PJ 107
Editor's note: The following "interview" is constructed from a collection of questions by longtime CONTACT supporter, Dr. Pierre Cloutier. Pierre has captured thoughts that many of us wish to ask Ronn as the play unfolds, so here we go:

Pierre: Mr. Jackson, one cannot help but ponder the aftermath of your recent honorable--perhaps enviable from the Com­mittee's standpoint--"defection" from the Committee of 17, a club more Herculean, more elusive still than the subordinate Committee of 300. In fact such a monumental "coup de grace" could conceivably alter the course of history on the order of magnitude of, say, the seizure of the original writings of the Or­der of the Illuminati by the Bavarian Government in 1787 or, a century later, the publication of the diabolical Zionist Protocols by Professor Nilus of Russia in 1905. Meanwhile a waiting world prays for the furtherance of freedom in place of the tyranny of war, for which cause you are confident the good will prevail against the forces of evil. Where do you begin?

Ronn: No one, Dr. Cloutier, defects from the Committee. In­vitation and membership is a lifetime commitment. My position with the Committee was in support of, and enforcement to and of, the bidding of the Committee. At no time, to my knowl­edge, was I ever consulted in the decision making process of any directive of the Committee. However, during my phase of any directive, I was given unencumbered latitude. As the se­ries, The Death of Camelot proceeds, you will fully understand my words.

The Committee of 300 is given instructions as are any senior ex­ecutives by a board of directors of any major corporation.

A "coup de grace" could alter situations; however, "all the world is a stage". I cannot, nor will I, take credit for this script.

The Order of the illuminati was written with purpose and intent and can be construed as an effort to help although I did not agree with those "scriptures". Professor Nilus' presence is be­ing felt today, but in a much more subtle manner. What you need to be able to do is discern the difference between "handshakes" and "smiles".

Information and knowledge are retained and known to each in­dividual. Most only apply that knowledge to their individual and limited sphere of influence. I have begun my quest with CONTACT.

Pierre: From our point of perception, half-fascinated and half-horrified, your break from the Committee of 17 implies dis­agreement, discord, perhaps division or a polarization in the highest ranks. Corroborate this, if you will.

Ronn: Some people react differently to situations that they are not familiar with. Others compare reality with fantasy and are unable to comprehend what is before them. Others are into self denial because what is relative, has no plane of reference. My differences with the Committee deal not in the abstract, but with what is "right"
or "wrong" as those situations and/or occurrences applied to me as an individual. Believing and know­ing myself to be dedicated to the principles, I made my feelings known to the Committee. Most did not agree as I was in con­flict with their collective manifesto. Opinions and thinking are changing. I am not always right but my track record speaks for itself and there do exist other points of view. In this case, al­most
300 million.

Pierre: In the wake of the unshaken resolve you demonstrate in your bid to turn this once great Republic around, can we count on cooperation or look forward to subsequent migrations from among your Committee confreres into the Godly camp, once the rays of illumination gradually hit home?

Ronn: I am seeing and feeling in my conversations with the Committee an acceptance of my point of view by several members. This does not mean that each of my words are correct nor does it mean that the Committee is all wrong. What I have said is: "There will be no 'One World Order' involving this country without me being convinced that there is a majority of the citi­zens voting for it on an individual basis"! No exceptions. Edu­cation is the key.

Pierre: Most definitely an awakening is felt to have taken place within you, accompanying your new-found direction. It has been said that: This new function, awakening at the peak of his life, may reveal to man a sudden vision of the whole, of which all his other functions have given him but partial con­flicting glimpses. Sometimes in the same awakening it may also reveal to him a new expression of the whole, to the fulfillment of which all the rest of his life will be dedicated". Might this be apt in describing you?

Ronn: I cannot give, in totality, a response but, based on what I know at this time, you are correct to a point. I am going to need the assistance of informed millions.

Pierre: In terms of decision-making powers wielded by the Committee, what sort of consensus is needed for the implementation of a given agenda? Are all members on equal footing? Has ever a decision taken autonomously been carried out? If in the positive, this is certainly a frightening result of the consolidation of power! Apparently the stuff of which One World Governments are made. Horribly unthinkable and way beyond the toleration point of informed Americans.

Ronn: A-1 thru A-6 are the ruling hierarchy. However, all de­cisions require all members to vote in the affirmative. There is little or no dissension within the ranks of the Committee as each is fully apprised of each subject and what you see now that is taking place, that is applicable to the Committee, could have been made, 10-20 or more years ago. All members are on equal footing but little interest is given to those mundane topics. These people are above those levels.

