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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar

    Default 응답: PJ#107, RING AROUND THE ROSIE...!

    PJ 107


    SUN., AUG. 14, 1994 9:35 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 363

    SUN., AUG. 14, 1994

    I realize that this is an "off the wall" subject--especially to begin a "talk". However, there are so many subclinical diabetics and positively diagnosed diabetics that I feel I need to speak to this subject. This is ESPECIALLY IMPORTANT FOR ALCOHOL DRINKERS.

    I am not going to give a lecture on this subject but I want to point out what is happening so you can attend yourselves and watch for symptoms which WILL be happening to you if you fit these categories--or, even if you do not.

    I won't define "they" as anything other than as we have already referred to "them" which are your enemies of freedom and LIFE. THEY have been at it with diabetes for a long, long time and are now utilizing the imbalance now created in individuals to kill or hamper whole-body health.

    What is happening in the alcoholic "seizures" when a person be­gins to "dry out" is purely and simply insulin shock. Some of you old timers in the medical halls of input can remember that along with electric shock treatment for mentally ill patients--"they" also "treated" with insulin shock.

    You have reached a time when there is so much garbage going into you and a time when even the "low calorie" foods are NOT--along with the stimulation of insulin output triggered by the totally "diet" products "for diabetics".

    Bodies are having to produce unduly large amounts of insulin to counter the glucose overload of the body. This is OK for spo­radic indulging but what is happening is the constant "overload" which is debilitating. This, further, causes a response when "nothing" is present, overdose of insulin occurs and the resulting problems. This can be anything from sudden heart arrest to nervousness to insulin shock.

    I developed the "trim" products so that there WOULD BE NOTHING to trigger insulin overproduction. The hype you will feel is strictly from ingredients which cause some nervousness possibly--but NO "OVER" INSULINIZING. IF ANYTHING,
    THE INGREDIENTS WILL ADJUST THE BODY TO RE­SPOND TO FAT LIQUEFACTION AND UP METABOLISM WITHOUT INCREASING THE OUTPUT OF AN OVER­ABUNDANCE OF INSULIN--WHICH WOULD BE REFERRED TO AS AN INSULIN "SHOWER", JUST AS YOU CAN HAVE WHAT IS CALLED A "THYROID SHOWER". Our intent and the product is designed to increase metabolism and stop excessive fat production while moving out overabun­dant storage of fat in the cells, sluff off the byproducts and move them OUT OF THE BODY. This is not something which replaces "insulin" nor triggers overproduction of same.

    There is a "balancing" period of time involved as well--you don't pop a pill and it's all over with the fat-sluff. USE YOUR BRAINS! A BODY HAS TO ADJUST AND IF YOU SIMPLY THINK YOU HAVE A MIRACLE YOU ARE SIMPLY GO­ING TO HAVE A "WEIGHT-GAIN" MIRACLE.

    I cannot possibly imagine why you want to look like sticks--God made you in rounded perfection so that the body can sustain it­self if necessary if placed in a position of being "without". You who are sticks--are going to have problems and they will be as bad or worse--than the obese. Gross obesity is not at point here for THAT bears its own medical health problems which I won't take time to discuss at this sitting.

    These are the reasons, however, that I do urge you to stay on Gaia products wherein the cellular structure and organ output is able to come into functioning balance according to YOUR structure. Further, I urge the whole grain, specifically Spelta so that the balancing of nutrients can keep a more steady level of glucose circulating. THIS is the problem of all the junk foods--they hit rapidly, cause release of insulin to handle them and then, wham, leave you totally without resource for energy and you go through the cycles again. This is fine to know but will not change much until you decide to change attitudes--and THAT is within the mind. That is the SAME MIND that is pro­ducing too much insulin so you really DO have a problem go­ing.

    I am warning you now, however, that as this medical deficiency increases and more and more resistance is built against the over­flow of insulin (which ultimately will not convert the sugars at all), you may well have to move onto artificial intake of insulin in order to balance the body. It is going to be ever increasingly difficult to lose weight or maintain weight loss if the tendency is to obesity and/or eating habits get increasingly worse--as they will unless something drastic, like a shutdown of Willie Wonka's Chocolate Factory, happens.

    The "medical profession", by and large doesn't know anything about this problem and they certainly are NOT going to listen to a "nut from outer space". So, what have you? If you can look squarely at this problem--and you find you have it possibly--pay attention! THIS IS THE ONE MOST PROMINENT PROBLEM NOW IN TREATMENT OF ALCOHOL ADDICTION FOR IT BECOMES A FACT THAT "GETTING OFF" OF ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION CAN KILL YOU. HOW BETTER TO DEPOPULATE THAN THROUGH THIS KIND OF "ADDICTION"

    Remember that if there is a subtle way to KILL you--THEY HAVE IT AND ARE NOW USING IT. THEY are also, you will note, taking more and more things away so that you cannot balance yourselves. The stuff, for instance, in the "diet pills" and especially amphetamines--triggers massive outputs of insulin, as does the major ingredient in such as "Dexatrim".

    I am certainly NOT telling you to give up your special treats--I am telling you to pay attention. What happens is the HABIT of indulging that gives the problem, mostly. You will have a buildup of insulin and spillage and, if there is nothing to use it, you have reactions. The "surprise" or proper triggering to production and release according to intake--even of total sugar content, is natural--and what's more the body "natural" will produce and release the exact necessary amount. Often times NOW, however, a blast of sudden intake of sugar will give al­most the same sickly-nervous reaction as oncoming insulin shock--BECAUSE OF THE RESISTANCE BEING BUILT UP IN BODIES.

