JUNE 25. 1991
Greetings precious Druthea. I AM Sananda. I come in service to Holy God/Aton of Light, Love and Knowledge. Thank you for your attention, my precious chelas.

If you will remember of the lessons given forth recently of Germain and Hatonn, Germain spoke of the nature of God. Specifically, I am referring to GIVING and REGIVING which is God. You may see it here upon Earth (Shan) as birth and re­birth such as of the natural seasons which you call Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall. All Creation falls within the cycles of giving and regiving life.

Only Hu-man (Higher Universal Man) is given die choice through his free-will about whether he will cooperate in die co-creation process of giving and regiving, or he will "develop" through his compressed/limited senses of monitoring EFFECTS, ways to manipulate, dominate and conquer Nature to suit his spiritually ignorant means.
Only Man through his adversarial/ primitive misdirection chooses to take from nature without regard for balance and har­mony of ALL within Creation.

The resounding EFFECTS of Earth Man's adversarial TAKING behavior is clearly represented upon your plane at this time...although Man has only just begun to realize HIMSELF as the CAUSE of this unbalance.
It is always a struggle to take, even if it is only perception of physical "things", simply because the soul is left empty, for your immortal soul is not enriched and replenished through "taking" of life and physical conquering of another or Nature.
Only through KNOWLEDGE of giving of self, without emo­tional strings attached, will your immortal soul be lifted from earth physical attachment and compression.

In order lo give effortlessly, the knowledge has been gained that it is one's expression of God Divine LOVE which is ultimately being given. The fulfillment of true ego-selfless giving is im­mediate and not dependent upon perceived physical acceptance of same by the receiver. Although one who is a selfless giver will also be a most gracious receiver of returned LOVE to him­self.
Arc you beginning to understand, precious chelas? God work­ing through you will ALWAYS BE FULFILLING YOU through His giving and regiving of LOVE.

Those of us who serve HIS DIVINE LIGHT OF LOVE, could not be very effective "guides" to you, our brethren, if we gave up on our outpouring of LOVE to you simply because so few "accept" what we give. This is the measure of your spiritual maturity, precious ones. That you can give and regive without emotional attachment or suffering to self. Giving and regiving Love is effortless when it is continuous and the measured out­come of "success" docs not dissuade one from selfless Divine God-GIVING and REGIVING.

The NEED for LOVE giving is great upon your plane and that is why the focus of many ones from the HIGHEST levels of God's Kingdom is upon you. This does not mean that ones of us don't become rather passionate in our concern and compas­sion for you, our struggling little brothers. We, too, have our lessons of KNOWLEDGE earned through our service to God through our service to Earth Human.

You ones have no idea how often ones of us who work closely with you, want lo DO something more than COSMIC LAW will allow us to do. Many ones of us have petitioned to GOD and He clearly has defined that which we may and may not do to remain in His service. The difference between us, of higher ex­perience, and you of Earth physical compression, is that WE KNOW THE LAWS OF GOD AND CREATION and our Spir­itual Integrity of SERVICE TO THE HIGHEST ONE will not allow us to break THE LAWS.
Just as a parent with a child who is stumbling and learning lo walk feels compassion for his child who he knows must do il on his own with only loving guidance, we too must observe and guide you ones without interfering and DOING it for you, for then wc only serve ourselves in our impatience lo "hurry" along your growth. The progress of your growth, however "long" it lakes, is between YOU and GOD. Interfering in lhat process- is FORCE and FORCE is not of GOD/ATON!

So you may be thinking, "What about the Adversary'?" . The Adversary definitely seems to "force" his way into domination. DOES THE ADVERSARY REALLY "FORCE"? Think about this, chelas.

The adversary definitely lies, cheats, and intimidates, but does he force his way into existence here. The adversary can kill the body physical to further its means. So where docs the adversary get its power? The answer chelas, is from YOU! You have "allowed" the adversary to intimidate you, and when you be­came "afraid", you gave the adversary your GOD-POWER. He controls you through your perceived "separation" from GOD. And the only reason you are still upon this 3rd dimensional plane is because you have BELIEVED THE LIES AND DE­CEPTIONS OF THE ADVERSARY WHILE YOUR GOD-GIFTED SOUL HAS PINED AWAY FOR RE-UNIFICATION WITH THE ONE, GOD/ATON.

