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    Default 응답: PJ#227, RISE OF ANTICHRIST VOL. I

    PJ 227

    SUN., FEB. 1, 1998 8:21 A.M. YR. 11, DAY 169

    SUN., FEB. 1, 1998

    I have been very nicely petitioned to have something like we originally had called "Today's Watch" to somewhat clear what is REALLY happening when, say, the First Female goes off to Switzerland at a touchy time. You won't be told WHY, because if you were reminded, you would know that it has everything to do with personal Clinton MONEY (Vince Foster did the runs when he was alive). Well, it has to now be tended because there must be a way to run a conduit flow, silently, between the account holders and the banking sources. That is, IF there are remaining funds, for the "5th Column" removed bunches of assets from those politician's accounts throughout the last couple of years and "retired" a bunch of political ma­nipulators and quadruple dippers. You know, they all had to go "spend more time with my family"?

    If Billy is oozed out he will have a pretty rough time getting going again on his own--but Mighty Hillary will be into politics FULL TIME and will make a very large impact. How nice for Billy who would have lots of time for chasing the girls--except Hillary will dump him before that happens.

    I am inclined to not be bound to a regular start of the morning with what I foresee for, by now, all of you should be glued to that boob box 24 hours a day and KNOW what is taking place without my input. Most of you, however, say you can't stand it--well, it isn't any easier for us to watch it. If somebody doesn't watch, the assumption has to be that you don't care enough to give a damn.

    What is little Maddie trying to cook up in her whirlwind run? My, she is a busy little Antichrist, isn't she? She is doing ev­erything she can do to START THE MOTHER OF ALL WARS!
    While she is running and spewing, demanding and threatening, Saddam let a WHOLE BIG BUNCH of inspectors INTO IRAQ and they quietly went about inspecting and having meetings on accounting for the last 5% of any "missing" weapons. Iraqi teams destroyed, in the face of the inspectors for full viewing, some more dumps scheduled already for detonation.

    Now, readers, doesn't that count toward good intentions? It certainly looks better to me than a MAJOR war which this time, good buddies, is going to hit on your doorsteps in the good old U.S.A. and points West and East. If the Arab nations hit BACK, and they will, there will be helter-skelter international retaliation to hopefully, to them, clear out vermin even in the luxury bunkers of Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the U.S.A., and any other hiding places of the Elite lizards. We do not speak of nice little mosquito-type lizards that eat insects which in turn makes home a nicer place to be. These are the lizards that poison an entire global habitation.

    It seems that it might be more difficult to convince some of the nations that destruction of the world is better than patience--but, it seems that Russia has a bunch more patience than little Al­bright and Cohen.

    Cohen says if we strike Iraq it will not be a meager..." Say what? The full intent is to strike those palaces where Saddam hides things under his bed, you know, and other inhabited cen­ters, called homes. The touting is how terrible it is to use hu­man shields--well, nobody is making anyone do anything, in­cluding Saddam Hussein. Would not you as Americans go forth and try to shield your hospitals and foundling homes? No?

    When did you become so bloodthirsty and violent, good friends--of Jesus and god?

    Your laws have always stated that you would keep out of other nations' business--police terrorists of the world.

    Guess what: when you move to do this to helpless nations, you are going to get it back, in SPADES! There will be retaliation of which you never dreamed. The attacked will counter with bombs on your major cities housing Zionist centers of activities, major CITIES such as Chicago, Phoenix--even Denver.

    There is a State of Emergency underway, as I write, where the U.S. and Allies have basically closed space activities in an at­tempt to make sure that satellites are left intact and, to shield their heinous weapons of MASS DESTRUCTION, there will be an ignition of the radiation belt (photon-belt effect) to keep those pieces of control equipment in safety--you know, to hell with the world and all the people in it.

    No, they still won't bring nuclear garbage into our areas beyond 150 miles, and if they burn the Van Allen belt, you really have a problem, little Earthians. That kind of HEAT which burns radi­ation materials will fall-out in the same way you would get death FROM neutron bombings. The life forms will die off, steriliza­tion of the species (all) will take place and you are a "memory". Oh, the gold will be left intact for the next inhabitants a zillion years from now and so too will the buildings, etc. But the winds and weather will knock them down and bury them before any­one comes along to use them again.


    I don't think you really WANT a rundown of observations from me regarding your "mess"--EVERY DAY. And you who don't even watch the tube or read the press and do not do so as to not interrupt your "blissful state of ecstasy" will never know what hit you. Fine--but your CHILDREN WILL! GROW UP AND GET A LIFE WHILE THERE IS STILL LIFE TO BE GOT­TEN.

    You with access to Internets and e-mail outlets--pay attention and go find the intended restrictions coming up NOW to get that net under CONTROL and locate anyone who even attempts to get free information to the people. The movements taking place are happening at frantic pace and when that takes place, we go silent because we will not risk our people to send information out to people who only want to quarrel or ignore it for being "too big a bunch" to even read. We only need a scatter on the material--YOU do not have to waste your precious time left, dealing with it--just send it on, please.

    YOU would rather dwell on Clinton's illicit and tainted-sick sex habits? Well, wait and see, while Clinton diddles--you are set to DIE, literally--if the demons of Hell can get it arranged for those massive strikes against Iraq. That Iraqi area is the very seat of Godly HUman origins and the world will erupt like you have never seen as those of Mohammad, Muhammad, Ma-hammed, and thus and so with your silly games of spelling, rise up to meet Israel's Antichrist--now home-officed and home-landed in the U.S.A., CANADA, BRITAIN, AND IN YOUR HOME TOWN, AMERICA. Nobody with the Antichrist gives a damn in Hell about little Israel or Palestine--they would as soon bury the evidence of their rise to power in the desert sands of simply another hated nation.

    And Ms. Lewinski? She is a controlled butterfly sent in to do a job and did it; no more, no less. She is Jewish out of the power Elite wealthy "class" of Beverly Hills, California and did ex­actly what she was presented TO DO, even to getting into the Pentagon!

    Well, "But, did Clinton have sex with her, proper or other­wise?" No, she GAVE him sexual expression but even com­plained that he would NEVER have "proper" or "normal" sex with her. Really? Who knows? The SHADOW knows! And yes indeed, those tunnels under the city running hither and yon give access to all sorts of fun and games for EVERYONE, not just Billy-boy.

    Please ALSO NOTE that Clinton and child are spending a re­freshing weekend at Camp David for their regular checkups and alteration courses. Buddy the dog seems to be getting the best care and attention of all, but he wouldn't even come near the NEW President the first day there. My, my, what DOES go on at these secret places? At first they even had to tie the dog to the cart in order to make sure he went along for the planned photo-ops.

    No, I don't think you REALLY want to hear from me every morning!

    I do have another observation about writings, however. It is wondrous that so many of you take to heart our efforts and even (d)harma's participation. I appreciate your concern about her keeping her "stuff" out of the way, or resent a possibility of her shoving it in, but, we write for 7-1/2 BILLION PEOPLE and I am hard put to believe some of you still have such a narrow per­ception as to think I am aiming silver bullets at YOU, specifi­cally. If shoes fit, wear them, and yes, continue to bash and complain. We have a job and we are going to do it and you can stand in front of, within, behind or on top of your mirrors mak­ing judgments until Hell freezes (WHICH IT CERTAINLY WILL NOT DO) while we wade through duplicate copies of pages and pages of comments. We appreciate the words of en­couragement but my people have to have rest, even if some of YOU do not. Thank you for your powerful purple paper; Ger­main, I suppose, enjoys it but I find it hard to read almost matching print.

    Please, as you requested, read this with the intent in which it is offered. Not one person on the globe has to read or believe one iota of anything we present. My people do and shall and therein is the purpose of this central task. Or, perhaps we can shut this down and go park (d)harma in front of a mirror to see if she can find YOUR REFLECTION there.

    I am reminded of "Forgive them Father for they know not what they do!" This time the toy soldiers are going to CRUCIFY AN ENTIRE PLANET, NOT JUST A PERSON IN JERUSALEM--AND IT IS TIME TO REMOVE THE MIRRORS ADMIRING SELF AND GET BUSY OR IT WILL NOT MUCH LONGER MATTER.

    May we please move on now to our series:

    [QUOTING, ANTICHRIST, Coughlin (Circa 1970):]


    When Pope John convened Vatican II there was less urgency and need to modernize the Church than there was necessity to "Restore all things in Christ". The self-styled theologians and a few powerful prelates who opposed papal supremacy, patristic interpretation of Scripture, and the one-ness of the Church exer­cised an undue influence on the entire conclave of bishops by their cry for modernization. They returned to their homes and began to patronize heretical ecumenism, insurgent cler­gymen, top-heavy racialists, odd liturgy, unpriestly behav­ior, and anti-celibacy groups. All this and more was toler­ated or silently condoned by certain prelates who gave the impression that Vatican II was some sort of "Magna Carta" which not only opened a window but removed the Dome from St. Peter's.

    In the aftermath as we evaluate Vatican II it is not fair to quote, "By its fruits it shall be known," because the mistaken policies, divisionary spirit, challenging of authority and skepti­cism related to the Eucharistic Sacrifice are not attributable to either John or his successor, Paul VI. The embarrassing truth is both John and Paul have not disciplined the radical bish­ops, priests, theologians and professors who misinterpreted and misconstrued the official documents of the Council.
    Bluntly, these two successors of Peter the Rock appeared to be too pliable in the exercise of papal discipline in an age which historians will characterize as revolutionary. They were dealing with rebels who should have been subdued, not tolerated; for all that is required to guarantee the success of an incipient revolu­tion is that authorities endorse it by failing to nip it in the bud. A top executive simply cannot sweep a rebel under the rug. He must be vacuumed or his filth will breed vermin. That is a basic principle of history which obtains both in civilian and ecclesias­tical life. And one, therefore, must so deal with an Antichrist when he encounters him as did Christ who unflinchingly said, "Retro Satanas" ["Be gone, Satan!"].

    This attitude of being tolerant towards offbeat cardinals, bishops and theologians has cost the Vatican multi-millions of Catholic lay persons in the past few years alone. They are scandalized Catholics surfeited with ethnic music, long-haired liturgy, mistranslated Latin, empty confessional boxes and a lack of discipline. [H: Yes, just about everything the Proto­cols insist upon being now presented.] They are disgusted Catholics whose prelates are more interested in destroying the value of residential properties with their brash endorsement of cross-district school busing than they are in protecting the faith of their old-time parishioners.

