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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar

    Default 응답: PJ#228, RISE OF ANTICHRIST VOL. 2

    PJ 228


    TUE., FEB. 10, 1998 7:30 A.M. YR. 11, DAY 178

    TUE., FEB. 10, 1998
    Bill Richardson of the United Nations (US rep.) said to Larry King (Live),
    "...and to stop Iraq from threatening neighbors and Israel". He then goes on to say something to the affect of "...well, Israel". Of course Mr. King hopped on that one like a duck on a June bug, it was decided that if Saddam shot at Israel, this time he would be met with nuclear bombing. So, who has all these weapons of mass destruction?

    Have you any idea WHY the U.S. would unilaterally attack and ravage Iraq? Wake up, my dears, because the U.S. is NOW THE ACCEPTED HOMELAND OF ISRAEL. Israel is THE parasite of parasites which has sucked the very life blood from America
    --including the U.S. Furthermore, it is already under­stood that the Royals and government of Great Britain are the "British-Israel" coalition and have been since long before the U.S. Revolution. The politicians who might balk are given di­rect warnings that they will be destroyed in one way or another (useful to Israel's cause), if they do not "play ball" as directed.

    Mr. Richardson is now going to go forth to Japan and China (Mr. Rubin and Mr. Cohen have already hit the Pacific area) to get support for this one-sided genocide. What will they do? Well, their whole economic existence rests in the hands of the mighty U.N.-Jewish coalition of so-called Bankers. The better question is, "What
    CAN they do"?

    Rothschild was right when he said that if you gave him the gold--he could control the world. And now, his parasites have got the gold.

    There is a lot of talk about the U.S. economy being so good. My, isn't that interesting when every day hundreds of thousands of people are being laid off from jobs. The stock market itself only deals with some 25 companies which are simply shored up to fool all of you until a war and other confinements can be set in cement.

    What of your welfare plans? What are you going to do with those multitudes of jobless, off-welfare people? Well, riots are what is planned for, but will the people even know how to riot sufficiently to cause the damage necessary? Of course, because they will be instructed to once again hit the minority citizens like the Vietnamese, Koreans and thus and so.

    As Mr. William Henry Chamberlin said: "A very good case can be made, on moral as well as economic grounds, for a system in which the individual is required to stand on his own feet, not to lean on the state for handouts. Character, resourcefulness, ca­pacity are formed and developed in struggle with obstacles, not in waiting passively for benefits from outside". He goes on to say: "There is no warrant in logic or morals for trying to place the authority of religion behind measures of social and economic collectivism. Indeed, there is a much stronger case for arguing that the sense of individual responsibility--which is a key indis­pensable factor in making it possible for the individual to distin­guish between right and wrong--is best assured under a system in which the human being is mainly committed to his own care and required to make his own decisions".

    The world is being held from these atrocious acts of genocide by, basically, one party
    --BILL CLINTON. The citizens see the charade and recognize that there is no need of Congressional anything to dump war on the globe. Bill Clinton as President can, in a split-second with one signature on an Executive Order, start the bloodshed. The whole entourage of warmongers, in­cluding Blair from Britain, have done their best and of course the threat is, "We will getcha so you better play hardball; get the shooting started or we won't back off you and Hilly". Clinton was just a good old common criminal and hoodlum back in Arkansas and he never knew what had hit him when the Bilderbergs tapped him to be the interim "kid" on the block.

    Do any of you notice that the man actually behind the power of a little Lewinski is one of the formidable Jewish pushers? Monica didn't ask for favors--this man DID. That also shows how powerful the man is--he is a major campaign contributor and expects favors when he asks. He may have gotten more fa­vors than expected. [From EJ: "He" is her grandfather--we are trying to get a name].

    Bill Clinton has a sharp, incisive mind, it is said. Well, he is certainly as dumb as is a hood ornament. In fact, he IS just a hood ornament after all. This will all come to light, probably in a day or so, so let us allow you to decipher it. Bless the "fixed" and pounding media--for in their frenzy of information sent forth--other things are turning up and like the robots they are, it is managing to come out in spite of the efforts to now silence the trashing. Billy wouldn't have even known he was a set-up for frame-up. He just had a cute little thing willing to do anything he wanted--so "why not?" A good game off the oval office wouldn't take as long as a golf game--so...!

    Efforts of much greater subterfuge have been thrust against us just to get us to make some wrong moves to escape the incredi­ble pressures of attacks--BUT, the very acts themselves are flowing back on the original troublemakers. Some of the "used" parties are so elderly now that they can be of little USE to the thieves and greed-mongers and yet still they are abused and used. A hundredfold trouble back to the senders somehow seems too little.

    Has anyone noticed that we don't even have meetings any more? The Institute has been ordered to cease and desist from doing business by Betty Tuten and her attorney Abbott, so it works out fine. It SITS. Even Misery Tuten can't get anything moved out of it. Further, if Overton's estate is ever settled properly, that will flow in but CAN'T flow OUT! I consider that some kind of PROGRESS. It appears to me that at this time the Institute sits securely IN THE HANDS OF GOD. You who could have stopped Tuten, DID NOT. We can't help anything that has come to pass for only you who had an interest could stop it. So be it.

    We will now, it appears, file some kind of "friendly" or "hateful" suit with Extra and get the Heaven's Gate Cult separa­tion finally publicly settled. This will pull in, and probably hang, Tuten, Fort, Beam, Ence(s), Brent and others we haven't yet identified. Extra is ready, willing and able to totally smash these liars and cheats that set them up. Is life not interesting as it rolls around again and again? And whoever produced that old picture of Ekkers--did it, they just upped the ante by millions because they went AROUND THE WORLD in living color accompanied by the lies supplied. The Channel 29 (local Bakers­field) people responsible for their rendition are also able to tes­tify. But they did the right thing and ran retractions in equal time segments. There is talk about convening a Grand Jury for looking into this but I wonder if the prisons are not already quite crowded enough. The crew from Channel 29 met with Jason Brent at some length that day and boy, are they sorry. It is im­portant to remember that Channel 29 is a branch off one of the Big Three Networks.

    I would like to move back to our topic underway:

    Author: Meschumad Iehachist ("Pfefferkorn"), a Jew.

    More and more gentiles are becoming convinced that we Jews were responsible for the revolution in Russia and that not only were we responsible for the murder of the Czar and his family, but also of the intelligentsia of that country--together with more than twenty million Orthodox peasants--under Lenin, Trotsky and Bela-Kun--which accords with the statement in our Talmud: "The best of the gentiles--kill".

    My authority for our responsibility of producing the revolu­tion in Russia is based on the New York Times of March 24, 1917: The movement was financed by a New York banker you all know and love," (Ed.: Jacob Schiff) "and soon we received a ton and a half of Russian Revolutionary propaganda. At the end of the war 50,000 Russian officers and men went back to their country ardent revolutionists. The Friends of Russian Freedom had sown 50,000 seeds of 'liberty' in 100 Russian regiments. I do not know how many of these men and officers were in the Petrograd fortress last week, but we do know what part the army took in the revolution." (From speech of Rabbi S.S. Wise, Carnegie Hall, N.Y., March 23, 1917).

    The following telegram, from President Wilson, was read at that same mass meeting in Carnegie Hall the night before: "...This government formally recognized the new Government of Russia. (Kerensky's: Ed.). By this act the United States has expressed its confidence in the success of and its natural sympathy with the popular government".

    Of Woodrow Wilson the famous Dr. H. J. Boldt wrote as follows: "Woodrow Wilson was a Sephardic Jew... the name of his parents was Wohlson--a German-Jewish name; they probably came from Germany, went to England where they were known as Mr. and Mrs. Wolfson and when landed here called them­selves Wilson".
    His second wife, the former Mrs. Galt, is also Jewish.

    On the death of Dr. Boldt the Herald Tribune, Jan. 14, 1943, said: "...an internationally known gynecologist and professor emeritus of gynecology at the Post-Graduate Medical School of Columbia University". He may be found in Who is Who in America, in Who's Who Among Physicians and Surgeons; in Who is Who in the Western Hemisphere; in the Blue Book of England, etc. (Ed.)

    Thus were we responsible for what has happened in Russia where the gentiles today are in serfdom under our Jewish con­trol. We note how our co-racists today are mourning the death of six million Jews. Gentiles, however, are hardly impressed by this figure because they realize that the Jewish leaders in Russia are responsible for the death of 20 million innocent gentiles during the Russian Revolution. Harry Watson, a Jew of Long Island, in the Preface to his book A Program for the Jews, pub­lished in 1939, writes: "When we Jews declared war against Nazi Germany and fascism I saw that that was a suicidal policy, which would bring to the Jews infinite suffering".
    [H: And oh yes they did! The Jews in Germany DECLARED WAR--lit­erally. This changes a few wrong concepts, doesn't it?] An earnest appeal of the same nature from the pen of John Haynes Holmes was published in the magazine OPINION, September 1940, but no one could stop us (our Sanhedrin: Ed.) from rush­ing headlong into the ditch dug by our Untermeyers, Baruchs, and Frankfurters".

    Russia is dominated by Jews and it is common knowledge that Stalin and Molotov married jewesses and thus merely repre­sent the gentile front for the exclusive leadership of the Jewish Kaganowitsch brothers who keep in the background.

    Simon Liberman, former leader of the Russian Social Demo­cratic Party, who remained to serve as the business adviser to the Soviet Government until 1926, actually our Jewish leader behind the scene in the revolution from 1917-1926, told me that the Russian workers now realize that they are the slaves of Jews and he predicted the coming of violent anti-Jewish outbreaks in that country, just as soon as the people dare to chance a counter revolution against the Jewish dictatorship. Only the death penalty for anti-Semitism in any form has been able thus far to frighten or discourage such action.

    In France, from where I lately returned, anti-Semitism is daily growing and we now note that it is the French people who object to the selection of the Greenwich section for the U.N.O., because of the proximity of Jewish New York City. The French hate Jews more than they hate Germans. France does not pretend to have a Gentile government. It is commonly admitted who is conducting that program; De Gaulle did not confer with Stalin for naught, for bear in mind it was not long after his con­ference with Stalin when French funds in the United States, to the sum of four billions of dollars, frozen since the start of the Global War, were released to his credit.

    In France German prisoners of war are being allowed but 650 calories of food per day. The great "Humanitarian" outfit, UNRRA, under our Director Lehman, only recently being granted another billion and more does not even operate in France, a gentile country. It is reported that the French Gov­ernment is completely dominated by Jews and Grand Orient Ma­sons and it is common knowledge the latter are acting as the er­rand boys of Jews. Thus do we see the accomplishment of what was prophesied by an awakened gentile Francois Coty, in his Paris paper, L'AMI DU PEUPLE, February 29, 1932: "...All of these facts united, of which the reality cannot be denied, seem to have the same significance: that the heads of Kuhn, Loeb & Co., are engaged in an international enterprise of the same im­portance as that undertaken by Jacob Schiff against Russia, ONLY TODAY IT IS FRANCE WHICH THEY PLAN TO DESTROY, TO ERASE FROM THE MAP OF EUROPE ALL INDEPENDENT NATIONS, and to deliver the people over to a revolution on the Russian model which would allow them to reimburse themselves for the expense of triumphing over us".

    On page 186 of Rev. Fahey's book: The Mystical Body of Christ is given an account of the secret origin of Bolshevism and described the conversion of Heinrich Marx, (father of Karl Marx) and his family. "Marx's father had become exteriorly a convert to Protestantism, while continuing to practice the Jewish religion at home. Young Marx's infancy was thus steeped in the tradition of his race: God has given the world to the Jews. They will reign over it forever when the Messiah shall come. Jews alone have the right to own. When the Messiah shall have come, 200 mules will be required to carry the keys of the trunks or boxes in which the riches taken from the Christians will be heaped up, etc... Of this doctrine this young Israelite was to re­tain above all the idea of an expropriation on a vast scale, coin­ciding with the triumph of his race".

