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제목: All of PDF document are here, you can download it. From #2 ~ to #60

  1. #83

    Default PJ #77 " PLAYERS IN THE GAME "

    This Pdf book was created by Christ. Lippens, transcribed by André & Christ. from the format posted on www.fourwinds.10.com
    Click on page to download Pdf: 938 kb.

    As it seems the edges of universal burdens close in upon your shoulders--stand back from that which IS and allow perspective to overcome the confusion.

    As was promised, the organized chaos--the planned upheavals--keep the minds flitting and searching for respite only to find a myriad of other distractions and, now, personal impact on life-styles, morals, jobs--all facets of life impacted with alien input and degradation. You are NOT different, as readers, than those of the "team" here--each thinking that perhaps another has a better grasp on "reality" and understanding. All think Dharma "has it" -- after all, "...she has Hatonn!" Think again --is the child of the teacher in a classroom treated better or mor firmly thant the other children? Dies the child of the teacher have more answers simply because his father is the teacher? Has the child not yet a bit farther to travel in the midst of peers to accomplish and learn--than the other s so that there is not partiality? Is it not so that I have said that Dharma would be given "LESS-INSIGHT" and "understanding" and " pre-viewing" for protection and her own lessons? I am not come here for individual solutions to the myriads of confusing problems-- you are on my team because the answers and actions are liad before you IF YOU BUT SEEK THEM OUT!
    Some of the very important topics discussed are: Updates on Gunther Russbacher and Ray Renick - The Ground Wave Emergency Network (GWEN) - A HISTORY OF SECRET MIND CONTROL IN U.S. - America went to the moon with Dachu research - Gaiandriana and spelt bread WHY?? - The BNL banking fraud - The "300" Conspirators' Hierarchy - Institutions set up to control everything and everybody in the U.S. - Palestine-Israel Agreement -- Scowcroft and Vietnam deals - The Phoenix Project - GOVERNMENT SET TO POUNCE ON TRUSTS - Definition of word AMERICA -- Pop's Diary Of Predictions-Gunther Russbacher.
    첨부된 파일 첨부된 파일

  2. #84

    Default PJ #80 " TRUTH FROM THE "ZOG BOG" "

    This Pdf book was created by Christ. Lippens, transcribed by Paul & Christ. from the format posted on www.fourwinds.10.com
    Click on page to download Pdf: 980 kb.

    What you will find in this JOURNAL will undoubtedly be controversial (as you ones like to say). I can only ask that you READ IT ALL--CAREFULLY--so that you do not miss the confirmations of the Truth within.

    "WE ARE NOT A PATRIOT GROUP-WE ARE NOT A `GROUP' OF ANY KIND. WE ARE EFFORTING TO DO A JOB (A MISSION) WITHIN THE ASSIGNMENT OF HOSTS INTO A CHANGING ERA OF EXPRESSION-THE TRANSITION INTO THIS RADIANCE WILL `GET' MOST OF YOU, AND OURS IS TO LEAVE A HISTORICAL DOCUMENTATION OF `WHAT HAPPENED'. We will always do the best we can to fill your needs and desires as to offerings-but we compromise NO ITEM OF TRUTH TO PLEASE ANY MAN. This is hard for our workers in the focus on THE LIES. I can only ask that you go to the end of this Journal and read what one, Rosenthal, had to say about you, the masses and `them', the Elite. GOD WAITS-BUT NOT MUCH LONGER!" --HATONN.
    A few of the many enlightening topics discussed are: Thoughts on freedom - Saint Germain's role in the signing of the Declaration of Independence - A tax recovery SCAM - Disarmament--Soviet Style - Our troublesome WHITE community - Assaults on WHITE culture - A chance encounter with two KGB agents by two Americans - Zionist Occupational Government's, ZOG's tremendous power and control of ALL media - ZOG is a CANCER that has infected every fabric of our culture. Life as we know it will be snuffed out SOON. American steel mill being shipped to China - Midwest floods created by man--DETAILS given - Purpose of GWEN towers-Liberty Vs. Slavery.
    첨부된 파일 첨부된 파일

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  1. All of PDF document are here, you can download it. From #61 ~ to #230
    By web master in forum Phoenix Journals Archives
    관련글: 1
    최신 글: 2013-01-15, 11:19

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