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제목: All of PDF document are here, you can download it. From #2 ~ to #60

  1. #41

    Default PJ #14 " CRY OF THE PHOENIX "

    This Pdf book was created by Christ. Lippens, transcribed from the format posted on www.fourwinds.10.com
    Click on page to download Pdf: 1.34 Mb.
    This Journal describes the unlawful activities of the Legislative, Judicial & Executive branches of the U.S. Government.
    The four horsemen of Revelations have been loosed and are ravaging the populations of the world TODAY. If, as told in Revelations, two thirds of the population will be killed by wars, pestilence and plague, some four billion people will "die prematurely" in the next few years.
    Most of us already wear the Mark of the BEAST; the BEAST will be recognized in 1990. The government of the United Sates of America is now firmly in the hands of the elitist Cartel, including the world bankers, who are dedicated to the collapsing of all nations into a One World Government by the year 2000.
    The Constitution and the Bill of Rights are to be "abolished" in favor of the Soviet-Constitution-based United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The hour is late but perhaps not too late to preserve those precious freedoms guaranteed by our Constitution and Bill of Rights. As in the Communist nations there will only be two classes, the ruling elite and the "workers". If you are not guaranteed a place among the elite this book describes your future and how you might help change it.
    Some topics covered: Tunkashila Speaks-The Secret New Constitution-How American-Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) Buys Congress-Purpose Of Gun Control-Consequences Of Defying God's Laws-The Abuse Of Sister Charlotte-One Worlders Of The Lucis Trust (Luciferian Trust) Are Exposed-Jonestown-Khazars-The Protocols Of Zion.
    첨부된 파일 첨부된 파일

  2. #42

    Default PJ #46 " TANGLED WEBS, VOL. IV "

    This Pdf book was created by Christ. Lippens, transcribed from the format posted on www.fourwinds.10.com
    PJ #46 " TANGLED WEBS, VOL. IV "
    Click on page to download Pdf: 985 kb.
    It is only when you see and recognize the planned chaos abounding about you that you can begin to regain order. In the knowing is the resolution and quieting of the confusion. First you must know who spins these webs of entrapment and then, who enforces the laws and plans the intrigues (the glue) that holds you in the trapping webs. The adversary of Truth and or-der has arranged that your path be twisted and all the map-readings be mislabeled so that you walk on crushed glass. As you peer at your feet bleeding your life substance upon the roadway--you are distracted from all else which swirls about you. But the world and the life is made up of all other portions and pieces within your existence--yet you are now trained to only see the blood upon the ground and feel the pain of the steps as the glass shards become larger and ever more sharp and cutting with each step--stopping you as surely as any guard at the door with weapons.

    In this journey wherein it seems the adversary of Truth and Freedom has already won the battle, how do you take control and thwart the marching army? You take your own weapons of Light and you stop his ability to finish his plan. All you really have to do is stand in the middle of the path in front of him and reveal all his secret deception in the Light of God--BEFORE THE WORLD.

    Hatonn gives us further information about the adversary using computer viruses (the "AIDS" of the electronic world)-The IRS-Clinton And BCCI-Tyson's Unconstitutional Trial-Untampered Bible? -- Underground Facilities And Missile Sites-Bo Gritz - The missing ship of missiles -- Skull And Bones-More On CIA History-LaRouche And The ADL-Multilateral Spying-0-Bar Association And Anti-Semitism-KGB In The CIA-CIA/FBI Relationship-CIA Trains Local Police-CIA/KGB/Mossad Are One (British Control)-Recruiting Spies-Big Brother Already Here-College Campus Recruitment-Che Guevara Execution AND MORE.

    Text: www.fourwinds.10.com
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  1. All of PDF document are here, you can download it. From #61 ~ to #230
    By web master in forum Phoenix Journals Archives
    관련글: 1
    최신 글: 2013-01-15, 11:19

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