    Thus Communism can properly be defined as a Jewish scheme to expropriate the Gentiles and make them slaves of the Jews. Such Anti-Gentilism was taught to the Jews already by the racial fanatic Moses who asked the Jews openly to cheat and exploit the Gentiles in Deuteronomy 23, v. 20. "Unto a for­eigner (Gentile) thou mayest lend upon usury, but unto thy brother (Jew) thou shall not lend upon usury". (The Holy Bible, Authorized King James version.) [H: Wow, and could this be the reason the U.S. GIVES $3 BILLION free and clear--IN CASH--to Israel each year? Israel then invests it in high-earnings businesses and such:--and has NO INTEREST COSTS AT ALL.]
    In many other versions the words "Lend upon Usury" have been changed into "Lend upon Interest". Who is it that tampers with these original so enlightening passages in the Bible? How many more have been tampered with or wholly deleted? [H: LOTS AND LOTS--BUNCHES AND BUNCHES! THE VERY ONES WHO ORIGINALLY WROTE THE BOOKS NOW TAMPER AND CHANGE TO SUIT WHATEVER IS GOING ON WHICH WILL SERVE THEM BETTER.]
    Maurice Gomberg's POST WAR NEW WORLD MAP for the establishment of a "New World Moral Order" in the Library of Congress and copyrighted March 31, 1942, shows with what accuracy Coty made his prophecy. There is also something un­canny about Gomberg's advance information in that it shows Madagascar in the color of Great Britain although she did not take that island until six weeks later, and the Russian-German line is precisely shown, in March 1942, while the Island of Sakhalin and the Kurile Islands are shown to be the property of Russia. [H: My goodness, could it be that the map of Scal­lion doesn't relate to earthquakes at all but rather to the portions of the land mass that would be somehow lost to freedom and placed under total Antichrist rule? I can promise you that earthquakes are preferable.]

    Coty, worth twenty million dollars when he had the courage to write these exposures, died a pauper three years later and his widow married one of our race. That is what it cost him when he tried to save his beloved France.

    By constantly growing revelations, disclosed since World War I, many more people than we think are gaining knowledge that the aim of our Freemasonry has for its objective the chang­ing of the essentially Christian civilization and the replacing of it by a Masonic world ruled by Jews.

    The great mass of Freemasons, however, know little or nothing of this plan or of the part which they are made to play in the plot. Their task is to spread ideas apparently noble and beautiful, but which in reality are destructive, just as the slogan of the French Revolution of 1789: "Liberty, Equality and Fraternity", was used in that far-off day to teach to the gentiles tolerance. I cannot refrain from taking the following from Nesta Webster's World Revolution, p. 36. "Thus it was from the 10th of August, 1792, onwards that we find the tri-color, banner of the usurper, replaced by the Red Flag of the social revolution, whilst the cry of "Vive notre roi d'Orleans"! (Philippe Egalite, Freemason and cousin of the real king) gives way to the Ma­sonic watchword of "Liberty, Equality and Fraternity". It was none other than Franklin D. Roosevelt, receiving the almost unanimous support of our race, who during the week which ended January 11, 1941, used these same words when congrat­ulating General Petarin, although this slogan had been discarded when France was occupied by the German army. It had originally been coined by the Jew Marat, one of the most cruel and bestial leaders of the French Revolution.

    Leaders of Freemasonry sow their propaganda seed among the inner lodges which, in turn, transmit it to the lower lodges from whence it penetrates to the affiliated institutions and into the press which then moulds general public opinion. Many Masons would be horrified if they had any intimation of what lies ahead of them and if they knew for what they are being used. Our power with Freemasonry is invisible due to the watertight compartment system, incomprehensible to the outsider, in which each degree knows of the existence and actions of its own group, and of those below it, but is ignorant of all that is de­cided in the degree immediately above it. Over all of this structure are the higher degrees which form the real contact with the high international Freemasonry consisting of a small number in the last inner circle. An extraordinary system is featured to maintain secrecy. It begins with a vigorous discipline which is imposed on the candidate when he passes over the threshold of Masonry and it is renewed in restrictions with every advancing degree thereby creating a state of mind which is the explanation (apart from the fear of being liquidated by his own brethren) why Masons, who after long years have reached the high de­grees, never betray each other or the order.

    When the Sarajevo crime, which was the means we used to start World War I, was brought to trial one of the assassins, the Freemason Cabrinovic unconcernedly said to the judges of the military court: "In Freemasonry it is allowed to kill". And the Grand Master of the Masonic Province No. 7, stated "There is only one Masonry", i.e., all over the world.

    What is the directing power? Almost without exception, the high Masonic posts in all countries are held by us Jews. In 1886, Pope Leo XIII granted honors to Edouard Drumont for writing LA FRANCE JUIVE ; two volumes of some 1100 pages which proved that France was completely controlled by Jews. If gentiles, seeking the truth, would read the ISRAELITE OF AMERICA, they would find this significant statement by Rabbi Isaac M. Wise: "Masonry is a Jewish institution whose history, degrees, charges, passwords and explanations are Jewish from beginning to end". The Jewish Tribune of New York, October 28, 1927, stated: "Masonry is based on Judaism. Eliminate the teachings of Judaism from the Masonic Ritual and what is left"?

    The Masonic oath is an immoral thing. The manner in which the oath is taken is irreverent and extravagant in the penalties invoked, bordering on the blasphemous. The candidate has to pledge himself blindly in advance to anything and everything, he knows not what: "all that has been entrusted to him thus far and what he will become acquainted with in the future". He signs a blank check which is left for others to fill out. When he is ad­mitted to the 33rd degree, i.e., into the circle of those who are in the know, he is compelled to swear: "Under my feet I trample the papal tiara, not as a symbol or a creed, a religion, or of a particular church, but as the symbol of ambition, of fraud, which reduces man to servitude by fear and superstition".

    One can gather some conception of what is implied in the foregoing vow from reading the following taken from the flyleaf of Wm. Arthur's The Pope, The King and the People, published by Hodder and Stoughton, 1903, and describing one incident which occurs at the Coronation Service of the Pontiff: "Take thou the tiara adorned with the triple crown, and know that thou are the Father of princes and kings, and art the Governor of the World".


    I wonder how many of our local friends remember sitting in the Community Church here in town while the young minister, with great pride and zeal, said that he was the only church in town who WELCOMED the Masons. He said that no other Christian church would allow them in.

    In a totally dumbed-down world you simply have no information with which to work, do you? You certainly can't get it from this new oppressed and controlled media or press--owned, oper­ated and orchestrated by the very people about which you need ALL THE INFORMATION IN THE WORLD.

    Do they hate us for our own revelations? No, not really, they are so sure they have won totally that there is only a bit of relief that we would reassure the public that it is so. We annoy them but no more than that. Who is, after all, going to go against Al­bright, Cohen, Rubin, Reno, etc.? Certainly not some little Clintonista who loves wearing appropriate headdress for every occasion, is a Mason (33rd), and a relative of Rockefeller. He is, however, just a dumb thug from Arkansas.

    Aren't they even afraid that "someone" important will listen to us? NO, that is not even in their "cards", readers. They have used their little local crooks and liars to make sure we have a very small audience. Then, what access do these "little people" here who never hardly leave their dwelling, have of getting anyone else in the world interested? This is GOOD! We have no wish to make waves for these nasty villains--God doesn't need more than we have and what we have will be sufficient unto our needs.

    The big boys of Antichrist's factions will destroy themselves in time. We only need a remnant. And, we will have more than you think.

    Enough for this writing, thank you. Adonai.


    FRI., FEB. 13, 1998 8:04 A.M. YR. 11, DAY 181

    FRI., FEB. 13, 1998
    We have been writing a lot about the Current status of Antichrist factions who have usurped the U.S. and are now working their way around the globe ASAP.

    You had best hang onto that snivel know-it-all from Arkansas, citizens, because every choice after Willie is pretty bad.

    Arguments pour in saying that at least Gore keeps his pants zipped? He does? How do YOU know he does? What, by the way, do you think would happen to Clinton if Gore becomes President? Does anyone remember what Ford did for Nixon?

    There is a nice article in Spotlight which very briefly speaks to this issue and just WHO would run things for Gore. It is as bad or worse for Israeli Zionists taking over than Clinton already has working the job. You would keep the hounds of hell already aboard and pick up several more of the same teams.

    QUOTING, SPOTLIGHT, Feb. 16, 1998, pg. 3:

    by Martin Mann
    [H: No, we are not going to stop talking about these Israeli Zionist Khazar self-styled Jews. They are the major and most dangerous faction of Antichrist's armies. I have noth­ing except abhorrence, disgust and disdain for these World Order Usurpers, by whatever name they call themselves (which are many indeed).
    Are there other factions dangerous to the status of the U.S. and the "Free" World? Of course, but THESE ARE THE ONES WITH CONTROL OF THE BANKS, THE RELI­GIONS, THE MORALS, THE MEDICAL PROFESSION, BAR ASSOCIATION, FEDERAL RESERVE--AND THUS AND SO--controlling Britain, Canada, the U.S., and just about every other economic structure on the globe--so they ARE YOUR MOST CURRENT UP-TO-DATE PROBLEM.

    What might an Al Gore administration look like if he ascends the presidency?
    Leon Fuerty, a shadowy presence in Washington's corridors of power and a mystery man to the vast majority of American voters, will turn up as the U.S. foreign affairs czar--the next Henry Kissinger--if Bill Clinton is ousted or "resigned" and Vice President Al Gore takes over his office.

    [H: Al Gore is Jewish. So is Miss Lewinski, Mrs. Jones, Mr. Ginsberg, etc. The names in some instances are changed, i.e., Mother Lewinski calls herself "Wilson" and thus and so. Every lawyer spouting off 24 hours a day on the arranged media and in the two hyped magazines are Jews. Time and Newsweek are both Jewish Controlled as are all the three more recognized media channels and we all know that Mr. Turner is married to Ms. Fonda--all Jewish. Clinton even shows his own heritage by donning the cute little cap of Ju­daism every opportunity he finds to make Brownie Points (that means "asset kissing"). You think you can strong-arm the world? Well, I think you are going to find it not as pleasant a prospect as you are told. WHO IS GOING TO PROTECT THE WORLD FROM YOU? YOU MAY WELL FIND OUT--THE HARD WAY.]
    Congressional staffers, intelligence and diplomatic sources interviewed in Washington and New York about the likely cast of a transitional Gore administration predicted--with concern--that the key players would be seasoned dual loyalists.

    "During his first term, Clinton bent over backwards to assure Israel it was his favorite nation", said Dr. Jacques Oweiss, a Middle Eastern historian. "But Gore went further--he went all-out to be Israel's favorite politician".

    As a senator, Gore made himself known "as one of the most pro-Israel legislators in Congress", said Morton Klein, the hard-line president of the Zionist Organization of America.

    As vice president, Gore has "grown only better--and stronger--as a supporter of the state of Israel", added former New York City Mayor Ed Koch, another leading lobbyist for the ministate.

    Unconditional devotion to Israel's interests has marked many of the senior aides who surround Gore now and are expected to join his administration in the event of Clinton's early departure.


    * Leon Fuerth, the vice president's chief adviser on national security and foreign affairs. Fuerth, with fervent ties to Zion­ism, has been Gore's closest counselor and mentor since his days in the Senate, congressional staffers say. He is reportedly slated to be named Secretary of State in a Gore cabinet. [H: Don't worry, Albright will find a nice nest with vipers to run--count on it.]

    Gore's dependence on Fuerth resembles the relationship be­tween the late Sen. Henry "Scoop" Jackson and his powerful chief of staff, the Israeli agent Richard Perle, known as the "Prince of Darkness" [H: Make you comfortable?] for his ability to turn his boss into an unquestioning promoter of the ministate's agenda. Jackson became known as the "Senator from Tel Aviv".