    I should know better than permit myself to venture an excur­sion into radical politics. However, I shall extend my remarks to state that Satan is using the racial syndrome to drive White Catholics from the Church because churchmen have gone overboard in their presentation of "Love your brother as yourself," and "whatsoever you do to the least of my little ones you do unto me." These Christly mandates of "love" have been tortured as has the norm of "Let your conscience be your guide."

    Probably the Vatican officials do not fully comprehend the racial problem in America. Probably no prelate presented a documentation of the Angela Davis epic to them. This highly talented lady--in matters mundane--was recently declared inno­cent of murder and other charges by the California Courts. For more than a year she has been schooled to take over the leader­ship of the Black revolutionary movement--a fact which has been an ill-kept secret. Intellectually she is brilliant; morally, in matters of patriotic and theologic, she is an open revolutionary.

    [H: Don't misunderstand what this author is presenting here lest you think it is more racially punitive than the original attitudes. What he is saying is, how dare anyone or any­one(s) come along and mandate, not so much what the White people will do--but to insist that whether or not it is "ok" with the Blacks, to push them into a totally alien environ­ment and insist for "equal rights" of some stupid notion, they MUST go to assigned Churches and worship whatever is thrust onto them. Black people, by and large, like to make joyful loud noises unto God in appreciation, so to tuck them into a place and onto their knees to false icons with in­cense and candles is heresy. This attitude belittles a MAN more than any other kind of subservience.]

    She is the new leader of the new leftists who have moved from protesting racial injustices into the polluted area of violent revolution. She has preempted the leadership formerly held by Martin Luther King, Jr., the N.A.A.C.P., the Panthers and all other Black organizations of any importance. She has the lim­ited financial backing of two huge foundations; of some Catholic bishops through their contributions to ancillary organizations which, in turn, befriend her; of the Democratic political party; of many other institutions and organizations too numerous to mention. On her intellectual steering committee she has not only Herbert Marcuse but a score of highly trained, highly com­petent Communists.

    On Sunday, June 18th, Miss Davis appeared at the State Fair Grounds in Detroit before an audience of twelve thousand and approximately twelve million on the radio and television. There she brazenly called for open revolution against our government.

    The multitude of American Negroes are followers, not thinkers. [H: Once again, no need to get angry, brothers, this stems from slavery of ANY KIND. Just as TODAY--you are NOT ALLOWED TO THINK! And, moreover, when a man begins to think and be heard--he is REMOVED from among the living or his reputation is so destroyed as to lose any possible followers of like-thinking. Don't get offended--there are proportionally MORE White and other "minorities" in the category of NON-THINKERS than you can conjure among the Blacks. Radical oppression always births radical revolution--it is the way of freedom seekers who usually cannot find another avenue through which to bring change.] They are easily susceptible to this magnetic personage whose anarchy requires resistance and powerful con­demnation. None has been forthcoming from Catholic official­dom.

    Catholics in great numbers will not tolerate any longer their archbishop's policies and attitudes towards misled Blacks until he openly abandons Angela Davis. [H: How is THIS for sim­ply understanding?]

    As matters stand with millions of Americans and Catholics we no longer ask but demand that our bishops cease and desist their sponsoring of inter-district busing and their closing down of parochial schools while they bestow diocesan funds upon nondiocesan projects. [H: I find it amazing that with such INSIGHT there is no ACTUAL "INSIGHT" where humanity has a foundation in equality, which SHOULD be within ANY Church claiming to be an offspring of GOD. Do I, then, curse the Catholic Church or any other Church? No, only the Churches of Satan--which seems to be all of them in this day of acceptance. I don't "curse" them in your terms of defining--I detest them and abhor them, but what YOU allow is your business and it has nothing to do with equality or freedom--it is simply a limited manner of gaining power and control over those searching for some measure of FREEDOM. If I chose to "curse" the Churches with anni­hilation, they would vanish, so we wait, and they will CURSE THEMSELVES INTO OBLIVION AS POWERS VIE FOR MORE POWER AND LEAVE GOD TO SERVE SATAN AS DO THE POWER-ELITE.]

    Certainly there must be some type of pressure employed by radicals to have the top executives in Vatican City tolerate cer­tain cardinals, bishops and hundreds of so-called theologians who are determined to destroy the structure of the Church, the essence of the Mass and Sacraments, devotion to Mary Immac­ulate and the primacy of the Papacy. Again, be it repeated, it is all too smart to be human. The authorities are not dealing with a prodigal son; for he came home. They are being victimized by a group of pro-Satanists who should be read out of the church unless they submit to authority as should their patron saint, deChardin, who, somehow has escaped condemnation be­cause of technicalities, not because of open errors. [H: "Unless they submit..."?? Is this not a worse form of control--make someone "submit" and that one will ever hate you and all your breed until there is opportunity, and there is always opportunity in patience, to DO YOU IN.]

    If, therefore, many of us persistently quote the yardstick of truth employed by Christ--"By their fruits they shall be known"--we do it because the evidence of decay is mounting every day. If freedom slowly settles down from precedent to precedent, so does slavery--slavery to Satan.

    [H: Let us pause here for a minute and hear what we are barraged with from the "White" people who assume God and all Angels, Hosts and important beings, TO BE WHITE. We are asked to spend less time on "Churchy stuff', "...never mind the colored races..., we want to know about us Whites." Well, what makes YOU THINK that you are dealing with WHITE deities, Hosts and Christ-beings? Do YOU describe S. Spielberg as a White man? How do you describe Eddie Murphy? You limited-thought White people of the world had best look around--YOU ARE THE MI­NORITY! BY FAR, YOU ARE THE MINORITY. AND FURTHERMORE, THIS TIME YOU ARE REALLY ON THE WRONG SIDE OF THE FENCE FOR YOU HAVE JOINED WITH THE SATAN--WHO, BY THE WAY, IS WHITE ALTHOUGH "DARK". YOU, THROUGH YOUR INSULTING SMUGNESS, JOINED WITH YOUR VERY DEADLY ADVERSARY--LUCIFER, THE WHITE AND SHINING STAR OF HUMAN ASPECT. YOU PEOPLE HAVE PRIMROSES IN YOUR TEETH AND EARS FROM WALKING THAT SAD PATHWAY.
    In developing some aspects of the Antichrist, it is important to recollect that from the beginning of civilization until Christ's time, Satan had not been permitted to wage total warfare on Earth. Christ's prediction that the "Prince of this world is coming" indicates that Satan was not unleashed until after pentecost [H: Whatever in the world THAT means.]; and then, apparently, in a graduated manner. [H: Can you see that these informed and well-meaning leaders try to interpret that of which they have no notion? They take the incorrect teachings and try to fit them into TRUTH. It will not work, EVER. But, oh, this doesn't please YOU and it irritates you that we take notice of such indiscretions? Sorry about that; perhaps YOU are not the intended recipient of TRUTH for YOU will continue to your DEATH defending the lies.]

    Marxism or Communism has grown and matured all the way from Arianism through the logical development of revolution--a growth encompassing sixteen centuries of conflict. Communism is the logical development of the mistaken Christian policies and practices of the past. It is a synthesis of all heresies; a com­pendium of all the false theories of sociology; a denial of all ba­sic, natural and moral laws; and exaltation of Satanism. Yet Communism's rise to primacy in the short span of fifty years has been too spectacular to be man-directed; while the decay of christianity's influence equally has been too tragic to be the re­sults of mere human hatred or ingenuity. Satan is unleashed! [H: Yes indeed, and leads both sides against the middle to explode in annihilation.]

    One must be entirely myopic if he fails to see the dual cause of this strangest phenomenon in all history: First a lack of faith in their own potencies on the part of the Bishops; second the unleased warfare of Satan. To my mind there is no better ex­planation. [H: See, this "Catholic" can't even recognize the Protestants.]

    So far, in this year 1972, there is no indication that these two essentials are evaluated by authoritative churchmen as the main contributors to the tragedy of decadence in the Catholic Church.
    [H: OK, readers, let us let this man off the hook for seem­ingly being so narrow. However, he looks first unto his own house's dirty windows, as it must be, before he can see far enough to evaluate other dark windows. You, too, must look about your own house and into SELF before you can even start to discern correctly or JUDGE actions in any measure of TRUTH. It took an incredibly brave and daring man to bring this kind of observation openly against the biggest and greatest Church in the world. There are bigger "religions"; there is no bigger CHURCH.]

    Satan's first emergence from the tomb of confinement was almost contemporaneous with Christ's resurrection from the dead. [H: So, did Satan perhaps fabricate this incident of resurrection to SUIT HIS OWN NEEDS FOR CONTROL AND MIND-WARPING?] From that time his total assault against the Mystical Body of christ has been an orderly devel­opment until his year, 1972, when with all his astuteness, diplomacy, suavity and savagery, he is moving more quickly from parliament to pulpit, from classroom to clubroom, from mass-production unions to the media.

    There has been no public "nipping in the bud" as far as the laity can see. As a result the seed sown by Marx plus the in­fidelity of leftist bishops have become a sizable mustard tree where the buzzards and crows have come to roost.

    [H: Hummnn--smacks of the PROTOCOLS instructions: "In this manner we shall prepare Revolutions which the Chris­tians will make themselves and of which we shall reap the fruit." "By the ceaseless praise of DEMOCRATIC RULE we shall divide the Christians into political parties; we shall destroy the unity of their nations; we shall sow discord ev­erywhere. Reduced to impotence, they will bow before the LAW OF OUR BANK, always united, and always devoted to OUR CAUSE."
    "By our mockeries and our attacks upon them we shall make their PRIESTS RIDICULOUS, THEN ODIOUS, and THEIR RELIGION AS RIDICULOUS AND AS ODIOUS AS THEIR CLERGY. Then we shall be masters of their SOULS. For our pious attachment to our own religion, to our own worship, will prove the superiority of our religion and the superiority of our souls.
    "We have ALREADY ESTABLISHED OUR OWN MEN IN ALL IMPORTANT POSITIONS..." and, this may not ap­pear to relate to Church but where else are brains of chil­dren more "educated" than in the restrictive boundaries of a religion? "But above all let us monopolize Education. By this means we spread ideas that are useful to us, and shape the children's brains as suits us.']

