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  1. #1
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 225
    VOL. 4

    The Phoenix Journals are intended as a "real time" commentary on current events, how current events relate to past events and the relationships of both to the physical and spiritual destinies of mankind.

    All of history, as we now know it, has been revised, rewritten, twisted and tweaked by selfishly motivated men to achieve and maintain control over other men. When one can understand that everything is comprised of "energy" and that even physical matter is "coalesced" energy, and that all energy emanates from God's thought, one can accept the idea that the successful focusing of millions of minds on one expected happening will cause it to happen.

    If the many prophecies made over thousands of years are accepted, these are the "end times" (specifically the year 2000, the second millennium, etc.). That would put us in the "sorting" period and only a few short years from the finish line. God has said that in the end-times would come the WORD--to the four corners of the world--so that each could decide his/her own course toward, or away from, divinity--based upon TRUTH.

    So, God sends His Hosts--Messengers--to present that TRUTH. This is the way in which He chooses to present it, through the Phoenix Journals. Thus, these journals are Truth, which cannot be copyrighted; they are compilations of information already available on Earth, researched and compiled by others (some, no doubt, for this purpose) which should not be copyrighted. Therefore, these journals are not copyrighted (except SIPAPU ODYSSEY which is "fiction").

    The first sixty or so journals were published by America West Publishing which elected to indicate that a copyright had been applied for on the theory that the ISBN number (so necessary for booksellers) was dependent upon the copyright. Commander Hatonn, the primary author and compiler, insisted that no copyrights be applied for and, to our knowledge, none were.

    If the Truth is to reach the four corners of the world, it must be freely passed on. It is hoped that each reader will feel free to do that, keeping it in context, of course.
    Vol. 4
    ISBN 1-56935-182-1
    First Edition Printed by
    P.O. Box 27353
    Las Vegas, Nevada 89126
    February 1998
    Printed in the United States of America

    CHAPTER 1................................................................................................... .................................
    SUN., JAN. 25, 1998................................................................................................ .................
    BE VERY CAREFUL WHEN YOU "HELP"..........................................................................
    EPILOGUE OF NILUS............................................................................................... .........
    Chapter V................................................................................................... ................................
    A FEW ILLUSTRATIVE FACTS........................................................................................
    1. JACOB BRAFMANN AND HIS WORK................................................................................
    INSERT: WRITING ON THE WALL [picture].......................................................................
    2. THE WRITING ON THE WALL............................................................................................
    3. THE KELLOGG PALESTINE PACT.....................................................................................
    4. NOTE ON THE KELLOGG-BRIAND PACT........................................................................
    I.O.B.B............................................................................................. .....................................
    L'ALLIANCE ISRAELITE UNIVERSELLE.....................................................................
    CHAPTER 2................................................................................................... .................................
    SUN., JAN. 25, 1998................................................................................................ .................
    THE HOPI PROPHECIES.......................................................................................... .........
    THE OTHER HOPI PROPHECY............................................................................................ .
    FABIANISM........................................................................................... ..............................
    BASIS OF THE FABIAN SOCIETY........................................................................................
    CHAPTER 3................................................................................................... .................................
    SUN., JAN. 25, 1998................................................................................................ .................
    A 10-YEAR-PLAN FOR SOCIALISTS...................................................................................
    AFTER THE WEEK-END PARTIES.......................................................................................
    GOVERNMENT BY FABIANS............................................................................................. ..
    EXCERPTS: LOUIS T. MCFADDEN......................................................................................
    OR JEW-FABIAN BOLSHEVISM.......................................................................................
    CHAPTER 4................................................................................................... .................................
    SUN., JAN. 25, 1998................................................................................................ .................
    "COLLAPSING CIVILIZATION".............................................................................................
    "WORLD WIDE ECONOMIC DISTRESS".............................................................................
    "BRITAIN'S NEED OF A PROSPEROUS WORLD"..............................................................
    AND ECONOMIC MACHINERY"......................................................................................
    "BRITAIN'S PLIGHT.............................................................................................. ..................
    CAN WE SAVE OUR FREEDOM"...........................................................................................
    CHAPTER 5................................................................................................... .................................
    MON., JAN. 26, 1998................................................................................................ ...............
    "A PLANNING AUTHORITY"............................................................................................
    GRID SYSTEM".................................................................................................... ...............
    "ORGANIZED PRODUCTION"..............................................................................................
    "A NATIONAL PLAN IN OUTLINE".......................................................................................
    "CONSERVATIVE EVOLUTION"............................................................................................
    ANALOGIES WITH THE PROTOCOLS:.................................................................................
    CONCLUSION.......................................................................................... .................................
    CHAPTER 6................................................................................................... .................................
    MON., JAN. 26, 1998................................................................................................ ...............
    APPENDIX............................................................................................ ...............................
    A PROTOCOL OF 1860................................................................................................ ............
    THE MANIFESTO........................................................................................... ..........................
    DISCOURSE OF RABBI REICHHORN............................................................................
    A PROTOCOL OF 1919................................................................................................ ............
    CHAPTER 7................................................................................................... .................................
    ZIONIST KIND OF GUY................................................................................................. ...
    1/11/95 #2 HATONN
    JASON BRENT'S MENSA............................................................................................... .
    HIGH-IQ GROUP............................................................................................... .................
    by NORA ZAMICHOW............................................................................................ ................
    JASON BRENT [picture].................................................................................................... ...
    SAYS, by Tamara Koehler............................................................................................. ....
    JASON BRENT--THE SEQUEL..............................................................................................
    READER SHOCKED BY BRENT ARTICLE.........................................................................
    HOPES GOD MORE FORGIVING THAN BRENT...............................................................
    APPALLED AT ATTORNEY'S WRITINGS............................................................................
    BRENT ARTICLE UPSETS WRITER.....................................................................................
    A ‘DISGRACE'........................................................................................ ............................
    JASON BRENT STILL STIRRING UP TROUBLE!...............................................................
    ACROSS THE COUNTRY............................................................................................. ....
    INSERT: DEBORAH SAUNDERS COLUMN [picture]........................................................
    CHAPTER 8................................................................................................... .................................
    SHARK? YOU BET!, by Rick Martin 1/30/98................................................................
    GEORGE GREEN [2 pages].................................................................................................
    CHAPTER 9................................................................................................... .................................
    I AM AS NEAR AS YOUR BREATH!.....................................................................................
    1/12/98 ESU "JESUS" SANANDA.........................................................................................
    CHAPTER 10.................................................................................................. ...............................
    UPON THE EARTH!.............................................................................................. .............
    1/16/98 ESU "JESUS" SANANDA...................................................................................
    Chapter 22.................................................................................................. ................................
    1/18/98 ESU "JESUS" SANANDA................................................................................
    CHAPTER 11.................................................................................................. ................................
    1/21/98 ESU "JESUS" SANANDA...................................................................................
    1/23/98 ESU "JESUS" SANANDA.........................................................................................
    1/24/98 ESU "JESUS" SANANDA.........................................................................................
    1/25/98 ESU "JESUS" SANANDA.........................................................................................
    THE HIGHEST COMMANDMENT:.......................................................................................
    Chapter 1: THE WAR AGAINST SHEM................................................................................
    CHAPTER 12.................................................................................................. ...............................
    1/31/98 ESU "JESUS" SANANDA...................................................................................
    AN EXTRAORDINARY PERSON..........................................................................................
    2/1/98 ESU "JESUS" SANANDA...........................................................................................
    CHAPTER 13.................................................................................................... .............................
    by Peter Kawaja 1/21/98.................................................................................................. ..
    CHAPTER 14.................................................................................................. ...............................
    AND TALMUDIC NOACHIDE LAWS.............................................................................
    1/30/91 #1 HATONN.............................................................................................. ..................
    EXECUTIVE ORDERS: WHAT ARE THEY?...............................................................................
    WAKE UP--FREEDOM IS NOT FREE!...................................................................................
    CHAPTER 15.................................................................................................. ...............................
    by Rick Martin 1/10/95.................................................................................................. ....
    첨부된 파일 첨부된 파일
    Last edited by web master; 2013-01-14 at 12:47.