    [H: I wonder how many of you have input regarding Gore and his stomach problems? I don't want to shock any of your sensitive little minds but this man, when in the midst of some bad ulcer situations, literally has a vial of blood he uses to "quiet" his stomach. The more interesting part of this cuteness is that it is said to be human blood. Is all this so? Well, there is so much talk about things like this--and any longer there are few enemies from THAT SIDE of the groupings as to make it pretty possible at the least. Let us, however, keep with THIS information.]
    * John Deutch, described by one source as an "orthodox Zionist" who served as Clinton's Director of Central Intelli­gence, is another long-time adviser and mentor to the vice presi­dent, although never in a salaried position. Deutch is said to be first in line as Gore's secretary of defense, a post he has long coveted.

    * Ronald Klein, the vice president's chief of staff and confi­dential liaison with Israel, is expected to move up to Director of the National Security Council in any White House team headed by Gore.

    * Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), a tried-and-true Israel-­firster, is widely held to be the top candidate for the post of Gore's VICE PRESIDENT. [H: And this is why she decided to NOT run for governor of California now.]
    * Sen. Joseph Lieberman (D-Conn.), another Israeli loyalist, will be offered the post of White House chief of staff, Capitol Hill insiders say.

    At the United Nations, Middle Eastern delegates anxiously weighed the impact of a Gore administration on their tense re­gion.

    "For us the name has an ominous double meaning; we fear it threatens the gory cataclysm of war, a flare-up of violence at a number of critical flashpoints", said a veteran Arab diplomat.


    OK, readers, I have had arguments about the "ability" of the U.S. and Israel to use nuclear bombs and warheads on Iraq. How else do you get HOT ENOUGH weapons to bore into the Earth and bunkers and incinerate biologicals and chemicals??

    Want to hear the HARD PART? This agreement was not "just signed"--it was set forth and your President signed the Executive Order allowing United States military, for the first time, to tar­get Iraq with tactical atomic warheads. How did this happen and when? Last NOVEMBER, and indeed it was published in public newspapers. Nobody noticed because, after all, it was going to be Christmas and other important times of non-murder.

    Still think you are peaceful humanitarians, Americans? You are still the ONLY warmongers who have used nuclear bombs.

    This is the same mentality as in Waco: "They might hurt or molest children"! Oh, so your FBI and BATF goes in and burns them alive! Good show, kiddies. No Koresh is going to have a chance to hurt those babies, is he? With your embargo and former chemicals and radiation--thousands of babies are dying RIGHT NOW IN IRAQ and we can rerun the information on that from a couple of papers ago if you can't remember the atro­cious acts YOU PERPETRATED.

    And STILL you act as if you just can't understand THIS or what went wrong or who got all this started and pretend confusion at every opportunity. You have sensitized your whole society and especially your children to all sorts of bloody violence and taught them to enjoy sex at four years old (but make sure a con­dom is used). Wouldn't it be nice if someone just used a lot of condoms around a lot of necks?

    Some man called into MSNBC to the talk (chat) show and was very angry about the affairs of the President and suggested Jo­celyn Elders be brought back to teach the President her own methods of spelling "relief" by self-contact as she planned to teach all YOUR KIDDIES IN SCHOOL. It was quite amusing to watch John Gibson get that man off the phone while grum­bling about the phones not being adequately MONITORED. Masturbation couldn't be mentioned on an adult media show, but the Surgeon General could make it mandatory classwork in the entire Federal School System? Is there something wrong with this picture?

    No indeed, I am not going to stop writing about these SICK people who have control of YOU and your nations. I am also asking that the inpouring of excellent information from our es­teemed guest writers and journalists be offered as well--just as soon as they can be converted to use-friendly press.

    But might we lose readers? DO YOU WANT TRUTH OR DO YOU WANT MORE OF THE SAME GARBAGE AS IS FED YOU CONSTANTLY AND UNCEASINGLY ON THE TUBES AND PRESS? Jerry Spence was a panel member with four of these Khazarian attorneys and he was finally drowned out by the overspeaking and shouting as they put him DOWN SOUNDLY for speaking logically and with reason.

    So, "they" have the gold, they control the banks, they control the schools, they control the media and press and everything else about your system--including the Judicial system and the entire RELIGIOUS community. What is left? Nothing--go read the PROTOCOLS.

    For you readers who think this "trash-sex" doesn't take place, think again, even with Willie Clinton, and actually, with Hilly. We are going to rerun parts of the book TRANCE FORMATION OF AMERICA and see if you don't get enough of the life of the hidden vipers.

    Let us move on with our current little series so we can release the scribe for other business.

    by: Meschumad Iehachiss ("Pfefferkorn", a Jew.)

    We know that Freemasonry is a secret society directed by a Jewish international minority which has sworn implacable hatred to gentiles, camouflaged as hatred towards Christianity, which we Jews refuse to accept. Thus far, however, the ultimate end, the final objective of Freemasonry has in no way been disclosed. According to the New York World Almanac for 1946, page 594, there are 15,264 grand lodges, with a membership of 2,565,391, in the 48 states of the United States, with those of the 33rd de­gree comprising 1796 members. The total number in all countries is estimated to be five millions. For the enlightenment of 99 per cent of them the following facts will likely be surprising. The ultimate end of Freemasonry is contained in the figure of our venerable King Solomon, who for the purpose of deceiving the gentile is portrayed with gentile features. He stands on a cube, holds an acacia twig in his left hand and seals his lips with the forefinger of his right hand which signifies absolute silence as regards the last secret of Masonry.

    1. The cube, in the cabalistic teachings, is the symbol of Je­hovah control.

    2. The acacia is the rod of Moses, the symbol of Jewish sovereign power.

    3. There are two signs on the lower part of the body, which is covered with a shroud.

    a. The upper sign is in the shape of four triangles which represent for the cabalist and for all Satanic orders: "god and Satan", in their belief in the two simultaneous faces of Jehovah. It lies over the male genital organ and its contour indicates the Star of David containing the first letter of the Jewish alphabet "Aleph" in Latin script.

    It is here symbolized that the male generative power or seed shall always be put under the conse­cration of Jehovah, who is our God, not the Chris­tians', as gentile Freemasons suppose.

    b. The lower sign, the cabalistic cross in a ring, which is identical with the last letter Tau of the Jewish alphabet, lies over the germinal glands, and carriers of the race her­itage of the coming generations.

    It represents the act of begetting, conveying that the "beginning and the end" of every Freemason are in the service of our God Jehovah, to whom it shall bring generations deprived of their race conscious­ness.

    Thus, the last ends of freemasonry are unveiled in this mysterious figure. The road leads from the symbolic circumcision of a free gentile--via the training of a fighter for the Jewish world control--to a procreator of future generations in the service of Jehovah, which are divested of their racial individu­ality.

    Hence, the beginning of Jewish world domination is the race consciousness of the Jews; its downfall will be the race awak­ening of all gentile people. That is why the initiated Jew Dis­raeli stated: "The race question is the secret of the history of the world".

    From the above it is evident that only Jews gain from the aims of Freemasonry, which is the realization of the triumph of Judaic ideas or the domination of Judaism. It is certainly never a question of a struggle for the interest of humanity. "We intend to remake the gentile... what the Communists are doing in Rus­sia", wrote the Jewish author Lewis Brown in his book: HOW ODD OF GOD.

    In view of the above facts it is no wonder that so many high generals, admirals, and the cabinet, from the President down, are and were 33rd degree Masons: Truman, Marshall, Leahy, Franklin D. Roosevelt and many others, the latter three having participated in the sell-out at Yalta. Naturally the interest and welfare of the U.S.A. will never be represented by such gov­ernments, cabinets and high officials of the Army and Navy.

    This also explains why Tyler Kent on his arrival in this country was reported to have been warned by Secretary of State Byrnes not to reveal any of the secret messages he had decoded. Tyler Kent has not been examined by a Congressional Commit­tee, the urgency for such an examination being justified by the disclosures in the Pearl Harbor case. It will be impossible to as­certain the truth if those investigating that incident are themselves Freemasons, as is reported are most of the culprits involved.

    Thirty-one of the fifty-six signers of the American Declara­tion of Independence were Masons, but none of the participants in such a plot as that unfolded above. Proof of this is the great freedom provided for the Americans, when those who were at the helm would, without any equivocation, be loyal in their de­fense of the Constitution of the United States, the Bill of Rights, and that form of Government which for more than 160 years, by the right of individual initiative, made this the greatest country on this globe. Freemasonry, however, was permitted to act outwardly, which in the course of time enabled it to finally oc­cupy such a place in the State that today the U.S.A. is no longer a Republic, but a Freemasonic State ruled by the statue of King Solomon.

    Is this not openly confirmed on the reverse side of our dollar bill? There one finds what purports to be the Great Seal of the U.S.A. IDENTIFIED WITH THE Great Seal of Freemasonry. In the design on the right is again the acacia twig and above the Eagle are 13 stars (the original States) so placed that their con­tour forms the Star of David. In the design on the left there is at the bottom the inscription "Novus Ordo Seclorum" (The New Order of the Ages). Above it the gleaming eye of Jehovah is set on a spot in the height of 9/10 of the pyramid, which has no capstone, emblematical of the unfinished undertaking and signifying that the last 1/10 is still to be attained in the U.S.A. [H: But BEWARE, for the capstone is JESUS as described as being one with LUCIFER.] Above Jehovah's eye which is flooded with light is the inscription "Annuit Coeptis" (Jehovah nods approvingly upon the work thus far accomplished). In Russia the same pyramid is pictured with the Eye of Jehovah on the zenith, the Jewish Domination having been completed there. [H: This "seal" or pyramid symbol as described here is now worked into the financial portions of such programs as are presented on your intrepid CNN, showing up more and more frequently since its introduction which pulled so much negative mail as to cause it being pulled. It is being reintro­duced and is used more and more frequently as the logo.]

    Our dollar bill with all these curious symbols--hardly Ameri­can--appeared exactly 10 years ago and is for the first time in history of the U.S.A. signed by a Jew, Henry Morgenthau.

    On Washington's birthday in 1946 Harry H. Schlacht inter­prets: "This is said to be emblematic of the Unfinished Repub­lic", and "God has smiled on OUR undertakings". The "New Order of the Ages" he calls "Prophetic words". The gleaming Eye (of Jehovah, the Jewish god) is an "old Symbol" and the pyramid "rests in the very heart of King Solomon's Temple". He then referred to "Democracy" which "The heavens approved", although the word "Democracy" cannot be found in any of the writings of our founding fathers who created a Republic.

    [H: Please pay attention here: The United States was set forth as a REPUBLIC with nothing such as a DEMOC­RACY AS ESTABLISHED BY OTHER NATIONS FOR MOB RULE. Remember also that the dollar upon which your currency is based IS SIMPLY PRINTED NOTES USED AND PRODUCED BY THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM (A PRIVATE BUSINESS). AND, WHO OWNS THAT FEDERAL RESERVE?]
    "Our" undertakings----. Whose, pray?

    "Prophetic" words: Prophetic? These words that the Ameri­can public saw for the first time only 10 years ago, just four years after Franklin Roosevelt took office?

    Small wonder the pyramid is "in the heart of King Solomon's Temple", which was Jewish--the whole symbol is Jewish on the Great Seal of this country. Do the three million American Ma­sons know that?

    The "unfinished" Republic. What does this mean? Perhaps it means: "The goal that the American Revolution was prevented from reaching, its successor, the Socialist Revolution, purposes to attain". Don't the Jewish Communists say just that?