    Today the situation becomes more alarming, especially when some informed Catholics in Europe anticipate Sicco Mansholt's rise to the top executive post of the Common Market following October, 1972. Already he has the backing of Willy Brandt of West Germany, Harold Wilson of Great Britain and Francois Mitterand of France. His advertised goal is to establish social­ism in all ten Common Market countries; then to erect a su­per-government to control the ten; then to turn the entity into its normal evolutionary development called Commu­nism. This forthcoming incident is the logical turn of the wheel which is spinning rapidly. The Prince of this world is enlarging his holding. [H: !!!!!]

    Despite this evolutionary and revolutionary political phe­nomenon emerging in Europe and America there is still hope the fervor, faith and fearlessness of many bishops and Catholics will counterbalance the Satanists. [H: Small chance! And why? It would simply further MORE misinformation and wrong as­sumptions.]

    Recognize that many of the philosophies and immoralities of the French and Russian revolutions have been firmly rooted in universities and seminaries; and generally accepted in part by a formidable segment of politicians. I refer not only to their eco­nomic theories of socialism already factualized in America and planned for all Europe but, more particularly, to their beliefs and attitudes toward authority. In the case of Catholics this means eventually retaining or rejecting papal primacy and the entire concept of the supernatural life. [H: Wow, is that ever a wrong mouthful, as if the papal primacy is somehow SUPERNATURAL!]

    Prior to Vatican II all was not heaven on Earth; nor was the Catholic Church officered by 100-percent "believing" prelates. Then there was a motivation of public respectability which in­fluenced prelates to follow, at least, the visible signs of being conservative, obedient bishops. The liturgy of the mass, the administration of sacraments, the silencing of radical priests--those and other "visible" signs of regularity were upheld, while wholesale scandal was not tolerated.

    Following Vatican II the mask of external respectability has been discarded; indeed, in the name of Vatican II all those and numerous other excesses are practiced as if they were the orders of John and Paul and the official credo of the Council.

    This is why it may be too late for the nippers to be employed. I fear the services of a chain saw are required in more than one diocese in the United States unless the Holy Father will risk seeing a portion of the nation's church becoming a stronghold of a new schismatic entity whose prelates will endorse divorce, pre-marital experiments and rationalize abortion; prelates who will succumb to the blandishments of the Federated Council of Churches with headquarters in the United Nations Com­plex.

    What chain saw is needed? None less than a Vatican III where the bishops will be summoned to listen and obey rather than pressure the Holy Father. [H: FAT CHANCE!]

    There are many Scriptural references supporting this type of execution action. It was a procedure sanctioned by Christ and many of the early pontiffs. Possibly the present Papal Cabinet might reassess their overly patient policies and the spiritual loss which has resulted from their adoption.


    I ask that you readers be a bit patient while this collection of very insightful essays are presented. Do not divide yourself away from Truth just because you may not be catholic Catholic. Remember that "catholic" means universal and if a branch of misdirected intent sprang forth--don't be too quick to judge them lest ye be judging SELF more severely.

    I did not say this man was correct in perceptions--I said he of­fers a lot of insight and if it is not what YOU expected, be pa­tient, please.

    I like a paragraph out of the next essay, number three: "'Christ versus Antichrist' may be an alluring title. Nevertheless, it neither crystallizes the totality of the stupendous contest which we are witnessing nor clearly and correctly identifies its armies and leaders. I refer not only to the surface confrontation be­tween good and evil, but, more particularly, to the complicated warfare waged by the Creator on one side and, on the other, Satan, a potent spirit-creature."

    Bear with us for this is going to get ever the more interesting as we move along.


    SUN., FEB. 1, 1998 1:11 P.M. YR. 11, DAY 169

    SUN, FEB. 1, 1998
    [QUOTING, ANTICHRIST, Coughlin (Circa 1970):]



    The battle between Christ and Antichrist began, probably, many millions of years before Jesus was born [H: !!]; many thousands of eons, possibly, before Earth and the solar system were created. Little do we know about this except from earliest records there has been a constant contest between good and evil.

    Nevertheless, they who accept divine revelation as a factual­ity have translated the words "good and evil" into God and anti-god or Christ and Antichrist.

    This basic contest is not a figment of the imagination. Evil surrounds us, engulfs us, and constantly threatens us as we in­cessantly either fight to destroy its invasions or surrender to its advances. It is an actuality of life which both christian and atheist accept.

    Only christians seem to have a satisfactory, although re­vealed, explanation for its cause. While they insist God is not the cause of evil but merely permits it, they affirm that where moral evil exists, it is the result of creatures who choose, through their free will, to reject good.

    "Christ versus Antichrist" may be an alluring title. Never­theless it neither crystallizes the totality of the stupendous con­test which we are witnessing nor clearly and correctly identifies its armies and leaders. I refer not only to the surface confronta­tion between good and evil but, more particularly, to the com­plicated warfare waged by the Creator on one side and, on the other Satan, a potent spirit-creature.

    To skeletonize this divine drama, one should define the na­ture of its contestants, the cause of their hostile confrontation, the soldiers they employ and the progress of the war.

    The multiple volumes scholars might write on this subject would be unsatisfactory because they would endeavor to encom­pass the techniques and tactics of super intelligent creatures im­measurably superior to human beings, together with the strategy of the infinite mind of God which brooks comprehension.

    Yet, we men are in the battle. Brother unsheathes his sword against brother. And every angelic being, also, is involved in the Armageddon which will eternalize the victory of Christ or Antichrist.
    [H: Be careful with the next for this can only be one man's PERCEPTION.]

    Angels were the first free-willed creatures fashioned by God. The word "angel" is generic, meaning a created personage of a pure, spiritual nature. As the word "animal" comprehends thou­sands of species from a mono-cell germ to a man, so "angel" connotes, possibly, millions of spirit-species from the lowest to the mystical "four" who "grace the throne of the Lord". As creatures, they are endowed with intellects and wills immeasur­ably superior to man's. These personages were created outside heaven with the opportunity of earning entrance into God's abode where His infinite Goodness, Truth, Beauty and Orderli­ness are manifested. [H: You see, if you have wrong defini­tions as accepted, you will err. "Outside of heaven...?" If you only can isolate heaven and Earth where does that leave hell or limboland? We have to be VERY CAREFUL that our perceptions are not passed on as absolute fact. Even when we define "absolute" can we understand "total". You are NOT loved by God "unconditionally"--YOU ARE LOVED BY GOD "ABSOLUTELY". Conditions are a major part OF GOD'S LAWS AND INSTRUCTIONS. I don't want to get sidetracked here, however, because the man has the right concept.]

    The entire concept of "angel" is unacceptable in the philoso­phy of the modern pagan. He is sure that science accepts as re­alities only entities of material nature; and is equally certain that in a "God-is-dead" world there is no worthy argument to support that war is being waged by Satan against God, both of whom are expansionist creations of the human mind.

    At least, for argument's sake, may we question our material­ists on a point: What lesson does Nature teach us in the totality of creatures with which we are familiar? First, there is a pattern in creation called "hierarchy". I mean it is evident there exist inanimate rocks; then, one step up the ladder, the loosest forms of mono-cell life in the vegetable world; then the lower animal world stretching from the microbe to the highly sensitive ape, dog and elephant; then, the human world possessing all the at­tributes of the entities below--mineral, vegetable, animal--and ascending above them to man with his intellect and will.

    Of this the majority of men are certain--all save those who believe without proof that a lower species of non-life can pro­duce a higher species with life. Confessedly, I balk at this be­cause neither reason nor sensitivity can hurdle the axiom that "Nemo dat quod non habet" (One cannot give what he hasn't got.). Not only is reason against these Darwinians and erratic de Chardinists but also is history: Why doesn't this natural phenomenon continue happening today?

    HOWEVER, this point is this: Why should God terminate His creation with man? After all, man is part material because of his body; and part spirit because of his intellect and will.

    If there is a law of hierarchy stretching from the inanimate stone to the thinking man, why not go further? Why not create a pure spirit independent of matter? The pattern of creation we already know suggests the continuation of the pattern of creation we do not know--but believe, particularly since Christ who rose from the dead by His own power testifies to the truth of an an­gelic creation.

    One does not anticipate that millions of materialists after reading the foregoing and the more philosophical contributions of eminent scholars will march to a Catholic church seeking Baptism.


    We who also know so little about man know less about an­gels. Nevertheless, in common, some angels and most men, so we believe, share the title of sinner which many human beings forget when they assume that Christ died for the sins of man only. As a matter of fact, He died for the sins both of the "Earth people" and for the sins of the "outer world personages"--the fallen angels. [H: BS SQUARED. HE did not die for ei­ther one. He died, if you will, "OF" the sins--because of the sins, not "for" the sins. YOU had best get THIS LITTLE ERROR IN PERCEPTION CORRECTED RIGHT NOW! YOU PEOPLE MURDERED THE VERY "CONCEPT" OF THE CHRIST AND EVER SINCE YOU HAVE GONE DOWNHILL IN A MAD SUCKING SOUND OF IDIOCY.] As a matter of more important fact, He died not only to redeem and save men, (not fallen angels) but primarily to offer sacrifice to the Godhead who had been infinitely outraged by sins com­mitted both by the fallen angels as well as by men.

    [H: Watch this next:]

    Possibly, for eons stars and galaxies were being formed from the dust of their predecessors which was pressured and com­pressed into new molten masses. Here scintillated a new PLEIADES; THERE SHOWN PIERCINGLY THE LUS­TROUS JEWEL OF ANDROMEDA; each many times more ponderous than our solar system. On and on, beyond the cal­culations of human minds, the drama of creation continued to unfold itself while myriads of spirit-persons, unable to glimpse the face of God, were privileged to see Him intellectually re­flected in the indescribable expanse of the heavens. [H: How in the world do you suppose this gentle Catholic Priest lived into his eighties, with these concepts, in that narrow and re­stricted atmosphere of the Holy Church of Rome?]

    Satan, the super-minded angel, was there as were Michael, Gabriel and the uncounted royalty of the Seraphim. [H: There is no ROYALTY off your physical place.] They were capable of translating the glory of the material universe into its proper dimensions. "If this sublime orchestration of majesty, power, beauty and science evolves from particles of dust, through a hidden power of synthesis, how potent must be the mind of the Super Scientist who effected it? [H: !!!] HE MUST BE OM­NIPOTENT! HE MUST BE OMNISCIENT! HE MUST BE THE FOUNTAIN OF BEAUTY! HE MUST BE GOD, THE INFINITE, THE UNCAUSED CAUSE OF ALL BEINGS!" [H: Are we actually getting somewhere now?]

