PJ 225
MON., JAN. 26, 1998 5:35 A.M. YR. 11, DAY 163
MON., JAN. 26, 1998
Continuing quoting, Part 23, from Mr. Sieff's FREEDOM AND PLANNING:

Conscious planning leaves the consumer free but involves the substitution of some organized control over over-production and distribution on behalf of the community to take the place of that free play of supposedly automatic economic forces on which laissez-faire relied.

Control implies a controlling machinery. To the average man and woman among us there jumps to the mind at once the picture of a large number of new government departments and hordes of new officials attempting to take the place and do the work of the business man, the manufacturer, the farmer, the banker, the shopkeeper, or at least to tie them all up hand and foot and dictate to them in the management of their daily affairs. And we see further a glimpse of Parliament and Local bodies finally overwhelmed by the task of fulfilling their new duties and functions...

Is there not a middle way, or better still a new way of meeting the need for organizations and coordination of those economic tasks which the breakdown of laissez-faire is leaving unaccomplished?

* * *
The "new way" found by the subtle P.E.P. is the organization of "Public Utility Bodies" fashioned somewhat on the pattern of the B.B.C., Central Electric Board, etc., and we are told that: "It is possible to envisage a considerable extension of this form of organization of the nation' s business. A new picture begins to emerge in outline of industry, agriculture, transport, etc., enjoying, if not Dominion States, at any rate wide powers of local self government, with the Cabinet, Parliament, and the Local Authorities liberated from duties to which they are not ideally suited and free to perform their essential functions on behalf of the community."

The analogy of the Grid System of the Central Electricity Board, not itself undertaking the production of power nor the final distribution of electricity services to the consumer, but providing a co-ordinated system of carrying the electricity produced from the big generating stations to local distributing centers all over the country, can be suggestively applied to other services.

Imagine the dairy farmers of the country or of various regional divisions of the country as the milk generating stations, and the retailer of milk as the local distributing centers, with a Central Milk Board conducting the business of bulk marketing of milk as the milk Grid of Britain. Already under Agricultural Marketing Act there are signs of the coming of such a Milk Grid as a natural development to meet the needs of the day. An extension of the system with suitable adaptation to other agricultural products easily suggests itself, and even more directly as a method of dealing with the needs of modern transport by rail, road, water and air.

* * *
In the above quotation we see the P.E.P. sketching a program of distribution. From the organized control of distribution to that of production, under any despotic rule, there is but one step and Mr. Sieff has inevitably taken it. Moreover, being one of many Jews who have of late years concentrated on the multiple shop and chain stores systems and the organizations of various cartels and trusts, Mr. Sieff could not refrain from dealing a blow at the independent retail stores which for centuries have been the mainstay of British trade. To paralyze and thus eliminate the individual retail shopkeeper from trade has been one of the chief aims of Jewish "planning".

Let us now quote what is written on this subject:

When we come to the organization of producers, agricultural, industrial and [_(blank)_], the Central Electricity model becomes more difficult to follow....

Methods of retailing can not indeed be left entirely unchanged in the face of twentieth century needs. The multiple shop and the chain store are already bringing about notable modifications. The waste involved in the 500,000 or more retail shops, one shop for every twenty households, cannot be allowed to continue to block the flow of goods from producer to consumer. And re-organization of retail methods is necessary to achieve the adequate organization of production....

The development of an organized Grid system for the distribution of milk must, it is certain, lead to a profound modification of the traditional individualism outlook of the Dairy-Farmer. And so it will be in other producing industries. Cooperative organization of the business of distribution cannot fail to bring about conditions in which both the need and the will to organize themselves on a co-operative basis arise among the producers whether they be agriculturists, or producers of coal, or of iron from the mines, or manufacturers of steel, or of cotton, or of wool.

Whether we like it or not--and many will dislike it intensely--the individualist manufacturer and farmer will be forced by events to submit to far-reaching changes in outlook and methods. The danger is that in resisting them because he regards them as encroachments on what he calls his freedom, he will make things much worse for himself and for the community. Resistance is likely to play into the hands of those who say that thinking is useless and that full blooded Socialism or Communism are the only cure. Or he may be tempted to flirt with Fascist ideas. In either case he loses his cherished freedom, and it is only too probable that Fascism and Communism alike would be but short stages on the road to barbarism.

* * *
It would be difficult to imply threats in a more outspoken manner and Mr. Sieff goes on to state that:

....It is idle to deny that some at least of the changes required when conscious forward planning extends into the field of production are of a revolutionary character.

It is all important that we should appraise them soberly and without prejudice and distinguish clearly between unavoidable alterations of methods of economic organizations and fundamental attacks on our personal and political freedom....

Without entering more deeply into details than space here allows, the position of the farmer and manufacturer under a system of planned production can only be sketched in broad outlines.

