PJ 105
Friday August 5, 1994

To whom it may concern

From: Charles Wright, 704-898-4404, Fax 704-898-4211

Subject: Update information on Ronald Lee Jackson S.S.N.s: 140-36-0911; 526-26-1005; 120-20-1004; 024-20-1911; 017-20­2113; 316-36-7811 (current Social Security number).
I drove up to New Castle, Indiana on Sunday July 31, and ar­rived on Monday August 1, 1994. I went to the New Castle Chrysler High School where Ronn graduated in 1956.
I was told that Ronn is the world's biggest bull shitter by sev­eral people who graduated with him and worked with him. I showed them the video tape of Ronn Jackson that was done on 3-31-94 by Barbara Scott. Four people said that was not Ron­nie. They remembered him as being red haired, freckled, and fat.
The following day on Tuesday. The following day brother in Parker City, Indiana, and he looked at the video and said that it was his brother Ronald Lee Jackson. David said that Ronn has aged a lot, and now looks like their dad Charles Jack­son. The boys' mother, Dorothy Tower remarried to Robert M. Woodward.
Ronn did not go to Purdue or Stanford. In fact the H.S. Grade Transcripts were sent from 1960 to 1973 to the following places: Ventura, CA; Toledo University; Beneficial Finance in Hollywood, CA; and San Francisco State College or University.
Ronn told me and several others including friends in New Castle that he has a BA (1958) and a MA (1959) from Purdue, and a Ph.D. from Stanford in the 70s.
Fact: He was ranked two from the bottom of his class of 300 students in his 1956 graduating senior class.
Fact: He went into the USMC right out of High School, and before that he tried to enlist into the Army but, they would not take him. His brother told me that he stole from and conned the family for years. He lived in California and New Castle, and returned back to New Castle to live three or four times.
He would lie to his boss and con him into giving him an ad­vance commission on furniture that he said he sold, and he did the same thing with his boss when he sold used cars. Once he used a $1,500 construction advance to pay off his bar tab instead of buying building materials with it. He drank heavily from high school days to the present and would drink his businesses into the ground, one in particular where he sold wide screen TVs in California. His brother David is the one who introduced him to Glenlevit Scotch.
David said that Ronnie is not welcome in his house.
The step father, Robert M. Woodward, would beat the boys and had he been living today and beat David and Ronnie the way he beat them then, he would be in prison for child abuse. This was backed up by several people in town and David Jack­son, who is Ronn's younger brother.
Ronn Jackson was born 10-20-38, in New Castle, Indiana, Henry County.
When he went into the USMC his home address was 728 South 22nd Street, and his phone number was 4567. The house is no longer there and now the Eatwood Elementary School sits there.
Ronn has written in his book, The Death of Camelot, and told me on the phone, that he has planted three Russian built nuclear bombs in the U.S. One in Washington, D.C., one in. Colorado Springs, and one in Texas. He has control of the bombs and is using them as his personal life insurance policy against the members of C.O.U.P.E.S.
C.O.U.P.E.S. stands for Committee of Universal Peace and Economic Stabilization, was formed by the C.F.R. (Council on-Foreign Relations) and there are now 17 members on the Com­mittee, Warren Christopher being code named A-5, who is Ronn's boss. The codes that he puts at the end of each chapter in his book The Death of Camelot are 060220-728943. He says that he can access these bombs through his voice activated com­puter called Adam One. He also said that he performed 135 sanctions (murders) for C.O.U.P.E.S. from 1963-1985. Prior to the sanctions he carried and delivered cocaine and money for C.O.U.P.E.S.
Now there are two major reasons why I think Ronald Lee Jackson might be who he says he is:
1) Yesterday while I was telling the above to Rick Martin on the telephone, he received a phone call from a lady who he has talked with before, who says she worked for the Secret Service and she knew Ronn Jackson back in the early 60s and that Ronn also worked for the Secret Service. Rick heard this woman and Ronn talk on a three-way conference call through his office tele­phone equipment, and Rick said they talked like old buddies. So when this lady called while I was talking with Rick yesterday morning (8-4-94), he put her on the line and we had a three way conversation. She identified herself as "Ace High", and said Ronn knew her as "Big Red One". In fact Ronn mentions this name "Big Red One", I think maybe in his book The Death of Camelot. "Ace High" said that when she worked for the Secret Service (starting with Eisenhower), none of her family knew what she was doing, and in fact because she was gone for long periods of time, they probably thought she was shacking up somewhere (these are her words). Rick mentioned to me that it is also his experience in investigating these deep cover agents, that most of them are looked down on by their own family and friends and community as con-men, derelicts, drunks, etc., etc., etc. (later in another conversation with Tommy Buckley in Texas, he said that Dr. McFarlane was also thought of this way by his family and friends and community too). So it looks like Ronn could have indeed been recruited by C.O.U.P.E.S. in 1963 while he was in the employ of the United States Secret Service, without his family and friends knowing anything.
2) Ronn came up with the correct hexadecimal computer codes of the certificates that were given to Tommy "Treasurygate" Buckley. Buckley verified the codes because the same codes had been given to him by a CIA agent before Ronn had ever given them to him.
3) Several other reasons to believe that Ronn might be who he says he is:
90% of the information that he gave to Tommy Buckley was verified by Mohammed, who we now know as Keith Boyles who died of a brain hemorrhage on 7-7-94.
The names that Ronn has provided to the CONTACT newspa­per, the names who are members of C.O.U.P.E.S. and who are involved in the U.S. Government drug smuggling network do not appear in other conspiracy books, so Ronn either is good in making up names, or he knows what he is talking about.
Ronn simply knows too many facts that agree with the inves­tigative work of others, such as Dr. John Coleman, and Rodney Stich, and Russbacher.
Ronn said that when he was recruited by C.O.U.P.E.S. he thought it was a government agency, but not until years later did he realize that he was killing for a secret Rockefeller Committee that controls the three most powerful families of the 12 families that control the finances of the world. He said that the reason he wrote the book The Death of Camelot was to expose C.O.U.P.E.S.
A large portion of the book has already been published by the Anza Valley Newspaper in Anza, California, and this was done on a weekly basis for a year-and-a-half. Much has also been published in the CONTACT newspaper.
So if Ronn is who he says he is, then he needs to divulge the location of the three live active nuclear bombs to the proper U.S. authorities.
Why do people sit in silence and let these dangerous world players hold the rest of us in hostage with their madness?!?! Let's move from secrets to open truths.
Let's move from death threats to love hugs.
If the clean players in the CIA, FBI, NSA, NSC, USSS, the Judicial System, Congress, etc., are really servants for the peo­ple, they will serve their nation in open truth and action within a Government that is by the people.
The old paradigm of secrets is getting thin, and the new paradigm of truth is getting stronger.
Go with this flow of the Universe, it will support your heart and actions.
Peace, love, light,
Charles Wright

