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  1. #111


    This Pdf book was created by Christ. Lippens, transcribed by Paul & Christ.
    from the format posted on
    Click on page to download Pdf: 4.72 Mb.

    One of the most important topics today--as regards YOU--is in-formation which deals with EXECUTIVE ORDERS and a warning: Wake Up--Freedom is not Free!

    You cannot hear it often enough, citizens, because it is obvious by actions and continual tightening of consolidating additional Executive Orders (E.O.s) without any voting, recognition or public access that you are "had" and it is intended that you never KNOW or be able to act against this treason. You CANNOT be exposed too often nor too strongly!
    Executive orders are laws established by United States Presidents. These laws are not passed by the Congress or the Senate, and create an end-run around the Constitution. These laws be-gin as Executive Orders which are simply printed in the Federal Register. After thirty days these orders become law and carry the full impact of any law passed by the United States Congress. These laws are UNCONSTITUTIONAL because THE CONSTITUTION DOES NOT AFFORD ANY PERSON THE RIGHT TO CREATE LAWS BY HIMSELF THAT NEGATES THE CONSTITUTION.
    Some topics covered are: Executive orders-Protocols of Zion-The European Parliament-More From The Usurpers-The Schemers Such As Abe Fortas And Others-Will The REAL Clinton Stand Up?-Seven Years From August 17, 1987-Black Helicopters-Mexico Retaliates For NAFTA Invasion-Background Check On Ronn Jackson-Chelation Fights Heart Disease-Cosmos To Treasurygate-Gold Certificate History Lesson-Grandma-Flesh Eating Bacteria-Wholesale Elimination Of Populations-Religions Kill Off Religions-Update On Ray Renick-A Mind Is A Terrible Thing To Waste-Jackie Kennedy's Gold Certificate-Help The Hopi Nation-THE COMMITTEE OF 17 LIST.
    첨부된 파일 첨부된 파일

  2. #112

    Default PJ #107 " RING AROUND THE ROSIE...! "

    This Pdf book was created by Christ. Lippens, transcribed by André & Christ.
    from the format posted on
    PJ #107 " RING AROUND THE ROSIE...! "
    Click on page to download Pdf: 4.21 Mb.

    I no longer find it acceptable to have to counter such claims as "anti-Semitic". I, and most of YOU, I repeat, ARE SEMITES. Most of those referring to themselves as "Semites" ARE NOT! So, WHO are the "revisionists" of historical truth? You will note that "your enemies" will ALWAYS grasp a "term" and change definitions of said word or term and reverse its meaning--so that somehow YOU are the culprit no matter on whose "side" you effort to reside.

    How do I DARE speak of these things in TRUTH? Because, after a while--you must use the terminology (before it is changed) to express a point. "Jewishness" is taking a far different turn than you might expect, beloved readers--FAR DIFFERENT.
    Some of the very important topics are: America in peril--Calif. update. Abe Fortas was one of the schemers - More about "Treasurygate". - Update on Ray Renick - Help the Hopi Nation. Very large MICROWAVE towers in Alaska - THE COMMITTEE OF 17 LIST - More on gold certificates - The Star Lady - SOLZHENITSYN ON COMMITTEE OF 17 - Black helicopters - Wholesale killing of populations - Jackie Kennedy had one of the gold certificates -- Wake-up call for M.Ds. - Flesh-eating .bacteria - Congressional reorganization - China and human rights - Kissinger and British plan India's dismemberment. Anglo-American geostrategy - Judges Or Criminals? By Eustace Mullins-Jewish/Zionist Influence-Ronn Jackson Interview-Grandma-IRS/Collection Agency For Private Federal Reserve Bank-Cancerous Khazarian Fake "Jews"-Linda Thompson Update-More Excerpts From The Usurpers-Gun Control & disarming You-Jack McLamb/Ex-Cop Labeled Impersonator Protest In Blue, By Jake Batsell-Jewish Terrorists-Hidden Government Info On POWS & MIAs-Nez Perce Face New-Nazi Invasion By John Young-Vince Foster Murder-Kol Nidre-The Crime Bill-Aristide/Israel And Hatti's Drug Secret-Pope Draws Jewish Ire For Knighting Waldheim.
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  1. All of PDF document are here, you can download it. From #61 ~ to #230
    By web master in forum Phoenix Journals Archives
    관련글: 1
    최신 글: 2013-01-15, 11:19

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