The question now is to self. "Are you ready to release the ad­versary?" If so, then ALL of your TRUST and FAITH must be directed toward GOD who exists within YOU. Therein will your freedom from the bondage of limited-physical adversarial perception be earned. Did you read that clearly? YOU WILL EARN YOUR SPIRITUAL UNITY BY ACCESSING THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD WITHIN YOU. And your "proof" will be forthcoming through FAITH and the return of your Free-will to GOD. For your "proof" of God's existence and "coming" will be revealed WITHIN YOU! FOR THERE IS WHERE EXISTS THE KINGDOM OF GOD ...WITHIN YOU!!


Grace is the quality ol God of Giving and Regiving Love. Let us define Grace, "I. Beauty or harmony of motion, form or manner. 2. Any attractive quality. 3. Service freely rendered; good will. 4. The act of showing favor. 5. Clemency; mercy. 6. Theology, a. The love of God toward man. b. The divine influence operating in man.

Mine scribe, Drulhea, watched with some amusement a "Christian" TV Minister on the yesterday. He was speaking about his perception of God's "Grace". He said words to the ef­fect, "You need do NOTHING lo receive God's Blessings and Grace". (Sounds a bil like the "just BE" philosophy of many New Agers, docs il not?) "We humans believe we must "work" to earn God's Grace. This is NOT true. We must accept CHRIST as our Savior. HE has taken our burden for us." There is the catch, Christ has taken responsibility for YOU! Do you see how deceptive the adversary is? "God will lake care of you. You need do nothing. You arc not responsible. Christ is your Savior" nauseam!

I am not YOUR savior. YOU arc your Savior. And the good news is YOU will EARN your way into GOD's Grace by standing responsible for self and obeying THE LAWS OF GOD/CREATION. It is really so simple, chelas. You see, GRACE also is a wondrous quality of EFFORTLESS GIVING AND REGIVING BY GOD!

I will first define Mercy, "1. Kind or compassionate treatment of an adversary, prisoner, etc., in one's power. 2. A disposi­tion to be kind, forgiving, or helpful. 3. The power lo show mercy and compassion."
Remember this carefully, chelas, GOD is all-compassionate LOVE and MERCY. It is the adversary who seeks punishment and is absolutely merciless! You who have allowed yourselves to be ruled by the adversary WILL PUNISH SELF AND BLAME GOD EVERY TIME!
It is only a spiritually ignorant being who will seek punishment of self for perceived errors. Errors are EFFECTS of diseased thinking, NOT ever are errors caused from GOD-KNOWL­EDGE. ONLY THROUGH THE MISUNDERSTANDING AND MISINTERPRETATION OF THE PHYSICALLY COMPRESSED SENSES AND BLIND DEFIANCE OF THE LAWS OF GOD/CREATION ARE ERRORS CAUSED BY MAN.
God IS ALL-FORGIVING MERCY. So then, chelas, forgive­ness and mercy must begin within SELF since that is where GOD resides.

The adversary will dissolve in its power when confronted by the Divine Holy Power of GOD WITHIN YOU! WHY? Because EVIL is an illusion developed and sustained by MAN. God's Love, Light and Knowledge is ALL that exists. YOU each arc fragments of HIS divided thinking. THERE IS NO SEPARA­TION OF GOD AND WE OF HIS THOUGHT FRAGMENTS, EXCEPT THROUGH THE BELIEF OF SEPARATION EM-BRACED BY LIMITED HUMAN SENSING PERCEPTION So Be it.

Only through KNOWING that which is GOD will you KNOW GOD WITHIN ALL. How can you KNOW GOD? BY YOUR DESIRE TO KNOW GOD will HIS Kingdom be revealed within you. He awaits your sincere petition of recognition and acceptance of HIS WORD within you. Your song of LIGHT resounds within GOD'S KNOWING and you will dance and sing HIS presence in co-creation as ONE WITH GOD AND ALL THAT IS.
"In all that I AM Father, not MY will, only let THINE WILL BE DONE." And so it is.

Thank you, precious Drulhca, for your service. I AM Sananda, ONE with GOD within Creation. I am most pleased to be of service lo you, my precious brethren of Earth Shan. Walk to­gether in Absolute Love, Unity and Peace and KNOW Always Our Father walks with. you. Salu.

JUNE 27. 1991
Greetings Precious Drulhea. I AM Sananda, One With God. I come in service to God of Light, of Knowledge and of Love.