    I have badly presented this in my attempt to give you a general­ization of the problem in point here. Forgive me for that, sci­entists. If, however, you doctors and medical scientists don't like MY generalization--THEN GET OUT HERE AND STOP THIS INSANITY BEING PUT AGAINST THE POPULACE. Substances added which inhibit or cause resistance against in­sulin use is abominable--just as is lacing tobacco and tobacco papers with addicting opiates (never mind the nicotine, as that is a different kind of problem), along with adding by-products of addicting opiates to alcohol beverages. REMEMBER, READ­ERS, THE ELITE ARE DEPOPULATING THE EARTH AND THESE ARE THE SUBTLE WAYS WHICH WILL BE USED ALONG WITH THE TERRIBLE PLAGUES AND WARS. HOWEVER, NEITHER

    Now don't go ape-ballistic on me. I am talking about a routine of HABITUAL life-style--not the sugar-overload of a party or two. That may not be GOOD FOR YOU --but it is a "natural" activity which reminds the body to act as it SHOULD. Go indulge selves--but to indulge on sugars and junk which turns to fat and sugar on a regular basis--even if you carefully count the calories and limit intake accordingly --will set you up for this dastardly wheel of problems.

    There are a few who are utilizing what we call "insol"--an in­sulin DNAd dria. It is "iffy" at best, if you have gone over the line and into clinically recognized diabetes. We can try to re­balance--but once there is failure of a system it is very difficult to restart it. Don't be alarmed--just act wisely and if insulin intake is necessary--go take it. Sometimes the intake of high fre­quency dria product will help, in other cases the ELF of low frequency-based drias will do it--but this is one dis-ease that can be treated by insulin intake, so don't botch up your system if you NEED IT. IF YOU NEED IT
    --TAKE IT. The side-effects of not taking what you need is worse if unattended.
    Stop giving power to the mole-hill so that it becomes some kind of a "sacred" mountain.

    I am barraged with "prayers" which say "we don't deserve this..." or "that", especially "this New World Order thrust upon us helpless children". Don't you? What did you do to STOP IT? And what are YOU doing right now to STOP IT? As I look over the "testing ground" of the NWO at Woodstock to see how far they have gotten with the youth and mindset of your people--it is quite interesting to note that mostly it would seem that you possibly DESERVE a whole lot more "bad" stuff! Out there at Woodstock are the youngsters who would ordinarily RUN YOUR NATION!! YOU have bred a bunch of dead-brained robonoids. The interesting thing is, however, that they will do about anything they are told to do. This makes it bad UNTIL you give them something GOOD to do and then they will turn and do good--WHEN YOU REMOVE THE BRAIN-DEADENING SUBSTANCES FROM THEM. When you stop the NEW WORLD ORDER--AND THE DRUG TRADE BY YOUR ELITE RULERS, you will heal the noids. How do you do this? Well, humorously speaking, you will have a lot of in­sulin seizures! Then you'll have to allow God and Christ back into your CHURCHES, and boy, is that one going to be a "blast".

    Mostly you cut off the blood-supply to the beast! Cut off his endless pit of money sucked from you-the-people, shine the light of truth on his deeds and remove the POWER of position in the false seats of government--and what will THEY do? They stay in power because YOU ALLOW IT AND CONTINUE TO FI­NANCE IT! "They" can't even get a job anywhere else--so you feed them your very selves in your search for charity unto the Elite.

    Man may be equal at birth--he surely does get "unequal" as he experiences--and you better get some unequally qualified people to begin to set up structures BASED ON THE FOUNDATION OF THE CONSTITUTION--and get rid of the unlimited piles of garbage which are "unconstitutional" and, with it--the real garbage "men" themselves (using the term "men" equally for the female of your species but no longer "women" or "ladies").

    I realize this revolvement will be difficult. Why do I conjure a new word "revolvement"? Because "revolution" has become a word of WAR and TREASON. All you want to do is RE­VOLVE back into Constitutional status. This is not necessarily a REVOLT. So, I use "revolvement". THEY can use and abuse language --why do we not do the same and pop THEIR big hot-air balloons?

    Ok, I'm rebutted in any expression which infers you can possi­bly USE YOUR CONSTITUTION. Well, you are right in that THEY aren't going to let you do that if they can stop it. So, you go and you use what you can WHILE YOU CAN, then you stop when death is the response--DEAD MARTYRS ARE USELESS!! I will tell you now that almost ALL incarcerated persons are worse than USELESS--for attention has to be turned to obtaining their release if they are to ever serve again. This is what the enemy plans on you doing--every time. You see, the adversary NEVER has to really change his operations--he works on the physical senses of mankind and he NEVER "HAS TO" CHANGE FOR THE SAME OLD GAME WORKS EVERY TIME.

    I have observed WITH you that you have to be careful, espe­cially about forming armed militias--under the hot-headed power-focused PATRIOTS who would march
    on Washington or IMPEACH BY FORCE A PRESIDENT, OR, OR, OR. Until you have support and MASSIVE military teams behind you--ARMED REBELLION WILL ONLY GET YOU KILLED AND/OR INCARCERATED--MOSTLY INCARCERATED AT FIRST AND FINALLY, SIMPLY KILLED IN MASS. With your pistol or shotgun you may be able to defend your door from the FIRST officer or agent who appears and maybe even the first fifteen--but THEY will send more and THEY WILL KILL YOU IF THEY WANT TO, ON THE SCENE OR ON THE JUDICIAL ALTAR--WHICHEVER COMES FIRST.

    In August 15, 1994 a little article appears in U.S. News and World Report regarding the "citizen militias". There is nice mention of the Militia of Montana (MOM) from where we get a lot of extremely critical and factual information. It is that which offers hope--not that they all carry a bunch of guns. The infor­mation alerts all others--the guns are very localized indeed, at this point.

    Will there ever come a time when the sword should be used? I can't think of any--but
    I do not rule it out as long as mankind is in the mindset into which he has evolved. You may well have to grow "OUT" of your misteachings and misperceptions and "INTO" other realizations of confronting problems.

