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    Default 응답: PJ#230, RISE OF ANTICHRIST VOL. 4

    PJ 230


    MON., MAR. 2, 1998 7:35 A.M. YR. 11, DAY 198

    MON., MAR. 2, 1998
    I know readers, just when you think you might be finished with "JEWISH" stuff, here comes some more.

    The Constitutional Law Center had several major purposes when it was established, and before Mr. Green, Anderson, et al., di­verted the funds sent for that business. One of the major top-of-­the-list programs to set forth was a "Court, to provide arbitra­tions for disputes that could be handled in a Common Court, a People's court, or any civil matter recognized out of the Gov­ernments' Courts, a settlement by a panel or a jury". This would lessen the lengthy time consumed in the governmental courts AND take away backlogs from those courts along with cutting the expenses involved by incredible amounts.

    We couldn't get it done and for our efforts it seems we just got pounded on over and over again. Mr. Dixon even had arranged a place where this court could be established right in Bakers­field, California, and people to run it. It would of course be open to all citizens.

    Some observant reader sent the following:

    LOS ANGELES TIMES, Saturday, Feb. 28, 1998.

    QUOTING: [H: The sender has noted: "A nation withIN a nation. An official public notice."]

    The Southern California Board of Rabbis has created its first Jewish court, or
    beit din, to provide arbitration of disputes within the region's Jewish community
    --the second largest in the nation, with about half a million members.

    The entity, which will offer an alternative to costly, often di­visive civil court procedures, will be distinctive in the Los An­geles area, spokesmen said, because its panels of three rabbis will be chosen from Reform, Reconstructionist, Conservative and Orthodox clergy and will serve claimants from all branches of Judaism.
    [H: The "justice" will, of course, be based on "Talmudic Law".]

    Existing Jewish courts--both permanent and temporary--usu­ally serve only their own wings of Judaism, said Rabbi Lawrence Goldmark, president of the Board of Rabbis. The board enthusiastically voted in November to form the court, he said.

    "This is important, because it affirms our belief that there is ONE Jewish people", said Rabbi Aaron Kriegel, who proposed the idea.

    "Jewish ethics are not divided by denominational lines", he said. "This will allow the Los Angeles community to recognize our unity at a time when that unity is being challenged". [H: Guess what, though, readers, that unity is only being chal­lenged within the various "denominations" of the very Jew­ish people they serve. Some of those "JEWS" want out and this will further restrict them to a bound and non-separation grouping.]

    Mr. Kriegel is not only senior rabbi of Temple Ner Maarav in Encino but also an attorney.

    Acknowledging that certain disputes are too controversial within Judaism to resolve, Kriegel said the court will not handle disagreements, for example, over kosher practices, religious conversions and same-sex wedding ceremonies. But cases involving various business, medical, legal and "non-ritual reli­gious issues" will be accepted, he said.

    The first case to come before the beit din will concern a dis­pute that Kriegel learned about early last year between an indi­vidual and a Jewish institution. Rather than go to civil courts, the parties decided to wait for the Board of Rabbis to form the Jewish judicial body, he said.

    Each party will choose a rabbi for the beit din panel, then those two rabbis will select a third panelist from their own ranks, Kriegel said.

    "We should be rolling within two or three weeks", he said. Rabbi Paul Dubin, who recently retired as the longtime execu­tive secretary of the Board of Rabbis, will serve as secretary of the new court.

    One comment about this that is apparent to everyone who has been caught in the trap of Judges, attorneys, lawyers (yes there is a difference), and any legal institution is that "What differ­ence does it make--everything in the Judicial system is based on Jewish standards from the Kol Nidre to the very Bar Association demands for "the brotherhood". Yes indeed, and there is no longer any suggestion or denial otherwise.

    If you watched 60 MINUTES last evening you will have noted a program on the NEW Russia in Moscow. It is based on the Beverly Hills, U.S.A. concept of money changing, expensive duds and necessities, "girlfriend"-based marriages (sometimes "boyfriend"-based) and operates on such a commercial level as to require that the biggest single personal job is that of body­guard to these newly- rich bandidos. One of the big money­makers said he came over to America to take notes and lessons on how to run his big-money business and expected to meet people like "LP. Morgan, etc., and et al.". He met nothing except lawyers, lawyers, lawyers and more lawyers and never met any other business parties AT ALL. The lawyers have taken over America", he said, "and it is destroying America". He continued: "Russia will be the economy and growth nation to surpass all world focus in the next ten years--if we don't allow the lawyers to eat us alive like in the U.S.". It was noted that all the business people AND THE LAWYERS are ALL JEWISH!

    And just think, YOU guys out there object to our even sharing such as the Protocols of Zion which is the very outline of how to TAKE A WORLD. Good business? No, for "good" indicates goodness and you have no goodness left in your big business. So, we write for the ones who have "inquiring minds and want to know...".


    The real estate speculations of the Jews are familiar to all, but unfortunately do not constitute their entire land program. Many American cities have changed their characters entirely during the past 15 years by reason of Jewish speculation in residence property, and it is a fact established in the larger eastern cities that the recent exorbitant and extortionate rise in rents was largely a matter of the Jewish landlord. The governor of one of the most important of our commonwealths was loath to sign a bill regulating rents. His hesitancy was encouraged by very heavy pressure brought to bear upon him by the weightiest Jew­ish financial interests in his own and neighboring states. He fi­nally decided that he would sign the bill and give the law effect, and the fact that decided him was his personal investigation and the investigation of his personal agents into hundreds of cases of abuse where he discovered that it was a common practice among Jewish landlords to transfer the same piece of property round and round to every member of the family in turn, each "transfer" being the excuse for a new increase in the rent. Men have their eyes opened to the Jewish Question in various ways; this was the way a governor had his eyes opened.

    [H: Let me point out something which "they" don't want you to KNOW, readers. You wonder about the explosion and collapse of the market. THE MARKET IS NOTHING EX­CEPT A CLUE-LINE OF MANIPULATION.
    YOU are headed for a deflationary depression. But, you will note rents and prices remain high. They will remain high until the market manipulators get all their ducks in a row and then collapse the market. But, nobody will be able to pay for things, so foreclosures by government on tax delinquency and mortgage arrears will be the thing of the day.
    Now, you might think that these "disaster loans" are helping you? No, the bigger the money-owner the bigger the loan, which is quite obvious for much more land and property is damaged for these independent growers. But how are those loans BASED? They are based on the lending value the BANKS wish to set for the property--NOT the GOVERN­MENT. The migrant farmer's little house will merit only a pittance which of course will have to be "written off" later. But when those payments come due--foreclosure on massive amounts of acreage by large farming operations and dairy farmers, cattle raisers, etc., will be basically confiscated, and into the pockets of the Jewish landlords they go.
    Much land in these low-land areas which are flooded once every three hundred years will be marked (condemned) as wet-lands and taken out of use and private holdings--except for the Bankers, of course. The PLAN takes all lands that had any standing water at all even after 53 inches of rainfall. Even in the deserts that will comprise new "wetlands". And, while you are at it--KNOW that this is the way to introduce SMUT into your grain crops and other disease into your garden crops. You are in far worse a position as a citizenry than you can calculate from your private veranda.]

    That, however, is not the peculiarity of Jew landlords alone; Gentile landlords have played the same trick. But landlordism is peculiarly a Jewish ambition and distinction; the Jew is the Landlord of America. Any group of tenants almost anywhere in America, except the West, could testify to this.

    Nor is landlordism itself reprehensible, things being what they are, unless it is anti-social and anti-American. [H: Now since war and killing is "American" and nothing seems to be considered, within the country, "anti-American", you don't have any recourse, do you, citizen?] And just here is where it gets pointed. Some of the oldest and most sacred shrines of Americanism in the East have entirely lost their character as such by the invasion--not of "foreigners"--but of Jews.

    The more one sees of this invasion, the more one utterly dis­trusts the statistics given out by Jews as to the Jewish population of the United States.

    [H: Please realize that while your administration and congress argue and fling hatchets and rattle sabers over Iraq--EVERY DAY thousands of people from Israel are pouring into the U.S.A. and are, and will, be considered "refugees" eligible for PERMANENT citizen status. This non-war is going to be the basis of "terror" against the Jews and everyone who wishes to immigrate, and some who do not, will be reestablished for USE, by the controllers--wher­ever they are sent to relocate. THIS IS A MAJOR PART OF THE "PLAN" FOR THIS PART OF THE NON-WAR.]

    Do you know that the one nationality on which the Govern­ment of the United States is estopped from asking questions, ei­ther for immigration or census statistics, is the Jewish?

    Do you know that when the Government of the United States wants to know anything about the Jews, it must go to statisti­cians which the Jews themselves support? [H: And just as the "Polls" of today--the numbers come out ANY WAY THEY WISH.]

    If a nation claims that it is no nation with respect to the United States Government, as the Jews claim, and has no na­tional statistics which it will permit the government to collect in the official way, why should it treat itself as a nation and keep its own records?

    The Jews of the United States, like the Jews of every Euro­pean country, are a nation among themselves, with their own government, their own policy, their own records; and the United States Government does business with the Jewish Government in America through chosen Jews--no doubt of that.

    It is, however, a digression. The matter of Jewish statistics will come up again. In the meantime a glance at the rapid changing of so many American cities in all parts of the land leads to the belief that the Jewish statistics furnished by the Jews for Gentile consumption entirely misstate the facts, and this be­lief is strengthened by the knowledge that the statistics given by the Jews for Jewish consumption are very different from those supplied for the outside world.

    Landlordism may be explained by the inclination of the Jew toward speculation, and we know that real estate has been made one of the most speculative of occupations, disgracefully, almost disastrously so. The Jew cannot be condemned for becoming a landlord, for becoming the most conspicuous landlord in Amer­ica; he cannot be condemned apart from his Gentile co-offenders for the abuse he has made on his advantage as landlord. But it is a matter for American concern that the cities to which, in the schoolbooks, our children are taught to look as the birthplaces of liberty and as still the spokesmen of Americanism, should be­come Semitic cities, financially and politically, and the recruit­ing grounds of the world's Bolshevism.

    Until recently, however, the Jew in America has not cared for the land. It is a characteristic. The Jew is not an agricul­turist. Lavish fortunes have been expended to make him so, but the productive work of farming has not had, and does not now have, any appeal to him. His choice in land is this: land that produces gold from the mine, and land that produces rents. Land that produces mere potatoes and wheat has not directly in­terested him.

    [H: Forget that in these days of the '90s. You will find BIG BUSINESS, JEWISH BIG BUSINESS, behind all those farms NOW. The little farmer is taken out and corporations such as Archer Daniels Midland will control the crops, pur­chase of crops, sale of crops and the decision as to what lands can be used--funnelled right through your government halls of injustice. If lucky, a farmer might get an opportu­nity to operate his little farm but usually it is far easier and less noticed if the farms are taken, merged into a conglomerate and operated with massive equipment, low-wage immi­grant farmers and the homesite either demolished or leased to the operator-manager. I will take up this subject again later where it is better seen and understood. Right here in this area in this year--there is a massive flooding problem and hundreds of acres are lost which were already growing major crops of ORGANIC CROPS. THIS IS MASSIVELY EXPENSIVE TO BOTH THE GROWER AND THE LANDOWNERS.
    Yes indeed, "our" local "farm plot" had water standing and running through and within the fields. But I asked that a crop NOT BE PLANTED in the Fall last. You listen to the reports and you do not plant if you KNOW el Nino IS HOVERING OFF THE COAST. So, our land is dormant awaiting tilling for Spring crops which will, this year, be used by a major Organic grower to make up for some of his lost acreage. You have to understand that these large growers already have commitments for their crops before planting. It is part of the big and officious market options and com­modities game.
    This does mean, however, that the lease for land will not cover the lease of the farm, so it doesn't work out fairly but it does save the cost of losing crop and seed, and for a year we will have about the only "stored" spelt around the coun­try in our little bins--which would have had to go for plant­ing and loss.
    The farm is the least of our problems but gets to come back into being one of the biggest problems to the Ence gang. The equipment was vandalized, and witnesses say it was by them. The "Landlord" left equipment on the property that Mr. Ence took unlawfully and, in fact, sold. The landlord is very, very upset NOW because he had use for the equipment to lease to growers. He just discovered this major inconve­nience which negates the statute of limitations on his prior actions regarding that farm. At any rate, since the vandal­izing of the tractors and crop equipment, the working of the land needs more equipment so the best option is to lease the land this year--to people with massive equipment and let's see if Mr. Ence wants to dink around with THEM.
    For you inquiring minds who are reminded of the EXTRA ongoing saga; their lawyers are working, as we write, on fundamental information about the program which was run last Spring. It seems the Ences, Fort, Beam, Tuten and George Green with attorneys were the culprits who FED THE PROGRAM'S DIRECTORS AND PRODUCERS THE FALSE INFORMATION. Ence even went on the AIR in shadow disguise stating that Ekkers and the Institute have an arsenal of weapons and tons of ammunition stashed--at the farm yet. EXTRA says they won't sit still for that kind of trashing of what they like to consider a clean magazine-type of television (international) programming.]
    It is true, of course, that the land question has been distinctly Jewish in countries like Poland and Rumania. No law against Jews owning land in those countries has ever been effective in preventing their control of whole provinces. Not that the Jews demanded the right to farm the land, their choice was to farm the farmers. By devious methods and the use of "Gentile fronts" they could always secure control of the land, and thus dominating the peasants they could create almost any condition they wished. That is what they actually did. That is the Jewish Question in those parts of the world. Not for farming purposes, it must be understood, but for the purpose of controlling the main source of wealth in agricultural countries and for taking the control of the people away from their natural Gentile lead­ers.

    These two things always go together in countries where there is intellectual or landed aristocracy to which the people look for leadership: the Jewish program is to destroy that leadership by gaining control of the land. It is profitable, of course, but when you survey the outworking of the plan you always see something other than profits involved. The consummate perfection of the Jewish plan for world Control is that it does not involve sacrifice as have other plans; it is immensely profitable at every stage, and the greater the profitableness the more surely the purpose is being achieved.