Editor's note: This information was sent to us from a reader in Alaska; thank you, Jim R. for sharing.


by C. Zickuhr
The HAARP project being constructed near Gakona, Alaska will create the largest-of-its-kind ionospheric heater using com­puter-controlled radio frequency transmitters. HAARP, which stands for High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project, is a joint effort of the Air Force and Navy. HAARP program man­ager, John Heckscher, claims that it is a research project with both military and civilian benefits yet only military experiments can be found in the documentation for the project. The acronym implies something to do with the aurora, but none of the project papers mention that aspect. What sounds like an engineering feat deserving of public accolade, has remained suspiciously low profile, almost unknown to most Alaskans as well as the rest of the country.

Documents acquired from the Office of Naval Research via the Freedom Of Information Act reveal a more ominous purpose for HAARP. According to these documents, the U.S. military believes the former Soviet Union has similar heaters with which they claim to have achieved higher levels of ionospheric reaction than possible so far in the "West". Although smaller in size than the HAARP project, there are many other ground based transmitting heaters in operation around the world; Tromso, Norway and Arecibo, Puerto Rico among them. Can these heaters already be changing the weather, and have they some­how contributed to the recent climate-based catastrophes in the U.S? Might migratory species traveling through the "rays" have already experienced irreversible damage? How many humans have contracted cancers that might have remained dormant if not "excited" by these transmissions? When Russia's Zhirinovsky speaks of secret weapons, is he referring to their version of HAARP?