  2. #2
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar

    Default 응답: PJ#225, BIRTHING THE PHOENIX VOL. 4

    PJ 225
    SUN., JAN. 25, 1998 7:51 A.M. YR. 11, DAY 162
    SUN., JAN. 25, 1998
    Before we start on Nilus' observations about the Protocols, I would remind all of you of something important. You cannot do "it" FOR anyone save self. And sometimes when you think that somehow you can help another, it may well not be what is best or what is ultimately right for that "other". Always remember, friends, that "complaining" has become a significant, even phenomenal, part of living.

    Many times a "complaint" is a way to tell somebody outside your loop about what you did to contribute but the contributor doesn't know just how to make a fact known. So, "I had to help my sister Jenny and I'm not sure I can make the car payment..." This is not just a symptom of youth; it has become a method of "declaration". Perhaps each should look carefully at cause and effect, be overgenerous with love and interchanges, and allow people choices without long faces or somehow causing another to feel less than comfortable with a decision not matching your own. What is sauce for the goose might well be sauce for the gander but remember something--the goose AND the gander would rather be left to the freedom of living instead of saucing.

    I have focused on this topic because what you are seeing spread before you on the highest level is also reflecting the confusion and individual perceptions of living. You see a presidency in turmoil--but what does this do to THE WORLD in turmoil. Students, what has happened in the highest offices and to people in the highest and most visible places may well not be considered your business (you know, what you think about personal vs. public life), but remember something more important: God sees YOUR THOUGHTS regarding each incident and measures mankind by those individual thoughts about morality, responsibility and justice. It is there that nations are taken or broken for there MUST be a foundation of morality upon which a nation can rest or stand. If a man will cheat on his family and lie to hide such indiscretions while pushing to get away with just a little more and a little more--he has no moral attitudes which prevent him "screwing" YOU. And because EVERYBODY before him "did it" DOES NOT MAKE IT RIGHT.


    And what about that wondrous and now confrontation speech of Tuesday called State of the State (or Union)? How will Clinton react in facing his compatriots and the nation? Who cares because the whole thing is a cover-up of trying to fool you people more with outright stupid "fixit" clauses.

    I would quote Archibald Rutledge:

    "Whenever I hear that the government is helping someone, I feel sorry for that person. . . . Even helping a person to help himself may be a disservice to him too; for you will probably--perhaps unconsciously--compel him to do it your way. Charity, if needlessly bestowed, probably will have a vicious effect. People who are promised support will hardly work. All grants, all subsidies, all rewards for services not rendered have a deleterious effect on character; and if character is not of foremost consideration, what is?"

    I know that most of you feel that you wouldn't be in such a position anyway, ever, to have so much that you dump it carelessly onto another, but reconsider that stance. However, do not fail to consider what is a return for service, a "make-up" for inability to serve earlier, even with time and attention (as with children), a fringe benefit which allows no taxation of the benefit-- ah, there are myriads of causes for right, or wrong, attitudes.

    Mostly you will find that all of US and most citizens are giving, loving individuals. But you must never fail to measure and discern through the actions of another in relationship to YOUR STEWARDSHIP as may be placed upon your head as WE move forward. Can the one you place in command be absolutely trusted? If you left a pile of money on a desk in the office for indefinite periods of time--will it disappear? Will a person take because it is within ability to perhaps "borrow" from our fund in secret? The intention of course, is to pay back? Are you sure? If that were the full intention--why not simply ask for an advance or an extension?

    Are we all guilty of such "tiny" indiscretions which usually work out well? BUT, IS IT RIGHT? Anything you HIDE is somehow not right! And as to minding another's business a good rule of thumb is twofold. First, there is the danger that a man may leave his business unattended; and, second, there is the danger of an impertinent interference with another's affairs. The "friends of humanity" almost always run into both dangers.


    Now, please, as we seemingly, again, get close to funding a project or two, we must pay attention to, first, expectations of those who actually have only waited for abundance and, second, remember that the project funds are for the individual PROJECT. Carelessness in any philanthropic altruism move is NOT what responsibility is about. Think about it.

    We will turn back to the topic under scrutiny and review some concluding passages from Nilus as regards the Protocols of Zion.

    [QUOTING, Part 21:]


    (EDITION OF 1905)
    According to the testament of Montefiore, Zion is not sparing, either of money or of any other means, to achieve its ends. In our day, all the governments of the entire world are consciously or unconsciously submissive to the commands of this great supergovernment of Zion, because all the bonds and securities are in its hands; for all countries are indebted to the Jews for sums which they will never be able to pay. All affairs--industry, commerce, and diplomacy--are in the hands of Zion. It is by means of its capital loans that it has enslaved all nations. By keeping education on purely materialistic lines, the Jews have loaded the Gentiles with heavy chains with which they have harnessed them to their "Supergovernment". [H: Here I suggest you attach criminal subterfuge to Supergovernment by adding "Superfund"! The saddest part of this Superfund, however, is that the criminals and Elite used it when it was also offered freely and clearly to you-the-people, and, all you had to do was accept it! You didn't, you denied it and tore down the people offering it unto you. You spat in God's face for offering you "the way" and so it goes. If you fail to be responsible or even to SEE and HEAR, why think you that GOD would dump great gifts on you to simply be turned away while you clamor for more and more while never accepting the gifts. So be it for the day will come, my friends, WHEN GOD SHALL DENY YOU!]

