well as lack of dignity and personal responsibility. These ones HAVE NOT HOPE because they do not KNOW that THEY have the power within to change their circumstance. They choose instead to remain as outcasts, angry and blaming of the system which robs them of their human dignity, yet helpless, ihey feel, lo change it. Most of these ones, feel NO ONE cares about them, and rightly so.
    A government which operates on a "social welfare" system as­sumes responsibility where it has NO business assuming same. You are being programmed for helpless, non-thinking slavery and that is why I call your welfare SICK-FARE because it spreads a cancer of helpless apathy that destroys the dignity of the human and of your ONCE great and FREE nation.

    This thread is woven into a web of paralyzing apathy by many in your so-called CHRISTIAN churches. You undoubtedly have heard the phrase, "God will Provide" spoken quite loosely from the mouths of those so-called Christian ones. The so-called Christian leaders most often say this in a VERY patronizing way to one who has social and Financial "misfortune" . And soon this follower of what is Human-Religious deceptive doctrine will soon tell himself "God will Provide" as he waits in line for his welfare check or asks for assistance from his family or friends.

    I say this, GOD DOES PROVIDE and the catch is this: GOD HELPS THOSE WHO HELP THEMSELVES! This means, precious ones, that YOU must use your GOD-GIVEN reasoning minds, ASK for guidance, TAKE personal responsibility and DO something to WEAN yourself OFF of the POISONED breast of WELFARE (SICKFARE). God/Aton has gifted EACH ONE of YOU with abilities to care for yourselves when you take personal responsibility and arc in HIS SERVICE. So whose service arc you in when you become a victim of SOCIAL WELFARE, "Big Brother take care of me, I cannot take care of myself" MENTALITY?

    I hear the protests now, "How can we expect ones who only know the system of welfare to just break free of it?" Is it not wiser to break from this "illusion" of bondage to the system of SICKFARE while it is still YOUR choice lo do so? What I am preparing you for, precious ones, is that there will be a lime coming, sooner than you think, in which YOUR GOV­ERNMENT will NOT have the funds for WELFARE recipients of any and all kinds. Your government is BANKRUPT finan­cially and it has been planned this way, as you must know if you have been carefully studying Commander Hatonn's messages within The Phoenix Journals. The Beast which operates and controls YOUR government and YOUR media has conditioned you ones to DEPENDENCY.. .You make more compliant slaves, that way.

    MOST of you would not know how to feed yourselves if you did not have functioning and operational grocery stores! It is time that each ONE of you, whether you arc a WELFARE recipient or simply a person working for some company within the sys­tem, really THINK about where YOUR personal weaknesses arc as far as true AUTONOMOUS (self-governing) INDE­PENDENCE and SELF-SUFFIENCY goes. YOU will each need to consider YOUR own weaknesses, that YOU may then STRENGTHEN YOURSELVES in those areas which keep you in bondage of what is in actuality blatant communism which the "elite" arc now calling Democracy, defined as, "1. A form of government in which political power resides in all the people and is exercised by them directly or is given to representatives. 2. A Stale so governed. 3. The spirit or practice of political, le­gal or social equality." The problem with this term, Democracy as THEY mean it, is that il is equality of the elite to maintain lighl CONTROL over the masses for their own MEANS. And Equality of all YOU SLAVES to have NO rights except those THEY, the tyrants wish to grant you.
    What you actually want to be able to call your government as FREE and autonomous individuals is a REPUBLIC defined as, "A slate in which the sovereignty resides in the people and the legislative and administrative powers are lodged in the officers elected by them." Your government NOW is a ridiculous joke in that YOU the PEOPLE elect NO ONE and the POWERS of operation are currently OUT OF YOUR CONTROL...unless, of course, ENOUGH of you are willing lo demand adherence to YOUR Constitution and Bill of Rights and take BACK YOUR POWER of autonomous sovereignty as a REPUBLIC FOR and BY THE PEOPLE...A NATION UNDER GOD.

    I, Sananda and my brothers of LIGHT who are with me, Lord Michael, St. Germain, Commander Hatonn, and ALL the others who serve unnamed AND OUR Divine Father Aton wish only to impress upon you that although your self-created circumstances are quite serious,YOU CAN STILL CHANGE THEMIF ONLY you willRECOGNIZE YOUR personal responsibility and POWER that rests WITHIN YOU...EACH OF YOU!
    I honor one, WB, who has struggled as a true PATRIOT of freedom and one who serves our Father God/Aton. He has thought of an excellent idea for successfully reaching your so-called elected political representatives. He calls his plan, "Adopt a Legislator". Most ingenious this plan is. Ones will more or less "adopt" one or more of the Congressmen, Senators and other Representatives of their State and literally MAKE THEIR VOICES HEARD, LOUDLY and FREQUENTLY. You see, NOT ALL are evil within the system. If ones have an ounce of conscience of duly left within them, they can be turned about and out of the hands of evil IF they know YOU THE PEOPLE CARE ENOUGH AND WILL SUPPORT THEM ALL THE WAY! God Blesses you precious, WB, and HIS light shines ever with thee.