HAARP first came to my attention in the spring of 1993, when a neighbor and airline pilot brought me materials on the project. The FAA had briefed commercial pilots in Alaska on changes needed to avoid interference from future HAARP transmissions. As a ham radio operator, my neighbor assumed that I had some knowledge of the "giant transmitter" and its effect on other communications. After making inquiries to other hams, a few recalled seeing announcements for public meetings in Glenallen and Anderson, Alaska. Several then attended these Draft Environmental Impact meetings and gathered information.

FAA personnel, pilots, communications engineers and others raised serious questions during the HAARP Draft Environmental Impact Statement process. According to official statements, these questions were all properly addressed in the Final Envi­ronmental Impact Statement (FEIS). Closer examination reveals a different story. Local FAA engineers, aware of the heavy safety dependency of airplane communications, voiced strong objections. The national FAA, however, overrode these objec­tions and gave HAARP the green light after "assurances" that lower level concerns would be accommodated. The FEIS ad­mits that all forms of radio communication are subject to inter­ference, yet completely ignores the concerns expressed in many of the comments. Individuals, organizations and agencies that use radio for their day-to-day livelihood were left with a "let us know and we'll try to mitigate it" promise. It is important to remember the definition of mitigation is "to reduce", not "to eliminate". What recourse does the Alaskan Bush communica­tor have when their radio transmissions are rendered useless by HAARP? That is their only form of communication.

The FEIS and other Department of Defense documents indicate that interference problems would be too great to allow it to be located near other military facilities in Alaska. What kind of monster is it that they can't even locate it near existing military bases? Even the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NITA) has reservations about HAARP trans­missions. They would only permit one of the test sites (Mineral Wells, Texas) to operate and so far have declined to extend all the requested frequency/power privileges necessary for the Alaska site. The enormous lobbying power of the military may overwhelm reason and force the NTIA to go along with the HAARP request. After all, Gakona is a "virtually uninhabited" area of the world.

Electromagnetic radiation has drawn increasing interest in the form of health impact studies and research worldwide. The HAARP project will generate massive amounts of intentional and some unintentional radiation. The HAARP environmental impact statements deny possible biological effects on humans, citing obsolete IEEE standards that basically say if the radiation isn't causing you to feel heat, it does not harm you. The pre­ponderance of current studies indicate there can be promotion of cancer growth, disorientation, and other negative physical ef­fects from low level, non-heating electromagnetic radiation. Why have out government agencies given their affirmation to something so clearly controversial?

After searching for answers to HAARP questions for the past year and a half, what has surfaced are very few answers and many more questions. How dangerous is HAARP (some physi­cists fear severe planetary consequences)? Commenting on HAARP in the April, 1994 issue of Physics and Society, C. L. Herzenberg says "...this technology does present issues that need to be publicly addressed by the technology community". Can HAARP change the ionosphere and weather patterns? Can HAARP disrupt worldwide communications?? Can HAARP damage or destroy wildlife?? Will HAARP radiation change the migration habits of animals that come near it?? Can HAARP cause cancer?? Can the ionospheric effects of HAARP be con­trolled?? Why has the project been kept low profile and secre­tive, by the sponsors and the contractor (an ARCO subsidiary)? UPDATE: JUNE 1994--ARCO sold their subsidiary to E-Sys­tems, the 41st largest U.S. defense contractor noted for their counter surveillance work. Why have Alaska's public officials avoided provided serious answers to the public's question?? Anything that can generate these questions deserves the MON­STER title and our serious attention.