    I would like to share the article and then remind you that it is the "laws" which must be attended in HONOR and service under the Constitution--not the battlefields of bombs and rifles.

    It is full realization here that I suggest ALL OF YOU OUT THERE had to start somewhere--because you didn't know about a Committee of 17 who could help you. Now it is time as you do come to confront the COMMITTEES who have torn you down to insist they rebuild enough to the point where YOU can again act on the legislative truth of your Constitution. Easy? No--but THEY will see the advantage of helping. You need re­sources--and they have resources. You need leadership--and they have power and CAN LEAD. Why don't you change the minds and try to change the "gun" regulations?

    In Montana and other states, fury at gun control and govern­ment sparks a call to arms.
    In 1938, Lee Simpson shot three people at his ranch in cen­tral Montana. Two were young men he thought had been steal­ing his cattle, one a deputy sent later to arrest him. After a trial, he was sentenced to death. On the gallows, just before he became one of the last men publicly hanged in America, he was asked if he had any final words. "Not that I know of," Simpson said.

    That same willingness to take the law into one's own hands is again loose in the West, especially in Montana, where there is rising resentment against government. This sentiment, of course, is shared by many Americans, but recently some Mon­tanans have begun seeking frontier justice under the rubric of Revolutionary War-era law.

    Hundreds--possibly thousands--of Montanans are joining "citizen militias". They are spurred by passage of the Brady law, which applies waiting periods to gun purchases; they fear the law is the first step toward Big Brother's confiscation of their guns. Similar organizing drives have popped up in other states, including Florida, Texas and California. Their agenda is to thwart gun restrictions and fight most government interven­tion in their lives. Among the claims made by more extremist militia organizers is that a secret cadre of leaders hopes to rule the world through one global government. As evidence, they cite such reports as:

    * Unmarked black helicopters appearing in many locations, often threatening local residents by shining lasers into their eyes.

    * Gurkha troops and Royal Hong Kong policemen regularly training in the Montana mountains.

    * One-hundred-car trains filled with United Nations equip­ment, and cargo ships ferrying Russian and East German trucks and personnel carriers.

    * The Crips, Bloods and other street gangs being recruited and trained to serve as "shock troops" and "cannon fodder" for house-to-house searches conducted by New World Order offi­cers.

    [H: You had better remember that U.S. News and World Re­port IS A TOTAL ESTABLISHMENT NEWSPAPER--AND LOOK AT THE RIDICULE BUILT IN HERE TO CAUSE READERS TO SIMPLY ACCEPT THESE PEOPLE WHO THINK THESE THINGS TO LOOK STUPID AND AB­SURD!!! The facts are that ALL of these things listed ARE FACTUAL--but look how this is handled.]
    Despite these apocalyptic ALLEGATIONS, so far there has been no violence. Most militia organizers seem to want to keep it that way. John McGlothlen, a 47-year-old sheetrocker in Kalispell, has organized three militia meetings in the western Montana town, with peaceful turnouts of 300, 800 and 150 per­sons earlier this year. He dismisses the wilder rumors. "They're kind of like Sasquatch", he says. Some law enforce­ment officers, however, are worried that more-radical groups may provoke a confrontation to win converts for their cause. Some gun-toting extremists are planning to go to Washington in mid-September to put "traitors" in Congress on trial before a "citizens" court. There's also concern that in hotbeds of dis­content, extremists may elect a sheriff, giving them access to law enforcement databases and intelligence reports.

    Militia proponents in Montana cite both the state Constitu­tion, which allows for an unofficially organized militia, and the federal Constitution as legal bases for a citizens' militia. But state authorities dispute these interpretations. Flathead County attorney Tom Esch says militia organizers ignore other constitutional amendments and court cases, which stipulate that the Na­tional Guard is the state's only militia and that any militia must be "legally summoned" under civilian-government control.

    Legalities aside, feelings are running high. In April, in East­ern Montana, 15 or so men, calling themselves "freemen", placed million-dollar bounties on a county judge, sheriff, county attorney and other local officials who they felt were infringing on the freemen's rights by seizing and auctioning land that had been foreclosed. [H: We have to admit--it is tempting!] Though not directly connected to supporters of a citizens' mili­tia, the freemen share many of their beliefs. Four freemen were arrested on charges including disturbing the peace and threaten­ing a peace officer. But a dozen, mainly farmers and ranchers who had lost their homesteads to foreclosure, were still at large. [H: Do you see that the local enforcement people OF THE LAWS, are only the tiny most visible fragment of a system gone insane--the problem is at the top and underneath there is not the will nor daring to stop the insane march across freedom. As long as what is happening in Kern County to Ekkers is allowed to continue within the COURTS THEM­SELVES--there is little hope for you, citizens. When the corruption has infiltrated within the very fiber of the beings and they work their evil tricks one with another in hidden security--you can't regain ANYTHING--you will simply con­tinue the march down-hill.]
    Opposition to gun control is the catalyst that spawned grow­ing support for the militias. Many of the state's 800,000 resi­dents believe Montana's crime rate is relatively low because their weapons are a deterrent. "These people understand the Bill of Rights and the right to keep and bear arms", says Bill Boharski, a three-term Republican state legislator, "and when somebody starts infringing on those rights, they get concerned".

    Militiamen and women have other reasons for long-simmer­ing anger against government. Their fears and outrage have been inflamed by two recent incidents, called by some the Lex­ington and Concord of the 1990s. One is the Branch Davidian conflagration in Waco, Texas, last year; the other is the 1992 standoff in Ruby Ridge, Idaho, between Randy Weaver and fed­eral agents, which left one agent and Weaver's wife and son dead. To some militia supporters, Waco and Ruby Ridge are evidence that the government is a tool of sinister outside forces seeking to control the United States.