    The end of national liberty is near, therefore personal freedom is approaching its close; for true liberty cannot exist where Zion uses the lever of its gold to rule the masses and dominate the most respectable and enlightened class of society.

    "He that hath ears to hear, let him hear."

    It is nearly four years since the Protocols of the Elders of Zion came into my possession. Only God knows what efforts I have made to bring them to general notice--in vain--and even to warn those in power, by disclosing the causes of the storm about to break on apathetic Russia [H: And NOW, the major thrust is in the U.S.A. AND MOVING TO ASIA.] who seems, in her misfortune, to have lost all notion of what is going on around her.

    And it is only now, when I fear it may be too late, that I have succeeded in publishing my work, hoping to put on their guard those who still have ears to hear and eyes to see.

    One can no longer doubt it, the triumphant reign of the King of Israel rises over our degenerate world as that of Satan, with his power and his terrors; the King born of the blood of Zion--the Antichrist--is about to mount the throne of universal empire. [H: Remember: This was referring to 1905--and the Plan had been fully laid for centuries.]

    Events are precipitated in the world at a terrifying speed: quarrels, wars, rumors, famines, epidemics, earthquakes--everything which even yesterday was impossible, today is an accomplished fact. One would think that the days pass so rapidly to advance the cause of the Chosen People. Space does not allow us to enter into the details of world history with regard to the disclosed "mysteries of iniquity", to prove from history the influence which the "Wise Men of Zion" have exercised through universal misfortunes by foretelling the certain and already near future of humanity, or by raising the curtain for the last act of the world's tragedy.

    Only the light of CHRIST and HIS Holy Church Universal [H: The True body of Christ intent--not a church doctrine or church house.] can fathom the abyss of Satan and disclose the extent of its wickedness.

    I feel in my heart that the hour has already struck when there should urgently be convoked an Eighth Ecumenical council which would unite the pastors and representatives of all Christendom. [H: Really? Oh Nilus, friend, these very ones to whom you call are the most deadly of all. More religion has come to pass and surely the lies are open for the world to see and still the people sleep on, and on...!] Secular quarrels and schisms would all be forgotten in the imminent need for preparing against the coming of the Antichrist. (This forecast of Sergius Nilus is all the more remarkable, when one considers that it appeared in the Epilogue to his edition of the Protocols of 1905.)


    While you have been reading this pile of information, I know that the complaint is that there is simply "too much" and "after all, all you have to do is scan it in and pass it on". No, every letter of every word has been typed finger by finger in hopes that you-the-receiver will read it word following word. We now, however, come to a segment which has symbols which we cannot reproduce on this keyboard and we have no intention of drawing them in in this place. I suggest that if you have capability, staff, that you somehow get the copy into useable format in order that the public readers have access to the information. If this is too inconvenient, we will hold the section for later when we have time to attend the extra task of diagram work.

    The work in point runs from p.229 through p.238. We could represent the parts without symbols but there is so much exceptional reference material that I don't wish to do that if we can use a scanner. [Editor's note: The material about which Commander Hatonn is referring is inserted next and was scanned in but the technology for the use of we-the-people is not sophisticated enough yet to be of any real help when it comes to a combination of text and Greek symbols. The symbols are pasted into the text so you will not miss the information.]

    Part of the material relates to the League of Nations. To my people dealing with that "Superfund" resource possibility, this is extremely IMPORTANT.

    See what can be done photographically, and if it is too difficult, I will take up the task. Thank you.


    About the middle of the last century, Jacob Brafmann, a Jewish rabbi in Russia, became a convert to Christianity and spent the rest of his life endeavoring to throw light on the Jewish question in general, and on the situation in Russia in particular, both in the interest of gentiles and of the Jews themselves. His two works, The Book of the Kahal, [First edition (Vilna, 1869), excellent German translation by Siegfried Passarge, "Das Buch vom Kahal" (Hammer Verlag, Leipzig, 1928), 2 vol. French translation by Mgr. Jouin, "Les Sources de l'imperialisme juif": Le Qahal (Paris, 1925).] and The Jewish Brotherhoods, [Vilna, 1868] were first published at government expense some sixty years ago and are still the best source of information on many points. Brafmann's story, given in his own words in the preface to The Book of the Kahal, is reprinted here: [Our translation, somewhat abbreviated:]

    "During his majesty's (Alexander II) stay at Minsk in 18 5 8, I submitted to him a report on the social status and organization of the Jews in Russia. Some time after, by order of the Holy Synod (April 29, 1859), I was called to St. Petersburg in connection with the report, and was subsequently (May 13, 1860) appointed professor of Hebrew at the Minsk seminary. I was also charged with finding a means for overcoming the obstacles to conversion to Christianity set up by the Jews. Thoroughly familiar with the Jewish question, (as I had professed Judaism till the age of thirty-four) I knew where to draw the materials necessary for the work, and the archbishop of Minsk furnished me with the means. My task was facilitated by the cooperation of several enlightened Jews [See Vilna Gazette (1866), 169: "Views of an individual Jew".]. I thus obtained valuable material which served not only for the work in hand, but also to throw light on the Jewish question in general, as well as their social and religious organization in Russia.

    This material included over a thousand acts of the Jewish Kahal (civil administration), and of the Beth-Dins (Talmudic law courts), showing the power and extent of their secret government. The Kahal goes so far as to decree what individuals may be invited to, and what dishes served at, a Jewish family feast.

    On the important question, whether the law of the land is binding on the Jews, the comments in the Talmud are evasive, but the documents here listed (under Nos. 5, 16, 166) show that the Jews must abide by the instructions of the Kahal and the Beth-Din, in contra-distinction to the law of the land and their own conscience.

    Similarly, on the question of the real estate and appurtenances belonging to non-Jews, the Talmud is obscure; but the thirty-seven acts cited in our fifth article prove conclusively that the Kahal may sell to Jews the right (Hasaka and Meropie) to the real estate and appurtenances of any gentile. The documents also prove that the Kahal and the Beth-Din are not bound to judge according to Jewish law, but may hand down personal decisions as they please....

    Thus, by secret acts, the Jews circumvent their Christian competitors and acquire a controlling share of the capital and real estate of the country.

    I submitted these documents together with my recommendations to Gov. Gen. von Kaufmann, who appointed a commission to examine them, with the result that the official Jewish Kahal was suppressed by the circular of August 34, 1867.

    The authenticity of all the documents is thoroughly established: the 290 documents published herewith cover the period from 1794 to 1803. To facilitate their study, they have been arranged in seventeen categories, each preceded by a short explanation on the laws and customs referred to, and indicating their real aim and influence on the Jews and on the gentiles".