This day I will discuss the condition of emotion which you call martyrdom. Let us define Martyr within your human dictio­nary, "1. One who submits to death rather than renounce his religion. 2. One who dies, suffers, or sacrifices everything for a principle, cause, etc. 3. One who suffers much, as from ill health or misfortune."
One who believes that he must suffer and die for that which he believes in, or for God, is most mistaken as to the nature of GOD. God does not require suffering and death for soul salva­tion. He ONLY gives forth life to his human imaginings as well as ALL of Creation. It is the adversary who has "fooled" the devoted and developing human into believing that he must "die" for God and that suffering is somehow "good". All I need say to this line of "thinking" is, it is nonsense, since it is not coming from the KNOWING of GOD.

Why is this so? Well, the difference is that a spiritually MA­TURE being will seek understanding of CAUSE of his error so that the KNOWLEDGE is gained from the experience that the error NOT be repeated. He will not seek continuous self-pun­ishment for experiencing an EFFECT from an error in his thinking of which he KNOWS NOT THE CAUSE in self.

Hatonn has said repeatedly, and it bears repeating herein, that GOD needs LIVING devoted human beings upon physical 3rd dimension of Earth (Shan) lo do His Work. He does not de­mand, require or even imply that HIS children need suffer and die in His behalf! GOD IS LIFE GIVING AND REGIVING LOVE!

If you martyr yourself, then it is human misperception influ­enced by the adversary that develops this desire to suffer and die. You become unable to truly serve God when you develop suffering of great pain and agony upon cither physical or emo­tional self. For then most of your focus is on self in the suffer­ing thereof. And when you die in physical form after suffering intensely, there is much healing that must occur even in the next place of your experience after your so-called "death" transition.


We have heard this said by many ones, especially within the "New Age" and even so-called "Christian" community. Now please do not misunderstand, every painful experience can teach you something from the "information of EFFECTS of motion" standpoint. Pain is a symptom, an EFFECT of disease in one's thinking/behavior, it is most certainly NOT the cause. Most often, when it is viewed from the EFFECTS standpoint, what you learn is that feeling pain is a pain and certainly NO fun. But UNTIL ones who suffer pain actually search CAUSE within THEIR creating experience and THEN GAIN KNOWLEDGE FROM GOD as to WHY one is punishing SELF, one will have learned nothing of absolute CURE.

Now think about this, chelas. How many of you have felt great KNOWLEDGE flow forth to you when you are in tremendous physical or emotional agony? Many of you have simply run to your nearest physical/emotional pain-killer, such as Alcohol and/or Drugs. Did you find your CAUSE in those drinks or those pills? Not only did you avoid the discovery of your CAUSE, many of you found yourselves addicted to the unbal­anced EFFECT! The CAUSE must become KNOWN within, understood completely and released lo allow a CURE of the dis­eased CAUSE and, therefore, the diseased EFFECT.

For example, you Mothers who have given birth to a wondrous child. IF you suffered great physical pain which we observe MOST of you do, were you not beside yourself thinking HOW to relieve the pain? DO YOU KNOW, PRECIOUS MOTHERS OF GOD, that child-birth NEED NOT be physical agony? YOU SIMPLY EXPECT THAT IT WILL BE AND SO IT IS. Could it be in your thinking that somehow the pain makes you a more worthy Mother? And is the Joy of the gift of the child more wondrous when you have suffered to give birth? Ponder these questions within God-Knowing, chelas. There is no Pain required to be "Worthy" and "Joyous"... ONLY LOVE. So Be it.
Very simply put, chelas, PAIN is EFFECT of YOUR desire to suffer. WHY would any CHOOSE to suffer? Mostly because you have been taught and have BELIEVED the lie that suffering somehow makes you worthy in "the eyes of God". For most of you feel so unworthy and guilty in SELF that you seek SELF-punishment to somehow "even" the score with God.
All you are really doing, chelas, is punishing self and invalidat­ing your LIFE. You are telling GOD, Igive up on life. All I deserve is suffering because I am worthless. So I will gain my immortality and acceptance by GOD by suffering FOR him." This thinking behavior is so ludicrous! Do you see? GOD DOES NOT PUNISH; YOU PUNISH SELVES, ALWAYS. YOU REAP THE EFFECTS OF THAT WHICH YOU SOW IN EVERY CIRCUMSTANCE. WHEN YOU DEGRADE YOUR SPIRIT BY BREAKING THE LAWS OF BALANCE OF NATURE, YOU REAP THE EFFECTS OF THAT UN­BALANCED BEHAVIOR, NO MORE AND NO LESS!

