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  1. #1
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    CHAPTER 19

    (text pict.)
    CHAPTER 20

    by Grandma
    August 3rd, 1994

    CONTACT Inc. News
    Rick Martin

    Dear Rick and Readers,

    Yesterday was a day "WE" care not to relive and/or re-expe­rience, as seemingly the whole dammed world went "crazy".
    We all received word in here yesterday morning about that dip-sticked lowly little Ph.D., down at the Veteran Affairs Health Clinic, and Russell's brother and sister trying to "overthrow" an existing power of attorney, duly recorded of record, which says the wife is enabled to sign papers for Rus­sell when needed to be signed (since Russell can no longer sign for himself, due to the broken bones received in MISSOURI while at the other "proficient" Health Care Facility, without authorization).
    We also received the word that "The Department of the Ageing", of the Department of Health and Human Services, was going to take Russell out of the home and try to prosecute the wife for the abuse of the elderly, as result of a concocted story by those who hope to steal the Certificate away from Russell and the other owner of duly recorded record.
    First, they decided they were going to try the old "Gun in the house" BULL SHIT, because of the old 1776 Belgium Long Ri­fle that hangs over the door. It was an inherited piece. It ex­isted and was put together for the REVOLUTIONARY WAR. There is no ball and powder. It is just an inherited piece with a lot of memories and a reminder of WHAT THIS FRIGGING COUNTRY IS SUPPOSED TO BE ALL ABOUT!
    Well, a little he/she named FRANCIS saw this antique and decided he/she wanted to cause some trouble for Russell. He/she goes back and files a report that he/she is afraid for his/her safety in this house. Of course this is after the WORLD NEWS REPORT came on, and PETER JENNINGS read off the IDIOT BOARD that: "A New Law had been passed that all the CRITICALLY ILL WERE TO BE TERMINATED" and frankly, I don't even think it dawned on him what he had said, but it was said. When he/she came in the house to work with Russ on his physical therapy, the wife (Catherine) made the re­mark, "Did you hear the news about this new law being passed where the critically ill were to be terminated?" No, he/she had not heard of this new law. Catherine then made the remark, "If someone tries to terminate Russell Herman in this house they will carry the son-of-a-bitch out feet first and we do not need guns to put the bastards out feet first!"
    The door had no more than closed when this little he/she told the PRIMARY PHYSICIAN at Veterans Hospital, "I am in fear for my safety if I go back into that house". The primary physi­cian, without contacting the wife, Catherine, to determine what had gone on here, dismissed Russell Herman from HOME HEALTH CARE prior to 7:30 a.m. on Monday morning.(??)
    The primary doctor, Dr. Hyde, was challenged by CATHER­INE Herman, as V.K. Durham was not here at the time, and Catherine told the doctor that he had been negligent in his duties as the primary treating physician as to place Mr. Herman in such jeopardy which caused undue stress and undue duress on both Mr. Herman and the wife, Catherine; that he had been negligent by allowing these Acts to occur without taking the po­sition of the primary physician and protecting the patient and the wife from malicious, willful intent, legal willfulness, careless disregard for the health and welfare of the patient. And that he and he alone had signed a document which has and will cause Russell Herman great harm and in all probability the wife also.
    V.K. Durham was notified and did know that they were go­ing to "try for the CERTIFICATE". So, V.K. Durham made the decision along with the wife Catherine... "An attempt to stop this madness must be made". V.K. Durham was pissed-off to begin with, as it had reached us that President Bill Clinton had made a speech out West, and a college student had asked him
    about how all these constitutional laws could be broken. And Clinton Allegedly Responded: "The Constitution Is A RADI­CAL DOCUMENT and should be done away with". This just added fuel to an already smoldering coal. Vice President Al Gore had just the week before made the remark: "THE OLD GOVERNMENT IS NOT WORKING AND IT SHOULD BE DONE AWAY WITH. AND A NEW GOVERNMENT PUT IN ITS PLACE".
