PJ 107

Citizens For A Constitutional Washington
Inspired by the Statute of July 4, 1776:
The Declaration of Independence
"We the People" Committee
John R. Prukop, Executive Director
11910-C Meridian East, #142
Puyallup, Washington, Postal Zone: 98373/TDC
Phone: (206) 840-8071, FAX: (206) 840-8074
August 10, 1994
To: United States Representative Norm Dicks (Democrat)--6th District
United States Representative Mike Kreidler (Democrat)--9th District
General Media Distribution

SPECIAL NOTE: These U.S. Representatives are already targeted for replacement and defeat in their respective Districts this November, as they plan on voting "FOR" The Crime Bill, which is nothing more than a $30.2 BILLION DOLLAR SO­CIAL ENGINEERING PROGRAM and HIDDEN TAX IN­CREASE on the already overburdened American People. The "Crime Bill" is just another nail-in-the-coffin of American Lib­erty and Freedom. It is part and parcel of the continuing United Nations SOCIALIZATION OF AMERIKA and has NOTHING TO DO WITH CRIME PREVENTION. We believe that Dicks and Kreidler are practicing FASCISTS and COMMUNISTS, as they have voted for each and every socialist program to come down the pike, many of which are Planks of the Communist Manifesto.

According to U.S. Attorney General Janet "Butch" Reno, there are FOUR MEN responsible for the birth of the apocalyptic "Omnibus Crime Bill" [HR-3355]. Those four men are: (1) Senator Joseph Biden, author of a dissertation entitled: "On the Threshold of a New World Order" [Congressional Record--June 29, 30, & July 1);
(2) Congressman Jack Brooks, who has become famous for his off-air (he thought) comments on ABC News "Nightline" [4-28-93] after the Waco Mas­sacre... "Mr. Higgins, you know what I'da done; the first night I'da run everybody off, quietly put a bomb in that damn water tank, put tear gas in there; if they wouldn't shoot, KILL 'EM WHEN THEY CAME OUT...Now that's the way Brooks would've done it"!
(3) Congressman Charles Schumer, who brought us the U.S. House Semi-automatic Weapons Ban; and, (4) Senator Howard Metzenbaum, quoted as saying about pri­vate gun confiscation: "We don't have ONE, until we have them ALL".

Calling the District Offices of Dicks and Kreidler, to ask if they have a full copy of the CRIME BILL in their office for constituents to review, both offices replied "NO". In fact, at a recent "Town Hall Meeting" held by Kreidler, when asked by constituents about the provision on page 843 of HR 3555 [the Crime Bill] for hiring "Former Royal Hong Kong Police" into Federal Law Enforcement, Kreidler said he didn't know anything about that. Is it any surprise? Remember the comments made by Congressman Newt Gingrich on July 27th on C-SPAN? Gingrich stated that THE U.S. CONGRESS PASSES BILLS THAT AREN'T YET WRITTEN...NO LANGUAGE... JUST SUMMARIES AND OUTLINES. He said, "Principles are NOT the same as legislation. Human beings can LIVE or DIE depending on the legislation...this idea that we should legislate from a series of outlines without having seen the bill is utterly destructive". In the case of this ANTI-AMERICAN "Omnibus Crime Bill", a clap-trap of social control programs and TAX INCREASES, those words are all too true. Incidentally, it ap­pears Mr. Gingrich "revised and extended" his remarks for the Congressional Record on that day. The speech quoted didn't discuss these remarks and the video recording from C-SPAN is the only proof of these comments.

Regarding the recruitment of "former Royal Hong Kong Police" into the Crime Bill's proposed 100,000 National Law En­forcement Team, that was Senator Roth's brainchild. According to Roth, he said this provision was necessary due to the "problem with Asian organized crime...because our present law enforcement agents don't speak Chinese". Right! Many peo­ple, including those in high law enforcement positions have speculated that we may have Chinese Ghurkas on our streets as part of the 100,000 new police, since the Bill provides for fed­eral recruitment of these new police. During a recent confer­ence when asked "why" the Federal Government should spend millions of dollars recruiting police for the States, when they've been doing it successfully for decades, Senator Joe Biden in­ferred that the cities and counties AREN'T CAPABLE OR QUALIFIED OF DOING THE JOB RIGHT. Biden said they'd wind-up hiring a bunch of people and we'd have unqualified and untrained police running around. How absurd!

We know, from past experience, that WHAT THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT PAYS FOR...THE FEDERAL GOVERN­MENT CONTROLS, after all the borrower is servant to the lender. Here comes our "Federalized" National Police Force, just like in Nazi Germany and we must remember that before Hitler could come into full power (now it's the United Nations) he had to impose total weapons bans...disarming the people. His first big hit was "assault weapons bans", and then he "got 'em all". Feinstein's Assault Weapons Ban in the Crime Bill still stands firm. They and the media call them "assault weapons". We prefer to call them American Citizen Defensive Weapons...to be used--if necessary--TO STOP AND PUT DOWN those who would pervert, tyrannize and trample the Constitution for the United States of America and its Bill of Rights and our Republican Form of Government. The Founding Fathers of this Nation didn't put the 2nd Amendment in the Bill of Rights for hunters or sporting purposes. We know it...and we know that they know it. Right now in the District of Columbia [aka "District of Criminals"] the crime rate is so high, young people plan for their funerals instead of their future. The District of Columbia has a TOTAL WEAPONS BAN and they've had to bring in the National Guard to assist the D.C. Police because of the high crime rate. It appears only the criminals in D.C. have weapons...AND NOW THEY WANT OURS! NOT ON YOUR LIFE!