    As the subject of Brafmann's other work, The Jewish Brotherhoods, has been treated rather fully in chapter II, it is hardly necessary to give an analysis of the book here.

    The Cabbalistic Significance of the Mysterious inscription found on the wall of the room in which the imperial Russian Family was murdered.

    The three letters of the inscription are the letter "L" repeated three times in three different languages. [The student way be confused by the fact that, in the photograph which is reproduced on the opposite page, the characters appear as though reversed, and written from right to left. But this is not the case, and is explained by the position assumed by the writer, who stood with his back to the wall, with his right arm stretched down, and formed the letters from right to left, in the Hebrew manner.] The first letter on the right is a (lamed) in the cursive handwriting of the ancient Hebrew alphabet. It is the twelfth letter of that alphabet with the numerical value of 30 (cabbalistically reduced to the fundamental number: - 3 + 0 - 3, which explain why the letter "L" is thrice repeated in the inscription). [The cabbalistic interpretation of letters and words is found in the following books: Kircher, Oedipus Aegyptiacus; Lenain, La Science Cabbalistique; Dée, Monas Hieroglyphcia; H. Krumrath, Amphithéatre de l'éternel sapience; Franck, La Cabbale.] The second letter is also the letter lamed but in the Samaritan script. [Fabre d'Olivet, La Langue hébraique restituée.]

    The third letter is the Greek letter lambda, corresponding to the same letter lamed.

    In ancient sacred Hebrew, based on the ancient sacred language of the Egyptian temples, each letter, apart from its vernacular value as sound and number, has, moreover, secret meanings known only to adepts. Fabre d'Olivet thus characterizes the accumulation of the different meanings contained in the ancient Hebrew alphabet:

    "Moses, in his teaching, followed the method of the Egyptian priests who made use of three methods to express their thoughts: the first was the common use; the second was symbolical or figurative; the third was sacred or hieroglyphic. Such was the character of that language. According to their will, the same word had the ordinary, figurative or the allegorical meaning. Heraclitus has expressed this difference in three terms: namely, the spoken word, the symbol, and the hidden meaning". [Fabre d'Olivet, op. cit.]

    Moreover, each letter stood for one of the names of God, and or one of the mysterious keys of the Tarot, the sacred book wherein, under different images, is concentrated all the ancient practice of magical science. [Eliphas Lévy, Dogme et Rituel de la haute magie.]

    The name of God, corresponding to the letter lamed, is Shdaï, composed of three letters, represented by (the Greek capital letter D) and it governs the sphere of Saturn. The number of Saturn is also 3. This explains once again why the letter lamed is thrice repeated. [Cornelius Agrippa, Philosophie Occulte.]

    On the other hand, following cabbalistic teaching, the letter lamed stands for the heart, the king of the body, wherein dwells the soul--Ruach. Cabbalists affirm that man is formed of three main invisible parts: namely, Nesham, the mind, Ruach, the soul, and Nefesh, the lower soul or subconscious which governs directly the material body. Nesham has its seat in the brain; Nefesh, in the liver, and Ruach, in the centre, between liver and brain, namely, in the heart. According to the ancients, the heart is king of the body (Melek-king), and, we repeat again, was situated in the body between brain and liver, that is, in the centre. [Cf. The report made by Leinigen io the Munich Psychological Society, March 3, 1887.] This is clearly shown by the cabbalistic analysis of the word Melek-king.

    Three words are fused in one: "brain", represented by the first letter of the word mem; "heart" by the first letter of the word lamed; and "liver", by the first letter of the word kaph, which is the same letter as , but in the form used at the end of a word. It is clear, therefore, that the letter (lamed), symbolizing the "heart", which is found in the centre between "liver" and "brain", is placed in the word Melek between letters representing these two organs. [The cipher the real meaning, cabbalists frequently resort to a special kind of hieroglyphics, one form of which is synthetic, whereby a word is concealed by several others. For instance, the first letters of several words are taken and assembled in one word, as in the present case in the word "Melek". See Molitor, Philosophie de la Tradition.]

    Therefore, according to the ancients, the heart (lamed) is the king (Melek) of the organism and the seat of life. The destruction of the heart causes the death of the organism and the seat of life. The destruction of the heart causes the death of the organism and, in symbolical language, it also means that the destruction of the king brings about the downfall of the kingdom.

    * * *
    Furthermore, in studying the hidden meaning of the roots, one discovers that the root (double lamed), still found in Arabic, means the agony of a man being torn to pieces. [Fabre d'Olivet, op. cit.] The addition of a third only strengthens this meaning and indicates the agony of a desperate situation.

    Interpreting the inscription on the wall with the help of the Tarot, [Eliphas Lévy, op. cit. Papus, Tarot des Bohémiens.] one finds that the letter corresponds to the twelfth card of the Great Arcana, [The Arcana (arcana--mysterious) are the cards of the Tarot: the Great Arcana, of which there are twenty-two, correspond to the letters of the sacred alphabet which was first of all Egyptian and afterwards became Jewish. Their invention is attributed to the founder of the Egyptia secret science, Hermes Tot or Trismegistos. Our playing cards today originally came from the Lesser Arcana.] and also to the letter Luzain, of the sacred language of the Egyptian Magi. This arcanum represents a man hanging by one foot from a pole whose two ends rest on two trees from each of which six branches have been cut. The man's arms are tied behind his back and folded so as to form the base of a triangle pointing downwards; the apex is formed by the head of the man. It is the sign of violent death, but it can also mean sacrifice. [P. Christian, Histoire de la Magie.]

    Therefore, reading the cabbalistic meaning of the three letters, one gets:

    Here the King was struck to the heart
    in punishment of his crimes,
    or, Here the King was sacrificed
    to bring about the
    Destruction of his Kingdom.
    Finally, the line drawn beneath these three letters (in Magical Science the horizontal line is the symbol of the passive principle) indicates that those who killed the king did not do so of their own will, but in obedience to superior command.

    Whoever wrote this inscription was a man well versed in the secrets of the ancient Jewish cabbalism, as contained in the Cabbala and the Talmud. In accomplishing the deed in obedience to superior order, this man performed a rite of Black Magic. It is for this reason that he commemorated his act by a cabbalistic inscription in cipher, which belonged to the rite.

    The inscription therefore proves:

    1. That the Tsar was killed.

    2. That the murder of the Tsar was committed by, men under the command of occult forces; and by an organization which, in its struggle against existing power resorted to the ancient cabbalism in which it was well versed.

    Extract from League of Nations--Treaty Series. vol. XLIII-1926, No. 1046, pages 41-59.

    Convention respecting the Rights of the Governments of the two Countries and their respective Nationals in Palestine, signed at London, December 3, 1924.

