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제목: All of PDF document are here, you can download it. From #2 ~ to #60

  1. #31

    Default PJ #42 " UNHOLY ALLIANCE "

    This Pdf book was created by Christ Lippens, transcribed from the format posted on www.fourwinds.10.com
    Click on page to download Pdf: 2,06 Mb

    Modern Medicine is but a religion based on empty faith in priests and rabbis (doctors) within temples (hospitals) which
    are dangerous to your very life. The conspiracy is with the Elite. The conspiracy is against Man and Nations.

    Hatonn: "You ones must he prepared to recognize the names, labels and places from whence comes your so-called 'health' care. I refer to the practice of medicine as the 'Cut, Slash, Burn and Poison' insult against a living life-form. I call this JOURNAL, HIGH PRIESTS AND RABBIS IN THE TEMPLE because that is what 'health care' has come to represent. The hospital (and research lab) is the 'temple', the practitioners are the priests and rabbis. 'Trust me with your life hut ask me for no explanations,' is the byline...'for I am God of your being'. Hippocrates has holes in his coffin from the continual 'turning in his grave'. The two main warnings of medicine are both ignored, i.e., 'First, gentlemen, do no harm,' and 'Gentlemen--wash your hands!'"
    Many other topics are covered including Dallas flooding problems - The Kennedy assassination - The New Constitutional Law/Common Law Service Center - The Noriega trial - Te Profits of Cancer - The majority of people present on Earth are without God. - Jimmy Swaggart - Truth about Edwards Air Force Base - Reptilians and "Little Grays" - Poison water supply - Opium in cigarettes? - The Ground Wave Emergency Network (GWEN) - CMDR Hatonn KTAR Interview.
    Text: www.fourwinds.10.com
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  2. #32

    Default PJ #43 " TANGLED WEBS, "GOTCHA"--VOLUME I "

    This Pdf book was created by Christ Lippens, transcribed from the format posted on www.fourwinds.10.com
    Click on page to download Pdf: 1,60 Mb

    This Journal begins the Tangled Webs series in which Hatonn discusses the many "tangled webs" of the adversary through the many adversarial Organizations.

    It is with anticipation of distress on the part of readers, that we pen these current volumes. There is such denial--both deliberate and passive--that it is hard to avoid bringing pain to almost ALL readers. If, however, you don't put aside willful refusal to listen and see, you are destined for a most difficult journey in continued misled traps.
    You can't believe in God presenting in this manner? You can't accept that you have been lied to? Come now, again--look around you for it is unfolding at breathtaking speed and you are caught in the whirlwind of chaos. The adversary certainly KNOWS who we are and is at breakneck speed trying to discount and bury the information. There are books confiscated at all en-tries into Canada under "hate crimes" and "child pornography". George and Desiree' were under total assault by a superbly planned attack on them during this month's visit into Canada. From terrified hotel managers to outright "tailing". In Canada the citizens are sick at heart for they lost their "rights" and didn't know it. In Canada, any mention publicly regarding speculation as to different possibilities of the German Holocaust is grounds for incarceration in prison. The Greens are called "hate-mongers" and "racists" because they handle material that mentions the words "Jew", "Zionist", Holocaust and others deemed "hate" by the very groups who openly call themselves Jews, Zionists, etc. If that is not "hate crime" and "racist", I cannot imagine what you would call it, and yet no protections come from the law and/or government. Ah yes, the adversary knows he has been nailed and he is going to do anything under the sun in criminal activities to squelch you-the-people.

    Your President has just told you the rules under which he is going to play. He cares not for position of President--he will be a leading head of the UN Global Government. He is functioning under total blackmail tactics for his prior criminal activities--of which I share many in this book so will not present here in an introduction.
    Hatonn also keeps us updated on important world events.
    Some topics: "New Age" Deception-Plans For Sharon Of Israel-Conspiracy To Create A Holy War-Zionists Attack The Publisher Of The Phoenix Journals-Roles Of Nixon And Bush In The JFK Murder-Goals Of The committee Of 300-Players In The Temple Mount Conspiracy In The Holy War & Quator Coronati Lodge-Destruction Planned For U.S. Constitution And Christianity.
    Text: www.fourwinds.10.com
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  1. All of PDF document are here, you can download it. From #61 ~ to #230
    By web master in forum Phoenix Journals Archives
    관련글: 1
    최신 글: 2013-01-15, 11:19

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