Candace: Please read this one, you will better understand from Cm's comments (hatonn) about the Jew and other issues.
[H: By the way, God will and never has had a problem sub­duing Satan so to ascertain that God had to prepare for all these eons of time is a foolish assumption. God creates; God uncreates. Therefore the lessons are ALL for you-the-peo­ple. And, furthermore, until you get TRUTH as your LIGHT leading the way--you will never know "subduing Sa­tan". You have no desire nor want to subdue Satan so don't lie to selves. You want a savior and body-snatcher to Rap­ture you to somewhere wondrous without responsibility for HERE or THERE. You love the things of Satan in the physical environment and certainly will NOT object to a few indiscretions to get them in the realization of "having stuff'. You can have abundance THROUGH GOD AND HAVE TRUTH, SALVATION AND FREEDOM. Why, oh why, do you so struggle to remain shackled to ANTICHRIST? FREEDOM COMES WITH CUTTING LOOSE THAT BASTARD FROM HELL, THAT PARASITE WHO SUCKS EVERY LAST DROP OF BLOOD FROM YOUR SOUL AND BEING! ANTICHRIST HAS STOLEN YOUR "CHRIST" AND YOU NEVER EVEN FLINCH--JUST TAG ALONG ON THE WRONG ROAD WHILE PLAYING AT PETER COTTONTAIL GAMES. YOU WILL NOT FIND "CHRIST" ON A CROSS IN ISRAEL--YOU WILL FIND "CHRIST" BOTH WITHIN SELF AND WITHIN THE FREEDOM OF THE PERFECTION OF THE HEAVENS, SILLY BABIES. YOU CANNOT HANG "CHRIST" ANY MORE THAN YOU CAN HANG THE WIND. GROW UP.
It's too hard to "let go" of tradition and training? WHY? If you were told you have a pile of gold you just purchased and it turned out, when you needed your selling profits, that it was yellow-covered lead--what would you do? You WOULD let go and perhaps, even, go get the scroungey nincompoop who did you the dirt. Did that ever occur to you when per­taining to the lying thieves of your soul and life? So be it, for some "too hard" is simply too hard and you will jump off the cliff to prove you have the right to kill self.]