Additional pieces to the puzzle that have shown themselves only serve to heighten speculation that we are not getting clear and concise answers. There is a connection to the recently installed Cray supercomputer at UAF and to the Geophysical Institute there. There is an obvious power requirement that might be met by a proposed coal power plant at Healy, connected by a proposed power distribution intertie. Some of the experiments will require "seeding" the ionosphere with chemicals that could be delivered by rockets from the Poker Flats rocket range near Fairbanks. Patents held by the ARCO subsidiary building HAARP describe a similar ionospheric heater and claim abilities to stop missiles, change weather, and disrupt global communi­cations. The inventor, Bernard Eastlund, claims he was hired by ARCO to find a use for their Alaska North Slope gas de­posits; hence, his inventions described in the patents. Mi­crowave News May/June, 1994 reported Eastlund said "The HAARP project obviously looks a lot like the first step toward this."

The Gakona location is interesting as it was once destined to become an over-the-horizon radar facility. The Cold War ended before it cold be completely built. This left the military with a remote location with buildings and generating equipment par­tially completed, and a choice--either restore it to its original natural condition or find another use. HAARP conveniently fits the site. Is the choice of this remote site for these monster transmitters more a factor of fewer people to complain? Does it reduce the number of humans exposed to HAARP transmissions thereby reducing the liability? What about the wildlife in the area, what exposures will they be subjected to? One need only remember experiments of another era that generated nuclear fall-out killing and crippling humans and animals in its path. It only took forty to fifty years to get the agencies involved to ad­mit liability.

In order to get an idea of just how large the HAARP trans­mitters are, imagine all the ham radio operators in the United States (there are over 500,000) transmitting at their maximum allowed power from one giant antenna. That still would not be as powerful as HAARP's multi-gigawatt (giga = billion) radia­tion capability. The average Alaskan ham can communicate across the state with less power than will be in the unintentional harmonics and side-lobes radiated by HAARP.

What exactly will HAARP do? According to HAARP project documents it will "perturb" the ionosphere with extremely powerful beams of energy. Using polarized, pulsating radio frequency transmissions to perform experiments which include devising methods to destroy the communications capabilities of others (presumably an adversary) while preserving their own communications. Experiments with mirroring and reflecting abilities of the ionosphere (abilities we currently depend on for all forms of communication) will be carried out to see what mil­itary purposes may be served by the resulting changes. An apt analogy that springs to mind is that of an inquisitive youngster poking a sleeping bear with a stick, to see what might happen! What will we do once the monster is unleashed?

The Alaska location was partially picked for its alignment with the Earth's magnetic force lines. Military experiments with the magnetosphere also appear to be planned. And again the scientists warn of possible dire consequences, including setting the Earth into some unexpected vibration or oscillation, similar to an axis wobble. Many scientists such as Richard Williams writing in Physics and Society in April, 1988 have denounced this kind of testing as irresponsible and downright dangerous, fearing long term negative ionospheric effects. Also, like any magnet, the force lines will react at their opposite pole, near Australia and New Zealand. Australians are concerned enough to consider sending a team to Alaska to document and investi­gate HAARP. Shouldn't Alaskans be interested too?

A group of NO HAARP activists is seeking to formalize their opposition by incorporating as a non-profit organization or affiliating with an existing group. Their prime purposes will be to promote awareness, file legal actions and other activities fo­cused specifically on HAARP, something no group is currently doing. In fact, probably due to the remoteness of the Gakona location, it has been difficult to get outsiders interested. We are quite aware that the promoters of HAARP fully realize that they have the upper organizational hand and the money to outlast our grassroots opposition. Those of us in NO HAARP are commit­ted to doing what we can to stop the project before it comes on­line with full power in 1997. Considering the project has been underway since the mid-1980s, this will be a difficult task. Luckily it was not completely funded as of a year ago. There is hope that legislative alternatives to stop it may exist as well. John Heckscher was quoted by Microwave News in the May/June, 1994 issue, saying that "money for completion of the demonstration project is in place...but the larger facility would require additional funding from Congress". Unfortunately, this additional funding is likely to be buried deep in the DOD bud­get.

What can you do? Of course you can try to "write your Congress person". The Alaska delegation to Congress is noted for their alignment with the military so don't expect too much action from them. Send contributions for the NO HAARP effort to Jim Roderick, P.O. Box 916, Homer, AK 99063. You can lobby with the NTIA to turn down the HAARP frequency/power request. You can make others aware of the HAARP project and the questions it raises.