    In 1917 America went into war "to make the world safe for Democracy". The result was Lenin, Soviet Russia and Partial Chaos. Twenty-five years have passed and free America was again brought into a foreign war, this time for "four freedoms". The net result Soviet Russia covering all of Europe, with Chaos over all the world. Out of all this the Cabalist Jews and Freemasons, ruled by the program of the Statue of King Solomon, have brought forth the United Nations Organization, the Jewish World State. This is the "Ordo ab Chao" (Jewish Order out of Chaos), a new order, the incarnation of the basic principle of Universality, i.e., "World Republic by World Rev­olution", with the deceiving pronouncement of "human rights"; with the slogan "Liberty, Equality and Fraternity", and with the fate of unfortunate France, which that country suffered in 1789, in store for all countries that succumb to the voice of this siren, i.e., total destruction of all Native Countries, States, Races and Nations.

    Going back to the Illuminati, from whence all these move­ments stem, we find it was the plan which the admitted leaders of the French revolution established: IT IS THE EXACT PLAN OF THE SOVIETS--an oligarchy and its Dictator. It is the Plan set forth in Colonel House's Philip Dru, in Clinton Roosevelt's New Dynasty, and it is the Plan forced upon the U.S.A. by those directing the New Deal with a global Dictatorship operating un­der the U.N.O. [H: Bush got right up there in front of ALL YOU-THE-PEOPLE AND TOLD YOU HE WAS JUST ABOUT TO PULL OFF THE NEW WORLD ORDER AND HE WAS GOING TO ACCOMPLISH IT WITH HIS "SUPERFUND". SURELY YOU REMEMBER, FOR IT HAS ONLY BEEN ABOUT FIVE YEARS AGO AND IN EVERY SPEECH HE SPOKE OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER AND CALLED IT "HIS" NEW WORLD ORDER.]

    Thus we note that identically as during the First World War Barney Baruch was directing Woodrow Wilson, while George Mandell (Rothschild) was guiding General Clemenceau, and Philip Sassoon directing Lloyd George, so in this present hour we have Boris Stein "advising" Andrei Gromyko, and Ben Co­hen in our State Department "advising" Mr. Stettinius and Mr. Byrnes, and another Jew, Laski, commanding Foreign Secretary Bevin in England.

    After this Global War, plotted by our race, no man, and cer­tainly no American who is not of Jewish blood, would be so cruel as to mass-starve a whole disarmed German people which our director Lehman, of the UNRRA, is actually in process of doing. Before the Appropriation Committee he testified that it would be against the UNRRA's constitution and contrary to law "to give so much as a crumb to German Nationals". Even per­sonal letters and parcels are forbidden Germans from any out­side country not even from gentile Americans of German birth although Jews may send anything they wish to Europe. Under UNRRA and other organizations, Jews are receiving 2300 calories of food per day. The gentile Germans are getting less than 1200 and prisoners 650 calories in France. [H: And, pictures of these starving people are plastered all throughout the "Holocaust" writings shouting that these are poor Jewish inmates. Isn't anybody sick of this garbage yet?]

    Another person mentioned to me that a refugee paper in New York City, predicted about eight months ago that the Germans would be compelled, through expropriation and proletarianiza­tion, to accept Communism in order to bring them definitely un­der Jewish rule. He said the same paper prophesied with uncanny accuracy Morgenthau's Potsdam Declaration, which op­erates today in Germany. All of the editors of the German pa­pers are Jewish, while the Hungarian Jew Habe completely di­rects the policy of the entire press operating in that section of Europe. What would we Jews do if all the editors of Jewish papers were suddenly replaced by gentiles by government decree? [H: Small chance even way back then.]
    It should be evident to every thinking citizen of the U.S.A. that the FEPC, is the first plotted step in America which will end in the death penalty for "anti-Semitism", just as it operates today in Soviet Russia. The Jewish press is stupid enough to admit Christianity, Communism and Freemasonry are Jewish inventions. Rabbi Lee J. Levinger goes so far in his book: FOLK AND FAITH, the CONFORMANT'S GUIDE BOOK, as to charge that JESUS WAS A JEWISH RABBI WHOSE SOLE AIM WAS TO LEAD THE GENTILES THROUGH TOL­ERANCE INTO THE JEWISH FOLD AND THAT HE HIMSELF SAID: MATTHEW 5, 17: "THINK NOT THAT I CAME TO DESTROY THE LAW OR THE PROPHETS;
    I CAME NOT TO DESTROY BUT TO FULFILL. " His disci­ples were Jews. So the true Christians are often our friends and co-workers precisely for religious reasons, while our Orthodox Jews thank God every day that they were not born gentiles, says Levinger.

    Is it any wonder that we hear reports from Europe that our G.I.s are called 'Gentile Idiots'? This expresses the stupidity of the gentiles in fighting each other for the sole benefit of our race which "knows no nationality" except our own and who for two thousand years have never fought a battle for themselves.

    Do Jews think they can bamboozle the stupid Gentiles for­ever? I feel certain that the gentiles are beginning to realize that Jews intend to make them their slaves, thereby tending to justify the development of the situation prophesied in Deuteronomy, Ch. 2, v. 25; where Jehovah speaks through Moses to Israel: "This day will I begin to put the dread of thee upon the peoples that are under the whole heaven, who shall hear the report of thee, and shall tremble, and be in anguish because of thee". [H: I do not hold the same optimistic view about insightful gen­tiles in the U.S.A. I do know that the other religions of the world recognize the possibility and therefore there will be bloody confrontations--but the British and U.S. citizens are so soundly asleep that you can't fix further up the system than the pant zipper.]
    The Treasury Dept. with its decisive influence upon the Tax system is in our hands; it exercises its colossal power at its own discretion in conformity with the famous statement of Mayer Amschel Rothschild, whose house is dominating the financial policy of practically every country in the world: "Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws." [H: WOW, AND YOU GUYS HANDED IT OVER HOOK, LINE AND SINKER.]
    (Congressional Record Nov. 6th, pages A5091-3)

    But we may be certain that the gentiles will not be intimidated forever as evidenced by the effort we made in the fiasco of the so-called "sedition trial" in Washington where it was shown that the Treasury Department ably supported by members of our race and with few exceptions, by the press which we control, sought through that action to intimidate and frighten every op­ponent to the New Deal and Communism. The defendants did not realize the enormous odds against which they were pitted. This pattern was really shown up in a masterly way by Repre­sentatives Dondero in his speech to be found in the Congres­sional Record of Jan. 23, 1946 where he proved that the Com­munists are trying to break the morale of the Army and aid Communistic activities; that all of the files of the Intelligence Branches on subversive activities were called back to Washing­ton to be destroyed and that the order for this was issued by
    Lt. Gen. Joseph T. McNarney, Eisenhower's successor in Europe; that over two hundred communists were commissioned with none rejected in the Army from October 30, 1944 to December 30, 1944, when instructions were sent to all commanding offi­cers at home, behind the lines and at battle fronts stating that there should no longer be any distinction between Communists and Americans in the U.S. Army. This order was signed by di­rection of the Secretary of War, by Brigadier General Dunlop, Acting Adjutant General of the Army. That speech also states that innumerable decorations were lavished upon the Commu­nists. Thus have we from an unimpeachable source proof of how Communism has penetrated even American armed forces, also that, in this instance, files were destroyed showing charges in the Pearl Harbor hearing to have been well founded.

    The gentiles know today, especially those living in our fair southland, that it is the Jew who is organizing and directing hatred of the Negroes against White Americans. But Jews who think--"Let the gentiles hate us, as long as they fear us"--may soon learn to their sorrow how they err.

    [H: So what happens when realization starts to show through? The evangelists and Pentecostal preachers take over the campaign for the Jewish factions and suck you "christians" into the fish-net with your conjured "Rapture" and Freemasonic Luciferian "Jesus" movements. Christ is not included except as an afterthought with use as "Jesus Christ" to FURTHER DECEIVE YOU NON-THINKING MASSES.]
    Without Jewish Communism there never could have been any Nazism or Fascism, "the only proven defense measures of gen­tiles against Jewish terror and domination". It was former Am­bassador James W. Gerard, who stated, N. Y. Times, Oct. 8, 1934, "If the American nation ever gets the idea that the Jewish race and Communism are SYNONYMOUS there is the possibility of a pogrom in the United States that will make those of the Czars look like a small parade". This my friend, I fear.

    In spite of such sound warning James Waterman Wise, son of Rabbi S.S. Wise, born in Hungary, wrote in the New Masses Oct. 29, 1935: "Jews who deny that many Jews are Communists are jockeying themselves into the position of citizens on toler­ance. ...The Jews of America write themselves down as Communists--so be it". And this same Wise was reported in the New York City Press of Oct. 29, 1934, as telling a Jewish congrega­tion assembled the day before in Carnegie Hall that the "United States needed a dose of the Reds, that the direction, plan and purposefulness of Russia had enabled that nation to achieve something no other nation has".

    Why don't we get Winchell (alias Lipschitz) to comment on this? Or do we have to use him to help get Americans into an­other war, this time against Russia, so Americans will be de­stroyed for good and all--for the benefit of the British whom, as you know, we Jews completely control. I'm afraid I don't like the Third World War they are brewing out of this.

    Twenty years ago, the London Jewish Chronicle, April 4, 1919, said: "The ideals of Bolshevism are at many points conso­nant with the finest ideals of Judaism". i.e., our domination of the gentiles.

    In the first World War millions of gentiles of English, Ger­man, French, American and Russian nationality liquidated each other to produce a Jewish dictatorship in Russia. World War II was likewise organized by Jews when the Sanhedrin entrapped the stupid Ribbentrop into an alliance with Russia to set their plans in action. Jewish papers refer to Ribbentrop as the be­trayed betrayer. In view of all these facts, which could be mul­tiplied, it is obvious that we Jews have lost our most effective weapon--the Conspiracy of Silence. Too much material is now commonly known which proves to the gentiles our heretofore hidden plan for world domination as well as our innate hatred of the goyim (gentiles).

    Jewish papers contemptuously speak of American gentiles as morons, mongrels or hodgepodge, phrases I have noted many times. Gentiles, however, are beginning to see that the Jews do not wish to join the American melting pot which is the first pre­requisite for participating in true Americanism. These same pa­pers state with pride that in the last one hundred and sixty years less than one percent of our race intermarried with gentiles. I married a gentile girl and my family ostracized me for this mortal sin. [H: Note that the Protocols INSIST ONLY IN THE MARRYING OF WOMEN INTO GENTILE CIR­CLES--NOT THE MEN.]
    What do we now observe? Hordes of semi-Asiatics--Jews--­impelled by what Russian-born Judge Simon Rifkind (General McNary's "good right arm") now calls the "bugaboo" of a Jew­ish world conspiracy, are finding their way into Western Eu­rope: From there, unknown thousands of them are making their way into this country where they are to find, according to Presi­dent Truman's announcement: "a haven of refuge". At the same time the dignified gentile English General Morgan is or­dered to the High Priest of UNRRA, Jewish banker Lehman, in New York, to crawl and then abjectly apologize for having stated the truth about the Jewish conspiracy. He is then rein­stated after "long and searching" talks with Mr. Lehman who cleared him of the charge of anti-Semitism. How stupid, partic­ularly from our own point of view, thus to expose our world­wide power over the gentiles!

    The term "Melting Pot", correctly used for more than a cen­tury, is now replaced by other terms such as "Acculturation", or, "Philharmony of Nations". This growth of Jewish immigra­tion constitutes a swarm of human locusts just as foretold in the prophecy of the Old Testament in the second chapter of the Book of Joel. They destroy as they come and that is the purpose of having them come here. "These countryless Jews, unwilling to be assimilated, are impelled, not by any "bugaboo", but by a diabolical plot directed by very clever men--such men as ex­pressed their plot in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. This "bugaboo", Judge Rifkind to the contrary, is real and man­made. These hordes come as anti-Gentiles, and are fostering an intense hatred which we have nurtured for centuries. They come to what for them is no longer a "Melting Pot" but for the purpose of "Acculturation" which their high command expects to make their own; to promote the mongrelizing and the en­slavement of a gentile people. If this is not true why are they not directed to that paradise which was created for us in Biro Bijan, by our own Jewish leaders of Soviet Russia? Why, not, you ask? Because we must--as outlined in those damned Proto­cols of ours--be provided with victims from races other than our own; because we cannot practice Anti-Gentilism in a solely Jewish State.