    English official text communicated by His Britannic Majesty's Foreign Office. The registration of this Convention took place January 6, 1926. This Convention was also transmitted to the Secretariat by the Department of State of the Government of the United States of America, February 17, 1926.

    (Preamble followed by the text of the mandate as it was approved by the Council of the League of Nations, 28 articles, signed at London, July 3, 1922.)

    Whereas the mandate in the above terms came into force on September 29, 1923; and

    Whereas the United States of America, by participating in the war against Germany, contributed to her defeat and the defeat of her Allies; and to the renunciation of the rights and titles of her Allies in the territory transferred by them, but has not ratified the Covenant of the League of the Nations embodied in the Treaty of Versailles; and

    Whereas the Government of the United States and the Government of His Britannic Majesty desire to reach a definite agreement independently with respect to the rights of the two Governments and their respective Nationals in Palestine;

    His Britannic Majesty and the President of the United States of America have decided to conclude a convention to this effect, and have named as plenipotentiaries:

    His Majesty (titles):

    The Right Honorable Joseph Austen Chamberlain (titles);

    The President of the United States of America:

    His Excellency the Honorable Frank B. Kellogg (titles);

    Who. . . . . have agreed as follows:

    ARTICLE 1.
    Subject to the provisions of the present Convention the United States consents to the dominion of Palestine by His Britannic Majesty, pursuant to the mandate recited above.

    ARTICLE 2.
    The United States and its nationals shall have and enjoy all the rights and benefits secured under the terms of the mandate to Members of the League of Nations and their nationals, notwithstanding the fact that the United States is not a Member of the League of Nations.

    ARTICLE 3.
    Vested American property rights in the mandated territory shall be respected and in no way impaired.

    ARTICLE 4.
    A duplicate of the annual report to be made by the Mandatory under Art. 24 of the mandate shall be furnished to the United States.

    ARTICLE 5.
    Subject to the provisions of any local laws for the maintenance of public order and public morals, the nationals of the United States will be permitted freely to establish and maintain educational, philanthropic, and religious institutions in the mandated territory, and to receive voluntary applicants and to teach in the English language.

    ARTICLE 6.
    The extradition treaties and conventions which are or may be in force between the United States and Great Britain, and the provisions of any treaties which are or may be in force between the two countries which relate to extradition or consular rights shall apply to the mandated territory.

    ARTICLE 7.
    Nothing contained in the present Convention shall be affected by any modification which may be made in the terms of the mandate, as recited above, unless such modification shall have been assented to by the United States.

    ARTICLE 8.
    The present Convention shall be ratified in accordance with etc. Done in duplicate at London this 3rd day of December, 1924.

    (L.S.) Austen Chamberlain.
    (L.S.) Frank. B. Kellogg.

    This part was not written by Secretary of State Frank B. Kellogg, but was entirely the work of a Jewish Chicago lawyer, Solomon O. Levinsohn. He first presented it to the late M. Briand and later to Mr. Kellog, who sponsored it.

    It became known as the Kellogg-Briand Pact and was signed in Paris on August 27, 1928. (Cf. The story of this Pact in the Revue Internationale des Sociétés Secreetes, Paris, 1930).


    We will simply pass by that section in point and move right on to some of the material in the back of this volume which is presented in such a way as to cover references and backup materials.

    For instance, the next topic will concern the Order of B`NAI B'RITH, which in turn is a branch off the Anti-Defamation League, which in its turn is a major operation of BRITISH INTELLIGENCE. Since we don't have time nor inclination to RE-PRESENT the volumes and volumes of our prior work and that of other researchers and authors, here, you must do your homework, readers--ONLY YOUR LIVES AND SOULS ARE AT STAKE HERE.



    (FOUNDED 1843)
    [H: First off, a comment: This is going to become so entangled with the Masonic order, the Mormon doctrine AND the Jewish Covenant as to complicate your thoughts if you don't know what "Covenant" means AS USED BY THESE GROUPS. As an example, let us consider our friend Bo Gritz' "Covenant Community" in Idaho. Bo is a Mason and no matter what "he thought" or "didn't think", COVENANT means exactly what it says here. Don't be fooled by "Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob..." and gobble-de-goop about born in Jesus, etc. JESUS IS THE APPOINTED CORNERSTONE OF THE TEMPLE AND THE CAPSTONE OF THE PYRAMID OF THE ILLUMINATI--NOT THE CHRIST!]

    B'nai B'rith means "Sons of Covenant", the Covenant being that of circumcision practiced according to the Mosaic law. Hence the Independent Order of the B'nai B'rith admits only Jews as members.

    This rite "was founded in New York in 1843 by a number of German Jews, headed by Henry Jones." (Jewish Encyclopaedia, Art. B'nai B'rith.)

    Its constitution, District Lodges, Grand Lodges, stamp it as a Jewish Masonic Society.

    Like most societies, it covers its political activities under the cloak of "benevolence and philanthropy".

    From its inception until the present time, its main contact has been with Germany and its chief aim the establishment of the supremacy of the German Jews in all world affairs through the channel of "Internationalism".

    In 1882, the strength of the I.O.B.B. in the United States warranted the opening of Lodges in Germany by Moritz Ettinger, and the growth of the order was so rapid there that in 1885, Julius Bien, President of the Order in New York, went over and inaugurated the first German Grand Lodge of the I.O.B.B.

    The political activities of the leaders of the order in Rumania, Austria and Hungary are a matter of record, although the chief center of their power is in the United States where they have lately attained supremacy in the Jewish World by absorbing "national" Zionism and submitting it wholly to their own "international" policy when the Jewish World Agency was created in October, 1928.

    It will be well for the reader to bear in mind that, however united a front the Jews may present to the Gentiles, yet among themselves they are divided, and the fight for supremacy and the attainment of world power is not less bitter between their various camps than it is among the different sects of Freemasonry.

    Rabbi Dr. Leo Bach was the president of the B'Nai B'rith of Germany in 1928.

    Grand Master for Russia, of the International Order of B'nai B'rith at the time of the Russian Revolution of 1917 was Sliozberg. He was one of the inspirers of Kerensky, the leader of the first revolution of 1917 (Le Cashiers de l'Ordre, November 1927). Alexander Kerensky, real name Aron Kirbiz, Kerensky having been the name of his Step-father.


