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제목: All of PDF document are here, you can download it. From #2 ~ to #60

  1. #105


    This Pdf book was created by Christ. Lippens, transcribed by Paul & Christ.
    from the format posted on
    Click on page to download Pdf: 1.28 Mb.

    As the days pass and you get closer to the time of the operative "fulfillment" you will witness the frantic efforts to "save" you in the name of this one and that one. The evangelists, especially those having gained recognition through multiple books, TV, Radio, etc., will be in almost panic expression--to get you SAVED for your RAPTURE (as now used). This, they will tell you, is to keep all goodly (but you must believe on Jesus) Christians from going through the TRIBULATION.

    Just yester-eve Hal Lindsey was on TV (Trinity Broadcasting Network) with Paul Crouch discussing this matter. There was franticness in Paul to get his TV stations and satellite arrangements made so he can SAVE the people of Israel and Palestine. Hal has written a new book--WHICH IS, BY THE WAY, EXCELLENT. It will deal with "these times", etc. The ONLY THING WRONG is that it will ARRANGE FOR YOU TO HAVE A MASSIVE RAPTURE SO THAT THE PEOPLE OF JESUS DO NOT HAVE TO EXPERIENCE THE TRIBULATION. What in the world are they talking about? YOU HAVE BUILT THIS WORLD INTO WHAT IT IS--DO YOU ACTUALLY THINK YOU WILL BE WHISKED AWAY IN PHYSICAL FORM TO SOME CLOUDS SO YOU DON'T HAVE RESPONSIBILITY? I WARN YOU THAT THIS IS INCORRECT INFORMATION AND IF YOU CLING TO THIS IRRESPONSIBLE APPROACH TO YOUR PASSAGE (OR YOUR REMAINING), YOU WILL BE MOST SORRY IN THE AFTERMATH! There is a RAPTURE PLANNED FOR YOU WHO ARE SO FOOLISH--AND IT IS CALLED OPERATION BLUE BEAM!!!
    Some of the important topics discussed are: O.J. Simpson Trial-Depopulation-The Zhirinovsky Threat-The Noachide Laws-Selections From Edgar Cayce-The Constitution And The Federalist Papers-The 32nd Degree Masons-World Ascension Day-Henry Wallace And The Radical Tradition-The Kol Nidre-Pictures Of Spacecraft-More On Kissinger-Easter Island-Ronn Jackson - More on Russbacher - Moving to Mexico.
    첨부된 파일 첨부된 파일

  2. #106


    This Pdf book was created by Christ. Lippens, transcribed by André & Christ.
    from the format posted on www.fourwinds.10.com
    Click on page to download Pdf: 1.53 Mb.

    You and I know that millions have died for freedom. And we appreciate beyond all human understanding the efforts and lives they gave so we could enjoy a certain measure of freedom. We will carry on now to regain those freedoms stealthily stolen from us by those who were supposed to watch out for our interests. Instead they have looked after their own selfish interests ahead of the common man. Way ahead. Let us now take up the pen, which is mightier than the sword, in the singular struggle to regain our constitutional rights.

    Let this be your clarion call if you have not heard one yet. This is it. Take effective action now in your own sphere of influence and keep at it. The battle of words and wits has only begun. With God the Creation backing those who struggle for freedom there is only one outcome: Victory! Take action now.
    Your inner self will urge you what to do. Do it as long as it follows God's rules. Of course, you all (readers) are doing the best you can. This is meant for the fence sitters.
    Some of the topics included are: St. Germain And Our 4th Of July (Independence Day)-Where Has All Our Freedom Gone"-Pan Am Flight 103 And Its Links To The CIA, The Syrian-Lebanon Hostages And The Clinton Connection, Etc.-Details Of The Monarch Mind-Control Programming-Bo Gritz Connection-"God Will Save This Nation And Constitution." Oh?? God HELPS THOSE WHO HELP THEMSELVES-You Don't Like My Religion??-The Usurpers, Cont'd-More From Ronn Jackson--Militias & ADL/O.J. Connection-Linda Thompson On Armed Militia And Insurrection-U.N. Committee And Sodomy-Glue Bombs, Eye Poppers-Map Of U.N. Bases In U.S.-John Schroepfer's "Journey To Freedom", By Rick Martin-Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria-The Story Of Our Money-Solar Rays Warning-Mondex: Electronic Money.
    첨부된 파일 첨부된 파일

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  1. All of PDF document are here, you can download it. From #61 ~ to #230
    By web master in forum Phoenix Journals Archives
    관련글: 1
    최신 글: 2013-01-15, 11:19

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