    In America there was no aristocracy to be cut under by the gaining of land control. Jewish activity in the United States un­til recently has confined itself to the control of land products af­ter they have been produced: that is, so to say, Jewish interests do not engage in trapping, but they control the fur trade.

    Speaking of furs, it is very funny to see how some affairs turn out. During the war there was a great to-do made about the German control of the American fur trade. It was true that the fur trade was controlled from Germany, but not by Germans--by Jews! And then a great to-do was made about seizing, confis­cating and absolutely selling out that "German" fur business to Americans, and the "Americans" who bought it were--Jews! The actual control has never changed; the profits still find their way to the "International" purse.

    But furs is just an example. Jewish interests do not engage in raising grain, but control the grain that others produce. The need of the United States is a "Who's Who of Jewish Fi­nanciers" that the people may identify the men about whom they read as having made this "corner" or sprung that "coup". These interests, which have simply grabbed American-produced wealth and made American consumers pay and pay and pay, have been able to operate almost openly as they read their newspapers. And, of course, while the American newspaper will gladly in­form you that this man is an Italian and that man a Pole and the other man a Briton, it will never tell you that the fourth man is a Jew. There is a Jewish organization in every city, large and small, to prevent it--and they prevent it by methods that are vi­olent and wholly subversive of the American ideal of liberty.

    So, until recently, the plan in the United States has been to seize the commodity at just that point in its passage from pro­ducer to consumer where the heaviest weight of profit can be extracted from it--at the neck of the bottle, so to speak--and control it there. It is not service that the people pay for; they pay for seizure.

    But a new movement has begun in the United States. Jewish millions are now being used to secure immense tracts of Ameri­can lands. Formerly it was enough to control the cotton, as the bread was controlled, but now the movement is toward control­ling the cotton lands. The operations are carefully guarded; "Gentile fronts" are used almost exclusively, but follow the trail through all the "blinds" and "false scents" and you come at last to the International Jew, whose throne is set up in London.

    Many Jews have written The Dearborn Independent saying that they do not know about these racial plans for world control. It may well be believed that they do not. One purpose of these articles is to tell them about it. But this every Jew rejoices in--the movement of his people toward power. And it is this sentiment that the International Jew implicitly trusts, and because this sentiment exists The International Program secures a maximum of success at a minimum risk of exposure. Jewry is not a democracy but an autocracy. Of course the ordinary Jew does not know! The question is, why should he revile the Gentile who tries to tell him? If a Jew will not seal his mind against the statements made in these articles, he will find in his own knowl­edge sufficient corroboration of their principal features, and he will be in a better position to assist in the solution of the Jewish Question.

    It is with amazement at certain men's conception of editorial honesty that The Dearborn Independent has read some of the re­ports made of these articles. Under cover, principally of the Yiddish, alleged translations of these articles have been flung broadcast among non-English speaking Jews, translations which not only bear no resemblance to the original, but actually insert whole paragraphs of matter which never appeared in the original at all. Is there a fear of permitting the average Jew to read this series? Nothing is more desired by those whose purpose is to lay foundations for the solution of the Jewish Question in America than that every Jew in the United States should know exactly what is being printed here week by week. The Jew has been deceived by his leaders long enough.

    The fact is, then, that there is a definite and already well forwarded movement toward the control of the cotton lands of the United States. The first step was to depreciate the market value of these lands as much as possible. Pressure was brought through certain BANKS to limit the cotton farmers' efforts. They were told that if they planted more acreage to cotton than they were told to, they would not be financed.

    Cotton production was to go down while cotton prices were to go up, and the profits were not the farmers' but those who controlled the course of cotton from the first market to the wearer. Cotton farming was to be made less profitable, while cotton speculation was to become more profitable. The public was being compelled to supply the money by which the Jewish controllers were to buy the land. In brief, it was to be made more profitable to sell cotton lands than to sell cotton. [H: Ev­ery farm land owner and farmer can give you better tales today about subsidies and removal of guarantees for this or that reason than I could possibly present one on one.]

    These statements are being deliberately restricted to the traf­fic in cotton lands. Jewish financiers in New York and London know these things, even if Jewish editors and rabbis do not.

    This movement has been within the knowledge of certain classes of businessmen for a long time, indeed some have been forced by what used to be called "the pressure of circumstances" to serve the movement. But they were not able to interpret its meaning. It is only recently that the more important Gentile businessmen of the United States have been able to interpret certain things. The war was a potent eye-opener.

    Those wonderful documents known as the Protocols, with their strong grasp of every element of life, have not overlooked LAND. The Land Program is found in the Sixth Protocol, which is one of the briefest of these documents and may be quoted in full to show now the relation it bears to certain ex­cerpts made in previous articles:

    "We shall soon begin to establish huge monopolies, colossal reservoirs of wealth, upon which even the big Gentile properties will be dependent to such an extent that they will all fall together with the government credit on the day following the political catastrophe. The economists here present must carefully weigh the signifi­cance of this combination. We must develop by every means the importance of our super-government, repre­senting it as the protector and benefactor of all who vol­untarily submit to us.

    "The aristocracy of the Gentiles as a political force has passed away. We need not take them into consideration. But, as owners of the land, they are harmful to us in that they are independent in their sources of livelihood. Therefore, at all costs, we must deprive them of their land.

    "The best means to attain this is to increase the taxes and mortgage indebtedness. These measures will keep land ownership in a state of unconditional subordination. Unable to satisfy their needs by small inheritances, the aristocrats among the Gentiles will burn themselves out rapidly.

    "At the same time it is necessary to encourage trade and industry vigorously and especially speculation, the function of which is to act as a counterpoise to industry. Without speculation, industry will cause private capital to increase and tend to improve the condition of Agriculture BY FREEING THE LAND FROM INDEBTEDNESS FOR LOANS BY THE LAND BANKS. It is necessary for industry to deplete the land both of laborers and capital, and, through speculations, transfer all the money of the world into our hands, thereby throwing the Gentiles into the ranks of the proletariat. The Gentiles will then bow before us to obtain the right to existence.

    "To destroy Gentile industry, we shall, as an incentive to this speculation, encourage among the Gentiles a strong demand for luxuries, all-enticing luxuries.

    "We will force up wages, which however will be of no benefit to workers, for we will at the same time cause a rise in the prices of prime necessities, pretending that this is due to the decline of agriculture and of cattle raising. We will also artfully and deeply undermine the source of production by instilling in the workmen ideas of anarchy, and encourage them in the use of alcohol, at the same time taking measure to drive all the intellectual forces of the Gentiles from the land.

    "That the true situation shall not be noticed by the Gentiles prematurely, we will mask it by a pretended ef­fort to serve the working classes and promote great eco­nomic principles, for which an active propaganda will be carried on through our economic theories".

    The local and passing element in this is "the aristocracy of the Gentiles". That is to say, the program is not entirely ful­filled by the passing of aristocrats. Jewry goes on just the same. Its program stretches far. Jewry will retain such kings as it de­sires as long as it desires them. Probably the last throne to be vacated will the British throne because what to the British mind is the honor of being Jewry's protector and therefore the inheri­tor of the blessing which that attitude brings, is to the Jewish mind the good fortune of being able to use a world-wide empire for the furtherance of Jewry's purpose. Each has served the other and the partnership will probably last until Jewry gets ready to throw Britain over, which Jewry can do at almost any time. There are indications that it has already started on this last task.

    But the permanent elements in the Protocols are the Land, the Jews, and the Gentiles. A word of explanation may be neces­sary on this inclusion of the Gentiles as permanent: The Proto­cols do not contemplate the extermination of the Gentiles,
    [H: Just the genocide and extermination of SOME of the races as in "Judean"
    --"common" (their description, not mine), Blacks, Asians, Hispanics, and "useless eaters".] nor the making of this world a completely Jewish populated world. The Protocols contemplate a Gentile world RULED BY THE JEWS­--THE JEWS AS MASTER, THE GENTILES AS HEWERS OF WOOD AND DRAWERS OF WATER, A POLICY WHICH EVERY OLD TESTAMENT READER KNOWS TO BE TYP­ICALLY JEWISH AND THE SOURCE OF DIVINE JUDG­MENT UPON ISRAEL TIME AND AGAIN.
    Now, look at this whole Program as it concerns the Land.

    "Owners of the land... are harmful to us in that they are independent in their sources of livelihood".
    That is a foundation principle of the Protocols. It matters not whether the owners are the "Gentile aristocracy", the peasants of Poland, or the farmers of the United States--land ownership makes the owners "independent in their sources of livelihood". And any form of independence is fatal to the success of the World Program which is written so comprehensively in the Protocols and which is advancing so comprehensively under Jewish guidance in the world of actual affairs today.

    Not "tillers" of the land, not "dwellers" on the land, not "tenants", not an "agricultural peasantry", but "owners of the land"--this is the class singled out for attention in the Sixth Pro­tocol BECAUSE they are "Independent in their sources of liveli­hood".

    Now, there has been no time in the history of the United States when apparently it was more easy for the farmer to own his land than now. Mortgages should be thing of the past. Ev­erywhere the propaganda of the question tells us that the farmers are growing "rich". And yet there were never so many abandoned farms!

    "Therefore, at all costs we must deprive them of their land".

    How? "The best means to attain this is to increase land taxes and mortgage indebtedness". High taxes to keep the land at all, borrowed money to finance the tilling of it.

    "These measures will keep land ownership in a state of un­conditional subordination".

    We will leave it to the farmers of the United States to say whether this is working out or not.

    And in the future reference to this subject we will show that whenever an attempt is made to enable farmers to borrow money at decent rates, whenever it is proposed to lighten the burden of "mortgage indebtedness" on the farm, Jewish finan­cial influence in the United States steps in to prevent it, or fail­ing to prevent it, mess it all up in the operation.

    By increasing the farmer's financial disability on the one hand, and by increasing industrial allurements on the other, a very great deal is accomplished. The Protocol says: "It is nec­essary for industry to deplete the Land both of laborers and cap­ital".

    Has that been done? Have the farms of the United States been depleted, both of laborers and capital? Certainly. Money is harder for the farmer to get than it is for any other man; and as for labor, he cannot get it on any terms.

    What is the result of these two influences, the one working on the farm, and the other in the cities? It is precisely what the Protocol says it will be: Increased wages that buy less of the materials of life--"we will at the same time cause a rise in the prices of prime necessities, pretending that this is due to the de­cline of agriculture and cattle raising".

    The Jew who set these Protocols in order was a financier, economist and philosopher of the first order. He knew what he was talking about. His operations in the ordinary world of busi­ness always indicated that he knew exactly what he was doing. How well this Sixth Protocol has worked and is still working out in human affairs is before the eyes of everyone to see.

    Here in the United States one of the most important move­ments toward real independence of the financial powers had been begun by the farmers. The farmers' strong advantage is that, owning the land, he is independent in his sources of livelihood. The land will feed him whether he pleases International Jewish Financiers or not. His position is impregnable as long as the sun shines and the seasons roll. It was therefore necessary to do something to hinder this budding independence. He was placed under a greater disadvantage than any other business man in borrowing capital. He was placed more ruthlessly than any other producer between the upper and nether stones of a thievish distribution system. Labor was drawn away from the farm. The Jew-controlled melodrama made the farmer a "rube", and Jew-made fiction presented him as a "hick", causing his sons to be ashamed of farm life. The grain syndicates which operate against the farmer are Jew controlled. There is no longer any possibility of doubting, when the facts of actual affairs are put alongside the written Program, that the farmer of the United States has an interest in this Question.

    But this is not all.

    Any writer who attempts fully to inform the Gentile mind on the Jewish Question must often feel that the extent of the Proto­cols' Conspiracy is so great as to stagger the Gentile mind. Gentiles are not conspirators. They cannot follow a clue through long and devious and darkened channels. The elaborate completeness of the Jewish Program, the perfect co-ordination of its mass of details wearies the Gentile mind. This, really more than the daring of the Program itself, constitutes the prin­cipal danger of the Program being fulfilled. Gentile mental laziness is the most powerful ally the World Program has. [H: And of course today it is KNOWN that less than 1/5 of the population CAN READ what is offered and the other por­tion has been so pointedly and deliberately "dumbed down" as to cause no problem to the controllers--for pure junk is provided for the population, controlled information --and who, after all, is going to read this "rubbish"?]
    For example: After citing the perfectly obvious coincidence and most probable connection between the Protocols and the ob­servable facts with reference to the farm situation, the writer is compelled to say, as above, "but this is not all". And it is a peculiarity of Gentile psychology that the Gentile reader will feel that it ought to be all because it is so complete. This is where the Jewish mind out-maneuvers the Gentile mind.

    Gentiles may do a thing for one reason: The Jew often does the same thing for three or four reasons. The Gentile can un­derstand thus far why Jewish financiers should seek control of the land in order to prevent widespread Agricultural Indepen­dence which, as Protocol Six says, would be "harmful to us". That reason is perfectly clear.

    But there is another. It is found in the Twelfth Protocol. It contemplates nothing less than the playing of City against Country in the great game now being exposed. Complete con­trol over the City by the industrial leverage, and over the Coun­try by the debt leverage, will enable the hidden Players to move first the Country by saying the City demands certain things, and then move the City by saying that the country demands certain things, thus splitting Citizens and Farmers apart and using them against one another.

    Look at the plainness and the boldness, yet the calm assur­ance, with which this plan is broached:

    "Our calculations reach out, especially into the country districts. There we must necessarily arouse those interests and ambitions for independence on the part of the provinces. It is clear that the source of this will be pre­cisely the same, and that it will come from us. It will be necessary for us before we have obtained full power to so arrange matters that, from time to time, the cities shall come under the influence of opinion in the country dis­tricts, that is, of the majority prearranged by our agents...".

    The preliminaries of the game are here set forth--to jockey City and Farm against each other, that in the end the Conspira­tors may use whichever proves the stronger in putting the Plan over. In Russia, both schemes have been worked. The old regime, established in the Cities, was persuaded to lay down power because it was made to believe that the peasants of Russia requested it. Then, when the Bolshevists seized power, they ruled the peasantry on the ground that the Cities wanted it. The Cities listened to the Country, now the Country is listening to the Cities.