    It is presupposed, in speculation, that if, at a later date, God's revelations were made through prophets, priests and kings to human beings, likewise secrets in this distant past were re­vealed to the angels--secrets which these spirits, by themselves, were incapable of discovering or fully understanding.

    It is also speculated that two tremendous mysteries were re­vealed to the angels; one, the Trinity and the other, the Incarna­tion. Upon the acceptance or rejection of these two mysteries, it is further speculated, the entrance of the angels into the throne room of God's glory and majesty depended. Their rejection of these mysteries meant disaster.

    Even the mind of the mightiest angel is not so perfected as to comprehend how Three Persons can be in One God or how two natures, human and divine, can be in one person. These are God's secrets not revealed by Him and not understandable by created intellects any more than one could pour the Atlantic Ocean into a fairy's thimble.

    Satan rejects these Godly secrets as philosophical contradic­tions. And again, there are other contradictions, thought he, which are unsolved in the Incarnation.

    At this point Satan, possibly, began to define both the power and limitations of man."Man, part star, part spirit; man composed of flesh, blood and bone destined to depend for his exis­tence upon the lower animal and vegetable kingdom; man unable to survive for a day without air, water and sunshine! If Christ is born as a man, therefore I will not adore Him!"

    These and a multitude of decisions Satan flashed to his fellow angels who gathered about him as he voiced his rebellious "non-­serviam" .


    Here, then, is infinite rebellion. Here is the birth of evil. Or more correctly, here is the beginning of evil; for evil is the con­tradiction of good. In a moment the unknown planet of hell was created. In an instant, Michael, the Archangel, unsheathing the sword of God's Truth entrusted to him by the Holy Spirit, sub­dued both the mighty Satan and his followers. Crashing into hell went the power, splendor and hopes of these indescribable creatures who preferred pride and self to humility and God! Disobedience to God's authority is the cradle of all evil.

    Satan, although in hell, dreamed of destroying the Christ-to­-be even though He was still millions of centuries unborn.

    Let us recall the Scripture upon which I base these thoughts: the date is fixed about 29 A.D.; John the Baptist is preaching on the banks of the Jordan. Curious and devout crowds stand in rapt attention as they listen to him tell the story of Isaias who both predicted the Virgin Birth of the Messias and the prophecy of His passion as if it had transpired but yesterday. [H: If you WRITE both the start and the end of the play what think ye of what might fall in between?]

    Day after day, John's audience was briefed concerning One whose sandals the Baptist was not worthy to unfasten. "It was he," preached John, "who came to placate the Father for the sins of the world, and to redeem the downtrodden children of this Earth--Jew and Gentile alike." [H: OUCH! AND JUST WHO WAS THIS "JOHN"? Oh, I see, Baptist? And what or who was a "baptist"? Was this a man or a spirit? If it was "man" it stands to reason that his own reasoning might well have been somewhat clouded by eating nothing but grasshoppers and honey? "But the gospels say----?" WHO wrote the gospels? The BIBLE was not compiled for 300 YEARS after the fact. Then, only four were used from some 28. All share different information so the four chosen were chosen because they reflected what the authorities WANTED TOLD IN A MANNER ENOUGH ALIKE TO BE UNQUESTIONED. Ah, but are there ACTUALLY ANY WRITTEN GOSPELS AT ALL?]

    During these days of John's ministry, Christ was baptized. [H: WHO WAS BAPTIZED? "CHRIST" IS A STATE OF BEING--A SPIRITUAL DEFINITION OF A GOOD STATE OF BEING. CHRIST WOULD NEVER NEED BAPTIZING FOR THAT IS A CONCEPT OF ACTION AND THOUGHT--NOT A "MAN". If this studied man can err in total concept is it not possible that 2000 years ago somebody else just might have perceived something incorrectly? Oh, I see, you instructed followers MUST NOT QUESTION EVEN OUTLANDISH AND STUPID PRESENTATIONS.] At the ceremony John's audience heard a resounding voice from heaven crying out, "This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased." Jerusalem heard it. The Pharisees heard it. And, above all, Satan in the depths of hell heard it. [H: My good­ness, THAT was a loud voice to be sure.]

    Suddenly Satan became aware that Isaias and David who pre­dicted the advent of the Messias, were more than poets. "They," he exclaimed, "were inspired messengers of God. Their prophetic voices have come to challenge my conquest of Earth and its inhabitants. This Jesus [H: WHO?], therefore, must either adore me and be destroyed or I must be crushed and forced to say "Thou are God!" [H: And so it went and through the years this later-created non-entity "Jesus" did, in their speakings, come to totally adore Satan and upon the lie was built the temple of Satan and the capstone of the pyramid was set to confound all who would come for the re­ligions would preach of this "Jesus" while never again turn­ing to Esu ("Jesu") Immanuel and certainly having NOTH­ING to do with CHRIST.]
    Thus, the hour of truth had arrived and so had the hour for action. Satan's first encounter with Christ is at hand.

    In modest prose we read of it in the Fourth chapter of Matthew [H: WHO?]: (Matt. 1-11)'Then Jesus was led into the desert by the Spirit, to be tempted by the devil. And after fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry. And the tempter came and said to him, 'If thou art the Son of God, command that these stones become loaves of bread. ' But he answered and said, 'It is written, Not by bread alone does man live, but by ev­ery word that comes forth from the mouth of God. '" [H: WRONG AGAIN. It is by bread and things necessary to the flesh of man that he lives, literally. The SOUL of man lives by the WORD for it needs no food; it only needs thought.]
    "Then the devil took him into the holy city and set him on the pinnacle of the temple, and said to him, 'If thou are the Son of God, throw thyself down; for it is written, He will give his angels charge concerning thee; and upon their hands they shall bear thee up, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone. ' Jesus said to him, 'It is written further [H: WRITTEN?], Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God."
    "Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain, and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and the glory of them. [H: My goodness that "devil" was a busy hunk taking this man everywhere from the spire of the tem­ple which must have been most uncomfortable to run­ning him all over the wilderness like a stupid sheep and parrot. You are talking about a CHRIST? Come on people, even YOU might say enough is enough already and a CHRIST would not bite in the first place. So, who is presented as the actual FOOL in this little pic­ture drawn to suck you in?] And he said to him, 'All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me. ' Then Jesus said to him, 'Begone, Satan! for it is written, The Lord thy God shalt thou worship and Him only shalt thou serve. ' Then the devil left him; and be­hold, angels came and ministered to him."
    [H: My, my, and it took him all that time to say no? CHRIST? And YOU believe this bunch of BS as if it is TRUTH? How long will it take YOU, people of the LIE?]

    Unfortunately, this significant drama has not been empha­sized sufficiently either in pulpit or press. [H: How can this be emphasized "sufficiently" when it is not TRUTH? Somebody "out there" will see through the lies and bury the preacher. You base your entire lives and souls on lies and then com­plain that someone doesn't stress the "significant" lies?] But there it stands in the record of christianity. Call it the first foray in the Battle of Armageddon, if you will. Whatever name one gives it, the gauntlet has been thrown down as error sets out to overcome truth, hatred to destroy love, ugliness to vanquish beauty, chaos to dispel order and Satan to become the Prince of this world for all eternity.

    [H: Yep, all that and more because the teachers of the teachers TEACH LIES!]

    This earthly beginning of the drama began multi-millions of eons ago [H: Yes, and that is why you can't have truth here for it fits so nicely with the Satanic plan as to stretch even the Devil's imaginings], possibly, long before Earth had been firmed and coalesced from the dust of countless, fragmented planets. It will not end until Earth, the battleground, will be­come devastated, depopulated and un-habitable, either from nat­ural causes of planetary attrition or by a positive act of God. But surely and certainly it will come to pass. [H: NO, it will NOT come to pass. GOD does not need a "battleground" and certainly would not cause upheaval to his precious cre­ations. The fragments of Satan in the LIES, will make the Earth a battleground and blow it to Hell where the energies of this warped plan are destined to be anyway.]
    Meanwhile, as Scripture informs us [H: Here we go again with those Scriptures out of the tampered book.], there are the blessed spirits--Angels, Archangels, Thrones, Dominations, Principalities, Powers, the Virtues of the Heavens, Cherubim and Seraphim [H: WHO SAID?]--who bowed their intellects and wills to the ineffable secrets which the Omniscient God re­vealed to them. For eons they have been enjoying His vision face to face. In the indescribable horrors of hell are the rebels who joined Satan in his "non serviam".

    Beyond Earth-time even though galaxies and stars will con­tinue their orbiting around the immovable, motionless centrum of God, this war will have ceased, Satan will have been defeated and God will be victorious for eternity.

    [H: NO AGAIN! What a nice thought? How dare you or anyone else of MAN's ilk decide what GOD IS and pro­nounce the above upon anything, and much the less, eter­nity. If the galaxies and stars will continue their orbiting, then there will always be the presence of both the concept of good and evil for both are birthed (created) by the THOUGHT OF GOD'S PROJECTIONS. This old concept of "God will be victorious for eternity" concludes that all will live, like the fairy princess, happily ever after. People, FROM THE LIES CANNOT COME TRUTH! TRUTH IS--AND IS, FROM THE BEGINNING THROUGH THE END­ING--EXCEPT THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A BEGIN­NING OR AN END.]


    I really don't know how much of this we will utilize, perhaps all 12 essays for they, in themselves, are such teaching tools, but tedious and some things cannot be left to be stated "as fact". But WHERE are we in instructions? We have been at this al­most a decade now from JUST this keyboard and you don't seem any closer to understanding that THE BAD DEAL WAS DUMPED ON YOU, FINALLY, WHEN IT WAS ALLOWED THAT SATAN USURP THE VERY CHRIST. WHAT MAKES YOU THINK THERE WAS A JESUS? WHAT MAKES YOU THINK THERE WAS EVEN AN IM­MANUEL? THESE WRITERS WHO TELL YOU WHAT TO BELIEVE, AND CERTAINLY THE TRANSLATORS, WERE NOT THERE EITHER! You are given hocus-pocus wadded into book bindings and in direct confrontation to every other re­ligion yet, and accept it like sheep to slaughter. Even the Jews adamantly rejected this "Christ" being dumped on them. It was not until it became handy to bring forth the JUDEO-CHRIS­TIAN combination that JESUS became even a recognized per­son of any kind. HOW DARE YOU DUMP YOUR TRASH UPON THIS PERFECT TEACHER? YOU ERR GREATLY IN YOUR IGNORANCE.