    Now many of you by now may be wondering if I am telling you not to support those ones who have become self-trapped, through ignorance and apathy within the system of what is termed Welfare and which is actually Sick-fare. I am telling you that YOU support THEIR bondage by continually support­ing, through your illegal taxes, social welfare. Will you help a homeless person or family when the "opportunity" is before you? OF COURSE YOU WILL! But NOT BY TAKING AWAY THEIR DIGNITY AND FEEDING THEIR PER­CEIVED "HELPLESS" BELIEF. You will instead practice something along the lines of WORK-FARE, wherein after you till their hungry tummies, you help these self-unfortunate ones HELP THEMSELVES. This is not a NEW term, WORK-FARE, many have tried to adopt this type of program within your current bloated and corrupted system, mostly without suc­cess.

    Those of you who have been prudent and have done your homework in establishing autonomous self-sufficiency have not done so ONLY for yourselves and your families. Many of you, who have the ability, have provided for MORE than the needs of your family. Your best "SURVIVAL" in the probable times ahead of Financial dispersion and uncertainty will be in COM­MUNITY effort, neighbor assisting neighbor, barter and sharing of resources, skills and duties. This is WHY Commander Ha-tonn and many others on your plane have stressed the impor­tance of SMALL TOWN LOCATION of living circumstance. With fewer people, and developed self-sufficiency of the most of these, you will be able lo function in relative comfort com­pared lo those who find themselves on the streets of large metropolitan cities.

    It is lime that you ones begin to learn about and PRACTICE TRUE COMMUNITY that you will develop a BOND of com­mitment lo EACH OTHER and therefore TO GOD. Commu­nity, defined as, "1. A group of people living together in the same locality and having common customs, interests, etc. 2. The district in which they live. 3. People haying specified in­terests in common: the scientific community; The German-American community. 4. The public; society in general. 5. Common ownership or participation. " THIS community called Tejas Shape, ( Valley of Radiance ) is THE MODEL ONE cho­sen lo be the leader in establishing business with integrity which is directly in SERVICE lo GOD. Many other such communities arc beginning and will form as well. Tchachapi, as it is called currently, has the quiet and honored distinction of being chosen BY GOD lo be the model to represent a balanced circle of sovereign, self-sufficient individuals who co-operate and operate as a team of those who SUPPORT AND LIVE according to THE LAWS OF GOD AND THE CREATION. A commune, on the other hand, is defined as, "A group of persons, not forming a single family, having a home or land in common." This usually means, home, land and BED in common as well. THIS IS WHY THESE ONES, THESE SOVEREIGN INDI­VIDUALS WORKING TO "GET THE WORD OUT" ARE NOT CALLED A GROUP OR A COMMUNE...they are indi­vidual ones with a COMMON interest in TRUTH who work to­gether as a GOD-learn lo assist YOU, their brethren, through dissemination of THE WORD, back into GODLY balance and behavior. I do trust this is clear. So be it.

    I AM Sananda, One With God. 1 bless you ones and honor your courage to stand for truth. Thank you, precious Drulhea, for your humble service and dedication. God is ever with thee, chela. Peace BE with you. Salu.

  2. #2
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar



    APRIL 18, 1991

    Greetings, precious chela Druthca. I AM Sananda. I come in service with my brothers of LIGHT, in service to God/Aton our Holy Divine Creator and The Creation.

    Our little sister has inquired about why I am discussing such things as Santa Claus, Welfare, and Insurance and what these things have lo do with "Spiritual" teachings. She no longer has the question for herself, but I will now give further clarity to you ones who have questioned in a similar way.

