This Pdf book was created by Christ. Lippens, transcribed from the format posted on PJ #06 " SURVIVAL, is only ten feet from hell "
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Ice-water thrown in the face of nuclear misconceptions. Clearing the air for some true understanding. We (U.S.A.) have no defense. The China nuclear threat and example. The Russian nuclear threat and example. The Switzerland model. Shelters, shelters, shelters...where are our shelters? Nuclear war not likely, probable. While there's still time. Tunnels, plan ahead and store. What of the rebuilding? More hard realities on Russia. God's involvement in this entire process. Earth changes and shelters. If you don't do it, it won't get done. The nuclear deterrent once available to the U.S. has been abrogated by the failure of the U.S. government to protect its citizenry with bomb/radiation shelters. The Russians and Chinese have access to organized and maintained shelters, leaving only the Americans unprotected. The United States is wide-open for nuclear blackmail. It may not be too late, but action must be taken.