Clinton's "Omnibus Crime Bin" is a DISASTER and will, if passed, bring disaster to America and our individual free­doms. They keep saying America wants a crime bill. NO...Mr. Clinton and the world policy makers, The World Communist Movement headquartered at the United Nations Headquarters District in New York City, want a crime bill. The Crime Bill in its final version is expected to consume 1,000 pages or more. Nearly every provision in it contains legislation that is foreign and outside the scope and purview of any Constitutional Authority.

The most Glorious Legacy that one can Bequeath to Poster­ity is LIBERTY. And the only true Security is LIBERTY!

The 2nd Amendment states, "...The right of the people to keep and bear Arms, SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED".
To APFN--ALL8/13/94

Officer Jack McLamb is now on international shortwave, WWCR, 5.810 MHZ (44 meter band) at 2000 eastern time 5 nights a week for 1 hour, sponsored by Viking International. His call-in telephone equipment should be operational by Mon­day, 8/15. He goes on (non-jury) trial in a municipal-level court at 8 am, 22 August 1994. Attendance by Patriots wishing to stand up for him (quietly and respectfully--the object is not to go to jail, and to stay on shortwave!), particularly active and retired police and military in uniform, are encouraged and requested. Similarly a polite letter to the judge before trial to encourage his leniency is encouraged by Jack. Write:

Honorary Reginald Kiefer, Judge, Phoenix City Court, 400 N. 7th St., Phoenix, Arizona 85006.


by Jake Batsell
Arizona Republic Correspondent
At first glance, retired Officer Jack McLamb, decked out in his old Phoenix police uniform and wearing the retirement badge his department gave him after 10 years of service, seems the picture of authority.

Look more closely, though, and you'll see pinned to that uni­form a red button. It reads, "QUESTION AUTHORITY".

And he does.

Now, McLamb's self-described "protest uniform" has gotten him in trouble with his old comrades in arms. On Dec. 12, Phoenix police arrested him for impersonating an officer.

McLamb originally was slated to go to trial this morning, but his case will be rescheduled at a hearing today.

McLamb, founder of the American Citizens' and Lawmen's As­sociation, makes appearances across the country urging law of­ficers to keep America from evolving into a "collectivist, utopian, socialist society". He also publishes Aid and Abet, a privately circulated newsletter for rank-and-file police officers.

McLamb believes the newsletter sparked his arrest. One issue he was handing out at a gun show contained statistics compiled by the American Federation of Police saying that 87 percent of American police officers think citizens should be able to retain all their weapons. That "unpopular statistic", McLamb said, may explain his arrest.

The bust came during the gun show at Veterans Memorial Coli­seum. McLamb was wearing his uniform and distributing his newsletter under a banner that read: "Police Against the New World Order".

He was arrested--though not taken in--on two city codes, one that prohibits impersonating an officer and a second that pro­hibits wearing policemen's or firemen's badges or insignias without authorization.

But the recent charges are only the latest in a "long, long series of persecutions" by the Phoenix Police Department, he said.

"They dug them (the impersonation laws) out specifically for retired Officer McLamb here, because that's the best they had to shut me down", he said. "They are attacking my First Amend­ment exercise once again to distribute literature that is politically incorrect today".

Phoenix police spokesman Mike McCullough denied that.

"If he ... resembled a police officer, with patches or anything like that, he's in violation of impersonating a police officer", he said.

Both violations carry maximum sentences of six months in jail and/or $2,500 in fines.

In 1992, McLamb attracted some national attention when he ac­companied then-independent presidential candidate Bo Gritz to Naples, Idaho. They attempted to mediate an armed standoff between government agents and right-wing activist, Randy Weaver that had resulted in the shooting deaths of Weaver's wife, son and a U.S. marshal.

The political work is not lucrative. The 50-year-old McLamb said he lives in a single-wide mobile home, drives a 1970 blue Chevy and makes $1,300 per month.

"I've got my living standard down to the poverty level, where I can exist and still go on with my work", he said. "This is all volunteer work. The best pay in the world is my being able to awaken my brothers and sisters".

McLamb feels singled out by the impersonation charges, but Jim Dunham, the assistant city prosecutor assigned to the case, said there is a history of such arrests in Phoenix.

"They've been prosecuted before," Dunham said. "It's not the first and only time that this statute has come to light".

During his tenure at the department, McLamb said, he was twice named Officer of the Year. But he was also fired twice by then-Police Chief Ruben Ortega. In both instances, he was reinstated by the Civil Service Board.

He retired in 1986, when he said doctors refused to allow him to return to duty after he aggravated a shoulder injury.

McLamb says Ortega objected to his writing to fellow officers "about upholding their oath of office" and "defending people's rights and liberties".

Ortega, now chief of police in Salt Lake City, would not com­ment on McLamb's firings Thursday.

"It's old history", he said.

McLamb, who does not have a lawyer, filed a special action al­leging he was not arraigned on one of the counts and was un­fairly denied "indigent" status, which would have allowed him a court-appointed attorney. That motion was denied Thursday by Judge William Moroney of Maricopa County Superior Court.

One of the city codes, impersonating an officer, was pre-empted by a state law, which is the count McLamb says he has not yet been arraigned on.

Despite the disruption to his life, McLamb says he'll keep on fighting to keep police from acting immorally and unlawfully.

"Every time I get a letter from a soldier, National Guardsman or police officer that says, 'Hey, Jack, I want to help with the re­covery of our nation and try to save our republic' ...hey, that's my best pay.

End Quoting