He may be conceived of as remaining in full control of all the operations on his farm or factory, but receiving from the duly constituted authorities instructions as to the quantity and quality of his production, and as to the markets in which he will sell. He will himself have had a voice in setting his constituted authority and will have regular means of communicating with it and of influencing its policy. He will be less exposed than at present to interference from above, that is from Government Departments and local bodies and their inspectors. He will be less free to make arbitrary decisions as to his own business outside the region of day to day operation of plant or farm.

It must be presumed that the constituted authority will be armed by enabling legislation Act of Parliament and by majority decisions of its own members, presumably elected by votes of those minorities in clearly specified cases.

All this is not very different from what already occurs in particular organized industries, but must be conceived of as applying generally to most, if not all, of the major fields of production, and as part of a conscious and systematically planned agricultural and industrial organization.

* * *
Having thus given out the basic principles upon which the Judeo-Fabian new structure of British economic life is to be erected, an outline of the organization which will direct the functioning of the plan is given:

An outline of the organization contemplated would be somewhat as follows:

A National Planning Commission, with advisory not executive functions, subordinate to the Cabinet and the Parliament, but with clearly defined powers of initiative and clearly defined responsibilities, its personal representative of the nation's economic life.

A National Council for Agriculture, a National Council for Industry, a Steel Industry Corporation, a Milk Producers Corporation, organized on the lines of Public Utility Concern, serving at least to federate, and in suitable cases to own the plants, factories, etc., engaged in production.

A series of Public Utility Corporations dealing with distributive services, e.g., the Central Electricity Board, the National Transport Boards (or a number of Regional Transport Boards); the National Milk Marketing Board.

In the constitution of these bodies provision would naturally be made for suitable representation of interests, including organized Labor, and for their due coordination by means for example of the election by various corporations of some of their members to serve on the National Councils. To all of them Parliament would delegate considerable power to regulate the affairs of their particular industries.

* * *
So far so good. Any ideologist or cracked-brain human being can devise some kind of utopia, in fact most of the inmates of lunatic asylums have been interned for that very reason. However, they are usually pronounced dangerous for society from the moment that they attempt to work out their fancy into reality.

Plans for the realization of Mr. Sieff's weird ideas have already been made. They are summed up in two words: COMPULSION and EXPORTATION. [H: These ideas are so long established today that nobody reading them can even find fault with them for they are in use EVERY DAY OF YOUR LIVES.]

Reading the following quotations, one is forcibly reminded of the tenets preached in New York at the Rand School and meetings of the "Friends of Soviet Russia".

From the standpoint of encroachments upon freedom apart from the denial of the tenets of individualism, the most obvious target for attack are perhaps the proposed grant of powers to compel minorities and (point not yet mentioned) the probable necessity for drastic changes in the ownership of land.

Powers of compulsion of minorities are not unknown under present conditions and will probably not arouse very violent antagonism on the ground of high principle.

The question of private ownership of land is one which never fails to encounter deep-rooted passions. It is also one which arises immediately in almost every aspect of consciously planned reconstruction.

The conclusion seems to be unescapable that whether in the field of Town and Country Planning or in that of Agricultural (or Rural) Planning or in the organization of Industry, it is not possible to make reasonable progress without drastic powers to buy out individual owners of land.

This is not to say that land nationalization in the ordinary sense of the term is either necessary or desirable, far from it. Nothing would be gained by substituting the State as landlord. What is required, if only with a view to equitable treatment of individuals, is transfer of ownership of large blocks of land, not necessarily of all the land in the country, but certainly of a large portion of it into the hands of the proposed Statutory Corporations and Public Utility bodies and of Land Trusts. [H: Hummnn, Statutory Corporations?]

In many cases, all that would be needed would be the conversion of rights of ownership of land into rights of participation as shareholders in the new corporations or in Land Trusts. It would be possible further in a large number of cases to leave management undisturbed, together with the enjoyment of the amenities which at present go with ownership, subject to the transfer of title to the Corporations or Trusts. [H: Sounds pretty good to we little Indians? There are two ways to run everything: properly or improperly, goodly or evilly, right or wrong!]

Here again, limits of space preclude fuller treatment of the subject. All that is here relevant is the inevitable conclusion that the planned economy which the nation needs to meet the demands of the twentieth century must clearly involve drastic inroads upon the rights of individual ownership of land as at present understood. [H: And all you need to UNDO this idea is to teach people what the controllers know and have set forth for themselves. You don't even try to "undo" the methods; you just teach the people to UTILIZE what is available for protection.]

* * *
As to Finance and the right of citizens to deal freely with their money, Mr. Sieff's kind solicitude for the property of others has prompted him to formulate the following point of view so worthy of paternal Bolshevism:

...Stable money cannot be secured without the considerable extension of control on behalf of the community over free flow of investment and the uses to which the individuals makes of his capital.

While as consumer he can retain full freedom of choice as to competing wants he will satisfy, there are real difficulties in leaving him entirely free to invest his savings in any way he chooses.