    Now that the Americans are becoming aroused and are be­ginning to realize that only such persons as are wholly absorbed in their "Melting Pot" can become true Americans, there is this growing danger facing us as we contend for rights in Palestine, now owned by the Arabs, that these Americans will look upon us Jews, the only group refusing to intermarry with American Gentiles, as un-American and may drive us out of their country altogether".

    Meschumad Iehachiss,
    This has been a lengthy segment but it finishes the topic as pre­sented by Pfeffercorn.

    This was obviously written before the giving away, by the U.N.O., Palestine to Israel. When you realize the WORLD PLAN WITH THE NEW WORLD ORDER, do you actually think there will ever be a Middle East Peace? Just yesterday there were the little Palestinians tossing pebbles at the Israelis with their automatic weapons (but supposedly using rubber bul­lets). Are YOU going to win a war for God with pebbles? I doubt it because you don't even know GOD WHEN HE STANDS IN FRONT OF YOU.

    You are going to let the hounds of hell huff and puff and blow you away--while they "whine" and you "whimper". Adonai.

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    Default 응답: PJ#228, RISE OF ANTICHRIST VOL. 2

    PJ 228


    SAT., FEB. 14, 1998 8:20 A.M. YR. 11, DAY 182

    SAT., FEB. 14. 1998
    (Or, shut up, Dharma)
    DORIS: Friends, I am so burned out on our current topics that, much like the head-burying birds (the people of the world), I just think from time to time:
    I can't do this any more. Then all sorts of things come to show me that we MUST do this some more--a lot more! And yet, the more Cmdr. writes and we pre­sent, the more pressure comes to every and each person around me. And remember something, others are putting their 10-cents in the paper and, now, the journals as well.

    When I read on the back of Phoenix Source Publishing catalog I was shocked, if not downright stunned, that we have written some 222 journals. "We" being Master and Doris' fingers until, recently and then I understand that other "authors" have separate books. I know that some of the journals are inclusive of many other's fingers as well as the labor of compiling, sorting, in­dexing and, finally, just getting them printed. (This task comes as a financial impossibility as well as a seeming feat of super­human output). This observation always brings a chuckle from even myself--"ghost" writers all over the place--literally. In fact I also see that we have been able to "publish" only 108 of these volumes. I guess we'll get there some day--or we won't.

    I say every now and then, "Isn't it yet enough"? I always get recentered abruptly and am told to look around. Is there free­dom? Is there knowing about anything? Where are you headed? Why do you complain? JUST PRESS ON.

    And surely enough, just as I finish typing some material the next batch is waiting--material long out of print--collector's items I am told and unselfishly sent into our care. Box loads of infor­mation that is never allowed longer to be in public domain, in libraries, and are often destroyed even from library archives. The journals, for instance, are not allowed in any public place at all other than perhaps little personal gestures by a librarian or book merchant who deals in "used" books. And yet, they turn up everywhere around the globe, as does CONTACT (Ekkers get "blamed" for that paper too, so I smile to myself that the Masters are so involved that no one can really tell who writes for some of them so that there is no confusion or focus on the fingers doing the typing).

    There is no payment enough to thank adequately the TEAM here that keeps pushing right through the incredible attacks and bombshells from people like Green, Jason Brent, etc. But we continue to work toward funding and in that first project already approved is enough to try and pay them enough to make us feel better--even if still inadequate.

    WISDOM OF THE RAYS was a surprise which shall never find equal appreciation.
    I KNOW the labor of love and caring that went into that volume from the Masters--AND that receiver, ed­itor, and producer. So, if we have touched even one life, God says: BE GRATEFUL AND COUNT BLESSINGS. [See or­dering information in the back of this Journal.]

    My heart continually goes out to Mr. Carto of SPOTLIGHT who has been under such attack as to make our tribulations appear to be nothing. And yet, they keep on keeping on. They are, for Liberty Lobby, filing a Federal Racketeering case against the assaulters and I pray for their prevailing. No, we don't know these people although Rick and Ed have gotten well acquainted with some of the writers. But, we KNOW what price they have paid for bringing truth to we-the-people. Those entities are also on our "firster" list for assistance with the incredible costs of litigation. All we have been able to do thus far is just push their work a bit further "out there", just as ours is taken a bit further to a few more eyes and ears. We feel as if we are living in the dark ages and, in the beginning, Spotlight refused to even run our ads for journals and perhaps still does; we don't bother to pursue it at all. Did they not like George Green or God? They thought we were New Age Religious. Now, THAT is a funny one.

    I worked all my "working years" for Jewish high-level parties or Mormon lawyers.
    I was a Secretary to two Attorneys General in Utah and, earlier, worked as Clinic Administrator in Detroit for a Jewish Outpatient Clinic (for union employees--automotive union). I then worked for many years in Children's Hospital of Los Angeles which we lovingly referred to as "Little Israel" be­cause of the predominance of Jewish physicians, professors and administrators. It was also a pulling card for MANY foreign physicians for graduate studies, fellowships, and the like. How­ever, many of the doctors working with me were directly from Tel Aviv, Israel. I adored them--but I can tell you now that a pattern of behaviors would hit you right between the eyes con­stantly. There was always a joke going around about "running the world"
    --but like Clinton's zipper problem, it always ap­peared as a joke.

    Speaking of Clinton, I should note that, FINALLY, E.J. and I watched Air Force One and a president with wife and daughter was the only thing similar to Billy Clinton that we could isolate, even if Billy accepted the accolades for bravery. If anything, the plot of the movie made you be embarrassed that anyone would relate the two "actors". I found it terrifying as I am sure that I will find Wag the Dog.

    Why this personal input? Because I really am having a hard time this morning as we are up so much in the night having to talk to Europe and then to the far Pacific time zones that we don't know night from day except that the day starts very early and weekends are busier than the weekdays.

    But, that is "habit" and you get used to living backwards to oth­ers--of course Dr. Ed has made a total research of living and sleeping backwards to everyone, and others have had to stumble along without sleep to get the paper out.

    My morning came today with such retained visions of my night tasks that I can't shake the sorrow as I again viewed the chaos, even among people claiming insight and "knowing" and watch­ing the destruction and insanity. I am not caused to view such things unless we are very, very near to some disaster or another.

    Also, we have a "wild", trusting Band-tailed pigeon upstairs in a box. Pablo and Blas had caught her yesterday, literally from the clutches of the local big hawk. These pigeons were so over-hunted that they were all but extinct but we seem to have attracted hundreds of them. They are large as chickens and totally beautiful. Anyway, for the past days this little hen has been ailing and a perfect catch for the hawk. So, her mate has been trying to distract the hawk and somehow he has escaped, we think, the talons of the big bad wolf. We saw the hawk pick up one or the other but it escaped and is now hurt. I'm telling this because both are so innocent and vulnerable and, now, hurt. We don't know how to protect the male from the hawk, nor do we know what to do for the hen. She is a "wild bird" but cud­dles right down as if she expects us to make things right--and we try. Some days it takes a lot more tears than others.

    Then I come down to my "post" and here is an article on my keyboard. They always "mysteriously" appear somewhere when I am supposed to find them, and its title? ARABS SEE MIDEAST ENGULFED IN BLOOD. I have seen that vision for so much of the time lately that I, at first, refused to look at it and then I knew I would have to type it so you will have to share it too. Then a little ad headline leapt out saying, "Don't Get Caught Unprepared". How can one get PREPARED for geno­cide of whole countries and nationalities? And the killers are US? I tell you truly, I have to turn it over to God and take one step at a time, one battle at a time, one illness at a time (and ig­nore it), and one writing at a time, for I find this so distasteful and so difficult to face that MY NATION, this wondrous and beautiful America, is run by the hound-dogs of Hell and, by de­fault, I am a piece of that.

    So, I look within and say, "Pour it on, Sir". If not me--who? And now that I am completely undone, I will do my usual escape tactic and turn it over to HIM. "We didn't make the An­tichrist, dear", he says--"but our mission is to inform all the people so that vision is clear". Perfection, even of INTENT, is so lacking in every "group" or "religion" as to God's laws that I, just like you, have to accept, ask forgiveness for being so blind--and go on going on. Sometimes, to you dear, dear per­sonal contacts and writers--we feel your support and prayers and I just have to touch someone to get my own balance in this crazy world, human to human, mother, to mother and person to per­son.

    How can speaking about a sustained attack on Iraq be as nothing more important than deciding English Muffin breakfast vs. a bagle? And worse, how can the people "polled" predominantly shout "kill them all" as if this is a tennis game?

    In looking for answers I have to read my own scripts--but I don't have time to write, and read, and I don't want to face this any more than do any of you. The pain of HAVING BECOME THE Evil Empire personified is a total wipe-out for my heart and soul. Thank you and may we always serve in humble grat­itude for inclusion in this wondrous journey. Dorrie
    * * * *

    Now that we are settled back to the keyboard and ready to write I could respond to all the above but realization comes with hav­ing written, looked at, and knowing the answers within. GOD DID NOT SAY IT WOULD BE "EASY"--ONLY "POSSIBLE".

    This is just a little article we ponder but it tells so much about our current topics. Remember please, that there is no "RACE" involved here and no "religion". These One Worlders who "call themselves" "Jews" are from every walk of life, every national­ity and every usurped position. These are a faction of Antichrist and are the most blatantly working to gain WORLD control. The U.S. ADMINISTRATION is now totally FILLED with their brethren and your nation is RUN BY FOREIGNERS, purely and simply put. You never noticed?! We here were amused at how little the ones in power actually even know about the others. Yesterday Satcher was inaugurated, I believe, for Surgeon General. In the introduction Mr. Gore called him "Hatcher". Mr. Clinton got up then to make his personal re­marks about this fine friend and colleague and called him "Thatcher". It seems to me there should be fewer pant zippers and more lip-zips.

    QUOTING, from: Spotlight, Feb. 16, 1998:

    by Warren Hough, exclusive
    Can a war save Bill Clinton? Arab diplomats and Al Gore won­der.
    As the two most viscerally pro-Israeli Washington decision­makers--Defense Secretary William Cohen and Secretary of State Madeleine Albright--roam far and wide attempting to drum up support for another attack on Iraq. Middle Eastern and European diplomats at UN headquarters anxiously debate the prospects for an imminent end to the Clinton administration and Vice President Al Gore's early elevation to the presidency.

    "It will mean an explosion of bloody fighting in the Holy Land, an all-out armed showdown between Palestine's historic Arab population and its Israeli occupiers", a senior Palestinian representative at the world forum told The SPOTLIGHT.

    Aware that a violent outbreak will inevitably follow the cur­rent collapse of the so-called "peace process" in the Middle East, war hawk Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is­sued an ultimatum late last month demanding that Yassir Arafat, chairman of the feeble Palestinian Authority, disarm and dismiss a third of his police force of some 32,000 men.

    "Arafat will not--he cannot--do this", warned Arab spokes­men at the UN. "But Gore is known for his unquestioning fealty to Zionism--Israeli leaders are saying openly that if he takes over in Washington, they will be able to use force again to turn their ministate into the 'Greater Israel' they have long coveted".

    Such a burst of bloodshed is likely to rock the oil-rich Gulf and the vast Islamic world, destabilizing a strategic and oil-rich region.

    "It's not just Palestine", said one knowledgeable Gulf offi­cial, who traveled from New York to Washington recently for a series of crisis meetings in the company of a SPOTLIGHT cor­respondent.