    Do you remember we have spent the contents of an entire book (The Phoenix Operator/Owner Manual) defining what is THE ANTI-CHRIST WITHIN, The DEADLY SINS and most im­portantly THE LAWS OF GOD AND CREATION that ALL must adhere lo in order to bring BACK and MAINTAIN bal­ance? And has not Commander Hatonn through his beloved secretary, Dharma, written some TWENTY-FIVE volumes about the manifestation PHYSICALLY of Anti-God within your political, social, economic and religious institutions upon this plane? Where think you this OUTWARD manifestation of EVIL has come from and been allowed to continue as an insidi­ous DIS-ease of rapidly destructive CANCER upon your plane? IT (THIS OUTWARD CORRUPTION) EXISTS WITHIN YOU ONES FIRST IN ORDER TO BE CREATED IN PER­CEPTION OUTSIDE OF YOUR BEINGS! YOU ONES HAVE ALLOWED AND NURTURED THE BEAST WITHIN YOU, SO THAT YOU HAVE NOW MANIFESTED THE NEAR DESTRUCTION OF YOUR SPECIES AND YOUR BELOVED PLANET!

    My intention, as well is the intention of OUR brother Hatonn, as it has been requested of GOD/ATON OUR CREATOR by YOU ONES, (Ask and it is GIVEN) is to ONE by ONE SHOW you the EVIL that exists within MOST of your cultural INSTITU­TIONS which you simply have taken for granted as acceptable WITHOUT thinking about it carefully. Well, NOW is the time that ALL that does not work in accordance and balance WITHIN THE COSMIC LAWS OF GOD AND THE CRE­ATION will be exposed for the evil fraud of material bondage IT supports. ALL EVIL will FALL into THE ASHES OF SELF-DESTRUCTION AND BE RECOGNIZED FOR THE ILLUSION OF DECEPTIVE LIES AND "SMOKE-SCREEN" THEY ARE. This is why God's return has as His symbol THE PHOENIX, which represents the evil being consumed by itself and the REBIRTH OF GODLINESS upon your plane! For You ones who are determined lo conquer EVIL within and without, I and MY brothers of LIGHT, arc come lo PEEL away the illu­sions which have kept you GAGGED AND BOUND in separa­tion from YOUR DIVINE HOLY HERITAGE OF ONENESS WITH ALL. What will be left when you arc ALL peeled of EVIL ILLUSIONS? GOD, precious ones, your immortal soul as a fragment of THE ONE IS THE ONLY REAL AND SA­CRED TREASURE OF TRUTH and by THE WILL OF GOD WITHIN YOU, IT WILL BE FREED FROM THE BONDAGE OF THIS THE MATERIAL PLANE!

    Now I will return lo our subject at hand, Insurance (Non-Assur­ance) and The Anti-Chrisi. First let us define insurance, " 1. Financial protection against risk, loss, or ruin, guaranteed by a person or company in return for the payment of premiums; also, the business of providing this protection. 2. Any safeguard against risk or harm." Lei us also define, Assure and As­surance, "1. To make sure or secure; establish firmly. 2. To make (something) certain; guarantee. 3. To cause to feel cer­tain; convince. 4. To promise 5. To insure, as against loss. As­surance, "1. The act of assuring, or the state of being assured. 2. Self-confidence; boldness."
    Well, well, it seems that you ones have clone quite a thorough job in covering up your FEARS of POSSIBLE FUTURE "PHYSICAL" manifested disasters. You just PAY someone, called an "Insurance Company" a fee which they calculate to in­sure THEMthe LEAST lossand the HIGHEST possible profit and THEY will arrest your fear of LOSS. Of course, first you have set up THE COSTS of replacement of those material items, such as home or car , or of Medical CARE to such EXTREME that MOST could not afford to tend of themselves WITHOUT an Insurance Policy.