It is probable that many of these difficulties can be solved on the one hand by extension of the system of insurance, on lines to which recent developments of the motoring law again supply suggestive analogies and, on the other hand, by means which while leaving the small capitalist untrammeled will so canalize the flow of both long term and short term investment of the large sums which are at the disposal of banks and financial institutions as well as funds in the hands of large insurance companies as to ensure that adequate capital is available for the big industrial, agricultural and distributive corporations already envisaged.

Then comes the discussion of the problem of Labor which points out the future uselessness of the present Trade Unions who still labour under the delusion that they have achieved the nec [sic] plus ultra of good conditions for workmen!... The P.E.P. will reorganize them.

Social Services, P.E.P. organization will, among other things, "call for a big change in the organization of the Medical Profession which has, at present, too often a vested interest in disease."

Needless to add that "Imperial Planning" and "International Planning" have also been the object to Mr. Sieff's careful attention. Suffice it to quote the conclusive words of his scheme: "The only rival world political and economic system which put forward a comparable claim is that of the Union of Soviet Republics."

* * * * * * * *
The conclusion is almost naive but far from surprising when we know that the "plans" for the disruption of Russia and enslavement of the Russian people were made in the councils of the Jewish Kahal of which Mr. Sieff is a prominent member.

Let us now see what is to be the fate of this British Constitution of which every Briton is so justly proud:

Nevertheless our first plan is replan Britain... Effective planning on the economic side and even the introduction of desirable reforms in detail has become impossible without a drastic overhauling both of Parliament and the Central Government and the machinery of Local Government. Political and economic planning are complementary and supplementary to each other and must be carefully inter-related. We need new economic and political institutions to match the new social adjustments which applied science has created and a new technique both in politics and industry to enable us to find intelligent methods of surmounting new difficulties and complexities....

It has been suggested more than once in the course of this essay that devolution of powers to statutory bodies will be an important feature of the new order and that in the result Parliament and the Cabinet will be relieved of some part of their present duties and set free to the great advantage of themselves and of the nation for their proper tasks of directing and guiding public policy.

Big consequent changes will follow in the machinery of government.

* * *
And to anyone inclined to criticize Mr. Shieff s marvelous scheme of destruction of all existing social, political and economic order, the following answer is given:

One possible answer is of course to refer our critic to what was said at the outset as to the imminence of catastrophe if we continue to drift... Reluctance to embark on a doubtful adventure deserves a less negative treatment.

The dangers which our critics fear are real dangers... Our Statutory Corporations and Public Utility Boards may easily become unadventurous obstacles to progress, determined enemies to all new ideas. It may be indeed that one of the lessons we have to learn from our present distress is that scientific invention itself requires some planning in its application to the economic structure of the nation.

The problem of progress is no longer the problem of getting enough chance to prevent routine from deadening effort, but the problem of preventing change from destroying both routine and all social stability.

This however is no justification of institutions which deaden effort.

Our proposals must rather be defended by the claim that they will liberate the spirit of initiative and not deaden it, in that they will provide means by which the energetic man of business may escape from the disheartening frustrations and failures which are caused by the complexity of the machine, and will give him scope for serving his generation in a larger kingdom than the narrow field of competition with rivals in particular industrial or commercial pursuits.

Though organized on public utility lines with MONOPOLISTIC privileges, the GREAT INDUSTRIAL CORPORATIONS will find ample room for energy and initiative in performing their primary task of combining maximum with minimum costs of production. The executive heads of particular factories will not lack the spur of competition.

Lastly we need to be told that:

...Experience alone can prove the justice of our claim that economic freedom will not be fatally shackled by the effort of conscious forward planning. Experience too will be needed to make clear the boundaries of the province within which individualistic effort can best be relied upon to secure the highest national dividend.

* * *
How forcibly one is here reminded of the words of the apostles and disciples of Lenin and Trotsky-Bronstein who so loudly proclaimed that the imposition of Bolshevism in Russia was but a great experiment! Is a five-year plan of enforced labor to be imposed also upon the British people?

Silence surrounds the results of the same experiments in Mexico, Spain and the South American States because it is the policy of the destructors of our Christian civilization to muzzle the press that they own, but England, though ruled by the chosen of the Kahal, namely the revolutionary Fabian Group, is given a warning in time and can therefore frame a line of defense.

The justification of the "Conscious forward planning" scheme is given as the final part of Mr. Sieff's masterpiece.

The irony of calling destruction a "CONSERVATIVE EVOLUTION" will not escape the reader. [H: Sorry, but when worded competently, EVERYTHING escapes the readers.]

Indeed the Socialist or Communist will condemn our planning as mere tinkering with the outworn machine of capitalism. To him it will appear a hopelessly conservative and anemic attempt to stave off the red blooded revolution which alone would satisfy him.

Our plan is, we claim, conservative in the truest and best sense. It is constructive, not destructive, and builds solidly upon the present and the past. It faces the issue boldly and it is not afraid to challenge vested interests and deeply cherished habits of thought and action.