    If you see any attempt made to divide City and Farm into antagonistic camps, remember this paragraph from the Twelfth Protocol. Already the poison is working. Have you never heard that Prohibition was something which the backwoods dis­tricts forced upon the cities? Have you never heard that the High Cost of Living was due to extravagant profits of the farmer?--profits which he doesn't get.

    One big dent in this Program of World Control could be made if the Citizen and
    the Farmer could learn each other's mind, not through self-appointed spokesmen, but directly from each other. [H: This of course is a LEGAL RESTRICTION. NOTE THAT NOBODY WITH AN ATTORNEY CAN EVEN SPEAK TO ONE ANOTHER--EXCEPT THROUGH THOSE ATTORNEYS.] City and Farm are drifting apart be­cause of misrepresentation of outsiders, and in the widening rift the sinister shadow of the World Program appears.

    Let the Farmers look past the "Gentile fronts" in their vil­lages or principal trading points, past them to the real controllers who are hidden.
    [H: And 78 years later IT IS TOO LATE TO CHANGE THIS.]

    Issue of September 4, 1920

    I must close this as it is far too lengthy and the paper must be done today. However, one of the most important things upon which you of the United States (and the WORLD) must focus is the UNITED NATIONS and the NON-PAYMENT OF THOSE INCREDIBLE SUMS OF DEBT (DUES) OF THE U.S. TO THAT BODY. You can probably now see why those are out­standing. This controls the "body" and determines when and if the very payment would lose control entirely. The money itself has to be LOANED FROM THE FEDERAL RESERVE and that means FROM THE JEWISH INTERESTS--NO I DON'T THINK YOU UNDERSTAND TOO WELL, READERS, EVEN YET.

    And you will applaud and laud some "Turner" who "donates (???)" a billion dollars over some long period of time. Don't you understand that that one donation assures him and Hanoi Jane the ability to write off four times that amount in one lump sum--in tax savings? Yes indeed, this Antichrist has done a su­perb job of fooling all you people all of the time. Truth can set you free--but will you find it in time to save anything? We shall see. Adonai.


    TUE., MAR. 3, 1998 7:37 A.M. YR. 11, DAY 199

    TUE., MAR. 3, 1998
    On the topic of:

    and, from HOMER:
    and, then, from Diogenes and Plato:
    The modern humans taking the name "Jews" are the proverbial Hypocrites of the ages. They were in the temples of God 2000 years ago and they remain in all of our temples TODAY. And just as Hypocrites, the "Jew" knows no race, creed, color or race. He has become the representation of all that is not Christed. "To show an unfelt sorrow is an office which the false man does easy." And: "With devotion's visage and pious action we do sugar o'er The Devil himself". --Shakespeare

    It appears the more meaningful observation needs some thought: "It is not uncommon to charge the difference between promise and performance, between profession and reality, upon deep de­sign and studied deceit; but the TRUTH IS, THAT THERE IS VERY LITTLE HYPOCRISY IN THE WORLD". --Samuel Johnson. (Just idiots with engraved opinions and wrong as­sumptions spouting great egotistical garbage while calling it words of wisdom.)

    And on topics more personal it is quite easily observed:

    Men use thought only as authority for their INJUSTICE, and employ speech ONLY TO CONCEAL THEIR THOUGHTS.--Voltaire


    The purpose of this article is twofold: To set forth what the Protocols have to say about the relation of the Press to the World Program, and to make an introduction to a study of Jew­ish influence on the Press. [H: Please keep in mind that in 1920 there were media limitations. Media control came into full glory with the television and modern motion picture ca­pabilities.]

    The Jewish race has always been aware of the advantages to be derived from news. This was one of the factors in the con­trol of European commerce from the earliest Christian times. To be informed beforehand, to know what was coming before the Gentiles among whom they lived knew it, was a special privilege of the Jews, made possible by the close communication in which widely separated Jewish groups kept themselves. From the first they were inveterate correspondents. They were the inventors of the news-letter.

    This does not imply, however, that the Jews were the fore­runners or even the sponsors of the modern Press. It was no part of their purpose to distribute news among the people, but to keep it for themselves as a secret advantage. The political, eco­nomic and commercial news which sped with such remarkable facility throughout Europe, from Jewish community to Jewish community, was in reality the official budget by which each community informed all the others of what was transpiring, as to war, trade currents, rising emergencies, or whatever the matter may have been. For centuries the Jews were the best informed people on the continent; from their secret sources in courts and chancelleries, from privileged Jews who were placed in every position of vantage, the whole race was informed of the state of the world.

    Scouts were kept in motion everywhere. Far down in South America, before the British or Dutch colonies in North America had hardly secured a foothold, there were Jews who served as outposts for European trade interests. The world was spied out in the interests of their race, just as today the entire planet is un­der the watchful eyes of Jewish agents--mostly Gentiles, it must be said--for any hint of new gold discoveries.

    An interesting and historic illustration of the Jews' apprecia­tion of news is to be found in the career of Nathan Rothschild. Rothschild had laid all his plans on the assumption that the Em­peror Napoleon, then banished to Elba, was finally eliminated from European affairs. Napoleon unexpectedly returned, and in the "Hundred Days" it seemed as if the Rothschild financial edi­fice might collapse. Feverishly the financier aided both Prussia and England, and as the Battle of Waterloo approached, no one was more interested in the outcome than he.

    Rothschild was a man who shrank from the sight of blood; he was physically a coward, and any sign of violence unnerved him; but so intense was his interest in the battle on which his whole fortune seemed to depend, that he hastened to France, followed the British Army, and when the battle began he hid himself in "some shot-proof nook near Hougomont" where he watched all day the ebb and flow of battle.
    [H: Typical; the Jews send off the Gentiles to do their wars and bleeding while they hang out in hidden bunkers watching their "money" investments.] Just before Napoleon ordered the last desperate charge Rothschild had made up his mind. He said af­terward that his exclamation at this point was, "The House of Rothschild
    has won the battle".

    He hurried from the field, galloped wildly to Brussels, com­municating not a word
    of what he knew to the anxious people he met by the way. Hiring a carriage at an exorbitant price, he galloped away to Ostend. Here a fierce storm was raging on the ocean and no sailor was willing to set out for England, about 20 miles away. Rothschild himself, always afraid of danger, forgot his fear in his visions of the stock market. He offered 500, 800, and at length 1,000 francs to the man who would take him across. But no one dared. Finally one sailor proposed that if Rothschild would
    pay 2,000 francs into his wife's hands, he would attempt.

    Half dead the two men reached the English coast, but without rest Rothschild ordered express post and hurried away to Lon­don. Whip and spur were not spared on that journey.

    There were no telegrams in those days, no swift communica­tion. England was anxious. The rumors were bad. And on the morning of June 20, 1815, when Nathan Rothschild appeared in his usual place at the Stock Exchange and leaned against the column, England knew nothing of what he knew. He was pale and broken. The sight
    of his face led the other financiers to be­lieve that he had received bad news from the front. Then it was seen that he was quietly selling his securities. What? Roth­schild unloading? The market dropped disastrously, a very panic seized the financiers, the market was flooded with consols offered for sale--and all that was offered, Rothschild's agents bought! [H: Still works that way doesn't it?]

    [H: In fact right here I want to insert some thought fodder: How many of you remember McCain of Arizona? You know, that Senator who was among the Keating Five. The same one who was a prisoner of war in the Asian sector BUT SOLD OUT HIS BUDDIES TO THE ENEMY. THAT ONE?? WELL, HE IS NOW PUSHING WAR IN IRAQ--THIS SAME MAN WHO SCREWED HIS BUDDIES, AND YOU-THE-PEOPLE IN THE S&L MULTI-BILLION-DOLLAR LOSSES--NOW WANTS A WAR IN IRAQ TO SCREW YOU AGAIN--AND AGAIN--AND AGAIN. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE? McCain and all his "friends" in crime were working DIRECTLY WITH GEORGE BUSH AND THE BUSH TWIGS. THESE THINGS MAKE THE NEWS--SO WHAT ARE YOU OFF DOING DURING THE NEWS?

    So it went on, all day the 20th, and all day the 21st. At the close of business the second day, Rothschild's heavy chests were crammed with securities. Then in the evening a courier gal­loped into London with the news that Wellington had won and Napoleon was a fugitive. But Nathan Rothschild had made $10,000,000 and the men he did business with had lost that much--all as an affair of news!

    There was a little incident in Washington during the war--a "leak" of news, it was called. The wise men of Wall Street sometimes whisper that even between 1914-1918 there were men of Rothschild's race who showed his same appreciation of "news", with the same profitable results. And not only the men of "Rothschild's race", but some of their "Gentile fronts", also.

    There were times during the war when no Gentile knew what was going on in certain countries. The Jewish leaders always knew. Some very interesting testimony can be presented on that point.

    Aside from its own interest, this Rothschild narrative fully illustrates the statement that while the Jews were very early news-gatherers, they were not publicists. They used the news for their own benefit; they did not disseminate it. If it had de­pended on their influence, there would have been no public Press at all. It was in France, which had no newspapers outside the capital, that the French Revolution was possible. There be­ing no reliable exchange of news and opinion, the people were kept in ignorance. Paris itself did not know that the Bastille had fallen until next day. Where there is no Press, minorities easily gain control--as the Jewish-Bolshevist revolution in Russia illus­trates.

    One of the most dangerous developments of the time is public distrust of the Press. If the day ever comes when swift, reliable and authoritative communication with the entire people shall be necessary for public action in the interests of public safety, the nation may find itself sadly crippled unless a new confidence in the daily Press can be built up. If for no other reason than that a free press is a safeguard against minority seizure of control, such laws as the zone laws, or any restrictions on the freest and fullest communication between various parts of the country, should be absolutely abolished.

    But, the Press being in existence, and being largely an An­glo-Saxon creation, it is
    a force not to be treated lightly, and that is the point where the World Program and Jewish Control come in contact with it.

    The Protocols, which overlook nothing, propose a very defi­nite plan with regard to the press. As in the multitude of other matters with which these remarkable documents deal, there are the two phases--"what we have done", and "what we will do".

    As early as the Second Protocol, the Press comes in for at­tention. It is significant that it makes its appearance in the same Protocol in which the "No Annexations" program was an­nounced 20 years before the World War, in the same Protocol in which it is announced that Gentile rulers will be allowed to appear before the people for a short period, while Jewish influ­ences were organizing themselves behind the seats of power, and in the same Protocol where Darwinism, Marxism and Niet­zscheism are claimed among the most "demoralizing" doctrines which Jewish influence has disseminated. These are very curi­ous statements, but not stranger than the actuality that has come to pass.

    Says the Second Protocol:

    "There is one great force in the hands of modern gov­ernments, which creates thought movements among the people, that is, the Press. The presumed role of the Press is to indicate supposedly indispensable needs, to register popular complaints, and to create discontent. The triumph of 'free speech' (babbling) rests in the Press. But gov­ernments are unable to profit by this power, and it has fallen into our hands. Through if we have attained influ­ence while remaining in the shadow. Thanks to it, we have amassed gold, though it has cost us torrents of blood and tears ".

    In the same Protocol "our Press" is spoken of as the agency through which are disseminated "those theories of life which we have induced them (the Gentiles) to regard as the dictates of sci­ence".

    "To this end we shall certainly endeavor to inspire blind confidence in these theories by means of our Press".

    Then follows the claim made concerning the three most rev­olutionary theories of the physical, economic and moral realms, namely, Darwinism, Marxism and Nietzscheism.

    In the Third Protocol the claim is made that this control of the Press is being used to break down respect for authority:

    "Daring journalists and audacious pamphleteers make daily attack upon the personnel of the administration. This abuse of authority is definitely preparing the downfall of all institutions, and everything will be overturned by blows coming from the infuriated populace".

    Again, in the Seventh Protocol, discussing the progress which the World Program has already made, the part played by the Press is indicated:

    "We must force the Gentile governments to adopt mea­sures which will promote our broadly conceived plan al­ready approaching its triumphal goal, by bringing to bear the pressure of stimulated public opinion, which has in re­ality been organized by us with the help of the so-called 'great power' of the Press. With few exceptions not worth considering, it is already in our hands".

    Thus twice is the claim made to control of the Press. "It has fallen into our hands", says the Second Protocol. "It is already in our hands," says the Seventh. In the Second Protocol the Press is represented as furthering revolutionary physical, eco­nomic and moral philosophies; while in the Seventh it is used to create the "pressure of stimulated public opinion" for the pur­pose of "forcing Gentile governments to adopt measures which will promote our broadly conceived plan, already approaching its triumphant goal".

    A word of comment may be made here upon the claim of the Second Protocol that "thanks to it (the Press), we have amassed gold, though it has cost us torrents of blood and tears".

    This is a statement which can be illustrated in many ways. "Though it has cost us torrents of blood and tears", is an admis­sion upon which the Protocols throw light, a light which also shines upon the Jewish argument regarding responsibility for the recent war, namely, that Jewish World Financial Power could not have willed the war seeing that Jews suffered so heavily in Eastern Europe. The Protocols frankly recognize the possibility of Jews suffering during the establishment of the World Program, but it consoles them with the thought that they fall as sol­diers for the good
    of Israel. The death of a Jew, we are told in the Protocols, is more precious in the sight of God than the death of a thousand "seed of cattle", which is one of the delicate names applied to the Gentiles.

    The reference to the amassment of gold is very clear. It does not apply to ownership of publications and a share of their prof­its only, but also the use that may be made of them through si­lence or outcry to promote International Jewish Financiers' schemes. The Rothschilds bought editors as they bought legis­lators. It was a preliminary of nearly every scheme they floated to first "fix" the newspapers, either for silence or claque boost­ing. In matters of war and peace; in the removal of administra­tions inimical to Jewish financial or political plans; in the elimi­nation by public exposure of "Gentile fronts" whom their Jewish financial masters wished to be rid of; in the gradual building up of reputation and influence for "rising men" who had been cho­sen for work in the future--in these and like matters the Press very greatly aided the International Cabal in attaining its end.

    All the details of the foregoing paragraph can be illustrated at length by instances which have occurred in the United States within the past 15 years.

    There was once a Senator of the United States who--but that story illustrates another point also, and will be reserved until that point is reached in this series of discussions.