    Groups lobbying for a citizen's militia include many types of people. Some are ordinary citizens upset at what they view as growing federal intrusion into their lives and who are threatened by the economic woes in the timber, farming and mining indus­tries. The freemen and some others believe all levels of modern government are illegitimate. Some refuse to pay income tax or carry a driver's license. Red Beckman of Billings, one of the most influential people in the movement, says, "The Federal Reserve Bank, the IMF [International Monetary Fund], the New World Order and all that gang" seek dictatorial control of the world. Some are conservative Christians who support home schooling and are particularly upset about homosexuals. Fi­nally, there are White supremacists and neo-Nazis, whose groups have been growing in the Northwest.


    In Noxon, the Trochmanns--brothers John and David and David's son Randy--have started MOM, the Militia of Montana, Alpha Unit. They attend gun shows and other militia's orga­nizing meetings throughout the Northwest, selling their video-and audio-tapes, literature and pepper-gas dispensers. Human rights activists in Montana say the Trochmanns have been mem­bers of the Aryan Nation and anti-semitic Christian fundamen­talist groups. [H: Truth or lie? It doesn't matter because now it has again been STATED IN AN INTERNATIONAL ESTABLISHMENT NEWS MAGAZINE. FACTS ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE!] The Trochmanns deny that, claiming there are Jews, Asians and Blacks in their militia. Sitting in the tiny town's only cafe, the Trochmanns rail against the U.S. Government.

    Randy: "They've perverted the intent of the Constitution and come up with a bastardized form of illegitimate government".

    David: "Three hundred families run the world and plan global conquest".

    John: "We don't want bloodshed. We want to use the ballot box and the jury box. We don't want to go to the cartridge box. But we will if we have to".

    [H: Now, if you were fresh from Woodstock--what would you believe--if ANYTHING? Oh my. IF YOU CAN'T SEE BEYOND A GUN BILL OF SOME KIND--YOU ARE BLIND AS THE PROVERBIAL SALAMANDER OF AIEDO CAVES!]
    * * * *
    All I will add at this time is that RELIGION is going to be a whole lot worse to CURE! In fact, IF you can't separate "Christ" as in EMOTIONAL STATE OF BEING from ones considered to be "Christlike" as in "Jesus"--you will never make it, world


    by Rick Martin 8/10/94
    The time is NOW! We, as a Nation, are at a cross-roads. It is decision time. You readers have asked for it, so now I am asking you to back-up your words with deeds, support, and feedback.

    Current Government is at its end. Change is on the horizon and it is up to you. We must take back control of our coun­try. The only viable alternative remaining is to start anew, using the existing magnificent document upon which our na­tion was founded
    --the Constitution of the United States. It is our only hope.

    What do I mean by these statements? It is now time to form a Constitutional government apart from Washington, D. C. that is for and of the people--NOT with the present gov­ernment's representatives or special interest groups.

    What are your thoughts on this matter? Please write and share them. If you don't want to include your name or ad­dress, that is understandable--but, by all means, do write.

    P.O. BOX 27800
    LAS VEGAS, NV 89126
    * * * *
    by Rick Martin 8/15/94
    During the last two weeks I have met with Ronn personally for a number of days at his new location in southern Nevada.

    This particular prison seems to be considerably smaller than the northern correctional center and, in many ways, seems more relaxed.

    The inmates in this particular facility, however, consist largely of child and adult sexual-abuse felons, as well as many drug-re­lated convicts.

    Ronn's overall attitude is extremely positive and he has been overwhelmed at the tremendous response by CONTACT readers. To answer the incredible volume of mail which Ronn receives, as you might well imagine, requires considerable postage, paper and envelopes. He is not allowed to receive money through the mail, and until recently has not been allowed self-addressed, stamped envelopes. Lately, however, "they" have been allow­ing the stamped return envelopes through to him. Other than the tremendous gratitude Ronn wishes to express to all of you con­cerned readers, he has but one request: Please enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope with your letters--it really does make a difference and he would like to respond to each and all.

    As yet there is no specific information concerning his future re­lease, but optimism is in the air.

    It is my understanding that the pressure has not subsided on the Governor's Office, and we at CONTACT would like to ask that you continue to write until Ronn is released. That address is:

    Governor Bob Miller
    Capitol Complex
    Carson City, NV 89710
    And, again, Ronn's new address is:
    Ronn Jackson--33866
    SNCC-Unit 185A
    P. O. Box 100
    Jean, NV 89026
    Ronn Jackson Update
    * * * *
    by V.K. Durham
    CONTACT, Inc. News

    Hey Ronn:

    You "Goofed". Our Certificate has a CONTRACT, and its face identifies $1000 GOLD DOLLARS. It's the BONUS BABY. The CONTRACT has been filed of RECORDED RECORD per: "Se legaliza la firma, que antecedes" and "Se legaliza la firma noel contenido".

    The contract, the liens, the Legislative Resolutions, Legislative Acts, Annexes, etc., are all of public record, duly recorded. And all that beautiful interest has been accumulating since May 1, 1875. --V.K. Durham

    In an article by Patrick J. Buchanan, appearing in the July 29 edition of Southern California's DAILY NEWS,


    Friends, keep an eye on Capitol Hill.
    Word is out: The White House, in collaboration with the Re­publican leadership, may try to ram the huge General Agree­ment on Tariffs and Trade treaty (GATT) through both houses of Congress--before the August recess.

    If it happens, the GOP will have given Bill Clinton yet another resurrecting victory. And history will indict this party as co‑conspirator in a Munich-style betrayal of American sovereignty and the biggest sellout of states' rights in modern times.

    For GATT creates a new global authority, the World Trade Or­ganization [WTO], with unprecedented power.

