" In the Protocols there are two forms of declaration. One is, "we have". The other is, "we shall". If somewhere in the world this summer the high secret spokesman of the World Program is addressing his class of International Initiates, he will have to say "we have" in many places where the spokesman of 1896 said "we shall". Things have been accomplished.

"We will represent ourselves as the saviours of the laboring classes". That has been and is being done. "We will deflect the thoughts of the Gentiles to industry and commerce". That has been done. "We will create a strongly centralized administra­tion so as to grasp all the social forces strongly in our hands". That has been done. "We will adopt for ourselves the liberal side of all parties and all movements and provide orators". That has been done. "We will at the same time cause a rise in the price of prime necessities". That has been done. "We will also undermine the sources of production by instilling in the work­men ideas of anarchy". That has been done.

"To demonstrate our enslavement of the Gentile govern­ments of Europe, we shall show our power to one by crimes of violence, that is, by a reign of terror".--Protocol 7. "
(The PROTOCOLS: Pdf - Link)