    The Twelfth Protocol, however, contains the entire plan of Control of the press, reaching from the present time into the fu­ture when the Jewish World Government shall be established. The reader is invited to read carefully and thoughtfully the deep and wide outreaching of this plan.

    Keep also in mind the boast that has been made for genera­tions that no publication that has handled the Jewish Question in a manner distasteful to the Jewish powers has been allowed to live.

    "What role is played at present by the Press? It serves to inflame the passions of selfish partisanship which our interests require. It is shallow, lying and unfair, the most people do not understand what end it serves".

    In that quotation we have the same low estimate which was noted when we studied "the estimate of human nature" which the Protocols contain.

    Now, for the Plan of Press Control: We separate the points for convenience:

    "We shall handle the Press in the following manner:

    1. "We shall saddle it and keep tight rein upon it. We shall do the same also with other printed matter, for of what use is it to rid ourselves of attacks in the Press, if we remain exposed to criticism through pamphlets and books"?

    2. "No one announcement will reach the people SAVE UNDER OUR SUPERVISION. We have attained this at the present time to the extent that all news is received through several agencies in which it is CENTRALIZED FROM ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD".

    A sidelight on the first sentence above may be had from the Jewish statement regarding the British Declaration relating to Palestine: "This Declaration was sent from the Foreign Office to Lord Walter Rothschild... It came perhaps as a surprise to large sections of the Jewish people... But to those who were active in Zionists circles, the declaration was no surprise... The wording of it came from the British Foreign Office, but the text had been revised in the Zionist offices in America as well as in England. The British Declaration was made in the form in which the Zionists desired it... "
    pp. 85-86, GUIDE TO ZIONISM, by Jessie E. Sampter, published by the Zionist Organization of America.

    3. "Literature and journalism are two most important educational forces, and consequently our government will become the owner of most of the journals... If we permit ten private journals, we shall organize thirty of our own, and so on. This must not be suspected by the public, for which reason all the journals published by us will be EXTERNALLY of the most contrary opinions and tendencies thus evading confidence in them and attracting our unsus­pecting opponents, who thus will be caught in our trap and rendered harmless".

    This is most interesting in view of the defense now being made by so many Jewish journals. "Look at the newspapers owned and controlled by Jews", they say: "see how they differ in policy! See how they disagree with each other"! Certainly, "externally", as Protocol 12 says, but the underlying unity is never hard to find.

    Besides, one way of discovering who are the people that have knowledge of the Jewish World Problem, or who can be con­vinced of it, or who will write about it,
    is just to start a paper which "externally" seems to be independent on the Jewish Question. So deeply is this thought shared by even uneducated Jews that a rumor is today widespread in the United States that the reason for the present series of articles in The Dearborn In­dependent is the desire of its owner to forward the Jewish World Program! Unfortunately, this scheme of starting a fake opposi­tion in order to discover where the real opposing force is, is not confined to the Jewish Internationalists, although there is every indication that it was learned from them.

    This idea of a misrepresentative front for certain secret pur­poses is expressed at length not only with reference to the Press, but throughout the Protocols in other relations. But in Protocol 12 it is fully developed with regard to the Press, as the following quotations show.

    (a) In order to force writers into such long productions that no one will read them, a tax on writing is proposed--"on books of less than 30 pages a double tax". Small arti­cles are most feared. Therefore doubly tax the pamphlets of less than 30 pages. The longer articles fewer will read, so the Protocols argue, and the double tax will thus "force writers into such long productions that they will be little read, especially as they will be expensive". [H: And so it came to pass in the days that followed--and right up through TODAY in every way, but especially now that people coming out of school neither have capability nor inclination for reading long or short articles. And then, to get "on-line" or get information through the mails bears almost prohibitive costs, doesn't it? And, for all public mouthpieces, including such as even Ollie North--a "journal" BOOK is on the shelves for public consumption--BEFORE THE MAN EVEN HAS A CHANCE TO READ THE PROOFS FROM THE SAME WRITERS AS WRITE THEIR SPEECHES AND PLAN THEIR ACTIVITIES. HOW NICE TO BE KING! THEN YOU GET A TALK SHOW TO FURTHER DECEIVE THE PEOPLE ALL THE TIME.]

    "That which we ourselves shall publish for directing the public mind will be cheap and widely read. The tax will discourage mere literary ambition, whereas the fear of punishment will make the writers subservient to us. Even if there should be those who may desire to write against us, no one will publish their writings". (How many American writers know this?)

    "Before accepting any work for printing, the publisher or printer must obtain permission from the authorities. Thus we shall know in advance what attacks are being prepared against us and shall be able to counteract them by coming out beforehand with explanations on the sub­ject".

    That is largely the situation today. They do know in advance what is being done, and they do seek to disarm it beforehand.

    [H: Here is another good example to use here. Why don't the Jewish controllers make a big play for shutting down such as CONTACT and these Journals? One major reason is that there have been so many years of publicity on their ac­tivities via these routes that any assault NOW would end up with worldwide attention to the work in progress, namely, giving away their secret PLANS. A major court confronta­tion would undo THEM, not us, this time.]

    (b) Here are the Three Degrees of Jewish Journalism which are not only stated in the Protocols but are observ­able in the everyday world of the present.

    "The leading place will be held by organs of an official character. They will always stand guard over our interests and consequently their influence will be comparatively small.

    "The second place will be held by semi-official organs whose aim it will be to attract the indifferent and lukewarm.

    "In the third category we shall place organs of apparent opposition. At least one will be extremely antagonistic. Our true opponents will mistake this seeming opposition as belonging to their own group and will thus show us their cards. [H: And don't you see this of EVERY panel-type show on all the networks?]

    "I beg you to notice that among those who attack us there will be organs founded by us, and they will attack exclusively those points which we plan to change or eliminate.

    "All our papers will support most diverse opin­ions: aristocratic, republican, even anarchist so long of course as the Constitution lives... These fools who believe they are repeating the opinions expressed by their party newspapers will be repeating OUR OPINIONS or those things which we wish them to think.

    "By always discussing and contradicting our writings superficially, and without touching upon their essence, our press will keep up a blank fire against the official newspapers, only to give us op­portunity to express ourselves in greater detail than we could in our first declaration. This will be done when useful to us.

    "These attacks will also convince the people of the full freedom of the press, and it will give our agents the opportunity of declaring that the papers opposing us are mere wind-bags, since they cannot find any real arguments to oppose our orders".

    [H: We are always happy to note that, on every Wednesday after we publish on Tuesday, the DAMAGE CONTROL squads march forth all over the map--to refute, rebut or just to "spin" the information we present. Now it happens daily, as information is going onto the Internet. We always enjoy the obvious--even to now using the term "Zipper" with dear sweet slick Willie. I coined that phrase to make sure we would know who is reading OUR MATERIAL. THANK YOU, WE SEE THAT MANY ARE READING OUR IN­FORMATION, NOW, EVEN TO THE DEATH OF DIANA, PRINCESS OF WALES. You just can't ever know, can you?]
    Undoubtedly that would be the case were all the papers con­trolled. In the case of the present series of articles, however, the tables appear to be turned. It is the Jewish Press which has so signally failed to bring forward disproof either by fact or ar­gument.

    "When necessary, we shall promulgate ideas in the third section of our Press as feelers, and then refute them vigorously in the semi-official press.

    "We shall overcome our opponents without fail because they will not have organs of the Press at their disposal.

    "The pretext for suppression of a publication will be that it stirs up the public mind without basis of reason"--a pretext which has already been urged time and again, but without the legal power to effect suppression, although without legal power the Jewish interests in the United States have effected a pretty complete suppression of ev­erything they do not desire".

    How far does Jewish influence control the Newspapers of the United States?

    In so far as the use of the word "Jew" is concerned, the Press is almost completely dominated. The editor who uses it is cer­tain to hear from it. He will be visited and told--contrary to ev­erything the Jew is told--that the word "Jew" denotes a member of a religious denomination and not a member of a race, and that its use with reference to any person spoken of in the public prints is as reprehensible as if "Baptist", "Catholic", or "Episcopalian" were used.

    The Jew is always told by his leaders that regardless of reli­gion or country of birth, he is a Jew, the member of a race by virtue of blood. Pages of the paper could be filled with the most authoritative Jewish statements on this point. But what the Jew is told by his leaders, and what the Gentile editor is told by the Jewish committee are two different and antagonistic things. A Jewish paper may shriek to the skies that Professor So-and-So, or Judge So-and-So, or Senator So-and-So is a Jew; but the sec­ular newspaper that should do that would be visited by an indig­nant committee bearing threats.

    A certain newspaper, as a mere matter of news, published an excerpt from one of The Dearborn Independent articles. Next day a number of advertising accounts dropped for lack of copy. Inquiry developed the fact that the reticent advertisers were all Jewish firms and the cause of their action was the really unim­portant excerpt which the paper published. It developed also that the advertising agent who handled all the advertising for those Jewish firms was himself a Jew who also held an office in the Jewish secret society, which office was concerned exclu­sively with the control of newspapers in the matter of Jewish publicity. It was this man who dealt with the editor. A lame editorial retraction followed which faintly praised the Jews. The advertising was returned to the paper, and it is just a question whether or not that editor was rightly handled or not. Certainly he has been made to feel the power. But the diplomacy of it was bad. The editor, along with hundreds of others, has only been given the proper background for estimating the Jewish power in its wider reaches.

    This is not to say that every editor should enter upon a cam­paign to expose the secret power. That is a matter for personal decision. Every editor, however, is so situated that he can see certain things, and he ought to see them, note them, and inwardly digest them.

    Jewish publicity in response to these articles is very easy to get in almost any newspaper. Some have fallen most lamentably for lying statements. Others have opened their columns to pro­paganda sent out from Jewish sources. That is all very well. But the Gentile interest in the question has been largely ignored, even in cases where the editors are awake to the whole Ques­tion. This too affords a vantage from which the average editor can view what is transpiring in this country.

    If a list of the Jewish owners, bondholders and other interests in our newspapers should be published, the list would be im­pressive. But it would not account for the widespread control of the Press as observed in this country. Indeed, it would be unfair in such a connection as this to list some of the Jewish-owned newspapers of the United States, because their owners are fair and public-spirited servants of the people.

    Actual ownership does not often account for much in a news­paper. Ownership in the newspaper business is not always syn­onymous with control.

    If you wish to know the control of the newspaper, look to its attorney and the interests he serves; look to the social connec­tions of its chief editors; look to the advertising agents who han­dle the bulk of Jewish advertising; and then look to the matter of the paper's partisanship or independence in politics.

    Newspaper control of the Press by the Jews is not a matter of money. It is a matter of keeping certain things out of the public mind and putting certain things into it.

    One absolute condition insisted upon with the daily Press is that it shall not identify the Jew, mention him, or in any but the most favorable way call the public's attention to his existence.

    The first plea for this is based on "fairness", on the false statement that a Jew is not a Jew but a church member. This is the same statement which Jewish agents in the United States Government have used for years to prevent the United States Government from listing the Jews in any racial statistics. It is in direct contradiction to what the Jews themselves are told. A flabby "fairness", a sloppy "broad-mindedness", a cry of "religious prejudice", is the first plea. The second is a sudden cessation of Jewish patronage. The third is withdrawal of patronage by every Gentile concern that is under the grip of Jewish financiers. It is a mere matter of brutal bludgeoning. And the forth act, in a community thoroughly blinded to the Jewish Question, is the collapse of the offending publication.

    Read the Jewish Encyclopedia for a list of some of the papers which dared open up the Question, and ceased!

    When old Baron Moses Montefiore said at Krakau:

    "What are you prattling about? As long as we do not have the press of the whole world in our hands, everything you do is vain. We must control or influence the papers of the whole world in order to blind and deceive the peo­ple".

    He knew what he was saying. By "blinding" the people he only meant that they should not see the Jew, and by "deceiving" them he only meant that the people should think certain world movements meant one thing when they really meant another. The people may be told what happens; they may not be told what was behind it. The people do not yet know why certain occurrences, which have affected their whole lives, should have occurred at all. But the "why" of it is very definitely known in certain circles whose news service never sees print, and some­times not even writing.

    Statistics as to the space given the Jews by newspapers con­cerning the things they want to get into print would also be an eye-opener. A minority nation, they get more publicity than any ten of the important minor nations of Europe--of the kind of publicity they want!

    The number of Jewish contributors to the Press of the United States makes another interesting statistical bit. It would be sheer prejudice to make objectionable mention of many Jewish jour­nalists and writers, and they come within the scope of this study only as they have shown themselves to be the watchful agents and active servants of the System. This is what many of them are. Not the ambitious young Jewish reporter who runs around the streets gathering news, perhaps, but the journalist at the seat of news and at the necks of those two or three important inter­national runways through which the news of the world flows.

    The whole matter, as far as extent of control is concerned, could be visualized on a map of the United States, by means of colored pins showing the number of Jewish-owned, provably Jewish-controlled papers, and the number of Jewish writers who are directing the majority thought of the various sections of the country.

    The Jewish journalist who panders to unrest, whose literary ambition is to maintain a ferment in his readers, whose humor is sordid and whose philosophy is one of negation; as well as the Jewish novelist who extols his or her own people even while the story sows subtle seeds of disruption in Gentile social or eco­nomic life must be listed as the agents of that World Program which would break down society through the agency of "ideas". And it is very striking how many there are, and how skillfully they conceal their propaganda in their work.

    Here and there in the United States it is now becoming possi­ble to print the word "Jew" in the headlines of an article, and tell the Jewish committee which calls the next day that this as yet is a free country. Quietly a number of newspapers have tested the strength of this assumed control, in their communities and have discounted it.

    There is no reason for fear on the part of the editor who has his facts. But the editor who backs down will more and more feel the pressure upon him. The man who courageously and fairly holds his ground will soon learn another thing that is not so generally known, namely, that with all the brilliance there is a lot of bluff, and that the chain of control once broken is felt throughout the whole system as a blow.