    In the United Nations, the U.S. retains veto power. [But not in the UN Security Council (the muscle).] In the World Bank and International Monetary Fund, we have weighted voting. But in the WTO, there is no American veto, and the U.S. has only one vote out of 117. Our voting strength is less than 1 percent of the total--like Burundi's. Yet we will pay 20 percent of the bills.

    Third World nations, where many regimes have long envied and opposed America, will have 80 percent of the voting power. Our great trade rival, the European Community, will have 12 votes.

    Under the WTO any U.S. law--federal, state or local--may be challenged by a foreign government as an unfair trade barrier and each challenge will be heard in a secret tribunal.

    If that tribunal decides a "Buy California" law violates GATT rules, it can order the United States to get rid of the law, or face trade sanctions. The U.S. would be obligated to work to overturn California's law, and California would have no standing to appeal. Countless state laws will be at­tacked in the WTO, and the United States will be obligated to take the side of the foreign attackers.

    The attorneys general of 42 states have written the president demanding a federal-state summit before the United States sub­mits.

    End of Quoting
    In an article from the July 14 edition of THE WALL STREET JOURNAL, written by Helene Cooper,


    To hear some critics tell it, the World Trade Organization cre­ated to oversee the pending global-trade pact would be a ram­paging Godzilla, chewing up U.S. environmental laws, swal­lowing Congress and spitting out local regulations that might be trade restrictive.

    The WTO is a "glittering bride...Enhanced access to global markets--in exchange for your national sovereignty", warns con­servative commentator Patrick Buchanan. A group called the U.S. Business and Industrial Council runs an anti-WTO televi­sion ad showing the Declaration of Independence being ripped up. Grass-roots groups say the WTO will become a foreign-dominated Supreme Court of trade. Worse, they say, it will be controlled by 'faceless bureaucrats' in Geneva who make their decisions in secret.

    In an article from the August 2 edition of THE ORLANDO SEN­TINEL,

    More and more employers are using computers, cameras, lis­tening devices and telephones to keep tabs on their workers, ac­cording to a study released Monday.

    The report by the International Labor Organization, a United Nations agency, found that workers in industrialized countries are steadily losing their privacy as technological advances allow bosses to monitor them extensively--and often secretly.

    "It doesn't matter whether you work in a factory, in an office or as a highly paid engineer or professional--you are very likely under observation, with or without your permission, in some way by computers or machines controlled by your boss", said study co-author Michelle Jankanish.

    This kind of intrusion has been shown to create stress and de-motivation, Jankanish said. In addition, it can foster distrust between workers and their supervisors.

    "Workers' rights to privacy should be treated as a fundamental human rights issue", she said.

    The labor group culled its report from studies done around the world.

    It found that U.S. workers lead the pack in loss of privacy.

    There is more information available in the United States about such monitoring than elsewhere, and some European countries have a stronger tradition of employee participation in company decisions.

    The group cited a U.S. survey of 301 businesses in a wide range of industries that found about 20 million Americans may be electronically monitored on the job.
    Just more than 40 percent of the companies polled said they searched employee e-mail, 28 percent said they looked at net­work mail and 15 percent said they tapped into voice mail.

    "Companies like to engage in such monitoring even though many admit that the practice elicits little or no useful informa­tion", Jankanish said. "Just because you cross the door into the employer's office, it doesn't mean you give up all your rights".

    In an article from the July 31 edition of THE ORLANDO SEN­TINEL, written by Sandy Shore,

    To some civil libertarians, Phillip Zimmerman is a hero. To the government, he is a suspect. To one corporation, he is a flouter of patents.

    It is possible, in fact, that this self-employed computer software consultant is all these things; on the information superhighway, the distinctions blur. What is clear is that Zimmerman is in trouble.

    This is what Zimmerman did:

    He developed a program--Pretty Good Privacy, Or PGP--that encrypts electronic files in a virtually unbreakable code. He gave PGP to a friend. --The friend made it available on the worldwide network of computer system.

    As a result, he has been targeted in a federal criminal investiga­tion to determine whether he violated a law prohibiting the ex­port of encryption software. And he has run afoul of RSA Data Security Inc., which owns a patent on the mathematical algorithm used in PGP.

    But among civil libertarians, Zimmerman has achieved a kind of cult-hero status in the growing debate over electronic privacy is­sues.

    "Two hundred years ago when they wrote the Constitution, they never thought it was necessary to put a special amendment in the Bill of Rights for the right to have a private conversation. You would just go out behind the barn and talk", Zimmerman said.

    "But today, you have copper wires and glass fibers carrying our conversations. So, do we want to sacrifice our privacy because of that? Our civil liberties are eroding because of the Informa­tion Age. Cryptography will bring them back".

    "Phil is just a guy who did a neat thing," said Stephen Walker, president of Trusted Information Systems, Inc. of Glenwood, Maryland, which specializes in computer security. "he built a piece of software that somehow got overseas and they are using him as a scapegoat".

    In an article from the August 3 edition of THE ORLANDO SEN­TINEL,

    Computer viruses should be considered a life form, the first cre­ated by mankind, British physicist Stephen Hawking said Tues­day.

    "I think computer viruses should count as life", Hawking said in a speech at Macworld Expo. "I think it says something about human nature that the only form of life we have created so far is purely destructive. We've created life in our own image".

    In his speech about the nature of life, Hawking, a physicist at Cambridge University, said a computer virus fits the definition of a living system even though it has no metabolism of its own. Instead, it uses the metabolism of a host computer and is parasitic.

    The scholar on the origins of the universe also warned of a new phase of life in the future--something he called "self-designed evolution". He said humans may one day use genetic engineer­ing to extend life by designing human beings who are healthier, smarter and will live longer lives.

    "But once we've written the book of life, we'll start penciling in corrections," Hawking cautioned.