    Am I saying it is wrong within the structure of your current so­ciety to NOT have insurance if you arc able to afford same? NOT AT ALL. What I am suggesting to you ones though is that this "system" of insurance is supporting FEAR and YOUR PERCEIVED INABILITY TO MANIFEST POSITIVE BAL­ANCE ON YOUR OWN, SO as with WELFARE from your government, INSURANCE companies are FAILING as well, and there is coming, in probability, a time when YOUR insur­ance company will NOT have the FUNDS to pay YOUR claim.
    The whole theory structure of "Insurance" is based on a group or company offering a guarantee through a pool of what is termed Premiums paid by a large number of participants, against possible loss from possible FUTURE circumstances, which in itself ASSUMES they are possible circumstances which YOU have no control over. The Insurance company or group has created, through mathematic statistics it has gathered, what is termed ACTUARY tables which arc designed specifically to LIMIT RISK to the Insurance company, by defining and catego­rizing risk, such as in Life Insurance, the age and sex of the in­dividual, as well as such details as where he lives and works is computed into the "risk" factor. Now up until a few years ago, most of the major Insurance Companies, especially those selling "Whole LIFE" insurance policies with Cash Value, rather than "TERM" insurance policies which are generally less expen­sive to the consumer, were QUITE profitable. Why? Because they received MUCH more in premiums from many individuals, families and businesses than they were required to pay back for claims. Now, because most of the Insurance companies IN­VESTED their profits in things such as real estate and the stock market, most of these have incurred tremendous LOSSES be­cause of investments which went "bad" for a variety of reasons primarily involving the failing of MANY businesses, decline in real estate values and sales, your tremendous government debt, and general loss of confidence within your business and gov­ernment structure, of which most of you are aware. So what this obviously means is that, as I said earlier, YOU will, in all probability, NOT be able to collect on any claims because your insurance company most likely will fail and therefore not have the funds to pay you.
    What is really wrong with this human institution called Insur­ance as it relates to YOU ones who wish only lo reclaim YOUR God of LIGHT POWER and FREEDOM? Simply this, it sup­ports your FEAR of what you perceive as THE UNKNOWN possibilities which COULD occur, which would cause you some sort of LOSS, usually of material objects. Do you remember what we have discussed within the journal, The Phoenix Oper­ator/Owner Manual, about how FUTURE-FEAR ORIENTA­TION of focus ROBS you of POSITIVE MANIFESTING IN YOUR NOW TIME? And also about HOW YOU EACH have within you the RESPONSIBILITY of creating ALL within YOUR illusion? PLEASE RE-READ THAT JOURNAL IF YOU ARE NOW STILL CONFUSED! Insurance which offers human guarantee against possible LOSS which YOU create yourself, is a guarantee to keep you powerless and irresponsible for your manifested creations and experiences. THE ONLY INSURANCE OR ASSURANCE YOU HAVE IS THAT, THROUGH THE GRACE OF OUR CREATOR GOD/ATON, YOU HAVE BEEN GIFTED WITH A WONDROUS IM­MORTAL SOUL AND REASONING ABILITY WHICH CONTAINS ALL KEY "INGREDIENTS" FOR UNLIMITED SPIRITUAL CREATIVE POTENTIAL AND WHICH EXISTS AS A FRAGMENT OF GOD/ATON AND THE ONE ALL THAT IS!...Precious Chelas, what more "guarantee" do YOU need? When you feel you must have insurance, say in case of fire in your house, arc you not supporting your own fear of this possibility? And your belief that YOU cannot create more bal­anced circumstances for yourself? You create it ALL, every circumstance! What do you think happens when you are able to PLACE YOUR WILL INTO GOD'S WILL? Your Unlimited Creative Potential begins to FLY within the realms of REAL­IZATION and FULFILLMENT within you. YOU BECOME A CONSCIOUS CO-CREATOR WITHIN THE UNIVERSE! YOUR INSURANCE IS GOD'S GRACE AND SPIRIT OF LIFE WHICH IS WITHIN YOU!

    Am I suggesting that you today cancel ALL insurance. Of course Not. In fact you would likely have extreme difficulty because many types of insurance, such as what is termed "Title Insurance" on a home, and "Liability Insurance" on your car, is built into your system as MANDATORY insurance by either the U.S. Government or the stale in which you reside. Really the intent of some of the ones who have legislated in mandatory en­forcement of such types of insurance as Liability, did so because of what they observed as the refusal of MANY ones to be re­sponsible on their own for what you term "accidents" occurring by the drivers of these vehicles. Of course, by now, you know there are NO accidents. All parties create the circumstance and have responsibility for the lessons and accountability for any er­rors in judgment.
    What I am suggesting is that you really THINK now WHY you do the things you do. Why, for example, do you feel the need to buy insurance (when it is your choice) for a future possibility of loss? I know, "Peace of Mind", right? Why do you fear so much any material loss? Are you still so "attached" to your material possessions? Can you not re-create ALL that you need -by the Power of God Within YOU? Of course you can! You have simply forgotten how.
    So let us call human insurance a "limitation" which may give you "Peace of Mind" while you arc attached to THIS plane, but is NOT necessary when you graduate to 4lh dimension or HIGHER realms of Godly existence.