    Issue of September 11, 1920
    The International Jew

    The reason we are still operating is that we don't publish any­thing that we suspect to be false--except through accident, being totally and/or intentionally misled. Therefore if the assaults against us are made the adversary making the assault has JUST OFFERED US A PLATFORM FOR A HEARING, AND FALSE ASSAULTS END THE PARTY ASSAULTING INTO A CONFRONTATION BEFORE THE COURTS OR BEFORE THE ONES, I.E., EXTRA, THAT HE HAS DAMAGED FAR MORE THAN HE HAS US IN HIS IDIOT ATTEMPTS AT SELLING LIES.

    This is also the reason that we DO NOT take random advertis­ing, for once you are held hostage by an advertiser you are ren­dered useless.

    It is interesting that to internationally recognized EXTRA the cute little pimps and prostitutes, in addition to the basic lies of­fered, said that Gaia and Phoenix PRODUCTS WERE NOT ONLY WORTHLESS BUT EXTREMELY DANGEROUS AND COULD KILL. Well, most of the products of general nature come from very reputable producers WHO IN THE NEXT WEEKS GOT SOCKED WITH BEING ALL OVER THE NETWORKS AS INVESTIGATIONS TOOK PLACE ABOUT MINERALS AND VITAMINS TO COLLOIDS.


    Perhaps, Mr. Martin, here would be a good opportunity to again run Jewish ex-Judge Jason Brent's letter to George Green--after lying and denying any communications with the blood-sucker flukes of the "other" side. Also, it might be nice to again share with the readers this same Jew's attitudes through Mensa the "brilliant" club's presentation on depopulation and killing off of the old, infirm, and stupid. A category he obviously through EGO doesn't realize he fits all of the requisites. This Judge also placed ads in the paper TO JEWS, to join with him to form a Jewish political CLUB in town. Later he got a partner in his lawfirm and advertised his services thusly: "A SHARK? YOU BET"! He lost that partner, name withheld to protect the fool­ish, and now has another: an Ex-Judge who had a "dancer" sus­pect in his office on weekends
    --to DANCE FOR HIM. He was defrocked from the bench--and NOW WORKS AS A PART­NER WITH JASON BRENT!

    Hard feelings around these parts? Gosh no--who would ever have had such opportunities otherwise as we have gained through this routine type of judicial criminal behavior? Our re­alization is that at some point in historical movement forward TRUTH WILL OUT--JUST AS IT IS "OUTING" IN IRAQ'S POSITION AS WE WRITE THIS MORNING. Truth will bury the lies and the liars--just give it time.

    And to suit those who object to the use of Adonai as possibly representing something inferior to something else as a meaning given (by the Jewish tamperers) as to "my Lord" I will close with:

    Adonai, Aton (ONE WITH GOD, WITHIN GOD, AND IN RESPECT OF GOD). Any further arguments?

    I would also note that you who like to close your notations with "Me Agape"--
    I sincerely hope that is a state of God Love and Respect--and not a "state of being". Good morning.

  2. #6
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar

    Default 응답: PJ#230, RISE OF ANTICHRIST VOL. 4

    PJ 230


    WED., MAR. 4, 1998 7:26 A.M. YR. 11, DAY 200

    WED., MAR. 4, 1998

    It is said that, "We pre-judge what we do not know and we hate what we do not understand".

    This is a good observation but doesn't quite fit the circumstance when you begin to know and to understand. "Hate" under any circumstance is a waste of time for usually with hatred comes the desire for some sort of revenge, for you note not that which has not affected you personally. To pre-judge is only one step from being judgmental if you have no knowledge. In both in­stances it can only pay one handsomely to become INFORMED--then, at the least, you can discern what is and what is not. In either instance you can only deal with that which becomes known or visible.

    It is also said that I write on "hate-presenting" topics such as this when learning of the Jews. No, this CANNOT be so for when you know and understand--there is NO ROOM FOR HATRED. There is no reason that man cannot individually GROW up through whatever negative circumstances exist for, once you see, you too can use the methods within the law and within that intent and LAW OF GOD which serves well the GOOD as well as the adversary.

    I feel I need to identify a word or two for you who spew "evil" and condemn as "sin" what you observe.

    EVIL: That which intentionally pulls yourself or another from the path of goodness and into the breaking of laws, the "use" of another for unrighteous deeds and thoughts and, in general, that which is negative in WRONG ACTIONS, DEED, THOUGHTS.

    SIN: An "error". This is usually an error in judgment that al­lows for misdirection of intent and actions.

    You SHOULD abhor evil, recognize sin, and try to pull both into the LIGHT to be judged or discerned, for always either one will be attached to some human or HUman entity(s). But JUDGMENT is NOT YOURS TO USE except in the recogni­tion of actions perpetrated. Evil is intentional while usually sin is simply something that IS.


    Even if you can't seem to find redeeming graces evident in the Jewish control gained over your own beings, you need to con­sider, very carefully, your WRONG ATTITUDES ABOUT THE MATTER.

    Why do you allow the NEGATIVE attitudes to take over your world? Have you been so warped of mind that you cease to find the glory and creative capability of GOD CREATOR WITHIN SELF? Killing or disposing of your enemy doesn't do anything save warp self. You can use the positive tools and attitudes which allow one to rise strong and tall and thank the perceived "other" for the gifts of laws set forth--THAT ALSO SHELTER YOU and YOURS.

    A good example is the use of incorporation (we always use Nevada for privacy) to protect self and assets. This was set forth by the most wealthy to protect themselves and their busi­ness from prying eyes and leeching government. USE THESE TOOLS, FRIENDS--PLEASE, USE THESE TOOLS. They are legal and they are NOT AGAINST THE LAWS OF GOD. It is INTELLIGENT. Anything that breaks either of the "LAWS" is not intelligent and will end you up in the human's prison if they can arrange it against you.

    You will note a surge in the reporting about radical clans as in KKK, Skinheads, etc. These are, at the least, IMMORAL for they are based on hate, inequality, and stupidity. But why all the sudden interest in them? To cause unrest in your dooryards until world foment can be better established to confuse you. ANY VIOLENT ACT AGAINST SELF OR ANOTHER IS IMMORAL--AT THE VERY LEAST IN JUDGMENT OR DISCERNMENT.


    On the topical Question involved here--learn and you shall pre­vail in change--in goodness. All can prosper when you KNOW what is taking place. You most surely do not need go forth with your sword and chop off heads--even your own.

    PEOPLE HAVE TO BE SHOWN THE BETTER WAY. It is a FACT that a person will always move, first, away from pain. Then he will move toward perceived happiness where perceived pain is absent. Killing everybody along the way is not a solution and therefore wars can NEVER be a solution. The BEAST, however, will always grab the seat of power, so you must learn to judge and discern very carefully--and that means PARTICI­PATION IN YOUR OWN LIVES.

    IMPORTANT, IMPORTANT: GOD DOES NOT GIVE EN­ERGY TO WRONG. BUT SATAN AND HIS ARMY DOES. RIGHT OR WRONG HAVE EQUAL OPPORTUNITY TO GROW AND BUILD ONLY GOOD HAS ABILITY TO "CREATE"--WRONG TO DESTROY, CONFUSE, AND MANIPULATE TO SERVE AND SUIT ANOTHER. Human tends to be absorbed by the evil side of disposition while HU­man retains the capability of creating and replacing that evil with positive energy and goodness.

    Goodness is not created to SUFFER! That is a total MISPER­CEPTION placed on people through RELIGIONS. Religions are of MAN; Spirituality is of God Creator. You are, in the physical manifestation, of man--therefore your Spirituality must always direct your human being toward LIGHT and Spiritual growth lest you become entrapped in the very thing you claim to detest. But as babies learn to walk, talk and master growth--so too must each come to learn and know what IS and what is wrong that a society becomes unbalanced. The controllers like it as it is without your input--that is why you are kept ignorant and deceived. Do you simply want to wake up and smell the toast and coffee--or do you want to HAVE for self some of that toast and coffee? It is up to you. You cannot be an electrical engineer until you LEARN HOW ELECTRICITY BEHAVES.


    Little has yet been said in this commentary on the Protocols about the political program contained in them. It is desirable that the points be taken separately in order that when our study turns to actual conditions in this country, the reader may be in a position to judge whether the written program agrees with the acted program as it may be seen all about us. The World Pro­gram as outlined in these strange documents turns upon many points, some of which have already been discussed. Its success is sought (a) by securing financial control of the world, this having already been secured by the overwhelming indebtedness of every nation through wars, and by the capitalistic (not the manufacturing or managerial) control of industry; (b) by secur­ing political control, which is easily illustrated by the condition of every civilized country today; (c) by securing control of education, a control which has been steadily won under the blinded eyes of the people; (d) by trivializing the public mind through a most complete system of allurement which has just brought us into a period which requires the new word "jazz" to describe it; and (e) by the sowing of seeds of disruption everywhere--not the seeds of progress, but of economical fallacies and revolutionary temper. All of these main objectives entail various avenues of action, none of which has been overlooked by the Protocols.
    In leading up to what the Protocols have to say about the se­lection and control of Presidents, it will be enlightening to take the views which these documents express about other phases of politics.

    It may be very interesting to those Jewish apologists, who in all their pronouncements never discuss the contents of the Pro­tocols, to know that so far from their being a plea for monarchy, they are a plea for the most drastic and irrespon­sible liberalism in government. The powers behind the Pro­tocols appear to have absolute confidence in what they can do with the people once the people are made to believe that popular government has really arrived.

    The Protocols [instruct] in frequent change. They like elec­tions; they approve frequent revisions of constitutions; they counsel the people to change their representatives often. [H: I changed the word above from "believe" to "instruct" because these are the very points upon which you lose face and battles. A set of papers with words on them can't BELIEVE anything--only the people believing in the instructions and acting upon them. This is a "silly" thing, but in today's world whole nations revolve around such rubbish.]

    Take this from the First Protocol:

    "The abstract conception of Liberty made it possible for us to convince the crowd that government is only the management for the owner of the country, the people, and that the steward can be changed like a pair of worn-out gloves. The possibility of changing the representatives of the people has placed them at our disposal and, as it were, has placed them in our power as creatures of our pur­poses".

    Note also how this Use of Change is buried in this paragraph from the Fourth Protocol which describes the evolution of a Re­public:

    "Every republic passes through several stages. The first is that of senseless ravings, resembling those of a blind man throwing himself from right to left. The second is that of demagogy which breeds anarchy and inevitably leads to despotism, not of a legal, open and consequently responsible character, but an unseen and unknown despo­tism, felt none the less because exercised by a secret orga­nization. Such a despotism acts with even less scruple be­cause it is hidden under cover and works behind the backs of various agents, the shifting and changing of which will not harm its secret power, but serve it, since such changes will relieve the organization from the necessity of ex­pending its resources on rewards for long service".
    This "changing" of servants is not unknown in the United States. A former Senator of the United States could easily tes­tify to this if he only knew who did the "changing". Time was when he was the tool of every Jewish lobbyist in the Senate. His glib tongue lent charm and plausibility to every argument they wished to advance against the government's intentions. Se­cretly, however, the Senator was receiving "favors" from a very high source, "favors" of a financial character. The time came when it was desirable to "detach" the Senator. The written record of his "favors" was abstracted from its place of supposed secrecy, a newspaper system that has always been the ready organ of American Jewry made the exposure, and an indignant public did the rest. It could not have been done had not the man been compromised first; it could not have been done without certain newspaper connivance; it would never have been done had not the Senator's masters wished it. However, it was done.

    In the Fourteenth Protocol, which begins "When we become rulers", it is pictured how hopeless the Gentile peoples will have become of any betterment of conditions through changes of gov­ernment and therefore will accept the promise of stability which the Protocolists of that time will be prepared to offer:

    "The masses will become so satiated with the endless changes of administration which we instigated among the Gentiles when we were undermining their governmental institution, that they will tolerate anything from US... ".

    The official who is changed most quickly in the country is the man who questions certain matters which come from Jewish sources. There must be a small army of such men in the United States today. Some of them do not know even now how it hap­pened. Some are still wondering why perfectly legitimate and patriotic information should have been lost in an icy silence when they sent it in, and why they should have lost favor for sending it.

    Protocol Nine is full of the most amazing claims, of which these may serve as illustration:

    "At the present time, if any government raises a protest against us, it is only for the sake of form, it is under our control, and it is done by our direction, for THEIR ANTI-SEMITISM IS NECESSARY FOR KEEP­ING IN ORDER OUR LESSER BROTHERS. I will not explain this further as already it has been the subject of numerous discussions between us".

    This doctrine of the usefulness of anti-Semitism and the de­sirability of creating it where it does not exist are found in the words of Jewish leaders, ancient and modern.

    "In reality there are no obstacles before us. Our super-government has such an extra-legal status that it may be called by the energetic and strong word--dictatorship. I can conscientiously say that at the present time we are the lawmakers".

    In the Protocol this claim is made:

    "De facto, we have already eliminated every govern­ment except our own, although de jure there are still many others left".

    That is simple: The governments will exist, under their own names, having authority over their own people; but the super-government has unchallenged influence over all of them in mat­ters pertaining to the Jewish Nation and particularly in matters pertaining to the purpose of The International Jew.

    The Eighth Protocol shows how this can be:

    "For the time being, until it will be safe to give respon­sible government positions to our brother Jews, we shall entrust them to people whose past and whose character are such that there is an abyss between them and the people; to people, for whom, in case of disobedience to our orders, there will remain only trial or exile (from public life), thus forcing them to protect our interest to their last breath".

    In the Ninth Protocol again is this reference to party funds:

    "The division into parties has placed them all at our disposal, inasmuch as in order to carry on a party strug­gle it is necessary to have money, and we have it all".

    There have been many investigations of campaign funds. None has ever yet gone deep enough to inquire into the "international" sources of these funds. [H: Note the current events regarding THIS one, and yet, once again, NOTHING IS DONE EVEN WHEN THE EVIDENCE IS ON THE TABLE--BUT NOTE THE CONTINUATION OF "PARTY" GARBAGE.]
    Now, in the United States during the last five years we have seen an almost complete Judaized administration in control of all the war activities of the American people. The function of the regularly organized United States Government during that time was practically confined to the voting of money. But the ad­ministration of the business end of the war was in charge of a government within a government, and this inner, extra govern­ment was Jewish.