    In an article from the July 31 edition of THE LONDON TIMES,

    A remote-control miniature helicopter that can transmit live television pictures has been developed by Cunningham Group, the London-based loss adjuster. The machine can be positioned as close as 6 feet to its subject, flies up to 500 feet above the ground and is controlled from up to a mile away by an operator in a control van who can zoom-in to take close-up pictures.

    In an article from the August 8 edition of THE WALL STREET JOURNAL, written by David P. Hamilton,


    For the past decade, AIDS researchers have staged flashy an­nual conferences to showcase discoveries that hold the promise of one day controlling the epidemic. But as the Tenth Interna­tional Conference on AIDS opens Monday in Yokohama, it's clear that the meeting has become less a forum for break­throughs than a symbol for unsettling transitions in the epidemic.

    On the research front, hopes for quick AIDS cures or vaccines have dimmed. Instead, experts now expect slow but steady progress on basic scientific issues. Largely for that reason, this year's will be the last yearly meeting; future conferences will be held every two years.

    At the same time, HIV continues to spread rapidly--especially in Southeast Asia, which has passed sub-Saharan Africa as the re­gion with the fastest-growing incidence of infection.

    Some scientists even argue that the current spread of HIV is only the prelude to a much more serious breakout of infection in the population at large.

    In an article from the July 28 edition of THE ORLANDO SEN­TINEL, NICOSIA, Cyprus,


    An Iranian parliamentary committee has drafted a bill that would ban satellite dishes used to watch foreign television transmis­sions, the official news agency IRNA reported Wednesday. Some Iranian leaders have condemned the dishes as a conduit of Western "corruption". IRNA said the nine-point bill was drafted by the arts and Islamic guidance committee of Parlia­ment. The bill would ban the importation, manufacture, distri­bution and installation of satellite dishes in Iran. The bill must now go to Parliament for debate. Residents of Tehran said Monday that police ordered several apartment complexes to re­move their dish antennas, the first reported police action against satellite dish users in the Iranian capital.

    In an article from the August 5 edition of the JOHNSON CITY PRESS, written by Connie Cass,


    Postmaster General Marvin Runyon predicted it will take a year to get the nation's mail delivery back up to speed and said some of the underlying problems might take five years to fix.

    But he promised angry members of Congress Thursday that de­livery in the Washington area, recently tied with New York for slowest in the nation, would see "continuous improvement over the next few weeks and months".

    Seventy-five new mail carriers will be hired in Washington, postal officials said. And the city will get the intense attention Chicago has received since mail complaints surfaced there last winter, Runyon said.

    House Post Office Committee members at the subcommittee hearing repeatedly asked how things had gotten so bad.

    Runyon blamed the nation's delivery problems on the bureau­cratic "culture" of the Postal Service and workers' resistance to his attempts to modernize the system since taking office two years ago.

    Several committee members voiced frustration with Runyon's failure to give more concrete explanations of what went wrong.

    In an article from the July 9 edition of the Daily News, [from the Houston Chronicle] JAPAN,


    A new variant of the AIDS virus found in Africa and Europe is prompting drug companies to consider revising testing kits and governments to scrutinize the virus around the world, re­searchers said here Monday.

    Among the most disturbing features of the variant, called Type 0, is that it escapes detection by some commercially available tests used to screen blood for the human immunodeficiency virus.

    That also may mean that other variants of HIV have yet to be identified.

    "The question is, 'Are there more divergent strains to come'? " said Dr. Leopold Zekeng, chief of the laboratories and transfu­sion section in the AIDS Control Program in Cameroon.

    The finding of the new virus, coupled with the recent isolation of a virus similar to HIV-1 from a chimpanzee in the wild, sug­gests that HIV probably was transmitted from animals to humans and that other viruses could be also, said Dr. Guido van der Groen, a scientist at the Institute of Tropical Medicine in Bel­gium.

    "The destruction of the rain forests, the migrations of people into those areas are making a whole variety of things possible", said Dr. Robert Gallo, a noted researcher at the National Cancer Institute. "No one can predict what will happen". [Anyone smell a set-up ?]

    In an article from the August 9 edition of THE WALL STREET JOURNAL,


    China plans to build a road and rail link across the Bo Hai strait, which divides the Bo Hai and Yellow Seas between China and the Koreas. A Beijing-backed newspaper said the 83-mile crossing would have the world's longest undersea tunnel.

    Construction of the $10 billion connection between Changdong and Liaodong peninsulas in northeastern China is to begin this year and could be completed by 2010, the Wen Wei Po paper in Hong Kong said.

    In an article from the August 6 edition of southern California's DAILY NEWS, written for the SAN FRANCISCO EXAMINER by Rachel Gordon,


    San Francisco Mayor Frank Jordan is preparing to up the ante in his campaign to rid his city's streets of behavior he finds unde­sirable: He wants to ban people from sitting or lying on side­walks in commercial districts.

    The plan, he said, "is a no-non-sense approach" to improving the quality of life in San Francisco. It would provide police with one more tool to clear the sidewalks of people who make it difficult for others to conduct business or who harass passers­by, he said.

    In an article from the August 9 edition of THE WALL STREET JOURNAL, written by John J. Fialka,


    The Senate Intelligence Committee has discovered a large black hole in the federal budget, one that apparently financed a $310 million office building without Congress's knowledge or ap­proval.

    The Clinton Administration yesterday declassified information that the 70-acre complex with four towers and two parking garages--making it roughly one-fifth of the size of the Pentagon--will be the new home of the supersecret National Recon­naissance Office, which procures the nation's space-satellite systems.

    The sprawling complex, located in Northern Virginia five miles south of Dulles International Airport, was supposedly being con­structed as the home of Collins International Service Corp., a subsidiary of Rockwell International Corp. According to mem­bers of the Intelligence panel, that was a "cover story" to hide the NRO, the true occupant of the building.

    "I was astonished at the magnitude of the site", said Virginia Sen. John Warner, the ranking Republican on the Intelligence Committee. He described the complex as a Taj Majal that had been constructed with money deeply hidden in the nation's se­cret intelligence budget.