    V.K. Durham made the remark to Mrs. Herman: "The only way to stop the bastards from this insanity is TO CUT OFF THEIR MONEY LINE."
    Subsequently. LIENS were filed, duly recorded of record, against the United States of America, the Department of the Treasury, the Department of WAR, the Company of the United States of America, the Corporation of the United States of America, all Congressmen, all Senators, the House, all employ­ees, assignees, designees, agents, appointees and CONTRAC­TORS of the United States of America for the full amount of the Certificates, Interest due and payable. Also duly recorded of public record, the offer to assist the President and the people of the United States of America and the Lien of October 12, 1993, including the THANK YOU LETTER from the resident of the White House, BILL CLINTON. These LIENS and the DEED, wherein contained are the ABSTRACTS OF TITLE, are duly registered, duly recorded of public records.
    Catherine asked V.K. Durham, "Why did you file under ARTICLE VI of the United States Constitution?" Because those ARE THE REAL LAWS, the U.C.C.(s) were not in existence at the time of the CONTRACT, and the ISSUING OF THE CERTIFICATE.
    Then, V.K. Durham was asked: "Why did you prevail upon THE VIRGINIA BILL OF RIGHTS?" "Because, ILLINOIS WAS VIRGINIA at the time of the adoption of the Constitution of the United States of America", was the reply. And continued with: "The Articles of Confederation under Article VI were also prevailed upon, and all of the antecedents to the Constitution."
    Hopefully, the powers that be CAN READ and DETER­MINE the difference between RIGHT AND WRONG. Because they sure as hell are tearing this nation apart. When a law is passed to TERMINATE THE CRITICALLY ILL...Adolph
    Hitler had absolutely nothing on this GENERATION OF ELECTED OFFICIALS, as they are PRACTICING GENO­CIDE. This is exactly why the LIENS WERE FILED, Recorded Of Recorded Record, to break their MONEY LINE and bring sanity back to the United States of America and re­store the rightful government of the People to its proper status, and to put people back to work, and to allow those that are able to work to afford their own insurances. This is about AMER­ICA and AMERICANS who desperately need jobs and industry.
    Now that these LIENS are in place of duly recorded record, recorded public record, and the amounts of the LIENS are $206,858,581,465,280,000,000.00 on the accrued interest ONLY from May 1, 1875 to May 1, 1990. An additional LIEN of 176% accrued from May 1, 1990 was filed, and shall remain of recorded record until paid in full. The LIENS were filed on PROPERTY identified as GOLD, GOLD COIN, GOLD BUL­LION, due and payable.
    The LAW says (Constitutional and antecedents) that Wash­ington only has jurisdiction on the Federal Level of 10 square miles in Washington, District of Columbia. The Constitution says in Article VI: "It adheres to all debts and engagements in­cluding the Articles of Confederation". The Articles of Confed­eration. Article V, says: You have the right to RECALL your representative in Washington if he is not doing the job you sent him to do. And to send someone else in his/her stead that will get the job done that the PEOPLE require and desire as their Laws.
    These LIENS duly recorded, Numbers 189934 (70+ pages), Number 188935, Number 189951 are just and legal LIENS. There is more than enough to RE-Shore up the American People and their American Nation. There is more than enough to back each State in their quest for sovereignty under the TENTH AMENDMENT, who seeks the rights and laws of the Constitu­tion and its antecedents, and subject to laws which are before the MICKEY and MINNEY MOUSE Laws passed by "special interest groups", and drunks, pot smokers, coke and heroine users, and other equally sick persons who now reside in our seats of government, making laws which are CONFUSING and in CONFLICT WITH THE TRUE LAWS. These LIENS were filed to ENFORCE THE FOURTEENTH AMENDMENT by
    ACT OF CONGRESS, whereas and whereby the American People can once again become staunch, upright, working, self-respecting providers of their own needs, under laws which do not MANDATE GENOCIDE for the elderly.