    There, of course, arc several ways to think of insurance besides that which you formally purchase through an insurance com­pany. For example, you have been guided, throughout The Phoenix Journals to do various forms of preparations for pro-lection against the probable and known changes involving the transformation of yourselves and your planet. This is what I will call INTELLIGENT insurance, in that you ones who havemade preparations, such as for food and clothing, are doing soTO REMAIN relatively comfortable WITHIN YOUR SERVICE TO GOD upon this physical plane as you assist THE TRANS­FORMATION process. You arc still "physical" beings existing within the perceived limitations of your plane. Your bodies, you perceive, need nurturing with "physical" food and clothing, while we of the HOSTS give nurturing of your spiritual knowl­edge and power within and documentation of your already cre­ated physical circumstances. Wc must, therefore, work with you, our brethren who arc committed lo serve God, in a balance of recognizing and respecting the limitations of your plane, and yet still stretching your awareness above that which is your per­ceived created physical limitations. This is one of our most im­portant challenges, and one which I and especially Our Beloved Brother Commander Hatonn, constantly endeavor for lo reach and spark that awakening within the most of you in the quickest and most effective way possible.

    Now, what is the difference between positive, Intelligent Insur­ance and limited FEAR-supporting insurance? Intelligent insur­ance means taking responsibility for that WHICH YOU HAVE ALREADY manifested and KNOWN probable occurrences. AND also recognition of YOUR and YOUR PLANETS trans­formation process and YOUR role in SERVICE TO GOD in as­sisting this process of transformation by taking ACTION to EX­POSE and cast out the evil and then also create the balance which is of GOD, by adhering to His Laws and those of The Creation. Now limited FEAR-supporting Insurance DENIES your positive creating abilities and supports apathy toward tak­ing responsibility for ALL you create. IT also is based upon YOUR FEAR OF LOSS of some "material" object, your life, or fear of possible illness and inability lo pay for treatment. Do you now understand the difference?

    Now I recognize that at first, when the knowledge of the truth of your mostly created "evil" circumstances are presented to you and have made an "impact" upon you, that for a lime, you ones most often respond with FEAR. Many of you even remain fear­ful for a period of lime until assimilation of the material and recognition and activation of responsibility and personal power occurs. You will find, though, that as you begin to make your sincere efforts lo connect in SERVICE to GOD and thus, re­ceive guidance for your purpose, and make the necessary changes and preparations within and without, your fear will fade...and eventually will vanish as you further your spiritual awakening within.
    Now let us discuss Life insurance a bit more. Generally, ones, such as the "head of household", "bread-winner" , or financial supporter of the family is the one who feels inclined to buy in­surance in case he is unexpectedly killed, then his family will receive a sum to care for their expenses of day-to-day living. For many in your limes, this is a most noble effort in that Ihe fi­nancial supporting one knows that, most likely, hardship would befall his family if he were suddenly no longer "there" for the support of them. But, let us just say that instead of buying Life Insurance, this one and his family made themselves SELF-SUF­FICIENT and paid for all "possessions" , including their home completely AS they had resources available to do so. Also, this one set aside funds for any such emergencies, enough until the odicrs left in the household could reestablish financial indepen­dence. In addition, these ones wisely followed the suggestions for protection of their "unencumbered" assets and privacy pro­vided within such Phoenix Journals as "Privacy in a Fishbowl" and "You Can Slay The Dragon". Let us say, in addition, these ones chose a community in which, their neighbors, friends and possibly other family members "pitched in" to care for ones when "disaster" or "loss of life" occurred.

    For example, you have ones, deeply "religious", and (in spite of this) very much a "community" in brotherhood of commitment to each other. They set a fine example in this respect. They call themselves, Amish, (Protestant Christian) named after founder Jacob Ammann and which is a sect of the ones called Mennonites. Have you heard of these precious ones who dwell in your North-Eastern States, primarily Pennsylvania ? There are also the ones who call themselves Mennonites (From where the Amish sect came) named after one called Menno Simons, a leader of this sect, who lived from 1492 until 1559. Both of these religious "sects" oppose the taking of oaths, the holding of public office, and military service. They are primarily fanners, and they (especially the Amish) use very few of your modern conveniences such as autos, washing machines and dishwashers and even telephones. They are ones, who as a whole, within YOUR country, live the most in balance with nature at the cur­rent time in your history. They have established themselves, as a whole, essentially as a SELF-sufficient, autonomous and sovereign COMMUNITY in the true sense of what COMMU­NITY represents. By this commitment lo "Brother assisting Brother" they themselves have reaped the benefits of a "built in" SECURITY of the individuals within their community as a part of the WHOLE. Now I make no projection about there being spiritual "perfection" , because their "beliefs" are as fraught with limitation as MOST ALL of the other so-called "Christian" and "other" faiths. Remember it is not HOW you label yourself re­ligiously in human belief structure, IT IS HOW YOU THINK AND ARE IN YOUR HEART AND WHAT YOU DO which is judged by self when you stand naked before GOD/ATON. Very simply, you ones could learn MUCH about COMMU­NITY by observing the living style of these precious ones, who for the most part strictly observe THE LAWS OF GOD as they have BEEN INDOCTRINATED about them. They, like many other "Christian" sects, still see God as OUTSIDE of their be­ings and they also have other "perceived" limitations within their "belief" structure. I trust I have made my POINT(S) CLEAR regarding the benefits of understanding and thus living within the DIVINE structure of what is TRUE COMMU­NITY.. .WITHIN THE LAWS OF GOD AND THE CRE­ATION. So Be it.