    "Iran--along with of course, Iraq--as well as Syria, Lebanon, Egypt and even the oil monarchies of the Gulf, have all made it clear they feel threatened by a Gore administration", said this well-placed source.

    "Russia and the Europeans are already deeply worried by Is­rael's grossly excessive power to manipulate the Washington national-security bureaucracy and to deform U.S. strategy", a diplomat said. "They fear that these abuses will get even worse if the vice president and his inner circle of dual loyalists take over".

    There are some pictures with this article of Cohen, Arafat and Mr. Yahoo, but the shocking pic might well be Madeleine Al­bright in her last little trippy to Israel and showing her colors in the U.S. (you must recall that she said when she became Secretary of State that "I didn't know I had Jewish family ties". The press had to tell her!??!) lately is head-bowed, weeping over a wreath she just "had placed" (SHE DIDN'T EVEN PLACE IT) on a memorial site. Caption: United States Secretary of State Madeleine Albright bows her head while flanked by two United States marines, after laying a wreath in the "Hall of Remem­brances" at the Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial in Jerusalem.
    Albright wept as prayers were sung by a rabbi. Albright is try­ing to drum up support for an attack on Israel's enemies.


    I would also point out that last evening on your regular news another physician has come forward who is working at "cloning" of humans and already has capability and ability to put it into everyday use. Still think that there aren't some clones, down-loaded and functioning, among you? Programming and touch-ups of high-level duplicates takes place right in the Na­tional hospital and Camp David, didn't you know? How do you think they can lie so effectively? The entity lying to you is programmed to think he be speaking truth. The accusers are al­ready mind-controlled MK-Ultra playthings. So, the ONE THAT IS SUPPOSED TO WIN the game--WILL WIN THE GAME. It will depend on what the New World Order's leaders want to accomplish. These most noted replicas are such as Geo. Bush, Kissinger, Blair, Lizzie, Maggie and the Rockefellers (all of them you THINK to be still living originals).

    Pay close attention to TRANCE FORMATION OF AMERICA and to the old Dr. Peter Beter writings and broadcasts for the facts, Sirs and Madams.

    With this in mind, you still need more background for there have been "duplicates" of important persons for nigh a century and clones for 3/4-century. The art is now perfected for your consumption.

    We will, here, except for interruptions as urgent things come forth, begin to offer the ENTIRE Henry Ford The Dearborn In­dependent publications. We will start at the beginning and work our way through as we can do so.



    The World's Foremost Problem
    Vol. I: Being a Reprint of a Series of Articles appearing in the Dearborn Independent from May 2 to October 2, 1920.

    Published by: THE DEARBORN PUBLISHING CO. Dear­born, Michigan,
    Nov. 1920.

    Republished May, 1976 by:
    Liberty Bell Publications, Reedy, West Virginia 25270.

    [H: We will not take time to run all the above information each time we write a "PART" so please hold onto this refer­ence if you hope to track down copies of the books. There are four volumes and we have no idea as to whether or not Liberty Bell Publications is still in business. Every effort has been made over and over again to stop any public availabil­ity of these articles and it has worked; they are scarce in­deed.]
    From: The New International Encyclopedia:

    "Among the distinguishing mental and moral traits of the Jews may be mentioned: distaste for hard or vi­olent physical LABOR; a strong family sense and philoprogenitiveness; a marked religious instinct; the courage of the prophet and martyr rather than of the pioneer and soldier; remarkable power to survive in adverse environments, combined with great ability to retain racial solidarity; capacity for exploitation, both individual and social; shrewdness and astute­ness in speculation and money matters generally; an Oriental love of display and a full appreciation of the power and pleasure of social position; a very high average of intellectual ability".
    Why discuss the Jewish Question? Because it is here, and because its emergence into American thought should contribute to its solution, and not to a continuance of those bad conditions which surround the Question in other countries.

    The Jewish Question has existed in the United States for a long time. Jews themselves have known this, even if Gentiles have not. There have been periods in our own country when it has broken forth with a sullen sort of strength which presaged darker things to come. Many signs portend that it is approach­ing an acute stage. [H: 1920!]

    Not only does the Jewish Question touch those matters that are of common knowledge, such as financial and commercial control, usurpation of political power, monopoly of necessities, and autocratic direction of the very news that the American peo­ple read; but it reaches into cultural regions and so touches the very heart of American life.

    This question reaches down into South America and threatens to become an important factor in Pan-American relations. It is interwoven with much of the menace of organized and calcu­lated disorder which troubles the nations today. It is not of recent growth, but its roots go deep, and the long Past of this Problem is counterbalanced by prophetic hopes and programs which involve a very deliberate and creative view of the Future.

    This little book is the partial record of an investigation of the Jewish Question. It is printed to enable interested readers to in­form themselves on the data published in the Dearborn Indepen­dent prior to Oct. 1, 1920. The demand for back copies of the paper was so great that the supply was exhausted early, as was also a large edition of a booklet containing the first nine articles of the series. The investigation still proceeds, and the articles will continue to appear as heretofore until the work is done.

    The motive for this work is simply a desire to make facts known to the people. Other motives have, of course, been as­cribed to it. But the motive of prejudice or any form of antago­nism is hardly strong enough to support such an investigation as this. Moreover, had an unworthy motive existed, some sign of it would inevitably appear in the work itself. We confidently call the reader to witness that the tone of these articles is all that it should be. The International Jew and his satellites, as the conscious enemies of all that Anglo-Saxons mean by civiliza­tion, are not spared, nor is that unthinking mass which defends anything that a Jew does, simply because it has been taught to believe that what Jewish leaders do is Jewish. We give the facts as we find them; that of itself is sufficient protection against prejudice or passion.

    This volume does not complete the case by any means. But it brings the reader along one step. In future compilations of these and subsequent articles the entire scope of the inquiry will more clearly appear.

    October, 1920

    [H: I ask the editors to please lay out these volumes in such a way as to approximate the originals as to Vol. I, Vol. II, etc. However this will run over the allotted number of pages pre­ferred for journals so I leave it in your hands as to whether or not to make the journals a bit longer/larger or present more volumes. I will comment from time to time and I apologize for the inconvenience but I feel it extremely impor­tant that you realize WHAT IS AND HAS BEEN GOING ON AROUND YOU.]

    to the Bi-Centennial Edition
    In the year 1920 Henry Ford, Sr. published The International Jew, a comprehensive survey of Jewish power in the United States and throughout the world. This four-volume work was originally serialized in the Dearborn Independent, the house or­gan of the Ford Motor Company.

    These books have been best-sellers in many parts of the world, and have been translated into the languages of most civi­lized countries. Sadly, there are many countries today where possession of these books has been made punishable by confiscation or worse. In Germany, for example, a person who wants to borrow The International Jew from a library must first prove that he needs it for historical research. In other words, an ordi­nary tax-paying member of the public who supports the public library with his hard-earned money is unable to further his knowledge or satisfy his curiosity in this regard.

    It is therefore in the interest of spreading truth that we repub­lish these books in full so that new generations shall see for themselves how our problems of today are the same problems which have "mysteriously" occurred since the turn of the cen­tury. The fact that even the wealthy Henry Ford, Sr. could be forced to withdraw these books starkly illuminates the power of the Jews, even in the 1920s. To reprint The International Jew now (1976), when the Jews are so much more powerful, is some indication of the tremendous courage of the publisher. [H: And how much the more, today in 1998.]

    Every American who loves his country should make it his duty to buy sufficient copies for donation to libraries, universi­ties, business associations, etc. Most important, every Ameri­can parent should have at least one set at home to pass on to
    his children.

    In further support of the findings and conclusions of The In­ternational Jew, an excellent companion book, The Dispossessed Majority, by Wilmot Robertson, exposes the rapid increase of Jewish power since the first publication of Henry Ford's great work. No conscientious, thinking American should be without these amazing, fact-filled books. (End of Foreword)

    [H: In not wishing to bring attacks and further assaults on my typists and printers, we will stick to direct copy. This work is NOT under copyright, either in its original or in this reprinting. We have changed OUR title to reflect the "Global" aspect so that readers can know it is not the original "International" title affixed to the originals. You are welcome to read, copy, reprint, spindle or mutilate as you choose. We are in the information business--not the choos­ing up sides "just because" business. Will we hit other play­ers as hard? No, the "others" don't even know that they serve Antichrist.]


    We have reached our preferred number of pages limit for this writing so let us begin with Article I in the next writing, PART 2. No one, except those among the Antichrist servants, need be offended for this is an open presentation of long-ago writings by informed men and research staffs. If you practice the ways of these New World Antichrists, then all I can suggest is that you put on the shoes and wear them. You have insisted on remain­ing blind, deaf and dumb--and some call that "stupid". That, however, is YOUR BUSINESS, NOT MINE. We offer histori­cal documents and you do with them that which you will. The paper, of course, is a nice size for the smaller bird cages. I do suggest you keep a close eye on Nora's Corner and Dr. Al's NEWSDESK and other paper presentations.

    Dharma has a LOT of important work for me in addition to these writings so please carefully read the entire paper and not just look for my input. Thank you. Adonai.

    CHAPTER 10


    SAT., FEB. 14, 1998 2:24 P.M. YR. 11, DAY 182

    SAT., FEB. 14, 1998

    Hearts, chocolate and roses? On the brink of WAR it seems a bit trivial. Doesn't it? This is not to besmall [Hatonnese for "belittle"] a token of love between friends, lovers and people in general.

    Bill Richardson is in Beijing, China. He was turned DOWN FLATLY on support for invasion of Iraq.

    It is interesting to watch the hounds go for trying to spin this into "we fundamentally agree on everything"--but--China "doesn't want to go on record as supporting war--yet". China FLATLY refused ANYTHING except diplomacy. And Japan? Well, I thought that at the end of World War II YOU OF THE U.S. MADE JAPAN DISBAND AND NOT REBUILD ANY MILITARY FORCES! SO, WHAT IS MEANT HERE BY "SUPPORT" INVASION?

    Therefore you, U.S., have only Bahrain (owned by Bush) and Kuwait (owned by Britain) and Britain even suggesting you have an invasion or bombing of Iraq. Is this the United Nations in "support of"? Well, you know how it is: The British-Israelis and the U.S.-Israelis OWN the United Nations. You are, in addition, the very ones with the most and biggest bully weapons of mass destruction on the face of the Earth. From where do you think Iraq got ANY OF THEIRS?

    Think about it as your President and Secretary of State "Hit the campaign trail", it is reported, "to gain support for the bombing of Iraq". Since when does it matter at all what We-the-people think? The POLLS will come back with full majority of YOU wanting an all-out war program.

    Just remember the Executive Order of last November signed by your president, Willie, allowing full nuclear warfare against Iraq--in conjunction with Israel. Shame on you, America.


    [H: I am taking no note of whether or not we have offered given articles in prior writings. We want to run this data through in order as presented. If it has been presented be­fore, it is IMPORTANT enough to "play it again, Sam".]
    The Jew is again being singled out for critical attention throughout the world. His emergence in the financial, political and social spheres has been so complete and spectacular since the war that his place, power and purpose in the world are being given a new scrutiny, much of it unfriendly. Persecution is not a new experience to the Jew, but intensive scrutiny of his nature and super-nationality is. He has suffered for more than 2,000 years from what may be called the instinctive anti-Semitism of the other races, but this antagonism has never been intelligent nor has it been able to make itself intelligible. Nowadays, how­ever, the Jew is being placed, as it were, under the microscope of economic observation that the reasons for his power, the rea­sons for his separateness, the reasons for his suffering may be defined and understood.