    It is, of course often asked why this was so. The first answer given is that the Jews who were immediately placed in charge of the business administration of the war were competent men, the most competent men who could be found. This was actually the answer given to an inquiry as to the reason for so large a part of the foreign policy of the United States depending on the counsel of a certain group of Jews--they were the men who knew, no one else knew so much, the officials chosen by the people had a right to select the most efficient and able counsel they could find.

    Very well, let that stand. Let the explanation be that in all the United States, Jews were the only persons to be found who could handle the emergency with masterly ease. We shall see more of this phase of the matter at another time. The war is not under discussion in this article, merely the fact that in an emer­gency the government became distinctly Jewish. [H: Any ar­gument THIS WEEK?]

    But the Second Protocol would appear to throw a little light on the matter:

    "The administrators chosen by us from the masses for their servility will not be persons trained for government, and consequently they will easily become pawns in our game, played by our learned and talented counsellors, specialists educated from early childhood to administer world affairs. As we know, our specialists have been ac­quiring the necessary knowledge for governing...".

    The language is a trifle raw, as it usually is when Gentiles are under discussion.
    But the same fact, namely, that Jewish spe­cialists have come to the aid of Gentile administrators in an emergency, when uttered for the consideration of the general public, may be very beautifully phrased.

    The untrained Gentile administrator must have help; his un­preparedness makes it necessary. And who knows it better than those who have the help to offer? The Gentile public has been taught to suspect the man who has had experience in politics or government. This, of course, makes the whole situation doubly easy for those whose specialty it is to give "aid". Just what in­terests they aid most will give, when discovered, a strong light upon their zeal.

    But in all that the Protocols have to say about the political angle of the World Program, nothing is of so great interest as that which concerns the selection and control of Presidents. [H: PLEASE PAY CLOSE ATTENTION, READERS.]
    The whole plan is outlined in the Tenth Protocol. The fact that the President of France seems to have been in mind is a local­ism; the plan is applicable elsewhere; indeed has elsewhere its most perfect illustration.

    This Tenth Protocol, then, leads gradually up to the subject, tracing the evolution of rulers from Autocrat to President, and of nations from Monarchies to Republics.

    The language of this passage is particularly objectionable, but no more so than can be found in current Jewish literature where boasting of power is indulged in. Unpleasant as the whole atti­tude is, it is valuable as showing in just what light the supporters of the Protocol Program view the Gentiles and their dignities. It must be borne in mind that the Jewish ideal is not a President, but a Prince and a King. The Jewish students of Russia marched the streets in 1918 singing this hymn--
    "We have given you a God;
    Now we will give you a King".
    The new flag of Palestine, now permitted to fly without hin­drance, bears insignia, as does every synagogue, of a Jewish KING. The Jewish hope is that the Throne of David shall be set up again, as doubtless it will be. None of these things is to be decried in the least, nor to be regarded with anything but a de­cent respect, but they should be borne in mind as a sidelight on the expressed contempt for Gentile Presidents and Legislatures. [H: Surely you didn't think the Israeli flag with the Star of David was generated just to satisfy a need of a new stolen State called Israel.]
    The Tenth Protocol reaches the theme of President thus:

    "Then the rise of the republican era became possible, and then in the place of a sovereign we substituted a cari­cature of him, a President picked from the crowd.... Such was the foundation of the mine we laid underneath the Gentile people, or more accurately, the Gentile peo­ples".

    It is with something of a shock that one reads that men with a "past" are specially favored for the presidential office. Men with a "past" have become President in various countries, in­cluding the United States, there is no doubt of that. [H: And boy, did they pick a good one with a "bad past" in Zipper Billy.] In some instances, the particular scandal that constituted the "past" has been publicly known; in other cases it has been hushed up and lost in a maze of rumor. [H: Come on, people, never mind the sex-trashing; Clinton was a very BAD BOY. He dabbled in crime and drug-running from the time he was a child--and worked in coalition with the CIA and George Bush to further importation of drugs right through Mena, Arkansas. The sex-stuff and the war on Starr is to keep that part of his "past" from coming out because it will reflect on others of high positions. Clinton is using BLACKMAIL at the minute and Hillary is even more into blackmailing some of the players. But sexual indiscretions are the least of Billy's problems.] In at least one case it was made the special property of a syndicate of men who, while protecting the official from public knowledge, compelled him to pay rather stiffly for their service. Men with a "past" are not uncommon, and it is not always the "past" but the concealment of it that concerns them most, and in this lack of frankness, this distrust of the understanding and mercy of the people, they usually fall into an­other slavery, namely, the slavery OF POLITICAL OR FI­NANCIAL BLACKMAIL.

    "We will manipulate the election of Presidents whose past contains some undisclosed dark affair, some 'Panama', then they will be faithful executors of our or­ders from fear of exposure and from the natural desire of every man who has attained a position of authority to re­tain the privileges, emoluments and the dignity associated with the position of President". [H: Ah-hummnnn....]

    The use of the word "Panama" here refers to the various scandals which arose in French political circles over the original efforts to construct the Panama Canal. If the present form of the Protocols had been written at a later date they might have re­ferred to the "Marconi wireless" scandals in England--though on second thought, they would not have done so because certain men were involved who were NOT Gentiles.
    [H: Dr. Ed, I think you can see right here where Mr. Tesla fits into this puzzle.] Herzl, the great Jewish Zionist leader, uses the expres­sion in The Jewish State. Speaking of the management of the business of Palestine he says that the Society of the Jews "will see to it that the enterprise does not become a 'Panama' but a 'SUEZ'". [H: Everyone still with me?] That the same expres­sion should occur in Herzl and in the Protocols is SIGNIFI­CANT; it has also another significance which will be described at another time. It must be clear to the reader, however, that no one writing for the general public at this day would refer to a "Panama" in a man's "past". The reference would not be understood.

    It is this practice of holding a man under obligation which makes it needful on the part of the true publicist to tell the truth and the whole truth about aspirants for public office. It is not enough to say of a candidate that he "began as a poor boy" and then became "successful". How did he become successful? How explain the "rise" of his fortunes? Sometimes the clue leads deep into the domestic life of the candidate. It may be told of a man, for example, that he helped another out of a scrape by marrying the woman involved, and received a sum of money for doing so. It may be told of another that he was implicated by his too friendly relations with another's wife, but was relieved of his predicament by the astute diplomacy of powerful friends, to whom THEREAFTER HE FELT HIMSELF IN DEBT OF HONOR. It is strange that, in American affairs at least, the woman-note is predominant. In our higher offices that has more frequently occurred than any other, oftener than the money-note. [H: Ah but you see something came about that CHANGED the moral attitudes of the whole of the citizenry--so there has to be something far worse than adultery, philandering and sex-oriented stuff. You have to be set up--and then wiped out by something really important like money games.]

    In European countries, however, where the fact of a man's being entangled illegitimately with a woman does not carry so heavy a stamp of shame with it, the controlled men have been found to have "pasts" of another character.

    The whole subject is extremely distasteful, but truth has its surgical duties to perform, and this is one of them. When, for example, a pivotal assemblage like that of the Peace Conference is studied, and the men who are most subject to Jewish influences are isolated, and their past history is carefully traced, there is almost no difficulty whatever in determining the precise moment when they passed over into that fateful condition which, while it did not hinder them of public honors for one hour, made them unchangeably the servants of a power the public did not see. The puzzling spectacle which the observer sees of the great leaders of Anglo-Saxon races closely surrounded and continu­ously counseled by the princes of the [recognized] Semitic race is explained only by a knowledge of those leaders' "past" and those words of the Protocols, "WE WILL MANIPULATE THE ELECTION OF PRESIDENTS WHOSE PAST CONTAINS SOME UNDISCLOSED DARK AFFAIR ".

    And where this Jewish domination of officials is glaringly apparent, it may be safely assumed that the custody of the secret is almost entirely with that race. When necessity arises, it may be a public service for those in possession of the facts to make them public--not for the purpose of destroying reputations, but for the purpose of damning for all time the most cowardly practice.

    Politically, so the Jewish publicists tell us, Jews do not vote as a group. Because of this, so we are told, they have no politi­cal influence. Moreover, we are told, they are so divided among themselves that they cannot be led in one direction.

    It may be true that when it is a question of being for any­thing, the Jewish community may show a majority and minority opinion--a small minority, it is likely to be. But when it be­comes a question of being against anything, the Jewish commu­nity is always a unit.

    These are facts to which any ward politician can testify. Any man in political life can test it for himself by announcing that he will not permit himself to be dominated by Jews or anybody else. Just let him mention Jews in that manner; he will no longer have to read about Jewish solidarity; he will have felt it. Note that, in a vote, this Jewish solidarity can accomplish any­thing it wishes; the Jew's political strength is NOT in his vote, but in the "pull" of, say, seven men at the seat of government. The Jews, a political minority so far as votes are concerned, were a political majority so far as influence was concerned, during the last five years. They ruled. They boast that they ruled. The mark of their rule is everywhere. [H: Note this was written in 1920, so the controlling rule has been since, at least, in the U.S., totally held since 1915.]

    The note which everyone observes in politics, as in the press, is the fear of the Jews. This fear is such that nowhere are the Jews discussed as are, say, the Armenians, the Germans, the Russians or the Hindoos. What is this fear but reflection of the knowledge of the Jews' power and their ruthlessness in the use of it? It is possibly true, as many Jewish publicists say, that what is called anti-Semitism is just a panic-fear. It is a dread of the unknown. The uncanny spectacle of an apparently poor people who are richer than all, of a very small minority which is more powerful than all, creates phantoms before the mind.

    It is very significant that those who most assume to represent the Jews are quite content that the fear should exist. They wish it to exist. To keep it delicately poised and always there, though not too obtrusively, is an art they practice. But once the balance is threatened, their crudeness instantly appears. Then comes the threat, by which it is hoped to re-establish the fear again. When the threat fails, there comes the wail of anti-Semitism.

    How strange this is, that the Jews should not see that the most abject form of anti-Semitism is just this fear which they are willing to have felt toward them by their neighbors. To inspire fear--what is more dreaded by the normal man, and yet what more delights an inferior race?

    Now, a great service is done when the people are emanci­pated from this fear. It is the process of emancipation that Jew­ish publicists attack. It is this they call anti-Semitism. It is not anti-Semitism at all; it is the only course that can prevent anti-Semitism.

    The process involves several steps. The extent of the Jewish power must be shown. To this, of course, strong Jewish objec­tion is made, though no strong disproof can be made.

    Then, the existence of this power must be explained. It can be explained only by
    the Jewish Will to Power, as it may be called, or by the deliberate program which is followed in the attainment of the power. When the method is explained, half the damage is undone. THE JEW IS NOT A SUPERMAN. He is bright; he is intense; his philosophy of material things leaves him free to do many things from which his neighbor draws back; but, given equal advantages, he is not a superman. The Yankee is more than his equal any time, but the Yankee has an inborn inclination to observe the rules of the game. When the people know by what means this power is gained--when they are informed how, for example, political control is seized, as it has been in the United States, the very method takes all the glamour from the power, and shows it to be a rather sordid thing after all.

    This series of articles is attempting to take these orderly steps, and it is believed the complete effort will justify itself to reasonable minds, both Jewish and Gentile.

    In the present article one important means of power has been described on the authority of the Protocols. Whether the method laid down by the Protocols is worth considering or not depends entirely on whether it can be found in actual affairs to­day. It can be found. The two tally. The parallel is complete. It were well for the Jew, of course, if no trace of him could be found in either the written or the actual program. But he is there, and it is illogical for him to blame anyone but himself for being there. Certainly it is small defense against the fact to heap abuse upon the one who discloses the fact. We have agreed that the Jews are clever, but they are not so clever as to be able to cover their work. There is a certain element of weakness in them which reveals the whole matter in the end. And even the revelation would not mean much if the thing revealed were not wrong. But that is the weakness of the Jewish program--it is wrong. The Jews have never gained any measure of success so great that the world cannot check it. The world is engaged in a great checking tactic now, and if there are still prophets among the Jews they should lead their people in another path.

    The proof and the fruit of any exposure of the World Pro­gram IS THE REMOVAL OF THE ELEMENT OF FEAR FROM THE PEOPLES AMONG WHOM THE JEWS LIVE.

    Issue of September 18, 1920


    So, can the nations, say, the United States, be changed? Yes. Easily? NO! And the change will have to come from outside the typical government you HAVE in place. You haven't a prayer of changing the one you have or replacing it with some­thing new and honestly honorable. When the whole barrel of apples is spoiled and rotten, you will have to consider a whole new approach--but that can be accomplished in the U.S. as in no other nation already usurped and controlled by these elements of Elite One Worlders. But, indeed there are a WHOLE BIG BUNCH of people in very powerful nations who would change if shown the way and to recognize the problems. Most KNOW the problems--except you sleeping masses under the mind-warp processing.

    It only requires insight, foresight, long-range sight and the abil­ity to CREATE THAT WHICH IS NECESSARY--and THAT comes from recognizing the absolute LACK OF ANYTHING BACKING ANY OF THE ELITE'S HOLDINGS.

    So, now we know who "they" are and that isn't a bad start for today is it? "They" have presented AN ILLUSION of money, value, moral acceptance and thus and so. But, they have also incredibly incited the hatred of those in opposition and bearing the brunt of their outrageous crimes and deceptions.

    A massive change could come about simply by the turning unto Truth and God but, logically and reasonably speaking, it won't. Therefore there will be some of the old arranged prophecies that have to come about for the writers of the prophecies will
    have to see to it that it does--EVEN IF IT IS AGAINST THEMSELVES--BUT TO EVERY MAN A CHOICE!

    When a man gains LOVE, he changes within self and stops the hatreds--AND STARTS THINKING. When thinking men are then shown "a way", they will take it and create that which they desire, and when this is done in the name of GOD--not some trumped-up idol to worship--there is no enemy anywhere who can do a thing to stop its happening. So, to you dear ones who find it difficult to wait and can't see that things are being ac­complished, I can't make you see, hear or experience--I can only assure you, in my own loop, that we are making incredible and beyond-your-dreams inroads into the solutions at hand. But the team is tired and no matter how hard or fast we run--so far the enemy is able to make the run difficult and miserable. However, GOD chooses carefully, and those he has placed in responsible positions will make it through one way or another--a bit frazzled and worn--but WE shall make it for some of you out there have made it POSSIBLE.