    Before we go on and while we are talking about groups as might be recognized as "side" groups or "LOBBY groups", let us directly look at how the Jews have handled the problem of finances, lobbying Congress, etc. There is a law of the land that covers religious and non-profit entities. There is also a law of the land that prevents any one group giving beyond a certain level of funds to LOBBY. How do you get away with giving more or unlimited funds? You incorporate as many groups as you need to EACH contribute its maximum and then when you add up the sums--you have perfectly LEGAL groups giving PERFECTLY LEGAL sums. Remember the corporate structures were MADE BY THESE PEOPLE TO COVER AND PROTECT THEIR OWN ACTIVITIES. THE LAWS OF THE LAND ARE FOR EVERYONE, SO IF YOU CHOOSE NOT TO UTILIZE THAT WHICH IS LEGAL FOR YOUR OWN GOODLY PURPOSES, LOOK NOT TO ME TO FIX IT FOR YOU. "THEY" CANNOT DESTROY THE LAWS AGAINST YOUR USE--FOR IT WOULD UNCOVER AND DESTROY THEIR PLAN OF CAPABILITY. IT IS TIME, PAST, TO USE YOUR GOD-GIVEN BRAINS.

    Let us move on.


    (FOUNDED 1860)
    If, as it has been appropriately defined, Judaism is a sect, the creation of the Alliance Israelite Universelle which took place in 1860 can be regarded as that of its exoteric center.

    It was founded in 1860 by Aristide Astruc, Isidor Cahen, Jules Carvalho, Narcisse Leven, Eugene Manuel and Charles Netter. Its first president was Konigswarter. Adolph Cremieux was president from 1863-1867 and again from 1868-1880.

    In 1840, the world had been startled by the news of the fearful murder of Pere Thomas in Damascus. Serious investigations had resulted in the conviction of three Jews who had confessed to the commission of the abominable crime for Jewish ritual purposes of procuring human blood.

    The indignation of the whole world rising against Jewry made its prominent members realize the danger threatening their newly acquired emancipation in most countries, and they made a concerted effort to disprove Jewish guilt in the Damascus affair. Foremost among them had been Moses Montefiore, Adolphe Cremieux and Solomon Munk. Yet, the real inspirer of the Alliance Israelite Universelle was Hirsch Kalisher, Rabbi of Thorn (Russia) and its enthusiastic exponent, Moses Hess.

    The chief aim of the Alliance Israelite Universelle was political, and was clearly expressed in the report circulated after its foundation in which was stated: All important faiths are represented in the world by nations, that is to say, they are incarnated in governments especially interested in them and officially authorized to represent them and speak for them only. Our faith alone is without this important advantage; it is represented neither by a state nor by a society, nor does it occupy a clearly defined territory.

    The Alliance Israelite Universelle therefore was destined to be the governmental representative of all Jews from whatever country they lived in under the authority of their secret Kahal or community rule.

    The first political manifestation of the Alliance Israelite Universelle took place at the Berlin Congress in 1878 where it was represented by three of its delegates: Kann, Netter and Veneziani.

    The link between the Alliance Israelite Universelle and Freemasonry was for many years Adolphe Cremieux and Masonic writers have asserted that the 18th degree, conferred by the Grand Orient, makes the initiate, if not a member, at any rate a supporter of the Alliance.

    The Alliance Israelite Universelle saw its dream of international Jewish Government Shattered when Zionism emerged and came to the fore in 1897. It is noteworthy that the "Prophet" of Zionism: Ahad Ha'am (Asher Ginsberg) was a member of the Alliance Israelite Universelle and a disciple of Charles Netter. The avowed aims of the A.I.U., namely a super-government of the world and a universal religion, both to be Judaic, are being steadily pursued by the "Jewish World Agency" functioning today.


    I think that since there will be an insert into this segment that it will be a good place to break into the document. Our next focus will be: THE SOVIETIZATION OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE AND THE UNITED STATES.

    I don't personally think this is a good title because it would be impossible to more clearly usurp anything that had already usurped the world as has the British Empire, but this is not "my book" and we will offer exactly that which is offered to us.

    Since this is Sunday and the paper is such a massive task for the staff during these heavy writing days, let us turn this portion over to the editor so he can arrange for the necessary copies of the omitted portion. We will continue directly onward.


    SUN., JAN. 25, 1998 10:10 A.M. YR. 11, DAY 162
    SUN., JAN. 25, 1998
    As I watch the shadow of hopelessness seem to cloud your perceptions, I find it time to remind you of the last couple of years' prophecies, very, very briefly, from the Hopi Tribal seer.

    To give you a bit of insight please realize that even though the Great Ancients KNOW of the errors of the calendars--they count by sequence all understand. Events measure the counting so it is as well to use whatever calendar system fits the need.

    I will go back to the short offering for 1997, now past, and give you a bit of insight:

    The dream will be actualized and this planet will hold its space in the great council of planets and become part of the Universal enlightened Brotherhood and Sisterhood of humanity because there is an organization that is intergalactic that is known as the Great International Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Humanity and Keepers of the Light Circles. It's happened on many planets and it's expected to happen on a lot of other planets.

    There will be a moment in 1998 when the population will be the population. The Circle of Law will hold the image of fast thought necessary to allow this planet to become a starship.

    The third migration will leave this planet for the other new world and this planet will now be a star-ship, a spaceship, have its design of energy movement guided by all of humanity that's living here because, see, it's been a starship all along floating around a central sun but not in harmony with sister planets.

    In the year 2000 the Great Spirit will have left its seed and the egg of everything here on this planet and it will create itself 20 times over at the speed of light and thus the prophesy ends as I have been given it by the Grandmothers that I share with you now.

    This Prophecy does not give specific dates but refers to certain symbolic events which will have a world-wide influence.

    The final stage, called the "Great Day of Purification ", has also been described as a "mystery egg", in which the forces of the swastika and the Sun, plus a third force symbolized by the color red, culminate either in TOTAL REBIRTH or TOTAL ANNIHILATION--we don't know which yet, but the choice is ours. War and natural catastrophe may be involved. The degree of violence will be determined by the degree of inequity caused among the peoples of the world and in the balance of Nature.

    That it will be very violent is now almost taken for granted among traditional Hopi, but man may still lessen the violence by correcting his treatment of Nature and his fellow man. Ancient spiritually-based communities, such as the Hopi, must especially be preserved and not forced to abandon their wise way of life and the natural resources they have vowed to protect.

    The Hopi play a key role in the survival of the human race, through their vital communion with the unseen forces that hold Nature in balance, as an example of a practical alternative to the suicidal man-made system, and as a fulcrum of world events. The pattern is simple. "The whole world will shake and turn against those who are hindering the Hopi."

    And it shall come to pass in these days within this generation. Therefore we can structure sovereign nations, sovereign peoples--or it can "go down the tubes"; the end is up to YOU.