It does not however propose to expropriate anyone and in requiring the application of compulsion in a limited sphere it is not doing more than extend and make explicit and give systematic application to tendencies and practices already at work.... Such sketch, in the broadest outline of the lines which reconstruction might take as has been given here, must inevitably raise more questions in the mind of the attentive reader than it answers.

* * *
It does!

Mr. Sieff's document is as clear an exposé of a policy calculated to kill human initiative and the spirit of competition which means progress as is given in the Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion.

Will the British people allow themselves to be further bamboozled by those who have already got the best of their fine spirit of patriotism and intend to exploit it still more? [H: Of course, they not only allowed, they joined forces to enforce that these things would come about. This is why the term "British Israel" and "British Israeli Zionists" or "Zionism".]

Yes the political, economic and spiritual needs of England require as much scope of freedom today and in the future as they ever did in the past.

The foregoing quotations have given but a very succinct exposé of "conscious forward planning" as given out by Israel Moses Sieff.

The analogies between his utterances and the contents of the document known under the title of the Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion first published in 1905 are very striking indeed. We quote but a few taken from the edition of the Protocols published by Small & Maynard of Boston, Mass., U.S.A. in 1920:

P. 26. 5th Pr.: "There is nothing more dangerous than individual initiative: if it had a touch of genius it can accomplish more than a million people among whom we have sown dissensions. We must direct the education of the Goy societies so that arms will drop hopelessly when they face every task where initiative is required. The intensity of action resulting from the individual freedom of action dissipates its force when it encounters another person's freedom. This results in heavy blows at morals, disappointments and failures."

P. 27. 6th Pr.: "We will soon begin to establish huge monopolies--reservoirs of huge wealth, upon which even the large fortunes of the Goys will depend to such an extent that they will be drowned, together with the governmental credits, on the day following the political catastrophe."

P. 27. 6th Pr.: "The aristocracy of the Goys, as a political force is dead. We do not need to take it into consideration: But as landowners they are harmful to us because they can be independent in their sources of life. For this reason we must deprive them of their land at any cost."

P. 34. 10th Pr.: "For this reason our plans must be strongly and clearly conceived. These plans will not immediately upset contemporary institutions. They will only alter their organization, and consequently the entire combination of their development, which will thus be directed according to the plans laid down by us."

P. 44. 13th Pr.: "To divert the over-restless people from discussing political problems, we now make it appear that we provide them with new problems named, those pertaining to industry. Let them become excited over this subject as much as they like."

[H: Before we move to the appropriate comparisons and backup references in the "Appendix", let us see the author's "Conclusion". When we are finished I would like to remind you that all the protocol items are accomplished. However, there are such SERIOUS follow-on ideas that boggle the minds of "thinking" souled human beings. We will need to speak of that and take an example from our own township and doorstep. We will render unto Jason Brent, ex-municipal judge, political lawyer from the massive firm of Shea & Gould, shoe-licker to the Governor of California, rifle marksman with an automatic AK-47, who claims to "Violently dislike the Ekkers" and states this under oath numerous times in just one sitting. He saw to it that property was stripped away and the people in point lost everything. He works with the most criminal elements around, and now blames CONTACT and Ekkers for "defaming" him and causing him to lose everything. We will look, at the end of this, at what made him lose his clients and positions of honor [see pg. 83]. He still circulates with his poison but people now, I suppose, have gotten to know who he is and what he is about--THROUGH HIS OWN BOASTING. This man even put up a billboard which reads: "A Shark? Yes, and Proud of it." This man claims to have such an IQ as to be right at the top of Mensa (the brain group of total idiots). He wrote and published (and is proud of it) a depopulation plan for the globe. He and his buddies take the Kol Nidre EVERY MORNING before they go forth to screw every hapless victim they encounter. People, you have gone as far as you can go. You begin to change things or you are down for the count.]

On re-reading the foregoing pages before sending them to press, the writer is painfully aware of their inadequacy. The subject is too vast and too unfamiliar to the general public to permit successful treatment in a small volume. It has been necessary to compress, at the risk of fatiguing and even antagonizing the reader by excessive brevity and abrupt transitions.

At the same time the author has had to take counsel of prudence in the selection of material, for the Jews have always counted on the fact that, if the whole truth were told in one comprehensive utterance, no one would believe it. Thus, bigots and minds bursting with the discoveries they have made, have never been feared by the Jews. People are incapable of believing or receiving certain knowledge which runs counter to their habitual manner of thinking; facts are not accepted on proof, but on understanding.

Yet the problem is of such pressing interest and the lurking evil so destructive, that silence is complicity. In daily life, the serpent of Judah lies in wait in every by-path for its Gentile victims, and few are those cunning enough to escape its fangs. In social and political circles, in business and art, wherever one probes, Zionism raises its ugly head--surgit atrox et spinosa-- and suddenly reveals itself ubiquitous and all-powerful. But its power is magnified because concealed, just as a venomous snake is more dangerous hidden in the grass, than exposed on a broad, level road.