    There is always the presence of the DISTRACTORS, even right among us, and the desire to be distracted, so the two get to­gether and great amounts of time and energy are expended where it should not be. But, it IS and so be it. Until you of the nucleus realize the distractions AND the distractors you will slow the progress. It is always quite easy to cast about and dis­cern "another's" problems or distractions but RARELY YOUR OWN. Why? Because YOUR distractions are not considered by you to be distractions.

    Let me example a personal focus--with the coming of e-mail ca­pability--E.J.'s work load has DOUBLED OR TRIPLED. Dharma's is again out of control because everything from argu­ments to kiddies' problems are handed off to her. But it is through the computer networks that we can get viewing and hearing--so we really can't negate the computers can we?

    Now our audience is more predominantly global and foreign than ever, so that more time is consumed, constantly--but with necessary business and interchange. We have foreign diplomats of such high importance as would stagger you, WAITING FOR EACH PAGE TO COME FROM THESE FINGERS. There is no substitute, therefore, for this task and no way to assemble help at this time. So, we keep right on moving and when we can't stagger another step, someone will be ready to take some load and then more load and finally we will have a larger TEAM. But it starts with the mundane because we need no more "help" steeped in their "own ways and directions" and who can't move beyond the meditation phase and actually do the work itself.

    I am told that if we just had MORE MEETINGS "we could get our energy renewed and our focus reestablished". Well, inter­estingly enough, Dharma is running as hard as she can and she has to be there if we have a meeting--doesn't she? Not to bring the cakes, for someone else could do that, but just to speak--and lungs that can't hold air can't allow for long speeches but can allow for lots of finger exercises. Moreover, WE HAVE EX­PERIENCED AND THUS, LEARNED, that our enemies are AMONG US and our strategies and just our own daily privacy is totally invaded and moved out of the privacy of our family to be spun and twisted in the hands and minds and publications of the very adversary himself.

    Who restores Dharma and who, save two or three, continues to shore up the financial needs for the work here? This in no way is a reflection on you who send to keep this paper going for it would have been over long before now if you had not stepped in and saved the day with your contributions above subscriptions.

    I find that around here there are almost none who will watch the very news coming forth more than once, if that much, a day, and then turn it off because you "can't stand it". I ask Dharma to leave this keyboard and every minute not at this typing she is studying the broadcasts from every direction and every channel and talk show. It is THEREIN you find what is REALLY hap­pening. So, you guys say, "Well, we get it from CONTACT or these writings". Fine, it is then apparent that you don't want meetings quite badly enough to give relief to the production point. And yes, you are right, the circle spirals around and, surely enough, the cost of mailings rises and
    we don't have room for more information anyway, and stay alive at all. This IS THE PLAN at work and the very best example we can offer. Many people within our circle are running for our lives so, please, this example is exactly that, an example using something to which you can relate.

    Arguments about material do not accomplish anything and we have no time for debates. I KNOW WHAT IS REAL AND WHAT IS TRUTH, so an argument with me is useless as most arguers state right off the top of their letters. I chuckle as I re­call early on over the topic of And They Called His Name Im­manuel that the publishers of some of the same materials started large arguments with Green about the materials.
    I responded. So, the next arguments came from the "committee" appointed to "handle that E.T." and that insane receiver. However, the letter started with: "Don't have Hatonn respond because he can just blow out our arguments--because we are not so quick of wit". No, I am not kidding you. Either I Am or I AM NOT. So, IF I AM NOT, doesn't that scare you a bit that Dharma is so "quick of wit" as to out-think and out-run the entire world population? She makes no claim of such. But she will be first to tell you that she has gotten a REAL EDUCATION in just about every sub­ject there is--and even Dr. Young would probably give her an honorary degree in quantum physics as well as qualifying as a "writer" which she still claims to NOT be. Peculiar isn't it?

    She is not a Jew BUT IS A SEMITE. But she is pale of color and yet is Egyptian of origin--in THIS particular job. Interest­ing? Not really, once you KNOW what life is ABOUT and IS. Do "WE" have some bond? Beyond all human realizations as do I with most of you who read this material and know the real­ity of this time and this place in historical sequence. We are al­ready woven as the threads into a finished tapestry with myriads of colors and textures, and even if taken apart we do not lose
    our DNA "picture" engraved forever upon the timelessness of eternity and universality.

    Are YOU in the picture? That is not for ME to answer, but rather, for me to ask. ARE YOU IN THE PICTURE? Oh, in­deed, modest ones--YOU DO KNOW AND YOU EXPERI­ENCE FOR SOMETHING SO MUCH GREATER THAN A "DOODLE RIDE" ON SOME SHIP OR OTHER--BUT FOR THE VERY GIFT OF LIFE ITSELF.

    E.J. and Dharma don't even bother to STUDY the heavens as they once did for they know where GOD IS LOCATED and the trappings and show of a few moving objects has no longer much interest. Appreciation is always present--having to meditate on one star or another--or even the belly-button, wastes valuable production time. So we do that sort of thing only when the bal­ance has been blown by some of the necessary distractions that REQUIRE handling. Others are the same; once again I only use EXAMPLES. Moreover, it is understood that all ones entering the circle must "catch up" but you who have always been within THIS circle and haven't "caught up" are not in such good standing.

    Most RIGHT HERE UNDER OUR NOSES do not even read all the material--now, don't you who can't wait to get it into your hands and heads find that shocking and appalling? No, I don't; I find it typical. Most people would join any group just to search, usually for betterment of self's acquisitions, be they hu­man or material. There is little interest in accomplishment be­yond that "job" and the "pay" therefrom. People, there isn't even a "group" here to hold anyone as in "membership", and if you cease to study the truth as we bring it--you don't have ANYTHING HERE. I repeat, you don't have ANYTHING HERE. And some, if the pay were cut off, would not even con­sider staying a day longer and that would be blamed on the ex­cuse of having to work--when some were not working when they came here. Good, it is an excellent sorting tool.

    Am I not afraid that some will see this and be offended? No, the ones who would be don't read the "stuff". The others know their positions are set in cement and would work days to support themselves and give all night to serve God if that were neces­sary. And, in some of the jobs, that is THE CASE, only the service itself is 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and some­times doubled up at that.

    I do not deal in what-ifs or ifs or shoulds. We deal here with WHAT IS and that is all we have in the here and the now. We do the best we can with what IS. Good "strokes" are nice but we work mostly without anything except complaints and gigantic efforts to insult, discount, discredit and destroy us. But the love and support of the rest of the team and crew suffices, and even if they be few, they are IN TRUTH and IN LOVE and it is suf­ficient unto our needs. We KNOW that what we do is TRUTH AND WHAT WE DO IS RIGHT. THERE IS NO ENERGY STRENGTH GREATER THAN THAT.

    We chuckled when Dr. Ed sent up a note AND ANOTHER BOOK TO BE TYPED and inquired as to whether or not Dharma had worn off the letters of her new keyboard yet. The "funny" thing is that, yes indeed, they were going, going and going--but this time she got smart and weekly lacquers over the print. We laugh because she can certainly tell by looking at the keyboard which alphabet letters are the most used.
    We also find it amusing that people say and think we have a great consoli­dated membership game going here daily. Dharma has not even SEEN most of the people here who work daily on the same projects in WEEKS and, as with Dr. Young--
    in months.

    So please, readers, when somebody calls this a "cult", will you please turn about and confront them. Call them to their faces what they are: uninformed, ignorant or simply "you are a liar". It works every time--TRUTH WILL WORK EVERY TIME IF YOU SIMPLY USE IT. WHEN YOU MAKE STUPID EX­CUSES YOU HURT SELF AND EVERYONE WITH YOU. AND, UNTIL YOU ARE NOT ASHAMED OF GOD IN YOUR LIFE--YOU HAVE BIG PROBLEMS.

    Adonai, hAtonnn. The Greeks will know what the symbol means.



    THU., MAR. 5, 1998 7:25 A.M. YR. 11, DAY 201

    THU., MAR. 5, 1998
    Sometimes you truly do have to walk, or fall down, in that Val­ley of Shadows before you stop long enough to look around and see and hear.

    I look for anything and everything that will help you to see and understand what is taking place. That must come from seeing what has TAKEN PLACE. You CANNOT live again in what is past--but you MUST KNOW what is historical past--IN TRUTH--or you are destined to be enslaved.

    The Elite One World Order (under "their" rule, of course) have been around since the days of the very beginning of history as you might recognize it and, as hard as it may be to swallow--they ARE the very ones who came forth calling themselves the Serpent People. They took on the sham of nationalities, races, creeds, religions, and other ingratiating personalities to enable them to take on control of the world. A BIG Plan? Oh yes, a very big plan.

    God, on the other hand, gave you LIFE in physical form that you might experience, grow, and BECOME what you would or what you will. Free-will choices were your gift of gifts. You would choose your pathway without force or coercion for it would determine what later you would come to be. Just as Mr. Ford created his automobile, God created YOU. Flimsy exam­ple? No, for Mr. Ford could not determine what his car would go forth and do or be. It could become a family freedom vehi­cle or a DEATH WEAPON. God offers you the opportunity to be a freedom vehicle or a DEATH WEAPON. BUT, now you have a burden of the vehicle having its manual direction-finder replaced by a guided missile system with warheads of destruc­tion.

    And worse, the top level echelon (hierarchy) of the Adversary's team is located in what was once considered (although it wasn't) the "Land of the Free"--as world puller and pusher. The WAR mongers with the most power are settled into America and these days you can SEE what is taking place in chaos and determined push for war against the most helpless of people half a world distant. And YOU bow to them, push them to kill--but you will find it is YOU and THOSE OF YOURS who will kill and maim
    --not the ones who order the bloodshed. THEY DO NOT GO FIGHT--IF THEY GO, THEY SELL OUT.

    Even George Bush, as a pilot--bailed out and left his crew to DIE. He has now been called a hero. Senator McCain of the Keating Five criminals--was a prisoner of war
    --who SOLD OUT HIS FELLOW PRISONERS. He is now called a war hero.

    There are only TWO groups of people according to these High Rollers: Jews
    (a coined term meaning very little) and Gentiles (everyone who is not a Jew). This means, people, that there is no singular race, religion, creed or color for EITHER GROUPING.

    I am not here to speak of religions except in a most impolite manner. Religions are of MAN and they have destroyed more souls than any other one weapon ever taken up AGAINST MANKIND. The most outrageously absurd things are told to you, on faith, which can only deposit you in a death trap. You cannot, for instance, in physical form
    --sit atop a cloud--nor can you live in the belly of a whale for days without being digested or dying for lack of oxygen--in the physical form. Noah COULD NOT have had two of every animal aboard his boat--for he could only reach out to a very, very limited space and time in his experience. So, the examples are good parables and partial truths for examples, but they are written now to fool you-­the-people all the
    time if possible.



    Great leaders come and, if they listen to me at all--they have no bone to pick with me. GOD DID NOT CREATE INEQUAL­ITY--MAN PRODUCED THAT TO SET HIMSELF ABOVE ANOTHER. I take no note of religious relationships other than to notice them as being unfair, pretentious, bigoted and money-­gathering--as expressed.
    I only SEE and HEAR that which is Spirituality of "A" man or woman and listen to the wisdom of the child--until the adults ruin his precious all-knowing mind. But I do recognize that the worst offenders to the word of God are the FALSE TEACHERS who present as total hypocrites and adorn themselves in robes indicating status when the most be­lievable servant of God unto His people is the most humble and non-pretentious. This too, however, is a way to get past the "guards" and within the circle of hearing. For, you are people of the LIE. When you turn about and become PEOPLE LIV­ING WITHIN TRUTH--magnificent freedom will be yours.


    I don't care what you call ME--No-Name (pronounced Noname) is fine, better, best--for you have no distraction to the Truth you receive. Certainly you don't want to trip around after my typist for she has a load of her own to carry.

    One GOD, without intermediaries save truth-bringers, is all you really have, so don't be fooled by the great trappings or temples or those who claim authority and above-and-beyond status. YOU JUST HAVE GOD--AND YOU! EVERYTHING ELSE IS "SOMETHING" ELSE. AND, MOREOVER, YOU HAVE WHAT "IS" AND RARELY WHAT YOU JUST "WISH" IT TO BE. TO BE PERFECTION REQUIRES YOU TAKE RE­SPONSIBILITY AND CREATE A BETTER "IS".

    I do not care which man you choose upon which to place your "faith" for, if it is NOT GOD CREATOR--it has no meaning except what YOU give it. And, frightening as it may be to you--GOD WILL ONLY HAVE THE PLACE IN YOUR LIFE PHYSICAL --THAT YOU GIVE UNTO HIM. GOD IS NOT AN INTRUDER--HE WAITS FOR AN INVITATION. AND YOU WHO CALL HIM TO WIN WARS, EXCEPT TO NEGATE THEM IN PEACE, ARE WAR-MONGERS AND YOU MAY "WIN" BUT YOUR SOUL WILL LOSE THE RACE. YOU CAN BE AMONG THE HUMANOID "humans" or you can be among the HUmans (Higher Universal MAN). Are you going to live in the radiance reflected from the ONE LIGHT OF LIFE or are you going to grovel in the slime of the mud-pots and blood-cups of man's basest self? Only you can choose and, in these times of decision--your choice must be made clearly, for the middle of the roadway or on the fence is no longer a third choice. YOU ARE JUDGED BY YOUR AC­TIONS, AND INDECISIONS ARE AS OBVIOUS AS BLOW­ING UP BUILDINGS OR FALLING ON YOUR KNEES BEFORE SOME ASSUMED HIGHER PERSON OR BEING. GOD DOES NOT WANT YOU ON YOUR KNEES--HE WANTS YOU ON YOUR FEET MOVING TOWARD THE GREATNESS AND PERFECTION YOU WERE CREATED TO BE.

    God never leaves you, and if you are wasting time sitting on your backsides or being on your knees--HE MUST BE ON HIS KNEES OR BACKSIDE TRYING TO DRAG YOU AND OTHERS ALONG INTO REALIZATION OF THE TRUTH OF IT. All of us sitting and doing nothing causes God to have to piddle around with us--so let's get on with learning TRUTH and then we will KNOW what to do to repair that which we carelessly have damaged.