    Let us move on:

    [QUOTING, Part 22:]

    The preceding chapters have been devoted to a study of the Jewish world organization, its historical background, its branches, its aims and the methods whereby they are obtained. If the reader has followed the thread thus far patiently and objectively, his mind has doubtless grasped, not only the historical facts and specific Jewish plans for the immediate future, but also something of Jewish character and psychology in general. A full knowledge of the latter--which can be gained only through personal experience--is the greatest safeguard against Jewish snares and pitfalls of everyday life.

    In the following pages will be found the names of men and women prominent in political, economic and social circles who, lured by the tempting bait, have become enmeshed in Jewish intrigue. To all the world they appear to play an independent role; but in reality they are merely puppets whose every move is worked by strings from behind the scene. ("Who will ever suspect that all these peoples were stage-managed by us according to a political plan which no one has so much as guessed at in the course of many centuries?" Protocol No. 13. Also a quotation from Coningsby.)

    The close observer will discover, slavishly serving the Jewish cause under the mask of benevolence, democracy or liberalism, bishops, archbishops, prime ministers and national presidents, government officials of every rank and leading representatives of all other professions (lawyers, economists, scientists and the rest). He will recognize them at once as traitors who have sold themselves and their country for their own personal advantage.

    "Every man aims at power, everyone would like to become a dictator if only he could, and rare indeed are the men who would not be willing to sacrifice the welfare of all for the sake of securing their own welfare." (Protocol No. 1. It must be borne in mind that many of these men have, at one time or another in their lives, been involved in some crooked business or scandal and dread its disclosure.) But these traitors, when the great day comes, like their counterparts in the French and in the recent Russian revolutions, will pay the price of treason with their heads. (The aristocracy who served the Jewish cause in bringing about these revolutions were not even rewarded with life, but perished with the innocent under the edifice they had so efficiently undermined.)

    Not less useful to the Jewish cause than those holding official positions, are the rich scions of socially prominent families; their wealth and their prestige are the "force and make-believe" of the Jewish countersign. (Protocol No. 1.) A rich young Bostonian, Garland, gave millions of dollars to the foundation which bears his name, and appointed as one of its trustees the notorious "red", William Zebulon Foster.

    "Foster told them that the Garland Foundation could be depended upon whenever anyone gets into trouble because of radical political opinion. Several of the organizers of the Communist Party and of its ‘legal' political branch, the Workers' Party, were promised regular monthly salaries by Foster, to be paid from the Garland Foundation." (Whitney, Reds in America. Beckwith Press, New York, 1924, pp. 80-81.) [H: I want you to note, readers, that this business methodology is sound and workable. The USE and INTENT may well be totally evil and that remains with the people who set up such a plan and those who run it.]

    Another example is the Philadelphian, William Curtis Bok, who, on the death of his grandfather, Cyrus H. K. Curtis, in 1933, inherited, together with his mother and younger brother, a major interest in the huge Curtis Publishing Company, comprising The Ladies Home Journal, Good Housekeeping, The Philadelphia Public Ledger, The New York Evening Post and other journals. (Curtis's gross receipts from advertising for 1929 amounted to 73 million dollars; and for 1930, to 67 millions.) [H: Those were BIG dollars in those days, really BIG DOLLARS.] Bok, now 35, on his return from Soviet Russia, founded a new group to facilitate Bolshevik propaganda in America: "There came into being in Philadelphia last week (July 1933) a new investigating agency sponsored by the American Foundation. It was called the Committee on Russian-American Relations and its membership included such potent figures as the Morgan partner, Thomas W. Lamont, whose son Corliss is a near communist; the Harvard economist Frank W. Taussig; the lawyer Paul D. Cravath, (Notorious radical and shadow of Otto H. Kahn. In 1924 Cravath tried to secure the nomination of Otto Kahn as President of the English Speaking Union; and the manoeuvre was defeated only by the timely exposure of Kahn's Bolshevist activities. It was proved that Kahn's house was a meeting place for soviet agents, such as Nina Somorodin, Claire Sheridan, Louise Bryant and Margaret Harrison, a Russian recognitionist; James D. Mooney, President of General Motors Export Co.; Dean Roscoe Pound (Notorious radical), of Harvard Law School, a Liberal of the first water; Hugh L. Cooper, the engineer who built the Dnieprostry Dam for the U.S.S.R. Modestly buried away in the middle of the committee list was the name of its Chairman and sponsor--Curtis Bok." (See "Time" (Chicago Weekly) for July 17, 1933.) Many more examples of rich people of good families, such as Mrs. Elmhurst (nee Dorothy Whitney), Lady Astor the Dowager Countess of Warwick, come to mind, but space does not allow mention of all here, nor of a discussion of how and why each was inveigled into the Jewish net and into the base role of patron and purveyor to criminals.

    Suffice it to say that, in general, these people "thirst for the emotion of success and applause, of which we (the Jews) are remarkably generous. And the reason why we give them this success is to make use of their high conceit of themselves, to which it gives birth. For that insensibly disposes them to assimilate our suggestions without being on their guard against them, in the fullness of their confidence that it is their own infallibility which is giving utterance to their own thoughts, and that it is impossible for them to borrow those of others. You cannot imagine to what extent the wisest goyim can be brought to a state of unconscious naivete in the presence of this high conceit of themselves; and at the same time how easy it is to take the heart out of them by the slightest ill-success, though it be nothing more than the stoppage of the applause they had, and to reduce them to a slavish submission for the sake of winning a renewal of success." (PROTOCOL NO. 15)

    The definition and aims of Fabianism are given by the Fabians themselves as follows:

    The Fabian Society Consists of Socialists.
    It therefore aims at the reorganization of Society by the emancipation of Land and Industrial Capital from individual ownership and the vesting of them in the community for the general benefit. In this way only can the natural and acquired advantages of the country be equitably shared by the whole people.
    The Society accordingly works for the extinction of private property in land, with equitable consideration of established expectations, and due provision as to the tenure of the home and homestead: for the transfer to the community, by constitutional methods, of all such industries as can be conducted socially; and for the establishment, as the governing consideration in the regulation of production, distribution and service, of the common good instead of private profit.

    The Society is a constituent of the Labour Party and of the International Socialist congress; but it takes part freely in all constitutional movements, social, economic and political, which can be guided towards its own objects. Its direct business is: (a) the propaganda of Socialism in its application to current problems; (b) investigation and discovery in social, industrial, political and economic relations; (c) the working out of socialist principles in legislation and administrative reconstruction; (d) the publication of the results of its investigations and their practical lessons.
    The Society, believing in equal citizenship of men and women in the fullest sense, is open to persons irrespective of sex, race or creed, who commit themselves to its aims and purposes as stated above and undertake to promote its work.

    The Society took the name of Fabian from the policy of temporizing it adopted, claiming to imitate that of the Roman dictator, Fabius Counctator, during his fight against Hannibal, whom he eventually defeated at Tarentum, 215 B.C.

