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제목: All of PDF document are here, you can download it. From #2 ~ to #60

  1. #63

    Default PJ #59 " "REALITY" ALSO HAS A DRUMBEAT! "

    This Pdf book was created by Christ. Lippens, transcribed from the format posted on www.fourwinds.10.com
    Click on page to download Pdf: 1.06 Mb.

    " Elections are OVER! ‘What IF' is no longer a valid consideration. If NOTHING changes in the world and continuation as in ages past comes to pass, you can expect a deepening depression, massive taxation and lessening of ALL freedoms moving into NO PRIVACY or, for that matter, NO FREEDOMS AT ALL. Actually-you have NONE at present!"

    In this JOURNAL Hatonn continues to enlighten us and guide us on our daily path through the adversary's myriad of traps to prevent our return to God. Some of the many topics he covers are: An introduction to "TREASURY GATE" which will be covered fully in the next JOURNAL. - Pre-programmed ballots - After the election, "What now for Gritz?" - The Ruby Creek sabotage-The expose of a political pied piper - BILL CLINTON A ROCKEFELLER BY BLOODLINE - More Nostradamus predictions - Best ways to handle assets - UNITED NATIONS DECLARES WAR ON AMERICAN CITIZENS!! - Confirming a comet's belated return - Martial law coming down in force, - British Israel - The secrets of atomic transfiguration; its cause and effects revealed -- Best Way To Handle Assets-Nostradamus Predictions Clarified-God/Magog-Mt. Penatubo. "
    첨부된 파일 첨부된 파일

  2. #64

    Default PJ #60 "AS THE BLOSSOM OPENS "

    This Pdf book was created by Christ. Lippens, transcribed from the format posted on www.fourwinds.10.com
    Click on page to download Pdf: 2.40 Mb.

    " In the seeming confusion of the moment--stop a moment and see the beauty and look at clues that something "BIG" is coming down--in goodness as well as in other perceived happenings. I can only remind you once again to prepare and pay attention. Remain prepared and realize that the time of change is at hand."

    In this JOURNAL Hatonn starts the unfolding of some BIG stories; one called "Treasurygate" and the other "Cosmos". These stories will unfold over the coming months as wisdom warrants.
    Some of the other important topics covered are: Some important plans of the Elite are being cancelled or put on hold as pressure from unselfish patriots are applied. - There are signs that the tide is turning against the Elites' centuries of work to enslave the whole planet. - Russian gold greater than U.S. debt - Russia is in Somalia, also. - Update on Randy Weaver - House Banking and laundry - New dirt on money laundering - Another L.A. riot' nipped in the bud - Replacement of protective forces - Incarceration camps and Asians in Montana - And more poetry by Ken Coons -- John Lear-Notice From The Central Conference Of American Rabbis-Somalia-Kissinger, Scowcroft & Eagleburger-POW/MIA Disgrace-Nevada Incorporation-Indian "Dan Clan"-Incarceration Camps & Asians In Montana-Russian Gold-India-South Africa-FinCEN-Poems By Ken Coons-Earth Faults-Bush-The Bankers' Manifest-Constitution vs. God-The Ultimate Bureaucratic Goal-Magnetic Money/Cash Crimes-"Plague" Weapon. (Index Included)
    첨부된 파일 첨부된 파일

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  1. All of PDF document are here, you can download it. From #61 ~ to #230
    By web master in forum Phoenix Journals Archives
    관련글: 1
    최신 글: 2013-01-15, 11:19

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