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  1. #107

    Default PJ #100 " IT'S ALL IN THE GAME "

    This Pdf book was created by Christ. Lippens, transcribed by Paul & Christ.
    from the format posted on www.fourwinds.10.com
    PJ #100 " IT'S ALL IN THE GAME "
    Click on page to download Pdf: 2.17 Mb.

    I look and I see such denial in a time of confusion in your lives, your nation and your world that I am hesitant to cause worse confrontation.

    You can deny me, readers, but please don't deny your people who bring you truth and back it with confirmation. If you wait too long to take a stand in that which has come upon you gradually while you slept, you will lose opportunity to BE HEARD. I do NOT speak of taking up arms--I speak of taking a "stand" in TRUTH so that the perpetrators of the criminal and unconstitutional acts against you, as nations and citizens, can be stopped. Once totally open and uncovered--the criminals will have to cease and desist--IF YOU CAN REGAIN CONTROL OF YOUR COURTS AND BRING ATTENTION TO THE CONSTITUTIONAL LAW. FURTHERMORE, YOU START WHERE YOU ARE AND THEN YOU JOIN FORCES, I. E. , CANADIANS WITH THE U.S., BOTH WITH MEXICO AND THUS AND SO--YOU CAN HAVE A UNITED CONTINENT WITHOUT FORFEITING GOODNESS AND HONOR.
    I do not speak of "FREE TRADE"; I speak of uniting in goodness and honor, integrity and brotherhood as sovereign citizens individual, then sovereign nations UNITED.
    Some very important topics are: Repetition Until You Understand The Seriousness Of Your Plight-Misuse of The Milita-U.S. Could Keep Panama Canal-"Brazen" Lies About Islam-Prophecies Of The End Days-The Usurpers Cont'd-The UFO Threat-Professor Says Kill Off 3+ Billion People-Secret Military Maneuvers-The Constitution Of The U.S.-Warning! Militia To Washington-Gold fringe On Your Flag-Excerpt From The Thirteenth Tribe, By Arthur Koestler: "Jews Are Not Israelites"-Continuation Of Presidential State Of Emergency (Serbia)-Congressman Louis T. McFadden's Speech-History Of The Milita-The United Nations Concentration Camps Program In America-Book I, By Serge Monast - Who are the Khazars? - Solzhenitsyn at center stage in Russia - Professor says kill off 3+ BILLION people. SECRET MILITARY MANEUVERS.
    첨부된 파일 첨부된 파일

  2. #108


    This Pdf book was created by Christ. Lippens, transcribed by Paul & Christ.
    from the format posted on
    Click on page to download Pdf: 1.51 Mb.

    Let's tell it like it is about Committee crimes and Hopi hopes, big plans and then let us DREAM OF RECOVERY, FREEDOM AND GOODNESS--THAT WE MAY LIVE IN BEAUTY.

    We MUST speak of crimes and criminals, misled, deceived and deceivers, schemers and hopes--but only that we may know where and upon whom and what to base and focus attention and action..
    In this journal there will be a bit about black helicopters and thus- and so--and what might be their purpose. Col. Gritz tells the world there. are none of such. Well, he actually didn't mean it as reported by those who would pick his words to pieces. He SAID (in meaning) that he had experienced no black helicopters hovering about, terrifying citizens. Is there a difference? In-deed! Whatever might he the lacking in Col. Gritz--HE IS A PATRIOT TO THE U.S.--OR HE WOULD NOT HAVE SERVED WHEN CALLED IN THE FIRST PLACE. No one has all the answers and if one has LIVED BY THE SWORD--he 3ha11 know no other way in which to reclaim that which is physically in danger of being taken.
    YOU need these strong men to lead and serve, friends. What-ever one Bo Gritz may be, he would serve freedom if he could find direction and valid REASON for doing a thing a different way than as he recognizes. TOUCH GOD AND YOU TOUCH INFINITY--all ELSE can be peered away.
    Some very important topics: Where's That Comet heading for Jupiter? Unsolved UFO Sightings-Korea, China Power Keg-The Philadelphia Experiment-Kissinger's Treason-Swannanoa Palace - More Excerpts From The Usurpers-Jupiter And Bogus Boulders -- Race riots-Questions Regarding Spiritual Truths-The Decline Of The U.S.-Russia's Flying Saucer-The Livermore Computer Hackers-COMMITTEE OF 17 NAME LIST-University Of Science And Philosophy-Ancient Prophesies, Doomsday: 1999 A.D.-Clinton Administration Policy On "World Peace"-Ronn Jackson-Grandma "Sings".
    첨부된 파일 첨부된 파일

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  1. All of PDF document are here, you can download it. From #61 ~ to #230
    By web master in forum Phoenix Journals Archives
    관련글: 1
    최신 글: 2013-01-15, 11:19

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