    "This project is a good example of what happens when the gov­ernment does its business in the dark", said Sen. Howard Met­zenbaum (D., Ohio), who has been pushing for openness.

  2. #2
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar

    Default 응답: PJ#107, RING AROUND THE ROSIE...!

    PJ 107

    Citizens For A Constitutional Washington
    Inspired by the Statute of July 4, 1776:
    The Declaration of Independence
    "We the People" Committee
    John R. Prukop, Executive Director
    11910-C Meridian East, #142
    Puyallup, Washington, Postal Zone: 98373/TDC
    Phone: (206) 840-8071, FAX: (206) 840-8074
    August 10, 1994
    To: United States Representative Norm Dicks (Democrat)--6th District
    United States Representative Mike Kreidler (Democrat)--9th District
    General Media Distribution

    SPECIAL NOTE: These U.S. Representatives are already targeted for replacement and defeat in their respective Districts this November, as they plan on voting "FOR" The Crime Bill, which is nothing more than a $30.2 BILLION DOLLAR SO­CIAL ENGINEERING PROGRAM and HIDDEN TAX IN­CREASE on the already overburdened American People. The "Crime Bill" is just another nail-in-the-coffin of American Lib­erty and Freedom. It is part and parcel of the continuing United Nations SOCIALIZATION OF AMERIKA and has NOTHING TO DO WITH CRIME PREVENTION. We believe that Dicks and Kreidler are practicing FASCISTS and COMMUNISTS, as they have voted for each and every socialist program to come down the pike, many of which are Planks of the Communist Manifesto.

    According to U.S. Attorney General Janet "Butch" Reno, there are FOUR MEN responsible for the birth of the apocalyptic "Omnibus Crime Bill" [HR-3355]. Those four men are: (1) Senator Joseph Biden, author of a dissertation entitled: "On the Threshold of a New World Order" [Congressional Record--June 29, 30, & July 1);
    (2) Congressman Jack Brooks, who has become famous for his off-air (he thought) comments on ABC News "Nightline" [4-28-93] after the Waco Mas­sacre... "Mr. Higgins, you know what I'da done; the first night I'da run everybody off, quietly put a bomb in that damn water tank, put tear gas in there; if they wouldn't shoot, KILL 'EM WHEN THEY CAME OUT...Now that's the way Brooks would've done it"!
    (3) Congressman Charles Schumer, who brought us the U.S. House Semi-automatic Weapons Ban; and, (4) Senator Howard Metzenbaum, quoted as saying about pri­vate gun confiscation: "We don't have ONE, until we have them ALL".

    Calling the District Offices of Dicks and Kreidler, to ask if they have a full copy of the CRIME BILL in their office for constituents to review, both offices replied "NO". In fact, at a recent "Town Hall Meeting" held by Kreidler, when asked by constituents about the provision on page 843 of HR 3555 [the Crime Bill] for hiring "Former Royal Hong Kong Police" into Federal Law Enforcement, Kreidler said he didn't know anything about that. Is it any surprise? Remember the comments made by Congressman Newt Gingrich on July 27th on C-SPAN? Gingrich stated that THE U.S. CONGRESS PASSES BILLS THAT AREN'T YET WRITTEN...NO LANGUAGE... JUST SUMMARIES AND OUTLINES. He said, "Principles are NOT the same as legislation. Human beings can LIVE or DIE depending on the legislation...this idea that we should legislate from a series of outlines without having seen the bill is utterly destructive". In the case of this ANTI-AMERICAN "Omnibus Crime Bill", a clap-trap of social control programs and TAX INCREASES, those words are all too true. Incidentally, it ap­pears Mr. Gingrich "revised and extended" his remarks for the Congressional Record on that day. The speech quoted didn't discuss these remarks and the video recording from C-SPAN is the only proof of these comments.

    Regarding the recruitment of "former Royal Hong Kong Police" into the Crime Bill's proposed 100,000 National Law En­forcement Team, that was Senator Roth's brainchild. According to Roth, he said this provision was necessary due to the "problem with Asian organized crime...because our present law enforcement agents don't speak Chinese". Right! Many peo­ple, including those in high law enforcement positions have speculated that we may have Chinese Ghurkas on our streets as part of the 100,000 new police, since the Bill provides for fed­eral recruitment of these new police. During a recent confer­ence when asked "why" the Federal Government should spend millions of dollars recruiting police for the States, when they've been doing it successfully for decades, Senator Joe Biden in­ferred that the cities and counties AREN'T CAPABLE OR QUALIFIED OF DOING THE JOB RIGHT. Biden said they'd wind-up hiring a bunch of people and we'd have unqualified and untrained police running around. How absurd!

    We know, from past experience, that WHAT THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT PAYS FOR...THE FEDERAL GOVERN­MENT CONTROLS, after all the borrower is servant to the lender. Here comes our "Federalized" National Police Force, just like in Nazi Germany and we must remember that before Hitler could come into full power (now it's the United Nations) he had to impose total weapons bans...disarming the people. His first big hit was "assault weapons bans", and then he "got 'em all". Feinstein's Assault Weapons Ban in the Crime Bill still stands firm. They and the media call them "assault weapons". We prefer to call them American Citizen Defensive Weapons...to be used--if necessary--TO STOP AND PUT DOWN those who would pervert, tyrannize and trample the Constitution for the United States of America and its Bill of Rights and our Republican Form of Government. The Founding Fathers of this Nation didn't put the 2nd Amendment in the Bill of Rights for hunters or sporting purposes. We know it...and we know that they know it. Right now in the District of Columbia [aka "District of Criminals"] the crime rate is so high, young people plan for their funerals instead of their future. The District of Columbia has a TOTAL WEAPONS BAN and they've had to bring in the National Guard to assist the D.C. Police because of the high crime rate. It appears only the criminals in D.C. have weapons...AND NOW THEY WANT OURS! NOT ON YOUR LIFE!

