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제목: All of PDF document are here, you can download it. From #2 ~ to #60

  1. #35

    Default PJ #10 " PRIVACY IN A FISHBOWL "

    This Pdf book was created by Christ Lippens, transcribed from the format posted on www.fourwinds.10.com

    Click on page to download Pdf: 2,33 Mb

    This Journal is Part II of Spiral To Economic Disaster (#4). The Government's thirst for information on its citizenry is unquenchable. It's a lot worse than you thought, they really are watching, everything. Is privacy possible? The document contains very pragmatic "how to" and tactical suggestions to help you legally "fade into the background".

    If you live in a Fishbowl, the fishermen can see you, catch you and put you right in the frying pan. You are in a transparent world where "Big Brother" not only can see everything you do and every move you make-but randomly take everything you have. The hook is pretty well set and the harder you flip and flog the more embedded it becomes.
    This journal is a discussion of just about the last hope you have of gaining any privacy in your world whatsoever. You cannot continue, however, as is, without losing every shred of privacy and all "blackout" curtains are in the process of being dissolved right now at political, economic and police levels of the bureaucracy.
    The only hope you have is to "turn out the lights" and/or become an invisible fish. This can be done with attention and effort. You can actually change your stripes and gain personal transparency to a large extent by changing your name to N. Corporation. You can salvage what you might have in wealth by taking some measures as outlined within this journal-cut the line and release the hook. You are in trouble!

    Even if you have a salaried job and cannot avail yourself of all of the suggestions, you can most certainly take measures for protection in a dozen ways you probably have overlooked. We can only put a little food in the fishbowl, we cannot force you to eat it.
    Some important topics covered are: Events that will "getcha" - The end of an "Age" - GOLD & SILVER FOR SECURITY:: - Plunging real estate - Value of Nevada Corporations - Who manipulates your strings? Electronic surveillance.
    Topics include: The financial collapse is imminent. Preparing for financial melt-down. Commentary on a variety of related topics including: S&L's, the real estate market, oil, bonds, precious metals, interest rates, money laundering, home security systems, the Internal Revenue Service, and the new (traceable) currency. As the screws tighten. You the consumer. Credit card nightmare. The War on Privacy. Putting your affairs in order. And what of drug screening, lie detectors, on the job surveillance, medical history, credit history, the public mail system, your telephone records? Incorporate citizens, incorporate. The Right to own firearms, for how long? What are the ways to conceal money? This document is more important than you may realize. Reading it is your decision, of course so are the consequences of not, Special Report (On Corporate Strategy). (Index Included)
    Text: www.fourwinds.10.com
    첨부된 파일 첨부된 파일

  2. #36

    Default PJ #13 " SKELETONS IN THE CLOSET "

    This Pdf book was created by Christ Lippens, transcribed from the format posted on www.fourwinds.10.com
    Click on page to download Pdf: 1,29 Mb

    " I scatter things from extra low frequency beams to counterfeit money via German Nazis in the Antarctic funnelled through Japan and flooding your markets because I desire to shock you into attention--and then we can take the events in sequence that you can recognize the truth of the Journals."

    "The twilight of the United States is guaranteed that it is humanly impossible for the U.S. either to turn aside or to win a war with the Soviets, for instance--and that is only for starters. Only a miracle could do that--do you deserve a miracle?"
    "You simply cannot believe the incredible weapons available for your annihilation---." "--YOU ARE NOT FREE, YOU HAVE A POLICE STATE AND ARE COMPLETELY CONTROLLED!"
    "The Kremlin has committed itself to a step-by-step clearing of the decks for war and so have your government participants who work with them under the covers. They have left you without even the ability to have a shelter system in which to survive-YOU OF THE U.S. HAVE BECOME THE EXPENDABLES. "THEY" CANNOT GET RID OF THE AMERICANS AS THEY ARE GETTING RID OF MANY AFRICAN AND THIRD WORLD COUNTRIES, THROUGH FAMINE AND DISEASE, AND WEATHER AND DISASTER CONTROL. OH OH! HATONN HAS DONE IT NOW--WEATHER AND DISASTER CONTROL?"
    Text: www.fourwinds.10.com
    첨부된 파일 첨부된 파일

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  1. All of PDF document are here, you can download it. From #61 ~ to #230
    By web master in forum Phoenix Journals Archives
    관련글: 1
    최신 글: 2013-01-15, 11:19

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