It is therefore very encouraging to note, each year and in nearly every country, the issue of new publications devoted to the defense of local and national interests against "bad cosmopolitanism and bad finance". These books and periodicals reach the public as a result of exceptional perseverance and sacrifice on the part of the authors and publishers. In addition to the difficulty and expense of publication, authors and editors are constantly faced with the alternative of paying heavy fines or serving a term in gaol. Nor are the vigorous campaigns of the older patriot groups in England, Canada, and the United States, to mention only three English-speaking countries, a matter of less satisfaction.

These signs indicate the growth, during the past ten years, of a small but intelligent minority, determined to fight to the last ditch, and learning to wield its single weapon, publicity, with increased skill and effectiveness.

For the cardinal fact is this: once the screen of secrecy has been removed, once Zionism has been dragged into the open, the peoples of the Earth will know how to deal it the deathblow. In Palestine there have been Zionist movements since the days of Nehemiah; they have always ended in failure, because their success depended on secrecy, and it was impossible to keep the secret from their own race for long. This world-Zionism has gone incomparably farther, because for generations the Jews have maintained secrecy among themselves as against the goyim.

No organization with a predetermined aim, such as Zionism, can achieve success without secrecy; its programme, elaborated in the course of centuries, is necessarily rigid in its main features; it will not bend or ply to suit circumstances, but everything must be ground to fit the mould. This is possible if people are led, little by little, to adopt each feature of this programme, to regard it as their own choice, and thus put the heavy yoke on their own necks. But if the people should realize that this yoke of iron which the Kahal has been so long in forging, is now being imposed on them, they would have none of it. Such is the problem in its broader aspect.

From the outlook of the individual, on the other hand, it is clear that a serious study of the whole question is richly rewarded. Beneath the changing surface of things, the new names and the specious promises, it is easy to recognize the old issue, the real movers behind the scenes, and their definite aims. After a year's study, the observer should be able to follow all the big moves in the Jewish game and predict, with amazing accuracy, the course which Zionism will take under given circumstances and the one thing Zionists cannot do is change their secret programme; it binds them, as they would bind the world. It is therefore essential to master all the points of this programme, in order to recognize each under its manifold disguises. The man who has done this holds in his hand a lever with which to pry Zionism out of its concealment. If he is discreet and courageous, he need fear nothing. In his ears will sound the words:

"Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy; and nothing shall by any means hurt you."

Zionism risks more by attacking such a man than he by attacking Zionism, against which new enemies spring up every day from the least-expected quarters of the globe.

Our concern is therefore not so much for the ultimate survival of free Gentile nations, as for the national freedom and culture of our own and the next succeeding generations. Now is the time to resist in ourselves, and to stir others to resist that subtle, hypnotic current drawing towards the East to slavery and sensuality, to Babylonian pomp and spiritual desolation. The beauty of Greece, the freedom and courage of the North, the Christianity of Western Europe, these are our heritage; their spirit lives in us, and it is our duty and privilege to defend it.

June, 1934


I note that at this writing Dharma was but a wee toddler. Most of you who will have to make the changes, if there be changes, were not yet born.

Why has it taken so long to see and know this PLAN was afoot? Because it has taken just as long as was required and "everything will [yet] be as it will be!" Thanks, "Crow", for such insight.

Let us give this portion over to be checked for spelling, etc. Remember, readers, WE WORK UNDER THE VERY WORST OF CIRCUMSTANCES AS YOU WILL NOTE JUST BY READING THE INFORMATION ON JASON BRENT [see pg. xx]. There have been threats, even from the "Christian" community, to bomb cars, to be detonated by a turn of the key in the ignition. Dharma has been called a "slimy little puke" by someone you consider a real whiz in UFO pale-horse riders--Bill Cooper. She has been called EVIL and even TBN's leader suggests she come back to Jesus. At that time she didn't know Jesus wasn't Christ of the Bible. Jason Brent even ran ads in the local paper asking for a gathering of Jews to form new and bigger groups to get better control of the citizens. He and Steven Horn, attorney at Kol Nidre, ran devastating accusations in the papers claiming "that bunch" to be Anti-Semitic nuts.

In Nevada at court where gold was a gift to the Institute, Green stole $400 thousand worth of same and buried it in his newly moved-to property--in Nevada.

His attorneys met with the Associated Press and claimed internationally that Dharma claimed to be JESUS CHRIST. Now, any reasonable party would know THAT would not be so. However, a JUDGE ruled that there would be no further discounting of Jesus and dismissed the case--but ordered the gold back to the owner (which is, of course, the Institute) but some five years and thousands of $$ in litigation--to attorneys--it goes on and on and on even in the face of TWO rulings by the Supreme Court of Nevada to return it as ordered. The case now spans from Nevada to Texas and is farther behind than at onset.

