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제목: All of PDF document are here, you can download it. From #2 ~ to #60

  1. #95


    This Pdf book was created by Christ. Lippens, transcribed by André & Christ.
    from the format posted on
    Click on page to download Pdf: 937 kb.
    In this journal we will have listings of key players in this Conspiracy of One World Everything. We will also phase out of that subject and directly into the work of Rodney Stich as regards the saga of one Gunther Russbacher.

    This is for the purpose of responding to all the inquiries about just "who is this man?" It is not "who" he is or was but rather a personal knowledge of what went on within the CIA and ad-ministration behind your backs--YOU-THE-PEOPLE.
    We are nearly through with the latter subject and as to the former--you will have to prepare yourselves for there is an even higher cabalistic Committee above the Committee of 300. We are not yet ready to deal with THAT one so we will leave it lay for the moment while we catch you up on some other fascinating material which will begin in the upcoming (next) journal.
    I understand the difficulty facing all you readers, that of being boggled by the unfolding. No matter how slowly or how many times we effort to prepare you, the TRUTH is always bigger and more confounding than that which is brought before. All you can do, readers, is gain as much insight and knowledge as you can so that you can be a step or so ahead of the major impacts--AND BE PREPARED TO THE BEST OF YOUR ABILITY. We can't do anything FOR you but offer this information and remind you that "these things will happen." Also remember: AN INFORMED PUBLIC IS THAT WHICH IS MOST FEARED BY THE ELITE CONTROLLERS.
    Read about these important topics: Need proof about the ADL? Impeachable offenses by Nixon?? - Cosmospheres and space stuff - BLACKMAIL OF THE U.S. - Persecution by the Justice Dept. - More details about October surprise - Looting of U.S. military warehouses -- Conspirators' Hierarchy, The Committee Of 300 by John Coleman (Parts 21 through 24)-Begin reading Defrauding America, the work of Rodney Stich regarding the saga of Gunther Russbacher (Part 1 through 8)-How Did He Ever Get Involved?-Operation Interlink-Operation Cyclops-Operation Moth (MH)-Operation Gold Bug (GB)-Operation Thunder (T)-Operation Blue Thunder (BT)-Operation Fountain Pen (FP)-October Surprise And Much More-Learn About The Removal Of Huge Sums Of America's Money Overseas By The CIA-New Bill Introduced To Suspend Parental Rights-Two Views On The Right To Bear Arms.
    첨부된 파일 첨부된 파일

  2. #96

    Default PJ #89 " FOCUS OF DEMONS "

    This Pdf book was created by Christ. Lippens, transcribed by Roel & Christ.
    from the format posted on
    PJ #89 " FOCUS OF DEMONS "
    Click on page to download Pdf: 1.50 Mb.

    "If you do not know your enemy-how shall you prevail against him?" --HATONN.

    You can witness as you go through these journals that the weakness, and the strength, of any society is dependent upon the level and quality of its spiritual life. You can have great industrial wealth and much abundance but you have NOTHING without that which is moral and Spiritually sound. Your WORLD, not just a nation here and there, has become buried in the LIE and Spiritual TRUTH is buried around the corners of the graveyard of a dying moral civilization. All the signs of a perishing civilization are at hand--visible and rolling upon you as a tidal wave washing all that WAS in goodness into the ocean of forgetfulness. It is the awakening which now brings the growing pangs, the heart wrenching pains of hopelessness--but readers, GOD is infinite--only the perception of TIME holds you bound to that which is projected in prophecy or revelation. This too is tampered so that you EXPECT destruction without capable recourse. Within GOD all things ARE--and all is POSSIBLE. Change your minds and you can change the entirety of the world. You who choose to follow Satan's Drummers--are destined to end up in Satan's chaos. Follow GOD and TRUTH and you shall cease to march in the band of human deception or in the army of the incarcerators.
    Some important topics included are: Controversy over Louis Farrakhan - ADL corks popping - Zhirinovsky--mad dictator or man of peace? Aleksei's. proof of identity - Aleksei's information accurate - South Africa warning - LIGHT AND MIND - Conspirator's Hierarchy "300" cont'd - Vince Foster--Clinton's cocaine connection?? - Hate Japan campaign - Control by "sanction" - Meditation & Yoga - Space age technology and our money system - The Michael Benn story - Mother Teresa.
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  1. All of PDF document are here, you can download it. From #61 ~ to #230
    By web master in forum Phoenix Journals Archives
    관련글: 1
    최신 글: 2013-01-15, 11:19

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