    These LIENS were recorded of record, for the express pur­pose of protecting the AMERICAN PEOPLE from acts of Op­pression, Despotism and Tyranny as currently imposed on them by a government which is practicing the same principal and the­ory of England prior to the Revolutionary War. As at that time, the American Citizens were not allowed to work, they were or­dered to import slaves to do their labours by Order of the Crown, and it even went so far: "If a person owned a horse, that horse had to be sent by ship, to England to be SHOD". It's all a matter of record, but the History is in for RE-Write so the records are short lived.
    These LIENS are outstanding debts of the United States of America. This is the cause of the liens being filed, as the American People are the ones whose TAXES were paid to cover these ACTS of CONGRESS and Presidential/Executive Orders of Assumpsits; a.k.a., the assuming of an outstanding debt of another nation.
    The program is: 1) the Principal shall never be put in jeop­ardy, 2) the accrued interest, 176% over and above the May 1, 1990 computations, will (after these 38 states reach their desti­nation of state Sovereignty under COMPETENT, UNDER­STANDING, COHERENT, DRUG-FREE, KNOWLEDGE­ABLE PERSONS of the People's choice of government ac­cording to Article V, Sec. IV and the Articles of Confederation and its antecedents [debts and engagements] have ORDERED THEMSELVES, and gone through an ATTITUDE ADJUST­MENT PERIOD), and (2) that 176% (or the plan is) to provi­sion equal amounts of the states whereupon the people may once again control their own destinies, and according to the Constitu­tion, choose their own laws, and enforce the Oaths of Office taken by all employees, assignees, designees, judges, presidents, vice presidents, senators and congressmen, and state officials whereupon "SANITY" may once again be restored. ARE YOU GOVERNORS AND LEGISLATORS "LISTENING"!?
    Since our BONUS 3392-N-181 of 1875, is GRANDFA­THERED, it is not subject to these JOHNNY-COME-LATELY LAWS. The U.C.C.s are not applicable. A CONSTITU­TIONAL PAIR OF LIENS exist in our instance, (the Federal Reserve was not in existence at that time).
    Now, TOMMY BUCKLEY has an entirely different CAN OF WORMS. He can file his LIENS on the FEDERAL RE­SERVE SYSTEM/BANKS and that should get their ATTEN­TION IN SHORT ORDER. Do it under the SPECIFIC ACTS, provisions of the Federal Rules of Court and Civil Procedures, "RULE 70", and enforce a SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE.
    That should stop the printing of the FUNNY MONEY, and when they continue to play the MONOPOLY GAME they don't even have the reserves to get into the frigging game. It's CHECK MATE. They have been put between the ROCK AND THE HARD PLACE. Maybe together we can move this mountainous ilk of idiocies, and restore our Nation.
    With all of us working together, we can peacefully restore the GOVERNMENT "of the people, by the people, and for the people" in short order.


  2. #2
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 105
    CHAPTER 21
    Editor's note: We at CONTACT would like to sincerely thank VENTURE INWARD for their kind permission granted to print this important article, as well as acknowledge the forefront work that the Edgar Cayce organization, the Association For Research & Enlightenment , has been doing for so many years to further man's understanding of the God-given powers of the mind.
    Jane Heimlich, researcher & authoress wife of Dr. Henry Heimlich, recently said, "Medical insiders suppressed the Heimlich Maneuver for 10 long years--and thousands of choking victims paid the ultimate price". And the list is long of such perverse antics.
    Yes, regular CONTACT readers are well aware of that puppet-branch of the crooks in high places, known as the Medical Es­tablishment--the A.M.A.--and their longstanding efforts to sup­press health and expand profits. We share this excellent article not only because of its important information on Chelation Ther­apy, but also because of a daring M.D. 's dynamite comments, early on in the article, about the true legal bounds of the FDA. If only more healers sought truth!

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