Pierre: Formerly known as A-17 in Committee hierarchy, your iterated claim vouching for the sanctity of this group's benevolent undertakings strikes one as odd, your position of in­volvement notwithstanding. What sounds fine and good at onset of journey may be driven off course by the powers of corrup­tion. A system of potential truth in intended goodness usurped by malfeasance whereupon physical control by Elite domination enables penetration and subversion of all governments by World Socialism. If ever there was such, can you speculate on the chance of a return to noble and honorable intent? To press the matter a bit further, how about for the good of all Creation?

Ronn: A-17 was a designation given to me by Commander Hatonn. There is no assignment of a name to the Committee other than C.O.U.P.E.S.

"Noble" and "honorable" intent are words of our making. His­tory runs parallel and concurrent to time. History is dictated by man and is recorded as the actions of man. Creation is history and man had nothing to do with it other than being players that had their actions recorded. The Creator made us with "minds" and "wills" of our own. Life as we know it is nothing more than a series of decisions. We take our minds and make those decisions based on what is provided to us. "Light" and "dark" are the possible alternatives. What we do depends on will. The future has not been written. It is being written.

Pierre: Is the Committee of 17 in control of the foundations responsible for carrying out New World Order objectives?

Ronn: "Foundation" is a word of our making. By its own definition, it is used as a vehicle to accomplish certain objectives. In our society, it is used only to buy goods or services. The ownership or control is immaterial.

Pierre: Assuming the Committee of 17 to have the upper hand (or whip) over the Committee of 300, and given that Queen Elizabeth II of the British royal family is in control of this lesser 300 clan; this compels us to ask who might be sitting at the ul­tra-controlling helm of the 17 "demigods", for lack of a better word--the King of Kings? Would even a Ronn Jackson know? And if you knew would you tell?

Ronn: It would be irresponsible for me to make "assumptions" about the Committee.
I have done so in the past and only found that I was grossly uninformed. I make those kind of errors once only. I am fortunate to tell you about them. So are you. Queen Elizabeth plays only a small part in anything. Many who appear to be subservient to her actually have her by the hand. She is nothing more than a distraction similar to the role Lyndon B. Johnson played not too long ago.

"Demigods" is a quite often, misunderstood word. I could equate many people who would fall into that category. "King of Kings" is a passage used in several publications and is also used by children playing "king of the hill". They are relative how­ever, in the context of which you refer; in my opinion, based on personalities only, it would be a toss-up between, A-1, A-4, and A-6. The strongest will resides within one other,

Pierre: Do members of this august Committee possess indi­vidual conscience, individual remorse?

Ronn: Contrary to what one may believe, each member of the Committee is human and must live with their actions. The only "soul-searching" I've done with any member of the Committee was with Earl Warren. When the tape that I have is transcribed, you will have a better idea. Individuals are individuals.

Pierre: Discuss the vulnerabilities to which the Committee of 17 is now subject.

Ronn: Knowledge. No discussion is needed.

Pierre: As events unfold and God's Plan comes to fruition in the months and years ahead, unless a quick move away from impending self-annihilation is consummated by the Committee, some form of self-inflicted retribution is bound to result from the law of cause and effect. If nothing else, could this eventu­ally mean its members being arrested and tried in some court someplace, for high treason committed against we-the-people of America and the world in their efforts to oppress and deceive, undermine and overthrow? Think of the absolute corruption of the legal process, the outrageous enforcement from pole to pole, the imposition of NAFTA with tooth and nail, and so forth.

Ronn: Having a belief in any given subject and having knowl­edge in the same subject are usually quite different. What we perceive may happen in a given situation is also suspect. Deci­sions do have to be made. The law of cause and effect will come into play. The degree and direction will be up to you and I. I would like a copy of the script. Self-inflicted retribution are words for those weak in character. These words have no meaning in the vocabulary of the Committee. I do not believe in retaliation as a means of accomplishing any objective. I do be­lieve in the will of the people. With regards to NAFTA, when a "treaty" is signed, sovereignty is given away by a few, for the betterment of all, so we are told. We are not being told the truth.

Pierre: It is conspicuously evident that the Committee, or their puppets in this global pantomime, abhor scientific advancement. "Particularly hated are the fusion experiments", writes Dr. Coleman. Fusion torches are said to be able to yield limitless supplies of energy. All suppressed. What other world-saving nicknacks have been denied us in the free energy field?

