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제목: All of PDF document are here, you can download it. From #2 ~ to #60

  1. #43


    This Pdf book was created by Christ. Lippens, transcribed from the format posted on www.fourwinds.10.com
    Click on page to download Pdf: 1.71 Mb.

    As you journey through this passage, this may well be the most important single Journal you will ever read. It is of physical importance and impacts your soul growth tremendously, that which you do in this cycle of experience. This book is not pleasant-it was not written for entertainment; ,you are on the edge of the abyss in your nation and the "anti-Christ' , of which you have waited, is upon you. Rarely are things as you expect or at first perceive for it is the way of the enemy of Godness.

    You ask and again ask, "What can I do?" Herein we tell you that which you can do. The time for letting "someone else" do of your work is finished--you will stand forth and participate in the journey of God or you will be passed by. Your Constitutional rights as written by the Founding Fathers are being replaced by the New Constitution which is already in operation without your realization of same.
    You have a right and obligation to know that which is in store for you at the hands of the conspirators for The New World Order, and further obligation as a citizen, to act. You have been people of the lie far too long, my friends, and it has all but cost you every vestige of freedom. What you do now can change your world. Do nothing, and you had better in-crease your prayer time, for it is serious indeed. The projected prophecies are at your door and it is time you recognize your enemy!
    Text: www.fourwinds.10.com

  2. #44

    Default PJ #16 " YOU CAN SLAY THE DRAGON "

    This Pdf book was created by Christ. Lippens, transcribed from the format posted on www.fourwinds.10.com
    Click on page to download Pdf: 1,14 Mb.

    You are in the throes of experiencing the types of oppression and government power as could only be expressed in terms "Government by emergency". What might that mean? It means that the powers of the Federal bureaucracies are about to be greatly expanded even beyond the incredible increase in control of just your past decade. Executive order has all but replaced your constitutional laws. If the New Constitution is brought into law replacing your Constitution you will not need executive orders as such for you will simply fall into "legal" operations as is now underway-that of dictatorial government.

    The goal of your actions, and the intent of this book is to give you the knowledge necessary for fulfillment, to cut the lifeline and transfusions unto the government which has moved, in total, away from your Constitutional foundation. The life source of that Dragon with its many heads is money. It is recognized as taxes, the most oppressive and unlawful of all being the income tax. This Journal has been produced with the major goal of totally eliminating the UNLAWFUL withholding of wages under the guise, pretext, sham, and subterfuge of "withho9lding taxes" from Americans who, IN FACT, are NOT SUBJECT TO nor liable for any "income" or other revenue tax.

    The Sixteenth Amendment is indeed, unlawful and NULL and VOID, having never been ratified. The IRS is unlawful, the "income tax" is unlawful and all the practices of the government as concerns income taxes are unlawful and unconstitutional. There are ways to utilize to stop even the filing of the income tax forms-in fact, if you are to be successful, that is where you begin-stop filing the forms.
    Everything is not taxable. The exercise of a natural right is not taxable. A state may not impose a charge for the enjoyment of a right granted by, or secured by, the U.S. Constitution. It is not a natural right to engage in any activity which is inherently evil or harmful to others. Such activity is taxable but, strangely enough, not in the manner utilized at present. There can be many taxable activities; however, THE FREE EXERCISE OF THE CONSTITUTIONALLY GUARANTEED RIGHT TO LAWFULLY ACQUIRE PROPERTY (INCOME OR OTHER, COMPENSATION) BY INNOCENT AND HARMLESS ACTIVITIES FOR LAWFUL COMPENSATION CANNOT BE TAXES FOR REVENUE PURPOSES, AND THEREFORE, AN INDIVIDUAL WHO IS ONLY ENGAGED IN LAWFUL, INNOCENT AND HARMLESS ACTIVITIES IS NOT SUBJECT TO ANY "INCOME" OR OTHER REVENUE TAX.
    Text: www.fourwinds.10.com
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  1. All of PDF document are here, you can download it. From #61 ~ to #230
    By web master in forum Phoenix Journals Archives
    관련글: 1
    최신 글: 2013-01-15, 11:19

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