    One thing this author is right about--and the Satanists know it as well--is GOD WINS and HELL BECOMES. You help build Hell and you shall be left within its limitations and that, people, is a promise. You so-called "Christians", if Heysoos (Jesus, that Greek character of Saul's) is THE BEST TOOL FOR TAKEOVER EVER INVENTED TO "GETCHA"--what ever happened to that nice Esu Immanuel, the Great Teacher? Oh well...!

    Why don't you "thinking" people with the GIFT of reason and logic (and choices)--THINK? GOD SAYS IT IS ALRIGHT!

    How much longer will we make you uncomfortable and miser­able while you have to "think about it"? Not much longer, for the hourglass is empty. Salu. ADONAI.

  2. #4
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar

    Default 응답: PJ#227, RISE OF ANTICHRIST VOL. I

    PJ 227

    MON., FEB. 2, 1998 9:12 A.M. YR. 11, DAY 170

    MON., FEB. 2, 1998

    On the Front Page of the media press yesterday there were big headlines regarding Clinton's affairs and a smaller one on plans for a military strike on Iraq, AND, A COLUMN DEVOTED TO CLOSING OF MORE MILITARY BASES IN THE U.S.! Do any of you see anything wrong with this picture?

    Well, as is usually our "good luck", we get some backup almost immediately when we need it these days and I want to share Richard Maybury's article on this topic. He is the one who pre­sented The New Axis for our sharing and this is very well and insightfully done. I don't even need make further comment ex­cept to advise all people who come into contact with this man, LISTEN TO HIM.

    Maybury says, about The New Axis: "I believe a secret alliance against the US has been formed by Iran, Iraq, Syria, Libya, North Korea, China, Pakistan, Chechnya, Serbia, Sudan and the Taliban in Afghanistan. Other nations may be secretly joining, AMONG THEM SAUDI ARABIA AND KUWAIT."

    [QUOTING, Early Warning Report, Feb. 1998:]

    Dear Reader,

    Not only has US military power been slashed, troop morale has been demolished.

    The public does not realize that during the Cold War, most deployments were for long periods to permanent bases where troops could live with their families. Today, under Clinton, US troops are world cops for the UN. They are hustled from one war zone to another like pawns on a chessboard. Many are sep­arated from families more than four months per year, every year. The best and brightest are quitting.

    The Air Force has a pilot shortage. Pilots have been resign­ing at such high rates that the Air Force does not have enough to fly its planes, despite bomber strength having been cut to 138 planes, from 301 in 1990, and fighter strength to 1,700 from 2,800.

    Air Force Times asked pilots: what's wrong? One big com­plaint is that air crews sent to Saudi Arabia for the continual face-offs between Clinton and Saddam Hussein have been for­bidden by the Saudis to fly enough training flights. "It means having combat skills erode dangerously," said the Times.

    When a man leaves his family for possible combat on the other side of the world, he likes to think he will have a fair chance of coming back alive. Clinton's Saudi buddies have taken away this fair chance.

    I said in the 1/98 EWR that it's likely the Saudis and Kuwaitis are close to switching sides and joining the New Axis. Yet Clinton still uses US military personnel to protect these royal gangsters. [H: Note yesterday that Albright got full coopera­tion from Kuwait--but, can you trust anything these thugs do? If they are outnumbered by the Arab coalition they will join with their "own". Britain and Bush BOUGHT KUWAIT AND BAHRAIN AND DON'T FORGET IT!]

    Political power corrupts both the morals and the judgment.

    Like Christianity, Islam has various factions, the main ones being the Sunni and Shiite. [H: Keep this information handy, please, so you know the players in this unfolding play.] Saudi Arabia is the center of the Sunni, Iran the Shiite. THE ECONOMIST reports that ever since the December Islamic con­ference I told you about in the 1/98 EWR, Saudi Arabia and Iran are "now being cozily called 'the two wings of Islam' ." I doubt the Saudi rulers have gone over to the New Axis YET. but they must be on the verge.

    After all, what sheik would want to depend on protection from a president who can't even control his harem? That's not a joke; it's how they'll really see it. He is their kind of people, except that he's not very good at it.

    Chaostan contains at least 80% of the total world oil supply. Its economic troubles are accelerating the shift of alliances. Will 1998 be the Big Year when Chaostan explodes? Stay tuned. Richard Maybury

    [H: You won't find "Chaostan" on the map--it is a word of Mr. Maybury's invention to indicate the areas of CHAOS.
    There is an inset which might give you a thrill. This is from the NAVY TIMES, George C. Wilson, January 12, 1998: "Nobody knows what the armed forces will be doing in the 21st century. Everybody knows they won't have enough people and guns to do everything the current two-war strategy requires."]


    Next: One of our long-time partners has sent a rather interesting observation about KOL NIDRE which I find might wipe out some of the detailed questions we always get regarding possibil­ities and misperceptions. It stands on its own without comment from me:


    ...Having just yesterday finished reading vol. 15, num. 9, of CONTACT (it was a job to get it done in time to receive today num. 10), I have a comment to make regarding the Kol Nidre "prayer" that is supposedly recited at the beginning of the Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) holiday. Technically, it's not said at the beginning of Yom Kipper. Here's why:

    In the"Jewish" way of counting days and measuring time, the day ends at sundown and the next day begins just afterwards. The "time" that sundown occurs is easily obtained. It's usually mentioned on the TV evening news. Let's say that it takes 15 minutes to recite the Kol Nidre 3 times and that sundown occurs at exactly 6:00 PM.

    The Kol Nidre will then start at 5:44 PM and be completed at 5:59 PM. There will then be a pause of one to two minutes be­fore the opening prayer of Yom Kippur begins. When one is accustomed to the days changing at midnight, it certainly ap­pears that Kol Nidre is the opening "prayer" of Yom Kippur. However, in actual fact, it is (was) said the day before. Why is this? I offer two possible explanations.

    One, the "Jews" don't want to "mess" with the holiday itself, and two, (as you have mentioned [I believe] previously in CON­TACT), if the "Jews" have an opportunity to tell the truth or tell a lie, either of which will not "cost" them anything, they will always opt for the lie.

    So, the apparency is that Kol Nidre is the opening "prayer" of Yom Kippur, whereas technically, it was said the day before. I know that it is a "small" point, but I wanted to refresh your memory on it.

    Thank you for all that you do to bring us The Word. I do greatly appreciate receiving the lessons each week in CON­TACT. Please keep it coming as long as it is possible to do so. With deepest respect, I am--Sincerely, G.M.


    Small thing? NEVER! This is EXACTLY what you have to watch out for in dealing with Antichrist--excellent example.

    What did Clinton say about his relationship with Ms. L?? He said "I am not..." Meaning, "At this moment I am not..." This is LAWYER speak. Now what happens when a person gets up in court to object to the use of Kol Nidre by all the attorneys and judges present in the courtroom and says: "The first prayer is... "?? You got it, it will be immediately tossed out of court on the basis of it is not true. Antichrist learns the technique of LY­ING from the day of birthing. It is NOT a small detail and should be placed right now in an easily accessible place for USE.

    May we please move on now to our series:

    [QUOTING, ANTICHRIST, Coughlin (Circa 1970):]



    It is normal even for men who believe in the existence of the spirit world to underestimate the abilities of angels. As a matter of fact both the intellectual and volitional powers of the most in­significant spirit transcend overpoweringly the faculties of men.

    In the case of Satan, whom scripture regards as one of the mightiest, he began planning from the outset the destruction of the entire Universe and its multi-billions of galaxies, planets and stars. However, his revenge died aborning because Michael and his hosts already had been placed as custodians to protect God's inanimate creatures. Having become aware of this, Satan's at­tention then focused upon the new intellectual world which was about to dwell upon Earth. Against Adam's progeny, then, he would concentrate his attack. "Strike first at the parent of mankind; then at his children who will inherit the father's fate; then desecrate the image and likeness of God after which each is moulded." (He failed, fortunately, to visualize Mary, the one exception.)

    [H: I am not going to interrupt every time there is a miss­peak for it would never allow us to finish this topic. We are dealing with a Priest of the Roman Catholic Church who does not in any way ACTUALLY discount the Bible and the myths--he simply tries to justify some misinterpretations. We now KNOW that this is not the way to TRUTH but it is time YOU pick out the truth from the misperceptions and then TRUTH can be evolved FROM THE WHOLE!

    "These persons," said Satan to his fellow prisoners, "are both more precious and vulnerable than the planets. But their inher­ited proclivity to evil, together with their pride and pursuit of illogical freedoms, have made them my certain victims. Them I will capture and for eternity I will hold them in Hell to taunt the Creator. This will be my revenge," so the sacrilegious Satan planned--and planned well.

    Despite his mastery of psychology and his superb intellect, Satan miscalculated.

    From all eternity God foresaw this satanic plan and under­stood the abysmal weakness of his miscalculation. Satan's mind did not comprehend how the Infinite Creator could interfere with man's inherited sin. [H: WHAT inherited sin? Man is and was made in the perfect image of God Creator--WHAT ORIGINAL OR INHERITED SIN? NEVER FORGET WHILE READING THIS MATERIAL THAT "A MAN" IS OFFERING HIS OWN VIEW IN PERCEPTION OF HOW IT MIGHT HAVE BEEN--NO MORE! There are so many lessons in these Essays that I hesitate to NOT use them but there are so many GROSS MISINTERPRETATIONS THAT TRUTH IS NOT TO BE FOUND. I REMIND YOU THAT YOU CANNOT JUSTIFY SOMETHING INTO "TRUTH" IF THE JUSTIFICATION BASIS IS FOUNDATIONED ON A "LIE". I may have to yet consider not using much more of this volume; however, there is such historical evidence in some of the later essays that need presenting, for a Church Priest to unfold some of the information he shares is abso­lutely beyond mind-expanding.] Satan, not calculating how the progeny of Adam could be pitied by God without His con­doning sin, did not understand how the Infinite, just God could also be an Infinite, merciful God. That was a major miscalcula­tion. Nor did Satan suspect the workings of Mercy because an­gels, with their errorproof intellects, even in the time of their probation, failed to conceive the quality of mercy. Mercy is in­tended for those who, through circumstances beyond their con­trol, are not totally the prisoners of Justice even though they in­herit the punishment due to sin. In the court of mercy they can plead for a second chance.

    This, then, was an intellectual depth not sounded by the mighty Satan. This, then, was the basis for God's eternal plan­ning to organize a human army to withstand Satan and his fallen hosts; a human army whose every individual could lay claim for a second chance.