    In Russia he is charged with being the source of Bolshevism, an accusation which is serious or not according to the circle in which it is made; we in America, hearing the fervid eloquence and perceiving the prophetic ardor of young Jewish apostles of social and industrial reform, can calmly estimate how it may be. In Germany he is charged with being the cause of the empire's collapse and a very considerable literature has sprung up, bear­ing with it a mass of circumstantial evidence that gives the thinker pause. In England he is charged with being the real world ruler, who rules as a super-nation over the nations, rules by the power of gold, and who plays nation against nation for his own purposes, remaining himself discreetly in the back­ground. In America it is pointed out to what extent the elder Jews of wealth and the younger Jews of ambition swarmed through the war organizations--principally those departments which dealt with the commercial and industrial business of war, and also the extent to which they have clung to the advantage which their experience as agents of the government gave them.

    In simple words, the question of the Jews has come to the fore, but like other questions which lend themselves to preju­dice, efforts will be made to hush it up as impolitic for open dis­cussion. If, however, experience has taught us anything it is that questions thus suppressed will sooner or later break out in undesirable and unprofitable forms.

    The Jew is the world's enigma. Poor in his masses, he yet controls the world's finances. Scattered abroad without country or government, he yet presents a unity of race continuity which no other people has achieved. Living under legal disabilities in almost every land, he has become the power behind many a throne. There are ancient prophecies to the effect that the Jew will return to his own land and from that center rule the world, though not until he has undergone an assault by the united na­tions of mankind.

    The single description which will include a larger percentage of Jews than members of any other race is this: he is in busi­ness. It may be only gathering rags and selling them, but he is in business. From the sale of old clothes to the control of inter­national trade and finance, the Jew is supremely gifted for busi­ness. More than any other race he exhibits a decided aversion to industrial employment, which he balances by an equally de­cided adaptability to trade. The Gentile boy works his way up, taking employment in the productive or technical departments; but the Jewish boy prefers to begin as messenger, salesman or clerk--anything--so long as it is connected with the commercial side of the business. An early Prussian census illustrates this characteristic: Of a total population of 269,400, the Jews com­prised six per cent or 16,164. Of these, 12,000 were traders and 4,164 were workmen. Of the Gentile population, the other 94 per cent, or 153,236 people, there were only 17,000 traders.

    A modern census would show a large professional and liter­ary class added to the traders, but no diminution of the percent­age of traders and not much if any increase in the number of wage toilers. In America alone most of the big business, the trusts and the banks, the natural resources and the chief agricultural products, especially tobacco, cotton and sugar, are in the control of Jewish financiers or their agents. Jewish journalists are a large and powerful group here. "Large numbers of department stores are held by Jewish firms", says the Jewish Encyclopedia, and many if not most of them are run under Gen­tile names. Jews are the largest and most numerous landlords of residence property in the country. They are supreme in the the­atrical world. They absolutely control the circulation of publi­cations throughout the country. Fewer than any race whose presence among us is noticeable, they receive daily an amount of favorable publicity which would be impossible did they not have the facilities for creating and distributing it themselves. Werner Sombart, in his Jew and Modern Capitalism says, "If the conditions in America continue to develop along the same lines as in the last generation, if the immigration statistics and the proportion of births among all the nationalities remain the same, our imagination may picture the United States of fifty or a hundred years hence as a land inhabited only by Slaves, Negroes and Jews, wherein the Jews will naturally occupy the position of economic leadership". Sombart is a pro-Jewish writer.

    The question is, If the Jew is in control, how did it happen? This is a free country. The Jew comprises only about three per cent of the population; to every Jew there are 97 Gentiles; to the 3,000,000 Jews in the United States there are 97,000,000 Gen­tiles. If the Jew is in control, is it because of his superior abil­ity, or is it because of the inferiority and don't-care attitude of the Gentiles?

    It would be very simple to answer that the Jews came to America, took their chances like other people and proved more successful in the competitive struggle. But that would not in­clude all the facts. And before a more adequate answer can be given, two points should be made clear. The first is this: All Jews are not rich controllers of wealth. There are poor Jews aplenty, though most of them even in their poverty are their own masters. While it may be true that the chief financial controllers of the country are Jews, it is not true that every Jew is one of the financial controllers of the country. The classes must be kept distinct for a reason which will appear when the methods of the rich Jews and the methods of the poor Jews to gain power are differentiated. Secondly; the fact of Jewish solidarity ren­ders it difficult to measure Gentile and Jewish achievements by the same standard. When a great block of wealth in America was made possible by the lavish use of another block of wealth from across the seas; that is to say, when certain Jewish immi­grants came to the United States with the financial backing of European Jewry behind them, it would be unfair to explain the rise of that class of immigration by the same rules which ac­count for the rise of, say, the Germans or the Poles who came here with no resource but their ambition and strength. To be sure, many individual Jews come in that way, too, with no de­pendence but themselves, but it would not be true to say that the massive control of affairs which is exercised by Jewish wealth was won by individual initiative; it was rather the extension of financial control across the sea.

    That, indeed, is where any explanation of Jewish control must begin. Here is a race whose entire period of national his­tory saw them peasants on the land, whose ancient genius was spiritual rather than material, bucolic rather than commercial, yet today, when they have no country, no government, and are persecuted in one way or another everywhere they go, they are declared to be the principal though unofficial rulers of the Earth. How does so strange a charge arise, and why do so many cir­cumstances seem to justify it?

    Begin at the beginning. During the formative period of their national character the Jews lived under a law which made plutocracy and pauperism equally impossible among them. Modern reformers who are constructing model social systems on paper would do well to look into the social system under which the early Jews were organized. The Law of Moses made a "money aristocracy", such as Jewish financiers form today, impossible because it forbade the taking of interest. It made impossible also the continuous enjoyment of profit wrung out of another's distress. Profiteering and sheer speculation were not favored under the Jewish system. There could be no land-hogging; the land was apportioned among the people, and though it might be lost by debt or sold under stress, it was returned every 50 years to its original family ownership, at which time, called "The Year of Jubilee", there was practically a new social beginning. The rise of great landlords and a moneyed class was impossible under such a system, although the interim of 50 years gave am­ple scope for individual initiative to assert itself under fair com­petitive conditions.

    If, therefore, the Jews had retained their status as a nation, and had remained in Palestine under the Law of Moses, they would hardly have achieved the financial distinction which they have since won. Jews never got rich out of one another. Even in modern times they have not become rich out of each other but out of the nations among whom they dwelt. Jewish law permit­ted the Jew to do business with a Gentile on a different basis than that on which he did business with a brother Jew. What is called "the Law of the Stranger" was defined thus: "Unto a stranger thou mayest lend upon usury; but unto thy brother thou shalt not lend upon usury".

    Being dispersed among the nations, but never merging them­selves with the nations and never losing a very distinctive iden­tity, the Jew has had the opportunity to practice "the ethics of the stranger" for many centuries. Being strangers among strangers, and often among cruelly hostile strangers, they have found this law a compensating advantage. Still, this alone would not account for the Jew's preeminence in finance. The explanation of that must be sought in the Jew himself, his vigor, resourcefulness and special proclivities.

    Very early in the Jewish story we discover the tendency of Israel to be a master nation, with other nations as its vassals. Notwithstanding the fact that the whole prophetic purpose with reference to Israel seems to have been the moral enlightenment of the world through its agency, Israel's "will to mastery" ap­parently hindered that purpose. At least such would seem to be the tone of the Old Testament. Divinely ordered to drive out the Canaanites that their corrupt ideas might not contaminate Israel, the Jews did not obey, according to the old record. They looked over the Canaanitish people and perceived what great amount of man-power would be wasted if they were expelled, and so Israel enslaved them--"And it came to pass, when Israel was strong, that they put the Canaanites to tribute, and did not utterly drive them out". It was this form of disobedience, this preference of material mastery over spiritual leadership, that marked the be­ginning of Israel's age-long disciplinary distress.

    The Jews' dispersion among the nations temporarily (that is, for more than 25 centuries now) changed the program which their scriptures declare was divinely planned, and that dispersion continues until today. There are spiritual leaders in modern Ju­daism who still claim that Israel's mission to the nations is spir­itual, but their assertions that Israel is today fulfilling that mis­sion are not as convincing as they might be if accompanied by more evidence. Israel throughout the modern centuries is still looking at the Gentile world and estimating what its man-power can be made to yield. But the discipline upon Israel still holds; he is an exile from his own land, condemned to be discriminated against wherever he goes, until the time when exile and homelessness shall end in a reestablished Palestine, and Jerusalem again becomes the moral center of the Earth, even as the elder prophets have declared.

    [H: This was quite true in 1920, but surely it is CLEAR that after the formation of the United Nations and then the "voting in" of "Israel" OUT OF PALESTINE, everything changed. But, the point was, even then, TRULY NOT an Israel in the hardship places of a Palestine now become Israel--but a NEW JERUSALEM to be the NEW HOME­LAND of this reassembled people--in the North American continent and centered in that which is today known as the United States of America.]
    Had the Jew become an employee, a worker for other men, his dispersion would not probably have been so wide. But be­coming a trader, his instincts drew him round the habitable Earth. There were Jews in China at an early date. They ap­peared as traders in England at the time of the Saxons. Jewish traders were in South America 100 years before the Pilgrim Fathers landed at Plymouth Rock. Jews established the sugar industry in the Island of St. Thomas in 1492. They were well established in Brazil when only a few villages dotted the eastern coast of what is now the United States. And how far they pene­trated when once they came here is indicated by the fact that the
    first White child born in Georgia was a Jew--Isaac Minis. The Jew's presence round the Earth, his clannishness with his own people, made him a nation scattered among the nations, a corpo­ration with agents everywhere.

    Another talent, however, contributed greatly to his rise in fi­nancial power--his ability to invent new devices for doing busi­ness. Until the Jew was pitted against the world, business was very crudely done. And when we trace the origins of many of the business methods which simplify and facilitate trade today, more likely than not we find a Jewish name at the end of the clue. Many of the indispensable instruments of credit and ex­change were thought out by Jewish merchants, not only for use between themselves, but to check and hold the Gentiles with whom they dealt. The oldest bill of exchange extant was drawn by a Jew--one Simon Rubens. The promissory note was a Jew­ish invention, as was also the check "payable to bearer".

    An interesting bit of history attaches to the "payable to bearer" instrument. The Jews' enemies were always stripping them of their last ounce of wealth, yet strangely, the Jews re­covered very quickly and were soon rich again. How occured this sudden recovery from looting and poverty? Their assets were concealed under "bearer" and so a goodly portion was al­ways saved. In an age when it was lawful for any pirate to seize goods consigned to Jews, the Jews were able to protect them­selves by consigning goods on policies that bore no names.

    The influence of the Jew was to center business around goods instead of persons. Previously all claims had been against per­sons; the Jew knew that the goods were more reliable than the persons with whom he dealt, and so he contrived to have claims laid against goods. Besides, this device enabled him to keep himself out of sight as much as possible. This introduced an el­ement of hardness into business, inasmuch as it was goods which were being dealt in rather than men being dealt with, and this hardness remains. Another tendency which survives and which is of advantage in veiling the very large control which Jews have attained, is of the same origin as "bearer" bills, it permits a business dominated by Jewish capital to appear under a name that gives no hint of Jewish control. [H: Son-of-a-gun!]

    The Jew is the only and original international capitalist, but as a rule he prefers not to emblazon that fact upon the skies; he prefers to use Gentile banks and trust companies as his agents and instruments. The suggestive term "Gentile front" often appears in connection with this practice. [H: Then, over the years, he got careless and more self-confidently superior in himself and wanted accolades to his grand SELF. This may prove to be his downfall after all.]
    The invention of the stock exchange is also credited to Jewish financial talent. In Berlin, Paris, London, Frankfurt and Ham­burg, Jews were in control of the first stock exchanges, while Venice and Genoa were openly referred to in the talk of the day as "Jew cities" where great trading and banking facilities might be found. The Bank of England was established upon the coun­sel and assistance of Jewish emigrants from Holland. The Bank of Amsterdam and the Bank of Hamburg both arose through Jewish influence.