    Frank Podmore, well-known spiritualist and occultist, one of the founders of the Fabian society, is quoted as saying to one of its earliest members: "For the right moment, you must wait, as Fabius did most patiently, when warring against Hannibal, though many censured his delays, but when the time comes, you must strike hard, as Fabius did, or your waiting will be in vain and fruitless."

    The Fabian Society waited forty years, striking a continual series of covert blows at the political, economic, social and religious structure of England, and in 1924 it came to power with the advent of the first Labour Government, which can be called the offspring of the Fabian Society.

    The period had been fruitful, if long.

    There is no gainsaying that the Fabian Society has been first and foremost a gathering of intellectuals--a rebellious Intelligentsia whose accomplishments seem the realization of Weishaupt's dream of Masonic Illuminism, cleverly combines with Moses Mendelssohn's dream of Jewish Illuminism (Haskalah).

    Historically, it was founded in 1883 at the time when in the realm of philosophy and metaphysics, the political economy of John Stuart Mill, in England, and the Positivism of Auguste Comte, in France, had thrown perturbation into the minds of numerous thinkers and given abundant food to the Freethinkers of the epoch. Henry George's book on Socialism Progress and Poverty was in great vogue. The direct influence leading to the formation of the Fabian Society was, according to E.R. Pease, its historian, exercised by Thomas Davidson, the founder of The Fellowship in the New Life, which society culminated in The Ethical Society of Culture in New York. Considerable impulse was also given to the budding association by its assimilation of Robert Dale Owen's socialistic principles.

    Among the intellectuals who joined The Fabian society soon after its inception 1884 was the Irishman, George Bernard Shaw, who was elected a member in that year.

    At that time, The Fabian Society had completely seceded from the Fellowship of the New Life and had formulated its own Socialistic programme. The following year, Sidney Webb, now Lord Passfield and ex-Minister of the Colonies, as well as Sydney Olivier, now Lord Olivier, who has held several Government appointments, were elected members of The Fabian Society. Soon afterwards, the late Mrs. Annie Besant, later head of the Theosophical Movement, also was elected a member.

    Fabian Socialism, at the outset, groped its way along all the beaten paths of the Social Revolutionists who had preceded them. It also made incursions into Babouvism, Marxism, Bakounist Anarchism and the then existing various Social-Democratic groups. Being, however, mainly composed of intellectuals, bureaucrats, civil servants, journalists, etc., the Fabians, whose fundamental slogan was the righting of the wrongs of the working class, had no keen desire for riotous street manifestations and confined their earliest activities to drawing-room meetings.

    It does not enter within the limits of the present sketch to retrace the history of the Fabian Society, but the point which should be regarded as of great importance is that out of the drawing-room meetings alluded to above, there emerged the truly Fabian tactics of temporizing and the decision taken and followed of penetrating into or, as Bernard Shaw himself expressed it, of permeating numerous existing societies with Fabian socialistic ideas and principles.

    This method of penetrating into organizations, political and economic, and of boring from within, gave, in time, remarkable results. Fabians, mainly Civil Servants, easily found their affinities in Liberal circles and, moreover, owing to their loudly proclaimed socialistic profession of faith, obtained the confidence of the working classes. They were indeed sitting on both sides of the fence and recruiting the good-will of both Liberal and Labour organizations.

    The study of Fabianism is one of almost unparalleled opportunism. Fabians seemed to have formulated no original creed of their own, but were animated by an unswerving resolve to get to the top and govern England. They accepted the creed or tenets of any camp into which they penetrated and, by degrees, converted its adherents to their own views. In this manner Fabian members secured their positions in political, industrial and educational fields. To suit even Anarchism, they formed a special Fabian branch which bore the name of The Fabian Parliamentary League.

    No field of exploitation seems to have been overlooked by these socialist intellectual Illuminati:

    I. POLITICS. In Politics, their range of activities has been well defined by one of its leaders, Bernard Shaw, in a paper he read at a conference in 1892, at Essex Hall. The policy of "permeation" of the Fabian Society was clearly outlined and much stress laid upon the enumeration of results already achieved. Within a year of this conference, in January 1893, The Independent Labour Party was formed by the grouping of the local Fabian societies then in existence. These groups, under the leadership of Keir Hardie, Friedrich Engels (co-worker with Karl Marx) and Marx's daughter, E. Aveling, had accepted, as their code, Marxism thus summarized: To establish a Socialist State where Land and Capital will be held by the community. On such principles was Russia transformed into Soviet Russia in 1917.

    The author of The History of the Fabian Society does not fail to point it out as the Parent Society, emphasizing the fact that the Marxist Independent Labour Party was but its offspring. Thus, leading, on the one hand, Marxist Socialism, and having, on the other, so permeated the Liberal Party that they also practically ruled it, the Fabians were soon able to take part in local elections, and propose their own candidates for appointments on School Boards, Vestries, County Councils, Women's Liberal Federations, Liberal and Radical Unions, etc. They spared no pains in pushing forward the autonomy of municipalities as well as the various schemes for National Insurance, Old Age Pensions, Tariff Reform, Employers' Liability, Workmen's Compensation, etc.

    Politically also, through their offspring The Independent Labour Party, they asserted their defeatist and anti-patriotic tenets during the Boer War of 1899-1902, when they expressed their wish "to see the Boers successful and the British Army driven into the sea".

    By 1903, The Independent Labour Party, after 10 years of indefatigable efforts among the Trade Unionists, gave its parent, The Fabian society, the opportunity and satisfaction of presenting England with a full-fledged Labour Party. Up to that time, Fabian candidates had contested and won seats in Parliament as Liberals. The practice of the policy of interlocking directorates was never better evidenced than by the tactics of Fabianism.

    The outbreak of the War in 1914 furnished the Illuminati of Socialism with the opportunity of manifesting their anti-patriotic feelings much more openly than they had done during the Boer War. It was then that their policy of interlocking directorates bore abundant fruit. What one might call the "melting" property of the Fabian Society became more evident for, as such, it did not create a record of anti-patriotism. That particular task was entrusted to its members of the labour Party and the Independent Labour Party who took a prominent part in the formation of the Union of Democratic Control, which counted the Zionist Jew Israel Zangwill amongst its leading band-masters.

    The shameful defeatist, pro-German activities of the present Prime Minister of England, Ramsey Macdonald, Fabian and Labourite during the World War, and the open support given to Bolshevism by his Labour Party have forever sullied the political honour of England and are a matter of history.

    Yet another aspect of Fabianism is the great part it took in the formation and, later, direction of LEAGUE OF NATIONS, which Bernard Shaw calls AN INCIPIENT INTERNATIONAL GOVERNMENT.

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