    Now, we will discuss a bit about what is termed MEDICAL and DENTAL types of insurance. You have what is termed a Gov­ernment (tax-payer) supported medical insurance program for those who cannot afford insurance, as well as, the elderly — I believe it is called Medicaid. Again, there is in all probability coming a time when there will be NO funds to support these "give-away" programs. Yet do you notice that MEDICAL and DENTAL expenses charged by Doctors, Dentists, and Hospitals KEEPS RISING? These expenses are ALREADY beyond the reach of the average American who docs not have INSURANCE. So what do you do in the meantime? With the knowl­edge that YOUR insurance company may go bankrupt, this leaves many of you ones in a quandary. Many of you are yet learning about YOUR POWER to keep yourselves HEALTHY and when in service to God, most of you will avoid MAJOR ill­nesses or "accidents". Many of you are exploring ALTERNA­TIVE, "natural", and what is termed "Homeopathic" (A system of therapy using minute doses of medicines that produce the symptoms of the disease treated) forms of treatment, as well as, exploring and practicing more PREVENTATIVE types of self-treatments, such as healthier diet, exercise and nourishing sup­plements. These are wonderful things YOU can DO in physical format to take responsibility for maintaining YOUR health. Always keep in mind, though, precious ones, that YOU create your disease and illness, and the POWER of PREVENTION and even CURES thereof rests PRIMARILY WITHIN YOUR WONDERFUL GOD-CREATED MINDS!

    I would say that logically, while your system is in the process of crumbling, that you ones will discover "NEW" ways which arc relatively inexpensive for treatment of various illnesses and ail­ments. In the mean lime YOU each, who can still afford Medi­cal and/or Dental insurance must decide FOR YOURSELVES how much longer you are willing to risk your premiums within the "false" security which is still supported by Insurance Com­panies who may soon cease to be. Eventually all of you will find that you no longer NEED any form of Human Medical In­surance because you will BECOME firmly sustained in your POWER of your SPIRIT within OF GOD/ATON to maintain your wellness and provide you any and ALL assistance neces­sary for your self-created "physical" care "needs". As for the "other" types of insurance which are Mandatory, such as, Auto-liability and Title Insurance for home purchases, you ones really haven't got any choice if you wish to have the "privilege" of owning a home and car. (Unless you change your laws govern­ing same) Your system has these "built in" laws now, such as is the case with "property" taxes, which really have "limited" your freedoms and rights which were carefully stipulated within your original Constitution and Bill of Rights. Such is the nature of the created and allowed BEAST, the Anti-Christ, as it weaves ib insidious web of destructive CONTROL OVER YOU ONES ever more tightly in its desire lo suffocate THE SPIRIT OP LIFE OF GOD/ATON within you.

    I trust that you ones now have plenty more to PONDER care­fully concerning your individual circumstance. May the power of the LIGHT and TRUTH which is of God/Aton within The Creation rest easily within your beings. Bless you, precious ones, as I am come to bring you, the faithful and true, home to GOD/ATON in ONENESS WITH ALL. So Be it.
    I AM Sananda, ONE with GOD. Salu.
    APRIL 22, 1991
    Greetings Precious chela, Druthea. We arc Sananda, Lord Michael and St. Germain. We come in the service of our Holy, Divine Father, God/Aton and in service, therefore, to you, our brethren.
    We arc most grateful for the inquiry of one, DK. We are be­ginning to sec the flicker from the spark of awakening which is occurring within you ones. We now wish to gently but firmly kindle this spark of understanding before the "winds" of the ad­versary extinguish this growing flame. DK's question was this. "Are there any books in print that work out that idea of Work-Fare?"

    Well, precious one, perhaps it will be you who will write it? I, Sananda, had said previously within the document, "Welfare (Sick-fare) and the Ami-Christ" that the concept of what I termed "Work-Fare" is not a new one. There arc individuals and some "groups" who have attempted to accomplish this sort of program and some practice it to some extent, although, they may not label il such. Let me give a simple definition of what "Work-Fare" means but 1 will first define "welfare". Welfare is money and food given to those who profess "need" because of "inability" or more commonly "unwillingness" to take responsi­bility for the care of themselves. They need not DO anything to earn same, except apply with their local welfare office, and "have" no assets, or at least a limitation as to what assets they have, such as a car. Now we will explain the concept of "Work-fare" that you ones can begin your OWN research and use your OWN GOD-given ingenuity to develop and implement "work-fare" when the opportunity comes.

