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  1. #11


    This Pdf book was created by Christ. Lippens, transcribed by Roel & Christ. from the format posted on
    Click on page to download Pdf: 1.66 Mb.

    "There have always been the "secret places of the LION" and the waiting at stand-by of the "Bird-Tribes" in "winged chariots". God would not leave you destitute--but He will leave you in ignorance if that be your choice. That also means, however, land-locked!" --HATONN.

    God instantly accepts "ignorance" but it is most unwise to take your conjured ignorance and refusal to learn and go forth and thrust it upon others so that they become even more ignorant. Why? For that one who misinforms or keeps Truth from an-other shall face the piper and pay the bill. The ignorant one of the two will also pay a price--that one shall not find himself in the places of Radiance even if his lot be not loss of soul. He shall be destined to learn his lessons one way or another in TRUTH. "Forgiveness" is NOT "forgetting". He who forgives is divine--he who forgets is stupid.
    We effort to offer you the view of the consequences of that which is set forth through the lies of the generations of planners working for dominance and New World Control. May you be diligent in seeking understanding and protection within LIGHT as you read these passages, that you may SEE and KNOW.
    A few of the important topics are: Schwartzkopf and the Lindbergh kidnapping - World currency destruction - Who is sabotaging South Africa? - Health insurance plans--will they work? - Earthquake activity -- Vince Foster Suicide?-Currency & Gold Standard-Schwarzkopf Family & The Lindbergh Kidnapping-Jerry Spence Speech-World's Currency Destruction-World's Largest Treasure Hunt-Home Schooling & Program-Demjanjuk-Tavistock-US&P Case-Ray Renick/San Luis Obisbo County.
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  1. All of PDF document are here, you can download it. From #61 ~ to #230
    By web master in forum Phoenix Journals Archives
    관련글: 1
    최신 글: 2013-01-15, 11:19

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