How can YOU win? YOU CANNOT WIN UNTIL YOU KNOW WHAT IS WRONG AND ALL YOU HAVE TO DO TO "FIX" IT IS KNOW THE GAME PLAN AND MEET EVERY INDISCRETION WITH GLOBAL PUBLICITY. YOU HAVE SOMETHING NOW THAT UNTIL NOW WAS NOT AVAILABLE--SPLIT-SECOND CIRCULATION AROUND THE GLOBE. But, rules are already being made to demand full identification for all computer users--in order to shut down this outlet. You have a tiny, tiny window of information access. Take it or leave it, but the alternative of the New World Zionist Satanic Order is the consequence.

Can it be done? Of course! We have worked night and day to get this information into the brain, onto the keyboard, and in less than two weeks, HERE IT IS, WORLD. The Journals will be bound and hopefully available in short order. Meanwhile--the information is being run in full in CONTACT.

Brave? No, just mad as hell, perhaps, and choosing to not take it any more.


We will be back for the "APPENDIX" to these writings regarding, directly, the PROTOCOLS OF ZION.

Yes, you observant people, I left my fingerprints all over this book in point. All you really had to do was look at the prepositions in the comments. God, too, always leaves a sign for the weary travelers.

Adonai (please look up this label).

MON., JAN. 26, 1998 9:27 A.M. YR. 11, DAY 163
MON., JAN. 26, 1998
Continuing directly from the book, THE PROTOCOLS OF ZION, With Preface and Explanatory Notes. We offer the APPENDIX.

[QUOTING, Part 24:]

We take this Protocol from the Morning Post of September 6th, 1920:

"A correspondent writing in reference to the hidden peril draws attention to a Manifesto issued in 1860 to the ‘Jews of the Universe', by Adolphe Cremieux, the founder of the Alliance Israelite Universelle, and the well-known member of the Provisional Government of 1871. Adolphe Cremieux, while Grand Master of the French Masonic Lodges, offered 1,000,000 francs for the head of William I. of Germany. On his tomb he requested the following sole inscription to be inscribed:

"‘Here lies Adolphe Cremieux, the founder of the Alliance Israelite Universelle.'" [H: Beware you who are led by good speeches and idea-ideals, "Crem" is simply an extraction of Cremieux and that "movement" in particular is setting up for the already returned Maitreia. Either name can be spelled or pronounced any way you choose.]

Emblem: On top, the tablets of Moses, a little lower--two extended hands clasping each other, and as basis of the whole--the globe of the Earth.
Motto: "All Jews for one, and one for all."

The union which we desire to found will not be a French, England, Irish, or German union, but a Jewish one, a Universal one.

Other peoples and races are divided into nationalities; we alone have not co-citizens, but exclusively co-religionaries.

A Jew will under no circumstances become the friend of a Christian or a Moslem before the MOMENT ARRIVES WHEN THE LIGHT OF THE JEWISH FAITH, THE ONLY RELIGION OF REASON, WILL SHINE ALL OVER THE WORLD. [H: So, where would you just guess YOU ARE now at this time in 1998?]

Scattered amongst other nations, who from time immemorial were hostile to our rights and interests, we desire primarily to be and to remain immutably Jews.

Our nationality is the religion of our fathers, and we recognize no other nationality. [H: Please refer back to what the Master Teacher told you: "Ye are of your fathers and they have been evil and spoken lies from the beginning." The "Fathers" are the Antichrist himself.]

We are living in foreign lands, and cannot trouble about the mutable ambitions of countries entirely alien to us, while our own moral and material problems are endangered.

The Jewish teaching must cover the whole Earth. Israelites! No matter where fate should lead--though scattered all over the Earth, you must always consider yourselves of a Chosen Race.

If you realize that the Faith of your forefathers is your only patriotism...
...if you recognize that, notwithstanding the nationalities you have embraced, you always remain and everywhere form one and only nation...
...if you believe the Jewry only is the one and only religious and political truth...
...if you are convinced of this, you, Israelites of the Universe...
...then come and give ear to our appeal and prove to us your consent!

Our cause is great and holy, and its success is guaranteed. Catholicism, our immemorial ENEMY, is lying in the dust, mortally wounded in the head.

The net which Israel is throwing over the globe of the Earth is widening and spreading daily, and the momentous prophecies of our holy books are at last to be realized.

The time is near when Jerusalem will become the house of prayer for all nations and peoples, and the banner of Jewish mono-deity will be unfurled and hoisted on the most distant shores.

Let us avail ourselves of all circumstances.

Our might is immense--learn to adopt this might for our cause.

What have you to be afraid of?

The day is not distant when all the riches and treasure OF THE EARTH WILL BECOME THE PROPERTY OF THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL.

