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제목: All of PDF document are here, you can download it. From #2 ~ to #60

  1. #11


    This Pdf book was created by Christ Lippens, transcribed from the format posted on www.fourwinds.10.com
    This is one of the 8 Pleiades Connection Series that were banned by the US of A.
    Click on page to download Pdf: 1.23 Mb

    This Journal continues the practice of keeping you updated on major world events while giving you much other information about many topics.

    You can learn the truth about the origins of humans upon this planet, our purposes here and why the truth has been hidden from us.

    We have help to overcome all of our major difficulties IF we will return to living under the Laws of Creation and God.
    Many other topics are covered, such as types of dwellings best for our use from now on (patterned after Pleiadian dwellings). - Future Revelations and Earth changes - The Constitution of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization under which Pres. Bush is operating our country instead of the Constitution of the United States - What TRUE love is - Spacecraft -Types of metal used in them - About 666 and its significance - How the planet Venus got into our solar system and details about its surface (not as some have told us) - The danger of certain comets in our past and immediate future - The truth about robotoids as our world leaders and MUCH, MUCH MORE.
    Text: www.fourwinds.10.com
    첨부된 파일 첨부된 파일

  2. #12

    Default PJ #09 " SATAN'S DRUMMERS "

    This Pdf book was created by Christ Lippens, transcribed from the format posted on www.fourwinds.10.com

    As you read this Journal, please be warned that the content is SHOCKING!!!!
    Click on page to download Pdf: 1.62 Mb
    In this deeply troubling book Satan is revealed bluntly, not as an abstraction. Satan s presence is documented with specific cases, examples of evil, control, power, death and murder, and the sacrifice of babies, children and animals by the Satanic cults.

    Satan's "commandments" are exactly opposite those of God and the Creation, he is the Master Liar of the Universe. It is time to wake up to the LIE and know your enemy. These are the "end times" when each soul makes a choice of "dark" or "light"; guidance is offered in this book. Sananda exposes the truth about the energy called "Satan", the adversary to God of Light. Satan's fall from status as "Lucifer" is outlined. We learn how he gains his power through evil deception, what his tools are and what are his limitations.
    I AM SANANDA. I come forth that you might be shown the way I the light of Truth, for the time is at hand for the knowing. You have slept long as a civilization and as you have slept the darkness has all but consumed you and your planet.

    My efforts put forth into this journal of the Phoenix (for the Phoenix is the representation of the arisal of Truth after destruction) is to bring you insight that you have balance in discernment.
    This is to MAN that ye may be able to correct your path as you acquire of the ability to see of it. I, and your brothers of the higher dimensions in the visible and invisible realms, come to bear the lamp that you might see and know. You are all children of the Creator Father God and are a magnificent portion of The Creation itself. You have been people of the lie unto nigh your destruction. You must come into knowledge we that you can stand against that which is consuming you. Godness has not forsaken you-YOU have forsaken God-ness and in your ignorance have made a bid with scorpions. I offer unto you my hand that I might bring you home.
    Some of the very important topics discussed are: THE COMMANDMENTS OF GOD AND THE COMMANDMENTS OF SATANIC PRACTICES - Is Satan real? How did it happen in America? Witches and Satanists - Psychology of evil - It only happens to someone else.
    Additional topics: Satan's Beginning-Satanic Commandments-Witchcraft-Satanic Symbols-Evil Versus Sin-Satan's Clever Poison-Drug Addiction-Satanic Music-The Psychology Of Evil-High Profile Satanic Groups And High Evil Satanic Ritual Days -- Satanism as a religion - The tools of witchcraft - Where rituals go astray - Initiation and adepthood - Will seems to be the problem. Satanic Rolling Stones - AMA links rock music to Satanism and drugs, Satanism and little children - Kids at work - Matamoros, Mexico - Occult symbols. (Index Included)
    Text: www.fourwinds.10.com
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  1. All of PDF document are here, you can download it. From #61 ~ to #230
    By web master in forum Phoenix Journals Archives
    관련글: 1
    최신 글: 2013-01-15, 11:19

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