    Work-fare works something like this. Ones have no job or food and come to you, who have a farm and do need assistance. You would offer them food and a place lo slay IN EXCHANGE for their WORK assisting you where you need il. If you are able to pay something in addition, you will do so. You do not just sup­port irresponsible behavior patterns by giving away that which YOU have worked for lo ones who are unwilling to DO for themselves. I will give you a couple of hints. Inquire of your grandparents and others who "lived" through the depression of the 1930's and the war following. You will find that at that lime, what is termed "work" ethic was taught as necessary for survival. In small towns, neighbor helped neighbor, there was true relative "community" effort so that most who were physi­cally able participated in helping the whole maintain survival. There was cohesion of unity that existed which has since faded with the programming of the self-centered "ME" generations which have followed. Also, check with your local government. Inquire about whether such a program has ever been introduced within the "Social Services" office, for example. If so, find out if they will allow you lo have access lo the information for "research" purposes. This will give you ones a start..

    Precious Chelas, WE of the HOSTS, arc preparing you for a lime when you will be needing to apply "alternatives" lo that which you have been taught. YOUR SYSTEM, YOUR CUL­TURAL INSTITUTIONS AS YOU NOW KNOW THEM ARE FALLING INTO THE ASHES AND YOU WHO HANG ON TO THE OLD...WILL "FALL" AS WELL. The Anti-Christ which now exists within nearly all human "systems" upon your plane, is tying to pull as many of you intoperceived "helpless" apathy, andeventually desperation, thatyou willREMAIN a slave to and fall with IT into the void of ignorant, unconscious darkness and during the same "lime", GOD RECLAIMS THOSE WHO ARE OR HAVE CHOSEN TO BECOME HIS FAITHFUL AND TRUE!


    We will suggest, though, that the first thing each and every one of you must DO, is free yourselves from any and all dependency upon the "system". We cannot stress this enough! You either do so now by choice or you will be FORCED, by your addiction to dependency and the fall of your system, into inability to sur­vive. You won't need lo consider things such as WORK-FARE if you do not have SOVEREIGNTY and AUTONOMITY very soon! We trust that we have adequately explained the severity of your circumstances and the necessity to ACT NOW in preparation to maintain yourselves within GOD'S LIGHT and SER­VICE.


    Now while we have your attention lei us discuss what is termed on your place as LEISURE, defined as: "I. Freedom from the demands of work or duty. 2. Time available for recreation or relaxation. At leisure, 1. Free from pressing obligation. 2. Un­occupied; not employed." Now we will define RETIRE­MENT: "To Retire, 1. To go away or withdraw, as for pri­vacy, shelter, or rest. 2. To go to bed. 3. To withdraw oneself from business, public life, or active service. Retired, 1. With­drawn from public view; solitary; secluded: a retired life. 2. Withdrawn from active service, business, office etc."

    Both of these terms imply a chosen slate of NON-ACTIVITY in regard to that which you ones have termed as WORK or PRO­DUCTION orientation. Now there are of course various ways in which you ones define and utilize your "leisure" time. Some of you consider that playing a game or sport, such as bridge, baseball or golf is how you will spend your NON-productive "work" lime. This would be termed "active" leisure, in that you are doing something cither physically and/or mentally "stimulating" which you do for "fun" or "enjoyment". Others of you will consider "leisure" to be watching television or going lo a movie, taking a nap, or lying in the sun, which we would icrm "passive" leisure in that you arc seeking entertainment or relaxation in which you need DO nothing except be entertained or sleep. Ones who are addicted to DOING nothing, or NON­THINKING we will call, "Leisure Lizards". (No offense to the beauteous creatures called lizards, of course.)