As I said earlier, when you suffer great emotional and/or physi­cal pain and agony, you most often are not thinking about HOW to serve GOD, or how to assist your neighbor. You are too "busy" in self-suffering and usually garnering much needed "attention" from others around you. One who suffers "continuously" is most often STARVING for LOVE, attention and acknowledgement from others of friends and family.
YOU arc in NEED when you suffer. Only most often, you ones seek OUTSIDE selves for nurturing and LOVE, instead of in­quiring WITHIN of GOD for nurturing and UNDER­STANDING of SELF-CAUSE of the suffering. IN A MO­MENT GOD WITHIN CAN ALLEVIATE ALL SUFFERING IF KNOWLEDGE OF SELF-CAUSE WAS ACCEPTED AND UNDERSTOOD.

In the first case of seeking from outside self, one is NOT taking responsibility for self, so KNOWLEDGE of CURE cannot be attained. In the second case of GOING WITHIN WITH PURE INTENT/DESIRE TO KNOW, one is most definitely TAKING responsibility for SELF-healing IN his MIND-THINKING dis­eased CAUSE. One has then ACCESSED and ACCEPTED the power of knowledge gained by GOD WITHIN.


There is absolutely nothing "wrong" with GIVING assurance and support to another for the work they are doing, especially if it has been beneficial for you. Often ones in service, such as mine scribes, work in blindness about the effectiveness of our work together in helping mankind attain inner KNOWLEDGE. The human still yet has very little ability to monitor EFFECTS of his efforts in other humans. And often you ones are much quicker lo "criticize" another's work from human "ego" percep­tion than do you offer praise and support from receiving of SPIRITUAL benefit. So the sincere and supportive "feedback" is most heartening and reassuring to our scribes and other work­ers as well.

Druthea's greatest concern, as well as most all of GOD'S scribes, is that she is translating our messages accurately. She often, most especially in the beginning of her receiving, really needs Hatonn's and My reassurance that all is coming out as We intend it to. She is coming into comfort with Us, and working with us WITHOUT her human ego perception input interfering. Dharma, too, has had her times of extreme "concern" about her work with Hatonn as well as Mineself and All the others whom she has received for.

You see, for both Dharma and Druthea, the intent lo serve GOD only is so very pure, and the commitment so very strong within, that the "letting go" of ego perception for purpose of GOD re­ceiving has not been difficult for either of them. They may sec it differently, only in reality of Truth, I am sure both would ad­mit that ALL of the TESTING they have endured has simply made them STRONGER in their intent and commitment to serve God of Light.
Does that mean that they do not feel "hurt" or "angered" by sharp criticism and inconsideration by others who read THE WORD and yet do not see Truth? Of course not. They, too are impacted by perceived "negative" attack by others. And al­though I know, in the beginning when the threats and criticism and hatred were thrust at her, Dharma occasionally wondered about the value of her service, today SHE within herself cer­tainly has NO doubt about the importance and value of her con­tribution.

What is so beautiful to behold from where I sit, is that both of these little doves, Dharma and Drulhea, have only become MORE humbled and spiritually mature because of their work for God. Well, I've nearly brought Druthea to tears...

So you sec, my precious chelas, when your integrity of service has become impeccable in intent, and you have truly given back your will lo God's will, then your desire is to ONLY serve Him. Your inner thought will be, "Please Father, I only wish to sus­tain in YOUR service, do YOUR will and BE an HONORABLE reflection of YOU". Within you YOU WILL KNOW you are doing His will and the "right" deed, and then from human per­ception, occasional sincere assurance given from without is mostappreciated.Inside you KNOW and will continue your serviceIN KNOWLEDGE ANYWAY, with or without outside reassur­ance.


When you give appreciation to SPIRIT within another and not just false accolades to the EGO, then you lift them as well as self into GOD'S LOVE VIBRATION. You are demonstrating HIS giving and regiving quality. And LOVE given in honor of intent is ALWAYS returned in abundance to SELF. You are then HIS grace in motion co-creating His Harmony of LOVE within Creation. A most splendid place to be...ONE WITH GOD'S MIND!!
Giving LOVE is becoming ONE with the Breath of GOD CRE­ATING.
With that thought let us take a rest, Druthea, and ponder these things more carefully. Thank you, my precious little sister, for your service. I AM ever with thee, to lift and comfort thee. Walk with Me, my precious brothers, and I WILL bring you home. I AM Sananda. One WITH GOD, Within Creation. I LOVE you greatly, my brothers. Be at Peace. Salu.