    That men had been victimized by their firstparents; that Adam's progeny had no option to reject his sin was certain. Thus, the infinite Wisdom unfolded the plan of His infinite Mercy: "I will send my Son to Earth. He will be both true man and true God. He will found an army of men who will believe in Him. I, the Christ, will use the despised mancreature to overwhelm and conquer Satan. I, the Christ, will surrender my life to compensate for the sins of both angel and man against the Godhead. And I, the Anointed, will elevate fallen men from being incompetents into warriors armed with invincible weaponry of grace. Men will become personages mystically united in body and soul with Me, and have as their leader, the Paraclete, against Whom 'The gates of hell shall not prevail."

    "Meanwhile, having accomplished My mission, I shall wait while generation after generation of men will constantly battle Satan until final victory." [H: Ah, but nobody has battled Sa­tan--you have all taken the bait, swallowed the LIES, and NOBODY HAS BATTLED SATAN FOR YOU DIDN'T EVEN KNOW WHO WAS SATAN! WORSE, HOW COULD YOU BATTLE?--YOU DIDN'T KNOW WHO YOU WERE OR ARE!]

    Pardon the above humanistic paragraphs and such unworthy words as if they were spoken by God. It was simply an [my] ef­fort to emphasize the preparations made by the Godhead to sub­due Satan for eternity.

    [H: By the way, God will and never has had a problem sub­duing Satan so to ascertain that God had to prepare for all these eons of time is a foolish assumption. God creates; God uncreates. Therefore the lessons are ALL for you-the-peo­ple. And, furthermore, until you get TRUTH as your LIGHT leading the way--you will never know "subduing Sa­tan". You have no desire nor want to subdue Satan so don't lie to selves. You want a savior and body-snatcher to Rap­ture you to somewhere wondrous without responsibility for HERE or THERE. You love the things of Satan in the physical environment and certainly will NOT object to a few indiscretions to get them in the realization of "having stuff'. You can have abundance THROUGH GOD AND HAVE TRUTH, SALVATION AND FREEDOM. Why, oh why, do you so struggle to remain shackled to ANTICHRIST? FREEDOM COMES WITH CUTTING LOOSE THAT BASTARD FROM HELL, THAT PARASITE WHO SUCKS EVERY LAST DROP OF BLOOD FROM YOUR SOUL AND BEING! ANTICHRIST HAS STOLEN YOUR "CHRIST" AND YOU NEVER EVEN FLINCH--JUST TAG ALONG ON THE WRONG ROAD WHILE PLAYING AT PETER COTTONTAIL GAMES. YOU WILL NOT FIND "CHRIST" ON A CROSS IN ISRAEL--YOU WILL FIND "CHRIST" BOTH WITHIN SELF AND WITHIN THE FREEDOM OF THE PERFECTION OF THE HEAVENS, SILLY BABIES. YOU CANNOT HANG "CHRIST" ANY MORE THAN YOU CAN HANG THE WIND. GROW UP.
    It's too hard to "let go" of tradition and training? WHY? If you were told you have a pile of gold you just purchased and it turned out, when you needed your selling profits, that it was yellow-covered lead--what would you do? You WOULD let go and perhaps, even, go get the scroungey nincompoop who did you the dirt. Did that ever occur to you when per­taining to the lying thieves of your soul and life? So be it, for some "too hard" is simply too hard and you will jump off the cliff to prove you have the right to kill self.]

    In brief, Satan was trapped by his pride which indicated that God's Justice would make it impossible for Him to utilize the unknown virtue of Mercy.

    PETER WAS A COP-OUT AND HIS REAL STORY WAS BURIED FOR CENTURIES. THE "PAUL" SPOKEN OF HERE WAS SAUL OF TARSUS AND ONE OF THE MOST EVIL MEN OF THE DAY AND THE ARCHENEMY OF THE TEACHER AND "CHRIST". HANGING ONTO THESE FALSE IMAGES IS GOING TO DESTROY YOU AS SURELY AS THE CUP OF HEMLOCK GOT OLD SOCRATES.] Vocations were nurtured in parish schools. Seminaries were filled with ardent students; convents were filled with human angels of Mary Immaculate. [H: NO, NO AND NO! These places were filled with those who were misled and became further steeped into and forced within the LIES. Perhaps the next paragraph might well have some in­sight:]

    Possibly these years outshone the splendor of the thirteenth century. Not only bishops, priests and dedicated young nuns enrolled in the army of the Church Militant; there were at least 500-million baptized and confirmed lay persons in a world pop­ulation of 2-1/4 billion.

    [H: THIRTEENTH CENTURY? My oh my, that coincides exactly with the takeover of Antichrist through the Khazar­ian tribes still referred to as Serpent People. Let me make a side quotation here from HISTORICAL FACT:]


    In the Latin St. Jerome 4th century Vulgate Edition of the New Testament Jesus is referred to by the Genitive Plural of "Iudaeus" in the Gospel by John reference to the inscription on the Cross -- "Iudaeorum". It was in the 4th century that St. Jerome translated into Latin the manuscripts of the New Testa­ment from the original languages in which they were written.

    This translation by St. Jerome is referred to still today as the Vulgate Edition by the Roman Catholic Church authorities, who use it today. [H: So, where has Father Coughlin been hid­ing?]

    Jesus is referred as a so-called "Jew" for the first time in the New Testament IN THE 18TH CENTURY editions in the EN­GLISH LANGUAGE of the 14th century first translations of the New Testament into English. The history of the origin of the word "Jew" in the English language leaves no doubt that the 18th century "Jew" is the 18th century contracted and corrupted English word for the 4th century Latin "Iudaeus" found in St. Jerome's Vulgate Edition. Of that there is no longer doubt. [H: Hang on, I am getting to the thirteenth century.]

    The available original manuscripts from the 4th century to the 18th century accurately trace the origin and give the complete history of the word "Jew" in the English language. In these manuscripts are to be found all the many earlier English equiv­alents extending through the 14 centuries from the 4th to the 18th century. From the Latin "Iudaeus" to the English "Jew" these English forms included successively "Gyu", "giu", "Iu", "Iuu", "Iuw", "Ieuu", "Ieuy", "Iwe", low", "Iewe", "Ieue", "Iue", lye", "Iew", and then finally in the 18th century, "Jew". the many earlier English equivalents for "Jews" through the 14th centuries are "Giwis", "Giws", "Gyues", "Gywes", "Giwes", "Geus", "Iuys", lows", "Iouis", "Iews", and then also finally in the 18th century, "Jews".

    ...By this adopting-adapting process the Latin "Iudaeus" and the Greek "Ioudaios" finally emerged in the 18th century as "Jew" in the English language. The English speaking peoples struggled through 14 centuries seeking to create for the English language an English equivalent for the Latin "Iudaeus" and the Greek "Ioudaios" which could be easily pronounced in English from its English spelling. The English "Jew" was the resulting 18th century contracted and corrupted form of the Latin "Iudaeus" and the Greek "Ioudaios". The English "Jew" is eas­ily pronounced in English from its English spelling. The Latin "Iudaeus" and the Greek "Ioudaios" cannot be as easily pro­nounced in English from the Latin and Greek spelling. They were forced to coin a word.

    The earliest version of the New Testament in English from the Latin Vulgate Edition is the Wiclif, or Wickliffe Edition, (a man), published in 1380. In the Wiclif Edition JESUS is there mentioned as One of the "iewes". That was the 14th century English version of the Latin "Iudaeus" and was pronounced "hew-weeze", in the plural, and "iewe" pronounced "Hew-wee" in the singular. In the 1380 Wiclif Edition in English the Gospel by John, XIX.19, reads "Ihihesus of nazareth kyng of the iewes". Prior to the 14th century the English language adopted the Anglo-Saxon "kyng" together with many other Anglo-Saxon words in place of the Latin "rex" and the Greek "basileus". The Anglo-Saxon also meant "tribal leaders".

    [H: I think we might leave this little inset of information with you and continue ahead--but, you had best understand something: that "JESUS" was a fabrication of the JEWS any way you cut it--and was not ESU IMMANUEL, THE TEACHER. YOU HAVE FOLLOWED THE LIES UNTIL YOU CAN'T EVEN SEE WHEN YOU HAVE BEEN "HAD" AND YOUR REFUSAL TO SEE IS FAR MORE IMPOR­TANT THAN YOUR "IGNORANCE".]

    Now, continuing with our original document on Antichrist:

    [H: Get the misinformation in this last sentence before starting on part (B):]
    Satan played dead while he and his mystical body were preparing to launch a new attack on God's church Militant.

    [H: Played DEAD? Satan has never played "dead"--he has never had to even consider slacking off his gathering of fools nor has he ever had to "launch a new attack" on anything--HE WROTE THE BOOK OF INSTRUCTIONS, INCLUD­ING THE PROPHECIES AND THE ENDING HAPPEN­INGS, TO COVER HIS DASTARDLY APOCALYPSE AND ARMAGEDDON TO END HIS PLAY. YOU HAVE SUCKED IT IN HOOK, LINE, SINKER, AND DEAD FISH.]

    I'm pushing the clock and making it difficult for the paper staff if they have to delay layout longer. This is a good place to break, anyway, before part (B) and so we shall.

    You who would be free must look at these things and do a bit of homework and research for it is ALL there for your confirma­tion. Is it not time to stop deceiving SELF?

    ANTICHRIST has tried every trick in his book to make you the Fool. He cannot succeed unless YOU ALLOW HIM TO DO SO. AT THIS POINT HE IS THE FOOL--CAN'T YOU LEAVE IT THAT WAY?

    It has been speculated that the ships going home to God Creator may well be nigh empty--so be it for Satan HAS NO SHIPS--PERIOD, AND HAS NO HOUSING FOR ANYONE ON ANY CLOUDS OR OTHERWISE. FACE IT, PEOPLE, YOU HAVE BEEN SORELY TRICKED!



    TUE., FEB. 3, 1998 1:30 P.M. YR. 11, DAY 171

    TUE., FEB. 3, 1998

    Old Jer just told on himself this day, people. This fine up­standing SO-CALLED CHRISTIAN ANTICHRIST came out asking Bush for a reprieve of some sort for Karla Faye Tucker on the basis of something or other that made absolutely no sense AT ALL. He went right on to say he BELIEVES IN THE DEATH PENALTY" and it should certainly BE LEFT IN PLACE. A CHRIST-being advocating more MURDER? I think his statement about being Zionist and PROUD OF IT speaks ever so much more clearly than a half-assed attempt to appear merciful or compassionate. He announced that Karla, he believes, has found God and "her spirit speaks to his spirit" (I doubt that his spirit could even FIND her Spirit). BUT, she got due process of law and law is what must be upheld. He re­peated again that he "certainly believes in the death penalty...".