In its issue of October 21, 1920, (No. 195), La Vieille France published an extremely important Russian document in which the following passage occurs:

"There is a striking analogy between the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and the discourse of the Rabbi Reichhorn, pronounced in Prague in 1869 over the tomb of the Grand Rabbi Simeon-ben-Ihuda, and published by Readcliffe, who paid with his life for the divulgation; Sonol, who had taken Readcliffe to hear Reichhorn, was killed in a duel some time afterwards. The general ideas formulated by the Rabbi are found fully developed in the Protocols."

In the issue of March 10, 1921, (No. 214) La Vieille France gives the version of this funeral oration which was published in La Russie Juive. It is perfectly clear that the funeral oration and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion come from one and the same mint. Both are prophetic; and the power which made the prophecies has been able to bring about their fulfillment. This oration is so important that we append to it an account of the fulfillment, of each of the sections. There can no longer be any doubt as to whose is the power which is disturbing the world, creating World unrest, and at the same time reaping all the profits. Jewry is enslaving all Christian peoples of the Earth. There IS a Jew world Plot and it now stands finally and completely unmasked.

1. Every hundred years, We, the Sages of Israel, have been accustomed to meet in Sahnedrin in order to examine our progress towards the domination of the world which Jehovah (Lucifer) has promised us, and our conquests over the enemy--Christianity.

2. This year, united over the tomb of our reverend Simeon-ben-Ihuda, we can state with pride that the past century has brought us very near to our goal, and that this goal will be very soon attained.

3. Gold always has been and always will be the irresistible power. Handled by expert hands it will always be the most useful lever for those who possess it, and the object of envy for those who do not.

With gold we can buy the most rebellious consciences, can fix the rate of all values, the current price of all products, can subsidize all State loans, and thereafter hold the states at our mercy.

4. Already the principal banks, the exchanges of the entire world, the credits of all the Governments, are in our hands.

5. The other great power is THE PRESS. By repeating without cessation certain ideas, the Press succeeds in the end in having them accepted as actualities. The theater renders us analogous services. Everywhere the Press and the Theater obey our orders.

6. By the ceaseless praise of DEMOCRATIC RULE we shall divide the Christians into political parties, we shall destroy the unity of their nations, we shall sow discord everywhere. Reduced to impotence, they will bow before the LAW OF OUR BANK always united, and always devoted to OUR CAUSE.

7. We shall force the Christians into wars by exploiting their pride and their stupidity. They will massacre each other, and clear the ground for us to put our own people into.

8. The possession of the land has always brought influence and power. In the name of social Justice and Equality we shall parcel out the great estates; we shall give the fragments to the peasants who covet them with all their powers, and who will soon be in debt to us by the expense of cultivating them. Our capital will make us their masters. We in our turn shall become the great proprietors, and the possession of the land will assure the power to us.

9. Let us try to replace the circulation of gold with paper money; our chests will absorb the gold, and we shall regulate the value of the paper which will make us masters of all the positions.

10. We count among us plenty of orators capable of feigning enthusiasm and of persuading mobs. We shall spread them among the people to announce changes which should secure the happiness of the human race. By gold and by flattery we shall gain the proletariat which will charge itself with annihilating Christian capitalism. We shall promise workmen salaries of which they have never dared to dream, but we shall also raise the price of necessities so that our profits will be greater still.

11. In this manner we shall prepare Revolutions which the Christians will make themselves and of which we shall reap the fruit.

12. By our mockeries and our attacks upon them we shall make their priests ridiculous, then odious, and their religion as ridiculous and as odious as their clergy. Then we shall be masters of their SOULS. For our pious attachment to our own religion and the superiority of our souls.

13. We have already established our own men in all important positions. We must endeavor to provide the Goyim with lawyers and doctors; the lawyers are au courant with all interests; doctors, once in the house, become confessors and directors of consciences.

14. But above all let us monopolize Education. By this means we spread ideas that are useful to us, and shape the children's brains as suits us.

15. If one of our people should unhappily fall into the hands of justice amongst the Christians, we must rush to help him; find as many witnesses as he needs to save him from his judges, until we become judges ourselves.

16. The monarchs of the Christian world, swollen with ambition and vanity, surround themselves with luxury and with numerous armies. We shall furnish them with all the money their folly demands, and so shall keep them in leash.

17. Let us take care not to hinder the marriage of our men with Christian girls, for through them we shall get our foot into the most closely locked circles. If our daughters marry Goyim they will be no less useful, for the children of a Jewish mother are ours. Let us foster the idea of free love, that we may destroy among Christian women attachment to the principles and practices of their religion.

18. For ages past the sons of Israel, despised and persecuted, have been working to open up a path to power. They are hitting the mark. They control the economic life of the accursed Christians; their influence preponderates over politics and over manners.

19. At the wished for hour, fixed in advance, we shall let loose the Revolution, which by ruining all classes of Christianity will definitely enslave the Christians to US. Thus will be accomplished the promise of God made to his people.