    There is a curious fact to be noted in connection with the per­secution and consequent wandering of the Jews about Europe and that is: Wherever they wandered, the center of business seemed to go with them. When the Jews were free in Spain, there was the world's gold center. When Spain drove out the Jews, Spain lost financial leadership and has never regained it. Students of the economic history of Europe have always been puzzled to discover why the center of trade should have shifted from Spain, Portugal and Italy, up to the northern countries of Holland, Germany and England. They have sought for the cause in many things, but none has proved completely explana­tory. When, however, it is known that the change was coinci­dent with the expulsion of the Jews from the South and their flight to the North, when it is known that upon the Jews' arrival the northern countries began a commercial life which has flour­ished until our day, the explanation does not seem difficult. Time and again it has proved to be the fact that when the Jews were forced to move, the center
    of the world's precious metals moved with them.

    This distribution of the Jews over Europe and the world, each Jewish community linked in a fellowship of blood, faith and suf­fering with every other group, made it possible for the Jew to be international in the sense that no other race or group of merchants could be at that time. Not only were they everywhere (Americans and Russians are everywhere, too) but they were in touch. They were organized before the days of conscious inter­national commercial organizations, they were bound together by the sinews of a common life. It was observed by many writers in the Middle Ages that the Jews knew more of what was tran­spiring in Europe than the governments did. They also had bet­ter knowledge of what was likely to occur. They knew more about conditions than the statesmen did. This information they imparted by letter from group to group, country to country. In­deed, they may be said thus to have originated unconsciously the financial news-letter. Certainly the information they were able to obtain and thus distribute was invaluable to them in their speculative enterprises. Advance knowledge was an immense advantage in days when news was scarce, slow and unreliable.

    This enabled Jewish financiers to become the agents of na­tional loans, a form of business which they encouraged wher­ever possible. The Jew has always desired to have nations for his customers. National loans were facilitated by the presence of members of the same family of financiers in various coun­tries, thus making an interlocking directorate by which king could be played against king, government against government, and the shrewdest use made of national prejudices and fears,
    all to the no small profit of the fiscal agent.

    One of the charges most commonly made against Jewish fi­nanciers today is that they still favor this larger field of finance. Indeed, in all the criticism that is heard regarding the Jew as a business man, there is comparatively little said against him as an individual merchant serving individual customers. Thousands of small Jewish merchants are highly respected by their trade, just as tens of thousands of Jewish families are respected as our neighbors. The criticism, insofar as it respects the more im­portant financiers, is not racial at all. Unfortunately the element of race, which so easily lends itself to misinterpretation as racial prejudice, is injected into the question by the mere fact that the chain of international finance as it is traced around the world discloses at every link a Jewish capitalist, financial fam­ily, or a Jewish-controlled banking system. Many have pro­gressed to see in this circumstance a conscious organization of Jewish power for Gentile control, while others have attributed the circumstance to Jewish racial sympathies, to the continuity of their family affairs down the line of descent, and to the in­crease of collateral branches. In the old Scriptural phrase, Is­rael grows as the vine grows, ever shooting out new branches and deepening old roots, but always part of the one vine.

    The Jew's aptitude for dealing with governments may also be traced to the years of his persecution. He early learned the power of gold in dealing with mercenary enemies. Wherever he went there followed him like a curse the aroused antipathy of other peoples. The Jew was never popular as a race; even the most fervid Jew will not deny that, howsoever he may explain it. Individuals have been popular, of course; many phases of Jewish nature are found to be very lovable when known; but nevertheless one of the burdens of racial unpopularity. Even in modern times, in civilized countries, in conditions which render persecution absolutely impossible, this unpopularity exists. And what is more, the Jew has not seemed to care to cultivate the friendship of the Gentile masses, due perhaps to the failures of experience, but due more likely to his inborn persuasion that he belongs to a superior race. Whatever the true reason, he has always placed his main dependence on cultivating friendship with kings and nobles. What cared the Jew if the people gnashed their teeth against him, so long as the king and the court were his friends? Thus there was always, even through most of the severely trying times, "a court Jew", one who had bought by loans and held by the strangle-hold of debt an entrance to the king's chamber. The policy of the Jews has always been to "go to headquarters". They never tried to placate the Russian peo­ple, but they did endeavor to enlist the Russian court. They never tried to placate the German people, but they did succeed in permeating the German court. In England they shrug their shoulders at the outspoken anti-Jew reactions of the British pop­ulace
    --what care they? Have they not all of lorddom at their heels, do they not hold the strings of Britain's purse? [H: And in the U.S.? Oh my, they RUN the court and
    the govern­ment.]
    Through this ability of theirs to "go to headquarters" it is possible to account for the stronghold they got upon various governments and nations. Added to this ability was, of course, the ability to produce what the governments wanted. If a gov­ernment wanted a loan, the Jew at court could arrange it through Jews at other financial centers and political capitals. If one gov­ernment wanted to pay another government a debt without risk­ing the precious metal to a mule train through a robber-infested country, the Jew at court arranged that too. The first time an army was ever fed in the modern commissary way, it was done by a Jew--he had the capital and he had the system; moreover he had the delight of having a nation for his customer.

    And this tendency, which served the race so well throughout the troublous centuries, shows no sign of abatement. Certainly, seeing to what an extent a race numerically so unimportant in­fluences the various governments of the world today, the Jew who reflects upon the disparity between his people's numbers and their power may be pardoned if he sees in that fact a proof of their racial superiority.

    It may be said also that Jewish inventiveness in business de­vices continues to the present time, as well as Jewish adaptabil­ity to changing conditions. The Jew is credited with being the first to establish branch houses in foreign countries in order that responsible representatives of the home office might be on the ground taking instant advantage of every opening. During the war a great deal was said about the "peaceful penetration" which the "German Government" had effected in the United States by establishing here branch offices and factories of German firms. The fact that there were many German branch houses here is unquestionable. It should be known, however, that that they were not the evidence of German enterprise but of Jewish enter­prise. The old German business houses were too conservative to "run after customers" even in the hustling United States, but the Jewish firms were not, and they came straight to America and hustled. In due time the competition forced the more con­servative German firms to follow suit. But the idea was Jewish in its origin, not German.

    Another modern business method whose origin is credited to Jewish financiers is that by which related industries are brought together, as for example, if an electrical power company is ac­quired, then the street railway company using the electricity would be acquired too, one purpose being in this way to con­serve all the profit accruing along the line, from the origination of the power down to the delivery of the street car ride; but per­haps the main purpose being that, by the control of the power house the price of current could be increased to the car com­pany, and by the control of the car company the cost of a ride could be increased to the public, the controllers thus receiving an additional profit all down the line. There is much of this go­ing on in the world today, and in the United States particularly. The portion of the business immediately next to the ultimate consumer explains that its costs have risen, but it does not ex­plain that the costs were increased by the owners and not by out­siders who were forced to do so by economic pressure.

    There is apparently in the world today a central financial force which is playing a vast and closely organized game, with the world for its table and universal control for its stakes. The people of civilized countries have lost all confidence in the explanation that "economic conditions" are responsible for all its changes that occur. Under the camouflage of "economic law" great many phenomena have been accounted for which were n due to any law whatever except the law of the selfish human wi as operated by a few men who have the purpose and the power to work on a wide scale with nations as their vassals.

    Whatever else may be national, no one today believes that finance is national. finance is international. Nobody today believes that international finance is in any way competitive. There are some independent banking houses, but few strong independent ones. The great masters, the few whose minds a clearly the entire play of the plan, control numerous banking houses and trust companies, and one is used for this while another is used for that, but there is no disharmony between them no correction of each other's methods, no competition in the interests of the business world. there is as much unity of polis between the principal banking houses of every country as there is between the various branches of the United States Post Office--and for the same reason, namely, they are all operated from the same source and for the same purpose.

    Just before the war Germany bought very heavily in American cotton and had huge quantities of it tied up here for export when war came, the ownership of that mountainous mass cotton wealth changed in one night from Jewish names in Hamburg to Jewish names in London. At this writing cotton is selling in England for less than it is selling in the United States, and the effect of that is to lower the American price. When the price lowers sufficiently, the market is cleared of cotton by buyers previously prepared, and then the price soars to high figures again. In the meantime, the same powers that have engineered the apparently causeless strengthening and weakening of the cotton market, have seized upon stricken Germany to be the sweatshop of the world. Certain groups control the cotton, l.. it to Germany to be manufactured, leave a pittance of it there as payment for the labor that was used, and then profiteer t.. length and breadth of the world on the lie that "cotton is scarce". And when, tracing all these antisocial and colossal unfair methods to their source, it is found that the responsible parties all have a common characteristic, is it any wonder that the warning which comes across the sea--"Wait until America becomes awake to the Jew"!--has new meaning?

    Certainly, economic reasons no longer explain the condition in which the world finds itself today. Neither does the ordinary explanation of "the heartlessness of capital". Capital has en­deavored as never before to meet the demands of labor, and labor has gone to extremes in leading capital to new concessions--but what has it advantaged either of them? Labor has heretofore thought that capital was the sky over it, and it made the sky yield, but behold, there was yet a higher sky which neither capital nor labor had seen in their struggles one with another. That sky is so far unyielding.

    That which we call capital here in America is usually money used in production, and we mistakenly refer to the manufac­turer, the manager of work, the provider of tools and jobs--we refer to him as the "capitalist". Oh, no. He is not the capitalist in the real sense. Why, he himself must go to capitalists for the money with which to finance his plans. There is a power yet above him--a power which treats him far more callously and holds him in a more ruthless hand than he would ever dare dis­play to labor. That, indeed, is one of the tragedies of these times, that "labor" and "capital" are fighting each other, when the conditions against which each one of them protests, and from which each one of them suffers, is not within their power to remedy at all, unless they find a way to wrest world control from that group of international financiers who create and con­trol both these conditions.

    There is a super-capitalism which is supported wholly by the fiction that gold is wealth. There is a super-government which is allied to no government, which is free from them all, and yet which has never yet been received as a welcome part, and which has succeeded in raising itself to a power than the proudest Gentile race has never claimed--not even Rome in the days of her proudest power. It is becoming more and more the convic­tion of men all over the world that the labor question, the wage question, the land question cannot be settled until first of all this matter of an international super-capitalistic government is set­tled.

    "To the victor belongs the spoils" is an old saying. And in a sense it is true that if all this power of control has been gained and held by a few men of a long-despised race, then either they are super-men whom it is powerless to resist, or they are ordi­nary men whom the rest of the world has permitted to obtain an undue and unsafe degree of power. Unless the Jews are super­men, the Gentiles will have themselves to blame for what has transpired, and they can look for rectification in a new scrutiny of the situation and a candid examination of the experiences of other countries.

    Issue of May 22, 1920

    I do have one thing to remind these super-men about: "And Im­manuel was silent, and they hit him again on the head and he moaned in pain and started to speak, 'Verily I say to you, as you beat and mock me, you, too, shall be beaten and mocked. The time will come in five times one hundred years when you shall have to atone for this day. A new man will rise up in this land and whip and persecute your, and you shall have to pay with your blood...

    "'He will create a new and have people call him a prophet, and he shall persecute your throughout all times...

    "'His name will be Mohammed, and his name will be, for your kind, horror, misery and death, which will be of your deserv­ing. Verily, verily I say to you, his name will be written with blood and his hatred against your kind will be endless... ' ".

    So, WORLD, to all of you who see this assault against Iraq as just another "incident",
    I suggest you carefully look to the OTHER world of the Moslems, Islamics, etc., etc., etc., and see if you American-Israelis who send your children off to struggle and die, bomb and pillage a hapless, helpless country of women and children--THINK AGAIN--VERY CAREFULLY, FOR THE BLOOD YOU SHED SHALL BE YOUR OWN.


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