    We just had a friend of mankind make a very long journey around the globe while even his citizenship within the U.S.A. is threatened--TO FIND TRUTH IN VISITATION. All have no way and could not gain audience as can this man who is willing to lead and share and speak Truth in spite of the threats and as­saults, and therefore, when he speaks we must learn to listen and discern for ourselves. We do not set him up as a Messiah in that "saviour" sense of the word definition. We listen to a man who tries to bring Truth and express what he perceives while expecting his audience to have WISDOM in the receiving. And, NO, he is not the only one--but he is "a" one willing to share. Never mind what he wears to show respect to Allah or Aton-- LISTEN TO WHAT HE SAYS. It is YOUR wisdom that is at stake here--not a speaker's.

    I have been sent an article from The Final Call, March 3, 1998 that is worthy of reproduction and distraction because it deals with RIGHT NOW, RIGHT HERE, and YOU. It needs no further commentary and it matters not what YOU call God.

    Minister Louis Farrakhan
    Editor's note: The following text is excerpted from a message delivered by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan on Feb. 22 during the observance of Saviours' Day 1998 in Chicago, IL. The full context of the speech is available on audio and video tape.
    [H: OK, listen up for the very first speaking is far more true than any of you want to believe.]
    In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

    What is Islam? The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said to us that, Islam is the Sun of law and truth. He said, Islam is ev­erything in the universe--Islam is Freedom, Justice and Equality. He said, Islam is that which was taught by all the prophets of God. Islam is the means by which men and women enter into complete peace with God. Islam dignifies. Islam civilizes. Is­lam brings man and woman into Perfect Union with God. Islam is access to power. Islam is the basis for building a world that will never see an end.

    [H: I hope that you will see meaning in this as "Islam" is a word denoting an ideal, a state of being in CHRIST, if you will. It bears, further, a label of a "religion", but so too does "Christianity". The reality of the expressions are reflected in the individual being as to whether or not you are Islam-ic, Christ-ian, Buddha-ist, Bahai-an, Tao-ist or what­ever you chose as your label. So if you believe ONLY in the man "Jesus", be careful--for you will be sold a bill of goods of unworthiness. I keep telling you that "Jesus" was NOT "Christ's" name as you would call it. But I remind you again and again, it matters not what you call a person for it is the energy, the intent, the Truth of that which is within which blesses or deceives. You can call me Sam or Joe if you wish--for I know the difference, and INTENT WITHIN is the name of God's game.]
    If this is Islam, then why haven't I heard of it before? And what does it mean? The word Islam, in terms of language, is a gerund; and a gerund is a verbal noun. Islam is the name of a religious system that demands action on the basis of belief. Is­lam is peace and contentment of mind. I hope that I have not offended you who say you are a Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, Bahai, Confucionist, Taoist, Believer in Jesus Christ, Moses, David, Solomon, Ibrahim, Ishmael or Muhammad (PBUH). But ISLAM only means COMPLETE SURRENDER TO ACTIVELY DO THE WILL OF GOD.

    To my dear family who are Christians, Jesus said, don't be hearers of the word, but be doers of the word. You can't do the word if you are not in obedience to the word. The word con­tains the Will of God. Moses told Israel that if you will do and obey all the laws, statutes and commandments that I give you this day, these will be your blessings. Simply talking about Je­sus or talking about Muhammad (PBUH) or talking about the prophets is not enough. It is only when WE DO THE THINGS THAT BRING PEACE, THAT BRING JUSTICE, THAT BRING RIGHTEOUSNESS, THEN WE ARE IN OBEDIENCE TO THE WILL OF GOD.

    Every prophet taught a method and a manner of strengthening the will to obey God. And each prophet that brought a manner or way of devotion, that manner or method became concretized in ritual. The method of believers in Confucius, or the method of worship of the Taoist, or the Bahai, or the Buddhist, of the Hindu, the Jew, the Christian or the Muslim, these methods and ways of devotion are different. But if you look at the method and the manner and extract the truth that is in it, then you will find that all the methods, manners, and rituals were designed to strengthen man and woman in their will that they would begin greater obedience to God.

    AMERICA IS AT WAR WITH ISLAM. Sometimes it is covert, sometimes it is overt. But she does not want Islam to survive. In this war I have chosen to be on the side of Obedi­ence to God. This means that my government is at variance with me,
    and I am at variance with my government. I respect those in authority. This is a great country. But something is wrong here. America started wrong. She killed off the original owner, the Indian, the Native American, and put those who sur­vived on reservations. You brought us (Blacks) here, and you know that you have not treated us right. You made us build the country but we have not enjoyed the best fruit of it. You don't mind us being drug addicts, prostitutes or homosexuals. You don't mind anything that we do in disobedience to God. But if my brothers (Muslim F.O.I.) are out here with a (Final Call) newspaper in their hand that will wake up a sleeping human be­ing, you run them off the street; but the dope peddler is still there peddling. [H: But dope peddlers ARE THE PRODUCT of the Serpent--the TRUTH is his death sentence.]

    Inside America and other parts of the world there are a few people who have united to control the economy of the world and dominate the wealth of the world to their advantage and to the detriment of the weak and the poor. At the start of this century, Europeans met to decide how to divide up Africa and its wealth. Today, they are not talking about just dominating Africa; a group has met to take COMPLETE CONTROL AND DOMI­NANCE OF THE EARTH AND ITS WEALTH.

    The Christians sing a song that says, "He's got the whole world in his hands. He's got the whole wide world in his hands. He's got you and me, brother, in his hands. He's got the whole world in his hands". What are you talking about? YOU'RE THINKING IT'S JESUS, BUT IT'S SATAN. SATAN HAS THE WHOLE WORLD IN HIS HANDS. HE'S GOT YOU AND ME, BROTHER, IN HIS HANDS. AND EVERY­WHERE I WENT ON THE EARTH, I FOUND SLAVES. RICH SLAVES. POWERFUL SLAVES. HEADS OF STATE AND GOVERNMENT SLAVES.
    Today I serve notice on all the leaders, Black and White, Jew and Gentile, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, if you are not going to lead in the Way of God, then you are either going to sit down or you will be sat down. A friend of mine talked to me about a pyramid... and in this highly competitive environment you push away others that are competing against you as you climb to the top of the pyramid. When you get to the top, you look down on those whom you pushed aside, and sometimes you look down on those who helped you to get where you are. When you are on top of the pyramid you can stay on top by kicking others down who are trying to get up, or you can stay on top by helping those at the bottom in their climb.

    If you are at the top helping those at the bottom, then you expand the pyramid and you keep growing higher and higher, because when you reach the top of the pyramid there is nothing else for you to climb up on. Then it becomes a spiritual journey. It's a journey from the top of the pyramid to meet with God in the air. The growth and expansion of the pyramid is the only way that those on top can get closer to heaven. And the only way those on top can get closer to heaven is to be a servant
    of those at the bottom--to be a servant of the poor, the weak and those who don't have what you have to expand the economy to include those that have not the skill to expand it for themselves.

    I talked to some powerful people in government--thirteen Heads of State, a few heads of government, prime ministers, foreign ministers, ministers of information, ministers of trade and commerce, deputy foreign ministers, scholars of every type. They all know what is going on, but there is a silence because they are afraid. America frightens them. They fear bombs coming down. They see and fear lightning bolts coming from the IMF (International Monetary Fund), the World Bank, the Federal Reserve, the U.S. Treasury Department. All of these are instruments of America's foreign policy. And these gov­ernments hear a loud voice coming out of the American admin­istration saying, "Do what we say or we will kill you and your children"! This
    is America.

    But there is another group in the country that is saying, "No, this is not the way the only remaining superpower should be­have". We (the Nation of Islam) are among that group. There are many Christian brothers and sisters in that group. There are many political leaders in that group.

    They say that I'm an anti-Semite. I'm not anti-Semitic. I do not hate the Jewish people. But there is a saying that there is good and bad in every race. I agree. White folks want the "good Negroes" to attack the "bad Negroes". And the "bad Negroes" are those that White folk don't like. I guess I'm one of those "bad Negroes". But there is a growing number of White people who are listening to Farrakhan, who see beyond the poison of the media. I want to know: When will the "good Jews" stand up against the "Jews that are not good"? [H: Now readers, THAT is a mouthful in reality.] When will the good Jews point out the bad Jews and say, you are a disgrace and a discredit to your race and to your culture and to your religion? [H: Well, the elusive beast here is that these are neither from a "race", a "culture" OR A RELIGION, except when it serves the purpose of gaining control of wealth. Another question I would answer right here and now: "Is Farrakhan in touch with your people, Sir?" NO, nor should he be. Protection of God's people is dependent on each of us and YOU protecting the brother and sister--no matter who they might be. Louis Farrakhan would NEVER put my scribe in such a position or focus--but do WE know one another? This is a far different question of which the answer, of course, is YES. My name is Aton, and HE KNOWS ME WELL INDEED! That, however, is for another writing, so please let us move on.]

    Jews have a very small number of people, but they are the most powerful in the world. They have the power to do good, and they have the power to do evil. There are ten million Jews in the whole world. Five million of them are in the United States. There are fifteen hundred million Muslims, which means that for every Jew there are 150 Muslims. Now what do the Jews do best? They have been the best in finance that the world has ever known. They are a little better than the Chinese. The Chinese come second, but the Jews are best in the world in finance.

    What I want to say to you today is that there are a few people of like minds who have taken Africa. (These are called in our lessons the 10 percent.) The Africans and so-called Third World countries want to develop but they don't have the money.
    So here comes the United States behind the IMF, the World Bank and the Federal Reserve. These financial institutions say they will give these countries billions of dollars, but they make these countries devalue their currency. What is currency and what is current? Current is the flow of electricity from a source to that which receives it. And when that which receives current receives it, it has power to create motion, light, heat and en­ergy. To diminish the current is to diminish the power coming from the source, which means less light, less heat, less energy, less motion.

    When the IMF says, devalue your currency, they are liter­ally weakening that nation's ability to provide strongly for itself. Then the IMF says, after you devalue your currency, you must privatize. Privatize means you must sell off the things that gov­ernment owns as representative of the people so that private companies can buy your gold mines, your uranium, buy even your means of electricity, gas or water so that outsiders now own the means of production of wealth in that country. So the whole country is working for the IMF and the World Bank, and behind the loan is America buying the leadership so that when she needs a vote in the United Nations, they will not speak out, but they will abstain. Africa is enslaved now by debt. You see new roads being built but the price of the new road is that they have given up the gold. They have given up oil concessions.

    But what if the Muslim world decided to tie their currencies to gold so that they would not be the victim of a floating cur­rency that can go up and down at somebody's whim. If they tied their currencies to gold as a stable anchor for currency, then they could probably break the back of these world serpents.

    Believe it or not, the world serpent, the head of it, is right in America. America is at the top of the pyramid, and whoever can control America will control the world. What is happening to America? Have you noticed there is a dumbing down of the American people? The average American, reading at a fifth-grade level, doesn't like to read, so the American people be­come slaves to television, slaves to radio, while corporate giants are buying up the television and radio stations. There was a time when you turned on your radio you would get some music but they also had intelligent discussion going on that would raise the level of consciousness of the people. Now all consciousness is taken off the radio. Why? Because the aim is to make you dumb so that you will never be able to challenge the world ser­pent.

    Black and White leadership is in a comfort zone, and they won't challenge those who fight obedience to God and the liber­ation of the people. So, here we are. Master Fard Muhammad (the Great Mandi) came and He began a nation that is committed to Obedience to God. A nation committed to obedience to God is the only force that will destroy the world serpent. Why do I say this? If the whole nation stops smoking, then cigarette companies will shut down. If the whole nation stops drinking, the liquor stores and distilleries will close. The deaths from drunken driving, the deaths that take place because people lose the faculty of reason, stop. If we stop using drugs, the drug dealers close down. Only obedience to God will close it down.

    [H: But how many of you are simply idealistic enough to be­lieve that this will happen unless the entire circumstances are changed first? YES, this COULD work but it WON'T work until people KNOW TRUTH TO THE EXTENT OF KNOWING THE WAY TO GO AND THEIR OWN GOD POWER.]

    If you obey God, we can take down a world of unrighteous­ness and bring in a world of righteousness. If you refuse to en­gage in filthy and indecent entertainment, and if our women de­cided to cover themselves, then we can begin to bring the world of the serpent down. If you just learn to love each other, you start bringing the world serpent down. And in our unity, we begin to pool our resources and start to build our world inside their world, so that a rising force will pull down and destroy a falling force.

    This world has to come down and righteous world has to replace it.

    I take exception to the last statements above for no, you do not have to bring anything DOWN to accomplish your growth UP THROUGH. GOD CREATES and never mind that which is between the effort and the GOAL. If your Goal is perfection in intent--GOD WILL SEE TO IT THAT YOU GET THERE--IF YOU LISTEN AND USE THE TOOLS GOD GIVES YOU FOR THAT SUCCESS. Eventually the serpent will eat himself, tail first, if you simply allow us to prevail.

    God will not give "all" the answers to any one person, leader or otherwise, for ALL are God's creations and EACH must have a role, if indeed each will accept it. The obvious point is also that if only ONE has all the parts--then all the adversary has to do is TAKE OUT THE PARTY and it's over. You of God, by what­ever sect labels you call yourselves must come into some kind of unity of desire to change before anyone will BOTHER to change. And you must stop challenging your leaders with "do it for us"
    or "I'm helpless but you are so strong..." and "Let's just see you do it and then maybe
    I will come along". No thank you, we will not DRAG anyone or anything along. You are given the way, the means of accomplishment, and you have the people if you get rid of their fear and terror. YOU NOW HAVE EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO ACCOMPLISH THE FALL OF THE SERPENT--SO, WHAT WILL YOU DO? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE? WHAT ARE YOU DOING? ARE YOU ANALYZING AND CRITICIZING FAR­RAKHAN'S ROBES OR DO YOU HEAR HIM? YOU HAD BEST GET THOSE EARS AND EYES TUNED UP FOR YOU AT THE FINAL CALL.


    Salu and Adonai, hAtonn.

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