    Do any of you undecided observers still think there is nothing wrong with your leadership in CHRIST vs. JESUS? Falwell tossed Jesus around like it was going out of style--but failed to even mention CHRIST or goodness. So be it, friends, for the days are short upon your place and Karla Faye HAS NO PROBLEMS--BUT MOST OF THE REST OF YOU CER­TAINLY DO!

    [QUOTING, ANTICHRIST, Coughlin (Circa 1970):]

    ESSAY FOUR (Cont.)


    Those thoughts are expressed to remind us that Satan's sab­batical years have ended. While Peter slept in the person of his bishops and laity, Satan prospered.

    To speak of war and warfare is my project. It is important not to insult my fellow Americans who are not christian. One must not finger them as the Antichrists, members of the mystical body of Satan. They are not only ignorant of Catholic-Christian beliefs but were not indoctrinated in Catholic motive and objec­tive. Their chief concern is to gain a modicum of education, marry, divorce if it so pleases them, wear the social attire of gentility, join the proper clubs, intrigue the important people, gain wealth, escape taxation, and support proper politicians who work mostly for them. This is American paganism.

    It is with the Catholic clergy and laity I am concerned.

    Most Catholics over the age of eighteen have been con­firmed. Confirmation, of course, is a definite sacrament which leaves an indelible, eternal mark upon its recipient, as do Bap­tism and Holy Orders. Baptism makes one an adopted Son of God; but Confirmation elevates the citizen into a soldier ready to battle in the army of the Holy Spirit. Estimate this situation from a strictly theological and practical viewpoint:

    [H: I try to evaluate it in that manner but what I find is that a person who is not sucked in by the rituals or the tampered instructions of THAT book, thinks baptism dunking is sim­ply washing or rinsing the body or, perhaps, even bathing it­self. What MAN pronounces his doctrines upon a world and then complains about ones losing touch with his silly power-brokering?]

    The Paraclete has as His most important concern the vindica­tion of Christ whom three courts found guilty of blasphemy, of stirring up the multitudes, and of being hostile to Caesar. The first charge related to blasphemy is totally denied; for Christ was, is and will be the Son of God throughout eternity. The other two charges are true, in a sense.

    The people needed stirring up. In fact, even in a secular manner they needed it to the extent they required liberation from an exploiting government and freedom from unjust taxation and liberalistic laws which favored the Roman invaders and op­pressed the Jewish citizenry.

    That Christ was hostile to Caesar, needs clarification. Cae­sar had named himself god. He so lusted after power that he colonized practically the whole known world by military force and slavery. Caesar called this religion. Of course, Christ could not say "Amen" to this. Therefore, in a sense, He was no friend of Caesar's.

    [H: I want to point out one of the most TAMPERED seg­ments of the BIBLE: "RENDER UNTO CAESAR THAT WHICH IS CAESAR'S..." THAT was put into the writings so there would be no further problems with "christians" paying their taxes or anything else "Caesar" or his hench­men demanded. See how simple it is to just write a new in­put and everybody marches along to the new tune?]

    If Christ, then, was a revolutionary because He opposed god-Caesar's politics, so be it. But under no circumstance did He advocate physical violence against the person of any oppressor, even though He violently overthrew the tables of the money­changers.

    More importantly the people of Judea and Israel with their brothers and sisters throughout the world needed freedom from death, hatred, war, ignorance and hell. In a word, they hun­gered for redemption and salvation--gifts beyond the giving of all Caesars.

    One gargantuan flaw occurred in the finale of Christ's trial which was loaded with lies. [H: Yes indeed, like the entire story as told.] Already the ecclesiastical court not only had plotted His death but actually found Him guilty of death on the testimony of liars. For all practical purposes the civil court un­der Herod refrained from altering these findings. Finally, Pi­late, representing the imperial court and pressured by the stirred-up mobs to "Crucify Christ", succumbed.

    [H: Now the myth gets bigger so go ahead and hold your breath while, I hope, realizing that it COULD NOT HAVE BEEN THE WAY, ESPECIALLY, AS PRESENTED HERE.]

    As the world knows, He rose from the dead by His own power. As the world forgets, He sent the Holy spirit in the ca­pacity of the Paraclete to obliterate Satan's day in the Sun, to vindicate the "blasphemer", to complete the "stirring up of the multitudes" [H: No, my dears, just as today, the multitudes neither knew about this incident nor gave a damn.] and to put all the Caesars, kings, dictators, premiers and presidents, each in his proper place, for attempting to succeed in their gov­ernments without God. [H: What a crock! Readers, how have you fallen for such fairy tales?]

    These paragraphs are not intended to be a diatribe on man's failure to live in peace, prosperity and health. Nor are they a requiem of disaster to depress those who still have hope to make this nation a respectable domicile while they are battling both the super-intelligence of Satan and many of their fellow men who unconsciously are enlisted in his army of hate. Christian theology is practical enough to take this into consideration [H: Say what?]. Therefore it not only accepts Christ and His Res­urrection but also His supernatural gifts of grace without which mere men are totally incapable of vanquishing Satan. [H: No, it accepts a "man" given supernatural possibilities with no in­tent of vanquishing Satan, who flourishes from the very misdirection.] Otherwise, failure will be the outcome; evil will overcome good; poverty, ignorance, superstition, disease, flood, famine, fire, chaos and hell--all these will be in the dismal fu­ture. [H: I suggest you carefully look around and realize the ONLY WAY OUT GIVEN YOU BY THOSE SUPERNAT­URAL LEADERS IS THE LIE OF A RAPTURE WHICH WILL NEVER HAPPEN, NEVER WAS PROCLAIMED UNTIL THE LAST 50 YEARS AND BY THE ZIONISTS OF THE DAY. YOU DON'T EVEN LOOK AT THE DRUMMERS IN YOUR MARCHING BAND.]

    History has been written not only to record the past but to in­struct the unborn generations. If it details a series of conflicts and wars it also teaches that man by his own abilities never could and never will be able to cope with the invisible but real forces which mould his destiny as a potter moulds damp clay.

    If history teaches no other lesson it stresses the truth "without Me you can do nothing." [H: Without WHO?]

    Christianity, therefore, is a culture of hope. Unless the Christian Confirmandi will return to their posts, each man tak­ing his stand in the ranks of the Mystical body of Christ as he contracted to do the day he was Confirmed, the Holy Spirit's militiamen will not conquer. [H: MYSTICAL??? CHRIST? There obviously is a great and overlooked MYSTERY re­garding Christ and physical beings--but Mystical? No thank you. There is no mysticism with GOD and the Mystery only prevails until there is insight, learning and knowing, and then there is NO MYSTERY. You all want to play games so that you do not have to face responsibility. You go to the fortune tellers, psychics, seers, and possible prophets to get your doom-instructions; no more, no less. "In the stars lays your destiny?" Of course NOT. Your destiny lies within self and responsibility of self. Anything ELSE and you have given someone ELSE dominion over you and your destiny.] Therefore, let us become violent in our attack--spiritually vio­lent. [H: "Violent"? This is an instruction from CHRIST--to be VIOLENT?] Let no single day pass without a confrontation with evil. In the office, factory and clubhouse speak the un­speakable until timid Catholics become ashamed of their silence. In public meetings stand up for virtue, for God and for the things of God. [H: Gosh, what about the non-Catholics?]

    At present while international chaos reigns the world is trem­bling on the brink of a Niagara Falls waiting to be swept into the gorge of wrath. If Catholic Europe and America will be domi­nated by atheists and the minions of Satan, blame the traitors in the ranks of christianity who, having ceased being fighters, joined the ranks of the neutrals.

    Christ's vindication, in a sense, is in the hands of the con­firmed laity. Nearly 2000 years ago He redeemed us. Today He trusts that we, His militiamen will vindicate Him. As it were, He, the victim of three courts and the perjuring mob, is "out-on-bail", to use an American expression, while He is sit­ting at the right hand of God awaiting the victory of the Para­clete and His militiamen who, drawn up in battalions of rich and poor, of learned and ignorant, operate under the successors of Peter, the Rock, and his fellow apostles. [H: Peter says: "Forgive me, Father, for these wretched and ignorant be­ings."] This is the greatest drama of life as multi-millions of christian citizens enlist in this army. It was the glorious St. Paul [H: Saul of Tarsus.] whose inspired briefing of the troops re­verberates in these final years of our century. He said to all the militiamen to set aside political prudence and secular logic by openly displaying the uniform of a soldier. [H: Set aside politi­cal prudence? Set aside secular LOGIC? These are mutu­ally exclusive terms which CAN have NO meaning whatso­ever--but it does sound like old Saul in action--you know, don't you, that "01' Saul" and "01' Nick" are terms for Sa­tan?]

    He wrote: [H: Another misstatement, Paul (Saul) was a loud-MOUTH but he never wrote a tom-fool thing. He was not learned and couldn't write. Oh well, what the heck...]

    (Ephesians 6:10-17 [H: Here we go again.]) "For the rest, brethren, be strengthened in the Lord and in the might of His power. Put on the armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against the Principalities and the Powers, against the world-rulers of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness on high. Therefore take up the armor of God, that you may be able to resist in the evil day, and stand in all things perfect. Stand, therefore, having girded your loins with truth, and having put on the breastplate of justice and having your feet shod with the readiness of the gospel of peace, in all things taking up the shield of faith, with which you may be able to quench all the fiery darts of the most wicked one. And take unto you the helmet of salva­tion and the sword of the spirit, that is, the word of God. "

    [H: This actually is pretty good and sound advice and you might want to consider it if it didn't come forth from one doing open war and bloodshed among God's creations at the very time of giving forth such good advice.]


    I am going to try to get through the next Essay without input and let you consider possibilities. "Try" is a somewhat "iffy" word and remember I said, "I will try..."



    Following His Resurrection, Christ walked, talked and lived with His beloved ones for a period of forty historic days which firmed His claim to divinity; a claim which demands as much credibility if not more, than does Caesar's murder or Napoleon's defeat at Waterloo. Each precious hour He spent with Peter and the apostles was marked by reasserting truths He disclosed to them during the days of their incredulity. Plans re­lated to their life's work of preaching the gospel to every crea­ture were recalled; warnings of government opposition; predic­tions of martyrdom and ultimate victory over Satan were among the topics discussed.