    Now we are not saying that these leisure activities on non-activ­ities arc necessarily evil. The point we arc making is that most of you have stifled your creative potential within by choosing work which you can't wait to be done with so that you can go leisure yourselves in self-indulgent apathy and pleasure-seeking. Now, are we saying it is wrong to do things besides "work" which you enjoy or to simply relax when you are tired and stressed? NOT AT ALL. But you ones have been programmed to become addicted to NON-PRODUCTIVE LEISURE because many of you choose work which is unfulfilling simply because you wish lo MAKE MORE MONEY so that you can hopefully RETIRE early and WITHDRAW from societal PRODUC­TIVITY. Of course the "ELITE" have definitely encouraged this sort of NON-thinking, leisure, retirement orientation. Ones who become retired will say such things as, "I'VE worked hard lo have this freedom to play." or "I'VE paid my dues and I'VE earned this retirement". Alright, precious ones, ONLY HOW CAN YOU continue lo play golf and travel while your world crumbles around your feet? "Having FUN" has become the great American pastime. This is a MULTI-BILLION dollar "DISTRACTION" business of KEEPING YOU APATHETIC TOWARD ILLEGAL AND TREASON 1ST GOVERNMENT POLICIES, TOTALLY PREOCCUPIED WITH SELF-CEN­TERED PLEASURE-SEEKING and FAST ASLEEP while your freedom is slowly STOLEN from you. You ones who are NOW working lo enjoy "leisure" and toward "your" retirement, will have quite a RUDE awakening when your CONSTITUTION is GONE and THE NEW WORLD ORDER is completely in place. The only work you (who survive physically) will be do­ing for your bare survival will be for the ANTI-GOD which rules your governments. And the terms "leisure" and "retirement" will remain only in your "dreams" as you agoniz­ingly long for your freedom...and it is lost! Ponder this care­fully, precious ones!

    The lime is NOW lo bring back and maintain your freedoms un­der your ORIGINAL CONSTITUTION! You ones no longer have "time" to "play" and HE NON-PRODUCTIVE. YOUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS WHO ALREADY ARE IN SER­VICE TO GOD AND TO HUMANITY NEED YOUR HELP TO CHANGE THIS CIRCUMSTANCE NOW FALLING IN UPON YOU! WAKE-UP RETIRED PEOPLE OF AMER­ICA ! YOUR GRANDCHILDREN NEED YOUR SUPPORT IF THEY ARE TO Lizards". (No offense to the beauteous creatures called lizards, of course.)

    Now we are not saying that these leisure activities on non-activ­ities arc necessarily evil. The point we arc making is that most of you have stifled your creative potential within by choosing work which you can't wait to be done with so that you can go leisure yourselves in self-indulgent apathy and pleasure-seeking. Now, are we saying it is wrong to do things besides "work" which you enjoy or to simply relax when you are tired and stressed? NOT AT ALL. But you ones have been programmed to become addicted to NON-PRODUCTIVE LEISURE because many of you choose work which is unfulfilling simply because you wish lo MAKE MORE MONEY so that you can hopefully RETIRE early and WITHDRAW from societal PRODUC­TIVITY. Of course the "ELITE" have definitely encouraged this sort of NON-thinking, leisure, retirement orientation. Ones who become retired will say such things as, "I'VE worked hard lo have this freedom to play." or "I'VE paid my dues and I'VE earned this retirement". Alright, precious ones, ONLY HOW CAN YOU continue lo play golf and travel while your world crumbles around your feet? "Having FUN" has become the great American pastime. This is a MULTI-BILLION dollar "DISTRACTION" business of KEEPING YOU APATHETIC TOWARD ILLEGAL AND TREASON 1ST GOVERNMENT POLICIES, TOTALLY PREOCCUPIED WITH SELF-CEN­TERED PLEASURE-SEEKING and FAST ASLEEP while your freedom is slowly STOLEN from you. You ones who are NOW working lo enjoy "leisure" and toward "your" retirement, will have quite a RUDE awakening when your CONSTITUTION is GONE and THE NEW WORLD ORDER is completely in place. The only work you (who survive physically) will be do­ing for your bare survival will be for the ANTI-GOD which rules your governments. And the terms "leisure" and "retirement" will remain only in your "dreams" as you agoniz­ingly long for your freedom...and it is lost! Ponder this care­fully, precious ones!

    The lime is NOW lo bring back and maintain your freedoms un­der your ORIGINAL CONSTITUTION! You ones no longer have "time" to "play" and HE NON-PRODUCTIVE. YOUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS WHO ALREADY ARE IN SER­VICE TO GOD AND TO HUMANITY NEED YOUR HELP TO CHANGE THIS CIRCUMSTANCE NOW FALLING IN UPON YOU! WAKE-UP RETIRED PEOPLE OF AMER­ICA ! YOUR GRANDCHILDREN NEED YOUR SUPPORT IF THEY ARE TO and TRUTH and PROTECTION. We are Sananda, Lord Michael and St. Germain, YOUR HOSTS, sent of and in service to God/Aton and The Creation. Salu.

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