Ronn: The Committee has not impeded any scientific ad­vancement. In fact, many are in existence that you are not aware of. Control is the word. Dr. Coleman is correct in his assumptions on cold fusion. He is incorrect on his knowledge. The most significant piece of knowledge withheld at this time, and in my opinion, is the reversal of radioactive materials.

Pierre: In The World Order, Eustace Mullins begins the ninth and last chapter thusly: "Five men rule the world. This Coun­cil of Five consists of Baron Guy de Rothschild, Evelyn de Rothschild, George Pratt Shultz, Robert Roosa (from Bush's family firm of Brown Brothers Harriman) and one vacancy, at this writing [1992]". Care to comment?

Ronn: Baron Rothschild is one of the owners of the Federal Reserve. Mr. Mullins is knowledgeable only to a degree. However, George Shultz, when with the Government, did make decisions on a level that would be considered important, but nothing on a Committee level. Robert Roosa had his "wings" clipped a few years ago, but he is a part of the existing "Good Old Boy" network. Even those "networks" continue to be func­tional. (See item Co-4 page 39, 7-26-94 issue of CONTACT.)

Pierre: Any contingency plan to take back this country will necessarily need to face up to the ADL monster eating away at the marrow of this country. In no small part thanks to Com­mander Hatonn's profuse writings regarding this death cult of Isis, founded as an arm of British intelligence from an outgrowth of B'Nai B'Rith by Lord Palmerston, British Foreign Minister, who with Baruch Rothschild, long ago put into operation the specific mission of subverting and destroying the American Re­public. To this day, the cold-blooded aim of the ADL is to sin­gle out "right-wing" groups and their leaders expounding such "extremist" ideas as freedom, liberty and constitutional rights; among which sickening example the unrelenting onslaught against the Ekkers stands out, wherein every conceivable form of persecution swoops down on these irreproachable grandpar­ents. Enough to make one revolt in anger. Have you examined this grotesque problem called the ADL?

Ronn: I have always known that my responsibility to myself and my country would not be pleasant. Three weeks ago, I re­ceived a letter which required no response. The letter was not threatening in any manner and was more in the exploratory sense. It was my intention to address the letter at a later time and address the subject matter under different circumstances. However, avoiding any subject does not make the subject go away. Since the subject matter of the letter and your last ques­tion have many parallels, I will answer both in this format. There can be many reasons one or more people use to justify their actions. The reasons can be valid or those reasons may be self serving. I am not into the position where I can judge; how­ever, the time will come where I will be in that position and I hope that I will have the wisdom to do so. I do not want to give the appearance that I am "hedging my bets". So to take my comments to a definitive conclusion, what is right, is right and what is wrong and contrary to my country will fall. Our coun­try was founded on ideas and will continue to thrive on ideas. We were created by an idea. When ideas are used for the wrong reason, they are doomed at their inception.

Pierre: I believe what Commander Hatonn is saying in his piece on the physics of the mind (July 26 issue of CONTACT, page 51) is that normally we can only conceive of conscious­ness attached to physical bodies, or to matter in cellular state. Greater awareness is attained by the actual carrying over of con­sciousness into matter in electronic state. It follows that the one who possesses a highly developed consciousness sufficiently permanent and sufficiently intense to take advantage of this infi­nite expansion of its vehicle will amount to doing great things. For instance, like receiving inspired ideas for reclaiming this Republic! He has also said it takes only one such enlightened individual. This is most plausible, since what distinguishes men is precisely their individual degree of consciousness, just as what distinguishes suns, is their degree of radiance. And from sun to man to cell, and every being in Creation, the preeminent task is to seek ever higher states of consciousness. That said, it appears you are fast evolving toward this spiritual plane of knowing. What interpretation, in fact, did you gain from this article?

Ronn: The very same thing that you read from Commander Hatonn's writings. I was expecting those words but not in the format or context that they were delivered in. Consciousness is not conceived, but is within us and the release is euphoric. It would be analogous to being nine-and-a-half feet tall, initially.

Pierre: Lastly, I would like to take this opportunity in the pages of this paper to unofficially set afoot the rumor of announcing your independent candidacy for President. After you confirm this, you might suggest where to send our campaign contribu­tions, "President-elect Jackson".

Ronn: There are several absolutes in existence and all are connected to truth. I will serve my country in any manner deemed appropriate by my fellow citizens as long as my position is not compromised in any manner. If price was the only obstacle, I would just write a check. Then you would really find out who controls the wealth. I love my county very much and the premise upon which it was founded is solid and equal. I am here to teach and will fulfill my destiny. I am also here to serve. I am at your beckoned call.
/s/ Ronn Jackson
( see 2 text-pict. on Pdf when ready.)