    One prediction appears to have been definite in time, namely His departure from their midst and His replacement by the Para­clete. It is He, the Holy spirit, who will lead an army of falli­ble, weak-willed men into battle; it is He who will re-fashion these disciples into giants and make "other Christs" of the cap­tains and "other Michaels" of the militiamen.

    Nine days before Pentecost Jesus invited His loved ones to walk into the hills beyond Jerusalem. There, He planned to bid them farewell. On the slopes of Olivet He paused, lifted His hands as he asked for silence, and began to speak the dramatic, final words which sealed His mission of Truth. "Go into the whole world," said He, "and preach the gospel to every crea­ture. He who believes and is baptized shall be saved but he who does not believe shall be condemned." [H: CHRIST SAID THAT?] (Mark 16:15-16)

    If these fishermen were uneducated they were not fools. They realized that "going into the whole world" was no easy task as they calculated the barriers of language, of money and of civil opposition. As if forestalling a further question from Pe­ter, the Saviour quickly added, "These signs shall attend those who believe: In my name they shall cast out devils; they shall speak in new tongues; they shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands upon the sick and they shall get well." (Mark 16: 17-18) [H: By the way, Mark couldn't write either.] These were the final words spoken by Christ while on Earth.

    All He asked in this last request of these soon-to-be apostles was, "Have faith! I will prove there are no barriers in all the world to impede your leadership and victory, if you believe!" [H: No barriers? In the WORLD?"]
    Then Christ ascended into the heavens. As the group with Peter stood staring into the clouds angel VOICES were heard saying, "Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking up to heaven? This Jesus who has been taken up from you into heaven shall come in the same way as you have seen Him going up to heaven." (Acts 1:10-11) [H: Well, at the time there was NO one known as "Jesus" and I am fascinated by this won­drous Ascension and the voices speaking out of whatever was up there!]

    The Ascension, the finale of Christ's mission, gives sub­stance and meaning to the past. It helps us understand why Omnipotence and Omniscience appeared before the three highest courts functioning in Jerusalem; heard the charges levelled against Him; listened to the suborned witnesses perjure them­selves; accepted without a murmur the death sentence, and recorded in rebuttal only one single remark, "Destroy this tem­ple (meaning His body) and in three days I will raise it up again." [H: Who said HE said this?] He must accept death, otherwise He could not have proven His divinity except by con­quering death. [H: Funny thing is that even I can count a dozen OTHER ways to PROVE DIVINITY, none of which would have included any form of "death", for DIVINITY IS LIFE, NOT DEATH.]

    And, for the present, is it impudent to ask: In what area are devils being cast out? Who are taking up the serpents of error and heresy? Who are curing the sick by the simple laying on of hands? Or shall some learned theologian rebuke a simple person for daring to quote a simple passage from one of the most im­portant conversations Christ had with the original bishops? These miraculous gifts were bestowed, not only upon Peter and his associates, but upon their busy successors in America, Eu­rope, Africa, Asia and all the world. Let no one contradict this statement without endangering the entirety of Christ's messages to Peter. [H: Whose message to whom?]

    By the time the "forty days" had passed Peter and his associ­ates had accepted Christ's prediction of the Paraclete's coming.

    For the following nine or ten days they and others, including Mother Mary, gathered in an upper room awaiting the miracle of the Holy Spirit's coming. This event marks the birthday of the Church, the birthday of the apostles and the birthday of sacramentalized militiamen.

    [H: Well, I did say I would "try". How many of you, with­out input from people like Nora or Cal B., can define: Para­clete? How about the full definition of Pentecost? I thought not!]

    If some persons had raised their eyebrows a year or more earlier when the Saviour said they could cast mountains into the sea, they now believed. Now, with the Holy spirit, they could cast Satan into hell. Doubt disappeared [H: Oh sure, ask Thomas!]; fear gave way to fervor. Quickly all grasped the meaning of the word "Paraclete" [H: There's hope for you; just wait and perhaps you will "quickly grasp" the meaning of "Paraclete" and won't have to waste effort looking it up in yon dictionary.]; they understood how overpowering was the sword of Truth. [H: Obviously they UNDERSTOOD not a twit of anything Truthful.] They were about to become mira­cle men capable of casting all devils, including the Antichrist, into hell--the last sign Christ gave them to confirm and reward their belief!

    [H: Are any of you marveling that you made it this far? I do.]

    Little did the group realize that the multi-millions of years which passed since Michael subdued Satan were suddenly crowded into this fantastic moment. Nor did they reflect that, just as suddenly, their humble room became the stage whereon all the uncounted battalions of angels assembled to witness their divine Leader's new confrontation where men, not angels, henceforth will be the militiamen.

    In a sense the upper room became as important as Bethlehem, as important as Calvary and the empty tomb. Outside this upper room, curious groups of citizens began to gather, first attracted by the flashing sunbeams, then startled by dancing, fiery flames which hovered rhythmically over the roof tiles. [H: WOW!]

    Inside, all were on their knees--speechless. They, too, saw tongues of fire like halos upon the heads of each apostle. This was the moment of their consecration, of their being transub­stantiated into miracle men. It was the moment when the wis­dom, understanding and knowledge reserved for heavenly be­ings came to dwell in the minds of these uneducated fishermen. It was the moment when the fortitude of Christ was infused into their pliant wills. It was the moment when time stood still and eternity took over.

    The once cursed Earth and its inhabitants are about to be slowly sanctified while hope will be reborn in the army of the militiamen provided the successors of the apostles will have be­lief,

    Read, therefore, the unadorned prose penned by St. Luke as he describes Pentecost, the birthday of the Paraclete-on-Earth, the birthday of the episcopate, the birthday of the Church Mili­tant against which, "The gates of Hell shall not prevail":

    "And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as i f a violent wind blowing and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. And there appeared to them parted tongues of fire, which settled upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in foreign tongues, even as the Holy Spirit prompted them to speak. " (Acts 2:2-4) [H: Wonder what that could have been?]

    Not supernatural faith but a simple, truthful, human knowl­edge of history should be sufficient to certify the factuality and authenticity of this event. Less than two months before, Simon Peter was a liar and a coward; many of the three thousand Jew­ish converts had been so brainwashed by political and ecclesias­tical officials they cried for Barabbas. If one believes in the daily miracle of sunrise he is compelled to accept the story of Pentecost to save his sanity or else cashier all history; condemn all christianity and uphold, under compulsion, the phantom tales of spurious evolution and impossible atheism. Bishops are mir­acle men! [H: Ah, and thank you, sir, for the simple guid­ance, BUT, the SUN DOES NOT RISE! THE EARTH TURNS WHILE THE SUN WAITS.]

    Many bishops are too secular minded, too anxious to become materialistic progressives and too lax in "teaching, (the faith) ruling, (a disciplined clergy) and sanctifying or healing a con­fused army. Still they are bishops, still they are the miracle men graced to win no-winnable battles, to overcome insur­mountable barriers. "To cast out devils" including Satan. And more: They are also the hands, hearts, intellects and voices of the Holy Spirit without whose leadership and belief we militia­men will deteriorate into ecclesiastic cannibals prepared to de­vour one another in disunity.

    Recollect St. Paul's exhortation to the Ephesians which reads:

    "I therefore, the prisoner in the Lord, exhort you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you were called, with all humility and meekness, with patience, bearing with one an­other in love, careful to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace; one body and one Spirit, even as you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one Baptism; one God and Father of all, who is above all and throughout all, and in us all." (Eph. 4:1-6) [H: WRONG AGAIN; ONE IS NEVER, NOR CAN ONE BE, A "PRISONER" IN OR WITHIN GOD.]

    This Pauline quotation is assiduously avoided by many mod­ern prelates because it defines substantially both a doctrine and an objective of christianity in relation to world culture. It is as­sociated with the word "one".

    It is a strict unity totally dissociated from cowardice, and the dual attempt to be both Christ's church and Satan's servant. Christ said, "You are either with Me or against Me; otherwise, if you are lukewarm, I will vomit thee from My mouth." No neutrality, no silence, no compromise. [H: Well now, finally got to something that has meaning.]

    Catholic christianity is unbending on the definition and inter­pretation of basic truths. It is unalterably opposed to the modern substitution of the word "many" and the sudden obliteration of "One". For example, neither Paul VI nor his successors can ac­cept two definitions of Christ and nature, two concepts of re­demption and salvation. "One" is the keystone word of christian faith. One Mystical body; One Holy Spirit as its Leader; One deposit of faith or Truth; One commission to induct mankind into one spiritual organization for the salvation of mankind; and One titanic struggle to preserve the bond of the unity under the Holy Spirit. Peace, yes. But not any price, particularly not at the price of compromise; for Truth is indivisible and imperish­able despite the sophistry instituted by those who cry for diver­sity when they really mean "Non Serviam". There cannot be two faiths, two leaders, two strategies, two objectives. Nor can there be a union of good and evil.

    The Paraclete has a divine mission to perform, namely the vindication of Christ and the practical annihilation of Satan. It is a mission not of peace but of warfare, not of compromise but of total victory.

    It is such an infinite mission that He will enlist human beings to be His aids, yet, should they fail (and they will in part) He will demolish the Earth by His omnipotence rather than suffer Satan to survive and conquer!

    Realistically, He needs no help. Practically He can accept no help in this battle from Satanists, abortionists, atheists; or from any individuals or groups who patronize or prosper intrinsic evil. Neither does He nor could He accept assistance from these junior antichrists. He, the Maker of Life, wrathfully turns on the destroyers of life in this challenge of abortion. In the begin­ning, before Earth was fashioned, Satan miscalculated the Om­niscience of God, the Father, in failing to evaluate the possibil­ity and probability of Mercy. Again Satan has doubly miscal­culated the Omnipotence of the offended Paraclete in his attempt to sanctify abortion under the specious hellish idea of controlling population.
    [H: I surely am glad this man is straightening everything out for you and GOD for I thought we had a long way to go. I still think we have a VERY LONG WAY to go!]


    Constantly I hear the petition to "have Mercy". God have mercy? When did you show enough mercy to insure a man's living or dying? Where are you when the Earth turns against the Sun and twilight falls in which lives are snuffed out and WRONG CONCEPTS FED THE BABES? Mercy? May SOMEONE finally have a bit of Mercy towards GOD. (???)



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