    Clinton's "Omnibus Crime Bin" is a DISASTER and will, if passed, bring disaster to America and our individual free­doms. They keep saying America wants a crime bill. NO...Mr. Clinton and the world policy makers, The World Communist Movement headquartered at the United Nations Headquarters District in New York City, want a crime bill. The Crime Bill in its final version is expected to consume 1,000 pages or more. Nearly every provision in it contains legislation that is foreign and outside the scope and purview of any Constitutional Authority.

    The most Glorious Legacy that one can Bequeath to Poster­ity is LIBERTY. And the only true Security is LIBERTY!

    The 2nd Amendment states, "...The right of the people to keep and bear Arms, SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED".
    CHAPTER 10
    To APFN--ALL8/13/94

    Officer Jack McLamb is now on international shortwave, WWCR, 5.810 MHZ (44 meter band) at 2000 eastern time 5 nights a week for 1 hour, sponsored by Viking International. His call-in telephone equipment should be operational by Mon­day, 8/15. He goes on (non-jury) trial in a municipal-level court at 8 am, 22 August 1994. Attendance by Patriots wishing to stand up for him (quietly and respectfully--the object is not to go to jail, and to stay on shortwave!), particularly active and retired police and military in uniform, are encouraged and requested. Similarly a polite letter to the judge before trial to encourage his leniency is encouraged by Jack. Write:

    Honorary Reginald Kiefer, Judge, Phoenix City Court, 400 N. 7th St., Phoenix, Arizona 85006.


    by Jake Batsell
    Arizona Republic Correspondent
    At first glance, retired Officer Jack McLamb, decked out in his old Phoenix police uniform and wearing the retirement badge his department gave him after 10 years of service, seems the picture of authority.

    Look more closely, though, and you'll see pinned to that uni­form a red button. It reads, "QUESTION AUTHORITY".

    And he does.

    Now, McLamb's self-described "protest uniform" has gotten him in trouble with his old comrades in arms. On Dec. 12, Phoenix police arrested him for impersonating an officer.

    McLamb originally was slated to go to trial this morning, but his case will be rescheduled at a hearing today.

    McLamb, founder of the American Citizens' and Lawmen's As­sociation, makes appearances across the country urging law of­ficers to keep America from evolving into a "collectivist, utopian, socialist society". He also publishes Aid and Abet, a privately circulated newsletter for rank-and-file police officers.

    McLamb believes the newsletter sparked his arrest. One issue he was handing out at a gun show contained statistics compiled by the American Federation of Police saying that 87 percent of American police officers think citizens should be able to retain all their weapons. That "unpopular statistic", McLamb said, may explain his arrest.

    The bust came during the gun show at Veterans Memorial Coli­seum. McLamb was wearing his uniform and distributing his newsletter under a banner that read: "Police Against the New World Order".

    He was arrested--though not taken in--on two city codes, one that prohibits impersonating an officer and a second that pro­hibits wearing policemen's or firemen's badges or insignias without authorization.

    But the recent charges are only the latest in a "long, long series of persecutions" by the Phoenix Police Department, he said.

    "They dug them (the impersonation laws) out specifically for retired Officer McLamb here, because that's the best they had to shut me down", he said. "They are attacking my First Amend­ment exercise once again to distribute literature that is politically incorrect today".

    Phoenix police spokesman Mike McCullough denied that.

    "If he ... resembled a police officer, with patches or anything like that, he's in violation of impersonating a police officer", he said.

    Both violations carry maximum sentences of six months in jail and/or $2,500 in fines.

    In 1992, McLamb attracted some national attention when he ac­companied then-independent presidential candidate Bo Gritz to Naples, Idaho. They attempted to mediate an armed standoff between government agents and right-wing activist, Randy Weaver that had resulted in the shooting deaths of Weaver's wife, son and a U.S. marshal.

    The political work is not lucrative. The 50-year-old McLamb said he lives in a single-wide mobile home, drives a 1970 blue Chevy and makes $1,300 per month.

    "I've got my living standard down to the poverty level, where I can exist and still go on with my work", he said. "This is all volunteer work. The best pay in the world is my being able to awaken my brothers and sisters".

    McLamb feels singled out by the impersonation charges, but Jim Dunham, the assistant city prosecutor assigned to the case, said there is a history of such arrests in Phoenix.

    "They've been prosecuted before," Dunham said. "It's not the first and only time that this statute has come to light".

    During his tenure at the department, McLamb said, he was twice named Officer of the Year. But he was also fired twice by then-Police Chief Ruben Ortega. In both instances, he was reinstated by the Civil Service Board.

    He retired in 1986, when he said doctors refused to allow him to return to duty after he aggravated a shoulder injury.

    McLamb says Ortega objected to his writing to fellow officers "about upholding their oath of office" and "defending people's rights and liberties".

    Ortega, now chief of police in Salt Lake City, would not com­ment on McLamb's firings Thursday.

    "It's old history", he said.

    McLamb, who does not have a lawyer, filed a special action al­leging he was not arraigned on one of the counts and was un­fairly denied "indigent" status, which would have allowed him a court-appointed attorney. That motion was denied Thursday by Judge William Moroney of Maricopa County Superior Court.

    One of the city codes, impersonating an officer, was pre-empted by a state law, which is the count McLamb says he has not yet been arraigned on.

    Despite the disruption to his life, McLamb says he'll keep on fighting to keep police from acting immorally and unlawfully.

    "Every time I get a letter from a soldier, National Guardsman or police officer that says, 'Hey, Jack, I want to help with the re­covery of our nation and try to save our republic' ...hey, that's my best pay.

    End Quoting

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