A Russian newspaper, Prizyv, of 5th of February 1920, published in Berlin, contained an interesting document in Hebrew, dated December, 1919, which was found in the pocket of the dead Jew Zunder, the Bolshevic Commander of the 11th Sharpshooter Battalion, throwing light on the secret organizations of Jewry in Russia. In extenso it ran as follows:

SECRET. To the representatives of all the branches of the Israelite International League.

Sons of Israel! The hour of our ultimate victory is near. We stand on the threshold to the command of the world. That which we could only dream of before us is about to be realized. Only quite recently feeble and powerless, we can now, thanks to the world's catastrophe, raise our heads with pride.

We must, however, be careful. It can surely be prophesied that, after we have marched over ruined and broken altars and thrones, we shall advance further on the same indicated path.

The authority of the, to us, alien religious and doctrines of faith we have, through very successful propaganda, subjected to a merciless criticism and mockery. [H: Still wonder what is alien and what is not, and WHO THEY MIGHT REALLY BE?] We have brought the culture, civilization, traditions and thrones of the Christian nations to stagger. We have done everything to bring the Russian people under the yoke of the Jewish power, and ultimately compelled them to fall on their knees before us. [H: Please don't overlook the fact that just as "Goy", "goyim", Gentile, etc. mean ALL OTHERS THAN JEW, so too does the term Christian refer to every other person who is not Jew. I did not say Judean--I said Jew, those ones from the Serpent race/people who decided to take up Judaism and call themselves Jews to fool the most people most of the time. THEY ARE THE ANTICHRIST IN FULL BLOSSOM! THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH JUDEANS OR HEBREWS OR ANY OTHER PEOPLE OF ANY LOCATION.]

We have nearly completed all this but we must all the same be very cautious, because the oppressed Russia is our arch-enemy. The victory over Russia, gained through our intellectual superiority, may in future, in a new generation turn against us.

Russia is conquered and brought to the ground. Russia is in the agony of death under our heel, but do not forget--not even for a moment--that we must be careful! The holy care for our safety does not allow us to show either pity or mercy. [H: "Holy"?] At last we have been allowed to behold the bitter need of the Russian people, and to see it in tears! By taking from them their property, their gold, we have reduced this people to helpless slaves.

Be cautious and silent! We ought to have no mercy for our enemy. We must make an end of the best and leading elements of the Russian people, so that the vanquished Russia may not find any leader! Our victory is near, because our political and economic power and influence upon the masses are in rapid progress. We buy up government loans and gold, and thereby we have controlling power over the world's exchanges. The power is in our hands, but be careful--place no faith in traitorous shady powers!

Bronstein (Trotsky), Apfelbaum (Zinovieff), Rosenfeld (Kameneff), Steinberg--all of them are like unto thousands of other true sons of Israel. Our power in Russia is unlimited. In the towns, the Commissariats and commissions of food, House Commissions, etc., are dominated by our people. But do not let victory intoxicate you. Be careful, cautious, because no one except yourselves will protect us!

Remember we cannot rely on the Red Army, which one day may turn its warfare on ourselves.

Sons of Israel the hour for our long-cherished victory over Russia is near; close up solid your ranks! Make known our people's national policy! Fight for eternal ideals! Keep holy the old laws, which history has bequeathed to us! May our intellect, our genius, protect and lead us!

Signed, The Central Committee of the Petersburg Branch of the Israelite International League.


I think this is enough for one sitting, especially when you append the information on our local clown for your attention.

I will leave today with Little Crow:

"If you really have a question about it, just be patient and the Mother-Father Creator is going to answer your inquiry. It doesn't take the question to get the response. It takes your patience, faith and your discipline to wait until you get the sign. You have to be observant along the way and that would mean you have to pay attention to what's going on around you.
"I was taught to pray for all people, all of my relations. That doesn't mean I support what they think or how they act."

[H: Wow, hold your breath for the next one:]

"There was no Jesus Christ, son of God, in my Oral Tradition. There was no "pale prophet" that came amongst us speaking of that, to tell us that in any way. What there was was a Creator. A Creator of both masculine and feminine energy that said, "When you pray, you pray for all of your relations and for all of Creation." Not just Americans, Jews or Palestinians--pray for all your relations--and that includes those that you are currently engaged in conflict with... Let your prayers be for everything but yourself. Pray for everyone but yourself."

OK, Son, it is time, and realizing that it is time, you shall have that which you need to lead our people. You shall be given STRENGTH against the days of endless load--but it will go quickly in LIGHT and shall transcend all time and space, that which we now do. And in those distant days to come and those long past, we shall bow before God and HE SHALL SAY "WELL DONE" and it will be so!

And Little Crow said: ... "So what's the greatest thing you ever did that you think is a self accomplishment?" I said, "Get out of my own way". ... I died, I got out of my way so I could get on and do what I had to do.

He should have said, in the last sentence: WHAT I HAVE TO DO! Aho. Adonai.