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제목: All of PDF document are here, you can download it. From #2 ~ to #60

  1. #99


    This Pdf book was created by Christ. Lippens, transcribed by André & Christ.
    from the format posted on
    Click on page to download Pdf: 979 kb.

    WASHINGTON--Organized criminals from Russia, China and Africa are forging ties with old European and Latin American crime groups to threaten national economies and world security, the CIA director told Congress on Wednesday (April 20, 1994).
    R. James Woolsey said a Russian "criminal politburo" could emerge as a powerful adversary with the network and resources to deal in nuclear warheads, while violent drug traffickers and other criminal groups are spreading and coordinating activities throughout the world. [H: Please realize that this is coming forth AND IS VERY IMPORTANT, READERS. This is actually saying that there is a FACTION which is now in competition with that which has been totally controlled by the "COMMITTEES" of power up to this point and now is setting up even stronger "arms" against the traditional power-brokers. You are simply witnessing a rising-up of one of the "Titans" of power who will be confronting the other "Titanic" powers that already "be". It is for this focus and confirmation of that which we have brought you prior to this that causes me to choose to offer this bit of press.]

    Some of the important topics included are: Criminal politburos killing your world - The book There's A Fish In The Courthouse by Gary Wean - Sovietization of America - Big brothers continuing attack - Treasurygate - Report a crime. go to jail - The book Defrauding America by Rodney Stich - Covert gov't activities - CRIMINALS PROTECTED BY THE BAR
    ASSOCIATIONS - Prayer definitely works. What is "Montauk"? -- The book, The Death Of Camelot by Ronn Jackson - International Organized Crime Groups-A Clash Of "Titans"-Supreme Court Justice Named In Treasurygate-Government Persecution Of Whistleblowers-Corruption In The Legal System And The Legal Fraternity-The Sovietization Of America-the Hoover Files-Laws, Treaties, And The Federal United States-The U.S. Went "Bankrupt" in 1933-Gunther Russbacher-The McAlvany Intelligence Advisor-Senate Report No. 93-549, etc., By John B. Nelson.
    첨부된 파일 첨부된 파일

  2. #100

    Default PJ #94 " WINGING IT..... "

    This Pdf book was created by Christ. Lippens, transcribed by André & Christ.
    from the format posted on
    PJ #94 " WINGING IT..... "
    Click on page to download Pdf: 1.42 Mb.

    As we move quickly along with offerings of information regarding the unfolding of proven corruption in your market places, your governments, your religions and the incredible corrupted control over you-the-people by the INJUSTICE SYSTEM, I can only say that, here in the beginning, we are just WINGING IT... As ones "with" are willing to share with those "without" so that strides can be made in reclaiming that which was yours, we will move quickly in offering that which is pertinent in the changing times.

    "Our full and ONLY intent in offering works of anyone--is to present that which is available (and usually long since buried or forgotten) as a reminder that truth has been there all along--you only needed to be nudged and SHARE. There is NO CORNER ON TRUTH and beware the person who claims same for self-always check WHY they might be doing so.
    "The variety of information offered in this journal is seemingly on opposite ends of the poles. No-it is so connected that I cannot urge you strongly enough-TO MAKE THE CONNECTIONS. It runs from Clintonistas, through Usurpers of other ilk to and into the Hopi (AmerIndian) projections and prophetic offerings-along with HOW IT WAS AND IS.
    Some of the many important topics presented are: Defrauding America, By Rodney Stich-Nixon's Funeral-Israeli Acknow-legement Of World-wide Assassinations-More On Treasurygate-The FBI Blackmail Files-Preliminary Draft Of A World Constitution-More On Inslaw And Crimes By The Justice Department-Crimes By The U.S. Bankruptcy Court-Declaration of Independence Of 1994, By Linda Thompson-Americans Take On The IRS: A Class Action Suit -- Hawaii State sovereignty - More from Ronn Jackson on "Camelot" & other information - Nixon's funeral - Israeli worldwideassassinations admitted - Update on the Russbachers.
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  1. All of PDF document are here, you can download it. From #61 ~ to #230
    By web master in forum Phoenix Journals Archives
    관련글: 1
    최신 글: 2013-01-15, 11:19

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